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86 Phrasal Verbs with GO: Go on, Go off, Go down, Go out…


Phrasal verbs with GO! Learn go after meaning, go against meaning, go ahead meaning, go around meaning, go back meaning, go down meaning,  go on meaning, go out meaning, go up meaning, go through meaning…with examples and ESL pictures.

Phrasal Verbs with GO

List of 86 useful  phrasal verbs with GO in English.

Go after Meaning & Examples

Go after

  • Meaning: Pursue in an attempt to catch another
  • ExampleGo after him and apologize.

Go after

  • Meaning: Pursue an object or a goal
  • ExampleInspired, the scientist went right after the new idea.

Go against Meaning & Examples

Go against

  • Meaning: Violate; to breach; to break
  • ExampleWhat he did goes against the rules.

Go against

  • Meaning: Be unfavourable to someone
  • ExampleThe court’s decision went against them.

Go against

  • Meaning: Be contrary to a trend, feeling or principle
  • ExampleThis goes against my instincts.

Go against

  • Meaning: Oppose; to resist
  • ExampleHe dared not go against the King.

Go ahead, Go all out, Go along Meaning & Examples

Go ahead

  • Meaning: Proceed; to begin
  • ExampleGo ahead and eat without me; I expect to be very late.

Go all out

  • Meaning: Reserve nothing; to put forth all possible effort or resources
  • ExampleThey went all out for his eightieth birthday party and chartered a tour boat on the bay.

Go along

  • Meaning: Participate, cooperate, or conform
  • ExampleI refuse to go along with another of his dangerous schemes.

Go around, Go at Meaning & Examples

Go around

  • Meaning: Move or spread from person to person
  • ExampleThere’s a cough going around.

Go around

  • Meaning: Share with everyone
  • ExampleThere’s plenty of fish to go around.

Go at

  • Meaning: Try to solve a problem a specific way; to undertake a task
  • Example: I went at the issue for hours but could not come up with a way around it.

Go away Meaning & Examples

Go away

  • Meaning: Depart or leave a place
  • ExampleI’m not going to buy it. Please go away and don’t come back.

Go away

  • Meaning: Travel somewhere, especially on holiday or vacation
  • ExampleAre you going away this year?

Go away

  • Meaning: Become invisible, vanish or disappear
  • ExampleThis cold just won’t go away.

Go back, Go below Meaning & Examples

Go back

  • Meaning: Abandon, desert, betray or fail someone or something
  • ExampleYou promised me that you’d pay up today, no going back on your word.

Go below

  • Meaning: Go below deck on a ship; to leave the top deck of a ship
  • ExampleThe weather’s getting bad; you had better go below!

Go by Meaning & Examples

Go by

  • Meaning: Pass or go past without much interaction
  • ExampleI like to sit and watch the world go by.

Go by

  • Meaning: Be called, to use as a name
  • ExampleHis full name is Ernest Tinkleton, but he goes by Ernie.

Go by

  • Meaning: Follow; to assume as true for the purposes of making a decision, taking an action, etc.
  • ExampleI’m only going by what my teacher said.

Go down Meaning & Examples

Go down

  • Meaning: Descend; to move from a higher place to a lower one
  • ExampleYou’ll need to go down two floors to get to that office.

Go down

  • Meaning: Disappear below the horizon; to set
  • ExampleIt’ll be cooler once the sun goes down.

Go down

  • Meaning: Decrease; to change from a greater value to a lesser one
  • ExampleThe unemployment rate has gone down significantly in recent months.

Go down

  • Meaning: Fall (down), fall to the floor
  • ExampleThe boxer went down in the second round, after a blow to the chin.

Go down

  • Meaning: Be received or accepted
  • ExampleThe news didn’t go down well with her parents.

Go down

  • Meaning: Be recorded or remembered (as)
  • ExampleToday will go down as a monumental failure.

Go down

  • Meaning: Take place, happen
  • ExampleA big heist went down yesterday by the docks.

Go down

  • Meaning: Perform oral sex
  • ExampleHe felt nervous about going down on his girlfriend for the first time.

Go down

  • Meaning: Stop functioning, to go offline
  • ExampleDid the server just go down again? We’ll have to reboot it.

Go for Meaning & Examples

Go for

  • Meaning: Try for, to attempt to reach
  • Example: I’ll go for the world record.

Go for

  • Meaning: Undertake (an action)
  • ExampleHis phone was off so I couldn’t ask his permission, so I decided to just go for it.

Go for

  • Meaning: Attack
  • ExampleCareful, he’ll go for your throat!

Go for

  • Meaning: Develop a strong interest in, especially in a sudden manner; to be infatuated with
  • ExampleClyde took one look at Bonnie and really went for her.

Go for

  • Meaning: Favor, accept
  • ExampleManagement won’t go for such a risky project now.

Go for

  • Meaning: Apply equally to
  • ExampleStop taking my food from the fridge! That goes for you too, Nick!

Go for it

  • Meaning: Put maximum effort into achieving something
  • ExampleHe really went for it.

Go for it

  • Meaning: Decide to do something; especially after a period of hesitation
  • ExampleMay I use your bathroom? ― Go for it!

Go in, Go into Meaning & Examples

Go in

  • Meaning: Be obscured by clouds
  • ExampleIt’s chilly now the sun’s gone in.

Go into

  • Meaning: Get involved in; to investigate or explore
  • Example: I don’t want to go into the details now.

Go into

  • Meaning: Divide exactly; to be a factor of
  • Example11 goes into 88 and 99 but not 100.

Go off Meaning & Examples

Go off

  • Meaning: Explode
  • ExampleThe bomb went off right after the president left his office.

Go off

  • Meaning: Fire, especially accidentally
  • ExampleThe gun went off during their struggle.

Go off

  • Meaning: Explode metaphorically; to become very angry
  • ExampleWhen the boss came to know about the scheme, he went off, shouting and throwing everything away.

Go off

  • Meaning: Begin clanging or making noise
  • ExampleThe alarm will go off at six a.m.

Go off

  • Meaning: Depart; to leave
  • ExampleHe went off without a word.

Go off

  • Meaning: Like less
  • ExampleEver since falling off my bike, she’s gone off cycling to work.

Go on Meaning & Examples

Go on

  • Meaning: Continue in extent
  • ExampleThe meeting seemed to go on forever.

Go on

  • Meaning: Continue an action
  • ExampleI think I’ve said enough now; I’m not sure I should go on.

Go on

  • Meaning: Proceed
  • ExampleHe went on to win a gold medal.

Go on

  • Meaning: Talk about a subject frequently or at great length
  • ExampleWill you stop going on about your stupid holiday.

Go on

  • Meaning: Use and adopt (information) in order to understand an issue, make a decision, etc.
  • ExampleI didn’t make a decision because I didn’t have anything to go on.

Go on

  • Meaning: Happen (occur)
  • ExampleWhat’s going on?!

Go out Meaning & Examples

Go out

  • Meaning: Leave, especially a building
  • ExamplePlease go out through the back door.

Go out

  • Meaning: Leave one’s abode to go to public places
  • ExampleThey were going to stay in and read, but instead went out shopping.

Go out

  • Meaning: Be eliminated from a competition
  • ExampleOur team went out in the third round.

Go out

  • Meaning: Be turned off or extinguished
  • ExampleThe lights went out.

Go out

  • Meaning: Discard or meld all the cards in one’s hand
  • ExampleLeon made two canastas, then went out by melding treys.

Go out

  • Meaning: Become out of fashion
  • ExampleHe thought Nehru jackets went out in the late seventies.

Go out

  • Meaning: Have a romantic relationship, one that involves going out together on dates
  • ExampleThey’ve been going out for three years now, but still live apart.

Go out

  • Meaning: Fail
  • Example: I’d like to help clear the field, but my knee went out on me.

Go out

  • Meaning: Spend the last moments of a show (while playing something)
  • ExampleThank you for introducing us to your new album. Which song should we go out on?

Go over, Go so far as Meaning & Examples

Go over

  • Meaning: Look at carefully; to scrutinize; to analyze
  • ExamplePlease go over the reports to make sure we haven’t missed anything.

Go over

  • Meaning: Create a response or impression
  • ExamplePlaying a radio in the office did not go over well with his coworkers.

Go so far as

  • Meaning: Reach an unexpected extent in doing something
  • Example: I know he suffered from depression, but surely he wouldn’t go so far as to kill himself?

Go through, Go through with Meaning & Examples

Go through

  • Meaning: Travel from one end of something to the other
  • ExampleThe train went through the tunnel.

Go through

  • Meaning: Examine or scrutinize (a number or series of things), especially in a regular order
  • ExampleEvery morning, she went through her mail over a cup of coffee.

Go through

  • Meaning: Undergo, suffer, experience
  • ExampleShe’s yet to go through puberty, although she’s already 17.

Go through

  • Meaning: Wear out (clothing etc. )
  • Example: I’ve gone through two pairs of shoes already this holiday.

Go through

  • Meaning: Progress to the next stage of something
  • ExampleIf United don’t lose by more than 2 goals, they should go through to the next round.

Go through

  • Meaning: Reach an intended destination after passing through some process
  • ExampleMy payment hasn’t gone through yet.

Go through with

  • Meaning: Carry out (something planned or promised)
  • ExampleIf you decide to go through with the surgery, remember to leave time to recover.

Go to, Go towards Meaning & Examples

Go to

  • Meaning: Attend an event or a sight
  • ExampleWe went to a concert for my birthday.

Go to

  • Meaning: Attend classes at a school as a student
  • ExampleHe went to the  University of Kansas for almost two years before he dropped out.

Go to

  • Meaning: Tend to support
  • Example: The study goes to the point I was making earlier about subsidies.

Go towards

  • Meaning: Be a contribution to
  • ExampleThis money will go towards paying off the debt.

Go under Meaning & Examples

Go under

  • Meaning: Descend into a body of water; to founder
  • ExampleThe boat was too heavy and went under.

Go under

  • Meaning: Collapse or fail, e.g. by going bankrupt
  • ExampleIn the crisis, the company was forced to reduce its costs in order to avoid going under.

Go under

  • Meaning: Be named; to call oneself
  • ExampleHe goes under the name of Mr X to remain anonymous.

Go up, Go up for Meaning & Examples

Go up

  • Meaning: Be built or erected
  • ExampleThere are new offices going up in town.

Go up

  • Meaning: Rise or increase in price, cost, or value
  • ExampleBananas have gone up because of a shortage.

Go up

  • Meaning: Be consumed by fire
  • ExampleThe building went up in smoke.

Go up

  • Meaning: Forget lines or blocks during public performance
  • ExampleThe producer hopes nobody goes up opening night.

Go up for

  • Meaning: Of the fielding side, to appeal for the batsman or batswoman to be out
  • ExampleThe keeper went up for a caught behind.

Go with, Go without Meaning & Examples

Go with

  • Meaning: Choose or accept (a suggestion)
  • ExampleAlthough I liked your suggestion, I’ll go with my original idea.

Go with

  • Meaning: Correspond or fit well with, to match
  • ExampleDoes this red skirt go with this pink blouse?

Go without

  • Meaning: Be deprived of
  • ExampleThe poor man’s children went without supper.

Common Phrasal Verbs with GO | Pictures

Useful phrasal verbs with GO in English | Image 1

Phrasal Verbs with GOPin

List of useful phrasal verbs with GO in English | Image 2

Phrasal Verbs with GOPin

Useful phrasal verbs with GO in English | Image 3

Phrasal Verbs with GOPin

List of useful phrasal verbs with GO in English | Image 4

Phrasal Verbs with GO

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