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大学英语作文:网络流行用语 Internet Popular Language

时间:2019-01-31 14:12:00   来源:无忧考网     [字体: ]
【# 英语资源# # 大学英语作文:网络流行用语 Internet Popular Language#】想必有很多小伙伴会经常找一些英语相关的文章来看以加强英语的提升,®无忧考网整理了大学英语作文,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注®无忧考网!

  【篇一】网络流行用语 Internet Popular Language

Nowadays, there is no doubt that Internet plays an important role in people’s life. People can make connections with each other or do business through Internet. Many popular languages have been created. People have different opinions about these words. 如今,毫无疑问,互联网在人们的生活中扮演着重要角色。人们可以通过互联网进行交流或做生意。许多流行语言因此被创造出来。人们对于这些语言有不同的看法。

On the one hand, some people like to use Internet language to express themselves. They think these words can help them to better communicate. They play fun with each other and these popular languages make them laugh out loudly. The use of network language provides more ways for people to communicate in a funny way. 一方面,有些人喜欢用网络语言来表达自己。他们认为这些语言可以帮助他们更好的交流。他们相互开玩笑,这些流行语言能让他们大声笑出来。网络语言的使用给人们提供了更多有趣交流的方式。

On the other hand, some language experts have criticized the network languages, because they think it will mislead the young generation to use them in the official writing. China as the old country, has more then 5000 years’ culture, whose language is profound. And some people start to lose interest in learning our culture after using the easy words. 另一方面,一些语言学家批判网络语言,担心会在正式写作时误导年轻一代。中国是古老的国家,有超过5000年的文化,语言是博大精深的。然而有些人在使用了这些简单的网络语言后开始对学习我们的文化失去兴趣。

It is in need of enhancing students’ knowledge on Chinese literature, so as to improve their language skills. I am not objecting using the Internet popular language, but we can’t lose fever in learning Chinese. 加强学生对中国文学知识的学习迫在眉睫,这样才能提高他们的语言技能。我不反对使用网络流行语言,但是我们不能失去对学习中文的热情。

  【篇二】超瘦身材已经过时 Skinny Size Is Out of Date

In the beginning of the year of 2000, girls were chasing for skinny size. Every girl believed that only the skinny body shape could make them beautiful. The ads used these thin models to tempt females to buy their products. But now, things have changed. Skinny size is no longer popular. 2000年初,女孩们开始追求骨感美,每个女孩都认为只有纤瘦的体型可以使她们看起来漂亮。广告也使用一些纤瘦的模特来吸引女性购买它们的产品。但是如今,审美改变了,超瘦的体型不再受欢迎。

Some positive messages are showed in the ads. The models look beautiful with perfect body shapes, and they release the information about keeping balanced diet and doing exercise. This is the positive way to be beautiful instead of taking medicine or refusing having food. What’s more, the models advocate healthy body size, some ads use the models with average size, which inspires hundreds of girls. 积极的信息显示在广告中。模特看起来很漂亮,有着完美的体型,他们散发的信息是保持均衡的饮食和锻炼。这是积极变美的方式变美而不是通过药品或拒绝进食。而且,模特提倡健康的体型,有些广告使用普通大众身材的模特,鼓励了数以百计的女孩。

The change reflects people pay attention to their inner desire, and they dare to face who they are and accept the real side. Many years ago, some skinny size models died because of lacking of nutrition. So the government took some policy to limit models’ size, in order to show people the healthy size. Now it works. Teenagers have positive attitude to lose weight. 这些变化反映了人们对自己内心欲望的关注,他们敢于面对自己,接受真实的一面。许多年前,一些瘦小体型的模特死于缺乏营养。因此,为了向大众展示健康的体型,政府采取了一些政策来控制模特体型的大小。这确实是有成效的。现在,青少年都用积极的态度去对待减肥。

  【篇三】老年人不想跟子女同住 Old People Refuse to Live With Their Children

Today, when the couples get married, they care about whether they need to live with parents. Most couples can’t reach agreement when they come to this issue. It seems that old people need to live with their children to seek for better care. But the fact is not, old people generally do not want live with the young people. 现在,每当一对新人结婚的时候,他们都关心是否需要与父母一起生活。大多数夫妻在这个问题上都无法达成一致。似乎老年人跟孩子住一起就是为了寻求更好的照顾。但事实是,老人们通常不希望和年轻人住在一起。

On the one hand, old people know exactly the gap between the young generation and their generation. The lifestyle will be very different. They get up early and wake up timely, while the young people like to stay up and they tend to make up sleep on weekends. If they live together, the timetable will be interrupted by each other and both can’t live happily. 一方面,老人知道年轻一代和他们这一代之间的差距。生活方式会非常不同。他们早起,醒来的时间也固定,而年轻人喜欢熬夜,喜欢在周末补觉。如果他们生活在一起,彼此的时间表会被打乱,过得也不开心。

On the other hand, it is easy to have argument if people stay together for a long time, no matter how nice they are at the beginning. The new couple will have their problem, while if the old people interfere, then things will be miserable. So it is better to stay off the argument. 另一方面,不管刚开始关系有多好,如果呆在一起的时间长了就很容易有矛盾。新婚夫妇会有他们自己的问题,如果老人干预,那么事情将变得更加不可收拾。所以是远离矛盾。

Now most parents choose to live not far away from their children, because staying the small distance brings benefit to both sides.


大学英语作文:网络流行用语 Internet Popular Language
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