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2 一、情態助動詞can之用法 (1) can為「會;可以」之意,為「情態助動 詞」,用於表達「能力」或「許可」。
(2) can之後須接「原形動詞」;若為「一般 動詞」,則字尾不可加s、es、ies、ing或ed; 若為am、is、are,則須恢復為be。 例:My dog can do many tricks. 例:You can sit here. He can be very friendly. 1. I am making cookies. → I can make cookies.

3 can之否定形為can’t或cannot。
You your in the classroom. (1)將情態助動詞can (’t) 移至「句首」, 即形成yes-no問句。 1. Yes, Grandpa can sing.(造問句) Can Grandpa sing? (2) 回答時,「簡答句」的「主詞」必 為「人稱代名詞」。 Can’t his sister swim?(否定簡答) No, she can’t.

4 What,where, what time, who
例:A: What can the bear do?    B: It can catch fish. 例:A: What can we eat?    B: We can eat some cookies. (2) 疑問詞where用於詢問「地點」: 例:A: Where can I watch TV?    B: You can watch TV in your bedroom.   (3) 疑問詞what time詢問「時間」: 例:A: What time can we play basketball?    B: We can play basketball at six thirty. (4) 疑問詞who用於詢問「是誰」: 例:A: Who can jump rope?    B: I can.

5 二、對等連接詞but 1. 對等連接詞but(但是)有「轉折」 的語氣,連接「反意」的單字、片語或 子句。
例:My grandpa is old but strong. 2. but所引導的子句,動詞以下的部分 若與第一句的內容重覆,則常省略不寫。 例:She is tall, but I’m not.   (她很高,但我不是。)

6 一、現在簡單式的用法 「現在簡單式」又稱「現在式」,使用 時機如下:     表達習慣性的動作或事情     表達現在的動作或狀態     表達不變的事實或真理

7 「現在式」 (1) 在「現在式」的句子中,「主詞」若為I、we、you、 they或「複數名詞」,則動詞採一般動詞的「原形」;動 詞的字尾不加s、es、ies、ing或ed者,即為「原形動詞」。 例:I love dogs. 例:Mr. and Mrs. Lin have a son. (2) have若為「吃;喝」之意,則可造進行式,但若為 「有」之意,則沒有進行式。 例:We have a new home now. (3)「every+時間」為常見的「現在式時間副詞」; 「every+時間」不可與介系詞in、on、at連用。 The boys play basketball after school every day.

8 其他常見的「現在式時間副詞」包括: on Fridays On Friday mornings On weekends I play the piano on Sunday mornings.

9 助動詞don’t為 “do not” (1) 助動詞don’t為 “do not” 之縮寫式,可幫 助「現在式動詞」形成「否定」。
(2) 助動詞don’t須與主詞I、we、you、they及 複數名詞連用。 (3) don’t之後須接「原形動詞」。 例:We don’t have a TV. 例:I don’t have brothers or sisters. 4. The girls aren’t speaking English. → The girls don’t speak English.

10 助動詞do (1) 助動詞do放「句首」,可幫助「動詞」形成 「問句」。
(2) do須與主詞I、we、you、they及「複數名詞」 連用。 (3) do在句首時,句中的動詞須採「原形動詞」。 (4) 以do為首的「問句」,「肯定簡答」答到do為 止,「否定簡答」則答到don’t為止;此用法中的 do / don’t為「代動詞」,代替句中已出現過的 「動詞」以及其後所接的其他 4. The girls aren’t speaking English. → The girls don’t speak English.

11 否定疑問 (5)「簡答句」的「主詞」必為「人稱代名 詞」。
例:A: Do Amy and Mike work together?   B: Yes, they do. (6) “yes”之後接「肯定直述句」即形成「肯 定詳答」;“no”之後接「否定直述句」即形 成「否定詳答」。 例:A: Do(n‘t) your parents swim on Sunday mornings?   B: Yes, they swim on Sunday mornings.

12 詢問某人的「習慣」 (1) 本問句可用於詢問某人的「習慣」。
(1) 本問句可用於詢問某人的「習慣」。 A: What do you do after school every day? B: We play baseball. (2) “on+時間名詞+s” 可等於 “every+時間”。 on Fridays = every Friday on Friday mornings = every Friday morning on weekends= every weekend

13 (3) “What+do+某人+do?” 也可用於 詢問某人的「職業」。
例:A: What do you do?   B: I’m a teacher.

14 一、現在簡單式:單數動詞的用法(一) (1) 在「現在式」的句子中,「主詞」 若為第三人稱單數 “he、she、it” 或可 用 “he、she、it” 所代替的「單數名 詞」,則「動詞」須採「單數動詞」。 (2) have(有)之「單數動詞」為 “has” 1. They have blue eyes.(以it改寫) It has blue eyes.

15 he、she、it” 或「單數名詞」,則以 “doesn’t+原形動詞” 形成「否定句」
若「主詞」為 “I、we、you、they” 及 「複數名詞」,則以 “don’t+原形動詞; 「否定句」: 2. They don’t have a pretty mouth.(以 the girl改寫) The girl doesn’t have a pretty mouth.

16 (2) 動詞的字尾加上s、es或ies,即形成「單數動詞」:
o do → does go → goes x fax → faxes ss kiss → kisses guess→ guesses sh brush→ brushes wash→ washes ch catch→ catches watch→ watches 字尾為「子音+y」; 先去掉y,加 “ies fly → flies carry→ carries study→studies

17 第三人稱單數 “he、she、it” 或「單數名詞」,則以 “does” 放「句首」,並將「單數動詞」恢復為「原形動詞」,即形成「問句」。
Does Ted speak English?(否定詳答) No, he doesn’t speak English. 疑問詞 + does + 主詞 + 原形V……? what用於詢問「事物」; where詢問「地點」; how詢問「方法」; who詢問「是誰」; what time詢問「時間」

18 (3) 疑問詞 “who” 若為句子的「主詞」, 視為「第三人稱單數」,須與「單數動 詞」連用。
例:A: Who cleans the house every day? B: Mom and I do. Mom and Dad cook. Who cooks?

19 一、詢問與表達「日期」的方法 What’s the date today? What’s today’s date?
 What date is it? 「月份名稱」的「字首」須「大寫」, 而「數字」部分則須使用「序數」。 A: What’s today’s date? B: It’s September third.

20 October 2 (October (the) second)
October 2nd(October (the) second) 2 October (the second of October) 2nd October(the second of October)

21 數字;序數 1-10 first second third fifth ninth其他 數字:基數字尾 + th
1-20 twelfth twentieth 其他數字:基 數字尾 + th 21~29:twenty ─ 序數 : thirtieth

22 the / 所有格 + 名詞 September is the ninth month of the year.
Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday of May

23 「動詞」或「介系詞」之後的「受詞」若為「人稱代名詞」,則須採用「受格」
Mom takes care of us from morning to night.(媽媽從早到晚照顧我們。) 例:We like him very much.

24 一、不可數名詞 「不可數名詞」通常指無法數或數不清的名詞。
食物 food rice fried chicken turkey fish soup 飲料 coffee juice milk tea 不可數名詞 ˙字前不可加a或an ˙字尾不可加s、es或ies ˙須與單數動詞連用 She has milk and a sandwich for breakfast.

25 可與不可數名詞或複數名詞連用的量詞 Some 主要用於肯定句,不用於否定句 用於問句時,主要用於「提供」或「要 求某物」
Any 主要用於問句及否定句 a lot of(lots of)可用於肯定句、否定句及 問句

26 與不可數名詞連用之量詞 Much 主要用於問句及否定句 與複數名詞連用之量詞 many用於肯定句、否定句及問句
Do you have some eggs? 例:There isn’t any rice. 例:We don’t have much food.

27 「可數名詞」與「不可數名詞」的用法: a. cake、pie、pizza為了強調「整體」時,可 在名詞前加上 “a”。 例:Let’s make a birthday cake for Mom. 例:Have some cake, Amy. coffee、tea、juice等,可在字前加上a,表示 「一杯」、「一瓶」或「一罐」。 Can we have two coffees and a tea, please. Do you drink coffee for breakfast?

28 圈選出正確的量詞 1. We have ( many / much ) eggs.
2. There isn’t ( many / much ) milk. 3. Can I have ( many / some ) cake? 4. Do you have ( much / any ) noodles? 5. Rocky eats ( lots of / many ) food every day.

29 which也可做「疑問形容詞」,其後接「名 詞」。:Which teacher does he like, Miss Wu or Mrs
which也可做「疑問形容詞」,其後接「名 詞」。:Which teacher does he like, Miss Wu or Mrs. Wang? 回答以which起首的「問句」時,直接說出答案 即可。 A: Which does Tina like, rice or noodles? B: She likes noodles.

30 填入which或what 1. A: do you have for breakfast? B: I have soy milk and rice balls. 2. A: does Grandma like, chicken soup or fish soup? B: She likes chicken soup.

31 一、物質名詞量的表示法 a/數字+ 容器 + of + 物質名詞
three glasses of water ;a bottle of milk two bowls of rice 「複數名詞」因其數量太多而數不清時, 也可利用「單位量詞」來表示。 :a plate of noodles  a bag of cookies a box of eggs

32 「計量詞」 當句中有「計量詞」時,「動詞」的 「數」通常是依「計量詞」的「數」變 化。
How much is a plate of chicken noodles? ) 形容詞」可放「計量詞」之前或後修飾。 That’s a big plate of dumplings. How about a cup of hot soup?

33 二、疑問詞how many之用法 how many” 用於詢問「可數名詞」的「數」。
1. I want ten cookies. How many cookies do you want? 疑問詞 “how many” 也可用於詢問「某特定地點」 的「可數名詞」的「數」。   How many + 複數名詞+are there + 地方副詞? A: How many comic books are there in the bag? B: There’s only one (comic book in the bag).

34 一、頻率副詞之用法 1. 「頻率副詞」用於說明「動作」重覆 出現的「頻率」。 always 100%(總是) Usually80%(經常)
often60~70%(時常) Sometimes50%(有時) Seldom20%(很少) Never 0%(從不)

35 頻率副詞在句中的位置 (1)「頻率副詞」主要位於「be動詞」之後, 「一般動詞」之前,「助動詞」與「本動詞」 之間。
My brother is always happy at school. I don’t always drink coffee for breakfast. They often play basketball with us after school. (2) 在「簡答句」或「簡略句」中,「頻率副詞」 位於「be動詞」或「助動詞」之前。 A: Is Tina’s desk usually clean? B: Yes, it usually is.

36 sometimes / often / usually也可用於「句首」。
Usually I eat hamburgers, sandwiches or rice balls for breakfast. sometimes / often也可用於「句尾」:尤其在 「很短的句子」中,often常放在「句尾」。 I don’t go there often. always及never可用於「祈使句」。 Always be on time. Never use my bike again.

37 一、詢問與回答「天氣狀況」的方法 How + be + the weather?
What + be + the weather + like? It’s cold and snowy in Japan in winter. (How......?) How is the weather in Japan in winter? It’s wet in Taipei now. (What......?) What is the weather like in Taipei now?

38 二、下雨/下雪的相關用法 (1) rain / snow為「動詞」時,須使用 “it” 為「主詞」,表示「下雨」或「下雪」。
 It rains / snows (a lot). 在 “There is...” 或 “We have...” 的句型中, rain或snow為「不可數名詞」。 There is (a lot of) rain/snow. We have (a lot of) rain/snow

39 一、be動詞過去式 (1) be動詞的「過去式」用於表示「過 去」的「事情」或「狀態」。 (2) 使用於「過去式」的「時間副詞」
(2) 使用於「過去式」的「時間副詞」 yesterday +(時間) morning/ afternoon/ evening last + 時間last night / week month /year last Monday/ May/ summer

40 時間 + ago 數字+ hour(s)+ago 其他
then / at that time today / this morning before the day before yesterday

41 was / were之後加上not即形成「否定」
was not = wasn’t / were not = weren’t yes-no問句的形成方式:將be動詞移至 句首,即形成「問句」。 (5)「簡答句」的「主詞」必為「人稱 代名詞」:「肯定簡答」不可縮寫。 A: Was Tina very sad then? B: Yes, she was. He (be) a doctor before, but now he (not be).

42 1. He (be) a doctor before, but now he (not be).
2. A: you at home last night? No, I . 3. Ben and his cousin (be) in Taipei two days ago. 4. Patty (be) here an hour ago, but now she (be) at school. 5. Everyone (be) early for school this morning. 6. The students (be) very happy then. 7. Her hair (be) short now, but it (be) long last year.

43 wh where :詢問「地點」 when :詢問「時間」 what :詢問「事物」 how :詢問「狀況」 who :詢問「是誰」

44 The weather was nice last week. (1) How was the weather last week
The weather was nice last week. (1) How was the weather last week? (2) What was the weather like last week? 4. Two cats were in the tree at that time. What was in the tree at that time? 5. There were two boxes of sugar on the table this morning. How many boxes of sugar were there on the table? 6. The baseball game was at nine o’clock. When was the baseball game?

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