


K-Way 2024 秋冬男裝秀,用多樣色調、獨特剪裁廓形打造時尚冬日造型!


更新於 01月20日15:50 • 發布於 01月18日16:11 • ONE.WAN

全球可收納風雨衣始祖、源自巴黎的法國機能服飾品牌K-WAY,在今年的 2024 秋冬米蘭男裝週期間推出 R&D 秋冬系列發表秀,將米蘭集團總部 Basic Village 的 1 樓變成一個純白色的空間,展示義大利視覺藝術家 Anna Franceschini 的裝置藝術:採用多件以 Le Vrai 3.0 外套的科技面料打造的藝術作品,並伴隨音樂節奏而飄搖舞動,朝氣演繹出秋冬新作的飽和色調與輕盈特色。

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透過對形狀和面料的嚴謹推敲,K-WAY FW 24/25 不但有創新的幾何形狀,也讓品牌經典價值再造。以禮服外型傳遞女性意識的回歸:精緻合宜的線條,搭配藍黑、軍綠、淺灰、正紅和寶藍等多樣的色調選擇。或藉由永續毛皮的運用,持續關照生態維護;亦有贏得讚賞的褶紋或絎縫面料保暖夾克,與利用貼身三層機能面料製作的長版連衣裙,除了具備彈性防水機能,並蘊含柔和優雅氣息。

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: Models pose backstage at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/WireImage)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: Models pose backstage at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/WireImage)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: Models walk the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Alessandro Levati/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: Models walk the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Alessandro Levati/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: Models pose backstage at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/WireImage)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: Models pose backstage at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/WireImage)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Alessandro Levati/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Alessandro Levati/Getty Images)

採用高科技面料製作的 Le Vrai 3.0 可收納外套是不可或缺的系列,秀展中一款把外套倒置成為側面開衩裙裝,搭配襯衫、領帶、拉鍊平口背心的前衛造型完全搶盡眼球!

品牌獨特鮮明的三色拉鍊賦予外套、上衣、裙子瘦長的線條感,並持續運用在嶄新的三角絎縫面料設計上。多件保暖挺拔的 Scuba 太空棉上衣、裙子和褲子則是洋溢出活力有型的運動風尚。

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Estrop/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Estrop/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model poses backstage at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/WireImage)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model poses backstage at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/WireImage)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model, fashion detail, walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model, fashion detail, walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images)

由絲綢和 Viscose 人造棉混紡製作,滑順的天鵝絨飛行員夾克,與常規剪裁的夾克和外套交替出現;羊毛捲土重來,以細條紋的風衣、外套與長褲品項詮釋現代感都會風格,也不忘注入品牌獨具的透氣防水機能。其他細節如採用絎縫設計、保暖的拉鍊脖圍帽兜、緊身拉鍊背心,搭配綁腿造型。

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model, fashion detail, walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model, fashion detail, walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model, beauty detail, walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model, beauty detail, walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/WireImage)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/WireImage)

綜觀 K-WAY FW 24/25 秀展,巧妙的多層次純色穿搭為主軸,線條、色彩、和面料的變化,實現時尚與實用兼備訴求。除了一覽時尚潮流,亦見證品牌為永續與環保所做的努力:多元運用再生、可回收與負責任來源的素材。涵蓋時尚、機能、環保議題,精彩點亮 2024 秋冬米蘭男裝週。

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Estrop/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Estrop/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: A model, bag detail, walks the runway at the K-Way fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2024-2025 on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images)


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