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Episode 161114 / 14 Nov 2016


1. Patient: "I think I've got a bad cold – I've got a really __________ throat and a ___________ nose."

a) sore, runny

b) achy, itchy

c) hurt, runny

d) sore, watery

2. Patient: "I think I may have an allergy; I have a __________ on my arm and it's really __________."

a) itch, scratchy

b) rash, itchy

c) scratch, itch

d) rash, scratchy

3. Patient: "I twisted my ankle when I was playing tennis and now it is really __________ - it's twice the size of the other one."

Doctor: "It's not broken, but I think you may have __________ it."

a) bloated, hurt

b) hurt, fractured

c) swelled, sprained

d) swollen, sprained

4. Patient: "I've got a really __________ temperature and a __________ headache."

a) heavy, painful

b) high, splitting

c) hot, splitting

d) high, heavy

5. Patient: "I can't feel anything in my big toe…"

a) it's really tingling.

b) it's gone completely numb.

c) it's gone into shock.

d) it's totally numbed.

6. Patient: "I had some undercooked chicken last night and now I feel really __________ and I keep getting stomach __________."

a) nauseous, cramps

b) sickly, ache

c) vomity, cramps

d) queasy, bloats


1) a, 2) b, 3) d, 4) b, 5) b, 6) a.

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    小测验 — 和 “广播” 有关的英语小常识

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  • 小测验 — 用英语谈论 “元宵节”

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    小测验 — 有关 “春节” 的英语表达

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  • 小测验 — 与 “狗” 有关的词汇

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    小测验 — 与“书”有关的词汇

    Episode 180817 / 17 Aug 2018

    A quiz about books

  • 小测验 — 表“懒惰”的英语词汇

    小测验 — 表“懒惰”的英语词汇

    Episode 180810 / 10 Aug 2018

    A quiz about being lazy

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    Episode 180803 / 03 Aug 2018

    A quiz about the World Wide Web

  • 小测验 — 与“老虎”有关的词汇

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    Episode 180727 / 27 Jul 2018

    A quiz about tigers

  • 小测验 — 和“太空探索”有关词汇

    小测验 — 和“太空探索”有关词汇

    Episode 180720 / 20 Jul 2018

    A quiz about space

  • 小测验 — 与“巧克力”有关的词汇

    小测验 — 与“巧克力”有关的词汇

    Episode 180713 / 13 Jul 2018

    A quiz about chocolate

  • 小测验 — 与笑话有关的英语表达

    小测验 — 与笑话有关的英语表达

    Episode 180706 / 06 Jul 2018

    A quiz on the topic of jokes

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    小测验 — 和“摄影”有关的词汇

    Episode 180629 / 29 Jun 2018

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    Episode 180622 / 22 Jun 2018

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  • 小测验 — 和“猫”有关的词汇

    小测验 — 和“猫”有关的词汇

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    小测验 — 与 “mother” 相关的常用英语表达

    Episode 180511 / 11 May 2018

    A quiz about the words mum and mother

  • 小测验 — 和“欢笑”有关的表达

    小测验 — 和“欢笑”有关的表达

    Episode 180504 / 04 May 2018

    A quiz about the language of laughter and jokes.

  • 小测验 — 莎士比亚创造的英语词汇

    小测验 — 莎士比亚创造的英语词汇

    Episode 180427 / 27 Apr 2018

    The language of Shakespeare

  • 英语小测验 — 谈论“家务”的词汇

    英语小测验 — 谈论“家务”的词汇

    Episode 180420 / 20 Apr 2018

    A quiz about the language of housework

  • 小测验 — 和“步行”有关的词汇

    小测验 — 和“步行”有关的词汇

    Episode 180413 / 13 Apr 2018

    A quiz about the language of walking

  • 小测验 — 用来“愚人”的词汇

    小测验 — 用来“愚人”的词汇

    Episode 180406 / 06 Apr 2018

    A quiz about the language of playing tricks

  • 小测验 — 描述少儿读物种类的英语词汇

    小测验 — 描述少儿读物种类的英语词汇

    Episode 180330 / 30 Mar 2018

    Storytime quiz

  • 小测验 — 描述春季气候的常用词语

    小测验 — 描述春季气候的常用词语

    Episode 180323 / 23 Mar 2018

    Spring weather words

  • 小测验 — 常用“快乐”词汇

    小测验 — 常用“快乐”词汇

    Episode 180316 / 16 Mar 2018

    How happy can you be?

  • 小测验 — 英语中区分性别的职业名称

    小测验 — 英语中区分性别的职业名称

    Episode 180309 / 09 Mar 2018

    Gender related job names

  • 小测验 — 容易拼错的六个英文单词

    小测验 — 容易拼错的六个英文单词

    Episode 180302 / 02 Mar 2018

    A spelling quiz

  • 小测验 — 描述冬奥会比赛的英语动词

    小测验 — 描述冬奥会比赛的英语动词

    Episode 180223 / 23 Feb 2018

    An Olympic quiz!

  • 小测验 — 和“狗”相关的英语表达

    小测验 — 和“狗”相关的英语表达

    Episode 180209 / 09 Feb 2018

    Dog idioms for the year of the dog

  • 小测验 — “爱”的词汇表

    小测验 — “爱”的词汇表

    Episode 180202 / 02 Feb 2018

    Test your love vocabulary here

  • 小测验 — 如何表达“同意”和“不同意”

    小测验 — 如何表达“同意”和“不同意”

    Episode 180126 / 26 Jan 2018

    An agreeable quiz

  • 小测验 - 英语常见易混词语

    小测验 - 英语常见易混词语

    Episode 180119 / 19 Jan 2018

    Confusing words

  • 小测验 - 和“冬天”相关的词汇

    小测验 - 和“冬天”相关的词汇

    Episode 180112 / 12 Jan 2018

    Do you know this winter vocabulary?

  • 小测验 - 谈论未来计划的语法时态

    小测验 - 谈论未来计划的语法时态

    Episode 180105 / 05 Jan 2018

    What lies ahead?

  • 小测验 – 庆祝新年聚会中的常用语

    小测验 – 庆祝新年聚会中的常用语

    Episode 171229 / 29 Dec 2017

    Test your New Year’s vocabulary knowledge

  • 英国圣诞传统知识问答


    Episode 171222 / 22 Dec 2017

    Christmas traditions

  • 英语中分词的用法小测验


    Episode 171215 / 15 Dec 2017

    How well do you know your verb forms?

  • 小测验 - 英语单词中的前缀和后缀

    小测验 - 英语单词中的前缀和后缀

    Episode 171208 / 08 Dec 2017

    How good is your word transformation?

  • 小测验 - 英语中常用的连词

    小测验 - 英语中常用的连词

    Episode 171201 / 01 Dec 2017

    Linking words

  • 英语多词动词的小测验


    Episode 171124 / 24 Nov 2017

    multi-word verbs

  • 英语动词不定式用法小测验


    Episode 171117 / 17 Nov 2017

    A quiz about infinitives

  • 英语动名词的用法小测验


    Episode 171110 / 10 Nov 2017

    Gerunds – how much do you know?

  • 语法测验:关系从句


    Episode 171103 / 03 Nov 2017

    How good is your relative clause knowledge?

  • 英语中可数名词的用法测验


    Episode 171027 / 27 Oct 2017

    Can you spot countable nouns?

  • 常用不规则名词复数的用法测验


    Episode 171020 / 20 Oct 2017

    Not all plural nouns are the same!

  • 常见不可数名词的用法测验


    Episode 171013 / 13 Oct 2017

    When is a noun uncountable?

  • 小测验 - 加强语气的四个英语小词

    小测验 - 加强语气的四个英语小词

    Episode 171006 / 06 Oct 2017

    Try this intense test

  • 英语语法测试 - 条件句的用法

    英语语法测试 - 条件句的用法

    Episode 170929 / 29 Sep 2017

    How good is your conditionals knowledge?

  • 语法测试 - 英语中最常用的时态

    语法测试 - 英语中最常用的时态

    Episode 170922 / 22 Sep 2017

    How good is your knowledge of the English tense system?

  • 英国大学最常见的授课方式“lectures”


    Episode 170911 / 11 Sep 2017

    What do you know about lectures?

  • 有关英国大学新生注册的常识


    Episode 170904 / 04 Sep 2017

    Back to school

  • 和徒步旅行相关的英语词汇


    Episode 170828 / 28 Aug 2017

    Best foot forward!

  • 在咖啡馆里点咖啡的必备词汇


    Episode 170821 / 21 Aug 2017

    Our favourite place

  • 和游泳有关的英语表达


    Episode 170814 / 14 Aug 2017

    Make a splash!

  • 与“度假”有关的词汇


    Episode 170807 / 07 Aug 2017

    Take a break!

  • 和炎夏冷饮“冰淇淋”相关的词汇


    Episode 170731 / 31 Jul 2017

    It's great weather for one of these!

  • 健身房里的常用词汇


    Episode 170724 / 24 Jul 2017

    Get fit with these phrases

  • 源自田径运动的英语词汇


    Episode 170717 / 17 Jul 2017

    On your marks!

  •  夏季运动“板球”的相关说法


    Episode 170710 / 10 Jul 2017

    Don't get 'caught out' by this quiz!

  • 和户外野餐有关的词汇


    Episode 170703 / 03 Jul 2017

    Our picnic test

  • 英国海滨度假传统项目的英语表达


    Episode 170626 / 26 Jun 2017

    Seaside test

  • 测验户外烧烤小常识


    Episode 170619 / 19 Jun 2017

    What do you know about cooking outdoors?

  • 和骑自行车相关的英语表达


    Episode 170612 / 12 Jun 2017

    Do you know these cycling phrases?

  • 夏季气象词汇


    Episode 170605 / 05 Jun 2017

    Do you know these summer expressions?

  • 英国超市里的货品标签和促销标语


    Episode 170529 / 29 May 2017

    Do you know these supermarket expressions?

  • 英国餐桌礼仪小常识


    Episode 170522 / 22 May 2017

    How polite should you be at a British dinner?

  • 和“英式下午茶”有关的英语表达


    Episode 170515 / 15 May 2017

    How much do you know about British teatime?

  • 和“英式甜点”有关的英语表达


    Episode 170508 / 08 May 2017

    How many dessert words and phrases do you know?

  • 和“酒吧美食”有关的英语说法


    Episode 170501 / 01 May 2017

    How many of these pub grub words and expressions do you know?

  • 源于“拳击”运动的英语表达


    Episode 170424 / 24 Apr 2017

    How many boxing phrases do you know?

  • 源于“橄榄球“和”板球”运动的英语表达


    Episode 170417 / 17 Apr 2017

    Rugby expressions or cricket expressions? How many do you know?

  • 源于英国传统运动“桌球”的英语表达


    Episode 170410 / 10 Apr 2017

    Do you know these billiards related expressions?

  • 英国传统运动:高尔夫


    Episode 170403 / 03 Apr 2017

    How many of these golfing expressions do you know?

  • 英国传统运动:足球


    Episode 170327 / 27 Mar 2017

    How many of these footballing expressions do you know?

  • 英语新词:专业术语


    Episode 170320 / 20 Mar 2017

    How many of these business, technology and science words do you know?

  • 英语新词:旧词新义


    Episode 170313 / 13 Mar 2017

    Old word, new meaning! How many do you know?

  • 英语新词:合成词


    Episode 170306 / 06 Mar 2017

    How many of these portmanteaus do you know?

  • 英语新词:外来语


    Episode 170227 / 27 Feb 2017

    How many of these English loanwords do you know?

  • 英语新词:网络词汇


    Episode 170220 / 20 Feb 2017

    How many internet expressions do you know?

  • 英式英语和美式英语:相同表达中措词的区别


    Episode 170213 / 13 Feb 2017

    American English or British English? You decide!

  • 英式英语和美式英语:拼写的区别


    Episode 170206 / 06 Feb 2017

    Do American and British English speakers spell things the same?

  • 英式英语与美式英语:语法的区别


    Episode 170130 / 30 Jan 2017

    How does grammar change from American English to British English?

  • 英式英语与美式英语:词汇的区别


    Episode 170123 / 23 Jan 2017

    Which words do American speakers use that British speakers don’t?

  • 英式英语与美式英语:发音的区别


    Episode 170116 / 16 Jan 2017

    What’s the pronunciation difference between American and British?

  • 冬季:各类保暖服饰的说法


    Episode 170109 / 09 Jan 2017

    Put some warm clothes on!

  • 日常英语:寒冷的气候


    Episode 170102 / 02 Jan 2017

    It’s cold out there!

  • 新年:新年夜会用到的英语表达


    Episode 161226 / 26 Dec 2016

    Happy New Year!

  • 和圣诞大餐有关的英语表达


    Episode 161219 / 19 Dec 2016

    Food for Christmas

  • 新年:年末回顾时可以用到的英语表达


    Episode 161212 / 12 Dec 2016

    Another year over…

  • 健康:看懂服药说明需掌握的基本表达


    Episode 161205 / 05 Dec 2016

    Taking medicine

  • 健康:在英国药店买药时的常用词语


    Episode 161128 / 28 Nov 2016

    Visiting the pharmacy

  • 健康:做体检时的常用词汇


    Episode 161121 / 21 Nov 2016

    How do you feel?

  • 健康:描述病情的常用搭配


    Episode 161114 / 14 Nov 2016

    What's the matter?

  • 健康:预约看病常用语


    Episode 161107 / 07 Nov 2016

    Booking an appointment to see the doctor

  • 日常英语:大学生活


    Episode 161031 / 31 Oct 2016

    This quiz is about words associated with university study

  • 日常英语:时尚潮流


    Episode 161024 / 24 Oct 2016

    This quiz is about words associated with fashion

  • 日常英语:聚会用语


    Episode 161017 / 17 Oct 2016

    This quiz is about party time

  • 日常英语:伦敦常识


    Episode 161010 / 10 Oct 2016

    This quiz is about words associated with London

  • 日常英语:办公用语


    Episode 161003 / 03 Oct 2016

    This quiz is about words and expressions used at work

  • 日常英语:大学生活


    Episode 160926 / 26 Sep 2016

    This quiz is about words often seen at university

  • 日常英语:找工作


    Episode 160919 / 19 Sep 2016

    This quiz is about words associated with job search

  • 日常生活:找房和租房时的常用英语


    Episode 160912 / 12 Sep 2016

    This quiz is about the language of finding accommodation

  • 日常英语:表示庆贺或惋惜


    Episode 160905 / 05 Sep 2016

    This quiz is about congratulating and commiserating

  • 日常英语:发表观点用语


    Episode 160829 / 29 Aug 2016

    This quiz tests your knowledge about how to express opinions in English

  • 日常英语:英语口语


    Episode 160822 / 22 Aug 2016

    This quiz is about colloquial English

  • 日常英语:商店购物用语


    Episode 160815 / 15 Aug 2016

    This quiz is about shops and signs in the shops

  • 日常英语:表达“感叹”的方式


    Episode 160808 / 08 Aug 2016

    Expressing interest, surprise and indifference

  • 日常英语:常用职场表达


    Episode 160801 / 01 Aug 2016

    This quiz tests your knowledge about English in the workplace

  • 日常英语:社交媒体用语


    Episode 160725 / 25 Jul 2016

    This quiz is about social media English

  • 日常英语:手机用语


    Episode 160718 / 18 Jul 2016

    This quiz is about phone English

  • 语法:副词 there 的用法

    语法:副词 there 的用法

    Episode 160711 / 11 Jul 2016

    This quiz is about uses of the adverb 'there'

  • 语法:英语中的叙事时态


    Episode 160704 / 04 Jul 2016

    This quiz is about narrative tenses

  • 语法:从句和代词的运用


    Episode 160627 / 27 Jun 2016

    This quiz is about clauses and pronouns

  • 语法:动词和介词的惯用搭配


    Episode 160620 / 20 Jun 2016

    This quiz is about verb and preposition collocations

  • 语法:常见名词与介词的固定搭配


    Episode 160613 / 13 Jun 2016

    This quiz is about noun and preposition collations

  • 语法:不同语境中情态动词的运用


    Episode 160606 / 06 Jun 2016

    This quiz is about expressing possibility

  • 语法:被动语态


    Episode 160530 / 30 May 2016

    This quiz is about passive forms

  • 语法:引语动词


    Episode 160523 / 23 May 2016

    This quiz is about conditionals

  • 语法:各种英语条件句


    Episode 160516 / 16 May 2016

    This quiz is about conditionals

  • 语法:英语量词


    Episode 160509 / 09 May 2016

    This quiz tests your knowledge of using quantifiers in English

  • 语法:否定疑问句


    Episode 160502 / 02 May 2016

    This quiz tests some of use of negative questions

  • 语法:不同的提问组合


    Episode 160425 / 25 Apr 2016

    This quiz is about question forms

  • 语法:情态动词的过去式


    Episode 160418 / 18 Apr 2016

    This quiz tests some of use of modal verbs in the past

  • 语法:易出错的英语惯用搭配


    Episode 160411 / 11 Apr 2016

    This quiz is about common collocations

  • 语法:可分割和不可分割的短语动词


    Episode 160404 / 04 Apr 2016

    This quiz is about separable and inseparable phrasal verbs

  • 日常英语:感叹用语


    Episode 160328 / 28 Mar 2016

    A quiz about exclamations

  • 日常英语:含身体部位的英语成语


    Episode 160321 / 21 Mar 2016

    This quiz is about body idioms

  • 日常英语:投诉


    Episode 160314 / 14 Mar 2016

    This quiz is about consumer complaints

  • 日常英语:体育运动


    Episode 160307 / 07 Mar 2016

    This quiz tests some of the commonly used language about sports

  • 日常英语:正式还是非正式用语


    Episode 160229 / 29 Feb 2016

    This quiz is about differentiating formal language from informal languages and making the right choice

  • 日常英语:家庭


    Episode 160222 / 22 Feb 2016

    This quiz is about talking one's family and family traits

  • 日常英语:约会交往


    Episode 160215 / 15 Feb 2016

    This quiz is about dating language

  • 日常英语:健康与医药


    Episode 160208 / 08 Feb 2016

    This quiz is about health and medicine

  • 日常英语:电影


    Episode 160201 / 01 Feb 2016

    This quiz tests some of the commonly used language about films

  • 日常英语:结识新朋友


    Episode 160118 / 25 Jan 2016

    This quiz is about making new friends and how to start a friendly conversation with strangers

  • 日常英语:烹饪和饮食


    Episode 160111 / 11 Jan 2016

    This quiz tests some of the language about cooking and food

  • 日常英语:社交邀请


    Episode 160104 / 04 Jan 2016

    This quiz tests some of the language you need for socialing with people

  • 旅行英语:到达英国


    Episode 151228 / 28 Dec 2015

    This quiz tests some of the language you need for arriving in the uk

  • 语法:直接引语和间接引语


    Episode 151221 / 21 Dec 2015

    This quiz is about reported and direct speech

  • 语法:英语中动名词和不定式的运用


    Episode 151214 / 14 Dec 2015

    This quiz is about the use of gerunds and infinitives

  • 语法:英语中冠词的运用


    Episode 151207 / 07 Dec 2015

    This quiz is about the use of articles

  • 语法:英语中后缀的运用


    Episode 151130 / 30 Nov 2015

    This quiz is about word-building and how suffix in English can make a difference to words

  • 语法:英语中句子的主动与被动语态的变换


    Episode 151123 / 23 Nov 2015

    This quiz is about active and passive forms

  • 语法:英语中原形单词的演变和运用


    Episode 151116 / 16 Nov 2015

    This quiz is about word-building

  • 语法:与动词 “wish” 组合的从句

    语法:与动词 “wish” 组合的从句

    Episode 151109 / 09 Nov 2015

    This quiz is about uses of the verb wish

  • 语法:由 no-, some-, any- 开头的复合词

    语法:由 no-, some-, any- 开头的复合词

    Episode 151102 / 15 Nov 2015

    This quiz is about the compound forms beginning with no-, some-, any-

  • 语法:英语中表示“将来”的语法应用


    Episode 151026 / 26 Oct 2015

    This quiz is about future forms

  • 语法:语气转折连词


    Episode 151019 / 19 Oct 2015

    This quiz is about conjunctions

  • 语法:同 off 连用的动词短语

    语法:同 off 连用的动词短语

    Episode 151012 / 12 Oct 2015

    This quiz is about phrasal verbs that end with 'off'

  • 语法:反意疑问句


    Episode 151005 / 05 Oct 2015

    This quiz is about question tags

  • 语法:用英语表述赞同或异议


    Episode 150928 / 28 Sep 2015

    This quiz is about agreeing and disagreeing

  • 语法:Used to 的用法

    语法:Used to 的用法

    Episode 150921 / 21 Sep 2015

    This quiz is about uses of 'used to'

  • 语法:Perfect Tenses 完成时态

    语法:Perfect Tenses 完成时态

    Episode 150914 / 14 Sep 2015

    This quiz is about perfect tenses in English

  • Expressing preference 用单词 like 表喜好

    Expressing preference 用单词 like 表喜好

    Episode 150209 / 09 Feb 2015

    Do you know how to use the word 'like'? Test yourself.

  • Present simple and present continuous 一般现在时和现在进行时的区别

    Present simple and present continuous 一般现在时和现在进行时的区别

    Episode 150204 / 04 Feb 2015

    Test your knowledge of the present simple and present continuous

  • Fashion 和时尚有关的词语

    Fashion 和时尚有关的词语

    Episode 150203 / 03 Feb 2015

    A quiz about fashion

  • Saying hello 打招呼基本用语

    Saying hello 打招呼基本用语

    Episode 150202 / 02 Feb 2015

    A quiz about saying hello

玻璃钢生产厂家山西玻璃钢青椒雕塑玻璃钢花盆手绘t恤山东玻璃钢雕塑制作公司西安商场美陈报价广东玻璃钢透光雕塑厂家主题玻璃钢雕塑定制北京特色商场美陈现价美陈创意商场福建景区玻璃钢雕塑价格福建仿铜玻璃钢雕塑图片惠安门头玻璃钢雕塑玻璃钢花盆订购商场美陈广告南阳铸铜校园玻璃钢景观雕塑厂家珲春玻璃钢卡通雕塑鼠年商场美陈宣城个性化玻璃钢雕塑定做价格玻璃钢花盆信息浙江创意玻璃钢雕塑定做价格张掖动物玻璃钢雕塑定做游乐场玻璃钢雕塑厂无棣玻璃钢卡通雕塑景观卡通雕塑玻璃钢现货供应怎样给玻璃钢雕塑仿铸铜色鄂州商场美陈户外玻璃钢雕塑厂家诚信企业推荐巴彦淖尔玻璃钢雕塑设计重庆玻璃钢浮雕雕塑玻璃钢商场美陈雕塑定制玻璃钢雕塑淘宝属于什么类目香港通过《维护国家安全条例》两大学生合买彩票中奖一人不认账让美丽中国“从细节出发”19岁小伙救下5人后溺亡 多方发声单亲妈妈陷入热恋 14岁儿子报警汪小菲曝离婚始末遭遇山火的松茸之乡雅江山火三名扑火人员牺牲系谣言何赛飞追着代拍打萧美琴窜访捷克 外交部回应卫健委通报少年有偿捐血浆16次猝死手机成瘾是影响睡眠质量重要因素高校汽车撞人致3死16伤 司机系学生315晚会后胖东来又人满为患了小米汽车超级工厂正式揭幕中国拥有亿元资产的家庭达13.3万户周杰伦一审败诉网易男孩8年未见母亲被告知被遗忘许家印被限制高消费饲养员用铁锨驱打大熊猫被辞退男子被猫抓伤后确诊“猫抓病”特朗普无法缴纳4.54亿美元罚金倪萍分享减重40斤方法联合利华开始重组张家界的山上“长”满了韩国人?张立群任西安交通大学校长杨倩无缘巴黎奥运“重生之我在北大当嫡校长”黑马情侣提车了专访95后高颜值猪保姆考生莫言也上北大硕士复试名单了网友洛杉矶偶遇贾玲专家建议不必谈骨泥色变沉迷短剧的人就像掉进了杀猪盘奥巴马现身唐宁街 黑色着装引猜测七年后宇文玥被薅头发捞上岸事业单位女子向同事水杯投不明物质凯特王妃现身!外出购物视频曝光河南驻马店通报西平中学跳楼事件王树国卸任西安交大校长 师生送别恒大被罚41.75亿到底怎么缴男子被流浪猫绊倒 投喂者赔24万房客欠租失踪 房东直发愁西双版纳热带植物园回应蜉蝣大爆发钱人豪晒法院裁定实锤抄袭外国人感慨凌晨的中国很安全胖东来员工每周单休无小长假白宫:哈马斯三号人物被杀测试车高速逃费 小米:已补缴老人退休金被冒领16年 金额超20万

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