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《牛津小学英语1B、2B 》 教材分析.

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Presentation on theme: "《牛津小学英语1B、2B 》 教材分析."— Presentation transcript:

1 《牛津小学英语1B、2B 》 教材分析

2 教材结构:1B/2B共有10个单元 1B每个单元由5个板块构成: A Learn to say (1p) B Look and learn (1/2p) C Look and read (1/2p) D Sing a song/Say a rhyme (1 p) E Play a game/Do a survey (1p)

3 教材结构 2B每单元由4个板块构成: A Learn to say (1p) B Look and learn (1p) C Sing a song/Say a rhyme (1 p) D Draw and say/Act and say/Count and say/Play a game/Do a survey (1p)

4 各板块及其主要功能 :  Learn to say 通过情景对话,着重训练学生的听说技能,培养用英语进行简单口头交流的能力;同时呈现话题、日常交际用语和词语等。

5  Look and learn 通过按话题归类和图词结合的方式,形象生动地呈现词语。

6 Look and read 提供26个字母的大小写形式,并通过例词让学生了解字母在单词中的基本读音。

7  Sing a song / Say a rhyme通过唱歌曲、说歌谣,激发学生学习兴趣,活跃身心,巩固所学内容,培养语感和听说能力。

8  Play a game / Do a survey 通过游戏、调查等多种活动,活跃课堂气氛,增强学生学习英语兴趣,巩固所学内容,培养学生听说、思维、动手等多方面的能力。

9 《活动手册·1B/2B》   《活动手册· 1B/2B》是按单元教学目标和教学内容设计和编排的,每个单元都安排了A,B,C,D四个题目,其中A,B两题侧重训练学生听力技能,C题训练学生对字母的掌握/侧重词汇和句子练习,D题侧重训练学生说话技能。

10 《教师教学用书·1B/2B》 《教师教学用书· 1B/2B》包含三个部分:  1.编写说明  2.教材分析与教学要求  3.附 录

11 1.编写说明:  简要介绍本套教材的编写目的、教材特点、教材建制以及教材结构。

12 2.教材分析与教学要求: 全册教学建议,包括教学内容和要 求、教学方法介绍。    单元教学建议,包括教学内容、教 学要求、教科书教学建议、活动手 册教学建议、听力录音文字稿、练 习答案以及教学参考资料等。

13   3.附 录:    四份参考教案   

14 4. 配套教学软件 Units Happy land Database

15 Unit 1 Hello Unit 1 What’s your name? A Learn to say
Hello. What’s your name? Hi, My name is David. B Look and learn Nancy, David, Su Yang, Liu Tao C Look and read A a name B b book D Sing a song What’s your name? E Play a game “扮演图书管理员” A Learn to say Hello, I’m Su Hai. Hi, I’m Mike. B Look and learn Su Hai,Wang Bing, Helen, Mike C Sing a song Hello D Play a game 戴面具,作介绍

16 Unit 2 How are you? Unit 2 Good Morning A Learn to say
How are you, Helen? I’m fine, thank you. B Look and learn Fine well good C Look and read C c cat D d dog D Sing a song How are you? E Play a game 手偶游戏 A Learn to say Good morning. Good morning, Miss Li. B Look and learn morning, afternoon, evening C Sing a song Good morning to you D Play a game 掷骰子,说英语

17 Unit 3 Nice to meet you Unit 3 This is my mum A Learn to say
This is my uncle. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. B Look and learn Grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt C Look and read E e evening F f father D Say a rhyme I love you E Play a game 制作影集,介绍家庭成员 A Learn to say This is my mum. This is my dad. B Look and learn Dad, mum, teacher C Say a rhyme Daddy, Mummy, I love you D Play a game 指套游戏

18 Unit 4 My nice ruler Unit 4 My bag A Learn to say That’s my new ruler.
It’s very nice. B Look and learn a pen, a crayon, a ruler, a rubber C Look and read G g bag H h hand D Sing a song My nice ruler E Play a game 按指令,放物品 A Learn to say This is a book. B Look and learn a book, a bag, a pencil, a pencil box C Sing a song A pencil D Play a game 按指令,放物品

19 Unit 5 On the road Unit 5 Fruit E Play a game 拼图游戏 D Play a game
A Learn to say Is that a taxi? No, it isn’t. B Look and learn a bus, a car, a taxi, a bike C Look and read I i bike J j jump K k kite D Say a rhyme I like my bike E Play a game 拼图游戏 A Learn to say Is this a banana? Yes, it is. B Look and learn a banana, a pear, a mango, a peach C Say a rhyme Mango D Play a game 摸一摸,猜一猜

20 Unit 6 In the park Unit 6 On a farm A Learn to say What’s that?
It’s a bee. B Look and learn a bee, a bird, a kite, a balloon C Look and read L l ruler M m mouth N n nose D Say a rhyme A bee E Play a game 看图辩物 A Learn to say What’s this? It’s a cow. B Look and learn a cow, a duck, a pig,a cat, a dog C Say a rhyme I am a cow D Make and play 制作动物头饰

21 Unit 7 Open the door, please
Unit 7 Follow me A Learn to say Open the door, please. All right. B Look and learn Open the door, close the window, stand up, sit down C Look and read O o mango P p pig Q q queue D Say a rhyme Wait in a queue E Play a game Simon says… A Learn to say Touch your nose. Touch your eye. B Look and learn a mouth, a nose, an eye, an ear C Say a rhyme Follow me D Play a game 按指令,画五官

22 Unit 8 I can swim Unit 8 What can you do? A Learn to say Can you swim?
Yes, I can. B Look and learn swim, skate, play football, play chess C Look and read R r run S s star T t taxi D Say a rhyme A star E Do a survey 调查活动 A Learn to say What can you do? I can jump. B Look and learn run, jump, sing, dance C Sing a song I can sing D Play a game 掷骰子,说句子

23 Unit 9 Happy birthday! Unit 9 Happy New Year! A Learn to say
Happy birthday! Thank you. How old are you? I’m seven. B Look and learn One, two, three, four, five, six, seven C Look and read U u pupil V v five W w window D Sing a song Happy birthday! E Play a game 报数游戏 A Learn to say Happy New Year! Thank you! B Look and learn a card, a doll, a red packet C Sing a song D Make a card 制作贺卡

24 Unit 10 Let’s go to the park
Unit 10 What colour? A Learn to say Let’s go to the park. OK. B Look and learn a park, a zoo, a cinema C Look and read X x box Y y yoyo Z z zoo D Sing a song A B C Song E Play a game 掷骰子,说英语 A Learn to say What colour? It’s blue. B Look and learn red, green, blue, yellow, brown C Sing a song A cat and a dog D Play a game 转盘游戏

25 2B主要内容

26 Unit 1 Do you like winter? A Learn to say
Do you like winter? Yes, I do. Do you like winter? No, I don’t. B Look and learn spring, summer, autumn, winter C Sing a song Season’s song D Draw and say 画画,说说

27 Unit 2 At the zoo A Learn to say What do you like? I like monkeys.
B Look and learn a monkey, a tiger, a panda, a bear, a lion (1A Unit 6) C Say a rhyme Five little monkeys D Do a survey 调查活动

28 Unit 3 What can you see? A Learn to say What can you see? (1A Unit 8)
I can see a plane. B Look and learn a plane, a train, a jeep, a boat (1B Unit 5:bus,car,taxi,bike) C Sing a song Row, row, row your boat D Act and say 演演,说说

29 Unit 4 My toys A Learn to say What do you have? I have a doll.
What do you have? I have a yo-yo. B Look and learn A doll, a puzzle, a yo-yo, a puppet C Sing a song My lovely doll D play a game 掷骰子,说英语

30 Unit 5 At school A Learn to say What lessons do you have?
We have Chinese, Maths and Art. B Look and learn Chinese, Music, English, Maths, PE, Art C Say a rhyme Let’s learn! D play a game 填写课程表

31 Unit 6 Let’s count A Learn to say Let’s count the eggs. How many?
Eight. B Look and learn Seven-----twelve (1B Unit 9) C Say a rhyme Numbers D Count and say 数一数,说一说

32 Unit 7 Can I help you? A Learn to say Can I help you?
I’d like a jacket. B Look and learn A jacket, a dress A shirt, a blouse (2A Unit 10) C Say a rhyme Zip, zip, zip D Act and say 演一演,说一说

33 Unit 8 Keep the water clean!
A Learn to say Look! there is a bottle. There is a box. Let’s keep the water clean. B Look and learn a bottle, a box, a can C Say a rhyme A bottle D Play a game 画一画,说一说

34 Unit 9 Where’s the plane? A Learn to say Where’s the plane?
It’s on the sofa. B Look and learn on, in, a bed, a TV C Sing a song The dog is in the plane D play a game 猜一猜,说一说

35 Unit 10 Goodbye! A Learn to say It’s time to go to school. Goodbye!
It’s time to go to bed. Goodbye! B Look and learn go to school, go home, go to bed C Say a rhyme Goodbye! D play a game 转盘游戏

36 1A-2B词汇统计 总数 人物 名词 动词 数次 介词 1A 39 4 26 5 1B 41 19 8 3 7 2A 44 2B 43 32
形容词 数次 介词 1A 39 4 26 5 1B 41 19 8 3 7 2A 44 2B 43 32 6 2

37 话题 个人情况、家庭朋友、周围环境、日常活动、学校生活、兴趣与爱好、个人情感、人际关系、计划与愿望、节假日活动、购物、饮食、健康、天气、文娱与体育、旅游与交通、语言学习、自然、世界与环境、科普知识与现代技术、热点话题、历史与地理、社会、文学与艺术

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