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Donate now through our safe and secure PayPal link using your credit or debit card.

Here are examples of how your gift help will help Teen Drivers and Passengers in our communities within the SmartDrive mission to reduce and eliminate Teen Driver and Passenger deaths and injuries in motor vehicle crashes:

$10 – Provides Teen Driver Safety printed materials and other educational items that SmartDrive distributes at school and community events.

$25 – Covers the full cost of enrollment for ONE Teen Driver in SmartDrive Classic – our state-certified online defensive driving program (BASIC) for licensed Teen Drivers.  Since it began, SmartDrive has worked to give students access to this program with as few barriers as possible. Gifts to SmartDrive can be designated to assist students with access to this life saving program.

$100 – Provide ONE high school with SmartDrive Click4Life (Seat Belts-Fall) or SmartDrive PROMise (Spring) campaign materials – Donor may designate a school to receive these materials.

$250 – Provides ONE high school with a SmartDrive DWI: Driving With Intelligence assembly.  This program is directed specifically to Seniors and Juniors, who likely have some experience behind the wheel, and can use a reminder of the 4 D’s – Distracted, Drowsy, Drugged and Drunk Driving – that lead to so many Teen Deaths and Injuries on the roads each year.  These assemblies involve Law Enforcement Officers to explain how to safely behave during a roadside traffic stop, as well as a reminder of the penalties for offenses behind the wheel.  Donors may designate a high school for this program.

$500 – Provides FIVE high schools with SmartDrive Click4Life (Seat Belts-Fall) or SmartDrive PROMise (Spring) campaign materials – Donor may designate the schools to receive these materials.

$1,000 – Will fund ONE post-secondary school scholarship for a student completing the SmartDrive Classic online defensive driving course, having their parent’s complete The Parent Lesson, and submitting an essay on their SmartDrive experience and how they would use the knowledge gained to convince their peers to become SmartDrivers as well.

If you wish, PayPal can also set-up a recurring monthly donation to support SmartDrive programs.

Your gift of $10.00 per month will help support access to the SmartDrive Classic online program for Five Students over the course of a year.

Your gift of $20.00 per month will provide the SmartDrive DWI: Driving With Intelligence program to One High School.

You may also make you gift by check. Please send your gift to:
The SmartDrive Foundation, PO Box 8336, Wilmington, DE 19803

AmazonSmile Logo


Amazon – the world’s largest online retailer – supports SmartDrive through the Amazon Smile program.
Simply shop on Amazon thorough the SmartDrive  Amazon Smile link – and Amazon will make a donation to SmartDrive based on your total purchase amount.  This program does not add anything to the cost of your purchase, it is simply Amazon’s way of giving back to our community.  And, you can use the SmartDrive Amazon smile link not just during the holidays, but year round to continue to support SmartDrive program to reduce Teen Driver and Passenger deaths in motor vehicle accidents.

GuideStar Nonprofit Gold Seal 2018
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The SmartDrive Foundation, is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, so your gift of cash or tangible assets is fully tax-deductible as allowed by law.

While SmartDrive receives support from several funding sources, it is the support of individuals that has allowed our outreach to continue to expand toward every high school in Delaware, Maryland’s Eastern Shore and suburban Southeastern Pennsylvania.

SmartDrive’s key program, SmartDrive Classic, provides Teen Drivers enrolled in the area’s High Schools with access to our state certified online Motor Vehicle Accident Prevention Program (Defensive Driving BASIC).  We make SmartDrive Classic available to these students at absolutely no charge to the students, the student’s families, or their schools.  The leaders of  The SmartDrive Foundation, believe that access to this training should have as few barriers as possible in order to create the greatest impact for good in our communities.

SmartDrive ask you to help meet the costs of providing this and other programs.  For SmartDrive Classic that includes:  Internet access and web hosting, ongoing programming costs, software licenses, curriculum updates and staff members available for telephone support 7 days a week.  Our financial reviews show the cost to provide SmartDrive Classic to one student is $25.00,  and we ask our communities to support SmartDrive using one or more of resources listed on this page.

If you have questions about The SmartDrive Foundation, we encourage you to view our online charity profile at the  GuideStar Exchange website, a trusted resource for donors and a leading charity review resource.


You may donate to SmartDrive though your workplace United Way Campaign – please use code 12834 to direct your UW pledge to support SmartDrive.  If you have questions, please call 302.300.6989.

Delaware’s State Employee Combined Campaig Logo


You may donate to SmartDrive though Delaware’s State Employee Combined Campaign – please use code 71070 to direct your SECC pledge to support SmartDrive.  If you have questions, please call 302.300.6989.

Get Involved


SmartDrive was founded in 2004. Since then, more than 140,000 young people have participated in our programs. Our mission is simple: To reduce loss of life and property in senseless motor vehicle crashes through intensive and interactive defensive driving skill development.

Our roadways are safer and thousands of new drivers arrive home safely every day because of the skills they’ve learned from SmartDrive. Please join our movement to save lives!