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成才之路 · 英语 人教版 · 必修1 路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索

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1 成才之路 · 英语 人教版 · 必修1 路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索

2 Unit 3 Travel journal

3 Section Ⅳ Unit Revision

4 课前新知预习 1 课堂达标验收 3 写作技巧指导 2 课 时 作 业 4

5 课前新知预习

6 prefer flow persuade cycle graduate organize determine pace 1.__________vt.更喜欢;选择(某事物) 2.__________vi.流动;流出 n.流动;流量 3.__________vt.说服;劝说 4.__________vi.骑自行车 5.__________vi毕业 n.大学毕业生 6.__________vt.组织;成立 7.__________vt.决定;确定;下决心 8.__________vi.缓慢而行;踱步 n.一步;速度

7 boil temple transport disadvantage shortcoming schedule fare journal journey 9.__________vi.(指液体)沸腾;(水)开 10.__________n.庙宇;寺庙 11.__________n.运送;运输 vt.运输;运送 12.____________n.不利条件;不便之处 13.____________n.缺点 14.__________n.时间表;进度表 15.__________n.(车、船)费用 16.__________n.日记;杂志;定期刊物 17.__________n.旅行;旅程

8 18.__________n.海拔高度;高处 19.__________n.态度;看法 20.__________n.(山)谷;流域
altitude attitude valley bend forecast insurance view pillow midnight 18.__________n.海拔高度;高处 19.__________n.态度;看法 20.__________n.(山)谷;流域 21.__________n.弯;拐角 vt.使弯曲 vi.弯身;弯腰 22.__________n. & vt.预测;预报 23.__________n.保险 24.__________n.风景;视野;观点 25.__________n.枕头;枕垫 26.__________n.午夜;半夜

9 27.__________n.火焰 28.__________n.洞;洞穴 29.__________adv.最后;终于 30.__________adj.喜爱的;慈爱的 31.__________adj.顽固的;固执的 32.__________adj.坚定的;有决心的 33.__________adj.可信赖的;可靠的 34.__________prep.在……下面 flame cave finally fond stubborn determined reliable beneath

10 ever since care about make up one's mind as usual be fond of change one's mind give in at midnight 1.________________ 从那以后 2.________________ 忧虑;关心;惦念 3.________________ 下决心;决定 4.________________ 照常 5.________________ 喜爱;喜欢 6.________________ 改变主意 7.________________ 投降;屈服;让步 8.________________ 在午夜

11 1.It is/was... that...强调句 ________ Mr. Wang ________ teaches us English. 是王老师教我们英语。 2.can't wait to do sth. I ________________________. 我迫不及待地想收到你的来信。 答案:1.It is; who/that 2.can't wait to hear from you

12 现在进行时 1.Listen! He________ his son to sing a German song now. 听!现在他正在教他儿子唱德语歌曲。 2.The girl ________ others. 这个女孩总是帮助别人。

13 3.________________tomorrow.
明天他们将到这里。 4.Where ________________? 它飞往何处? 答案 teaching always helping 3.They're getting here it flying

14 写作技巧指导

15 请根据下表提示,写一篇以About Traveling为题的短文,以便发表在某旅游杂志上。词数120左右。
参考词汇:beauty n.美丽 be caught in(the rain)遇(雨);被(雨)淋了 eco­traveling n.生态旅游 旅游好 处多 领略自然之美,呼吸新鲜空气,品尝美食,交更多朋友…… 旅游前 的准备 关注天气,以防雨淋…… 最好有个旅伴,途中互相照应……

16 时态:以一般现在时为主,兼顾一般将来时。 人称:以第二人称(you)为主。 在写作中,为充实短文,可根据实际情况适当增加些细节。
思路点拨 1.本文要求写一篇以About Traveling为题的短文,因此以介绍说明为主,把表格中的内容表述清楚即可。首先,把旅游的好处写清楚,让人看后觉得旅游的确好处多多,向往旅游;其次,把旅游的准备及注意事项介绍清楚。由此可知,本文可分两个段落来写。 时态:以一般现在时为主,兼顾一般将来时。 人称:以第二人称(you)为主。 在写作中,为充实短文,可根据实际情况适当增加些细节。

17 2.提炼要点 (1)领略自然之美to enjoy the beauty of nature (2)呼吸新鲜空气breathe fresh air (3)品尝美食taste delicious food (4)交朋友make friends (5)关注天气,以防雨淋 take note of the change of the weather,avoid being caught in the rain (6)找个旅伴find a partner

18 3.难点处理 “领略自然之美”可理解为欣赏自然的美丽,故可表达为enjoy the beauty of nature;“关注天气”,其实就是要我们注意“天气变化”,故可表达为take note of the change of the weather;“以防雨淋”,可先表达“被雨淋”,即be caught in the rain,然后根据句式结构用否定形式,如not to be caught in the rain或直接用avoid being caught in the rain表达。

19 4.主题句的使用 本文可分为两段,每段内容以表格内容的划分为宜。其中第一段的主题句为:旅游好处多,在表达上不要千篇一律,表述方式要有些变化:如:Traveling is a very good activity. /Traveling has many advantages.等。第二段的主题句为:旅游前的准备,可表达为:You should prepare yourself carefully before traveling./Make careful preparations for your traveling.等。

20 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

21 参考范文: About Traveling Traveling is a very good activity./Traveling has many advantages. When you are free/have time, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature. You can breathe fresh air, try/taste new kinds of food and make some new friends, too. Eco­traveling can help animals and plants as well as people themselves.

22 You should prepare yourself carefully before the trip/traveling
You should prepare yourself carefully before the trip/traveling. Sometimes, the weather may cause trouble. You may be caught in the rain and may catch a cold while traveling. You'd better find a partner so that you can help each other and may avoid some accidents or cheer each other when you are tired.

23 课堂达标验收

24 Ⅰ.根据首字母或汉语提示用本单元所学的单词完成下列句子
1.The Jinghang Canal was used for the t________ of goods. 2.I'm really fond of ________(骑自行车) in summer. 3.I haven't been to Beijing since ________(毕业) from Tsinghua University. 4.Do you know who is in charge of the ________(组织) for women? 5.It's not _______(可靠的) to judge a man only by his looks. 答案:1.transport 2.cycling 3.graduating/graduation 4.organization 5.reliable

25 Ⅱ.选词填空 ever since, change one's mind, give in, be fond of, make up one's mind 1.We __________________ not to make the same mistake again. 2.Jenny kept asking me for a new bicycle,and I finally ______________. 3.All of us want to go to Guangzhou. You'd better __________.

26 4.We've been good friends ____________ we left college.
5.The boy ____________ playing music while his brother likes playing football. 答案:1.have made up our minds 2.gave in 3.change your mind 4.ever since fond of

27 Ⅲ.语法单句填空 1.We are determined ________(get) the house repaired before the end of this week. 答案:to get be determined to do sth意为“决心做某事”,为固定短语。 2.Jane dreams ________ flying to space, but her brother dreams of some day ________(become) a pop film star. 答案:of/about; becoming dream about/of doing sth意为“梦想做某事”,故第一空用of、about均可。第二空不要受some day影响,仍用动名词。

28 3.You'd better give________ smoking, for it does harm to you and people around.
答案:up 句意:你最好戒烟,因为吸烟对你和你周围的人有害。give up smoking戒烟。 4.I ________(leave) for Paris tonight, for there is ________(be) an important meeting there. 答案:am leaving;to be be leaving for...意为“将去某地”,用进行时表示将来时;there is/are to be表示“将有……”,也是表将来时的句型。

29 5.Since the 1980s, there has been a big change in people's attitude________ food and health.
答案:to/towards 句意:从20世纪80年代以来,人们对饮食和健康的态度有了大的变化。attitude to/towards...对……的态度。 6.Mr Smith, the teacher of English, insisted that the students' homework ________(finish) on time. 答案:(should) be finished insist作“坚决要求,主张”讲时,其后的宾语从句谓语常用“should+动词原形”,should可省略。此处homework与finish之间为动宾关系,故应用被动语态。

30 7.She seems to prefer ________(listen) to music to ________ (talk)to me.
答案:listening; talking prefer A to B意为“喜欢A胜于B”,A和B要求同为名词或动名词等。

31 课 时 作 业 点此链接

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