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200+ Transition Words, Devices And Phrase Types [sentence examples included]

Satya D
Search Engine Optimization @ Surfer

Transition or transitional words, also known as linking words, are words that connect ideas, sentences, or paragraphs.

They help create a logical flow in the text and can indicate sequence (first, second, third), contrast (however, on the other hand), cause and effect (therefore, as a result), addition (also, moreover), and a variety of other relationships. 

The use of transitional words and phrases in your writing can help you communicate concepts and arguments clearly and effectively.

But they're not just helpful for readers.

As you will see, transition words can also make an author's job easier, whether you're writing ad copy or long-form SEO content.

Note that a transitional phrase or word may also be referred to as a transitional signal. A transitional signal also links ideas or sections by connecting them in voice and writing.

Here are some examples of transitional words and phrases:

Addition: also, moreover, in addition, furthermore, besides, similarly, likewise, and, too, not only... but also

Contrast: however, on the other hand, in contrast, nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, though, whereas, despite, instead, conversely

Cause: while, because of, as, since, while, lest, in case, provided that, given that

Effect: therefore, thus, consequently, as a result, hence, for this reason, so, because, since

Example and Illustration: for example, for instance, to illustrate, specifically, in particular, namely, such as

Summary and Conclusion: in conclusion, to sum up, in summary, in short, in brief, overall, thus, therefore, hence

Time and Sequence: first, second, third, next, then, finally, meanwhile, subsequently, eventually, previously, before, after, soon, later, while, during, until, when, as soon as

Location and Direction: above, below, beyond, near, opposite, adjacent, here, there, in front, in back, nearby, wherever, around, between, beside

As a writer, I find them tremendously helpful in communicating concepts in one sentence instead of long paragraphs.

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Transitional words versus transitional devices

Both transitional words and transitional devices link ideas and sections of text to make writing coherent and allow the reader to follow the logical flow of an argument or story.

However, they differ slightly in form and application.

Transitional devices

Transitional devices include a wider range of words and phrases that can be used to build more complex sentence structures.

These include full sentences or phrases that help summarise what was said in one paragraph and set up the next idea to be explored.

Here are some transitional device examples:

Transitional devices can be more subtle than transitional words and often require a more nuanced understanding of the content and the text's overall structure.

Examples of sentences with transitional devices

Here are 5 transitional device sentence examples that you can learn from.

  1. For instance, many modern restaurants use locally sourced ingredients to support sustainability and ensure freshness.
  2. Consequently, the popularity of plant-based diets has led many chefs to innovate new culinary techniques that exclude animal products.
  3. Furthermore, recent studies in cognitive science suggest that multitasking can actually reduce productivity rather than enhance it.
  4. Therefore, understanding the neural mechanisms behind attention can significantly improve educational strategies.
  5. On the other hand, while team sports like football require coordinated teamwork, individual sports like tennis rely heavily on personal skill and mental toughness.
  6. As a result of advances in sports medicine, athletes can now recover from injuries much faster than in the past.
  7. Additionally, the crossover of technology into fashion and sports has seen smart fabrics and wearables becoming increasingly common.
  8. Lastly, there has been a significant push in the academic and food industry to use data analytics to drive decisions and create new insights.
Keep in mind that transitional devices are the parent category, and transitional words are a subset within that category. Transitional devices specifically focus on connecting words or phrases that help the flow of writing.

Transitional words

Transitional words are specific words or short statements that connect sentences and paragraphs, keeping the flow of ideas going and making it easy to move from one thought to the next.

Some common examples are:

These words are usually easy to spot and are often used at the beginning of a sentence to show how one idea connects to another, such as cause and effect, contrast, or addition.

8 types of transitional words

As you can tell, using transition words can help make arguments and discussions easier for readers to follow and understand.

We'll now look at the different transitional phrases and several examples of sentences with transition words.

Seeing transition signals examples of sentences can help you integrate them into your own writing.

These are divided into 8 use cases for easier explanation. Here are the 8 categories of transitional words with sentence examples to use in your writing.

1. Agreement/ Addition/ Similarity transitional words

The "Similarity" category of transitional words adds more information or expresses agreement with the preceding material or thought.

These words and phrases, such as "also," "in addition," "likewise," and "similarly," help create continuity by linking similar ideas and reinforcing points.

They are essential for constructing clear and fluent sentences and paragraphs.

Examples of sentences using "Agreement/ Addition/ Similarity" transitional words and phrases

Here are some "Agreement/ Addition/ Similarity" transition sentence examples.

also: "She is a talented musician and also a gifted painter."

in addition: "In addition to his job, he also volunteers at the local food bank."

and: "She likes to read books and watch movies."

likewise: "He is a great listener. Likewise, his friend is also good at listening."

in the first place: "I should have never trusted him in the first place."

not only ... but also: "She is not only intelligent but also very kind."

as a matter of fact: "As a matter of fact, I was just about to call you."

in like manner: "In like manner, the second experiment confirmed the results of the first."

coupled with: "His hard work, coupled with his talent, led to his success."

in the same fashion / way: "In the same fashion, he completed the second task as he did the first."

first, second, third: "First, gather your materials. Second, set up your workspace. Third, begin your project."

in the light of: "In the light of recent events, we need to take stronger security measures."

not to mention: "He can play the guitar, not to mention the piano and drums."

to say nothing of: "She has three dogs, to say nothing of her four cats."

equally important: "Studying is important for passing the exam, but rest is equally important."

by the same token: "He is a hard worker, and by the same token, he expects his employees to work hard as well."

again: "I told him again to clean his room."

to: "I gave the book to her."

then: "If you finish your homework, then you can play video games."

equally: "The two options are equally appealing."

identically: "The twins dress identically."

uniquely: "She has a uniquely vibrant personality."

like: "He runs like the wind."

as: "She is as cunning as a fox."

too: "I like chocolate too."

moreover: "He is a great leader. Moreover, he is well-respected by his team."

as well as: "She can play the guitar as well as the piano."

together with: "He, together with his friends, started a business."

of course: "Of course, you can borrow my book."

comparatively: "Comparatively, this task is easier than the last one."

correspondingly: "As the temperature rises, correspondingly, the ice melts faster."

similarly: "Similarly, she passed all her exams with high grades."

furthermore: "He is a hard worker. Furthermore, he is always on time."

additionally: "Additionally, she also volunteers at the local hospital."

2. Opposition/ Limitation/ Contradiction transitional words

The "Opposition/ Limitation/ Contradiction" category of transition words is used to introduce a contrast or contradiction to the preceding statement or idea.

Transition phrases like "however," "on the other hand," "in contrast," and "despite" signal a shift in thought, presenting an alternative viewpoint or opposing idea.

They help to create a balanced argument or nuanced discussion by acknowledging differing perspectives or limitations.

Examples of sentences using "Opposition/ Limitation/ Contradiction" transitional words and phrases

Here are some examples of "Opposition/ Limitation/ Contradiction" transitional words and their use in sentences:

but: "I wanted to go to the party, but I was too tired."

rather: "I would rather read a book than watch a movie."

although this may be true: "Although this may be true, we must consider the other side of the argument."

in contrast: "In contrast to his earlier statement, he now claims that he was not at the scene."

different from: "His opinion is different from mine."

of course ... but: "Of course, I understand your point, but I have to disagree."

on the other hand: "I love the city for its vibrancy. On the other hand, I dislike the noise and pollution."

on the contrary: "He is not lazy; on the contrary, he is very hardworking."

at the same time: "She is studying for her degree and, at the same time, working a part-time job."

in spite of: "In spite of the rain, the game continued."

even so / though: "Even so, I can't help but feel a bit worried."

be that as it may: "Be that as it may, we still have a duty to perform."

then again: "I don't really like coffee. Then again, I've never tried it with sugar."

above all: "Above all, honesty is the most important quality."

in reality: "In reality, the situation was not as bad as we thought."

after all: "I decided to take the job after all."

(and) still: "He studied hard and still failed the exam."

unlike: "Unlike his brother, he is very outgoing."

or: "Would you like tea or coffee?"

(and) yet: "He is very rich and yet he lives a simple life."

while: "While I was eating, the phone rang."

albeit: "He accepted the job, albeit with some reservations."

besides: "Besides being a talented artist, she is also a great singer."

as much as: "As much as I love ice cream, I can't eat it every day."

even though: "Even though it was raining, they decided to go for a walk."

although: "Although he was tired, he continued to work."

instead: "Instead of going to the party, he decided to stay home."

whereas: "He loves the city, whereas she prefers the countryside."

despite: "Despite the challenges, they completed the project on time."

conversely: "Conversely, if you decide not to accept the job, you may regret it later."

otherwise: "You better hurry, otherwise you will miss the bus."

however: "However, we must consider all the facts before making a decision."

rather: "I would rather read a book than watch a movie."

nevertheless: "It was a difficult year. Nevertheless, we made it through."

nonetheless: "The journey was long and tiring. Nonetheless, it was worth it."

regardless: "Regardless of the weather,the event will take place."

notwithstanding: "Notwithstanding his lack of experience, he did an excellent job."

3. Cause/ Condition/ Purpose transitional words

Transitional words and phrases under "Cause/ Condition/ Purpose" are used to establish a cause-and-effect relationship, set a condition, or state a purpose.

Words like "because," "if," "unless," and "so that" help to show reasons, prerequisites, or objectives.

They are crucial in constructing logical arguments, explaining the reasons behind a phenomenon, or outlining the conditions necessary for a particular outcome.

Examples of sentences using "Cause/ Condition/ Purpose" transitional words and phrases

Here are some transitional sentence examples in the "Cause/ Condition/ Purpose" category.

in the event that: "In the event that it rains, the picnic will be moved indoors."

granted (that): "Granted that you have a busy schedule, it's important to find time for relaxation."

as / so long as: "As long as you finish your homework, you can play video games."

on (the) condition (that): "You can borrow my car on the condition that you fill up the gas tank."

for the purpose of: "She saved money for the purpose of buying a new laptop."

with this intention: "With this intention, he started his research early."

with this in mind: "With this in mind, we designed a more user-friendly interface."

in the hope that: "He sent his resume to dozens of companies in the hope that he would get a job offer."

to the end that: "She studied hard to the end that she would pass her exams."

for fear that: "He always locks his doors for fear that someone might break in."

in order to: "In order to make the cake, you need to preheat the oven."

seeing / being that: "Seeing that it's already late, we should probably head home."

in view of: "In view of the upcoming deadline, we need to speed up our work."

If ... then: "If it rains, then we will stay indoors."

unless: "Unless you study, you won't pass the exam."

when: "When I get home, I'm going to take a nap."

whenever: "Whenever I visit my grandparents, they always make my favorite cookies."

while: "While I was cooking, the phone rang."

because of: "Because of the traffic, I was late for my meeting."

as: "As I was saying, we need to rethink our strategy."

since: "Since it's your birthday, you can choose the restaurant."

while: "While it's true that he made a mistake, he didn't deserve such harsh criticism."

lest: "She checked the map lest she should get lost."

in case: "Take an umbrella with you in case it rains."

provided that: "You can go to the party provided that you finish your homework first."

given that: "Given that he's only a beginner, he played the piano piece quite well."

only / even if: "Only if you promise to be careful, I will lend you my car."

so that: "He woke up early so that he wouldn't miss the train."

so as to: "She wore sunglasses so as to protect her eyes from the sun."

owing to: "Owing to his hard work, he was promoted."

inasmuch as: "Inasmuch as you admit your mistake, I will forgive you."

due to: "The game was cancelled due to bad weather."

4. Examples/ Support/ Emphasis transitional words

The "Examples/ Support/ Emphasis" transitional words are used to provide examples, add emphasis, or support a statement or idea.

Words and phrases such as "for example," "in particular," "indeed," and "notably" help to illustrate points, reinforce arguments, or highlight important details.

They are essential for strengthening arguments, clarifying points, and making writing more persuasive and engaging.

"Examples/ Support/ Emphasis" transitional words sentence examples

Here are examples of transition words in sentences using "Examples/ Support/ Emphasis" use cases.

in other words: "He's very frugal; in other words, he doesn't like spending money unnecessarily."

to put it differently: "To put it differently, she has a unique way of expressing herself."

for one thing: "I don't want to go to the party. For one thing, I don't know anyone there."

as an illustration: "As an illustration of his strength, he lifted the heavy box with ease."

in this case: "In this case, it would be better to tell her the truth."

for this reason: "For this reason, we have decided to postpone the meeting."

to put it another way: "To put it another way, he is not fond of the idea."

that is to say: "He is very punctual, that is to say, he is never late."

with attention to: "With attention to detail, she completed the project successfully."

by all means: "If you want to use my computer, by all means, go ahead."

important to realize: "It's important to realize that not everyone thinks the same way."

another key point: "Another key point is that we need to improve our communication."

first thing to remember: "The first thing to remember is to stay calm in an emergency."

most compelling evidence: "The most compelling evidence was the fingerprint found at the scene."

must be remembered: "It must be remembered that everyone makes mistakes."

point often overlooked: "A point often overlooked is the impact of climate change on small communities."

to point out: "I would like to point out that we have made significant progress."

on the positive side: "On the positive side, we have seen an increase in sales."

on the negative side: "On the negative side, we have also seen an increase in expenses."

with this in mind: "With this in mind, we need to come up with a new strategy."

notably: "There are several options to consider, notably the budget-friendly option."

including: "We offer many services, including editing and proofreading."

like: "She has many hobbies, like reading and painting."

to be sure: "To be sure, double-check your work before submitting it."

namely: "He is proficient in three languages, namely English, French, and Spanish."

chiefly: "Our success is chiefly due to our dedicated team."

truly: "She is a truly talented artist."

indeed: "He is indeed the best candidate for the job."

certainly: "I will certainly let you know if anything changes."

surely: "Surely, you can't be serious."

markedly: "His attitude has markedly improved."

such as: "There are many ways to relax, such as reading a book or taking a walk."

especially: "I love all animals, especially dogs."

explicitly: "The rules were explicitly stated at the beginning."

specifically: "The gift was specifically chosen for you."

expressly: "The law was expressly created to address this issue."

surprisingly: "Surprisingly, he turned down the offer."

frequently: "She frequently visits her grandmother."

significantly: "The project has significantly progressed since last month."

particularly: "He was particularly interested in our proposal."

in fact: "In fact, he was the one who suggested the idea in the first place."

in general: "In general, people are more active during the day."

in particular: "I love all kinds of music, but I enjoy rock music in particular."

in detail: "She explained the process in detail."

for example: "There are many ways to stay healthy, for example, by eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly."

for instance: "Some people, for instance, prefer to work late at night."

to demonstrate: "To demonstrate his point, he showed us a successful case study."

to emphasize: "To emphasize her point, she raised her voice."

to repeat: "To repeat, all assignments must be submitted by Friday."

to clarify: "To clarify, the meeting has been moved to next week."

to explain: "He used a simple analogy to explain the complex concept."

to enumerate: "To enumerate, first, we need to conduct the survey, second, analyze the data, and third, present the results."

5. Effect/ Consequence/ Result transitional words

The category of "Effect/ Consequence/ Result" transition words and phrases indicate the outcomes or results of a certain action or event.

Words and phrases like "therefore," "as a result," "thus," and "consequently" establish cause-and-effect relationships and show the impact or consequences of certain actions.

They are essential for constructing logical arguments, explaining processes, and discussing outcomes or implications.

Examples of "Effect/ Consequence/ Result"  transitional words in sentences

Here are some examples of "Effect/ Consequence/ Result" transitional words and their use in sentences:

as a result: "He didn't study for the test and, as a result, he failed."

under those circumstances: "Under those circumstances, I would have made the same decision."

in that case: "If you're not going to the party, in that case, I won't go either."

for this reason: "For this reason, we have decided to implement new safety measures."

in effect: "The new law is in effect as of today."

for: "He was late for work."

thus: "He studied hard and thus passed his exams."

because the: "The game was cancelled because the field was flooded."

then: "If you finish your homework, then you can play video games."

hence: "She was the fastest runner, hence she won the race."

consequently: "He didn't prepare for the presentation and, consequently, he didn't do well."

therefore: "It was raining, therefore, we stayed home."

thereupon: "He signed the contract, thereupon making it official."

forthwith: "The judge ordered that the prisoner be released forthwith."

accordingly: "He was the highest-ranking officer, and was treated accordingly."

henceforth: "Henceforth, all meetings will be held on Mondays."

6. Conclusion/ Summary/ Restatement transitional words

The "Conclusion / Summary / Restatement" transition words category is used to summarize points, restate ideas and draw conclusions.

Words and phrases such as "in conclusion," "to sum up," "in summary," and "in other words" help to consolidate thoughts, reiterate key points, and provide a final synthesis or conclusion.

They are crucial for wrapping up discussions, reinforcing arguments, and ensuring the main points are clear and memorable.

Examples of sentences using "Conclusion/ Summary/ Restatement" transitional words and phrases

Here are some examples of "Conclusion/ Summary/ Restatement" transitional words in sentences:

as can be seen: "As can be seen, the data supports our hypothesis."

generally speaking: "Generally speaking, students perform better when they study regularly."

in the final analysis: "In the final analysis, it's the effort that counts, not the result."

all things considered: "All things considered, it was a successful event."

as shown above: "As shown above, the experiment yielded positive results."

in the long run: "In the long run, hard work pays off."

given these points: "Given these points, it's clear that we need to change our strategy."

as has been noted: "As has been noted, the climate is changing rapidly."

in a word: "In a word, the performance was outstanding."

for the most part: "For the most part, the feedback was positive."

after all: "After all, it's not about winning, it's about having fun."

in fact: "In fact, he was the one who suggested the idea."

in summary: "In summary, the report suggests that we need to improve our marketing strategy."

in conclusion: "In conclusion, we are confident that our proposal will be successful."

in short: "In short, we need to work harder."

in brief: "In brief, the plan involves three key steps."

in essence: "In essence, the theory suggests that all matter is made up of atoms."

to summarize: "To summarize, we need to focus on three key areas."

on balance: "On balance, the benefits of the new policy outweigh the drawbacks."

altogether: "Altogether, the team raised over $5,000 for charity."

overall: "Overall, the event was a success."

ordinarily: "Ordinarily, we would not allow this, but we can make an exception this time."

usually: "She usually goes to bed at 10 pm."

by and large: "By and large, the responses to our survey were positive."

to sum up: "To sum up, we have a lot of work to do."

on the whole: "On the whole, the project was successful."

in any event: "In any event, we need to be prepared."

in either case: "In either case, we will need to make a decision soon."

all in all: "All in all, it was a great day."

obviously: "Obviously, we need to take action."

ultimately: "Ultimately, the decision is yours."

definitely: "She is definitely the best person for the job."

7. Time/ Chronology/ Sequence transitional words

The "Time/ Chronology/ Sequence" category of transition words is used to indicate the timing or sequence of events.

Words and phrases like "first," "next," "then," "finally," "before," "after," and "while" help to organize thoughts, describe processes, and narrate events in a logical and clear manner.

They are essential for maintaining a coherent flow in narratives, instructions, and descriptions of processes or events.

Examples of "Time/ Chronology/ Sequence" transitional words and phrases

Here are some examples of "Time/ Chronology/ Sequence" transitional words and their use in sentences:

at the present time: "At the present time, we are not accepting new applications."

from time to time: "From time to time, I enjoy going for a long walk."

sooner or later: "Sooner or later, you'll have to face the consequences."

at the same time: "She is studying for her degree and, at the same time, working a part-time job."

up to the present time: "Up to the present time, we have received 100 responses to our survey."

to begin with: "To begin with, let's review the agenda."

in due time: "In due time, you will understand why this decision was made."

as soon as: "As soon as I finish this task, I will help you with yours."

as long as: "As long as you finish your homework, you can play video games."

in the meantime: "In the meantime, you can start working on the first task."

in a moment: "I will be with you in a moment."

without delay: "Please send the report without delay."

in the first place: "Why did you invite him in the first place?"

all of a sudden: "All of a sudden, the lights went out."

at this instant: "At this instant, the solution to the problem became clear."

first, second: "First, gather your materials. Second, set up your workspace."

immediately: "He left the room immediately."

quickly: "She quickly finished her meal."

finally: "Finally, he arrived."

after: "After the movie, they went for dinner."

later: "We can discuss this later."

last: "Last but not least, I would like to thank our sponsors."

until, till: "Wait here until I return."

since: "Since it's your birthday, you can choose the restaurant."

then: "If you finish your homework, then you can play video games."

before: "Before we start the meeting, let's review the agenda."

hence: "She was the fastest runner, hence she won the race."

since: "Since it's your birthday, you can choose the restaurant."

when: "When I get home, I'm going to take a nap."

once: "Once you understand the basics, the rest is easy."

about: "He arrived at about 10 o'clock."

next: "Next, we need to discuss the budget."

now: "Now is the time to act."

formerly: "The country formerly known as Persia is now called Iran."

suddenly: "Suddenly, the phone rang."

shortly: "The meeting will start shortly."

henceforth: "Henceforth, all meetings will be held on Mondays."

whenever: "Whenever I visit my grandparents, they always make my favorite cookies."

eventually: "Eventually, she decided to accept the job offer."

meanwhile: "Meanwhile, the others were setting up the equipment."

further: "Further research is needed to confirm these findings."

during: "During the meeting, please turn off your cellphones."

in time: "In time, you will understand why this decision was made."

prior to: "Prior to the event, we need to set up the venue."

forthwith: "The judge ordered that the prisoner be released forthwith."

straightaway: "Please send the report straightaway."

by the time: "By the time we arrived, the show had already started."

whenever: "You can call me whenever you need help."

until now: "Until now, we had no idea about his plans."

now that: "Now that the project is finished, we can relax."

instantly: "He recognized her instantly."

presently: "Presently, we are working on a new project."

occasionally: "Occasionally, he likes to go for a long walk."

8. Space/ Location/ Place transitional words

Transitional words in the "Space/ Location/ Place" category are used to indicate spatial relationships or describe locations.

Words and phrases such as "above," "below," "beside," "near," "beyond," and "between" help to provide clear descriptions of where things are in relation to each other.

They are essential for giving directions, describing physical layouts, and creating vivid imagery in narratives and descriptions.

Examples of sentences using "Space/ Location/ Place" transitional words and phrases

Here are some examples of "Space/ Location/ Place" transitional words and their use in sentences:

in the middle: "The statue stands in the middle of the park."

to the left/right: "The restroom is to the left of the entrance."

in front of: "He parked his car in front of the house."

on this side: "The bakery is on this side of the street."

in the distance: "In the distance, you can see the mountains."

here and there: "There are flowers here and there in the meadow."

in the foreground: "In the foreground of the painting, there is a beautiful garden."

in the background: "In the background, you can see the ocean."

in the center of: "The fountain is in the center of the square."

adjacent to: "The library is adjacent to the school."

opposite to: "The bank is opposite to the supermarket."

here: "The book you're looking for is here."

there: "The restaurant is over there."

next: "The bakery is next to the coffee shop."

where: "This is where we first met."

from: "I received a letter from my friend."

over: "The plane flew over the city."

near: "The park is near my house."

above: "The picture hangs above the fireplace."

below: "The temperature dropped below zero."

down: "The cat jumped down from the tree."

up: "He looked up at the stars."

under: "The cat is hiding under the bed."

further: "The hospital is further down the road."

beyond: "Beyond that hill is a beautiful lake."

nearby: "There's a great café nearby."

wherever: "Wherever you go, I will follow you."

around: "She looked around but couldn't find her keys."

between: "The secret path runs between the two houses."

before: "Before you stands a great castle."

alongside: "He walked alongside her."

amid: "Amid the chaos, she remained calm."

among: "He found his peace among the trees."

beneath: "Beneath her tough exterior, she is very kind."

beside: "She sat down beside him."

behind: "The park is behind the building."

across: "The bridge goes across the river."

Please note that some words can belong to more than one category depending on their usage in a sentence.

These are the most common examples.

There are many more transition words and phrases in English that can be used to create smooth transitions and coherent relationships between ideas in your content writing.

Why are transition words important for writers?

Transition words are important in content writing because they improve a page's readability making it easier for readers and search engines to understand the content.

If you are feeling overwhelmed when deciding which transition words to use when writing, don't worry.

The rise of high quality AI writing tools means you no longer have to know all the different types of transitional words.

You can also instruct Surfy, an AI writing assistant to help you with transition words, like I've done below.

However, having a general idea of which words can be used for transitioning between sentences is still useful.

Transition words can help optimize keyword density without resorting to keyword stuffing by enabling the flow of coherent relationships between ideas in your writing.

Well-structured content with clear transitions can increase the chances of getting featured snippets on Google, thus significantly increasing search visibility and click-through rates.

Transitional words are more direct and are usually single words or phrases that show the connection between parts of a sentence or section.

On the other hand, transitional devices are a group of different ways of using language that accomplish the same thing more seamlessly.

Both are important for clear writing because they help the reader follow the argument or story in a clear and organized way.

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玻璃钢生产厂家校园玻璃钢雕塑安装公司东莞玻璃钢影视道具雕塑在线咨询韶关熊猫玻璃钢卡通雕塑商场美陈公司哪家好深圳室内商场美陈厂家直销翻制玻璃钢雕塑多少钱内蒙古商场美陈价格太原玻璃钢雕塑报价集安玻璃钢道具雕塑走廊商场美陈费用上海多彩玻璃钢雕塑销售厂家门头玻璃钢雕塑订制桐乡市政用玻璃钢花盆北京大型商场美陈报价景观玻璃钢雕塑公司排名三明玻璃钢仿铜雕塑厂家钟祥玻璃钢仿铜雕塑主题商场美陈怎么样台州玻璃钢海豚雕塑酒店玻璃钢抽象艺术雕塑摆件小品玻璃钢卡通雕塑供应商商场美陈玻璃钢卡通雕塑价格长春人物玻璃钢雕塑公司玻璃钢人物雕塑加盟扬州人物玻璃钢雕塑制作北京多彩玻璃钢雕塑信阳玻璃钢卡通雕塑制作玻璃钢雕塑莆田大型玻璃钢雕塑哪家好泰安商场美陈香港通过《维护国家安全条例》两大学生合买彩票中奖一人不认账让美丽中国“从细节出发”19岁小伙救下5人后溺亡 多方发声单亲妈妈陷入热恋 14岁儿子报警汪小菲曝离婚始末遭遇山火的松茸之乡雅江山火三名扑火人员牺牲系谣言何赛飞追着代拍打萧美琴窜访捷克 外交部回应卫健委通报少年有偿捐血浆16次猝死手机成瘾是影响睡眠质量重要因素高校汽车撞人致3死16伤 司机系学生315晚会后胖东来又人满为患了小米汽车超级工厂正式揭幕中国拥有亿元资产的家庭达13.3万户周杰伦一审败诉网易男孩8年未见母亲被告知被遗忘许家印被限制高消费饲养员用铁锨驱打大熊猫被辞退男子被猫抓伤后确诊“猫抓病”特朗普无法缴纳4.54亿美元罚金倪萍分享减重40斤方法联合利华开始重组张家界的山上“长”满了韩国人?张立群任西安交通大学校长杨倩无缘巴黎奥运“重生之我在北大当嫡校长”黑马情侣提车了专访95后高颜值猪保姆考生莫言也上北大硕士复试名单了网友洛杉矶偶遇贾玲专家建议不必谈骨泥色变沉迷短剧的人就像掉进了杀猪盘奥巴马现身唐宁街 黑色着装引猜测七年后宇文玥被薅头发捞上岸事业单位女子向同事水杯投不明物质凯特王妃现身!外出购物视频曝光河南驻马店通报西平中学跳楼事件王树国卸任西安交大校长 师生送别恒大被罚41.75亿到底怎么缴男子被流浪猫绊倒 投喂者赔24万房客欠租失踪 房东直发愁西双版纳热带植物园回应蜉蝣大爆发钱人豪晒法院裁定实锤抄袭外国人感慨凌晨的中国很安全胖东来员工每周单休无小长假白宫:哈马斯三号人物被杀测试车高速逃费 小米:已补缴老人退休金被冒领16年 金额超20万

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