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Table of Contents

  • Christian Symbols of Humility
  • Other Symbols of Humility
  • Wrapping Up

Humility is a virtue that鈥檚 been valued by many cultures throughout history. It鈥檚 the quality of being modest, unassuming, and respectful toward others. As we often hear, it鈥檚 a key characteristic of wise and virtuous individuals. In many cultures, humility is also associated with certain symbols or practices that serve as reminders of the importance of this trait.

From the simple act of bowing to more elaborate gestures like prostration, symbols of humility can be found in many forms and are often deeply ingrained in cultural traditions.

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In this article, we鈥檒l explore some of the most fascinating symbols of humility. Many of these are from Christianity which emphasizes the importance of humility. There are also some other symbols of humility from different cultures. Let鈥檚 get started!

Christian Symbols of Humility

1. Cross

cross sunset silhouette

The cross is a symbol of humility that represents the ultimate act of selflessness and sacrifice. For Christians, Jesus Christ willingly gave up his life on the cross to atone for the sins of humanity.

This act of humility, who could have easily avoided the cross but chose to submit to the will of his Father, is considered the epitome of Christian virtue.

The cross serves as a reminder to Christians that humility is a central tenet of their faith, and that putting others before oneself is an essential component of Christian living.

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It鈥檚 a reminder of the suffering endured by Jesus on the cross, which was a manifestation of his humility. As a symbol of humility, the cross continues to inspire believers to follow the example of Jesus and strive to live a life of humility and service to others.

2. Empty Tomb

empty tomb in Christianity

Another powerful symbol in Christianity, the empty tomb represents the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the triumph of life over death.

It also signifies the humility demonstrated by Jesus in his death and resurrection. Despite being the Son of God, Jesus did not seek to glorify himself, but rather humbled himself by willingly submitting to death on the cross.

His resurrection from the dead, and the discovery of the empty tomb, serve as a reminder to Christians that even in death, there is hope for new life and that true greatness is found in humility.

The empty tomb also represents the ultimate victory over sin and death, which Jesus accomplished through his humility and obedience to the Father.

3. Washing of the Feet

Washing of the Feet
Washing of the Feet. See it here.

The washing of the feet is a ritual that commemorates the act of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples before the Last Supper, which was an act of humility and service.

Although Jesus was their leader, he took on the role of a servant and washed the feet of his disciples, demonstrating the importance of humility and service.

This act is considered a model for Christian leadership, as it shows that true leadership involves serving others rather than being served. The washing of the feet also represents the need for Christians to serve one another and to care for the needs of others, even in the most menial tasks.

4. Crown of Thorns

Crown of thorns in black background

In Christianity, the crown of thorns represents the intense suffering and humiliation that Jesus Christ endured during his crucifixion.

It was placed on Jesus’ head by the Roman soldiers, mocking him as the “King of the Jews”. Despite being the Son of God and the King of Kings, Jesus did not resist or fight back but rather accepted the crown of thorns as a symbol of his humility and obedience to the will of his Father in heaven.

The crown of thorns also represents the sacrifice that Jesus made for humanity, as he willingly endured the agony of crucifixion to atone for the sins of humanity. His humility and sacrifice serve as a model for Christian living, inspiring believers to put others before themselves and to embrace a life of service and sacrifice.

As a symbol of humility, the crown of thorns reminds Christians of the importance of humility and the need to submit to the will of God, even in the face of suffering and humiliation.

5. Shepherd’s Staff

the good shepherd

In the Bible, God is depicted as a shepherd and his people as his flock. The shepherd’s staff represents the care and protection that a shepherd provides to his flock, as well as the humility and gentleness required to lead them.

The staff also represents the humility demonstrated by Jesus Christ, who鈥檚 referred to as the “Good Shepherd”. Jesus described himself as the one who lays down his life for his sheep, and his ministry was characterized by compassion, kindness, and selflessness.

The shepherd鈥檚 staff serves as a reminder to Christians of the importance of caring for others and leading with humility and compassion. It also represents the need for Christians to be vigilant and watchful, to protect and guide others in the way of righteousness.

6. Humble Carpenter

Holy Family Jesus

The humble carpenter is a symbol of humility in Christianity, represented by Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus Christ. Joseph was a simple carpenter, who worked with his hands to support his family and lived a life of humble obedience to God. Despite being the father of the Son of God, Joseph did not seek glory or recognition for himself. He humbly accepted his role as a father and caretaker and taught Jesus the value of hard work, discipline, and humility.

The humble carpenter reminds Christians of the importance of simplicity, hard work, and obedience to God. It teaches individuals to be content with their station in life and to find joy in the simple pleasures of everyday living.

The humble carpenter also represents the transformative power of humility and the importance of being open to change and growth. Joseph’s life was forever changed when he accepted the call to be the earthly father of Jesus, demonstrating the importance of being open to God’s plans and purposes.

7. The Color White

Elegant white decorations

In many cultures and traditions, white is often associated with purity, innocence, and simplicity, which are all qualities that reflect humility.

In Christianity, the color white is used in religious ceremonies and represents purity, righteousness, and holiness.

It鈥檚 also associated with the humility of Jesus Christ, who humbled himself by taking on human form and living a life of service and sacrifice.

In Eastern cultures, such as Japan and China, white is often worn at funerals to represent the humility of the deceased and to symbolize the purity and innocence of the departed soul.

8. Loaf of Bread

Loaf of Bread

The humble loaf of bread is a simple food found in almost every culture around the world, yet it鈥檚 often overlooked in our modern society where we are bombarded with options for fancy foods and exotic ingredients. The loaf of bread, however, represents the basic necessity of sustenance that all people require, regardless of their status or wealth.

In many religious traditions, bread plays a central role as a symbol of humility and service. Christians, for example, believe that Jesus used bread to represent his body during the Last Supper, reminding his disciples of the importance of humility and service to others. In Islam, the act of breaking bread is seen as a way to bring people together and promote unity and equality.

The simplicity of the loaf of bread also represents the value of hard work and dedication. It takes time and effort to make bread from scratch and requires patience and attention to detail.

This reminder of the value of hard work and humility is a lesson that can be applied to all aspects of life, whether it be in our relationships, our careers, or our personal growth.

9. Cup of Suffering

cup of suffering

Throughout history, the cup of suffering has been used to represent the willingness to endure pain, hardship, and sacrifice for the greater good.

In many religious traditions, it鈥檚 associated with the concept of humility, which is the recognition of one’s limitations and the willingness to submit to a higher power.

In Christianity, the cup of suffering is closely linked to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who willingly accepted suffering and death on the cross for the redemption of humanity.

He is quoted in the Bible as saying, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). This statement highlights Jesus’ willingness to submit to God’s will, even though it would lead to his own suffering and death.

10. Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart Jesus Healing Catholic Powerful Holy Picture
Sacred Heart Jesus Holy Picture. See it here.

The Sacred Heart refers to the heart of Jesus Christ, which is often depicted as a fiery, radiant heart, surrounded by thorns and pierced with a lance.

The Sacred Heart represents the immense love and humility of Jesus Christ, who gave up his life to save humanity. It symbolizes the importance of being selfless and giving, even in the face of great suffering and sacrifice.

The Heart is a symbol of humility because it represents the idea of surrendering oneself to a higher power. By surrendering his own will and desires to God, Jesus demonstrated the ultimate act of humility, putting the needs of others before his own.

Additionally, the Sacred Heart represents the importance of forgiveness and mercy. Through his sacrifice, Jesus showed us the power of forgiveness and the importance of treating others with compassion and understanding, even when they have wronged us.

Other Symbols of Humility

11. Dwennimmen

Yellow Gold Adinkra Dwennimmen African Pendant Necklace
Dwennimmen Necklace. See it here.

Dwennimmen is an African symbol derived from the Akan people of Ghana. It鈥檚 depicted as a pair of ram’s horns that curve together to form a circle.

The horns symbolize strength, while the circle represents humility.

As a symbol of humility, Dwennimmen reminds individuals of the importance of being humble in the face of strength and power. It encourages people to approach others with a sense of humility and to be mindful of their own limitations.

Dwennimmen also represents the importance of balance in life. It teaches that strength and power must be balanced with humility and respect for others.

This balance is essential for building strong relationships and communities. This symbol also serves as a reminder that strength must be tempered with humility and that true strength is found in the ability to serve others and act with humility and kindness.

12. Bamboo

Bamboo tree

In Chinese culture, bamboo is particularly associated with humility because of its unique properties.

It鈥檚 strong yet flexible, able to bend in the wind without breaking. This symbolizes the importance of being adaptable and willing to change, rather than stubbornly holding on to one’s own ideas and beliefs.

Additionally, bamboo grows quickly and efficiently, yet it remains humble and unassuming. It鈥檚 not showy or ostentatious, but rather blends in with its surroundings, quietly doing its work.

This serves as a reminder that even the most accomplished and successful people should remain humble and grounded, never forgetting their origins and the people who helped them along the way.

13. Lotus Flower

Pink and White Lotus Flower

In Buddhism and Hinduism, the lotus flower signifies spiritual enlightenment and purity of the soul, but it鈥檚 also associated with the virtue of humility.

The lotus grows in muddy, murky water, yet it emerges clean and pure, untainted by the environment in which it grows.

This symbolizes the importance of remaining pure and virtuous even in the midst of difficult and challenging circumstances. The flower is also able to grow and bloom despite the adverse conditions it faces, representing the importance of resilience and determination in the face of hardship.

Additionally, the lotus flower is often depicted with its petals closed, representing the humility and modesty of a person who is not showy or boastful about their accomplishments. The closed petals also symbolize the idea of self-control and the ability to keep one’s emotions and desires in check.

14. Rock


Unlike many other symbols of strength and power, the rock represents the importance of being grounded and stable, rather than dominating and controlling. So, while it鈥檚 a symbol of stability and strength, it鈥檚 also a symbol of humility.

Like a rock, a humble person is unshakable in their beliefs and values yet remains open to new ideas and perspectives. They鈥檙e steadfast and reliable, but not rigid or inflexible.

Instead, they鈥檙e willing to listen to others and consider different viewpoints, without feeling threatened or defensive.

The rock is a symbol of humility because it reminds us of the importance of staying rooted in our origins and traditions. Just as a rock is formed by the natural processes of the earth, a humble person is shaped by their upbringing and experiences.

15. Bowing

Bowing during Religion Ceremony

Bowing is an act of humility because it involves lowering yourself before another person. By doing this, you鈥檙e acknowledging that the other person is superior or more important.

In many cultures, bowing is a sign of respect and humility. For example, in Sri Lanka, children bow to their parents and teachers as a sign of respect and humility, symbolizing that their elders are more knowledgeable and superior to them.

In Japan, it鈥檚 common to bow to your superiors. While there are many types of bows, the deep bow, called a dogeza, where a person prostrates themselves on the floor with their foreheads touching the ground, is a sign of deference and apology.

It takes humility to bow down before someone else, and not everyone will want to do this. In Western cultures, bowing is not a common gesture.

Wrapping Up

In a world that often values success and achievement over compassion and kindness, symbols of humility can serve as powerful reminders of what truly matters. By embracing these symbols and the values they represent, we can cultivate humility in our relationships, our work, and our daily lives.

We can learn to listen more, judge less, and serve others with greater empathy and understanding. Ultimately, by embracing symbols of humility, we can live more fulfilling, purposeful lives that prioritize compassion, kindness, and humility above all else.

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Tags: Ancient Symbols

Dani Rhys
Dani Rhys

Dani Rhys has worked as a writer and editor for over 15 years. She holds a Masters degree in Linguistics and Education, and has also studied Political Science, Ancient History and Literature. She has a wide range of interests ranging from ancient cultures and mythology to Harry Potter and gardening. She works as the chief editor of Symbol Sage but also takes the time to write on topics that interest her.

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