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Alison Elizabeth Relyea


  1. Cara Johnson on October 18, 2022 at 9:43 pm

    I know are an amazing human stronger than me. You fought hard. Don’t ever disconnect that, you are so loved.

    Your beautiful girls are your creation.

    Nanny has you.

    She got you. She kept coming to me in dreams and then she was with you.


    I can’t be there for the funeral.

  2. Craig Albanese on January 27, 2023 at 11:43 am

    Alison – you were the very first person I met at Gettysburg freshman orientation. I arrived on campus and within the first minutes of walking on campus and into one of the buildings, you approached me and said ‘Hi my name is Alison. I’m here for freshman orientation too. Nice to meet you.’ It may sound odd, but that very precise moment has been and will continue to be forever etched in my mind and soul. That unique and beautiful smile of yours and love for life was obvious to see from the very start. From that moment on, we laughed and grew together as buddies for countless joyful memories. For years, I tried to locate you online but failed (I’m not on Facebook.) Just yesterday, I googled you again and for a brief moment, I was excited because I thought I made a good hit. And then I read the gut wrenching news. I’m devastated knowing that you are not out there living your best life and enjoying all that you deserve. But I see your two lovely daughters so I know your spirit will continue on. Alison, you are truly beautiful and special in every sense possible. The world is a lesser place without you. Big hugs to you now and forever.

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