The First Sponge City Demonstration Park in Changsha ——ENJOY MORE · PLACE OF BEAUTY SCULPTURE ARTS
商业空间类 雕塑艺术 5582 0 2022-06-21
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项目背景:溪悦荟是湖南省长沙市城市双修建设项目、长沙市首个“4.0版海绵城市示范公园”、雨花区生态经济融合重点示范项目,溪悦荟沿圭塘河而建,南起香樟路,北至劳动路,全长2.3公里,拥有500亩城市公园及10万平方米商业及服务配套,项目总投资14.56亿元,由中建五局投资、建设、运营,于2018年10月启动建设,2021年7月正式开园。作为紧邻长沙唯一内河圭塘河的城市公园综合体,溪悦荟可发挥城市绿肺功效,为市民提供一个集文化、生态、休闲、商业、服务为一体的幸福生活空间。 作品简述:该项目作为长沙首个海绵城市示范公园,沿圭塘河而建,南起香樟路,北至劳动路,全长2.3公里,拥有500亩城市公园及10万平方米商业及服务配套。为实现溪悦荟公园打造“美好发生地”的目标,湖南尚丰雕塑艺术有限公司(简称尚丰雕塑)策划沿河两岸雕塑以体现“美好”和“浪漫”理念,拟以充满趣味性,互动性,独特性以及文化性的系列雕塑进行不同空间的策划,将溪悦荟东西两岸进行系统的雕塑策划设计和制作施工,完美配合中建五局投资公司对该项目的整体规划:东岸面向潮流玩乐,商业购物,夜经济等青年社区群体,雕塑策划以“年轻活力”“可爱互动”为主要设计元素,让雕塑更多的符合青年人的审美与其产生联动;西岸面向家庭休闲,亲子互动,人文教育等,核心是将自然与人文引入公园场景内,营造尽享自然趣味的城市生态环境和休闲舒适又独具特色的多维度公园休闲体验。实现了长沙首个“公园+体育+商业”综合体,为长沙市民新添一个集文化、生态、休闲、娱乐、消费于一体的好去处。还是长沙首个“公园+体育+商业”综合体,为长沙市民新添一个集文化、生态、休闲、娱乐、消费于一体的好去处。
1、可互动的文化,增强城市活力 雕塑是城市公共艺术众多表现形式中的一种,在当下城市空间环境的建设中发挥的作用愈发重要。它不仅为城市的空间塑造增光添彩,更加深了城市发展的文化深度,代表着城市形象,成为一张张鲜明的、生动的宣传“名片”。在繁忙的城市中我们需要一处满意的公共空间,或者与朋友小聚,或者陪家人到户外散步,或者陪小孩游戏,以此度过自己的双休日。市民不仅视溪悦荟为消遣、休息之地,也作为获取信息、交往 ,甚至是接触社会和学习的一种方式 ,以此实现精神和心理的满足。 2、用艺术为城市居民生活增添人文气息 让艺术真正的走出展览馆,走进百姓的日常生活中。该项目西岸策划携手当代雕塑家吴文通先生以其简约又极具哲思的漫画作品为原型进行雕塑再现创作,在西岸荷兰风情的街区小道上设计摆放了“弹吉他的人”“拉小提琴的人”“酒醉风中”等真人1:1铸青铜人物雕塑,为整体街区增添了更多异域风情的魅力,而水景雕塑“月亮下的思考”,以不锈钢镜面的来呈现出月亮的高冷,让人物的孤独表现的更深沉,在荷兰风车底下的“朋友”“陪伴”等主题雕塑,让雕塑作品在艺术上有了充分的“对话感”,他的作品特色以寥寥几笔渗透了人生百态,这不仅丰富了西岸景观视觉,也为其增加了人文气息,这让到访游客和附近居民停留驻足欣赏的同时更多人生思考。
雕塑代表着一个城市,一个地区的文化水准和精神风貌。雕塑作为文化的构成部分,雕塑作品以永久的可视形象是每个进入所在环境的人都沉浸在浓厚的文化氛围之中,感受到雕塑艺术的气息和城市的脉搏。圭塘河是长沙市区的内流水系,曾历经2014年完工圭塘河风光带, 2017年完工活水引流。 两期工程之前,这里的水质很差,而且经常处于枯水状态。圭塘河源自跳马镇鸭巢冲水库,引流自浏阳河下游螽斯港新建引水泵站,再通过蓄、净、滞三段流程最终导入圭塘河。尚丰雕塑用专业系统的景观雕塑策划设计,为溪悦荟公园打造成更为有格调,有文化,有故事性的增添浓墨一笔。景观雕塑策划以创造一个有人文与环境需求的平衡系统为出发点,助力溪悦荟项目致力打造全国领先、全省示范、全市标杆的“4.0版海绵城市示范公园”,如今圭塘河流域风貌有序串联,更将形成一条生态、文化、旅游融合发展的城市滨水长廊,让市民在熟悉的“老地方”探索“新世界”。
项目名称: 圭塘河井塘段城市双修及海绵城市建设示范公园--西南区信息引导牌、雕塑、精神堡垒项目 施工总包单位:中建五局第三建设有限公司 工程发包人:中建五局园林有限公司 施工单位::湖南尚丰雕塑艺术有限公司 项目负责:吴文通、刘艳阳 主创设计策划:龙凤 雕塑家:吴文通
Project Description
Project Background:Xiyuehui Park is a dual-betterment urban construction project in Changsha City, Hunan Province, the first "version 4.0 sponge city demonstration park" in Changsha , and a key demonstration project of ecological and economic integration in Yuhua District. Xiyuehui Park was built along the Guitang River, starting from Xiangzhang Road in the south and ending at Labor Road in the north, with a total length of 2.3 kilometers. It has 500 mu of urban parks and 100,000 square meters of commercial and service facilities. The total investment of the project is 1.456 billion yuan. The project was invested, constructed and operated by China Construction Fifth Bureau. The construction was started in October 2018 and officially opened in July 2021. As the city park complex adjacent to the only inland river in Changsha, Xiyuehui Park give full play to the city's green lung function and provide citizens with a happy living space integrating culture, ecology, leisure, commerce and service. Project Description:As Changsha's first sponge city demonstration park, the project is built along the Guitang River, starting from Xiangzhang Road in the south and ending at Labor Road in the north, with a total length of 2.3 kilometers, 500 mu of city park and 100,000 square meters of commercial and service facilities. In order to realize the goal of creating a "place of beauty" for Xiyuehui Park, Hunan Shangfeng Sculpture Art Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shangfeng Art) plans to present the ideas of "beauty" and "romance" by sculpture on both sides of the river, which are planned to reflect "beauty" and "romance", and are planned to be full of interesting, interactive, unique and cultural series of sculptures for different spaces. It perfectly cooperates with the overall planning of the project by China Construction Fifth Investment Company: the east bank is facing the youth community groups such as trendy entertainment, commercial shopping, night economy, etc. The sculpture planning takes "young vitality" and "lovely interaction" as the main design elements, so that the sculpture is more in line with the aesthetic of young people and has linkage with them; The west bank is oriented towards family leisure, parent-child interaction and humanistic education. The core is to introduce nature and humanity into the park scene and create a city ecological environment that enjoys natural interests and a comfortable and unique multi-dimensional park leisure experience. Xiyuehui park has realized Changsha's first "park plus sports plus business" complex, adding a new good place for Changsha residents to integrate culture, ecology, leisure, entertainment and consumption. It is also the first "park plus sports plus business" complex in Changsha, adding a good place for Changsha residents to integrate culture, ecology, leisure, entertainment and consumption.
User Value
1. Interactive culture to enhance the vitality of the city Sculpture is one of many forms of urban public art, and it plays an increasingly important role in the construction of urban space environment. It not only adds luster to the shaping of urban space, but also deepens the cultural depth of urban development, represents the image of the city, and becomes a bright and vivid publicity "name card". In a busy city, we need a satisfactory public space, or get together with friends, or go out for a walk with our family, or play games with our children to spend our weekends. Citizens not only regard Xiyuehui Park as a place for recreation and rest, but also as a way to get information, communicate, and even get in touch with society and learn, so as to achieve spiritual and psychological satisfaction. 2. Using art to add humanistic flavor to the lives of city residents Let art really walk out of the exhibition hall and into people's daily life. The west bank planning of the project cooperated with Mr Wu Wentong, a contemporary sculptor, to recreate the sculpture with his simple and philosophical comic works as the prototype. On the streets of Dutch style in the west bank, real people such as "guitar player", "violin player" and "drunken wind" were designed and placed to cast bronze sculptures at 1:1, which added more exotic charm to the whole block. The waterscape sculpture "Thinking under the Moon" is made of stainless steel mirror to show the high and cold of the moon, which makes the loneliness of the characters deeper. Theme sculptures such as "Friends" and "Companionship" under Dutch windmills give sculptures a full sense of dialogue in art. The features of his works have permeated all kinds of life with a few strokes, which not only enriched the landscape vision of the West Bank, but also added humanistic atmosphere to it, which made visiting tourists and nearby residents stop to enjoy and think more about life.
Business Performance
From day to night, from the shopping center on the east coast to the luminous runway on the west coast, the crowds in Xiyuehui Park are endless, and the citizens are full of praise for it, and they punch in with their relatives and friends. According to statistics, the average daily attendance of Xiyuehui Park is nearly 100,000, which has become a new landmark of Changsha's popular punch card. It is not only popular offline, but also attracts much attention online. National, provincial and ministerial mainstream media have focused on it, and online big influencers has visited it one after another. There are also live broadcasts by online celebrities, with over 200 foreign media propaganda articles and over five million readings. Tourists have praised: "Xiyuehui is very online celebrity".
Social Impact
Sculpture represents the cultural level and spiritual outlook of a city and a region. As an integral part of culture, sculpture works have a permanent visual image. Everyone who enters the environment is immersed in a strong cultural atmosphere and feels the breath of sculpture art and the pulse of the city. Guitang River is an internal water system in Changsha city. It has experienced the completion of Guitang River Scenic Belt in 2014, and the running water drainage was completed in 2017. Before the second phase of the project, the water quality here was very poor, and it was often in a low water state. The source of Guitang River flows from Yachaochong Reservoir in Tiaoma Town, drains from the newly-built water diversion pumping station in the lower reaches of Liuyang River, and finally leads to Guitang River through three stages of storage, purification and stagnation. Through professional and systematic landscape sculpture planning and design, Shangfeng Art has made Xiyuehui Park a more stylish, cultural and narrative addition. The planning of landscape sculpture takes the creation of a balanced system with human and environmental needs as the starting point, and helps the Xiyuehui Project to create a "version 4.0 Sponge City Demonstration Park" which is a national leader, provincial demonstration and city-wide benchmark. At present, the Guitang River Basin has a series of orderly features, which will form a waterfront promenade integrating ecology, culture and tourism, allowing citizens to explore a "new world" in a familiar "old place".
Team Structure
Project Name: Demonstration Park for Urban dual-betterment and Sponge City Construction in Jingtang Section of Guitang River-Southwest Information Guide Board, Sculpture and Spiritual Fortress Project General contractor: No.3 Construction Co., Ltd. of China Construction Fifth Division Employer: China Construction Fifth Division Garden Co., Ltd. Construction unit: Hunan Shangfeng Sculpture Art Co., Ltd. Project leader: Wu Wentong, Liu Yanyang. Chief designer: Longfeng Sculptor: Wu Wentong
Project Investment
Xiyuehui Park was built along the Guitang River, starting from Xiangzhang Road in the south and ending at Labor Road in the north, with a total length of 2.3 kilometers. It has 500 mu of urban parks and 100,000 square meters of commercial and service facilities. The total investment of the project is 1.456 billion yuan. The project was invested, constructed and operated by China Construction Fifth Bureau. The construction was started in October 2018 and officially opened in July 2021.
Project Achievements
The total investment of the project is RMB1,456 million, which is invested, constructed and operated by China Construction Fifth Bureau.


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