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中学英语语法教程 1 1 1.

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1 中学英语语法教程 1 1 1

2 中学英语语法教程

3 中学英语语法教程

4 中学英语语法教程 动词句型 Verb Patterns

5 中学英语语法教程 简单句的动词句型

6 中学英语语法教程 五个基本动词句型: 概述简单句的动词句型:我们首先以简单句为基础来研究动词句型。简单句是指只有一套主谓结构,即指只有一个主语(或一个并列的主语)和一个谓语(或一个并列的谓语),并且句子各成分都只由单词或短语构成的句子。 1.简单句的五个基本动词句型 主语+谓语动词(不及物动词) Everybody smiled. 主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语 He knows everything. 主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语 I showed him my passport. 主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语 The news made me angry. 主语+谓语动词(系动词)+表语 The boy looks\is healthy.

7 中学英语语法教程 (1)主语+谓语动词(不及物动词) John came here. / His wife cried. They are singing on the stage. My mother was cooking then. The sun is shining brightly. We all breathe, eat, and drink. They talked for half an hour. (2)主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语 He enjoys reading. / I want to have a cup of tea. His uncle wrote two letters. / Who knows the answer? John likes oranges. / Mary’s running a restaurant in the town.

8 中学英语语法教程 (3)主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语 John gave Mary several books. They teach me English. He showed me how to run the machine. She cooked her husband a delicious meal. He brought David a dictionary. (4)主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语 David painted the door green. / He asked me to come back. They named the baby James. / I saw them getting on the bus. We saw him out. / Mary kept the table clean. I have them come tomorrow. / We made him king. She left the house dirty. / She turned the light on all day long.

9 中学英语语法教程 (5)主语+谓语动词(连系动词)+表语(主语补足语) His face turned red. / The cake smells good. He is growing tall and strong. / John is happy. Everything looks different. / Our well has gone dry. He is a teacher. / She appears sad. 有时简单句有一个并列主语和一个谓语: China and other countries in the east Asia are developing rapidly. (China and other countries并列主语, are developing一个谓语)

10 中学英语语法教程 有时简单句有一个主语和一个并列谓语: The doctors tried their best to save the patient’s life, but failed. (the doctors一个主语, tried, but failed并列谓语) 有时简单句甚至有一个并列主语和一个并列谓语: Mr. Smith and I often work together and help each other. (Mr. Smith and I并列主语, work and help并列谓语) The doctors and the nurses tried their best to save the patient’s life, but failed. (the doctors and the nurses并列主语, tried, but failed并列谓语)

11 中学英语语法教程 2.动词、短语动词和成语动词构成谓语 (1)担任谓语的可以是一个单一的动词 Who knows the answer?/Water flows peacefully in the river. Mr. Smith and I often work together and help each other. (2)担任谓语的可以是一个动词短语 I have been reading a novel./Have you got any carbon paper? Where are you going to stay? / You must stay here all day. (3)担任谓语的可以是一个成语动词 Jane’s looking after the children. / We’re searching for you. He turned down the proposal./The match has been called off.

12 中学英语语法教程 3.每个成分都有多种表示法 句子成分常有多种表示法,例如宾语就有以下多种表示法: (1)名词或代词作宾语 Love me, love my dog. / Look at the bird (it). (2)数词作宾语 I want two. / She likes the fifth. (3)不定式作宾语 I hope to see you again. I’ll show you how to operate the machine. She waned to swim in the pond this afternoon.

13 中学英语语法教程 (4)动名词作宾语 She loves window-shopping. (5)复合结构作宾语 I wish you happy. / His words made her weep. (6)从句作宾语 I suppose you are right. / Do you see what I mean? 4.修饰语—指定语和状语 (1)名词和代词常带有修饰语,称为定语,可担任定语的有: a.数词作定语 Five people were injured.

14 中学英语语法教程 b.代词作定语 He must marry her. There is no other alternatives. c.形容词作定语 Your nephew is nice little boy. He is an out-and-out conservative. d.名词或名词所有格作定语 He majors in computer science. We’re studying Robert Burn’s poems. e.介词短语作定语 My love for you is deeper than the sea.

15 中学英语语法教程 The book on the desk is mine. f.不定式作定语 There is no need to worry at all. g.分词或动名词作定语 What are the issues facing the workers today? They’re making a study of farming methods used in developed countries. h.副词作定语 Is there anything on after supper? The then headmaster ordered these books.

16 中学英语语法教程 i.从句作定语 I’ll do all I can to help you. / She likes the book I bought. (2)动词也常带有修饰语,称为状语,可担任状语的有: a.副词作状语 Your sister dances beautifully. b.介词短语作状语 A mother loves a baby from bottom of her heart. c.不定式作状语 I’m sorry to bother you with all this. She is sad to hear the news.

17 中学英语语法教程 d.分词作状语 Romeo, believing that Juliet was dead, decided to killed himself. Stunned by the blow, Peter fell to the ground. e.形容词作状语 She gave her the overcoat, anxious to be of service. f.词组或成语作状语 He thought about it day and night. g.复合结构或独立主格结构作状语 The weather being so nice, we didn’t want to stay indoors.

18 中学英语语法教程 h.从句作状语 I’ll find her wherever she may be. i.名词作状语 She is feeling miles better today.

19 中学英语语法教程 Ⅰ.初识动词句型 1.主语+谓语动词(不及物动词)+(状语)
谓语动词是不及物动词,表示主语的动作行为,本身能表达完整的意思,后面不需跟宾语;但有时可跟副词、介词短语等作状语,表示动作发生的时间、地点、原因、结果、目的、方式、频率等。 不能跟有宾语或补语的不及物动词, 其数量不可胜数。 Frank stayed at home today. / He wept bitterly. He walked five miles. / The land ploughs hard. Her mother worked in that factory.

20 中学英语语法教程 Linda’s family came to China in 1947.
His sister cried. / The dress fastens down the back. Anne lived in Amsterdam in Netherlands during World War II. Her family has settled down(at a small village). Her mother passed away a month ago. An accident like this comes about in that city every day. Their engagement has broken off./The gun went off suddenly.

21 中学英语语法教程 2.主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+(状语)
谓语动词是及物动词,不能表达完整的意思,必须跟有一个宾语,宾语是这个动作的对象、承受者或受益者。宾语可以是名词、代词、动名词、不定式、从句或相当于名词的词、短语等。 必须跟有一个宾语的及物动词很多。 Why has Barbara delayed answering our letter? What an interesting book I am reading! They raised money for a great project. My parents fixed a date for the celebration.

22 中学英语语法教程 John likes me. / He broke his word. Thomas Edison blazed a torch in various fields. His uncle wrote letters. / She liked her pet dog a lot. Anne Frank wanted the first kind of friend. Her beauty beggars description(=makes words poor). He suffered/sustained defeat. He has to take breath after climbing upstairs. Thomas Edison blazed a torch(=started something new)in various fields.

23 中学英语语法教程 3.主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语+(状语)
谓语动词是及物动词,后跟有两个宾语,都是动作的对象、承受者、受益者或结果。 直接宾语指的是及物动词的直接对象,即动作的直接承受者;间接宾语是及物动词所涉及的间接对象,即动作的方向(对谁做)或动作的受益者(为谁做),通常为人,也可以是物。 可跟双宾语的动词有:answer,bring,buy,find,get,tell,fill, give,lend,make,pass,pay,send,show,sing,take,teach,wish, cost,leave,offer,owe,promise,hand,read,win,write,cook, call,create,spare,change,boil,save,pour,make,earn,gain, gather,obtain,spread,yield,weave,build,choose等。

24 中学英语语法教程 They teach me English. / I brought Mary sugar. My father bought my younger brother a bike. My mother made my sister a dress. Her uncle passed/handed Sophia the bread. John gave his sister a dog. / He telegraphed me the details. The poor man bequeathed his children a large fortune. They yielded the enemy their position. Our teacher often recommended us good books.

25 中学英语语法教程 4.主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语+(状语) 谓语动词虽然跟有一个宾语,但语义还不完整,必须加上另外一个成分—宾语补足语,对宾语进行补充说明,说明宾语是什么、做什么或怎样了等,宾语和宾补之间有逻辑上的主谓关系;若无宾语补足语,则句意不够完整。可以用作宾语补足语的有:名词、形容词、副词、非谓语动词、介词短语等。宾语和它的宾语补足语合称为复合宾语。 The carpenter sliced the plank thinner. His wife shook the baby awake. The soldier discovered the house cleaned.

26 中学英语语法教程 She left the house dirty. They chose David chairman. She made her diary her best friend(during the war). I shall call my cat Kitty(later on). Today my teacher asked us to clean the classroom. We saw John talking to his children. I like the car repaired at once. They reported five persons killed. He took me as his best friend.

27 中学英语语法教程 5.主语+谓语动词(连系动词)+表语(主语补足语)+(状语)
谓语动词是连系动词,不能表达完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语特征、身份、类属、状态等的表语,才能表达完整的语义。 表语的定义:对主语加以补充说明,说明主语的身份、特征、类属、状态、行为等;通常由名词、代词、副词、形容词、数词、介词短语和非谓语动词等充当。 常见的系动词:be(是)become(变成,成为)come(成为)get(变得)go(变) turn(变成)grow(长成,变得)look(看起来)feel(感到,摸起来)smell (闻起来)taste(尝起来)sound(听起来)seem(似乎)keep(保持)stay(保持,坚持)appear(显得,似乎)continue(一直是)remain(保持,依然是) stand(处于某种情况,保持)fall(陷于,变成)prove(证明是)等

28 中学英语语法教程 Her family was Jewish. / The apple tastes sweet. One night I stayed awake./The flower looks beautiful. Many of the newcomers became accustomed to the cold weather. The dog appeared ill. / They acted surprised. Many citizens got killed in the earthquake. The wound proved fatal./He stayed young all his life. His illness continued unchanged./We all felt hungry. The boy is growing tall and strong.

29 中学英语语法教程 动词的词义与动词句型的关系 vi. & vt. (使)工作;(让)干活
动词的词义决定了其动词句型;动词的词义发生变化,其句型也会发生变化。要学习动词的四个要素,勤查词典,做到: 会读、能写、识词义、(研读例句)学用法 vi. & vt. (使)工作;(让)干活 ①主语+谓语动词(不及物动词)+(状语) Henry is working in his office. Mr. Li has worked in the school for five years. The miners work(for)38 hours per week. I’ve been working with her as my boss for two years.

30 中学英语语法教程 ②主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+(状语) She usually works herself hard. The farmer worked the horses until they were exhausted. He worked his employees 12 hours a day. work vi. & vt. (使)运行;(使)开动;(使)运转,操纵;(工厂)开工 ①主语+谓语动词(不及物动词)+(状语) The machine works smoothly by electricity. My old mobile phone doesn’t work normally. The clock hasn’t been working since the electricity was off. During the period the plants had been working day and night.

31 中学英语语法教程 ②主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+(状语) I can’t work the lathe.
He worked the puppets by strings. Press there, that works the machine. A team of about twelve people are working the furnace. work vi. 起作用;奏效;(想法、计划等)行得通 主语+谓语动词(不及物动词)+(状语) The scheme works. / The switch doesn’t work efficiently. Her flattery may work on some people, but it doesn’t work on me. The present arrangement is working reasonably well.

32 中学英语语法教程 work vt. 管理或经营(某事物以获利);负责(地区以获利) 主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+(状语) Smith works the North Wales area as a salesman. The policeman worked the northern side of town. The old man has still worked the farm for many years. The company works many gold mines.

33 中学英语语法教程 vi. & vt. 学习;研究 ①主语+谓语动词(不及物动词)+(状语)
As a young painter, he studied under Picasso. His brother is studying in the United States of America. She’s been studying for her doctorate for three years already. ②主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+(状语) Next term we shall study English and botany. She is studying her boyfriend’s proposal. My language teacher studied Japanese contemporary literature in Japan ten years ago.

34 中学英语语法教程 3.see vi. & vt. 看见;见到 ①主语+谓语动词(不及物动词)+(状语)
We couldn’t see in the dark. I can’t see well without my glasses. ②主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+(状语) Standing by the station entrance, she saw her mother. ③主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语+(状语) She saw the van park outside her house at ten o’clock. From the window we could see the children playing in the playground. His parents saw him awarded the winner’s medal.

35 中学英语语法教程 see vi. & vt. 理解,明白,懂;知道,了解 ①主语+谓语动词(不及物动词)+(状语)
“I couldn’t catch the bus, so I was late.”- “Oh, I see!” “I’m tired.”-“So I see! You’ve been yawning all afternoon.” ②主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+(状语) They couldn’t see my point of view. They didn’t see the need/any need/the importance(to notify their members of the changes in the policy). The chairman thought the new scheme was a great improvement, but I couldn’t see it.

36 中学英语语法教程 see vi. & vt. 认为;考虑 ①主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语+(状语)
I can’t see her accepting the job in the present circumstances. We saw the gift as a sort of bribe. We don’t see him as a potential leader. She doesn’t see herself as brave. The library didn’t see the Wilson collection as valuable. ②主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+(状语) As I see the situation, I think we’ll have to get extra help. “Do you think there’ll be time to stop for meal?”—“We’ll see it.”

37 中学英语语法教程 see vt. 见到;看望;拜访;参观 主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+(状语)
We’re seeing our friends at the weekend. I’ve only seen her twice in the last three years. My mother is seeing the doctor again next week. They’ll see the house at 3 o’clock, where Luxun once lived.

38 中学英语语法教程 see vt. 送行 主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语+(状语)
He saw his visitors/guests to the door. Her friends saw her home. / She saw me out of the building. My parents saw me off at the airport.

39 中学英语语法教程 Ⅱ.再识动词句型 1.主语+谓语动词(不及物动词)+(状语)
谓语动词是不及物动词,表示主语的动作行为,本身能表达完整的意思,后面不需跟宾语;但有时可跟副词、介词短语等作状语,表示动作发生的时间、地点、原因、结果、目的、方式、频率等。 不及物动词不跟有宾语或补语, 其数量不可胜数: They smiled. / John died. / You must dress for dinner. Mary walked slowly. / Fire burns. I dreamed last night. / He wept bitterly.

40 中学英语语法教程 ①谓语动词(不及物动词)可以带状语,也可以不带状语;缺少壮语时语义依然完整。 He laughed(happily/heartily). David has slept(two hours). The moon has risen(in the west). / The universe remains. We all breathe, eat, and drink. / That depends. He came(back when we were eating). Those children are playing(on the playground). He left(immediately for Shanghai). I am singing. / They are working.

41 中学英语语法教程 The soldiers stopped(to have a rest). / We must eat. His father has gone(abroad). / The blind cannot see. Lily is dancing(in the classroom). / I’ll consider. They talked(for half an hour). Her family has settled down(at a small village). The sun rises(in the east)and sets(in the west). They had to travel(by air or by boat). We got up(early so as to catch the first bus). Weak buildings will fall down(in an earthquake), but strong ones may stay up.

42 中学英语语法教程 ②谓语动词(不及物动词)必须带状语,尤其是时间状语或地点壮语,缺少壮语时语义就不完整。
John has read widely. / They dress richly/shabby. His recent book sells very well. / He lives in London. Her family has lived at a small fishing village(for many years). Jim usually runs in the park./The poems don’t translate easily. The pen writes smoothly. / He went there(three times). We went away(to the supermarket)(yesterday). She sat there alone,(reading a novel). / She walked slowly. Yuan Longping works very hard(in Hainan Province).

43 中学英语语法教程 They work during the night and sleep by day. Some students live on the university campus. Don’t lean outside. / The ship stood off to sea. We left the coast road and headed inland. She stayed at the hotel. / The pen writes well. The sentence reads oddly. / This car drives well. The box carries easily. / The village lies in the valley. We sat under a tree. / The train leaves at six. All the tourists stayed in a hotel. He will be flying to Shanghai.

44 中学英语语法教程 有些动词用在表示数量的名词前, 看起来像及物动词,实际上却是不及物动词,因为这些名词作状语: The thermometer rose/fell two degrees. He waited ten minutes. The wedding lasted three days. I walked five miles.

45 中学英语语法教程 不及物动词的谓语类型 不及物动词+(状语)
不及物动词常与状语连用,也有可能不带状语。 We are studying all year around. / They ran four laps outside. The train arrived. / We both smiled. They walked leisurely in the park. Have you been waiting long? The temperature has risen/fallen ten degrees. You go first and I will follow behind. He swept bitterly. / Mary walked slowly.

46 中学英语语法教程 有些不及物动词后可跟数量名词作状语 The wedding lasted three days. / She walked five miles. The thermometer rose/fell two degrees. The thermometer reads/registers/indicates 30 degrees. The students total two thousand. / He waited ten minutes. The sugar weighs five kilograms. / He stood five feet. He looks only twenty years of age. The rainfall averages 52 inches a year in this area. The table measures two feet in width and four feet in length. The journey costs ten days and five thousand dollars.

47 中学英语语法教程 有些及物动词后宾语可以省略而成为不及物动词,以突出动作(动词) A tractor can cut,push,pull,dig,lift,pump,carry and spray. The knife cuts well. / Don’t trouble(yourself). We must eat. / I will change(my dress). I will consider. / If time permits. He can’t read well. / He can read. The blind do not see. / They married(each other). The stain shows(itself).

48 中学英语语法教程 不及物动词+小品副词构成成语动词
When did the war break out? / The seeds have come up. To our delight, the sun burst forth./ All supplies have run out. Business dropped off during the summer. I get up at six in the morning. / The well has dried up. At last his family settled down at a small village. Many workers walked out(to stop working)on strike. Her mother passed away a month ago. An accident like this comes about in that city every day. Their engagement has broken off./The gun went off suddenly.

49 中学英语语法教程 The country fell apart because of the civil war. The clock ran down. / A fire broke out on Sixth Street. The soup is boiling over. / I’ll drop by when I am free. The dynamate placed beneath the bridge blew up. His father often blows up at every small incident. Our car suddenly broke down on our way home. The storm will soon blow over(pass away without injurious effect). He’s always showing off everywhere. / The train got in. We dressed up for a banquet. / He dropped out at fifteen.

50 中学英语语法教程 Three days later after the quarrel, I cooled down. Our country drops behind/falls behind in science and technology. I never falls back before difficulties. His reputation faded out after his death. We were unable to get by because the road is blocked. She got down from her horse. The rice of the production is going down. At the bad news I stepped back from surpise. We are going to set out/set off on February 15.

51 中学英语语法教程 Don’t answer back(=answer rudely)when a superior speaks to you. He backs away(=draws back)from her because he has made her angry. Don’t worry, I will never back out(=fail to fulfil a promise). In order to survive, we must band together(=unite). He barged in(=interrupted rudely)while we were talking. The storm will soon blow over(=pass away without injurious effect). The dynamite placed beneath the bridge blew up(=exploded).

52 中学英语语法教程 He blows up(=loses his temper)at every small incident. Quick! The soup is boiling over(=overflowing the side of a pan). Brace up(=take courage)if you really want to get married. Many prisoners broke away(=suddenly escaped). Our car suddenly broke down(=failed to function)on our way home. A fire broke out(=started suddenly and violently)on Sixth Street. Tears burst forth(=suddenly appeared).

53 中学英语语法教程 She colours up(=blushes)if we mention her love. An accident like this comes about(=happens)every day. My wife and I come together(=are reconciled)after ten years of quarrel. The seeds have come up(=shot up above the ground). When we were talking, a young man came up(=approached). Three days after the quarrel, I cooled down(=became calm). She was shocked at the bill, but she had to cough up(=pay, perhaps unwillingly). This old empire crumbled away(=disintegrated gradually) because of misrule.

54 中学英语语法教程 Hardly a week had he learned computer science when he cracked up(=suffered a mental breakdown). An error may creep in(=steal in unnoticed). I should not take much sugar,but I cannot cut down(=lessen). All members of my family dine out(=eat away from home) every Sunday. They drink liquor every day and cannot do without(= dispense with it). We dressed up(=put on formal clothes)for a banquet. I will drop by(=call casually)when I am free. The production of rice dropped off(=decreased)last year.

55 中学英语语法教程 He dropped out(=left school before finishing his courses)at fifteen. The well has dried up(=become dry). The road is rough,we should ease down(=lessen speed). Let us ease down(=work less, make less effort). His reputation faded out(=gradually disappeared)after his death. The country fell apart(=fell to pieces)because of civil war. I never fall back(=retreat)before difficulties. Let us fall to(=begin to eat or to work.)

56 中学英语语法教程 Our country falls behind(=drops behind)in science and technology. We were unable to get by(=pass)because the road was blocked. She got down(=dismounted)from her horse. The train got in. / We got off(=started a journey). How are you getting on? / At last I have to give in(=yield). Rice is going down(= becoming cheaper). A rumour went forth(=became public). The gun went off(=exploded)suddenly.

57 中学英语语法教程 Our work went on(=continued). The candle has gone out(=ceased to burn). I won't hold back(=keep behind)if every one goes forward. Since I have started, I can't leave off(=stop). Look in(=Pay a short visit)as you pass. While all are busy, don't look on(=be a mere spectator). Look out(=Take precaution), here comes a truck! I moved in(=moved into a house)after he moved out. All trouble will pass away(=cease to exist). She passed away(=died)a month ago.

58 中学英语语法教程 The clock ran down(=stopped running, because the battery had exhausted itself). She ran on(=talked incessantly). Supplies have run out(=become exhausted). Bad weather set in(=began). Weset out(=set off)on February 16. He settled down(=established himself)at a small village. I don‘t want to listen any more, so shut up! He stood aside(or apart,aloof)while we were quarrelling. The proposal will stand over(=be postponed)till next Friday.

59 中学英语语法教程 Some stood back(=retreated), some stood out(=refused to yield). At the bad news I stepped back from surprise. The tyrant should step down(=resign). Many volunteers stepped forward(=offered help). My brothers quarrelled, but my father never stepped in(=interfered). He stowed away(=hid in a ship or plane to get a free ride). The band struck up(=began to play). He summed up(=summarized)after a debate.

60 中学英语语法教程 The son tagged behind(or along)(=followed closely) wherever his mom went. Before I think ahead(=anticipate), I think back(=recall). Our business is just ticking over(=getting on in a routine way). We touched down(=landed after a flight)at 6 p.m. Many workers walked out(=refused to work).

61 中学英语语法教程 不及物动词主动形式表示被动意义
该句型主要用于描述主语的属性。此时,主语通常是无生命的事物,有时谓语动词要附有程度或地点状语,语义才够完整。 This English book reads easily. / The eggs hatch out easily. The dust won’t brush off the hat. / Milk digests easily. The land ploughs hard(easily). / The paper won’t tear. His house rents at $200 a month. / She photographs well. The problem is setting this way./This door won’t shut tonight. This bottle does not break. / The cloth irons easily. The material of the trousers washes easily. The wine drinks well. / The dress fastens down the back.

62 中学英语语法教程 The apples peel(cut)easily. / Every minute counts. The wine drinks well. / The door blew open. The book is binding. / The frog eats like chicken. This piece of cloth will cut into two suits. The candle blew out. / The ship steers with ease. The poem doesn’t translate easily. / This nail draws easily. David’s raincoat caught on a nail. / My pen writes well. My feelings, as a victim, apparently count for nothing. This wood split straight. / His book sells well/badly. My camera can’t(favourably)with yours.

63 中学英语语法教程 This play acts excellently. / The bread bakes well. The door blew open. / The luggage carries easily. Some of the documents don't seem to check with the facts. Some of the sentences won't construe. The potatoes cropped well last year, but I think will crop badly this year. This light wood cuts like butter. / The tooth draws easily. The toilet does not flush. / This rice won't grind fine. Water heats readily. / These books pack easily. This house lets well. / The photo washes out a little.

64 中学英语语法教程 The film does not print well. / This story reads ill(or well). This poem does not rhyme. / This plastic scratches easily. The play screen badly(=is unfit for filming). The book sells well. / Such shoes wear badly. This cigarette smokes better than others. This wood split straight. / This material stains easily. The match will not strike. / This poem translates easily. This paper will not tear. / The TV set won't turn on. His descent traced back to a king. My watch pawned/sold for two dollars.

65 中学英语语法教程 The door opens easily. / The plan worked out well. The potatoes will cook slowly. / The figures will not add up. Instinct derives from ancestors. The shame never rubs off. / This board will never warp.

66 中学英语语法教程 The task is finishing. / The cows are milking.
有些不及物动词在本句型中常用进行时态,以叙述事态发展的进程。 The task is finishing. / The cows are milking. A new film is showing at the theater. / The fish is frying. Drums are beating(=are being beaten). The seeds of trouble are sowing. The theater is rapidly filling up with people. Your play is acting wonderfully well. The fruits are spoiling quickly. Your problem is settling(in)this way. The house is building. / Some criminal conspiracy is brewing.

67 中学英语语法教程 The book is binding(=is being bound). Young people are always brimming with new ideas. The bridge is completing now. / The meal is digesting well. What is doing now? / Guns are firing. The measure is taking for the illegal action. The house is leasing. / One boy is missing(or wanting). He paid what was owing. / Music was playing. Something is preparing. / My application is processing. The problem is settling this way. / The boy is shaping well. Friendship is forming.

68 中学英语语法教程 简单句都有多种时态,如: It rains.(一般现在时) It is raining.(现在进行时) It rained.(一般过去时) It will rain.(一般将来时) It was raining.(过去进行时) It has rained.(现在完成时) He said it would rain.(过去将来时) He said it had rained.(过去完) 请写出下面句子的其他7种时态的表达。 What happens? My dream comes true. We study.

69 中学英语语法教程 2.主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+(状语)
谓语动词是及物动词,不能表达完整的意思,必须跟有一个宾语,宾语是这个动作的对象、承受者或受益者。宾语可以是名词、代词、动名词、不定式、从句或相当于名词的词、短语等。 很多及物动词可以用名词或代词作宾语: John has a plan. / Do you like him? / I love cats. What an interesting book I am reading! / He speaks English. He lost hope(=despaired). / He gave ground(=retreated). The accident took place(=happened)this morning.

70 中学英语语法教程 ①多数单宾语及物动词可以带状语,也可以不带状语;缺少壮语时语义依然完整。 Our team beat all the others. / We never saw him(here today). I prefer to watch economic news on TV. / She likes English. They want to go there(at once). / Who knows the answer? (At the end of 16th century,)about five to seven million people spoke English. (Later in the next century,)people made voyages(to conquer other parts of the world). (Because of that,)English began to be spoken(in many other countries).

71 中学英语语法教程 I’ve got tired of looking at nature(through dirty curtains and dusty windows). They don’t know the address of my new home. Another supermarket has been put up(near my house). She knows what to do(next). / He stopped writing. Some girls don’t enjoy playing football. Mother promises to give me a present. He gambled away all his property. My mother bought a lot of apples(yesterday from the supermarket).

72 中学英语语法教程 Mike drank a lot of coffee(tonight)and then went to bed. Tom dug a hole(in the ground)./I want to have a cup of tea. They haven’t decided where to go(next). She stopped teaching English(two years ago). I look forward to hearing from you soon. She smiled her thanks. / He has refused to help them. He enjoys reading. / He said, “Good morning!”

73 中学英语语法教程 ②部分单宾语及物动词必须带状语,尤其是时间状语或地点壮语;缺少壮语时语义就不完整。加材料-见徐广联 She showed us into the private garden. The little girl put the flowers into the basket. You can put the dishes in the kitchen. His parents still treat him like a child. He treated her vilely.

74 中学英语语法教程 谓语动词+宾语的类型 及物动词+代词或名词(宾语)
He sharpened his pencil. / The work costs a lot of care. The farmer is excavating soil in the field. They have betrayed you. / I thank her for her help. The baby has been imitating his grandma. She loves music and plays the piano beautifully. Can you take my blood pressure? Jim put the flowers in the bottle. She hung the picture on the wall. Who discovered the new element?

75 中学英语语法教程 有些“及物动词+名词”的组合构成了成语 He lost hope(=despaired).
及物动词有时和后面跟的名词构成成语。整个成语, 如果被化作一个整体, 可以看成是一个不及物动词: He lost hope(=despaired). He gave ground(=retreated). The accident took place(=happened)this morning. He made the grade(=succeeded). We made our way(=advanced)to the jungle. He makes money, but spends much. They opened fire and killed many people.

76 中学英语语法教程 We raised money for the great project.
He has to take breath after climbing upstairs. He lost self-control/himself in moments of stress. My watch doesn’t keep time, so I’m often late. He might catch cold/fever. / They lost hope. The natural beauty there beggars description. Her farmyard caught fire. / The law will soon take effect. We made way(or headway)(= advanced)in the face of difficulty. He took cold and could not go to school.

77 中学英语语法教程 They gained time by giving me ambiguous answers. He never did evil. / He has finished college. I kill time by reading novels. / He left school last year. My dream will take shape(=materialize)next year. Something strange took place in the old house. He gave evidence in the law court./I take exercise every day. We may lose ground, but never lose hope. After so many years of war, we must make peace. We made way for others to pass through. He can read music. / He took flight after murdering a girl.

78 中学英语语法教程 We set(or made, struck)sail(=began a voyage)in February, He took trouble to help us. / The boy often plays truant. He doesn’t work hard, but he makes good salary. He will bear witness. / Our boat cast anchor. Her beauty beggars description(= makes words poor). Don't borrow trouble(=worry about trouble that won't come). We broke ground(=ploughed, untilled ground, began an undertaking). He changed colour(=became pale).

79 中学英语语法教程 This theory doesn't hold water(=isn't valid). His personality commands esteem(or respect). He never did evil(or ill, wrong). None of us care whether they do right or wrong, good or harm. We did(=produced)Romeo and Juliet. Jan did(=acted)Juliet. / Tom did(=wrote)poetry. I did(=prepared)omelette(or breakfast). His brother did(=translated)French into English. I did(=studied)electricity.

80 中学英语语法教程 They cry wolf(=give a false warning)just for arms aid. He felt regret, but not satisfaction. / My watch gained time. He found time(or leisure)to study. After he took the lead, we followed suit. We have gained ground(=got an advantage). We will soon gain power, if we are patient enough. He gave ear(or heed, credit)to the rumour. He gave judgement(or advice, notice, warning, trouble). I've had it(=can't suffer any more). You hit it(=said the right thing).

81 中学英语语法教程 The criminal jumped(or skipped)bail(=gave up the bail money and ran away to avoid trial). My mother kept house and kept books. Being hospitable he kept open house(= provided hospitability for any comer). He cannot keep body and soul together(=keep away hunger). He kept bad company(=associated with bad people). Be quick, don't lose time. / Mother makes dinner. I never lost courage(or heart)after I fail. It seemed late, but he made good time(=travelled fast and arrived on time).

82 中学英语语法教程 He doesn't work hard, but he makes good salary. Make haste(or speed). / I made tea(or hay). We made way(=stood aside)for others to pass through. He marked time(=spent idle hours)while waiting for his wife. The soldiers mounted(or kept,relieved, stood)guard. He moved heaven and earth(=did everything)to attack his opponent. They opened fire(=started shooting)and killed three of us. He plays politics(=attains political aims by hook or by crook).

83 中学英语语法教程 The children often play havoc(=do great damage). He had broken the window, so he played possum(kept quiet to avoid attention). He played second fiddle(=held a subordinate place). He failed because he had often played truant. We raised money for a great project. I can read character from handwriting. We said grace(=said a prayer of thanks before or after a meal). He refused to yield, he showed fight.

84 中学英语语法教程 He showed courage(or fear). He sowed discord among his enemies. He struck oil(=had good luck in some enterprise). He suffered(or sustained)defeat. Don't take alarm if I tell you some bad news. Take heart, don‘t be afraid. He took medicine(or poison). / Let's take rest. Don't take offence(=be offended). Something strange took place(=happened)in this old house. We take stock every week.

85 中学英语语法教程 The evil has taken root(=become established). Don't tempt providence(=take an unnecessary risk). He has touched bottom(=is begining to prosper after his worst days). The boat turned turtle(=turned upside down).

86 中学英语语法教程 As soon as we arrived,we made reservations for hotel rooms.
B.某些成语中,名词前有不定冠词,或者为复数形式 As soon as we arrived,we made reservations for hotel rooms. Shall we make a move(=start)right now? As they didn’t lift a finger, I lent a hand to the old lady. As they didn't lift a finger(or a hand)(=didn't give help), I lent/gave)a hand(=gave help)to the old lady. I made an appointment(=had an engagement to meet some one)for 3 p.m. You have done a good job. When angry, he calls names(=call somebody by abusive names).

87 中学英语语法教程 He took/drew a long breath before he spoke. We took a break after two hours of work. Thomas Edison blazed a torch(=started something new)in various fields. He often acted a double part(=was deceitful). Since I criticized him, he has borne a grudge(=nursed a grievance). The enemy beat a retreat(=retreated in a hurry). Don't breathe a word(=say a word)about this secret. I would like to cross swords(=argue)with this boaster.

88 中学英语语法教程 You have done a good job(=done something well). This evening I have a date(or an engagement)(=have a social meeting)with her. Don’t breathe a word about the secret. We must draw a line between right and wrong. I drew a blank(=failed to get any information)when I returned to the office. My sister fixed a date for the celebration. I have a job(or a time)(=have trouble)writing this first love letter.(但:I have myself a time[= have a good time]writing it.)

89 中学英语语法教程 He made a boast, but who believed him? He made a call over the phone. He made a face(= twisted his face), and then we were no more angry. We must draw a line(=distinguish)between right and wrong. We down tools(=stop work)at six. Don't make a fuss(=get excited about a trifle). John made a hit(=gave a good impression)at the exhibition of his works. Dick made a public appearance after nine years in prison.

90 中学英语语法教程 Thomas makes a quick buck(=earns money quickly). We make a row(or a scene)(=started a violent quarrel)from time to time. As soon as we arrived we made reservations for hotel rooms. I must make tracks(=set off)before it is late. William made waves(=created a sensation to impress others)at the party. A big boss behind pulls strings(=secretly exerts influence). Don't run a risk(=put yourself in danger). The patient ran a temperature(=had a fever).

91 中学英语语法教程 The criminal has served a sentence(or time)(=passed term of imprisonment). I smell a danger in this desolate area. We struck a happy medium(=found an answer between two extremes). As you committed mistakes for the first time, we might stretch(or strain)a point(=allow an exception to the rules). I would willingly take a back seat(=occupy an unimportant position). We take a coffee break(=drink coffee and rest a short while)after two hours of work.

92 中学英语语法教程 The situation took a turn(=changed)for the better. He wouldn't turn an honest penny(=make money by honest means).

93 中学英语语法教程 I have to break/cancel/change/postpone the appointment.
My warning merely beat the air./Don’t pull my leg. He always blows his own trumpet./He broke his word. The news broke her hear./I broke the news to her. After half an hour of silence,I broke the ice. She boxed his ear./Don’t change your mind. He will lead the way to the old castle. Someone blacked his eye./I have to hold my tongue. She has to eat her words./I have to face the music.

94 中学英语语法教程 After two hours of silence, I broke the ice. He will lead the way to the old castle. We made our way through the forest. The little girl can do her hair,her teeth,her nails,even the laundry,the bedroom,the dishes. Act your age(=Don't be childish). My warning merely beat the air(= made useless efforts). I must bide my time(=wait for a good chance). Someone blacked his eye(= gave him a blow). He blew his own trumpet(=praised himself).

95 中学英语语法教程 He has blown his mind(=becomes wildly enthusiastic because of drugs). He bossed the show(=con- trolled everything). She boxed his ear(=smacked him on the ear). I have to break(or cancel, change, postpone)the appointment. After half an hour of silence, I broke the ice(=overcome reserve). The news broke her heart. He broke his word(=failed to keep his promise). I broke the news(=announced the news)to her.

96 中学英语语法教程 They broke the peace(=quarrelled). He burned his fingers(=suffered a loss through a rash action). We buried the hatchet(=made peace). I am not buying it(=am not t o be deceived). He calls the roll(=calls the names to check who are absent). Dick carried the ball(or the can)(=did the hardest part of the work). I carried/gained my point(=succeeded). We carried/gained the day(=won). I caught my breath(=rest after hard breathing)after running.

97 中学英语语法教程 He tried to catch the train but missed it. This advertisement catches my eye. He changed his coat(=became a turncoat). Don't change your mind. He changed his tune(=changed his policy). He cleared his reputation(=free his name from reproach). He cracked the whip(=suddenly became bossy)to impress me. When nobody could settle the problem, he cut the Gordian knot(=settle it in an unusual rapid way).

98 中学英语语法教程 We crossed the Rubicon(=took a decisive step forward). I did the sights(or the travel)(=went sightseeing or took a trip). The little girl can do(=make clean and tidy)her hair, her teeth, her nails, even the laundry, the bed- room, the dishes. She does(=learns)her lessons well, and can do(=solve)any sum(or problem). She does her bit(=does her share of duty)splendidly. He dogged my footsteps(=constantly followed me)because he suspected.

99 中学英语语法教程 I was a spy working for foreigners. He drags his feet(or heels)(=hesitates)when asked to work. We drew the swords(=were ready to fight). He has to eat his words(=take back his words). Although small,this table fills the bill(=is just right). I have to face the music(=face trouble). He is feeling his way(=proceeding carefully but slowly). Although they were cripples, they fought the way up the hill. We all follow the crowd. Don't worry, I'll foot the bill(=pay all the expenses).

100 中学英语语法教程 This number of persons will not form the majority. He got the sack(=was dismissed). He got the upper hand(=gained control). He has the courage of his convictions(=acts bravely according to his belief). This car has had its day(=fallen into disuse). This small affair hits the headlines(=becomes important news)in this small town. The music hits the public taste. He hits his stride(=exhibits his best ability)when he tells a story.

101 中学英语语法教程 We will hold the fort(=defend the position)to the last. Hold your temper(=Don't get angry). I have to hold my tongue(or my peace)(=keep silent). I must hold my own(=keep what I have). We must hold/keep/maintain our ground(=keep what we have). He has always husbanded his resources(=been frugal against an emergency). I jogged his memory(=reminded him). He jumped the gun(=started to run before the starter's gun), and jumped the traces(=didn't obey the rules).

102 中学英语语法教程 The train jumped the rails(or the track)(=suddenly, left the rails)and many were killed. Dick slipped but kept his feet(= kept standing). He knows his way about(or around)(=understands the ways of the world). He knows the ropes(or the score)(=knows the special rules )in the export business. He will lead the way(=be a guide)to the old castle. I left the beaten track(=did not follow the crowd). He lost his reason(=became mad). He made the grade(=succeeded)in business.

103 中学英语语法教程 The doctor makes/goes the rounds(=goes from place to place to inspect)every morning. We made our way(=advanced)through the forest. He mended his fences(=made peace with people who dislike him). You missed the boat(=missed the opportunity). The company opened its doors(=started doing business)in 1950 and closed its doors(=stopped doing business)in This exhibition opened our eyes(=made us see the truth). I picked my way(=proceeded)up a steep hill.

104 中学英语语法教程 I must play the game(=do what is right). You played your cards well(=acted cleverly). Dick played the market(=bought and sold stocks)and lost lots of money. Jim pocketed his dignity(=laid a- side his pride)and even pocketed an insult(=accepted it). He has poisoned your ear(or mind)so that you can't be fair. Every member should pull his weight(=does his part). Don't pull my leg(=fool me). Once you succeed, never push your luck(=expect to continue to be lucky).

105 中学英语语法教程 He has to run the gauntlet(=receive a series of ill treatment). He ruled the roost(=lorded it over). We must save the situation(=do something to improve the situation). Anew method will see the l ight(=be disclosed). This serves my turn(or purpose). I have served my apprenticeship for seven years. She set the table for ten persons. He shows his face after ten years of absence. I will show the way.

106 中学英语语法教程 Everyone sings his praises(=praises him strongly). He sowed his wild oats(=led a dissipated life when young). I will speak my mind(=speak candidly). He stole the show(=acted so well that the audience ignored the other performers). He stole the spotlight(=made people watch him instead of what they should watch). You s tole my thunder(=said before me what I intended to say). He swallowed the bait(=was offered a big promise and was caught).

107 中学英语语法教程 Jim has strained every nerve(=used every effort). Mary took it(=endured it without complaints)though she was ill-treated. You can take your ease(or your own course)(=act your pleasure). The doctor took my pulse and temperature(=ascertain them). Where does this custom take its rise(=originate)? Take your time(=Don't rush). We must not tie our own hands(=restrain ourselves from action).

108 中学英语语法教程 We have to tighten our belts(=eat less and spend less than usual). Just one vote tipped the balance(or the scale)(=turned the scale, decided something doubtful). I would try my hand(=try). Should I turn the other cheek(=be patient and not hit back) when I am injured or insulted? His success has turned his head(=made him act foolishly). The dead body turned her stomach(=made her sick). The reinforcements turned the tide(=change the situation favourably).

109 中学英语语法教程 He turned his thought to something much more important. He just twiddled his thumbs(=didn't do anything). She walked the floor(=walked back and forth)all night, she was so worried. He walked the plank(=was forced to resign). Watch it(=Be careful).

110 中学英语语法教程 人们似乎都不喜欢单独用一个不及物动词作谓语, 特别是在简单句中。 往往不说I cook. He laughed. We chatted. Tom repairs. We acted. 而说I do the cooking. He gave a laugh. We had a chat. Tom makes repairs. We take action. 也就是把一个词换成了两个词, 用一个do、have或give这样色彩不重的动词加上一个大多由动词变来的名词。下面是一些这类短语的例子: I do the cleaning, the reading, the shopping, the translating, a little sewing; a nap, a try, a brisk walk.

111 中学英语语法教程 Paul made an announcement, an answer, an application, an appointment, an attack, an attempt, a beginning, a bid, a call, a checkup, a comment, a comparison, a copy, criticism, a decision, a declaration, a demand, experiments, an explanation, a guess, inquiries, investigations, notes, payment, preparations, progress, a proposal, a recovery, a remark, a request, repairs, researches, a sacrifice, a selection, a slip, a formal statement, another start, a long stay, a deep study, a helpful suggestion, a general survey, several visits. He gave a cry, a groan, a jump, a shout, a shrug, a long sigh, a satisfied smile.

112 中学英语语法教程 We had a bath, a dream, a fight, an interview, a quarrel, a shave, a shower, a smoke, a swim, a talk, a taste, a try, a walk, a wash, a chat, a go, a rest, a sleep. She took a bath, breath, a nap, a look, notice, objection, recreation, a rest, a solitary, stroll, a long walk.

113 中学英语语法教程 及物动词+反身代词(宾语) 很多及物动词可用反身代词作宾语:
She reproached herself. / He killed himself. He praised himself. / Don't deceive yourself. He cut himself. / The dog choked itself. ①很多及物动词用反身代词作宾语,以强调“自身、自己或自我” 之意. Norman reproached himself a lot for his behavior of that evening. The dog choked itself. / Don’t deceive yourself again. The children washed themselves in the bathroom.

114 中学英语语法教程 Adolf Hitler killed himself on May 8th,1945. You always praise yourself./They often criticised themselves. John hid/concealed himself behind the door. / He cut himself. The girl fell from the horse and hurt herself. Emma freed herself from his embrace. I washed myself(=bathed). He conceal himself(=hid).

115 中学英语语法教程 The adults seated themselves at the back of the classroom.
②有些及物动词和反身代词构成了成语(是某种语言的词汇中一部分定型的词组或短句,有固定的结构形式和固定的说法,表示特定的意义,在语句中是作为一个整体来应用的) The adults seated themselves at the back of the classroom. The boys and the girls enjoyed themselves in the garden. Lily stepped right outside the door for a moment and collected herself(regained self-control). I lost myself in the fiction(became absorbed in the fiction). Help yourself, please. / He is recovering himself(becoming calm). He pulled himself together and worked for six days. He avowed/declared himself(=showed his character openly). He collected himself(=regained selfcontrol).

116 中学英语语法教程 He enjoyed himself(=had a good time). He exerted himself(=endeavoured) He can’t find himself(=provide his own living, or find out his abilities and use them). I lost myself(=demeaned myself, lost my way, or became absorbed in something). I pulled myself together(=became composed). I seated/settled myself(=sat down).

117 中学英语语法教程 Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday?
③约20个及物动词后必须跟反身代词才能使语意完整。 Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday? He disported/amused himself. The child cried himself to sleep. The teachers busied themselves all the morning. You must behave/conduct/demean/bear/comport/deport/ acquit/quit yourself properly today. Could you demean yourself by committing treason? He would not demean himself to a lazy worker. I overworked myself,overslept myself,overate myself.

118 中学英语语法教程 I overworked myself, overslept myself, overate myself. He disported(=amused)himself. He perjured himself. / He busied himself. He absented himself from school. Bestir yourself. / I bethought myself of it. You must demean/bear/comport/deport/conduct/acquit/quit yourself properly. Help yourself(=Serve yourself with food). He relieved himself(=went to the bathroom).

119 中学英语语法教程 I rested(myself)on the couch.
④有些动词后用反身代词作宾语可增强语气,也可以省略反身代词。 I rested(myself)on the couch. For many years he has guarded(himself)against vice. As a father, he’s always worried(himself)about his daughter. The clouds dispersed(themselves). He turned(himself)to me for help. He dressed(himself)for a party. I trained(myself)for the match. His father indulged(himself)in wine all the year round. Tom engaged(himself)in a contest.

120 中学英语语法教程 The boy hid(himself)in the bush. The horse fed(itself)on the grass. I couldn’t submit/surrender(myself)to the enemy. I never troubled (myself)to help others. All the girls dressed(themselves)(up)for the ball. He settled himself(became calm). He settled himself(sat down)in a chair. He settled(himself)down(became established in a new way of life in London.

121 中学英语语法教程 a.就某些动词来说, 使用反身代词时语气更强一些: The bubble bursts(itself ). / He hid(himself)behind. The clouds dispersed(themselves). He dressed(himself)for a party. He engaged(himself)in a contest(or a quarrel). The horse fed(itself)on grass. He guarded(himself)against vice. He never intruded(himself)on anybody's company. Can I qualify(myself)for the post? I reformed(myself). / I rested(myself)on the couch.

122 中学英语语法教程 He set(himself)up as a scholar. He shaved(himself)for a dinner. He stripped(himself)for a shower-bath. I could not submit(orsurrender)(myself)to the enemy(or insult). I trained(myself)for the race. I never troubled(myself)to help anyone. He turned(himself)to me for advice. He worried(himself)about nothing. He wrapped(himself)before going out.

123 中学英语语法教程 b.在下面例句中, 动词之后的反身代词常常省略: No suspicion attaches to John. A chicken develops in the egg. The road extends for miles. / His heart fills with sorrow. Don't hurry. / Keep quiet. Make sure that the journey is safe. We made merry. / Don't misbehave. I cannot refrain from laughing. We removed from place to place. John separated from Mary. / I withdraw from society.

124 中学英语语法教程 c.在下面例句中, 动词之后的反身代词可以保留, 也可以省略, 根据特定的上下文决定: The child does not behave(himself)(=show good manners). He behaved well(or gallantly, properly). He drew himself up(=assumed an erect attitude). He drew up(=came near). / He gorged himself with meat. He gorged on meat. / He indulged himself with wine. We have to prepare(ourselves)for the worst(or the exam). He indulged(himself)in wine. We have to prepare ourselves.

125 中学英语语法教程 d. He is recovering himself(=becoming calm).
He is recovering from illness(madness,fatigue,shock,fright). He set himself to write letters(or to writing letters)(=began to write letters). He set to work(=began to work). He set out to do it/set about doing it(=began to do it). He settled himslef(=became calm). / It(Thing)will settle. He settled himself(=sat down)in a chair. He settled(himself)down(=became established in a new way of life)in London.

126 中学英语语法教程 不及物动词+同源名词(宾语)
用与动词同源的名词作宾语,从而使不及物动词变性为及物动词: 这种宾语几乎和动词的意思相同;通常有形容词作其定语。 ①同源宾语可以和动词同形 He bowed a little bow. / She blushed an innocent blush. The baby slept a sound sleep in her mum’s arm. They laughed a hearty laugh. / John lived a happy life. The bride and bridegroom were dancing the Rose-dance. He coughed a terrible cough. / She dreamed a sweet dream. He talked football talk. / He thought all good thought.

127 中学英语语法教程 She danced a silly dance. He died a natural death(or a thousand deaths, the death of a martyr, the death he deserved). He look a look of weariness. / He could not say his say. He sighed a deep sigh(or a sigh of satisfaction). He slept a sound sleep(or the sleep of the just). It smelled a strange smell. / He smiled a sad smile.

128 中学英语语法教程 They lived a hand-to-mouth existence/life.
②同源宾语也可以和动词不同形 They lived a hand-to-mouth existence/life. Think happy thoughts and you’ll feel better. We harvested a good crop last year. We went a long way(or a dangerous journey)to see the nice scenery. He went a long Anne’s family went a dangerous journey to escape from Nazi Germany. He played/acted a great part in the movie. She danced a phantom ballet. / He did a great deed. It blew a brisk gale. / He danced a phantom ballet.

129 中学英语语法教程 He fought a brave war(or fight, battle, action).
He sang a beautiful song. / He ran a long race. He played a silly game. / He struck a deadly blow. He played(or acted)a great part. / He plod a weary way. He prayed an earnest prayer. / He saw a strange sight. The bell rang a merry peal. ③部分动词的同源宾语可以省略,代之一个表示情绪或态度的名词 The bell ran a merry peal. / She saw a strange sight. He beamed/smiled satisfaction(=beamed/smiled a beam/ smile of satisfaction). / He shouted applause.

130 中学英语语法教程 She smiled his welcome(or his relief,his approval,his thanks) He bowed his obedience or his thanks(=showed his obedience or his thanks by bowing). He danced his joy(=danced a dance of his joy,showed his joy by dancing). He sighed disapointment(=sighed a sigh of disapointment). He whistled his contempt. / He wept tears of joy. He gesticulated his love. / He giggled agreement. He laughed dissent. / He look inquiry(or his thanks). He nodded his assent(or welcome). / He roared approval.

131 中学英语语法教程 The fire blazed its brightest(blaze).
④有些同源宾语在最高级形容词后可以省略 The fire blazed its brightest(blaze). He breathed his last(breath). / He laughed his loudest(laugh). We did our best(deed). / He fought his bravest(war). He did his best(deed). / He fought his bravest(war). He looked his best. / He ran his fastest. / He tried his hardest. He shouted his loudest. / He sang his sweetest. ⑤有些动词可以使用无意义的it作为同源宾语,表现一定的情绪 He braved/brazened it out(faced trouble bravely or shamelessly). He used to rough it(=live an uncomfortable life).

132 中学英语语法教程 We’ll face it out and fight it out. / He's starring it in a film. He’s starring it out in a film. / I'll go it alone(=act independently). As there’s no cab, I’ve to trudge/walk/foot it. As it was getting dark, I had to hotel(or inn)it. She queened it(=domineer)over them.

133 中学英语语法教程 这类句型可做以下转换。 Last year the farmers there harvested a good crop. =Last year the farmers there harvested well. We lived a happy life.=We lived happily. John coughed a terrible cough. =John coughed terribly. He danced his joy. =He danced joyfully. He died a natural death. =He died a naturally.

134 中学英语语法教程 成语动词(相当于及物动词)+代词、名词或动名词(宾语)
①成语动词(及物动词+副词)+代词、名词或动名词(宾语) 无数及物动词后面跟有一地点副词来构成成语, 整个成语相当于一个及物动词。但这些地点副词(Adverb of Place)多不表示地点, 而表示其他东西, 因此这种副词也可称作副词性小品词 John gave up/over smoking(his plan)to study abroad. He can dig up some important information behind it. The enemy blew up the bridge./She sent away all her suitors. That man blew off our conversation. / We called in a doctor. I have to think out new methods. / We save up some money. The mistake brought about a lot of trouble.

135 中学英语语法教程 The teacher gave out the examination papers. We put off the picnic because of the rain. I blew out the candles. / When was the theory put forward? The government set up many hospitals for them. We put/took/wrote down everything he said. She folded up his coat. / I have already given in my paper. You shouldn’t have let down your parents. She packed off all her children to her husband. I will take over the business he decides to give up. He put off going to the doctor. / Switch(Turn)off the light.

136 中学英语语法教程 We have to tear down the broken machines. The bed takes up too much space. / He closed down the store. We may pass over the details. The plague swept off many people. The bell bellowed(or pealed)forth the anniversary(or the victory of our army). They backed up(=supported)Johnson and his policy. They bailed out their friend. / They beat back our attack. We broke up(=dispersed)the meeting at 11p.m. The mistake brought about(=caused)a lot of trouble.

137 中学英语语法教程 We booked up(=fixed an engagement with)several singers. I must beat up(=beat severely)those mischievous children. I blew out(=extinguished)the candles. We bolstered up(=supported)this old system. I booked down(=wrote down)the sum. They boss us about(=order us about). The news bowled over(=overwhelmed)my family. Can you bring down the price? We have to call off(=cancel)the picnic,which we have prepared for so many days.

138 中学英语语法教程 The tax brought in ten million dollars a year. The examples bring out(=explain clearly)the meaning of this word. She brushed off(=jilted)her lover. We must build up our own armed forces. He will buy off(=pay money to get rid of)my interest. This strong measure called forth(=provoked)a revolt. We called in a doctor. / Call(=Wake)me up at 6 a.m. I'll call you up(=telephone to you). The music carried off(=moved)everyone.

139 中学英语语法教程 He carried off(=won)all the prizes. Let's carry on(=continue)the work. We carried out(=performed)the plan. He can dig up(=discover)some important information. He drew on(=pulled on)his socks after getting up. I drew up(=prepared)a bill(or a list). The taxi dropped me off(=let me get off)at my hotel. The noise drowned out(=made inaudible)our conversation. The mother fed up(=gave extra food to)her sickly son. We filled in(or out,up)the form.

140 中学英语语法教程 He fenced off(=built by means of a fence)a garden. Figure out(=count)the sum. He fired off many questions, which nobody could answer. They fitted out their son with everything necessary. We fitted up(=installed)the machine. We fixed up(=arranged)a trip./Heat up(=reheat)the leftovers. He helped me out(=help me get over a difficulty). She held back(=kept back)her tears. Can we hold down(=keep down)costs? He gulped down his coffee.

141 中学英语语法教程 He flagged down(=stopped by waving to it)a passing car. Follow up(=Continue)your success with something more ambitious. He gambled away his last cent, even all he had won be-fore. He will get over(=finish)his job. He gave away(=gave free of charge)his property. He gave away(=betrayed)his friends. We gave in(=handed in)the exercise books. The food gave off(=emitted)a bad smell. We could not hold off(=keep at a distance)the attackers.

142 中学英语语法教程 The enemy kept up(=maintained)the attack for three m onths. I knocked off(=ate up quickly)five bowls of rice. I laid aside(or by)(=saved for future needs)some dollars. I laid down(=state clearly)some rules for the office. Our company laid off(=dismissed)five workers. Leave off(=stop)fighting. He left out(=didn't include)Mary in the invitation. Don't let down(=disappoint)your parents. The driver let off(=dropped)a ladyat the hotel. The judge let him off(=did not punish him).

143 中学英语语法教程 I will look you up(=visit you)tomorrow. The manager looked the applicant up and down(=examine him carefully). Partition off(=Divide with partition)your living room. Pass on(=Hand)this notice to other people. We passed over(or up)(=overlooked)the chance. I've paid off(=paid the wages of)the workers. He messed up(=put in disorder)my desk. I nailed up(=closed up with nails)the window. He makes up(=invents)all kinds of lies.

144 中学英语语法教程 A girl will liven up(=make lively)our party. He lived out his years(or days, life)(=lived all his life)in this small village. He will make out(=write out)a cheque. My father can't make out(=see)these small letters, for he is farsighted. The boss marked down(=reduced the price of)all articles. I have to pay off(=pay for safety)the blackmailers. I will pick out(=select)the best necktie for you. He picked up(=found)a cab at the cross-roads.

145 中学英语语法教程 He picked himself up(=got up after a fall). He picked up(=learned without teachers)English so quickly. I pinned him down(=got him to commit himself)as to the question of socialism. I played back the recording, so that what has been recorded about her speech could be heard. He played down(=made less emphatic)the defects of his factory products. Plug in(=Make connection, by means of a plug, with)the radio. He can polish off(=finish off)all these grapes.

146 中学英语语法教程 He pulled on(=put on)his pants and then went out. I pulled up(=stopped)my car at the post office. His brother pushes him about(or around)(=orders him about). I put aside(or by)(=saved)a few thousand pounds. After five hours of work, I put away(=replaced)the tools. Put forward your viewpoint. I put in(=spent)five hours repairing this radioset. He put in(=submitted)an application months ago. We have to put off(=postpone)the trip until next month. Instead of losing weight I put on some weight lately.

147 中学英语语法教程 We put on(=presented)a show. I‘ll ring you up(=telephone to you). They roared out a 21 gun salute. Roll up the sleeping bag before we leave. We roped off(=enclosed with a rope)a space for dancing. Round up(or down)the price(=Bring it to a whole number by raising[ or lowering]it). We save up some money for future needs. I will see(=accompany)you back(or home). She sent away(=dismissed)all her suitors.

148 中学英语语法教程 Send in(=Submit)your photos for the contest. He sent out invitations to his wedding. His departure was set back two weeks. This discontent set off(=caused)a revolt. We set out(=arranged)the goods for sale. We set up(=establish)a smallstore on the third floor. Can he shake off(=get rid of)his bad habit? She showed off(=displayed to impress people)her hands. He shut himself away(=confined himself)in his attic. He signed away(=sold by signing legal papers)all his houses.

149 中学英语语法教程 He signed his house over to me. Let's size up(=make a judgement of)the situation. This small accident sparked off(=touched off)his temper. He sorted out(=arranged in classes)all the books he had collected. Switch off(=Turn off)the tape recorder. Sum up(=State briefly)your opinion. Take down(=Write down)my speech, please. I will take over the business he decides t o give up. I took up(=got interested in)painting last year.

150 中学英语语法教程 This bed takes up(=occupy)too much space. Youcan take up(=mention and discuss)the matter with the boss. I can talk round(=persuade)anybody who refuses to cooperate. I have to tear down(=take to pieces)the broken machine. He will tear up(=tear to pieces)the contract when it is no more useful to him. He told off(=reproached)his employees. He can think up(=devise)all kinds of lies. He threw on(=put on)his gown.

151 中学英语语法教程 He kept on asking me. He put off going to the doctor.
在上面所有例句中, 及物的动词成语都用名词或代词作宾语, 但有些也可用动名词作宾语: He kept on asking me. He put off going to the doctor. He left off studying French. He gave over(or gave up)smoking.

152 中学英语语法教程 An ammunition dump blew up(=exploded).(不及物动词)
有些“动词+地点副词”构成的成语可以用作不及物动,有些则用作及物动词: An ammunition dump blew up(=exploded).(不及物动词) The enemy blew up(=destroyed by explosion)the bridge.(及物动词) The noisy children cleared off when I came.(不及物动词) I have to clear off those noisy children.(及物动词) Our conversation broke off as a lady came in.(不及物动词) That fellow broke off our conversation.(及物动词) He showed off before girls.(不及物动词) He showed off his new car.(及物动词)

153 中学英语语法教程 She's dreaming away(out/through)her days.
通常宾语放在副词前面或后面皆可,宾语较长时多放在副词后面。 She's dreaming away(out/through)her days. =She's dreaming her days away(out/through). She folded up his coat.=She folded his coat up. You shouldn’t have let down your parents. =You shouldn’t have let your parents down. The plague swept off many people. =The plague swept many people off. He can dig up some important information behind it. He sorted out all the books he had collected.

154 中学英语语法教程 但是如果宾语很短、尤其宾语是人称代词或需要强调副词时,副词必须放在宾语之后。 She slept the clock around. / We sent her away. / He ate it up. I called him back. / We tied it up. I saw her off at the railway station. / She cried her heart out. The noise woke me up. / They put the money by/aside. Please put the money by. / She called him back. He dreamed his hours away. / Her baby cried her heart out. The plague swept many people off. / I’ll ring you up. The soldiers drew us aside. / We packed it out.

155 中学英语语法教程 He laughed/talked them down. Don’t break it off. / He closed it up. He packed it up. / He sent me away. / He called me out.

156 中学英语语法教程 They listened to the teacher very carefully.
②成语动词(不及物动词+介词)+代词、名词或动名词(宾语) 无数的不及物动词可跟特定的介词构成成语, 整个成语起及物动词的作用, 可以用名词、代词或动名词作宾语: They listened to the teacher very carefully. She is talking with the man there. / They laughed at her. The river abounds with fish./I called on her this evening. In the library he came upon Tom./I ask for nothing luxurious. She looks after his children. / I must apologize for my fault. The paperntells of the enemy having captured the city. He objected to being treated like a slave. / I agree to his view. He thought of going abroad. / He dreamed of his father.

157 中学英语语法教程 Your reply amounts to refusing his demands. He looks to moving to a more peaceful country. He looked to his brother for help. The goverment looked into the incident. He took to reading novels. / I felt like traveling abroad. His father died from drinking too much. He goes about repairing the car. You must abide by your promises. They have got to abide by the rules. Above all, everyone must abide by the law.

158 中学英语语法教程 They met with stubborn resistance. / He got into drinking. You must abide by(=keep)your promises. The river abounds with(=has many)fish. I agreed to his view. / We aim at success in the examination. This answer amounts to refusal. / He got into politics. I must apologize for my fault. / Don't gamble on it. I ask for(=demand)nothing luxurious. He depended upon me for advice. He dreamed of his grandfather. / He abstained from drinking. He imposed on(=deceived)her.

159 中学英语语法教程 We began with learningABC. / Don't trifle with(=mock)her. He laughed at(=derided)me. / She looks after her child. He looked into(=examined)the matter. He sent for(=summoned)them. I thought of(=considered)this matter. His reply amounts to refusing her demand. The paper tells of the enemy having captured th city(=The paper says that the enemy has captured the city). He thought of going abroad. He wondered at being praised for doing nothing.

160 中学英语语法教程 Happiness consists in being easily pleased. My success depends on my friend helping me. He died from drinking too much. I felt like beating him. / He got to drinking. He goes about(=is busy)repairing a car. He heard of his brother having succeeded. We look to moving to a more peaceful country. He objected to being treated like a dog, a slave. He took to reading novels.

161 中学英语语法教程 a.“不及物动词+介词+名词”成语的结构中,名词前不加冠词
有些“不及物动词+介词+名词”的结构也已成为成语 a.“不及物动词+介词+名词”成语的结构中,名词前不加冠词 They burst into laughter. / Everything ended in smoke. The new law has come into force next May. The trees are coming into blossom. / I will go to sea. A steamer came into sight. / They got into trouble. The whole family fell into poverty. We live from hand to mouth. / Your letter has come to hand. They got into hot water because of jealousy. The robbers lay in wait for us.

162 中学英语语法教程 We'll get into hot water if the teacher hears about this. You must sit down and get that homework done, or you'll get into hot water at school tomorrow. Many slang words have fallen out of use. When did the world come into existence/being? Jim worships Mary; he would go through fire and water for her. His comrades would go through fire and water to help him to realize his noble schemes. The ancient catering culture may come into sight on the basis of these characters.

163 中学英语语法教程 A new way of preparing for lesson has come into sight ----virtual collective preparation for lessons. In the aged lanes of Beijing, tricycles delivering beer or coal may come into sight from time to time. They burst into laughter(=suddenly laughed). A steamer came into sight(=appeared). When did this world come into existence(=come out)? The new law comes into force(=functions)next September. My son came of age last year. / He cried over spilt milk. He came to grief(=suffered misfortune).

164 中学英语语法教程 Your letter has come to hand(=arrived). Everything ended in smoke. / He fell into poverty. The law has fallen into abeyance(=been no longer observed). Many slang words have fallen out of use(=been no longer used). They got into trouble. We got into hot water(=became involved in difficulty) because of jealousy. I went on sick leave. He has gone through fire and water(=undergone the greatest perils).

165 中学英语语法教程 They go to law(=appeal to court). The school went to great expense(=spent very much). I will go to sea(=be a sailor). He will go to rack and ruin(=perish). Robbers lay in wait for u s. We live from hand to mouth(=can save nothing). The ship put to sea(=began a voyage)this morning. Don't stand on ceremony(=be formal).

166 中学英语语法教程 b.“不及物动词+介词+名词”成语的结构中,名词为复数 After the death of Napoleon, his empire fell into pieces. A newly-constructed building in central Beijing burst into flames Monday night. Upon learning that he had successfully escaped, she reportedly burst into tears. You delight to fish in troubled waters. Don‘t play with edged tools(=play with things dangerous). We took to the boats(=used the lifeboats to escape). She burst into tears(=suddenly cried).

167 中学英语语法教程 The building burst into flames(=suddenly burned). He fished in troubled waters(=looked for personal advantage in times of nationalcalamity). The fence fell into pieces. They fought against odds(=fought with men much more than they). We should keep within bounds(=act with propriety). They played at cross purposes(=opposed each other). They played into the hands of another(=acted so as to give some advantage to another).

168 中学英语语法教程 c.“不及物动词+介词+名词”成语的结构中,名词前加不定冠词 The train came to a stop.
Our business has come to a standstill. We will go for a drive this afternoon. The guarantees come to a stop Friday, however. We came to a conclusion that... . Peace and democracy hang by a thread in this troubled country. After his dangerous operation, Karen's life hang by a thread. New contributions are required now or the rescuing operation will come to a standstill in July.

169 中学英语语法教程 His plan came to a bad end(or no good)(= failed). Business has come to a standstill(=stopped). The two came to an understanding(=began to understand each other). We will go for a drive(=go in a car for relaxation). Your argument goes(or flies)off at a tangent(=changed suddenly in its direction). His life hung by a thread(=depended dangerously on something small). Provide against a rainy day(=Prepare for any emergency that may arise).

170 中学英语语法教程 d.“不及物动词+介词+名词”成语的结构中,名词前加定冠词 His works have fallen into the shade. Why should Russia go to the trouble of standing up for Serbia? I surely know my pride will go to the wall. He need not go to the trouble of employing a tutor. The two plans came to the same thing. The weak will go to the wall./The situation will go to the bad. if they can eat and sleep to their likings and do anything completely according to their own wills, they will soon go to the bad and even lose their lives.

171 中学英语语法教程 These two plans come to the same thing(give the same result). He erred on the safe side(=chose a course erroneous but safe). His works have fallen into the shade(=ceased to attract attention). They fought to the bitter end(or to the death). He goes by the name of Joo(=is familiarly called Joo). He will go to the bad(=sink into poverty and disgrace). The situation is going to the bad(=is becoming worse).

172 中学英语语法教程 The weak will go to the wall(=be pushed aside as helpless). He need not go to the trouble of employing a tutor(=trouble himself to employ one). Don't harp on the same string(=keep saying the same thing). Keep in the shade. He rose to the occasion(=showed that he was equal to it).

173 中学英语语法教程 e.“不及物动词+介词+名词”成语的结构中,名词前加物主词 He rose to his feet(stood up).
The old lady lives on her own(lives without help from others). She will lie at your mercy(is subject to your control). You tread on her toes(defend her). My work will speak for itself(is visible to all). The chance slipped through/from my fingers(escaped). He fell on his knees(knelt down). He is going about his work(=doing it). He stood to his guns(=defended his rights).

174 中学英语语法教程 Come to your senses(=Stop behaving like a madman). He fell on his knees(=knelt down). Poverty fell to his lot(=became his destiny). He is going about his work(=doing it). She lies at your mercy(=is subject to your control). The old widow lives on her own(=lives without help from others). Do not quarrel with your bread and butter(=do anything harmful to your livelihood). It rises from its ashes like a phoenix(=live again).

175 中学英语语法教程 He rose to his feet(=stood up). The chance slipped through my fingers(=escaped). My work will speak for itself(=be visible to all). He stood on his dignity(=insisted on being treated with proper respect). He stood to his guns(=defended his rights). You tread on his toes(=offend him). He worked on my fears(=caused me to do something for him, by taking advantage of my fears).

176 中学英语语法教程 We have to face up to the fierce situation.
③成语动词(不及物动词+副词+介词)+代词、名词或动名词(宾语) 无数不及物动词可与地点副词和介词构成成语。整个成语可以看作一个及物动词, 因为它们可用名词、代词或动名词作宾语: We have to face up to the fierce situation. We might as well face up to the fact that we live in a car culture, and it won’t change overnight. How will they ever face up to their own lack of kindness and support towards themselves? We'll do our best to catch up with the advanced world levels. They should take some crash courses to catch up with their classmates.

177 中学英语语法教程 Although he subsequently became a successful businessman, his criminal past caught up with him. My friend came up with a good idea. We weren't able to come up with any new suggestions. I came up with them as they were rounding the corner. You should break away with such bad habits. The local students would look down upon and bully their children. You shouldn't look down upon him because he is poor. The loss added up to over a million dollars. The custom dates back to the early eighteen century.

178 中学英语语法教程 How can I keep/get away from her nagging? He often drops in on my family. How are you getting on/along with your classmates? We are looking forward to your visit. He ended up with not a cent in his pocket. The event led up to his death. We stood up for prohibiting drugs. The naughty child messed about with my desk. He often goes up with that pretty Japanese girl. Have you got through with your work?

179 中学英语语法教程 He broke away from all his friends. We had to put up with the terrible noises every day. The loss added up to(=amounted to)a million dollars. He bows down to(=flatters)nobody. He broke away from(=cut his ties with)all his f riends. Carry on with(=continue)your work. Lee cashed in on(=made a profit from)tea. We don't really catch on to(=understand)this custom. I can't catch up with(=overtake)the class this year. The police checked up on(=investigated)the suspect.

180 中学英语语法教程 I checked out of the hotel two days after I checked in(= signed the register on arriving). He came around to(=agreed after, disagreeing to)my views. The teacher came down on(=reprimand)him. I came down with(=caught)a flu. I came near to death(=almost died). No result came out of the test. He came out with a question. Last year no plays came up to(=equalled)the standard. My friend came up with a good idea.

181 中学英语语法教程 We all cried out against(=opposed)favoritism. Most important,you must cut down on(=reduce consumption of)sugar. He cut in with(=insert)a terribly saucy remark while we were discussing. This custom dates(=or goes)back to the early eighteenth century. We should do away with(=get rid of)all social evils. Everyone does well with him(=treats him well). He dropped in on(=made an unplanned visit to)my family. He dropped off to sleep(=fell asleep).

182 中学英语语法教程 He dropped out of(=quit)high school. He ended up as(=finally became)a manager. He ended up with not a cent in his pocket. I have to face up to(=bravely accept)the situation. We have to fall back upon(=depend upon)his support. He fell out with(=quarrelled with)all his friends. I feel up to(=feel capable of undertakingthis job. He will find out about(=get facts about)this matter. He didn't fit in with(=livein harmony with)those foreigners. How can I get away from(=avoid)her nagging?

183 中学英语语法教程 How are you getting on(or along)with(=living together with)your bride? I cannot get out of(=avoid)this trouble. Have you got through with(=finish)that job? Don't give in to(=yield to)your impulse. He goes along with(=agrees with)our party. He goes(or plays)around with(=fools around with)all kinds of girls. He went in for(=got interested in)stamp collecting. He will go on to college.

184 中学英语语法教程 This store will soon go out of business(=end a business). This sweater has gone out of fashion(=is no more fashionable). He often goes out with that pretty Japanese girl. She held on to(=kept grasping)his arm. She keeps away from(=avoids)him. We should keep in with(=keep friendly with)our neighbors. I can not keep up with(=overtake)my classmates. This small event led up to(=prepared the way for)his death.

185 中学英语语法教程 Live up to(=Act according to)your promise. I often look back on(=recollect)the old days. He looked back over(=reviewed)his record. Don't look down on(=despise)small people. We are looking forward to(=anticipating with pleasure)your visit. Look out for(=Watch out for)the car. He cannot make up for(=compensate)the loss I have suffered. He made off with(=stole and hurried away with)all my money.

186 中学英语语法教程 Does his school work measure up to(=come up to)his hopes? Last year I met up with(=met by chance)Jane, who I hadn't seen for ten years. The child messed about with(=made a mess of)my desk. He played up to(=tried to please)her. I had to put up with(=bear)these terrible noises every day. I must settle up with(=get even with)the man who has insulted me. Many signed up for(=joined in)the contest. The guests sat down to dinner at eight.

187 中学英语语法教程 I can‘t sit down with(=suffer without complaint)that insult. We should speak up for(=speak in a loud voice for)justice. This policeman stood in with(=was in secret league with) those gangsters. Why don’t we stand out against(=oppose)this evil practice? We should stand up for(=support)this good policy. I always think back to(=recall)my childhood. Think twice about it before you act. Tune in to another radio station. We should wake up to(=realize)the seriousness of our situation.

188 中学英语语法教程 They wait up for me(=They stay awake until I come home). He walked away with(=easily won)the election. He walked off with(=took away)my umbrella. We walked out of the meeting as an expression of protest. I want out of(=want to be freed from)her nagging. I warmed up to(=became friendly with)my neighbors. We should wise up to(Am.)(=finally under-stand)what is going on. I can‘t work together with him. He got out of(=avoided)smoking.

189 中学英语语法教程 We stood up for prohibiting narcotics. I never turn aside from(=avoid)doing anything good. He went near to(=narrowly escaped)being killed. We moved on to getting married.

190 中学英语语法教程 They took(a)pride in their success./He gave ear to the rumor.
④成语动词(及物动词+名词+介词)+代词、名词或动名词(宾语) 无数及物动词和特定的名词和介词构成成语。整个成语可以看作及物动词, 因为它们可用名词、代词或动名词作宾语: a.在“成语动词(及物动词+名词+介词)”的结构中,名词前用零冠词 They took(a)pride in their success./He gave ear to the rumor. She had difficulty(in)communicating with others in the past. His words give rise to a considerable amount of speculation. Japan made/declared war on/against the United States on Dec.7th, 1941. She caught sight(a glimpse)of(=spied)Fred in the crowd. He lost touch with all his friends.

191 中学英语语法教程 They found fault with(=censured)me. They put confidence in(=trusted)me. They gained possession of (=got) a large estate. You should pay attention to your pronunciation. The police caught hold(=seized)of the thief. Mothers should take care of their children. He gave warning to(=warned)us. He had(an)interest in(=liked)music. Please put confidence in(=trusted)me. They caught sight of(=spied)a strange star in the space.

192 中学英语语法教程 They got notice from the police. They had(an)interest in(=liked)music. They left word with the office boy. They lost sight of(=forgot)their purpose. They lost touch with(=could not communicate with)all their friends. They put/lost faith in everyone. They took(a)pride in their work.

193 中学英语语法教程 She had a look at the moon by herself.
They did an injury to their brother. He drew/formed a conclusion from(=inferred from)this fact. He entertained a fear for(=worried about)this adventure. They extended an invitation to(=invited)all their friends. We formed an estimate of(=estimated)his abilities. He gave an account of(=related)the accident. They gave a trial to the candidate. He had a lesson in(=learned)English.

194 中学英语语法教程 They asked a favour of you. They did a good turn to(=did a service to)me. They did an injury to their brother. They gave an order to(=ordered)us. They gave a trial to the candidate.

195 中学英语语法教程 He bore the responsibility of paying the debt of his son.
c.在“成语动词(及物动词+名词+介词)”的结构中,名词前用定冠词 He bore the responsibility of paying the debt of his son. New comers took the place of other members. He cleared the way for the Queen. He got/had the start of(=gained an advantage over)their rivals. / They asked the favour of an early supply. He got the better(or the best)of (=overcame)their competitors. He took the consequences of(=submitted to the results of)their folly. He took the place of(=replaced)other member. They got the better/best of(=overcame)their competitors.

196 中学英语语法教程 He aimed his effort at studying nuclear energy.
One should never turn his back on his home country. When she needed his support, he just turned his back on/to (=forsook)her. He directed our attention to the vice. He found his way to my village. He set his mind on(=attended to)his business. He thrust(poked, pushed)his nose into(=meddled officiously in)everything. He took his choice of the books he needed.

197 中学英语语法教程 He cleared his mind of prejudice. / He took his eyes off her. He did his duty to/by his country. He found his way to my village. He gave his love to his parents. He paid his addresses to(=courted)her. He raised his voice against(=opposed)the manager. He shook his head at the news. He thrust/poked/pushed his nose into(=meddled officiously in)everything. He turned his attention to exportation.

198 中学英语语法教程 Jack took no interest in learning any foreign language.
She has no patience for waiting any longer. They did much damage to the car. We had no objection to your proposal. He made/lost a lot of money over coffee. He took no delight in(=didn't like)reading. He took some interest in music. He took little notice of the crime. They have no patience for(=couldn't stand)the those fools.

199 中学英语语法教程 They had little notion of this project. They had some relations with the government. They made some reference to Shakespeare. They saw no harm in LSD(Large Screen Display).

200 中学英语语法教程 She is making preparations for the journey.
He had dealings with(=did business with)us. He will go shares with(= divide profits or cost with)his friends. He made friends with politicians. / He shook hands with us. He took pains over the work. / He took photographs of us. He took precautions against theft. He took sides with(=supported)us(a certain political party). He took photograghs of us.

201 中学英语语法教程 He bore the responsibility of paying the debt of his son.
He gave his mind to bringing up his children. He had the pleasure of dancing with Mary. He made preparations for starting at 3 a.m. He saw no harm in smoking. He took no interest in learning any trade. He laid claim to being the father of a famous actress who had been an orphan.

202 中学英语语法教程 He aimed his efforts at studying nuclear energy. He had no patience for waiting so long. He laid claim to being respected as a man. He didn't see his way(clear)to(=didn't find it possible or good)becoming a money-lender.

203 中学英语语法教程 无数及物动词可与特定的介词连用, 但与作宾语的名词关系并不紧密。这种句型中的介词短语是状语: I gave the money to John. / Thank you for your kindness. Compare this with that. / Don’t throw stones at that dog. He prepared us for the exam. It reminds me of her pretty eyes. She keeps her children from harm. Please translate this poem into Chinese. He asked/begged/implored her for pardon(or aid). They banished/dismissed/expelled him from that place.

204 中学英语语法教程 They charged/presented, provided, supplied, furnished him with something. Whatprevents you from coming? I warned him against doing evil. I paid him for having done something for me. I must keep my feet from getting wet. I talked him into believing me. / They forced us into fighting. They excused me for making a mistake.

205 中学英语语法教程 Many students absented themselves from school today.
⑤成语动词(及物动词+反身代词+介词)+代词、名词或动名词(宾语) 约有60个及物动词可和反身代词和特定的介词构成成语, 整个成语可以看作及物动词: Many students absented themselves from school today. I excused myself from attending the party, I am ill. Albert associated himself with the firm(or the party, the movement). John prided himself on(=was proud of)his new car. Bob is indulging himself with the best food. Derek is determined to address himself to the key problems in the process of production.

206 中学英语语法教程 I occupied myself with/addressed myself to/applied myself to/engage myself in/employed myself in(=was busy in) preparation for the examination. He enrolled himself in the army. He possessed himself of(=obtained)a horse. He worried himself about the education of his children. I employed myself in the designing the new library for your school. His mother dedicated herself to children education. He betook himself to(=resorted to)his old job(or his legs, his heels).

207 中学英语语法教程 He indulged himself(=gratify himself)with/in wine. It burned itself into ashes. / She reconciled herself to her fate. She could not reconcile herself to a life of hardship and poverty. She could not reconcile herself to failure. They accustomed/accommodated themselves to living in the mountains. I prepared myself for a journey to Singapore and other countries. I threw myself into(=took a vigorous part in)teaching(the contest).

208 中学英语语法教程 He allied himself to/with(=was united with)a rich family. He concerned himself with/about the exam. He helped himself to(=stole)my watch. He served himself with the cake. He gorged himself on chicken. He valued himself on his birth. He plumes himself on his appearance. He often plumes himself on his accomplishment. He piqued himself on his dress. He submitted himself to discipline.

209 中学英语语法教程 He yielded himself to temptation. He troubled himself about such a small matter. He delighted/contented himself with his success. He enjoyed/amused himself with wine. He refreshed himself with coffee. He bethought himself of a plan. He has satisfied himself of the truth of the report. He can't assure/persuade himself of my sincerity. You must resign/reconcile yourself to living a hard life. The kingdom divided itself into three.

210 中学英语语法教程 He avenged/revenged himself on his enemy. He defended himself against robbery. He distinguished himself for bravery. I excused myself from attending the party. The problem resolved itself into a question of money. This trifle developed itself into a serious problem. The snow melted itself into water. It changed/transformed itself into a giant. He addicted/abandoned/gave himself to gambling. He freed himself of evil.

211 中学英语语法教程 I availed myself of(=make use of)his offer(or this chance). He lost himself in studies. He engaged himself to a businessman(or a woman). He concerned himself with/about the exam. He addicted/delivered up/gave up/abandoned himself to pleasure(or dissipation, wine, drinking, gambling, grief, bad habits). He lost himself to her. He dedicated himself to education. He devoted himself to music.

212 中学英语语法教程 He submitted himself to discipline(or his wife). He familiarized himself with(=made himself well acquainted with). He refreshed himself with coffee. He intruded himself on my company. He defended himself against robbery. He guarded himself against vice. He set himself against everyone. He broke himself of a bad habit. He ingratiated himself with(=flattered)his boss.

213 中学英语语法教程 The problem resolved itself into a question of money. This trifle developed itself into a serious problem. It changed/transformed itself into a giant. The kingdom divided itself into three. I engaged myself in making dress. He addicted himself to gambling. He amused himself by reading.

214 中学英语语法教程 及物动词+不定式或动名词(宾语) I ached/longed to start my own company.
①有些动词后只能跟不定式作宾语,此类及物动词有口诀 决心学会想希望:decide/determine,learn,want,expect,hope,wish,vow,resolve,seek 拒绝设法愿假装:refuse,manage,care,pretend,endeavour,venture,volunteer,desire 主动答应选计划:offer,promise,choose,plan,claim,demand,pledge,swear,profess 同意请求帮一把:agree,ask/beg,help,apply,threaten,arrange,undertake,aim,deserve I ached/longed to start my own company. He managed to control his temper. Raymond determined/chose to travel no further that night. Hamlet vowed/swore to revenge his dead father. The ringing of the bell meant for them to come to dinner.

215 中学英语语法教程 She planned to quit his job. The guard required to see my passport. They undertook/guaranteed/engaged to pay me the debt. These sentences suffice to explain the use of the verb. Martin deserved to be sent to prison./ She meant to help you. The boys pledged to learn from each other. We all desire to live in peace with our neighbors. The man claimed to be the owner of the car. I confess to know nothing about poetry. They won’t trouble to do such a thing.

216 中学英语语法教程 He promised to do me a favor. / They deserved to win. He decided/determined/resolved/concluded to marry her. He endeavored to climb the highest peak of the mountain. He volunteered to help me with my mathematics. The girl aimed to become a doctor. They have contracted to build a new theatre for the citizens. The extra job serves to increase my income. They prepared to leave here for London. They expect to be there at noon. We decided for the meeting to take place on the 3rd.

217 中学英语语法教程 He refused to show his passport./He tended/desired to fight. She never thought to see him again. The company declined to comment on its outstanding achievement. He pretended not to see me. / He wanted to know it. He schemed/arranged to kill his rival. He wished/hoped/delighted to go. He trusted(=earnestly hoped)to hear from you soon. She admired(=intended)to learn Russian. Every man tends/inclines to believe in himself.

218 中学英语语法教程 He condescended/deigned to help me(or to offer me tea). He submitted to be punished. He refused/declined to lend me the money. He scorned(书面语)to accept the bribe. He disdained(书面语)to speak with the hypocrite. He demanded/required to see my passport. He asked/applied/begged to see the king. He moved to postpone the decision. He chose/elected to remain here. He claimed/professed to know everything.

219 中学英语语法教程 He could(not)afford to wait(to be idle). He contrived to live a simple life(or to make matter worse). They tried/sought to kill their enemy. He endeavored/strove/struggled to be independent. He promised/agreed/consented to pay me soon. He threatened not to pay me. They helped(us)(to)build the house. They never expected to see me again. They pretended/affected/made believe to be rich men. They won't trouble/bother to do such a thing.

220 中学英语语法教程 He won't presume to criticize us. May I venture/presume(=take the liberty)to ask you a few questions? They learned to swim. / This child needs to be spanked. He started out/set out to write a report. He moved to arrest the criminal. They deserved to enjoy this privilege. He proceeded to play music. That just goes to show your ignorance. The boy bids fair to succeed(or to be an engineer).

221 中学英语语法教程 How did he come(=begin)to know it? / I do not care to see it. How came you to love her? Her looks contribute to show her joy. He schemed/arranged to kill his rival. / He did not care to go. He tended/desired to fight. / He meant to help you. He thought(=intended)(现在用得较少)to go. He ached/yearned/longed to be free. He trusted(=earnestly hoped)to hear from you soon. She admired(=intended)(美式)to learn Russian. He volunteered to help me. / He hesitated to go.

222 中学英语语法教程 He offered to buy my house(or to strike me). He chose/elected to remain here. / He didn't scruple to steal. He hastened to tell me. / He threatened not to pay me. He decided/determined/resolved/concluded to marry her. He vowed/swore to revenge himself. He condescended/deigned to help me(or to offer me tea). He vouchsafed to answer. / He submitted to be punished. He refused/declined to lend me the money. He demanded/required to see my passport. He asked/applied/begged to see the king.

223 中学英语语法教程 He moved to postpone the decision. He could(not)afford to wait(or to be generous, to be idle). He managed to control his temper. He will never manage to learn. He contrived to live a simple life(or to make matter worse). They tried/sought to kill their enemy. They endeavoured/strove, struggled to be independent. They won‘t trouble/bother to do such a thing. They undertook/guaranteed/engaged to pay me the debt. They helped(us)(to)build the house.

224 中学英语语法教程 They expect to be there at noon. They never thought/expected to see me again. They pretended/affected/made believe to be rich men. They claimed/professed to know everything. They dared/ventured to do it. / They learned to swim. They won't presume to criticise us. May I venture/presume)(=take the liberty)to ask you afew questions? They prepared to leave here. / They proceeded to play music. They started out/set out)(=began)to write a report.

225 中学英语语法教程 They moved to arrest the criminal. / He grew to believe it. They deserved to enjoy this priviledge. This child needs to be spanked. How did he come(=begin)to know it? These sentences will suffice to explain the use of the verb. Her looks contribute to show herjoy. That just goes to show your ignorance. Every man tends/inclines to believe in himself. The boy bids fair to succeed(or to be an engineer).

226 中学英语语法教程 We planned for him to come.
We arranged for something to be done. He wanted(for)his son to be happy. The ringing of the bell meant for them to come to dinner. We have decided for the meeting to take place on the 3rd(=decided that the meeting should take place on the 3rd). He doesn't deserve for you to help him.

227 中学英语语法教程 He had a good mind(=earnestly wished)to do it.
在下面句子中及物动词和后面跟的名词构成成语,可以看作一个单一的及物动词,后面跟不定式作宾语: He had a good mind(=earnestly wished)to do it. He tried his best(= endeavoured)to find out a solution. He took the trouble to consult a dictionary. He took(good)care not to trouble her. He had not the heart to leave her. He made up his mind(=decided)to go abroad. He had to make shift to set up a hut. He saw his way(clear)to criticise(or praise)them.

228 中学英语语法教程 You ought to(=should)obey your parents.
You want to(=should)be more careful. I shall have to(=must)go. I(have)got to(=must)go now. I am to(=must)see him. He stands to(=may)win(or lose)the game. He is going to(=will)leave here. He failed to(=should,but did no)answer her.

229 中学英语语法教程 He appeared(or seemed)to know it. He used to come at seven, and usedn't to come at eight. He chanced(or happened)to meet me there. He turned out(or proved)to have discovered our secret. 试比较下面句子: He is certain(or sure)to(=will certainly)succeed. He is likely to(=may)come this evening. He is able to(=can)speak English. He is allowed to(=may)do what he likes. He is obliged to(=must)go at once.

230 中学英语语法教程 He is bound to(=must)go. He is in a position(or a situation)to(=can)help his friends. 在上面所举动词之后不可加动名词作宾语: I wanted going abroad.(错句) He promised helping me.(错句)

231 中学英语语法教程 They rejected giving him any aid.
②有些动词后只能跟动名词作宾语,此类及物动词(短语)有口诀: 考虑建议盼原谅:consider,suggest/advise,look forward to,excuse,pardon,anticipate 承认推迟没得想:admit,delay/put off,defer,fancy,acknowledge,advocate,consider 避免错过继续练:avoid,miss,keep/keep on,practise,contemplate,ensure,facilitate,stop 否认完成就欣赏:deny,detest,finish,enjoy/appreciate,dislike,favour,miss,give up 禁止想象才冒险:forbid,imagine,risk,report,postpone,include 不禁介意准逃亡:can't help,can’t resist,can’t stand,mind,allow/permit,escape,evade They rejected giving him any aid. Would you mind ringing me up tomorrow? They all denied giving any further legal information to help the police. The plan includes building a church in the parish.

232 中学英语语法教程 He can’t escape being punished. You can't risk losing your whole family. I consider/suggest bringing the meeting to an end. You can not avoid making mistakes. He has finished writing the letter. The thief admitted having stolen the bike. She and her husband enjoy eating Chinese food. Every day she practices playing the piano. He faced being isolated from society. Mother welcomed their visiting at her villa.

233 中学英语语法教程 This proposal involves increasing school fee. Our teacher forbid(our)speaking aloud in the classroom. The new system facilitates pronouncing English words. The measure can hinder/prevent(our)committing the same mistake. I cannot imagine marrying such a man. Why have they delayed answering our letter? He admitted having done something wrong. He risked losing all he had. / Do you mind opening the door? He disclaimed having attempted anyone to do evil.

234 中学英语语法教程 She has always detested seeing a bullfight. I will contemplate/consider cooperating with him. The girl is practicing playing the piano. They hindered(our)committing the same mistakes. I will await hearing from you. He risked offending somebody(or losing all he had,getting hurt,being robbed). Should he chance being caught,he would be put to death. The birth of another baby necessitated earning more. This provokes(or excites)vomiting(or crying).

235 中学英语语法教程 You cannot avoid making mistakes. They will evade answering my questions. How can he escape being punished? I will never shirk helping my good friends. I can not help thinking so(or laughing)(=I cannot but think so or laugh). She could not resist telling him everything. He fancied going to the movies. He faced being isolated from society. He missed eating a good dinner(or seeing such a good play).

236 中学英语语法教程 They commenced/set about/fell to building a bridge. They kept(on)waiting there,and you kept(on)drinking. He resumed studying French. He has finished/completed/done writing the letters. You must stop/quit drinking. He has given up/given over playing the fool(left off being idle). I have to delay/postpone/defer/put off meeting him(or going to the doctor). The birth of another baby necessitated earning more.

237 中学英语语法教程 I will consider/contemplate cooperating with him. He mentioned learning Japanese. He reported having done all his work. They described their making liquor with rice. They suggested(you)making a trip to Japan. He advocated/urged (our)using force. He encouraged(our)spending less and earning more. He advised/counselled (your)trying once more. He recommended(our)increasing the salary. He enjoyed eating Vietnamese food.

238 中学英语语法教程 He relished watching women passing by. He adored(=liked very much口语体) being praised. He appreciated your assisting him. I detest/abominate/loathe working at night. I resent being laughed at. / I dislike accompanying her. I reject giving him any aid. Do you mind opening the door(or his smoking,being awakened,taking this letter to the post office)? I don't mind opening the door(or his smoking,being awakened).

239 中学英语语法教程 I favoured taking a decisive step. / He denied stealing it. They depreciated(=expressed disapproval of)building a big library. They officially sanctioned flogging. He admitted/acknowledged having done something wrong. He owned/owned to/confessed/confessed to killing her. He disclaimed having tempted anyone to do evil. I doubt having any chance. / He fancied going to the movies. This provokes/excites vomiting(or crying).

240 中学英语语法教程 I do not understand driving a car. I can’t understand his behaving like that. I practised playing the piano. She aped being a high-born lady. Fancy doing everything for nothing(or meeting you here). Could you fancy meeting her here? I cannot fancy doing such a silly thing. I cannot imagine marrying such a man. I did anticipate(=look forward to)having a good time at Christmas.

241 中学英语语法教程 They don’t allow(our)talking loud in public. They never permit(our)screaming in the house. They tolerate(our)smoking and gambling. They forbade(our)speaking loud. They hindered/prevented (our)committing the same mistakes. They barred smoking and playing cards. I never forgive/pardon/excuse spitting in public places. He grudged paying me(=was unwilling to pay me)(or having to pay double the price,my living a happy life).

242 中学英语语法教程 He repented learning too late. / Money justifies doing evil. She felt like swimming(or crying). She burst out crying(or laughing). This measure means changing the whole system. The visit entailed buying gifts for children. The plan includes building a church. This proposal involves increasing the school fee. This implied condemning him to death. The new system facilitates pronouncing Chinese characters. He has renounced smoking cigars.

243 中学英语语法教程 He admitted/acknowledged having done something wrong. He owned/owned to/confessed/confessed to killing her. He disclaimed having tempted anyone to do evil. I doubt having any chance. He risked offending somebody(or losing all he had, getting hurt, being robbed). Should he chance being caught, he would be put to death. He faced being isolated from society. He missed eating a good dinner(or seeing such a good play). I will await hearing from you.

244 中学英语语法教程 有些及物动词后动名词的前面须有逻辑意义上的主语—物主代词、名词所有格、代词宾格或名词通格: I cannot approve his/him behaving like that.(用him的时候比用his时更多一些) Mother welcomed their/them visiting her at her villa. I protest his/him treating me like a slave. I often picture myself living a beautiful life. I denounced anybody's/anybody telling lies. Dennis announced Greg's/Greg getting married. We applaud Ada's/Ada making so wise a decision.

245 中学英语语法教程 I doubt there being any mistake.
He admitted there being some mistakes. He didn‘t mind there being any wild beasts there. 在上面所举动词之后不可用不定式: I enjoy to eat bananas.(错句) He avoided to meet her.(错句)

246 中学英语语法教程 ③有些动词后即可跟不定式作宾语,也可跟动名词作宾语,意义区别不大。此类及物动词有: begin,start,bear,stand,like,love,hate,propose,intend,plan,design,purpose,attempt,forbear,decline,omit,continue,dread(惧怕;担心),need,scorn (轻蔑;藐视;不屑做),neglect,prefer,deserve,intend,loathe(讨厌,厌恶),cease,require等。 Don’t neglect/propose to lock/locking the door when you leave. What do you propose to do/doing with the letter? We proposed/intended/planned/designed/purposed to abolish /abolishing the outdated rules.

247 中学英语语法教程 He attempted to get/getting rid of all the beggars. He forbore to say/saying anything against anybody. He neglected/omitted to pay/paying the fee. She started to cry/crying before getting hurt. He declined to speak/speaking at the party. I dread/fear to climb/climbing the mountain. We need to learn/learning something. He scorned to cheat/cheating anyone. I cannot edure/bear/stand to be cheated/being cheated. He continued/discontinued to stay/staying there.

248 中学英语语法教程 I can’t bear living alone.
但是,这些动词之后,如果表示时间概念不明确的一般性行为,则用动名词;如果表示特定的具体某一次的行为,则多用动词不定式。 I can’t bear living alone. I can’t bear to see the child treated stupidly. I dread falling ill. / I dread to think of the incident. He neglected checking the list of orders. Mrs. Jones often neglected to answer the letters right away. Phil preferred to stay alone at home this morning. Phil prefers staying alone at home. I don’t like watching TV. / I’d like to swim today.

249 中学英语语法教程 start,begin之后跟表示心理活动或状态动词时,只能用不定式;start, begin本身是进行体时,其后只用不定式。 We began to see/understand what he meant. She began to believe his story. He began to know the truth(而不说knowing the truth). He got/grew/became(=began)to know her. They got(=began)quarrelling(or talking, laughing, playing.(美语)

250 中学英语语法教程 He(人)began to cry/crying. The water in the kettle(物)began to boil(而不说boiling). He(人)ceased to write/writing. It(物)ceased to harden(而不说hardening). 比较: I prefer studying music to doing business. I prefer to study music rather than(to)do business.

251 中学英语语法教程 ④有些及物动词可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语,但意义上有区别。 在remember,regret和forget等后动名词和不定式都做宾语;跟动名词,表示已经发生过的事件;跟不定式,表示将要发生的、或尚未发生的事件。 remember to do sth.记住要做某事/remember doing sth.记得曾经做过某事 regret to do sth.很遗憾要去做某事/regret doing sth.后悔做了某事 forget to sth.忘记要去做某事 forget doing sth.忘记曾经做过某事 Can’t you remember/recall/recollect telling me the story last year? =You told me the story last night. Can’t you remember/recall /recollect it?

252 中学英语语法教程 You must remember to tell him all that. =You must tell him all that. Don’t forget it. I shall never forget seeing the Great Wall. =I saw the Great Wall and I shall never forget the experience. I was so busy that I forget to see the Great Wall. =I was so busy that it didn’t come to my mind that I should see the Great Wall. I regret to tell you the bad news. =I am sorry to tell you the bad news. =I regret that I am now telling you the bad news.

253 中学英语语法教程 I regret telling you the bad news. =I regret that I told you the bad news. I regretted telling(or having told)you the sad story. =I regretted that I had told the sad story. I regret to tell you that your son is very naughty. =I regret that I have to tell you that your son is very naughty. He forgot meeting(or having met)you at a hotel. =He had met you at a hotel but forgot it. He forgot to meet you. =He ought to have met you, but did not do so.

254 中学英语语法教程 He remembered/recalled/recollected going(or having gone)to the pictures with her. =He remembered that he had gone to the pictures with her. He will remember to post the letter. =He wants to post the letter but has not yet posted it.

255 中学英语语法教程 在stop,leave off,go on之后,跟动名词作宾语;跟不定式则作目的状语,相当于in order to do。 stop to do sth.停下来以便去做另一件事 stop doing sth.停止做某事 go on to do sth.做完一件事以便接着做另一件事 go on doing sth.继续做同一件事 leave off to do sth.离开某地以便去做另一件事 leave off doing sth.停止做某事 cannot help(=cannot help others)to do sth.无法帮助某人做某事 cannot help(=cannot refrain from)doing sth.忍不住做了某事

256 中学英语语法教程 They stopped to watch TV at 9 o’clock. =They paused at 9 o’clock in order to watch TV. They stopped watching TV at 9 o’clock. =At 9 o’clock they did not watch TV any more. He left off writing the book. =He stopped writing the book. He left off to write the book. =He left some place in order to write the book. He went on reading the book. =He continued to read the book, without interruption.

257 中学英语语法教程 He went on to teach lesson five.
=He began teaching lesson five after finishing lesson four. He went on teaching lesson five(=didn't stop after teaching some part of lesson five). Having finished his homework, he went on to read the book. =He finished his homework and then began to read the book. He went on teaching lesson five. =He didn’t stop after teach some parts of lesson. You must stop thinking(=not think any more). You stop to think(=stop doing something else and begin to think).

258 中学英语语法教程 She cannot help(=cannot help others)to prepare the meal. She cannot help(=cannot refrain from)laughing. I like/dislike/love/hate swimming(or studying the current events)(habit). I should/would like/love/prefer to swim in this place(or to drink coffee).

259 中学英语语法教程 注意下列组合的含义 Your plan means spending more hours.
mean to do sth.打算做某事 mean doing sth.意味着… try to do sth.努力、设法做某事 try doing sth.尝试着做某事 propose to do sth.打算做某事 propose doing sth.建议做某事 cease to do sth.(永久)停止做某事 cease doing sth.(暂时)停止做某事 Your plan means spending more hours. I didn’t mean to make you angry. If you want to improve the taste, try adding some sugar. Philip tried to answer each question by himself. She cannot help(=cannot help others)to prepare the meal. She cannot help(=cannot refrain from)laughing.

260 中学英语语法教程 You must try eating(eat for the first time)the durian meal. You must try(make efforts)to finish this work before Sunday. You must try eating(=eat for the first time)the durian. You must try(=make efforts)to finish this work before Sunday. I propose(=plan/want)to go to Shanghai on Tuesday. I propose(=suggest)resting for half an hour. The matter has ceased to be mistery to anyone. She ceased talking and went on stitching.

261 中学英语语法教程 The new measure means changing the whole system. The new measure means to change the whole system. They ceased to trouble him about their own business. The factory has ceased making trucks in oder to make more tanks for the army. agree/decide to do sth.=agree/decide on doing sth.同意/决定做某事 In the end she decided to buy a new car. =In the end she decided on buying a new car. They agreed to share the remuneration. =They agreed on sharing the remuneration.

262 中学英语语法教程 encourage/permit/allow/recommend/advice/authorise doing sth. encourage/permit/allow/recommend/advice/authorise sb. to do sth. They encouraged learning English by radio and television. They encouraged me to learn English by radio and television. She doesn’t allow talking here. She doesn’t allow us to talk here.

263 中学英语语法教程 注意避免连续使用两个动名词或两个不定式: I’m starting to work on my essay next week(而不是working). It’s beginning to rain(而不是raining). He is trying to do it(而不是doing it). He seems to like playing(而不是to play)tennis. It‘s necessary to start organizing(而不是to organize)a new party.

264 中学英语语法教程 The machine needs repairing(=to be repaired).
⑤在want,need,require,bear,stand,defy,deserve,forbid等动词的语句中,主语是物时,后接动名词主动式或不定式被动式作宾语、且意义相同。 The machine needs repairing(=to be repaired). The flowers want watering(=to be watered). Your shoes require washing(=to be washed). His language in this book would not bear repeating(=to be repeated). The color will not stand/bear washing(=to be washed). He deserved punishing(=to be punished). It defies explaining(=to be explained).

265 中学英语语法教程 The complicated situation forbade analysing(=to be analysed). The phenomenon defies explaining(=to be explained). 比较下面句子: The work is worth doing(=worthy to be done). This plan is worth carrying out(=worthy to be carried out).

266 中学英语语法教程 3.主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语+(状语) 谓语动词是及物动词,后跟有两个宾语,这两个宾语都是动作的对象、承受者或受益者。直接宾语指的是及物动词的直接对象,即动作的直接承受者;间接宾语是及物动词所涉及的间接对象,即动作是对谁做的或为谁做的,通常为人,也可以是物。 可跟双宾语的动词有:answer,bring,buy,find,get,tell,fill, give,lend,make,pass,pay,send,show,sing,take,teach,wish, cost,leave,offer,owe,promise,hand,read,win,write,cook, call,create,spare,change,boil,save,pour,make,earn,gain, gather,obtain,spread,yield,weave,build,choose等。

267 中学英语语法教程 She ordered herself a new dress. / I showed him my pictures. She cooked her husband a delicious meal. He showed/taught me how to run the machine. Mr. Li told us an interesting story. I gave my car a wash today. The driver saved us a lot of trouble. I handed Frank a box of chocolate. My parents offered me $60000 for the house. Lisa’s mother bought her this dictionary last month. Tom built his sister a wooden hut. The book earned her a lot of money.

268 中学英语语法教程 双宾语的类型 这两种类型通常可以相互转换。具备下列条件之一,即可使用类型二。
1.及物动词+间接宾语(名词或代词)+直接宾语(名词或代词) 2.及物动词+直接宾语(名词或代词)+to/for+间接宾语(名词或代词) 这两种类型通常可以相互转换。具备下列条件之一,即可使用类型二。 A. 若要强调间接宾语,要借助于介词to或for(要使用类型二)。 She cooked her husband a delicious meal. =She cooked a delicious meal for her husband. The carpenter made her daughter a desk. =The carpenter made a desk for her daughter.

269 中学英语语法教程 I gave my car a wash.=I gave a wash to my car. She ordered/bought herself a new blouse. =She ordered/bought a new blouse for herself. They denied me the chance of going to college. =They denied the chance of going to college to me. He bore us malice.=He bore malice to(towards/against)us. Julie brings me cookies every day. =He brings cookies to me every day. His father left him a lot of money. =His father left a lot of money to him.

270 中学英语语法教程 B. 直接宾语是人称代词而间接宾语为名词时,必须借助于介词to或for(必须使用类型二)。 Please take that book and give it(the book)to John. --Who did you buy those books for?--I bought them(those books)for John. C. 直接宾语和间接宾语同为人称代词时,大多要借助于介词to或for(大多要使用类型二),但少数情况也可以不用。 --Where are my shoes? --Please find them for me.=Please find me them. --John needs a new coat. --Please buy one for him.=Please buy him one.

271 中学英语语法教程 I can’t reach that cup. —Please pass it to me.=Please pass me it. Ann wants to see our new flat. —Please show it to her.=Please show her it. I’d like a copy of that book. —Please order/buy one for me.=Please order/buy me one. I can’t do the shopping today. —Please do it for me. 但是不说Please do me it.

272 中学英语语法教程 ①to(towards/at)指动作的方向,表示“朝着、向着、给向某人”之意。 可以借助to引导间接宾语的动词:bring,take,hand,afford, give,lend,tell,ship,allow,cause,assign,sing,hand,offer,post,sell,pass,throw,pay,promise,return,send,show,teach,write, load,wish,cable,cook,telegraph,transmit,leave等。 I sent my best friend a postcard. =I sent a postcard to my best friend. He presented/offered his girlfriend a bunch of flowers. =He presented/offered a bunch of flowers to his girlfriend. I passed it(the salt)to my mother.

273 中学英语语法教程 My mother threw it to my sister. She shrew me them.=She threw them to me. I hope this will not cause you any inconvenience. =I hope this will not cause any inconvenience to you. I ordered my daughter a bike, but the hardware store shipped me a big machine and some utensils. =I ordered my daughter a bike, but the hardware store shipped a big machine to me. I posted my teacher the letter and she has got it. =I posted the letter to my teacher and she has got it.

274 中学英语语法教程 He told me a lie.=He told a lie to me. He tossed/cast/flung the beggar a penny. The committee awarded him the prize. They showed us the painting. They refused me admittance into the park. He never gave the matter a second thought. I wished it(the film)a happy ending. He waved me adieu(or a greeting). He nodded me a welcome(or approval) He bowed me his heartiest thanks.

275 中学英语语法教程 He lent me his knife.=He lent his knife to me. He left her ten thousand dollars.=He left ten thousand dollars to her. He gave John a cigarette(or an English lesson). He offered me tea(or a position,a bribe). He handed his brother the salt(or the letter). He delivered them the goods(or a letter,the message). He passed me the butter. He brought me my book(or a cup of tea). He took/carried me an umbrella.

276 中学英语语法教程 He threw me a magazine(or a word). He left me some cakes(or a free choice). He returned me the book(or an angry look). It afforded me an opportunity(or great pleasure,satisfaction). He rendered his boss a service(or assistance,the account). He tendered me his resignation(or his services). He administered me a blow. He caused/occasioned me so much pain(or anxiety,heavy loss,inconvenience,some trouble). He dealt me a scolding.

277 中学英语语法教程 He provided(or furnished,supplied)us(with)food and everything necessary.(多数时候用with). He presented me(with)a good dictionary.(多数时候用with). He accorded her the privilege(or a warm welcome,due praise). He refused me admittance(or the request,this favour,the loan of a book). He denied me nothing(or justice,all comfort,help). He (be)grudged me my salary(or my honour). He barred no friends his house. She stood(buy a drink or meal for sb)me champagne.

278 中学英语语法教程 He granted me an audience(or a credit,a holiday,a request). He meted us out reward and punishment. He allowed them more time(or a holiday,ten dollars). He awarded me the prize(or full marks). He assigned me a duty(or a small room). He allotted me a garden(or a few exercises). He prescribed me a milk diet(or a duty). He apportioned us different duties. He issued me a permit(or a driving license). He forwarded/sent/dispatched/posted/mailed her a parcel.

279 中学英语语法教程 They paid me the salary(or the taxi fare,the tuition,the price). They reimbursed me the costs. They advanced me a month’s salary(or 1000 dollars). They remitted me a thousand dollars. They lent me some money. They owed me a debt(or thanks,obligations). They sold rich customers good diamonds and sold others poor goods. They charged me no tuition(or a dollar). They loaned me their car,rented me a house.

280 中学英语语法教程 He played me a tune(or a piece). He paid them a visit(or his respects). He sang me a Japanese song(=sing a Japanese song to me or for me). He extended us a warm welcome. He served me a good dinner. He fed his dog beef. He wishes me good luck(or good evening,every joy,a safe journey,the compliments of the season,a good night). He bade me a welcome(or adieu,good morning).

281 中学英语语法教程 He answered me nothing(or not a word,a question). He scrawled me a note. He read me the letter(or a poem,a lesson). He told me a story(or everything). He foretold me my future. He showed me his care(or much kindness). He pointed me out my mistake. He whispered me a piece of news. He telegraphed/ wired/faxed/cabled me full details of the result.

282 中学英语语法教程 He telephoned/phoned me the details(or the current price). He transmitted me a message. He taught me Chinese(or music,a lesson,singing,obedience). He preached us a very good sermon. He pledged me his friendship. He put me a question. He quoted me an instance. He recommended me a good book(or a good servant). They did him harm(or honour,good,justice,wrong,credit,a favour,a good turn,an injustice,an injury,a kindness,a service).

283 中学英语语法教程 He bequeathed/willed his children a large fortune(or all his property). He left me a large fortune. They yielded the enemy their position. They ceded him the land. They conceded him the privileges(or the favours he asked). They guaranteed me satisfaction(or regular employment, punctual arrival). They insured/assured me success(success to me or for me). They promised me assistance.

284 中学英语语法教程 They caused us a lot of mischief.
They made him a visit(or an offer,a promise,no reply,some answers). 直接宾语亦称作事物宾语,而间接宾语亦称作表人宾语。不过间接宾语间或也指事物: He never gives the matter a second thought,does not give the plan a trial, wished it a happy ending, allowed his imagination a full play. 直接宾语可以是代词: Don't tell her that. He told his brother that. Who asked you this? Who gave it(to)you? We gave it(to)him. I will pay it(to)you all.

285 中学英语语法教程 尽管上面句中的间接宾语可以变作to引起的短语,但这种短语少用为宜,但在下面这类句子中,却用以to引起的短语较好: To you,I give this.(间接宾语为了强调而提前) To the President,I write this letter. To whom do you give it?(和一个疑问代词连用) Who do you give it to? Which boy do you sing to,Mary? The man to whom you told the story is my uncle.(和关系代词连用)

286 中学英语语法教程 I have given to him.(直接宾语省略) I will write to him. / Please deliver to John. I have given the book to Mary,the best student in class.(间接宾语比直接宾语更长更重要) I only teach English to students who are truly anxious to learn. The letter,I have sent to him.(直接宾语放在句首) All these valuable things,he gave to me. Some dictionaries have been given to the library.(直接宾语是被动动词的主语) A letter will be sent to him.

287 中学英语语法教程 注:这类动词也可以和介词for连用,但此时for为“替某人 (on someone’s behalf; instead of someone)”之意,且引导的是状语。 He told a lie for me. (注意比较He told me a lie.=He told a lie to me.) He told my mother a lie for me. =He told a lie to my mother for me. I posted the letter for my teacher. (注意比较I posted my teacher the letter.=I posted the letter to my teacher. I posted our teacher the letter for you.=I posted the letter to our teacher for you.)

288 中学英语语法教程 He took/carried the umbrella for me. (注意比较He took/carried me the umbrella.=He took/carried the umbrella to me.) He took/carried you the umbrella for me. =He took/carried the umbrella to you for me. They showed us the painting for their mother. She is busy with other trifles.=They showed the painting to us for their mother. She is busy with other trifles. (注意比较They showed us the painting.=They showed the painting to us.

289 中学英语语法教程 ②for(for someone’s benefit)指动作的间接受益者,表示“为某人;给某人”之意。 可以借助for引导间接宾语的动词:buy,call,cook,book,win, choose,draw,find,get,pick,spare,call,make,order,sing, save,spare,build,cut,fetch,gather,boil,fill,reserve,find, create,get,yield,pick,pour,pull,fix,spread,reach,match等。 Mother cooked me a lovely meal and hoped me enjoy it. =Mother cooked a lovely meal for me and hoped me enjoy it. I’ve saved you some of this pudding. =I’ve saved some of this pudding for you.

290 中学英语语法教程 He chose his wife a nice necklace. =He chose a nice necklace for his wife. I’ll cut you a slice of bread. =I’ll cut a slice of bread for you. A number of animals yield us a particular amount of meat. =A number of animals yield a particular amount of meat for us. My sister ordered/found him a spare ticket. =My sister ordered/found a spare ticket for him. The manager booked them some new clothes.

291 中学英语语法教程 =The manager booked some new clothes for them. I’ve made you this cake. Do you like it? =I’ve made this cake for you. Do you like it? They reserved us a hotel, called us a taxi, and served us a lunch. =They reserved a hotel for us, called a taxi for us, and served a lunch to us. Hunan Province yields China a large amount of rice each year. =Hunan Province yields a large amount of rice for China each year.

292 中学英语语法教程 He ordered me a book.=He ordered a book for me. She made me a dress.=She made a dress for me. He built himself a hut. / She wove me a garland. The shoemaker turns me out 100 pairs of shoes. The carpenter made Uncle a beautiful desk. She cooked me eggs. / She boiled me some water. Fix me a drink. / I matched my new suit a tie. Pick me out a dozen oranges. Can you match me this cloth? Pour me out some tea(or coffee).

293 中学英语语法教程 My father has bought a wonderful present for me. She made a beautiful dress for me, not for herself. He gathered me some stamps. / Pick me out a dozen oranges. My parents spread me some bread with butter. The book won him a good name. Can you spare me a few minutes? The shoemaker turned out the children 100 pairs of shoes. He gathered me some stamps./He chose his wife a nice dress. You have save him so much trouble(or time,money). He reached me a pencil.

294 中学英语语法教程 Please spread me some bread with butter. Please fill me some wine. Please pull me a chair to the table. Please fetch me a dictionary(or a doctor). Can you find(or get,secure,obtain)me a job? Can you spare me a few minutes(or one dollar)? The book won him a good name,earned him a lot of money,but created him many enemies. This incident acquired/gained him wealth. I've got me money enough,will buy me some liquor.(口语体)

295 中学英语语法教程 Could you change me this five-pound note(or ten-dollar bill)? Can you cash me this bill? 上面句子中的间接宾语可以变作由for引起的短语, 但是在下列情况下,必须改成这种短语: For you alone, I cook this fish. For my family,I must save some money. For whom do you build so big a house? Who(m)do you choose this cloth for? The person for whom you made a dress was my niece.

296 中学英语语法教程 I will cook for you. Please call(a taxi)for me. She poured out coffee for John, the man she loved most. I will get a job for John,who has been jobless for many months. This trouble you can save for me and many others. A good name will this good work gain for him, but not wealth. Three taxis were called for us. A magnificent palace was built for the king and queen.

297 中学英语语法教程 注:但是,当for(on someone’s behalf, instead of someone)表示“代替某人”之意时,引导的是状语。 You are so busy. Shall I order your sister a taxi for you? (注意比较I ordered you a taxi.=I ordered a taxi for you.) As you aren’t here, let me book your parents a room for you. (注意比较I booked you a room.=I booked a room for you.) I can’t choose a tie myself. Please choose one for me. (注意比较I don’t have a tie. Please choose/buy me one. = Please choose/buy one for me.) I’ve got some change. Let me pay the bill for you. (注意比较I’ll pay you the fee.=I’ll pay the fee to you.)

298 中学英语语法教程 You look tired. Let me cook the dinner for you this evening. You look tired. Let me cook the entire family the dinner for you this evening. (注意比较Are you hungry? I’ll cook you a meal right now. (=Are you hungry? I’ll cook a meal for you right now.)

299 中学英语语法教程 ③有些动词接双宾语时,既不能to也不能用for引导间接宾语。这类动词有ask,cost,cause,charge,fine,blow,forgive, refuse,cost,strike(打击;殴打),kiss,set,sweep,order,drop, lead,forbid,call,tip,cast,flash,take,bear,serve,play,shoot, enjoin(命令;吩咐;嘱咐;禁止),flash,deal,wage,hit,envy, pardon,forgive,net,quote,dismiss,banish,last,fine,bid,kiss, drop,keep,sweep, profit(有益于),lose,mean,call,intend, portend(预示;预兆;意味着),enclose(围绕;装入;放入封套)等。 He asked me a favour./She asked me the price of my apples. She kissed him good night(or good-bye,a welcome,a hearty kiss).

300 中学英语语法教程 The teacher set his students a difficult problem. He means/intends you no harm. / He called his brther names. Will you forgive me the debt? / We forgave him his sin. He forgave us our negligence. / He pardoned me my offence. They played John a joke. / Can you spare me five yuan? It took me five days to finish the task. The policeman fined him ten dollars for the accident. The food will last us three weeks. / She kept him company. She hit/stroke the man/me a hard blow. She dropped me a few lines(or a note,a postcard,a curtsy).

301 中学英语语法教程 He charged me five dollars for a cup of tea. This heroic deed cost him his life. The boy always asks his father funny questions. She has borne him three children. She bore the driver witness. He enjoined his followers obedience. She dropped her mother a few lines/a note/a post card. I enclosed you a list of new products. Janice enclosed her sister two tickets along with this letter. He forbade his children tobacco.

302 中学英语语法教程 He wagered/bet me ten dollars(that John would win). He bid me half the price. He quoted you the best price(or a proverb). It costs him twelve dollars(or much trouble,his life). It takes me six days(or all my life)to do that. It will last me three years. The business lost me all my capital. The business profited me a lot of money. The business netted him a thousand dollars daily. She blew him a kiss.

303 中学英语语法教程 I struck him a heavy blow,fetched him a slap(or a box on the ear)caught that man two kicks in the stomach,hit his face a rap,hit him a hard blow.(所有斜体动词都是gave 的意思) She swept him a look(or a bow,a curtsy). He deigned me no reply. / He prophesied me success. She has borne him three children. He forbade his children tobacco(or the use of liquor or drugs). He led me a(pretty)dance(or a dog's life). The doctor ordered me a complete rest(or a special diet,silence).

304 中学英语语法教程 It bodes/portends us no good(or evil). They made me a present(or some allowance,a request,an apology). He set us a task(or the examination paper, a good example).(=He set a task for us…)

305 中学英语语法教程 ④下列动词必须使用介词to: explain,confess,admit,say, report,announce,declare,demonstrate,describe,introduce, entrust,mention,propose,prove,repeat,suggest,yield等。 组成这样的结构:explain/… sth. to sb. 此时,介词to引导的不是间接宾语,而是方向性状语。 He explained the current situation to his students. (而不说He explained his students the current situation.) He confessed his crime to the court. (而不说He confessed the court his crime.) You must declare your camera to the Customs. (而不说You must declare the Customs your camera.)

306 中学英语语法教程 They yielded their position to the enemy. (而不说They yielded the enemy their position.) Aren’t you going to introduce your friends to me? Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends? Can you describe the man to me? Please don’t mention this to anyone. I’m going to report this(what you told)to the headmaster. I don’t want you to repeat the bad news to anyone. Who suggested this idea to you? I have never admitted this to anyone.

307 中学英语语法教程 注:有些动词后,除了介词for或to以外,间接宾语前还有可能用到其他介词:
They played/served John a trick(or a bad turn),bestowed him honour(or a title,praise),enjoined/imposed me obedience (or a duty). =They played/served a trick on John, bestowed honour on him,… She flung him a wink,flashed me a glance,shot John an angry look,cast me a glance,dealt/hit him a blow. =She flung a wink at him, flashed a glance at me...

308 中学英语语法教程 He bore me great affection(or good will), =He bore great affection for me,⋯ He asked me some questions(or the time,my name,my address,the way,the fare,the price,the reason,the cause). =He asked some questions of me,⋯ He asked you a favour(or permission,a kindness). =He asked a favour from you,⋯ They bore us malice(or ill will, hatred),waged us war. =They bore malice against us,waged war against us,⋯

309 中学英语语法教程 注:有些动词后,直接宾语前有一介词:
He envied John his new car(or his pretty wife),forgave us our sins(or our debt,our negligence,our misconduct),pardoned me the question(or my offence),excused me my asking, took me out a walk(or an airing,a drive). =He envied John for his new car,forgave us for our sins,⋯ He banished me the realm,dismissed me the club(or the service),expelled me the school. =He banished me from the realm,dismissed me from the club,⋯)

310 中学英语语法教程 4.主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语补+(状语)
谓语动词虽然跟有一个宾语,但语义还不完整,必须加上另外一个成分—宾语补足语,对宾语进行补充说明,说明宾语是什么、做什么或怎样了等,宾语和宾补之间有逻辑上的主谓关系;若无宾语补足语,则句意不够完整。可以用作宾语补足语的有:名词、形容词、副词、非谓语动词、介词短语等。宾语和它的宾语补足语合称为复合宾语。 We must keep our school clean. I saw him standing there just now. The couple named their son Jim.

311 中学英语语法教程 The teacher asked us to clean the classroom. His illness left him weak. We have made our school a beautiful garden. They believed her to be stupid. He could hear his heart beating fast. Nobody noticed the office broken into. We all think him an honest boy. I saw little Tom being punished by his parents. You must get your hair cut. The hunter trapped the rabbit alive.

312 中学英语语法教程 The manager asked Amanda to leave. Yesterday I had a picture taken with my sister. His speech left the president in a very difficult position. They found the house deserted. He asked me to come back soon. I saw them getting on the bus. Please keep the dog out. The sun keeps us warm. I find John talking with his child. I want him to dress like a nice boy.

313 中学英语语法教程 宾语补足语的类型 及物动词+宾语+名词(宾语补足语) 这类及物动词后的宾补前,不必加as;有些可以加as,也可不加。
The boss appointed Lorry(as)manager. Crusoe made the native man his servant and called him “Friday”. The Prime Minister nominated him(as)Ambassador to France. The testimony/evidence proved him a criminal. They crowned her sister(as)queen.

314 中学英语语法教程 They declared Newton President Of the Royal Society. We found the city a prosperous place. The police proved him a criminal. / He wrote Beijing Peking. The enemy left the city a ruin. / The army left the city a ruin. They proclaimed Yeats(as)a great poet. They made/crowned/anointed him King. The sun colored the sky a brilliant red. The war made him a soldier. The old man had a son a famous poet. The King created him count./The King dubbed him a knight.

315 中学英语语法教程 They made/crowned/anointed him King. They appointed/nominated him(as)Minister of Finance. They consecrated him archbishop. They constituted/inaugurated him president. They chose/elected him(as)their leader. They promoted him general. They commissioned him general. They named him assistant/ordained him priest. They label/brand him(as)a fool. They entitled the book “Words”.

316 中学英语语法教程 They call/name/nickname/dub him Fatty. They christen/baptize her baby “Mary”. They term/style themselves “Doctors”. They phrase the failure a “success”. They mark the bottle “Poison”. They pronounce ski [ski:]. They pronounced him(as)a great p hilanthropist. They proclaimed him(as)a great poet. They voted him a good teacher. They declared him(as)the saviour of their country.

317 中学英语语法教程 They count/reckon/esteem it(as)an honour. They consider/deem it their duty. They suppose/think/account her a good girl. They acclaimed/hailed him(as)a hero. They admit/acknowledge/confess/feel themselves(as) inferiors. They show/profess themselves artists. They reveal him(as)a murderer/a monster. They warrant him(as)a very honest person. They certify him as one of the members of their association.

318 中学英语语法教程 They prove him a criminal. / They judge him a silly fellow. They know him(as)a rascal. / They took him prisoner. They had a son a great sportsman. They led/took/made him captive. They entered/enrolled him(as)a member. They found the city a prosperous place. They left me an orphan(or me their son’s guardian). They kept nothing a secret. / They saw their son a beggar. They made the plan an object of ridicule. They made the total a thousand dollars.

319 中学英语语法教程 All the teachers suppose/think/account her a good girl. They elected Tom monitor. / I took him captive. I consider John a reliable man. They made the distance ten miles. We abbreviate New York “NY”. She saw her daughter(as)a musician. The rose still smells sweet although you don’t call it so(=the rose). They say John is a funny fellow and I find him so(=a funny fellow).

320 中学英语语法教程 I found living on the island a fascinating experience.
John is a nice gentleman and everyone thinks him so(=a nice gentleman). “Is she his wife?”“We consider her so(=his wife).” Mary is a clever girl and we find her so. 比较下列语句,动词性质不同。 I found living on the island a fascinating experience. I found Judy a good man. I found Judy a job. We called him Johnny. We called him a taxi. = I found a job for Judy. = We called a taxi for him.

321 中学英语语法教程 有许多动词(大多为表示精神活动的动词)其后的宾补前必须用as。 All the tourists depicted/described/represented the place as a paradise. At that time the Germans fancied/imagined Hitler as a god. We all spoke(thought)of her as a nice girl. They designated Williams as the spokesman. They looked upon him as their rival/a fool. We all thought much of him as a good writer. They designed the room as a kitchen. I introduced him to the audience as a musician.

322 中学英语语法教程 All the young men admired her as an intelligent girl. They all took me as their best friend. The couple owned the child as their own. She saw him as nothing. / We saw the gift as a sort of bribe. They blamed the policy as a great mistake. He used it as a blanket. Her parents always regard her as the cleverest of their children. They treated my suggestion as a joke. We didn’t see him as a potential leader.

323 中学英语语法教程 They qualified him as a hypocrite. They defined him as a rogue. / They mocked me as a clown. They fancied/imagined their leader as a god. They accepted his words as the real truth of the matter. They recognized the country as an independent state. They criticized the plan as a failure. They denounced him as a public enemy. They cursed me as a madman. They looked down upon him as a fool. They looked up to him as an authority.

324 中学英语语法教程 They valued the book as a precious gift. They extolled him as a hero. / They set him down as a fool. They held him up as an example. They put it down as a pretext. / They treated me as a child. They regarded her as a tigress. They took me as his best friend. They looked to me as their benefactor. They held my gift as something valuable. They relied upon me as their adviser. They owned/claimed the child as their own.

325 中学英语语法教程 They contemplated my advice as nothing. They remembered Smith as a cheat. They introduced me as a musician. They spoke/thought of her as a nice girl. They saw me as nothing. / They rank him as a great poet. They rate him as a pedant. / They engaged me as a clerk. They designated Williams as the successor. They inaugurated him as principal of the school. They installed him as the new president after the election. They gave the number as 72.

326 中学英语语法教程 They cited many cases as evidence. His speech stamped him as a gentleman. His speech characterized him as a snob. He is bred up as a scholar. / He is known as John. He is naturalized as an American. He is regarded as a philanthropist. He is established as president of the company.

327 中学英语语法教程 这类动词之后有时用for代替as: They branded John for a hypocrite. They knew him for a villain. They put him down for a fool. They gave John up for a dead man. They chose her for their servant. They nominated/elected him for president. They took/mistook the stone for a diamond. They intended the house for a hospital.

328 中学英语语法教程 下面语句话意思相同: He chose her a wife=He chose her as a wife.=He chose her for a wife=He chose her to be a wife. They elected him president.=He elected him as president. =They elected him for president.=They elected him to be president. 在这类句子中可用一个由what引起的从句作宾语补足语: Call it what you will. I found the city what it had been. Consider her as what you think the best.

329 中学英语语法教程 及物动词+宾语+形容词(宾语补足语)
New methods make the job easy./He drank his coffee hot. They painted the door green. / I learned her gone. The hunters roasted the rabbit whole. Yesterday I went to Barber’s and cut my hair short. Please keep the windows open./We ate the blackberries fresh. You can't leave your child alone at home. What drove Jack so crazy? / The farmer pumped the well dry. Jack filled his pockets full. / He rubbed the board smooth. They knocked him senseless. / She sold her car brand-new.

330 中学英语语法教程 Please chop the stick short./I like my tea very strong. We wished the work complete, but it wasn’t. His mad action cannot be able to prove him mad. They took him alive./She slammed the door shut. The situation rendered the work more difficult. The customers preferred the soup fresh and warm. The children got the floor dirty. Parents all wish their children happy all their lives. I discovered the house empty./She considered the book easy. Her words struck him speechless./They picked the pears ripe.

331 中学英语语法教程 有些宾补动词表示精神活动(有些结构属书面语) They felt the water cold. / They felt themselves guilty. They saw him so sad. / They learned her gone. They thought him honest. / They fancied themselves right. They imagined the task easy. / They supposed the news true. They presumed the camera genuine. They accounted/figured/counted themselves innocent. They believed the news true. / They judged/rated it good. They concluded him dead. / They held the price low. They conceived themselves safe. / They knew him honest.

332 中学英语语法教程 They avowed themselves wrong. They pronounced the camera genuine. They professed themselves mistaken. They confessed themselves guilty. They proved the conclusion false. They showed themselves honest. They certified the man insane(or healthy). They guaranteed/warranted)the gold ring pure. They graded his handwritting illegible. They remembered him still young. 332

333 中学英语语法教程 They esteemed themselves happy. They declared the injured dead. They called/termed their boss generous. They feigned/pretended/counterfeited themselves innocent. They boasted the collection of their own precious.

334 中学英语语法教程 有些宾补动词既不表示精神活动也不表示具体动作 They had the tickets ready. / They had their pockets empty. They rendered the work difficult. They put/set/brought things right. They kept the room clean. / They placed him first in maths. They bled their parents white. / They ranked him honourable. They marked six of the students absent. They turned the situation favourable. They drove/set/made/sent him mad(or wild, crazy). They struck him dead(or dumb, speechless, deaf, blind).

335 中学英语语法教程 有些宾补动词表示具体动作 He pushed/flung/threw/burst/broke/forced/kicked/held the door open. He slammed the door shut. / He cut/chopped the stick short. He shot her dead. / He boiled the eggs hard. He opened the window wide. / He burned himself dead. He beat/hammered the board flat. He washed/brushed/wiped/licked/swept it clean. He slit the envelope open. / He shook me awake. He beat/pinched her black and blue.

336 中学英语语法教程 He baked the cake brown. / He pulled the string long. He ground the knife sharp. / He turned the light low. He wrapped it up tight. / He raised the portrait high. He copied the picture fair. / He dyed his trousers red. He stained the cloth blue. / He stripped his baby bare. He pumped/squeezed/shook/wrung/drank it dry. He rubbed the board smooth. / He sliced the meat thin. He stuffed/filled his pockets full./He burned his finger black.

337 中学英语语法教程 下列不及物动词加反身代词作宾语后,变成了及物动词,后再加形容词作宾补。 The girls sang and danced themselves weary. Those women talked/shouted themselves hoarse. The soldiers walked and marched themselves lame. The little girl wept herself sober. / He drank himself drunk. Before swimming the boys stripped themselves naked. I read myself asleep. / She cried herself blind. You should count yourself lucky to escape a serious injury. The rogues pretended themselves innocent.

338 中学英语语法教程 The girl laughed herself red in the face. She didn’t see herself as brave. The boys ate themselves sick. They studied themselves silly. so可以用来代替任何形容词补语: “Is it correct?”“I find it so.”“But I don't think it so.” “He is cunning.”“But I don't call him so.” Your future will be fine if you decide to make it so.

339 中学英语语法教程 有许多动词(大多为表示精神活动的动词)其后作宾补的形容词前必须用as。 The sailors abandoned their ship as useless. The kids accepted/announced the story as true. They all acknowledged themselves as careless. The authorities feigned themselves as ignorant of the robbery. They declared themselves as clever. The citizens criticized the governor as heartless. The library didn’t see the Wilson collection as valuable. They censured this chapter as unnecessary.

340 中学英语语法教程 They certified the statement(as)correct. They construed his reply as unfavourable. They counted themselves as(or for)dead(or lost). They denied the statement as stupid. They denounced him as traitorous. They decided him as silly. / They labelled him as dishonest. They described the case as serious. They designated him as dishonest. They couldn't ensure the business as profitable. They warrant the liquor as genuine.

341 中学英语语法教程 They gave me up as(or for)dead(or hopeless). They held it as valuable. / They stigmatized him as cruel. They looked upon the stone as genuine. They looked up to him as holy./They see him as trust worthy. They ranked Shakespeare as the first. They reckoned the child as clever. They recognized the conclusion as important. They regard the plan as difficult. They represent the situation as hopeless. They set down the advice as valuable.

342 中学英语语法教程 下面句子中,宾语的补语常是when所引起的从句的紧缩形式。例如alive意思是when he was alive; young意思是when it was young,约有20个动词常可这样用: They trapped the animal alive. =They trapped the animal alive when it was alive. They trained the monkey young. =They trained the monkey young when it was young. They took/caught/saved/buried/burned him alive. =They took/caught/saved/buried/burned him alive when he was alive.

343 中学英语语法教程 They usually ate the herb raw. / They roasted an ox whole. They drank their tea very weak. / They served the food hot. The snake swallows its prey whole. They carried him half-dead to the hospital. They returned the purse intact to the owner. They bought the car ready-made(or second-hand). They brought the child safe to land. They sent me healthy and happy back to my parents.

344 中学英语语法教程 及物动词+宾语+副词(宾语补足语) We found him out. / He pulled me aside.
The king had nothing on, walking in the procession. Don't leave the dog out in the cold weather. The example he used drove his argument home. We wished the long journey over. The man drank his property away. The applause brought the house down. We danced and sang the New Year in. They voted the plan down. / He laughed his head off.

345 中学英语语法教程 The waiter bowed the guests out/in. He looked the word up in the dictionary. The guards tied all the prisoners together. The girl knocked the glass over. He pull his socks on. / He called me back. The policewoman sent the boy home. They all sat the night through. At the sad news, she wept the whole afternoon away. He turned the lights off. / Please count me in. Mary has tidied the kitchen up.

346 中学英语语法教程 Put the money aside(=reserve it). They set the decision aside(=did not carry it out). He kept the child away from the dog. He wept the night away. He scolded his maid away. / He wished me away. He bothered the guests away. / He snatched her letter away. He talked the hours away(=talked so that the hours flitted away). He dreamed his hours away(=passed his hours in dreaming). He laughed my fears away(=dismissed them by laughing).

347 中学英语语法教程 He drank his property away(=drank so much that he became poor). He explained my doubts away. The boss called the workers up. / He slept the fatigue off. They talked the matter over. / She cried her heart out. He called me back. / He hit me back. He answered me back. / He paid the money back. He frowned me back. / He helped her down. He took my letter down(=wrote it in short-hand while I dictated it.

348 中学英语语法教程 He got/had my letter down(=had it written). The applause brought the house down(so loud was the applause). He laughed this idea down(=so that it failed). He talked/laughed)me down(= talked or laughed so that I couldn‘t speak or act). He has lived the scandal down(=lived until it is forgotten by people). They voted the measure down. Put me(or my name)down for ten dollars(given to a charity).

349 中学英语语法教程 They send the child home. / They see her home. He drove the argument home(=made the listeners understand its full force). He let us in. / He rang the guests in. / He plug the kettle in. She has her pupils in by 8 a.m. / He saw her off. He helped her off with her coat. He could bite his tongue off(=regretted having said something wrong). He turned the lights(or the radio)off. He slept the headache(or fatique)off(=slept until he got rid of his headache or fatigue).

350 中学英语语法教程 He walked his meal off. / He laughed the idea off(=down). He paid his debt off. / He let me off at the station. He put/had his white shirt on. / He pulled her socks on. He helped her on with her coat. / He left the light on. He turned/switched the TV on. He let the dog out. / He found his way out. He pushed the window out. / He had an evening out. He blew the candle out. / He swore his tongue out. The wind raged itself out(=raged until it was exhausted). He handed the business over to me.

351 中学英语语法教程 He knocked the glass over. / He helped her over. He brought the meaning out(=made the meaning clear). He told the secret straight(or right)out. He had it out with his enemy(=came to a settlement with him by frank discussion). She had her cry(or sleep)out(=cried or slept until she felt satisfied). She sat the show out(=sat until the show was over). He asked me over(=asked me to call on him). He turned the page over. / He looked the letter over.

352 中学英语语法教程 We talked the matter over(=discussed it carefully). He counted the the apples over(=again). He had his grandson over in Berlin. He slept the clock round(=slept 24 hours). He called his men together./He tied all the prisoners together. He read it through(=till the end). / He saw the event through. He sat the night through. / He waved me through. He saw your trick through(=was not deceived by it). He pulled his socks up. / He kept his reputation up. He looked the word up in the dictionary.

353 中学英语语法教程 He locked/chained/nailed/packed/tore/broke it up(= thoroughly, completely). They cannot keep the revolt under.

354 中学英语语法教程 及物动词+宾语+介词短语词(宾语补足语)
I often find him at work./John put everything in order. He noticed the machine out of order. The police put the thief in prison. Don't leave the dog out in the cold open air. The news of his safe arrival let my mind at rest. They declared themselves against the plan. The Worker’s Union should put its affairs in order. We will put the law in force next year. They drank themselves into their graves.

355 中学英语语法教程 They held the money in their hands. The Smiths kept/had the house in good repairs. The court placed the boy under the care of his uncle. The old couple left the servant in charge of the house. They set her on the right way./They wished the war at an end. They left me alone in the dark. He took every small things into account/calculation/ consideration. Nobody had her in their mercy. He ate/drank himself out of house and home.

356 中学英语语法教程 They kept/had many articles in stock. They set the prisoners at liberty./He ran himself out of breath. She considered the painting of little value. He found himself in a dark alley. They found their family in tears. The boss had two hundred workers in his employ. She waved me into her room. She thought his story as beyond belief. / They held him in contempt. His behavior brought the country to a crisis.

357 中学英语语法教程 He kept the dog in chain. / He showed himself of noble spirit. They put everything in order(=They made everything orderly. Cf. Everything was in order). They put her in charge of a class(=They caused her to take charge of a class. Cf. She was in charge of a class). They put the police on the track of the thief, a thief on trial, him out of humour, me out of countenance, me to shame. They put the piano in tune, all things in shape, the machine in action, the law in force, their doctrine in practice, a new currency in circulation, everything out of order(or gear,joint), the loss out of account(or consideration).

358 中学英语语法教程 They set the prisoners at liberty(=They made the prisoners free. Cf. The prisoners were at liberty). They set those people at odds(or at variance)(=They made those people quarrel). They set a person over the department, him on the right way, John against her, the machine in order, the table in a roar, a project on foot, a house on fire. They placed it at my services(=made it serve me), a sum at my disposal, the government in their power, me in command of an army, the department under a minister, an orphan in my hands, the boy under the care(or the protection)of his uncle,me under their order.

359 中学英语语法教程 They held the property in trust(or in pledge)(=kept the property as security), learning in esteem, the lesson in remembrance, the money in their hands(=at their disposal), themselves in readiness,him in respect(or veneration, disdain, contempt), the enemy in check(or in play, at bay). They kept their children in good health(=kept their children healthy),him in prison(or custody, chains, confinement), him in countenance, me in the dark, me in suspense, the house in good repairs,the school in order,the articles in stock, their own mind(or nerve)on the stretch, their own children out of harm's way, some of the mad men under restraint, the prisoners under guard(or control).

360 中学英语语法教程 They left it out of account(or consideration, calculation)(= ignored it), me in the dark, the servant in charge of the house, it on deposit in the bank. He took them at a disadvantage, her at her word, his little children in tow, every small thing into account(or consideration,calculation), his enemy off his guard, everything she said on trust, the child under his wing. They waved me into their house(=made me enter their house by waving to me) They dined him into a good humour. They kissed a full sense into empty words.

361 中学英语语法教程 He had four servants in his employ(=Four servants were in his employ). He had her in his mercy, something in view(or mind), a matter in hand. They brought the custom into being(=They caused the custom to exist. Cf. The custom came into being). They brought the law into force(=They made the law effective. Cf. The law came into force). They brought his genius into play, the machine into use, the war to an end, the country to a crisis. They talked black into white.

362 中学英语语法教程 The doctor got me on the diet, the pest under control. They laughed themselves into fits(=They made them- selves convulsed with laughter. Cf. They burst into fits of laughter). They cried/wept themselves into a fit They overworked/worried themselves into consumption( =worked or worried so much that they became ill of consumption(“肺痨”的古老字). They drank themselves into their graves. They smoked themselves into calmness.

363 中学英语语法教程 They thought themselves into a paradise. They worked themselves into a temper. He talked me to death(=He killed me by talking so much). He swore me to secrecy. He cried/sang himself to sleep. He drank/ laughed himself to death. They laughed/looked her out of countenance(=made her abashed by laughing or looking at her). They laughed/shamed me out of a bad habit. They bought me out of my house.

364 中学英语语法教程 He reasoned me out of my plan. He talked money out of my pocket. He drank himself out of his job He ate himself out of house and home He ran himself out of breath He sinned himself out of salvation.

365 中学英语语法教程 The citizens imagined themselves(to be/as)out of danger.
They held the matter(to be/as)of no account(thought the matter to be unimportant). I felt myself in the mood for singing/at home/up to swimming. The elder generation of the teachers avowed/confessed/ considered/professed themselves(to be)out of contact with the times. I felt everything in order.

366 中学英语语法教程 They supposed/fancied/considered/judged/thought the news (to be)of little importance. They esteemed/counted/accounted themselves(to be)on the right scene(or the right way). I held the matter of no account(=thought the matter to be unimportant), my fortune and life at nothing, him in esteem(or respect), nobody in contempt(or disdain). They found their family in tears, me at work, you out of humour, everything in order. The committee declared/pronounced the report(to be)beyond belief.

367 中学英语语法教程 注:下列宾补动词的宾语补足语前不能加to be。 They wished the war(to be)at an end.
They showed/proved/guaranteed the invention(to be)of great value. They showed themselves(to be)of noble spirit. 注:下列宾补动词的宾语补足语前不能加to be。 They referred to the invention as of no value. They looked upon him as past cure. They regarded the flowers as out of place. They thought/spoke of the news as beyond belief.

368 中学英语语法教程 宾补动词后的介词短语中有些介词(特别是of)有时可以省略 He found them(of)the same shape. He wished it(of)a red colour. / He saw it(of) no use. He painted the door(of) a green colour. He made the desk(of)a large size. 下列动词(大多为表示精神活动的动词)其后的宾补前必须用as。 They thought(spoke)of the news as beyond belief. They referred to the news as of no value. They regarded the flowers as out of place. The doctors looked upon the patient as past cure.

369 中学英语语法教程 注意和作状语的介词短语的区别: I thank him for the gift.
下面的介词短语是修饰动词的状语, 因此在语法上是可以省掉的 I thank him for the gift. He paid the rent to the landlord. We studied music on Sunday. He passed his youth in Paris. The teacher pronounced every word with care. He loved her out of pity.

370 中学英语语法教程 谓语动词为被动语态 The treaty is still considered in force. (We still consider the treaty in force.) The society’s affairs should be kept in good order. (You should keep the society’s affairs in good order.) The thief was found in the illegal possession of the jewels. (The police found the thief in the illegal possession of the jewels.)

371 中学英语语法教程 及物动词+宾语+动词不定式(宾语补足语)
The teacher ask the students to close the windows. He asked me to come back soon. They warned us not to go to that dangerous country. I heard them sing songs just now. I noticed someone come in. Everyone reported him to be the best man for the job. They supposed man to have descended from animals. They thought him to be hiding in the woods. The authorities denied the rumor to be true.

372 中学英语语法教程 A.当谓语动词为表示心理上判断意义的动词时,作宾补的不定式仅有以下四种情况 ①动词不定式为to be结构—表示主语认为或宣布宾语是什么、处于什么状态或有什么样的特征。 All the workers believed/thought/figured/maintained him to be honest/helpful. They supposed/presumed/assumed/conceived the young woman to be an agricultural expert. They fancied/imagined themselves to be the best men in the town. His conduct shows him to be a great man.

373 中学英语语法教程 They took/guessed/conjectured me to be a Frenchman. The authorities denied the rumor to be true. The whole team considered/held/esteemed/counted/ accounted/reckoned/made out/looked on themselves to be lucky. The women suspected the man to be a thief. They declared/proclaimed/affirmed/pronounced/stated/ asserted/reported themselves to be members of a secret society. The experts judged/conceived the plan to be of little value. He boasted himself to be a famous professor.

374 中学英语语法教程 Their accent revealed/betrayed them to be foreigners. He sertified the statement to be correct. They acknowledged/admitted their idea to be a dream. We found/perceived/felt/saw/discovered the trouble to be unavoidable. They proved/argued//bespoke him to be worthy of promotion. They believed/thought/figured/maintained him to be honest, the book to be useful. They granted this to be true. They took/guessed/conjectured me to be a Frenchman.

375 中学英语语法教程 They supposed/presumed/assumed/allowed[过时用法]/ conceived him to be an expert(or an honest man), the instrument to be useless. I estimated the size of this room to be 400 sq.ft. He made(认为)the cost to be a hundred dollars. They suspected him to be a thief. They doubted him to be an honest man. They considered/held/esteemed/counted/accounted/reckoned/ made out/looked on themselves to be lucky, the plan to be a foolish idea. They construed his reply to be unfavourable.

376 中学英语语法教程 He is reputed to be a good doctor.(They repute him[to be]a good husband.陈旧用法). They judged/concluded/determined him to be a fool, the plan to be of little use. They found/perceived/felt/saw/discovered the trouble to be unavoidable. They fancied/imagined themselves to be the best men in the town, the circumstance to be favourable. They proved/argued/bespoke him to be worthy of promotion, it to be wrong. They idealized her to be a perfect angel.

377 中学英语语法教程 They disclosed this matter to be a conspiracy. They professed/claimed themselves to be engineers They gave themselves out to be scientists They bragged of themselves to be the richest men in the city. They recognized/owned him to be their bosom friend. They confessed/owned/professed themselves to be guilty(or mistaken). They acknowledged/admitted themselves to be silly, their idea to be a dream, the accusation to be just. They noted David to be too clever.

378 中学英语语法教程 They knew/understood/realized the situation to be against them, their friend to be a snake in the grass. His conduct shows him to be a great man. He warranted/guaranteed/vouched/avouched/attested/ensured it to be pure. He certified the statement to be correct. He boasted himself to be a great scientist. He feigned himself to be ill. They nominated/named her to be secretary. They showed/indicated, denoted themselves to be trustworthy.

379 中学英语语法教程 They appointed John to be the supervisor. They promoted him to be a general. They chose/elected him to be the president. They voted him to be a good boy. They described me to be a mysterious person. They apprehended their son to be in danger. They discerned him/made him out to be a hypocrite. They implied him to be honest. They denied the rumour to be true, the accusation to be just.

380 中学英语语法教程 注:在不少情况下,不定式to be可以省略
They declared/proclaimed/affirmed/pronounced/announced /stated/asserted/reported themselves to be members of a secret society, the rumour to be unfounded. 注:在不少情况下,不定式to be可以省略 They supposed him(to be)wrong. They found it(to be)a good policy. They reported him(to be)the best man for the job. They believed him(to be)a thief. They think it(to be)of little value.

381 中学英语语法教程 ②动词不定式为to have done结构—表示主语认为或宣布宾语做过某事。 The tired looking proved him to have toiled all day. The owner declared/proclaimed/affirmed/pronounced /announced/stated/asserted/reported the diamond to have been stolen. They confessed/professed themselves to have made a great mistake. The wrinkles on her face represented her to have suffered much in her life. He boasted himself to have done great things.

382 中学英语语法教程 They fancied/imagined themselves to have been cheated. The police denied the car to have been stolen. I estimated the cost to have been over 2000 yuan. I believed/knew/considered him to have read the fiction. The police suspected the man to have stolen the car. The pupils found/perceived/felt/saw/discovered their teachers to have studied many subjects. They confessed/owned/professed themselves to have made a great mistake. They suspected him to have stolen their things.

383 中学英语语法教程 They denied you to have given them any assistance. They declared/proclaimed/affirmed/pronounced/announced /stated/asserted/reported the diamond to have been stolen. The diamond is alleged to have been stolen. They found/perceived/felt/saw/discovered their new teacher to have studied many subjects. They fancied/imagined themselves to have been cheated. They believed/thought/figured/maintained the book to have been useful. He is recorded to have made this canal.

384 中学英语语法教程 ③动词不定式为to be doing结构—表示主语认为或宣布宾语正在做某事或暂时正处于什么状态。 They believed the girl to be telling the truth. They all imagined/fancied themselves to be making great progress. We all thought/suspected him to be playing a trick on you. Economists supposed the economical crisis to be slowly subsiding. They felt the train to be slowing down. They suspected him to be playing a trick on them. I should guess him to be playing a trick on me.

385 中学英语语法教程 ④动词不定式为to do的一般式结构,且是表示状态的动词(而不是动作)—表示主语认为或宣布宾语处于什么样的状态。 They knew the box to contain 20 cigarettes. I believed/supposed/considered the statement/sentence to mean something ill. I find the new plan to have several advantages. The botanist considers the newly-discovered plant to belong to another category. Parents usually believe their children to be/stay clever.

386 中学英语语法教程 注:因此,下列语句是错误的: They knew him to go to school today.
I believed John to make poems. The committee believe John to make great progress. I consider him to read English fictions easily.

387 中学英语语法教程 可以修正为: They knew that he would go(had gone)to school today. They knew him to be going(to have gone)to school today. I believed John would make poems. I believed Johnhad made poems. The committee believe John to be making(to have made/will make)great progress. The committee believe that John had made great progress. I consider him to be reading English fictions easily.

388 中学英语语法教程 此类情形中的简单句(都是书面语或正式文体)大多可以变为包含that引导的宾语从句;不过有少数宾补动词不允许作这样的改变:
They believed him to be honest. =They believed that he was honest. I considered this trouble to be unnecessary. =I considered that this trouble was unnecessary. He declared himself to have done a very good job. =He declared that he had done a very good job. They suspected him to be playing a trick on them. =They suspected that he was playing a trick on them.

389 中学英语语法教程 但下列变更是错误的: He named her to be secretary. =He named that she was secretary.(错句) I count myself to be lucky. =I count that I am lucky.(错句)

390 中学英语语法教程 B.当谓语动词为表示愿望、命令和请求等意义的动词时—表示主语命令、希望、请求宾语做某事或成为什么,可以用任何不定式(包括to be)作补语 。 They wanted him to teach their son English. He designed the furniture to fit his room. Her parents wished her to study abroad. They calculated the story to mislead the public. He likes his wife to dress well and elegantly. The officer ordered/directed/commanded/urged his men to get ready for the attack. I must accustom myself to get up earlier.

391 中学英语语法教程 She preferred her daughter to study art. Those gangsters forced/compelled the citizens to accept their proposal. He reminded/asked me to shut the window. I should not oblige you to spend your money. They invited me to spend the vacation at their country-house. He advised/persuaded his friend to work hard. They warned me not to go out that night. They enrolled David to be a freshman. Their assistance enabled me to succeed later on.

392 中学英语语法教程 His wealth enabled him to buy a big house. He used/employed/utilized the coconut shell to take water. Nothing can move him to change his mind. He bribed the policeman to keep silent about his crime. Poverty might prompt people to commit a crime. The naughty boy coaxed the little girl to give her apple to him. They conjured me not to criticize them. The teachers are preparing their students to take the exam. He caused/ordered the music to be played again.

393 中学英语语法教程 The circumstance determined him to work harder. The young couple beckoned their boy to approach. David nudged me to speak in front of the class. He had the soldiers to destroy the bridge. He had his daughter come back home at once. She reminded me to write home once a week. He reminded me to shut the window when I went to bed. We urged the public to take precautions. They gave me to understand all the intrigue. The module programs the flash to provide the right light.

394 中学英语语法教程 They wanted/wished him to teach their son, everybody to be a saint. They intend/mean/desire him to study abroad. This story is calculated(=designed)to mislead the public. They expected him to work hard. He designed the furniture to fit his room. I recommend her to learn music. He asked/told her to(please)open the door. She notified us to move out. He required/requested/needed me to help him.

395 中学英语语法教程 I cannot bring myself to acknowledge the fault, to scold her, to believe the news, to leave my children hungry. I wish I could bring(=lead)you to understand it. Those gangsters compelled/forced/constrained/coerced me to accept the proposal. Povertyforced him to work hard. Hunger drove/goaded him to steal. They caused/got/had/occasioned everybody to kneel down, their men to destroy the bridge, provisions to be ready,the rule to be observed. I have committed myself to support his son.

396 中学英语语法教程 He charged me to send the letter, me to keep the diamond. He commissioned me to buy a car for him. He set his servant to go to the market, her to cook. He trusts me to arrange everything. He sent me to pick grapes. He enjoined us to obey. I phoned/called/wired/wrote him to come. He ordered/directed/commanded his men to get ready. He condemned them to be imprisoned. The judge sentenced him to die.

397 中学英语语法教程 They delegated him to speak at the meeting. He instructed the agent to sell it. I was assigned/scheduled to sing. He summoned them to appear. I should not oblige you to spend your money. I am obliged to help him. He pressed/urged me to drink more. They invited/asked me to spend the vacation at their country-house; him to speak, to sing, to dance. He welcomes you to enjoy his hospitality.

398 中学英语语法教程 They begged him to accompany them, me to help them. They entreated/besought the mayor to pardon them, me to do something for them. They conjured him not to criticize them. They implored him to spare their son, the king to be merciful. I adjured him to tell me the truth. They prayed the god to save them, the enemy to set them free. He likes/hates/loves his wife to dress well, summer to come. I should prefer my daughter to study art, them to talk less.

399 中学英语语法教程 He advised/counselled/recommended his friend to work hard, his friends to try this pill. He persuaded his friend to work hard, me to help her. They warned/cautioned me not to go out that night, me to be careful. I pledge myself not to be unjust. I bound myself(or him)to pay the debt. He suffered nobody to touch his flowers, himself to be caught. He allowed/permitted the students to play in the classroom, but other teachers forbade them to do so.

400 中学英语语法教程 The ticket entitled the bearer to see the movie. His ability entitled him to command an army. I empowered him to supervise the city. The law authorized the judge to sentence him to death. They promoted him to direct this department. They licensed me to practise medicine. He cannot bear any man to speak with his wife. He left the students to find it out, the readers to judge, them to sink or swim. I selected/picked/found a man to teach English.

401 中学英语语法教程 I induced him to accompany me. Nothing could induce him to believe it. This matter led me to think(or him to make a discovery). Nothing can move him to change his mind. He bribed them to keep silent about his crime. Poverty might prompt/entice/move me to commit a crime. They tempted him to be a playboy. He coaxed her to give her apple to him. He badgered his father to buy a bicycle for him. God has chosen us to take land.

402 中学英语语法教程 He helped me(to)do everything, us(to)cook rice; aided us to do it(or in doing it). He assisted me to prepare coffee(less common than in preparing coffee). His wealth enabled him to buy a big building. Their assistance enabled me to succeed. They prepared their students to take the exam. I have to prepare her to receive the bad news. We enrolled him to be a freshman. The weather influenced him to change his mind.

403 中学英语语法教程 His success decided me to try. The circumstance determined him to work hard. We programed her to sing. The high salary disposed/inclined him to take the job. You provoked/exasperated him to speak rudely. They challenged/dared/defied us to fight again. This success inspired/prompted/encouraged me to study harder. They excited/incited/stimulated the people to rebel. He beckoned them to approach, them to draw nearer.

404 中学英语语法教程 They trained/disciplined him to be patient. They educate/teach/bring up David to be nice. He conditioned them to watch each other. I must accustom myself to get up earlier. I will trouble/bother/thank you to do something. I understood/misunderstood him to say so. I have(never)known him to curse, him to help the poor. He has paid/hired you to do the dirty work; bribed the police to excuse his offence; engaged/employed me to type. He signed/signalled)(to/for)them to wait.

405 中学英语语法教程 He used/employed/utilized the coconut shell to take water. They whispered us to be quiet. He nudged her to speak. 在某些结构中,一些宾语可省略: She helped(me)make my clothes. He has to make do(=manage)with a table for a bed. He made believe(=pretended)not to see me I hear(people)say that John has died. I hear(people)tell/speak/talk of the accident.

406 中学英语语法教程 上述这种含复合宾语句型有一些变体: a.在没有必要说明谁演奏时, 可用不定式的被动形式 He caused/ordered/enabled music to be played.() He allowed/permitted his good name to be soiled. b. there to be为补语 I do not want there to be another war(=another war to come).(another war为宾语,there to be为补语) He likes/wishes there to be a picnic(=a picnic to take place). He held there to be no god(=that there is no god). He hates there to be any quarrel.

407 中学英语语法教程 He meant there to be no trouble. I should prefer there to be a meeting. I hate there to be some misunderstanding between us. I expect there to be some kind of agreement. 但注意: I promised him to work harder(=that I would work harder; 不是指 that he would work harder).

408 中学英语语法教程 C.谓语动词为感官动词see/hear/have known(have heard)/ watch/feel/notice/listen to/look at/observe/witness/behold/ perceive或使役动词make/have/let/bid以及help时,其后作宾补的不定式省去to。 感官动词后作宾补的不定式—表示主语见证了宾语动作的全过程 He saw/perceived the boy play(不要用to play)by the river. I noticed/saw the girl in red get(不要用to get)on the bus. He felt/beheld the thief steal into his room. The teacher observed the students perform the physics experiment. He felt himself grow interested in gardening/music.

409 中学英语语法教程 I observed him climb over the hedge. I have never known him tell lies. I noticed a car stop outside the house. He helped the family conceal the disgrace. I saw him go into the garden./ We watched the plane fly. I watched/looked at/beheld/perceived/saw/observed/noticed) him come. He found/witnessed her speak with someone. He heard/overheard/listened to her sing. I felt the pressure increase./I have(never)known him tell lies.

410 中学英语语法教程 I made him study(不要用to study)hard.
使役动词后作宾补的不定式—表示主语命令、希望、请求宾语做某事 I made him study(不要用to study)hard. I will make him stay. / He let me go(不要用to go). Let him come here at seven. / He bade me(to)wait here. I can’t have you say so. / Please let him leave at once. He had his daughter come back home at once. Nobody could make her change her mind. Let it be destroyed./I had many friends call on me yesterday. He had some accident happen to him(=Some accident happened to him).

411 中学英语语法教程 注意下列语句: He let drop/slip the opportunity(=let the opportunity drop/slip). He let fall a hint(=let a hint fall). He let go my hand(=let my hand go). He let drop the unessential parts(=let drop the unessential parts). He let pass my mistake(=let my mistake pass).

412 中学英语语法教程 He saw the boy play by the river.
当这些感官动词或使役动词变为被动语态时,其后作宾补的不定式省去的to要还原。 He saw the boy play by the river. --The boy was seen to play by the river. I noticed the girl in red get on the bus. --The girl in red was noticed to get on the bus. He was seen to pick up the purse. She was heard to leave the house.

413 中学英语语法教程 I will have him(to)come at once.
部分动词如help/have/bid/have known后,作宾补的动词不定式的to可用或不用。 I will have him(to)come at once. He tried to have me(to)believe him. He bade me(to)wait here. I have never known/never knew him(to)behave so badly. We have never known(heard)/never knew him(to)lie. Catherine helped me cook the dinner. She often helps her mother clean rooms. Tom helped his father carry the box upstairs.

414 中学英语语法教程 The theory helped me to see the truth. The policy helps the people there to develop agriculture. Music can help you to relax after a whole day’s hard work. I have never known/never knew him(to)behave so badly.

415 中学英语语法教程

416 中学英语语法教程 D.当谓语动词为 “不及物动词+特定介词” —表示主语命令、希望、请求宾语做某事或成为什么 He signed/beckoned to the waiter to bring the bill. We are waiting for the rain to stop. I took to you to support me in this matter. I telephoned/wrote to her to come immediately. She yelled at/cried(shouted out)to me to stop. They sent for the doctor to come at once. I motioned/signaled(to)them to go away from the scene of the accident. The authorities asked for us to settle the matter.

417 中学英语语法教程 We depended/relied/counted upon him to help us. Most of us longed for the war to be over and dreaded for a peace to come. We applied to the government to assist us. They have appealed to the government to halt the war. The boy begged of the soldiers to set him free. The guard gestured to us to stand back. We looked to them to supply us with food. The man shouted to the waitress to bring another cup of tea. They fixed on me to speak on their behalf. He didn’t care for me to do anything for him.

418 中学英语语法教程 I nodded to him to act at once. / He trusts in me to help him. He yelled at her to stop. / We beg of him to save our lives. We count on him not to know it(=count on the chance that he does not know it). He prevailed upon her to marry him. They fixed on him to speak on their behalf. I pleaded with him to do something for me. They demand of me to keep a secret. We called upon him to act. Everything depends upon him not to interfere.

419 中学英语语法教程 I proposed/suggested to John to accompany me. We appealed to/called upon him to do something. We applied to the government to assist us. We looked to him to supply us with rice. They asked for us to settle the matter. They gestured and shouted for him to come back. Most of us longed/hoped for the war to be over, but some dreaded for a peace to come. I wished/pressed for it to be done at once. I agree for him to pay me next week.

420 中学英语语法教程 The plan provided for the rich to assist the poor. I have arranged/planned for her to go to college. We have fixed for the wedding to take place on Sunday. We waited for them to tell us the news. They sent for him to build the house(or the doctor to come at once). He didn't care for me to do anything for him. They looked for someone to assist them. They did not look for a stranger to come at night. The company advertised for boys to do the job.

421 中学英语语法教程 试和上述句子比较: I made signs for(=signed)him to come, made an appeal to( =requested)them to help the victims. I am anxious/willing/impatient/in a hurry)for(=entreat)John to come.

422 中学英语语法教程 本句型中的特定介词有时可省略。 She prayed(to)God to forgive him. He signed(to/for)the waiter to bring another drink. I telephoned/wrote/wired(to)her to come immediately. He cried(out)/shouted to her to stop. The bugle called to the troops to assemble. I motioned/signalled)(to)them to go away. He beckoned(to)me to follow.

423 中学英语语法教程 带疑问词的不定式 I’ll show you how to operate the machine. They will advise you what to do. 谓语动词被动语态 You are obliged to work late if need be. She was expected to abandoned her idea. Visitors are requested not to touch the paintings.

424 中学英语语法教程 及物动词(动作动词)+宾语+现在分词(宾语补足语) 通常现在分词表示动作正在进行或与谓语动词同时发生。
A.有许多动词其后做宾补的分词前无需用as I saw a cat running across the road. They had the air-conditioner working all day and night. Did you see the old lady getting on the bus? Someone heard him singing in the next room. The father found Edison sitting on some eggs one day. He watched the TV set being carried out of the house. He felt the thought weighing on her mind heavily.

425 中学英语语法教程 I’ll have you all speaking English well within a year. He had his friends waiting for him there in the cold. Someone set the house burning. I imagined him wandering about the city like a beggar. They’ve heard of her living a comfortable life. He saw/beheld/looked at/observed/watched/descried/ glimpsed/perceived/scanned a rat running past. The newspaper reported the old lady missing. His imagination depicts/pictures/paints himself hovering in the sky.

426 中学英语语法教程 The villagers saw their village being burned by those Japanese soldiers. She never discovered potatoes being cooked as food. She left the boy standing outside./I felt the building shaking. I imagined/fancied him wandering about the city like a beggar. We sensed him doing something ill mysteriously. I surprised her swimming/bathing in the dirty river. She kept me talking on the phone for ever half an hour. I heard the birds singing outside the classroom.

427 中学英语语法教程 He had his audience listening attentively. They kept me waiting. / She kept the water boiling. They kept the machine running. The news left me wondering. I cannot have(=cannot suffer)(or won't have)them wasting their time. I will have(=insist on)you finishing it by January. We shall have the rain c oming(=The rain will come). I had many friends waiting for me(=Many friends waited for me).

428 中学英语语法教程 He got his son learning(=made his son learn)English, the water boiling. He got(=had)some friends waiting for him(=Some friends waited for him). He started/set the engine running, the ball flying, the clock going, the music playing. He started(=set)me laughing. I caught him(while he was)stealing it. He caught you doing that. I met her(while she was)walking with John.

429 中学英语语法教程 I took her(out)shopping, hunting. The bell brought people gathering on the square. He sent his child tramping/begging. He sent the price soaring, them packing, his enemy sprawling backwards. The story set them laughing, roaring, gasping, trembling, thinking. I noticed/felt/found him stealing something. I felt myself trembling in his arms. The policeman caught Guy stealing a bicycle.

430 中学英语语法教程 I saw/heard him talking with her(=I happened to observe part of the action). I saw/heard him talk with her(=I observed the whole action.) 但: I should like to hear him talk(不用talking)with her. I heard him giving orders. His imagination depicts/pictures/paints himself hovering in the sky. I imagined/fancyied him wandering about the city like a beggar. He thought himself doing the best thing. I anticipated something happening.

431 中学英语语法教程 Never suppose yourself knowing everything.
I recollected/recalled/remembered her glancing at me more than once. I cannot understand/conceive him doing such a foolish act. I don‘t like/hate/dislike/detest my wife going out often. I don't want anyone cheating me. 如果宾语太长,分词应放在宾语前面 I saw lying on the street a dead man who seemed to have been killed several days earlier. He set running the engine which we had thought useless.

432 中学英语语法教程 谓语动词为被动语态 Someone noticed him carrying a pack when he came in. He was noticed carrying a pack when he came in. She was ashamed to think she should be discovered doing such a thing. The paper was left flying around.

433 中学英语语法教程 B.有许多动词其后做宾补的分词前必须用as The girl fancied her clothes as being made of gold. They all recognized me as speaking on behalf of all. We described the city as expressing a modern idea of speed. He treated money as having little value. His friends accepted him as having seen much of the world. She saw/visualized/described life as being meaningless. The committee regarded the essay as being valueless. They spoke/referred/thought of the book as being the best on the subject.

434 中学英语语法教程 He dismissed the fault as being the result of carelessness. He visualized her as having pretty eyes. He saw life as being a dream. He struck me as being a fool. It is regarded/looked upon as(being)useless. It is accepted as(being)the largest. It is recorded as(being)the best. It is portrayed as belonging to a new era. He is quoted as saying that education is all important He is well-known as being upright.

435 中学英语语法教程 C.有些“不及物动词+介词”短语动词, 后面可用分词作补语 They heard of him living a comfortable life. They told of my brother having succeeded. They listened to her singing. They thought of their boss planning to fire them. I think of him as representing modern writers. They spoke of the factory as(being)the best. They looked upon him as(being)their teacher. Bad novels are sometimes referred to as poisoning the mind of young people.

436 中学英语语法教程 They referred to the book as teaching everything.

437 中学英语语法教程 及物动词+宾语+过去分词(宾语补足语) A.通常过去分词表示宾语“被…”之意
They found the house deserted/robbed. We’ll keep you informed of what’s going on here. It’s better to leave something unsaid. You must get your hair cut. / I consider the matter settled. We will keep every child well clothed and well fed. She had a red dress made for her daughter by the costume designer. Sherlock had his watch stolen at the party.

438 中学英语语法教程 The villagers saw/watched their own village burned/occupied by the German soldiers,where they had lived for generations. Mr.Wilson left his garden not watered all the summer. She heard her name called in the classroom. We felt the earth under our feet removed by the floods. They kept the doors of the villa shut all day. The house has all its windows broken. He reported twelve planes shot down. I like the car repaired at once. They reported five persons killed.

439 中学英语语法教程 I cannot bear this matter mentioned again. We’ve never seen a horse chased up by a wolf. He never fancied himself defeated by his opponent. They found/watched their country occupied by the invaders. I never heard this song sung by a foreigner. My boss wanted everything finished by twelve. Our teacher prefers/likes/wants grammar studied first. He imagined/fancied himself insulted. Cacia brought Sunnie acquainted with her sister. She confessed herself mistaken.

440 中学英语语法教程 He could not make his voice heard. His power made him respected. He made his influence felt and recognized, the secret known, the proposal listened to, it understood that he was an honest man. He will keep me well informed, the bitter lesson remembered, every child well fed, his mouth shut. He left the matter undecided, it unsaid, his work half done, no means untried, no stone unturned. I heard my name called. / John felt no means untried. Have you ever heard Italian spoken?

441 中学英语语法教程 He felt himself lifted up, insulted, hypnotized. I must/will see(=ensure)the work done, her revenged. I've never seen a man hanged. / He saw the village burned. He found the work already done, his country attacked by the enemy, the house deserted, his eyes dazzled by light, himself elected president. He watched/perceived/noticed the situation changed. He his country occupied by foreigners. He fancied himself defeated/lost/buried. I considered matters settled, myself discarded by men.

442 中学英语语法教程 I want/wish/desire the package insured, everything finished by twelve. I like it done at once, such things discussed. I preferred grammar studied first. I owned/confessed/professed/acknowledged myself beaten, myself mistaken. He brought me acquainted with her. He reported seven planes shot down, twenty persons killed. He ordered them banished from the city. He thought himself neglected/honoured by his friends.

443 中学英语语法教程 B.使役动词make/have/get/leave+宾语+过去分词(宾补)
--表示 “(使)宾语被…”之意,或者 “请别人做某事”之意。 Rose had her watch stolen. She had a red dress made for her daughter. He had his hat blown off. She had a red dress made, a picture taken, her teeth pulled out, him put in prison. He had his watch stolen. King Charles had his head cut off. I had no breath left, no rice left, my car repaired.

444 中学英语语法教程 The house has its windows broken. They left the matter unresolved completely. You must get your hair cut, the rules obeyed, your house cleaned. He got his watch dislocated. If you do so, you will get yourself disliked(=become unpopular). You must get your hair cut. / She got the kitchen cleaned. You must get your bedroom cleaned. Shakespeare made his influence in literature felt and recognized by modern folks.

445 中学英语语法教程 注意下列语句的区别: She made a red dress.=She made it herself. She had a red dress made.=Someone made it for her. He had his watch stolen.=Someone stole it.(不是 He caused someone to steal it. have表示状态) You must get your hair cut.=You must cause somebody to cut your hair.(get表示动作)

446 中学英语语法教程 间或过去分词前有一个being表示动作正在(被)进行 I saw the village burned.(=The village was burned when I saw it.) I saw the village being burned.(=The village was being burnt when I saw it.)(更形象) He first discovered potatoes being used as food. I found the work being done./I heard the song being sung. 如果宾语过长, 做宾补的过去分词可以放在宾语前面 He left untouched all the things to be done immediately. He heard played again the music he had played when young.

447 中学英语语法教程 当谓语由主动语态变成被动语态后,宾语补足语就变成了主语补足语 Someone last saw him playing near the river. --He was last seen playing near the river. They considered the man to have stolen the money. --The man was considered to have stolen the money. The teacher caught him cheating in the exam. --He was caught cheating in the exam. We made Tom monitor. Tom was made monitor. --They were all voted fine works of art.

448 中学英语语法教程 I pushed the door open. --The door was pushed open. He dismissed the story as mere rumor. --The story was dismissed as mere rumor. --The play was termed a tragicomedy. --Who was nominated(as)President of the Society?

449 中学英语语法教程 当复合宾语中宾语为非谓语动词或从句,常用it作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放宾补之后,宾补可以是形容词、名词、介词短语或分词。
They found it impossible to finish the work in such a short time. (不可说They found to finish the work in such a short time impossible.) I found it very boring to be with him. (不可说I found to be with him very boring.)

450 中学英语语法教程 I think it necessary to finish task today. (不可说I think to finish task today necessary.) He considered it worthwhile to spend some time helping others. (不可说He considered to spend some time helping others worthwhile.) We don’t consider it possible to set back the clock of history. (不可说We don’t consider to set back the clock of history possible.) I hold it important to take more exercises. (不可说I hold to take more exercises important.)

451 中学英语语法教程 I shall count it a privilege to have known you. He made it a rule to speak in parliament at least once every session. He imagined/fancied it easy to learn a foreign language. They declared/affirmed it illegal to criticize the government. He considered it beyond his power to help me. The doctors considered it within their power to cure the disease. She regarded it as of a great value for you to write the book. I find it hard to persuade her.

452 中学英语语法教程 I supposed it wrong to build a dam here. He thought it no harm to drink a little. He made it a point not to drive too fast. She judged it a matter of life and death to make the decision. He owed it to the manager to tell the truth. She has had it in her mind to buy a house at the foot of the hill. He saw it good to drink a cup of coffee in the morning. She regarded it as of great value for you to write the book. They judged it better to start at once.

453 中学英语语法教程 1)形容词作宾补 He acknowledged it difficult(or troublesome)to begin any business. He considered/esteemed/held it convenient to come at once. He supposed it wrong to tell a lie. They believed/called it silly to do so. I think it fit/well to wait here. They declared/affirmed it illegal to criticize the government.

454 中学英语语法教程 2)名词作宾补 He made it a rule/a point/his entire business not to eat between meals. The situation rendered it a matter of difficulty to tell the truth. She judged it a useless attempt to advise him. They don’t hold it a sin to steal. They pronounced it a crime to say anything against them. He accounted it fun to go to sea. He thought it no harm to smoke.

455 中学英语语法教程 3)介词短语作宾补 He took/had it upon himself to settle the problem. He took it into his head to invent a translating machine. He had it in his mind(or his head, his thought)to talk with her seriously. He had it in mind(or in view,in contemplation)to advise her. He had it in charge to take care of an orphan. He has it in his power to do good or evil. He wished it in his power to do good. He put it in his head to go to sea.

456 中学英语语法教程 He has left it to me to decide. He owed it(=was under an obligation)to his boss to tell the secret(or to work hard). He couldn't find it in his heart(or mind,conscience)to abandon her. 4)as引导宾补 He regarded it as of great importance for you to be humble. Helooked upon it as useless for us to learn art.

457 中学英语语法教程 They found it interesting being at school again.
(不可说They found being at school again interesting.) I felt it annoying being questioned again and again. (不可说I felt being questioned again and again annoying.) He thought it a pity having to let slip the chance. He considered it useless discussing the matter with them. She thought it a great loss having her car stolen. He found it useless advising her.

458 中学英语语法教程 1)形容词作补语 He considered it useless discussing the matter with them. I found it tiresome doing the same thing every day. 2)名词作补语 He thought it a pity having to let slip the chance. I don‘t call it living being a blind man. I think it dangerous your doing so. 3)介词短语作宾补 He couldn’t find it in his mind to abandon her.

459 中学英语语法教程 ③主语+谓语+it(形式宾语)+补语+真正的宾语(that引导的宾语从句) His parents thought it strange that their son hadn’t written to them for a long. (不可说His parents thought that their son hadn’t written to them for a long strange.) He considers it necessary that a man should know at least one foreign language. (不可说He considers that⋯language necessary.) You have to make it clear that his family is not rich. Royal felt it a terrible thing that her mother should have to toil so endlessly.

460 中学英语语法教程 He considered it important that everything should be finished by seven. I have made it clear/plain that I can’t help anyone. He wished it to be understood that the woman walking with him on the road yesterday is not his wife. The trial put it beyond a doubt that he was the murderer. He took it to heart that I called him a fool. She gave it as her opinion that forest cutting would cause disasters. I’ve heard it said that she’s bought a darling little cottage in the countryside.

461 中学英语语法教程 He made it clear that they were deep in debt. The boss laid it down that we wouldn’t leave until six o’clock. She gave it as her opinion that forest cutting would cause disasters. We think it necessary that a man should know at least one foreign language.

462 中学英语语法教程 1)形容词作补语 I thought it likely that he would fail. He considered it important that everything should be finished by seven. He made(it)clear(or plain)that he could not help anybody. He took it amiss (or ill,unfriendly,unkindly)that I kept reticent. 2)不定式作补语 He wished it to be understood that she is not his wife.

463 中学英语语法教程 3)过去分词作补语 He had heard it said that somebody would murder him. He won't have it concluded that his son is a fool. 4)介词短语作补语 The trial put it beyond a doubt that he was the murderer. He cast/flung/threw it in my teeth that I was a toady. He took it to heart that I called him a fool. I owe it to him that I am still alive. I have it on good authority(or by all accounts)that she will marry John.

464 中学英语语法教程 They took it for granted that a girl must marry before twenty. 5)地点副词作补语 He laid it down that we should be more frugal. He set it about that she was to marry him. 6)as引导宾补 He gave it as his opinion that all men are alike. You may take it as a rule that I am ready to help any friend.

465 中学英语语法教程 He declared it mysterious why she should be fired.
④主语+谓语+it(形式宾语)+补语+真正的宾语(疑问词或whether引导的宾语从句) He declared it mysterious why she should be fired. (不可说He declared why she should be fired mysterious.) He found it astonishing how they could accomplish it. (不可说He found how they could accomplish it astonishing.) We heard it debated whether country life is good to our health. (不可说We heard whether country life is good to our health debated.) They left it undecided who would go to the conference.

466 中学英语语法教程 She declared it undecided who would lead the exploration. I found it astonishing how he survived without eating anything for ten days. He heard it bitterly argued whether military spending should be cut. Everyone found it astonishing how the boy survived without eating anything for ten days. We heard it argued whether military spending should be cut. I wanted it answered how the picture was drawn.

467 中学英语语法教程 1)形容词作补语 He declared it mysterious why she should be killed. 2)现在分词作补语 He found it astonishing how they could accomplish it. 3)过去分词作补语 Iheard it debated whether country life is good. They left it undecided who was to be the chief. He wanted it answered how the picture was drawn.

468 中学英语语法教程 注:当复合宾语中宾语为较长的名词性短语或较长的代词性短语,把真正的宾语放在宾补之后,但不用it作形式宾语,即:
主语+谓语+补语+真正的宾语(较长的名词性短语或较长的代词性短语) The growing economy has made possible the creation of millions of new jobs. The new technology has made possible the advanced Internet services we use today. Please put back everything that you have taken from the shelf. I saw lying on the street a dead man who seemed to have been killed several days earlier.

469 中学英语语法教程 We threw open the private garden which they had closed many years. They broke open the door which they could not open with the key. He set free all the prisoners of the city. Please cut short the sentences that seem too long. He saw(it)fit/good to take a rest. He thought(it)fit/right/well/proper to wait and see.(it有时省略) He made(it)plain that we would fight on for democracy.

470 中学英语语法教程 注:某些动词(大多为表示精神活动的动词)后常用as引出短语作宾语补足语。 一般格式为:
They described the place as a paradise. They qualified him as a hypocrite. The citizen blamed the policy as a great mistake. His classmates looked down upon him as a fool. The Populist Party anointed him as its candidate. The Pope has anointed him as Archbishop in this parish.

471 中学英语语法教程 He took me as his best friend. They contemplated my advice as nothing. At night I used the table as a bed. The king fancied his own clothes as being made of gold. The authorities described the city as expressing a modern idea of speed. We consider the vase(as)of little value. They regard Liz as without sense of humour. They all recognized me as speaking on behalf of all. He accepted me as having seen much of the world.

472 中学英语语法教程 She perceived herself as disabled. I considered the job as finished. I think of the plan as practical. We regard the river as having been polluted. He perceived the discovery as a major breakthrough. They thought of the girl as being vain. His colleagues saw him as a future director. They characterized the activities as “female work”. They pictured Liz as a frail woman easily dominated. We all visualized the baby as having pretty eyes.

473 中学英语语法教程 My teacher dismissed the fault as being the result of the carelessness. We didn’t see him as a potential leader. She didn’t see herself as brave. The library didn’t see the Wilson collection as valuable. We saw the gift as a sort of bribe. He chose her a wife.=He chose her as a wife.=He chose her for a wife.=He chose her to be a wife. They elected him president.=They elected him as president.=They elected him for president.=They elected him to be a president.

474 中学英语语法教程 5.主语+谓语动词(连系动词)+表语(主语补足语)+(状语) 谓语动词是连系动词,不能表达完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语特征、身份、类属、状态等的表语,才能表达完整的语义。 常见的系动词有:be(是)become(变成,成为)come (成为) get(变得)go(变)turn(变成)grow(长成,变得)look(看起来) feel(感到,摸起来)smell(闻起来)taste(尝起来)sound(听起来)seem (似乎)keep(保持)stay(保持,坚持)appear(显得,似乎)continue(一直是)remain(保持,依然是)stand(处于某种情况,保持)fall(陷于,变成)prove(证明是)等

475 中学英语语法教程 表语的定义:对主语加以补充说明,说明主语的身份、特征、类属、状态、行为等;通常由名词、代词、副词、形容词、数词、介词短语和非谓语动词等充当。 His voice sounded strange on the phone. This kind of cakes tastes delicious very much. The boy is growing tall and strong. The Lijiang River looks especially beautiful in the early morning. Who was the first? / He fell in love. His dream comes true./ The weather became cold. Our English teacher is thirty years old.

476 中学英语语法教程 The cake tastes delicious./We feel used to living in big cities. The potatoes went bad in the fields. / Deep water stays still. Their boss seems satisfied with the work. / The war was over. The weather continued windy and rainy. The days are getting longer and longer. He looks/seems/appears happy. / The well has gone/run dry. His grandpa stays very healthy. They are all greatest scientists. This is an English-Chinese dictionary. Everyone in the meeting room remained silent.

477 中学英语语法教程 My bank account stands at $500. / Our well has gone dry. I am not quite myself today. / He seemed to know the truth. Time is pressing. / The rose smells sweet. Your idea sounded interesting. / Everything looks different. His face turned red. / The dog looked very angry. Dinner smells good. / He is out of condition today. Children grow wiser as they grow.

478 中学英语语法教程 表语的类型 系动词+形容词/分词(作表语)
My dream has come true. / His shoes wore thin/old. She remains slim/angry/fat/tired/happy/excited/sad. He seems satisfied/angry/tired/happy/excited/sad. This line runs parallel with that./The meat cut tender. Mary woke tired. / He acted natural/surprised. Our country is becoming richer and richer, stronger and stronger. This rule will hold true for two years.

479 中学英语语法教程 Many of the new comers have become accustomed to this cold climate. The cake eats crisp. / The sun rises/shines bright. I returned hungry and thirsty from school. The snow lay thick on the ground. / It stays cold today. The bird glided peaceful and its weathers gleamed white. The soldier lay dead in the trench./She is not herself today. The tea smells inviting. / We are all worried about her safety. All the parents remain seated in the back of the room. A swim in cold water is very invigorating.

480 中学英语语法教程 The criminal went unpunished. / It continued rainy today. The rent fell due. / English goes current in many countries. He is alone(or away, aloof, asleep, agape). It is ashore(or aflame,afloat, abloom).(这些是作表语的形容词, 前面带有前缀a-) 部分不及物动词可跟形容词作表语。 The old man dresses young/elegant. Sunday dawned beautiful, clear and cloudless. She stood irresolute, not knowing how to meet the situation. Many talented people died young.

481 中学英语语法教程 He lay dying/gasping/shivering. He entered dressed in white and wearing slippers. The sun shines bright/dark. / The flame dwindled weak. He stood silent/taller than me. / He talked big/silly. Many important things have passed unnoticed. Mary awoke tired. / Misfortune never come single. My hear beat quick. / He acted surprised. She blushed scarlet.

482 中学英语语法教程 系动词+形容词/分词+介词短语(作表语) 成语动词:系动词+形容词/分词+介词
约有30个系动词后可跟有一个形容词或分词、再跟一个合适的介词, 构成一个成语动词, 相当于一个及物动词;此时 成语动词:系动词+形容词/分词+介词 He is accustomed to taking a bath in the morning. We are short of bund. / The library stays open to the public. He was conscious of his own shortcomings. His parents are satisfied with his school work. He remained ignorant of the serious situation. I must make sure of his address. He became conscious of the danger.

483 中学英语语法教程 ①be是这类系动词中的最重要的一个 He is conscious of/is alive to(=knows)his situation(or being suspected). He is short of(=lacks)money. John is desirous of(=desires)fame(or going abroad). This is similar to(=resembles)that. She is void of(=has no)common sense. They are fearful of(=fear)rats(or being searched). She is fond of(=likes)flowers. He is averse to(=dislikes)tobacco(or helping anyone).

484 中学英语语法教程 His face is suggestive of(=suggests)contempt. This story is interesting to(=interests)every child. His expression was pleasing to(=pleased)his friends. The result is shocking to(=shocks)our team. He is famous for hospitality. / He is tied up in a crime. He is attentive to the lecture. / This is made of iron. These books are readable by young men only. His writings are unintelligible by common people. He is equal to meeting any crisis. / He is alive to the danger. He is interested in chickens((or keeping ducks).

485 中学英语语法教程 The film is amusing to(=amused)the audience. They were starved to death. / He is pleased with the answer. Her singing was audible by the farthest seats. The movie is enjoyable by anybody. / I am sorry for him. They were bent on doing evil./All things are subject to decay. She is sore at me. / She's cuckoo on dress. The result is shocking to our team. The young girl is qualified for the teaching job. Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen. John is given to imtemperance(or lying).

486 中学英语语法教程 He is pleased with(=likes)my gift(or playing with children). John was accustomed/used to comfortable life(or living in a warm climate). He is reduced to poverty(or begging).

487 中学英语语法教程 ②一些其它系动词也可以用于这类结构 He felt tired of life. / He grew intoxicated with alcohol. The soldier became conscious of the danger. Mayer remained ignorant of the serious situation. He got married to her./They made ready for the fight. The sewing machine proved/turned out useful to our family. The statement sounds funny to us./He kept aloof from others. The meat smells bad to him. / He stood mute with rage. His speech fell flat on the audience. She seemed/appeared astonished at the news.

488 中学英语语法教程 The ship got/ran/fell foul of the rocks(or a junk). The package remains untouched by anyone. The library stays open to the public. She stays keen on David, a teacher she met five years ago. You may rest certain of his support(or obtaining what you want). Things seem hard on me. / He went distracted with grief. He fell/came short of his duty. He ran short of provisions(or hands, goods). The custom passes current among mountaineers.

489 中学英语语法教程 The remarks passed unnoticed by all present. His income fell short of the expenditure. His work fell short of the standard(or our expectation, the required amount). The tax fell heavy on the tenants. It came right/easy/natural/wrong/ill to me. It smells/tastes/looks bad to him, but good to me. The statement sounds funny to us. The burden sat light(or easy)on me. She fought shy of him(or canned food).

490 中学英语语法教程 He made merry over another's mishap. I must make sure of his address. He makes free with my money. They made ready for the fight. 注:某些名词, 例如enemy可以用作形容词: He is an enemy(=averse)to falsehood. He is a friend to(=fond of)literature. He may be master of(=proficient in)this subject.

491 中学英语语法教程 系动词+名词/代词(作表语) He became a soldier. / She stood my friend.
She is a teacher. / He felt a child again. She seems an unusually clever girl. She grew up(to be)a pretty girl. / He came out(off)a winner. Sam came home a broken man. He grew up a handsome young man. They continued good friends./John came out a different man. She will stay a widow for the rest of her life. The case rests a mystery. / She doesn’t look herself.

492 中学英语语法教程 His hut looks a wreck/palace to me. It turned out a foolish idea/a disaster. She stood a peony and walked a lily. Liquor means death. / Seven days constitute a week. She grew up to be a pretty girl.(to be 常省略) It was his book. / That is he(or him). It was I(or me). / I am my own man. He felt a fool(or a king, a child again, a millionaire, a free man again). He commenced(archaic )writer(or carpenter).

493 中学英语语法教程 He turned(rather unexpectedly)thief(or optimist, socialist, author, tailor). They turned thief(or thieves). / It grew to be a big tree. The child has grown to be man. He turned out a good doctor(or a robber). It turned out a foolish idea(or an effective measure). It will turn out a dream. / He loomed up a horrible figure. He proved a thief(or a good father). It proved an effective measure. It proved a great success(or a bad project).

494 中学英语语法教程 He remained a bachelor. / They continued good friends. She will stay a widow for the rest of her life. The case rests a mystery. / He does not look himself. He looked(sometimes looked to be)a fool(or daggers, compassion, the doctor that he was). My hut looks a wreck(or a palace to me). He appeared a thief. / He seemed a good boy. It sounds a good plan(or nonsense). He fell a prey to a tiger(or a victim to his own folly, a sacrifice to your scheme).

495 中学英语语法教程 She stood a peony and walked a lily. He stood godfather to me(or sentinel, sponsor). He stood a giant(or my friend). / It loomed a fearful figure. He posed the tallest of them all. / He emerged a victor. He died a saint(or a beggar, a bachelor, a prisoner). He sat there a guest. / We parted the best friends. He went an enemy and returned a friend. He came out a different man. He came off a loser(or a winner, a gainer). He lived a lonely man(or a bachelor).

496 中学英语语法教程 He came home a millionaire. He returned a sadder and a wiser man. He left school a good scientist. / He did cook and did host. He played truant(or the fool). He acted best man for me. / She acted hostess. He went cabin boy to Singapore. He went apprentice to a trade. He will go bail(or security)for that(or for John). It meant happiness(or loss). / Liquor means death. It spelt ruin(or death, disaster). / A equals B.

497 中学英语语法教程 Two and four make six. / He will make a good teacher. The place makes a heaven. He constitutes a burden on the family. John made one(or the fifth)of the company. Seven days constitute a week. Did he look(or seem, remain)a scholar? He looked/seemed/remained so(=a scholar). I am not a slave but I feel so(=a slave). He decided to be a scientist, and he becomes so(=a scientist).

498 中学英语语法教程 “much of/somewhat of/little of…+名词”用作表语,表示程度。
He is much of a gentleman/rascal.(=He is quite a gentleman/ rascal.) He is somewhat of a politician.(=He is a politician in some degree.) He looks more of a gentleman than a rogue. He became less of a gentleman than a rogue. He is much of a gentleman(or a lawyer, a rascal).(=He is quite a gentleman,⋯) He is somewhat of a politician.(=He is in some degree a politician.)

499 中学英语语法教程 He looks more of(a)gentleman than(a)rogue. He became less of a gentleman than a rogue. He is enough of a philosopher to keep cold.

500 中学英语语法教程 He is all confusion.(=He is extremely confused.)
She is all smiles.(=She is extremely cheerful.) She is all skin and bones.(=She is extremely skinny.) All this is no use.(=This is extremely useless.) The two baskets are(of)the same size. My pen is two dollars. / My studio is chaos. He became fully master of(proficient in)mathematics. He is fool/rogue(foolish/roguish)enough to say so. This car is a green color.(=This car is green.)

501 中学英语语法教程 The sentence is bad grammar.(=The sentence is grammatically wrong.) These two shirts are the same size, but different shapes. He is all mirth, all confusion, all attention, all kindness, all anxiety, all astonishment, all life, all dignity, all w isdom, all politeness, all gratitute, all aches and pains, all airs and graces, all talk and no deed.(=He is extremely merry, extremely confused,⋯ ). He is all boy(or all farmer)(=showing all characteristics of a boy,⋯)

502 中学英语语法教程 She is all tears, all thumbs, all smiles, all eyes, all ears, all skin and bones, all legs and breasts(=extremely sad, extremely clumsy, extremely cheerful, extremely attentive,⋯) The chest is all(=full of)precious books(or diamonds). He is the picture(or model, image, pattern, epitome, paragon) of wisdom. He is the spirit(or soul, essence, crystalization)of honour(or meanness, selfishness). He became cruelty itself(or incarnate, embodied, personified, crystalized).

503 中学英语语法教程 John is immense fun(=full of fun). My studio is chaos. / Life is all glamour. Is he good pay(=financially reliable)? Whispering is bad manners(or good fun). This sentence is bad grammar(=grammatically wrong). John is good(or poor)company(=friendly or unfriendly). I could be more help. / Our party is Monday night. This is no matter(=unimportant). This truck is no use(=useless). The novel is nineteenth century.

504 中学英语语法教程 This car is a green colour(=green), an American make. What year is your car? / She doesn's look her age. These two shirts are the same size, but different shapes. What direction is the post office? / My pen is two dollars. We are the same age, but you don’t look your thirty years. 普通名词、集体名词、物质名词也偶尔用作带形容词意义的表语。注意它们前面常常不加冠词: He is fool(or rogue)(=foolish or roguish)(普通名词)enough to say that. He is gentleman enough to stand firm.

505 中学英语语法教程 He became fully master of(=proficient in)mathematics. He is right wing.(集体名词) His taste is middle-class. / John is Cambridge University. The clergyman is church of England. This watch is gold(物质名词). / My dress is silk. The image is plaster of Paris. This poem is Shakespeare(专有名词). 约有10个系动词可和名词连用, 表示数目或尺寸: The journey costs ten days(or five thousand dollars). The work costs a lot of care. / He stood five feet.

506 中学英语语法教程 The sugar weighs five kilograms. The table measures two feet in width and four feet in length. The thermometer reads(or registers, indicates)30℃. He looks only twenty years of age. The rainfall averages 52 inches a year. The workers average eight hours a day. The students total two thousand. The troops numbered twenty thousand.

507 中学英语语法教程 系动词be/seem/appear+地点副词(作表语)
仅有be用于本句型,偶尔keep/feel/look/seem/appear也会用于本句型。 I am here. / She is home from school. Influenza is about(=here and there)in this area. Lots of books are about(=here and there)in this library. The hammer is away(put away)in the tool-box. He seems terribly down(depressed)about his defeat. Her temperature is down. / The tide is down. The enemy seems/appears down and out(=utterly defeated). The stretchers will be across this afternoon.

508 中学英语语法教程 Your words are down in the contract. I must be off now. / The moon is up. The train is off soon. / The fire is out/on. The church is miles off(=away). / Nobody is by. He seems well up in(well acquainted with)the subject. Is anybody in? / The electricity is on/off. Dinner is on from six to eight. / My brother is out/in. The storm is over. / I am through with you. He will be back by six o’clock. / All passengers are on. You are out in your guess. / She is through in politics.

509 中学英语语法教程 有些作表语的副词在不同的语境下意义不同, 在这里地点副词起形容词的作用, 往往不表示地点而表示别的东西: ①down The tree is down. / She feels down today. The telephone wire is down. / Autumn is down. Sales are down. / She looks awfully down. Your words are down(=written)in the contract. The little girl is down with flu. / The temperature is down. Jack appears down and out. He is down in the mouth(=sad).

510 中学英语语法教程 He is not yet down(=He has not yet dressed and come downstairs). The tide is down(=out). / The tyre is down(=flat). He is down with(=ill in bed with)a cold. The river is down. / The sun(or The moon)is down. The rate/The price/Her temperature is down(=has become lower). He seems terribly down(=depressed)about his defeat. He appears down and out(=utterly defeated, in very bad circumstances).

511 中学英语语法教程 He is down to two dollars(=has only two dollars left). She is down for(=on the program for)a song. He will be down on(=look down on)me for this mistake. He was down(=failed)in the exam.

512 中学英语语法教程 ②off They told me that the trip was off. / The milk is off.
Christmas is not far off. / The electricity is off. The argument is off. / The meeting is off. The church is miles off. / I’m off today. / Your watch is off. I must be off(=go)now. / The train is off(=has started). The church is miles off(=away). / Christmas is not far off. The electricity/The water/The gas is off(=not on, no more available). I'm off(=free from regular work)today.

513 中学英语语法教程 This gift article was off(=no more available)months ago. The meeting/The picnic/The engagement is off(=cancelled). He is well(or badly, ill)off(=in good/bad circumstances). My watch is off(=wrong). His hat and overcoat were off(=had been taken off). This lamp is 30 percent off(=off its regular price). The meat is off(=no longer fresh).

514 中学英语语法教程 ③out I was out in my calculation. / The flowers are all out.
The truth/secret is out at last. / School is out(over). The results are out. / The road is out due to snow. Soon the first game was out./Some prisoners are out. The wine is out. / The latest magazine is out today. The two players are out already. / The candle is out. The Publican Party is out(not in power). This hairdo is out(out of fashion). My brother is out(=not in, not at home).

515 中学英语语法教程 The manager is out(=not in the office). The secret is out(=has become known). The latest number of the magazine is out(=published)today. The results are out(=have been pub- lished). The stars are out(=visible). / The tide is out(=low). My daughter is already out(=has already been introduced into society). The flowers are all out(=open). / My purse is out(=empty). The wine/the cup is out(=finished). The term is out(=finished). / School is out(=over).

516 中学英语语法教程 The lease is out(=at the end of the term). I shall return before the week is out(=finished). The candle/The fire is out(=has been extinguished). The Republican Party is out(=not in power). The road is out(=impassable)due to snow. Some prisoners are out(=released). This hairdo has been out(=out of fashion)for 5 months. The labourers are out(=on strike, out of a job). My hand is out(=out of practice). Two players were out(=had lost the right to play).

517 中学英语语法教程 You are out(=wrong)in your guess. My watch is ten minutes out(=too fast or too slow). They are out(=at odds)with each other.

518 中学英语语法教程 ④up She’ll be up in a day or two. / A question is up(=arises). He will be up(=on trial)in court. Her hands are up. / Time is up. The sun is up already. / The new house hasn’t been up long. I was up all night. / She stayed up reading until midnight. He will be up and around(=well)again soon. She seems well up in the subject. The moon/The sun)is up(=has risen). Prices(or Sales)are up)=have become higher).

519 中学英语语法教程 He was up(=did not sleep)all night. / The rebels were up. He is not up(=has not left bed)yet. Let us be up and doing(=active and busy). The country is up(=rising). / My blood is up(=I am angry). Parliament is up(=no longer in session). Your chance is up(=finished). Time is up(=The alloted time has terminated). His time/His term/His leave is up. What is up(=happening)with you. It is all up(=all finished, hopeless)with him.

520 中学英语语法教程 He seems well up in(=well acquainted with)this subject(or current events). He will be up(=go to a higher place or a large city). He will be up and around(=well)again soon. He is up(=on trial)in court. ⑤away You keep away from those chaps. The hammer is away(=put away)in the box. He has been away for thirty years.

521 中学英语语法教程 ⑥over The storm was over(has ended).
Some friends was over(came here)yesterday. The tea party is nearly over. / He’ll be over(there)at six. The storm/The rain/The show/The war was over(=has ended opposite to on). It is all over(= all finished)with me. The tea party is nearly over. Some friends were over(=came here)yesterday. Some money is still over(=remaining).

522 中学英语语法教程 ⑦about He will be about(active)again after he leaves the hospital. Lots of books are about(available)in the school library. Influenza is about(here and there)in this area. He is not about(very unwilling)to adimt his fault. Somebody is about(near). / Somebody was about(=near). He is now out and about(active after an illnes). He will be about(=active)again after he leaves the hospital. He is now up(or out)and about(or around)(=active after an illness).

523 中学英语语法教程 ⑧on Lots of books are about(=available)in this city.
Influenza is about(=here and there)in this area. He is not about(=very unwilling)(美语)to admit his fault. ⑧on The show is on(going on). What is on(happening)in the street? All passengers are on(in the vehicle). Dinner is on(served)from six to eight. His case is on(being considered). What’s on in the street? / His hat is on(on his head).

524 中学英语语法教程 The water/The electricity/The light/The tap/The radio is on (= running, functioning, in action). The battle/The rain/The show is on(=going on). What is on(=on the program)at Palace? His hat is on(=on his head). His case is on(=being considered).

525 中学英语语法教程 ⑨in Oranges are in(in season). / Summer is in(comes).
I’m in for(join in)the contest. / Is the train in(arrived)? A short shirt is in(in fashon) this summer. Applications should be in(received)by May 4. The rice crop is safely in(has been reaped). Is he in(=at home or in the office)? Is the train/the steamer)in(=arrived)? Oranges are now in(in season). A short skirt is in(=in fashion).

526 中学英语语法教程 ⑩through He has been in(=in office, in power)for two years.
I'm in for(=will join)the contest. We are in for(=will suffer)a punishment. ⑩through When will you be through with(=finish)my novel? I am through for the day(=have finished today's work). I get through with my work at 6 p.m.. He is through in politics(=His political life is finished). I am through with you(=Our friendship is no more). You are through(=Telephone connection has been made).

527 中学英语语法教程 ⑾其它副词 He has been around(=is sophisticated). I’ll be around again at six a.m. Nobody was by(=near). None of his relatives are close(or near)by. He is home from school. They are back by six. He is not at all there(or here)(=crazy).(俚语)

528 中学英语语法教程 系动词+介词短语(作表语) 约有15个系动词可用介词短语作表语
The book is of great use. / I am from Tibet. The Congress is against declaring war on Japan. I feel at home/at ease. / He could get out of debt. The sheep doesn’t look in good health. / He felt at ease. His advice is like throwing pearls before swine. Are they for or against the proposal? / She is on the phone. We have been at the wedding party./ The village lies in ruins. He is at work/out of job. / The old man looks in good health.

529 中学英语语法教程 The situation continued out of tune. It is of no use talking with him about the issue. He appeared out of his mind. / The rock is below sea level. The soldiers ran out of ammunition. The trees are in blossom in spring. / The ship is out of sight. The enemy seemed at their wit’s end. Our world remains out of order. The new kind of cars is on sale. / Jim is out of favor with Mary. It is not in accordance with the rules.

530 中学英语语法教程 The room is(of)a hundred feet square. He is on the phone. / All of them are out of work. John is in a bad temper./ How far is it from here? The production of the new car has been under way. The darkest hour is before the dawn. Who is over you in your new job? She is near crying. / She is above marrying such a man. The book seems about some form of revolution. The dish tastes of onion./ The boy stood in terror. Her behavior is out of keeping with her words.

531 中学英语语法教程 The wounded soldier is on the brink of death. He grew out of touch with the outside world. The man seemed at a loss for words. They are(of)the same sex and the same age. He is in Room Six. / My house is without water. The book seems about some form of revolution. Many companies have gone out of business.

532 中学英语语法教程 有些作表语的介词短语可能构成成语 He was at hand(or at work). He was in debt(or in power, in pain). He was on duty (or on edge, on the phone). He was out of office(or out of work). He was under oxygen. / It has become of no use. He was beyond himself with grief. It was below sea level(or below the average). It was beneath contempt(or beneath criticism). It was beyond repair(or beyond belief).

533 中学英语语法教程 It was in blossom(or in fashion). / It was on sale(or on ice). It was out of context. / He seemed at his wit‘s ends. It was all over the place(of It is simply over my head). It was within one's grasp(or within sight). I feel at home(or out of sorts, up to it, at ease). They grew at variance(or out of temper). The news seemed out of doubt. / They kept in touch with me. Your remark appeared out of place. He looks in good health. / He appeared just out of school. She does not look at ease. / It looked out of place.

534 中学英语语法教程 It smells fish. / It tastes of onion. He went off his head(or out of his mind, into ecstasies). He stood in terror(or in awe, in dread of it, in meed of it). I lay at his mercy. / The city lies in ruins. 介词的宾语可以是一个动名词 That is like throwing pearls before swine. She is near crying. / It is worth doing. She is above marrying such a man. He is against declaring war. / He is past relenting. He is for fighting to the last man.

535 中学英语语法教程 在系动词后use, age, size, colour这类名词前的of常常省 It is of no use(=useless). It is of educational interest(=interesting in education). It is of some consequence. / It is of little value. What age is he?---He is(of) your age. They are(of)the same age, the same sex, the same taste. They are society people, but not our type. We are not that sort. What size(or shape, length, height)is It?---The animal is the size of an ox(or the shape of a bird).

536 中学英语语法教程 These two buildings are the same height. The street is the right width. / He is a long figure. The bed is just the length he likes. The room is a hundred feet square. It's good quality and a good design. What colour is the table?--The table is a dark yellow(or the colour of your chairs). What price is the car?(Cf. How much is the car?)--The car is twenty thousand dollars. What weight is the pork?---The pork is two kilograms.

537 中学英语语法教程 What use is this stick?--The stick is no use. The dog is much service to men. What good is this cat?It's no good. What part of speech is the word“go”?

538 中学英语语法教程 ①at 有些介词和名词构成的介词短语,作表语时表达多种意义
Leila was at a disadvantage. / Summer is at its height. His ideas were at variance with ours. She is at her worst. / Rose is at the piano. The blossom is at its brightest. She is at her happiest at home. I’m at the end of my force./Business is at a standstill. He seemed always at his wit's end and sometimes lost his temper big time.

539 中学英语语法教程 ②beyond The road is beyond that hill.
The rumour is beyond belief. The situation is beyond my control. All this is beyond my comprehension. Good advice is beyond price. The patient is beyond the help of the doctor. The young girls are beyond such a thing. Your old bicycle is beyond the repair.

540 中学英语语法教程 ③in Gorden’s still in danger. / The city lies in ruins.
The old man’s in good spirits. / Your room is in disorder. The house was in ruins. / The baby is in good health. Hendry has never been in love before. Ada is in the wrong. / Nobody is in opposition. A revolution is in full swing. / Congress is in session. I am in no mood to dance today. He is in a good position to marry.

541 中学英语语法教程 ④of They are of middle-height. They are(of)the same sex.
Simon is of the same opinion. Peter is of a different way of thinking. It is of any use to you? Would it be of benefit to her? I hope my advice will be of assistance to you. The waste paper is of no use.

542 中学英语语法教程 ⑤on He is on the defensive now. The show is on the air.
Be on the look out for pickpockets. The manager is always on the go. Who’s on the phone? I am on my holiday. Crimes are on the rise. / The nurses are on call. The two countries are on the brink of war.

543 中学英语语法教程 ⑥out of My uncle was out of employment.
He was out of breath. / He appeared out of his mind. I’ve been out of touch with him. I’m little out of sorts. / The news seems out of doubt. Rest was out of the question. The station was out of use. Peaches are out of season. He was out of his element./He appeared just out of school.

544 中学英语语法教程 ⑦under The subject is under discussion.
I was under obligation to tell them what had happened. I’m under the weather. The city was under attack. The houses in the town are all under fire. They were under the impression that they would win the game.

545 中学英语语法教程 系动词+介词+名词+介词短语(作表语) Who is in charge of the company?
约有5个系动词(特别是be)可以和介词、名词和介词短语构成成语动词, 相当于一个及物动词;后可跟名词、代词和动名词作宾语: Who is in charge of the company? The general is in command of the army. The thief is in fear of the police. / He is on a visit to Japan. These ballads are of special interest to us. The two countries are at peace with each other for a long time. The adventurer is in danger of losing his life.

546 中学英语语法教程 ①系动词+介词at+名词+介词… 成语动词:系动词+介词+名词+介词短语
He was/seems at a loss for words. He remains at the zenith of his fame. They grew at variance with us. The two countries are at war/peace with each other. We were at war with(=fought)them. He was at the head of(=headed)the procession. He is at home in(=knows)English. Gambling is at the bottom of(=causes)all evils.

547 中学英语语法教程 ②系动词+介词in+名词+介词… Mary is in the mood for listening to music.
The documents are in the hands of a jeweller. The book is in process of publication. The adventurer is in the danger of(=risks)losing his life. He is in a fair way to(=approaches)success(or being promoted). Mary is in the mood for music(or listening to music). He is in the service of(=serves)Dr. Johnson. He is in command of(=commands)5000 men.

548 中学英语语法教程 She is in the first blush of youth. He is in partnership with some friends. It is in accordance with the rules. The documents are in the hands of a jeweller. He is in charge of this library. The book is in process of publication.

549 中学英语语法教程 ③系动词+介词on+名词+介词…
They were on an expedition to the North Pole. His family is on the point of moving to Shanghi. These policemen are on the track of(=are pursuing)a criminal. I am on the lookout for a new job. He is on a visit to(=is visiting)Japan. I am on the lookout for(=am finding)a job. He was on the brink of(=was nearing)death. He is on the high road to being promoted.

550 中学英语语法教程 ④系动词+其它介词+名词+介词…
This subject is beyond the reach of(=exceeds)my knowledge. At the news,he appeared beside himself with joy. Having been in prison for years he grew out of touch with the times. This subject goes out of the sphere of science. The city was within an inch of destruction during the war. He became out of favour with her. This is within the reach of ordinary men. He is within an inch of destruction.

551 中学英语语法教程 It is out of keeping with(=violates)his words.

552 中学英语语法教程 系动词+不定式(作表语) 这些系动词中最重要的是be
My aim is for him to lead a happy life. Grammar is to assist us in writing good sentences. The fruits are not to be picked. I am to teach English poetry this term. Music is to entertain and raise our spirit. Surely she was to be trusted. The house is to protect us from rain, sunshine and theft. His habit has been to eat breakfast after brushing his teeth.

553 中学英语语法教程 The best tactic is to confess and ask for forgiveness. Her objective is to get a college education. The problem is to find the right shelter to live in. These pills are to be taken three times a day after meals. 在下面句子中有be以外的系动词,后面可跟不定式 He proved to know it all. / It looks to be easy. The letter seemed to have been tempered with. He can't seem to see(=He seems unable to see). He grew to believe it. / He continues to be faithful. He is getting to be(=is becoming)a nice fellow.

554 中学英语语法教程 The situation seems/appears to be improving. Kim got to be(=became)well-known. As he grew up, he grew to know the world. We came to know the situation there. The library has come to be used as a school. He came to hate her(know her/believe her). The report proves/turns out to be true. He grew to know the world. Rose stands(=be sure to) to win. This theory remains to be tested.

555 中学英语语法教程 This theory remains to be tested. He stands to(=is sure to)win(or gain, lose). The conclusion proves to be groundless. Their story turned out to be true. He seemed to know more about her than anyone else. He is getting to be a nice fellow.

556 中学英语语法教程 a.表语指具体某一次的活动, 应为不定式 The driver is to blame/to be blamed for the car crash. Our difficulty is to master English in a year. The agreement is to be signed next Friday. b.主语是不定式,表语也应是不定式 To keep silent is to save plenty of trouble.(=If you keep silent, you will save plenty of trouble.) To talk to him is to talk to a wall. To be addicted to drugs is to ruin yourself. To do two things at once is to do neither.

557 中学英语语法教程 To respect others is to be respected.(=If you respect others, you will be respected.) c.表语较长,应为不定式 Our purpose is to discover who is the most faithful of our friends. He continues to be faithful to his friends. His habit has been to eat breakfast after brushing his teeth. The police appeared to be keeping the details of the criminal case a secret for the time being.

558 中学英语语法教程 ①不定式可做名词性表语,表示主语(抽象概念)的本质内容。即表示某个动作和抽象主语所指是同样东西: My aim(抽象主语)is to assist you(or for him to lead a happy life, for Mary to go to college). His advice is for you to admit your mistakes(or to fight to the last man). Our difficulty was to master English in a year. Their difficulty is to have to smile in the presence of their boss all the time. To live is to suffer and struggle all our life. To boast is to cheat. / To teach is to learn.

559 中学英语语法教程 ②不定式可做形容词性表语,表示主语的动作或品质。主语可以是抽象的东西, 也可以是具体的东西 This book(事物)is to be read(=readable)by children. He is to blame(=to be blamed). / Money is to be spent. The house is to protect us from wind, rain, snow, sunshine, and theft. This herb is not to be eaten(=edible). Mary is to go to college next year. / The worst is to come. We(人)are to get married next Sunday. Grammar is to assist us to write good sentences.

560 中学英语语法教程 John is to die at 90. / I am to teach grammar this term. The house is to let(=to be let).(有被动意义) Music(抽象名词)is to entertain and raise our spirit.

561 中学英语语法教程 系动词+形容词/分词+不定式(作表语) He’s keen to see his birthplace again.
一个系动词加上一个表示意愿的形容词或分词后面再跟一个不定式(作宾语), 相当于一个成语动词, 后可跟名词、代词和动名词作宾语。约有10 个系动词可以这样用: He’s keen to see his birthplace again. I’m inclined to agree with you. He felt afraid to disturb his boss. She’s sure to find out the clues tonight. John is apt to be careless at his work. David seems determined/decided/resolved to divorce his wife.

562 中学英语语法教程 成语动词:系动词+形容词/分词+不定式 He is unwilling/willing to help others. At the age of ten, he became curious/dying to know botany. The young man grew interested to raise birds. He is unwilling for his daughter to marry a poor scholar. He seems determined for Marry to study abroad. After three months of illness, he remained ambitious to stand first in the class. He is unwilling/averse/loath/reluctant(=refuses)to help anyone.

563 中学英语语法教程 He is eager for his students to pass the examination. She is reluctant to leave. / He appears content to live here. They are agreed(=have agreed)to lend us some money. They seem content to socialize with a very small circle of people. She sounded very eager to meet you. Banks are anxious/concerned(=longs)to reduce loaning risks. He is willing to go into the garden for a visit. She was obliged to help us with the task. She is bound to help us. / Sales are likely to drop further.

564 中学英语语法教程 After living abroad for thirty years, she is dying to see her fatherland. They are impatient/eager/keen(=eagerly wish)to get married. He is disposed/desirous/inclined(=likes)to fight. He is ready/prompt to help the poor. He appears willing/content/ready/prepared to work hard. We are apt/liable to criticize others. He is all wild/crazy/dying/burning(=fervently wishes)to own a motorcycle. David is going(=intends)to study electronics.

565 中学英语语法教程 这样用的不定式可有一个意思上的主语: He is anxious for Mary to study hard. =He is anxious that Mary study(or shall study or should study)hard. He is eager for his students to pass the examination. =He is eager that his students pass(or shall pass or should pass)the examination. He is willing for his daughter to marry a poor scholar. I am in no hurry for you to get married. He is pleased for you to come over.

566 中学英语语法教程 副词too可以放在上面提到的形容词前,意思和very 相同。如He is too(=very)anxious to speak. 但He is too angry to speak.=He is so angry that he cannot speak. 此外,all too, but too, only too 可用来代替too, 表示very, 但意思更强一些。 即:all too, but too, only too=very

567 中学英语语法教程 系动词be+动名词(作表语)
His problem was having to get over all these obstacles(to have to get over all these obstacles). My objective is finishing the work as soon as possible(to finish the work as soon as possible). Leaving a large fortune to children is encouraging them to be good-for-things(享乐). Seeing is believing. / Saving is having.

568 中学英语语法教程 Buying such a white elephant(无用而累赘东西 )is wasting money. His bad habit has been getting up late. Our problem is not having sufficient raw material. His distress is having too much money and too many wives. My mistake is studying literature. His mistake is believing her words. Her objective is supporting her brother through college. His worry has been having little money. My problem was having to get everything ready by six.

569 中学英语语法教程 注: That is telling a lie. That would be going too far.
但在John is studying. The wind is blowing. The story is interesting. This child is charming. 这类句子中, 动词的-ing 形式表示主语的动作或特点, 因此是谓语动词或是分词, 而不是动名词。

570 中学英语语法教程 注意与下列语句的区别 John is studying Japanese. The wind is blowing heavily. The story is(very)interesting. This child is(very)charming. His distress is(his)having too much money. One of his weaknesses is smoking too much. 进行时态, 表明主语的行为 现在分词作表语,表明主语的特点, 相当于形容词 动名词作表语, 表明主语的内容, 相当于名词

571 中学英语语法教程 系动词的类别 ①表示特征和存在的状态:be,seem,feel,appear,look, smell,taste,sound,run,prove The fish tastes delicious.(主语特征的体现) They felt very happy. / Everything went well. This line runs parallel with that. / The wound proved fatal. The house has been my uncle’s. The baby looks in good health. Everything went well with him. These oranges taste nice. / The roses smell sweet.

572 中学英语语法教程 She has been ill for over a month. The plan goes unheard and unnoticed. To his family John Muir proves a good father. His dream came true. / He appeared ill/satisfied. The business doesn’t run smooth. Your knowledge of French will come in(prove)serviceable one day. He was sad(or pleased,amazed,very interesting). The house has been my uncle's(用名词所有格作补语). The book is John's. / He appeared ill(or satisfied).

573 中学英语语法教程 He felt hungry(or sure, bad, bound to do it, annoyed). He seems ill(or happy, tired, satisfied, pleased). It bulked large. / It loomed black. He is asleep(or awake,alone,alive,afraid).(表语形容词) He stood alone(or neutral, first on the list, corrected, accused of a crime). How things go with us? English goes(=runs, passes)current in many countries. He went(=was usually)barefoot(or bareheaded, naked, hungry, well dressed).

574 中学英语语法教程 It stood well(or idle). / This line runs parallel with that. Still waters run deep. / How goes the world? Everything/Something/Nothing/All went well(or right, ill, wrong,amiss).

575 中学英语语法教程 ②表示被动意义:feel,wear,blow,eat,come,go,run His shoes have worn thin. / He got confused. The water in the well feels warm. / The dress wore thin. The window blew open suddenly. / The door banged shut. The meat cuts tender/tough. / The landscape reproduces dark. The street measures long. / The cake eats crisp. He looked proud(or black, pained, pleased,satisfied). It looked funny(or interesting). It smelt bad(or sweet,fragrant). It tastes sweet(or bitter, sour, good,delicious).

576 中学英语语法教程 How does it feel to be hungry? It felt smooth(or soft, hard, cold, hot). It sounded(=seemed)unripe(or expensive, strange,wise, easy, all right, reasonable). Pork sounds too heavy to me. / The coin rang true(or false). The street measures long. / It weighs heavy(or much). The landscape reproduces too dark. The sky washes out slightly./The meat cuts tender(or tough). It costs dear.(Cf. It is worth much.) The background records just right.

577 中学英语语法教程 His statement rang hollow(or harsh). Her dress wore thin(or threadbare). It has worn smooth. / Our friendship has worn thin.

578 中学英语语法教程 ③表示状态延续:remain,stay,keep,continue,stand The price remains/stands/stays high.(主语状态的延续) We stand to lose a lot of money if the new law is passed. His illness continued unchanged. The store stays open till midnight. The whole family still remains poor. In winter the water in the river keeps chilly. You can rest assured that I’ll do my best. This disease rests mysterious. / He stays young all his life. This disease rests mysterious.

579 中学英语语法教程 He remained quiet(or firm, honest, poor,unmarried, unpunished,uncared-for). It remained dirty(or dark, unsettled, untouched). It stayed motionless(or fresh). / The library will stay closed. He stayed silent(or asleep). / The paper stayed blank. He stayed young(or rich all his life). The store stays open till midnight. He continued firm(or silent, poor, lazy, unknown, un seen). You may rest assured(or satisfied,content,confident,secure, certain,easy).

580 中学英语语法教程 It continued strong. / It continued rainy. His illness continued unchanged. He kept cold(or silent, still, awake, aloof). He held firm(or silent, mute, aloof, still). The rule held true(or good)for three years. The grievances went(=remained)unredressed. He went unpunished(or unrewarded).

581 中学英语语法教程 ④表示状态变化:become,get,turn,,turn out,run,go,fall,come, grow,prove,come off,come out His face turned red.(主语状态的变化) Lily fell ill/asleep suddenly. The decision turned out(to be)false/correct/attracting important/interesting. She got married/sick last year. Mrs. Gerhardt became fond of embroidery. He grew intoxicated in a minute. He grew excited/tired/intoxicated in a minute.

582 中学英语语法教程 The river ran dry/deep. / The engine has gone dead. The girl is coming ten. / The price is running high/low. The baby grew stronger and stronger. He went mad/blind/lame/crazy/wild/pale/drunk/lost. His dream came true. / The milk went sour/bad. The weather came over cloudy. Many of the new comers have become accustomed to this cold climate. He became fat(or poor, well-known, discouraged). This system became quickly spread.

583 中学英语语法教程 This book became widely read by young people. Our country is becoming richer and richer, stronger and stronger. Many of the newcomers became accustomed to this cold climate. He got sick(or angry, shy, weak, lazy, careless, wet, ready, red, rich, free, shocked, shot, killed, fired, scolded, stung, burried, confused, lost, washed, dressed, engaged, interested, married). He got to be(=became)rich(or friendly). It got to be dearer now. / The gum gets sore.

584 中学英语语法教程 It got cold(or dark, worse, better, loose).(become表示结果, get表示过程) He grew(=gradually became)strong(or wild,faint,more and more foolish, excited, tired, introxicated in a minute, accustomed to it) It grew wild(or thick, tame, small). / It grew ripe(or sweet). He turned false(or pale,red). It turned bad(or yellow, colder).(比较: He was turned(of)[=was past]sixty.) It went bad(or sour, grey, dark,stale,rotten). The engine(or The telephone)has gone dead.

585 中学英语语法教程 He went mad(or blind, deaf, bald, lame, crazy, wild, red, white, sick, pale, dry, wrong, native, distracted, drunk, lost). The plan goes unheard and unnoticed. His dream came true. / The bill came due. The door came unhinged. / How came they acquainted? How came you(to be)so rude? The room struck cold(or nice, warm, comfortable)when one entered. They made(themselves)merry(or sure that they would win, bold to do it).

586 中学英语语法教程 It came cheap. / She is coming sixteen. The seam came unstitched(or unsewn). The knot came untied. He came awake(or square are with her). He came over(=grew)feverish(or sleepy). The weather came over cloudy. He came(or ranked)first. / He ran wild(or mad). The river ran dry(or high,low,deep,thick). The prices ran high. / Provisions ran short(or low). The business does not run smooth. / The beast ran loose.

587 中学英语语法教程 He fell asleep(or dead, ill, tired, faint, dumb, silent,lame). It fell calm(or dark, flat). / The note fell due to me. The rent fell due. (Ten dollars is due to you. My salary is due tomorrow.) The night fell dark. / The post fell vacant. The supply fell short. He fell(=began)humming(or thinking). He proved useful. / The wound proved fatal. It turned out(or proved, came out)(=was found out)(to be) false(or correct, important, interesting).

588 中学英语语法教程 He came off victorious(or defeated,second best). Everything went(=proved)well with him. Your knowledge of French will come in(=prove)serviceable one day.

589 中学英语语法教程 ⑤近似于不及物动词的系动词 He acted natural/surprised).(=He acted + he was natural/ surprised.=He was natural/surprised when he acted.) Don't act foolish. / Stocks close irregular today. He arrived safe.(=He was safe when he arrived.) Mary awoke tired.(=Mary was tired when she awoke.) He was born poor. / My heart beat quick. The door blew(or burst, crashed)open; banged shut. She blushed scarlet. / The prisoners broke loose(or free). They departed unseen. / The fire burned red(or bright).

590 中学英语语法教程 He came running(or singing, smiling, accompanied by his wife). He came home hungry and tired and sad. Misfortune never comes single(or singly). The day dawned clear and bright. He died happy(or young, worth a million, aged 26). He dresses young. / The flame dwindled weak. He entered dressed in white and wearing slippers. He fell down unconscious(or dead). The snow is falling thick. / The window flew open.

591 中学英语语法教程 She flashed(or flared, flushed, flamed)red(or scarlet). It freezes bone-hard in winter. / He jerked free from debt. The bird glided peaceful and its feathers gleamed(or glowed) white. He grows up unmanageable(or innocent). The moon hung low. / Time hangs heavy on my hands. He lay dead(or still, very sick, prostrate, asleep, awake, idle, dying, gasping, shivering, struggling, sleeping, hidden, buried, stretched out).(=He lay and was dead; lay and gasped;etc.)

592 中学英语语法教程 Something lay loose(or open, waste, idle). The field lay fallow. / The road lay level. Some books lay loose. / The fallen leaves lay wet. The snow lay thick on the ground. / The carpet lay smooth. They lay scattered(or concealed). / He married young. He lives poor(or fast). / She rides easy in the saddle. Many important things have passed unnoticed. He played fair(or foul). / The dog played(or shammed)dead. Silence reigned supreme. / He ruled supreme. He returned hungry and thirsty.

593 中学英语语法教程 The sun shines bright(or dark). / It slid(or sprang)open. He sat silent(or idle, cross-legged, thinking, writing a letter, surrounded by friends). Baby sleeps easy at night. He spoke hoarse(or plain, rough, sensible). He stood silent(or firm, mute with rage,taller than me, conspicuous, gazing at something, singing, playing on the guitar, six feet high, six feet in stocking).(=He stood and was silent; stood and gazed at something;etc.) A glass of water stood by me hatful. The pagoda stood out clear. / The room stood empty.

594 中学英语语法教程 The patient's leg swells big. / The door swings shut. He talked big(or silly, wild, sensible, funny). He walks slow and lame. / The screw works loose. He wandered about naked and hungry. 这种句子有一个起不及物动词作用的系动词,如可以说是He talked clever.可以说是He talked.和He was clever.的结合体。 而且,它和 He talked cleverly.有些差别,clever作为补语,说明主语he的情况,比cleverly语气更强,cleverly为副词,修饰动词talked.

595 中学英语语法教程 6,There be+主语(人或物)+状语(时间/地点)
表示存在关系,表达“在某地/某时有(存在)某人/某物”之意,其基本含义是说明或询问人或物的客观存在;它其实是倒装的一种情况,主语位于谓语动词be之后;there仅为引导词,并无实际语意。 此句型谓语动词主要用be动词,有时也用一些表示“状态”或“存在”等意义的动词。 此句型主要的交际功能是传递新信息,以引出新话题,先介绍一个人或物,随后对其进一步说明。 There are some apples in the basket. They are all fresh. There was a king in the kingdom a long time ago.

596 中学英语语法教程 Once upon a time there lived/was an old fisherman. He went out fishing every day. There is a girl and two boys under the tree. There are two boys and a girl under the tree. There isn’t any doubt about the car engine. There are a lot of trees on the bank of the river. There was a wooden bridge over the river years ago. There isn’t a soul in the park. In the kitchen there is the smell of something burnt. There is no need for you to stay here.

597 中学英语语法教程 一,There be句型的基本结构、特点和用法: 1,There be句型的基本结构:
There are six cups and eight bowls on the table. There is something very special in each and every one of us. There will be rain here in this area tomorrow. There has been a lot of snow recently. From the garden there existed a marvelous view over the open countryside. There stand a lot of trees on the river bank.

598 中学英语语法教程 2,There be句型的基本特点: ①There be 句型表达地道、自然,符合语言习惯
There are six cups and eight bowls on the table.(地道、自然) Six cups and eight bowls are on the table.(少用、不自然) There is a tree in the yard.(地道、自然) A tree is in the yard.(少用、不自然) ②There be 句型用于保持语句的平衡 做主语的名词短语较长,there be句型可以保持语句的平衡,避免头重脚轻。 On Sunday after the rain there was an April glory and freshness added to the quiet of the later summer country.

599 中学英语语法教程 At the foot of Mt. Emei, around Fufu Temple, there lives a species of butterfly-one of the rarest rarities of the mountain. No matter how far into the night, there is always a light at the window shining through darkness like a beacon to the one bound for home late. 3,There be句型的否定式: there be句型的否定形式是在be后加not(any)或no。 There isn’t a soul in the park. There is not in the small village a tree or a stone I don’t know. There is no doubt who is the best candidate. There were no phone calls this morning.

600 中学英语语法教程 4,There be句型的疑问式:
There be句型的疑问句是把be移到there之前,还有附加疑问句形式。 Is there a hotel in your town? / Are there any birds in the tree? There are a lot of people waiting, aren’t there? There is no bookstore in the street, is there? What is there to be afraid of at all/on earth? How many books are there on the book shelf? How many students are there in your class? How much juice is there in the bottle? What transportation means is there in your city?

601 中学英语语法教程 5,There be句型的祈使句: Let there be light.
Let there be no misunderstanding between us. Let there be something to eat. Let there be no more of your complaining. 6,There be句型的感叹句: There be句型的感叹句是把被强调的部分放在句首,或在句尾加感叹号。 What a beautiful bamboo garden there is at the back of the village! There’s an oddest-looking man standing at the door!

602 中学英语语法教程 7,There be句型的谓语动词: ①be用作此句型的谓语动词
There are a lot of famous scenic spots in Nanjing. Suddenly there was a loud crash as the clock fell to the floor. There will be a speech contest next week. There is no royal road to learning. There is no rose without a thorn. We are anxious to see what there is to be seen of the city.

603 中学英语语法教程 There is no special way of protecting the river from pollution. There is the rustle of branches in the morning breeze; there is the music of a sunny shower against the window. There is no endless winter in the world. There hasn’t been any rain for some days. There has been being an old lady(that)looks like after him. Nearby there had been a plane crash before the school was established. There is a tall tree in front of the classroom. There will be a meeting in the conference room at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.

604 中学英语语法教程 There was a concert at the theatre last night.

605 中学英语语法教程 ②一些不及物动词用作此句型的谓语动词
不及物动词用作此句型的谓语动词时,多用于正式文体,也可以用不同的时态。 A.表示状态、存在:live,stand,lie(展现;伸展;平躺),remain, exist(存在),stay,belong to,happen(发生) There stands a hill in the middle of the park. There stood a tall pine tree in front of my house. There stood two candles on the table. There stands a satellite town where the pace of urbanization seems relentless. Once upon a time there lived an old monk in the small temple.

606 中学英语语法教程 There happened an accident here this morning. There lies a nursery of all categories of trees at the back of the village. There existed an ancient temple on the top of the hill. Do you think there remains nothing to be done for the car? There belongs to the last century a very strange fashion style not to be seen today. On a Sunday in December, there died a famous poet in the hospital. From the garden there existed a marvelous view over the open countryside.

607 中学英语语法教程 B.表示产生、到来、出现等动作:arrive,follow,come,go, arise,appear(出现),enter,flash,rise,occur,reach,ride,shine, arrive,pass,follow,run,fly,die,sail,break,emerge(出现;出来;显露),rush,awake,spring up(出现;涌现;萌芽),take place等。 Suddenly there entered a woman asking for help. Suddenly there entered/appeared a tall man all in white. There arose the question of how to persuade him into adopting our proposal. There flew the stars and stripes from the window. In the cold and darkness, there went along the street a little poor boy, bare-headed and with naked feet.

608 中学英语语法教程 Suddenly there blew a strong wind. There sprang up a wild gale. There suddenly rushed into the room a group of boys and girls. There was just coming through an important message. There took place a five-day strike all over the country. There sailed a brave old man over the sea. There flashed through his mind a wonderful idea. There awoke in me the wish to build shops of my own. There came into his mind a beautiful face.

609 中学英语语法教程 There runs a stream in the distance. There once occurred an earthquake in the area. There came the jingle-jangle of metallic objects from the shop. Several times lately I have lain wakeful when there sounded the first note of the earliest lark. There followed an uncomfortable silence. There appeared/emerged a boat over the distant sea. In his steadfastness to withstand the torment, the Titan was supported by the knowledge that in the thirteenth generation there should arrive a hero, to release him.

610 中学英语语法教程 C.表示其它情况:appear to be(似乎/好像),seem to be(似乎), happen to be(碰巧),prove to be(证明),turn out to be(结果), try to be(试图)等。 There happened to be no one in my office when you phoned. There appears to be a worrying knowledge gap, but, with a bit of schooling, I can close it. Before you practice gratitude, you are in the dark and there appears to be very little to be grateful for. Regardless, there appears to be much for both offices to do. There seems to have been something of a kind of outcry about the style of Paradise Lost.

611 中学英语语法教程 There seems, however, to be some degree of sympathy even with this passion. There seems to be some mistakes in my pay check. I have worked for two weeks but this pay check is for only one week. There seems to be some misunderstanding about the matter. There seems to be no reason for changing our plan. There doesn’t seem to have been any difficulty climbing the mountain. There appears to be several different ways to settle the problem.

612 中学英语语法教程 There proved to be no good medicine for the disease. There turned out to be very few people for the rally. There tried to be an assassination of the king, which precipitated(促成;猛抛;使陷入)the country into war.

613 中学英语语法教程 ③“情态动词+be”用作此句型的谓语动词 There must be some explanation for such a long delay. There might be drinks and dishes for you if you wait a moment. There might have been someone smoking here. There could be a lot of treasure in the ancient tomb. There may have been a car crash at the crossing of the streets. There might be some evidence to suggest she’s guilty. When might there be an answer? How can there be such a thing?

614 中学英语语法教程 There can’t have been misunderstanding between us. There ought to be a picture here on the wall. There oughtn’t to be a queue for tickets at this time in the evening. Mustn’t there be more explanation for the fault? Beyond in the distance there could be seen a hill. There shall be no more wars or disasters. May there never be another war. There have to be some willow trees along the river. There has to(has got to)be a first time for everything.

615 中学英语语法教程 ④“be going to be(即将), used to be(过去曾…), be to be(必须)”用作此句型的谓语动词 There is to be an investigation for your fault. There is going to be a snowstorm this weekend. There used to be a cinema on the corner.

616 中学英语语法教程 ⑤“be certain to be(一定), be sure to be(一定), be likely/ unlikely to be(可能/不可能), be bound to be(一定), be liable to be(可能)”用作此句型的谓语动词 There is sure to be a quarrel between them. There are bound to be obstacles on the way ahead. There is likely to be a crop failure this autumn. There’s certain to be a solution to the problem. There’s liable to a forest fire this summer if we don’t take some measures to stop it.

617 中学英语语法教程 ⑥“be+及物动词的过去分词”用作此句型的谓语动词
该句型中及物动词可以以被动语态的形式出现。 There was expected to be some discussion/investigation about the issue. There is meant to be another conversation between the two countries. There was thought to be no fossil oil in this area. There is usually felt to be a difference in meaning between the two phrases. There are said to be differences between the political and military wings. There are believed to be over two hundred monkeys living in this valley.

618 中学英语语法教程 There were found(to be)all kinds of birds in the park.
There are displayed(to be)summer clothes in the window. There are now published millions of children’s books every year in China. There were stolen two priceless paintings from the museum. In recent years there has been produced more food than the country needs. In the distance there was heard the lowing of the cattle. There were showed to us several important documents. There were brought in some old books and old photographs. There is laid aside enough money for decoration.

619 中学英语语法教程 ⑦“be+及物动词”用作此句型的谓语动词 There reached him the crying of a boy.
少数及物动词用作此句型的谓语动词,如strike,reach等 There reached him the crying of a boy. There struck her a strange idea. There reaches me across the vast of time no more than a faint and broken echo.

620 中学英语语法教程 ⑧“be+形容词”用作此句型的谓语动词
少数形容词用作此句型的表语,如present,visible,available,missing等 There are visible only few words on the tombstone. (=Only few words are visible on the tombstone.) There were present at the get-together about thirty students. (=About thirty students were present at the get-together.) There were available larger sizes for the shirt. (=Larger sizes for the shirt were available.) There were missing two important papers. (=Two important papers were missing.)

621 中学英语语法教程 8,There be句型的主语: ①泛指的名词(短语)或代词作主语,主要有以下两种情况:
A,作主语的名词前有表示泛指意义的限定词,如a(an),any,some, few,no,much等。 B,作主语的是不定代词,如something,somebody,nobody, anybody,anything,everything等。 There’s a lake in the park. There isn’t much oil in the bottle. Is there anything in the hole?

622 中学英语语法教程 There’s nothing to worry about. There’s someone on the phone for you. What is there to be afraid of?—There’s everything to be afraid of.

623 中学英语语法教程 ②特指的名词(短语)或代词作主语,主要有以下四种情况:
A,the+名词(短语) B,指示代词、物主代词+名词(短语) C,形容词最高级+名词(短语) D,专有名词、人称代词 There’s the economic situation to be considered. There is the clock he bought last week on the table. I can’t go there with you. There’s all the work to do. And there’s my little brother who has got to be sent to school. There is that white cat at the house with her. And there are those clothes and shoes to wash/to be washed.

624 中学英语语法教程 Among those qualified for the job, there’s you and she. She has read many Western literary works. Among them, for example, there are novels by Dickens, plays by Shakespeare and poems by Yeats. Quite a number of old men like to go fishing. There is the retired engineer downstairs, for example. In the kitchen there was the smell of something burnt. There must not be the least interruption in the work. There is still the problem that he lacks experience. There’s the kind of college student who spends money like water.

625 中学英语语法教程 He stopped speaking and there followed the strangest silence.
There were several places where we children often went to play. There was the bamboo garden by the lake, for example. Speeches may broadly be divided into two kinds. There was the speech a man makes when he has something to say, and the speech he endeavors to make when he has to say something. Many birds fly into the lake in winter. There is the swan, for example. Many children like swimming a lot. For example there are Tom and Jack.

626 中学英语语法教程 ③抽象名词主语,主要有以下两种情况: There’s no use trying to escape.
A, There is no sense/use/point/need/good/harm…(in)doing something. B, There is no sense/use/point/need/good/harm…for somebody to do something. There’s no use trying to escape. There’s no need for you to stay here. There’s no good in overeating. There’s no harm in asking. There’s no point/no sense arguing about it with him. There’s no admission to the zoo after 5p.m. There’s no sense explaining about the matter to them.

627 中学英语语法教程 ④动名词主语,主要有以下情况:
There is no+动名词+... There is no predicting when there will be an earthquake. There is no knowing when he can finish writing the book. There is no bearing with such a rude man. There is no saying when the war will end. There is no blinking the fact that he has done his best. There is no speaking with obstinate people. There is no denying that this is a serious blow. There is no telling who will be given the job.

628 中学英语语法教程 ⑤动作名词主语: There is no doubt that he’s guilty.
doubt,hurry等动作名词可以在此句型中作主语。 There is no doubt that he’s guilty. There is little doubt that man has had an impact on the Earth's climate. There is some doubt whether/if he'll come. There is some doubt whether/if he is suitable for the job. In practice, there is doubt whether the principle should be based on terms of the contract for the application of the premise, and "reasonable“ standard is difficult to grasp. There is no hurry about it.

629 中学英语语法教程 ⑥A, There is no question+that/but that…从句–意为“无疑,毫无疑问” There is no question that they will win the match. There is no question but that what he told me about it is true. There can be no question but that he is right. There is no question that Secretary Gates is a thoughtful man, a great administrator and a good politician. There is no question that the human brain functions best when well rested,but new research finds we can strengthen our memories during sleep. There is no question(that)there will be a tremendous appetite for uranium and nuclear energy, in China in particular.

630 中学英语语法教程 There is no question that the new labor law has triggered a labor shift in favor of other cheap-labor countries. There is no question that chimpanzees experience pain, stress and social isolation in ways strikingly similar to the way humans do. B, There is no question+of/about…–意为“无疑,毫无疑问”或“不可能” There is no question of her guilt. There is no question of a spontaneous mass welcome in the streets. There is no question of the queen abdicating. She will carry on as normal.

631 中学英语语法教程 There is no question about his honesty.
He has struggled to focus the scientific community's attention on the volcano, and he says, there is no question it will erupt again. C, There is no question+of+动名词…–意为“不可能” There will be no question of walking through the forest. Obama has made it clear to the Baltic states that there is no question of sharing a missile defense system with Moscow. We'll throw these letters in the fire, and there is no question of your marrying Dora! There is no question of our leaving on such a rainy day.

632 中学英语语法教程 二,There be句型的谓语动词单复数问题: 1,该句型的谓语动词应同其主语保持一致。
There are a lot of crabs crawling on the sand. There’s some food left. 2,有两个或两个以上的并列主语时,谓语动词应和最近的主语保持一致。 There is a pen and two books on the desk. There are two books and a pen on the desk. There is a teacher and ten students under the tree. There are ten students and a teacher under the tree.

633 中学英语语法教程 3,但在非正式文体中,特别是在美式英语中,该句型中的复数主语也可能使用单数谓语动词。
There’s lives at stake and we can’t afford to take any risks. There’s some books I’d like to read. There was only us three walking aimlessly in the valley. Then there was his dauntless courage, his untiring energy, his oratory, persuasive, provocative, now grace, now gay.

634 中学英语语法教程 三,There be的非谓语动词形式:
There be句型的非谓语动词形式是there to be(不定式)和there being(现在分词或动名词),可用作主语、宾语和状语。 注意以下几点: ①there to be作主语时,要用for引导。 ②作介词for的宾语时,要用there to be,其它介词的宾语要用there being。 ③作原因状语要用there being。 I expect there to be many chances for him to get the job. What is the chance of there being an election this year?

635 中学英语语法教程 It’s natural for there to be a generation gap between the parents and children. I don’t mean there to be any more trouble. For there to be a mistake in a computer’s arithmetic is impossible. There being a bridge over the river is a great advantage to the villagers. It is most convenient there being a supermarket near our home. He hated there to be any interference with his work. I should prefer there to be no discussion of my private affairs.

636 中学英语语法教程 It would be surprising for there not to be any objections to the proposal. We have no objection to there being a parking lot here. They asked for there to be a post office nearby. I wish there to be a fundamental change of the local economy. There is still some hope of there being an early settlement of the dispute. There having been no news about her for a long time, they thought she was dead. It’s a great pity for there to be much trouble in the company.

637 中学英语语法教程 She denied there being any trouble in the matter. We must avoid there being any misunderstanding between us. He was disappointed at there being no money left. There not being a post office in the neighborhood is a disadvantage. For there to be success, there must be diligence and perseverance. There being nobody around, he took the wallet. I’d like there to be more flowers in the garden. In that case it is impossible for there to be an escape from the building.

638 中学英语语法教程 I’ve never dreamed of there being such great progress. There being nothing to do, they went home. 观察下列两组语句的转换,它们的语义相同 For there to be so much rain at this time of the year is unusual. =It is unusual for there to be so much rain at this time of the year. There having been no rain for three months, the ponds have gone dry. =As there has been no rain for three months, the ponds have gone dry.

639 中学英语语法教程 四,There be句型的附加成分: There was a heavy rain last night.
这里的附加成分是指修饰谓语的状语和修饰主语的定语。 1,修饰谓语的状语 ①There be+名词(短语)+时间状语 There was a heavy rain last night. There will be a flower exhibition tomorrow. There is always a large post at Christmas. ②There be+名词(短语)+地点状语 After the rain there were branches and twigs all over the ground. There are some willow trees along the river.

640 中学英语语法教程 As the winter approaches, there’s a desperate need for food and shelter in the refugee camp. 时间状语和地点状语有时也可省略。 There were over one hundred students present. There are signs of a gradual approach to perfection. 2,修饰主语的定语 ①There be+名词(短语)+定语从句 There may come a time/day when you’ll regret the decision. There are only a few rivers that are not polluted. There are some machines that were invented by ancient people.

641 中学英语语法教程 There lived a poor widow who had a beautiful daughter.
There wasn’t a man who reached the top of the mountain. 这种结构中引导定语从句的关系代词有时可省略 There was flash/lighting(that)killed the cow. There’s a young lady(who)wants to see you. ②There be+名词(短语)/不定代词+不定式 There’s a lot of work to do today. There’s nothing to be afraid of. There was no rule for them to go by. There’s a guide to lead the way for you.

642 中学英语语法教程 There are plans to flood the valley to build a reservoir.
该结构中作定语的不定式可用主动式,也可以用被动式,含义一般不变,主动式都用于口语中。该结构中作定语的不定式相当于定语从句。 观察下列三组语句的转换,它们的语义相同 There’s no time to lose. =There’s no time to be lost. There are some clothes to wash. =There are some clothes to be washed. There are always new things to be discovered. =There are always new things that are to be discovered.

643 中学英语语法教程 观察下列语句的转换,它们的语义不同 There’s nothing to do.无事可做
There’s nothing to be done.没有什么办法 ③There be+名词(短语)+现在分词/过去分词 There are a lot of kindergarten children playing on the grass. There’s a ship sailing towards the island. There’s somebody shouting downstairs. There’s still some food left. There are some textbooks neatly piled on the desk. There’s still one window left open.

644 中学英语语法教程 五,There be句型的倒装: No snow was there last night.
Not a soul was there to guide the way. Never has there been such a terrible disaster.

645 中学英语语法教程 六,There be句型同其他句型的转换:
1.存在句→主语+谓语动词 There was no one wounded in the battle. =No one was wounded in the battle. There is something moving nearby in the forest. =Something is moving nearby in the forest. There’s someone walking upstairs on the floor. =Someone is walking upstairs on the floor.

646 中学英语语法教程 2.存在句→主语+谓语动词+宾语+(状语/宾语补足语) There was a blind man crossing the road. =A blind man was crossing the road. There was someone knocking at the door. =Someone was knocking at the door. There are some students drawing pictures in the park. =Some students are drawing pictures in the park. There has been some good news keeping her in high spirits. =Some good news has been keeping her in high spirits.

647 中学英语语法教程 3.存在句→主语+谓语动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 There will be guides showing you the way. =Guides will be showing you the way. There was something causing him a lot of trouble. =Something caused him a lot of trouble. 4.存在句→主语+连系动词动词+表语+(其它成分) There were some experts present at the meeting. =Some experts were present at the meeting. There must be something wrong. =Something must be wrong.

648 中学英语语法教程 5.存在句→被动句 There has been a lot of money stolen. =A lot of money has been stolen. There is just being investigated a murder case. =A murder case is just being investigated. 6.存在句的动作执行者→主语 There are no books for him to read. =He has no books to read. There is no reason for him to refuse my proposal. =He has no reason to refuse my proposal.

649 中学英语语法教程 7.存在句的介词宾语→主语 There’s a definite likeness between them. =They have a definite likeness. There is some truth in what she told us. =What she told us is somewhat true. 8.There be no doing→We cannot There is no accounting for tasets. =We cannot account for tasets. There is no telling when he will come back. =We cannot tell when he will come back.

650 中学英语语法教程 9.There be no doing→Nobody There is no saying when he disclosed the secret. =Nobody can say when he disclosed the secret. There is no denying that this is a hard work. =Nobody can deny that this is a hard work. 10.There be no doing→It is impossible to do. There is no learning a trade well without hard work. =It is impossible to learn a trade well without hard work. There is no scraping the paint off. =It is impossible to scrape the paint off.

651 中学英语语法教程 11.There be no use(in)doing→It is no use doing/to do. There is no use(in)arguing any more. =It is no use(in)arguing any more/to argue any more.. There is no use spending any more money on it. =It is no use spending any more money on it. 12.There+名词(短语)+in doing→It is+形容词+to do There is difficulty in reaching the summit. =Ii is difficult to reach the summit. There is some need in equiping them with the tanks. =It is neccessay to equip them with the tanks.

652 中学英语语法教程 13.There be no+名词(短语)+for…to do/that-从句→It is not+形容词+for…to do/that-从句 There is no necessity that you should pay in advance. =It is not necessary that you should pay in advance. There is no good for you to argue with him. =It is not good for you to argue with him.

653 中学英语语法教程 七,There be句型同have的转换与区别: 1.区别:
There are two trees in the yard of my house. I have two trees in the yard of my house. The boy has two bikes. There are two bikes in the boy’s room. The couple have a son and a daughter. The old professor has an extensive knowledge of English literature.

654 中学英语语法教程 Every office has a computer.(强调认为配备)
There is a computer in every office.(强调客观存在) 2.转换: ①表示“客观存在” 且have带有泛指的宾语时,两者可互换。 Have you any money about you? =Is there any money about you? The tree has many apples on it. =There are many apples on the tree. There are trains leaving for Shanghai hourly. =We have trains leaving for Shanghai hourly.

655 中学英语语法教程 There is going to be a class meeting this evening. =We are going to have a class meeting this evening. ②have表示整体和部分的关系、或组成关系时,两者可互换。 There are four seasons in a year.=A year has for seasons. The house has six rooms.=There are six rooms in the house. How many letters has the word?=How many letters are there in the word? ③have的主语是人称意义很淡薄的we, they时,两者可以互换。 We have a lot of rain recently. =There has been a lot of rain recently. They have a picture on the wall. =There is a picture on the wall.

656 中学英语语法教程 分析下列句子的成分 主要成分:主语/谓语/宾语/直接宾语/间接宾语/表语/补语 次要成分:状语/定语 George looks like a born leader. Tom is a sports fan and a lover of the outdoors. Susan has a particular interest in wildlife. She would like to study the environment and wild animals.

657 中学英语语法教程 People called him a dreamer. Someone called me up in the middle of the night. Allan bought her brother a bike yesterday. Yesterday, I asked him to tidy up his room. I saw the boy playing basketball over there. People from many countries came to work and live in Macau. They won’t give you any help even if you ask them to politely.

658 上述各例都简化到了最低限度,在此基础上,我们可以加上一些修饰成分使句子变得更复杂,表达更丰富的内容。如: 1) Lala quickly turned for home. →Worried about the preparations , Lala quickly turned for home with her collection . →Worried about the preparations for her feast, Lala quickly turned for home with her collection. →Worried about the preparations for her feast, Lala quickly turned for home with her collection of nuts, melons and other fruit.

659 2) Leonardo gained knowledge
2) Leonardo gained knowledge. →By studying and drawing them, Leonardo gained knowledge . →By studying and drawing them, Leonardo gained knowledge about their design and structure. 3) A shopkeeper could attract customers. →In ancient Egypt, a shopkeeper could attract customers . →In ancient Egypt, a shopkeeper could attract customers to his shop. →In ancient Egypt, a shopkeeper could attract customers to his shop simply by making changes to its environment.

660 判断下列句子属于哪种基本句型: 1. He arrived. 2. She enjoys watermelons. 3
判断下列句子属于哪种基本句型: 1.He arrived. She enjoys watermelons She looks upset. 4.Mother told me to watch out for that dog She made a cake for me. 6.She gave John an earphone. He dives. 8.He makes his father fullfilling. They were hiking. 1 2 3 5 4 4 1 5 1

661 10. The thief fled. 11. They slipped for a whole afternoon. 12
10.The thief fled They slipped for a whole afternoon The soap tastes hot The music sounds beautiful The crops are growing taller and stronger Her face turned pale Who braked the motorbike? He doesn't enjoy reading I want to come up to your flat Mother bought me a dictionary. 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 4

662 20. She has bought herself a new dress. 21
20.She has bought herself a new dress. 21.She cooked her son a delicious meal. 22.He showed me his new car He taught me how to run the machine What makes him think so? 25.The kids are swinging happily He turned famous doctor. 4 4 4 4 5 1 3

663 中学英语语法教程 句子成分练习题( 一 ) (一)指出下列句中主语的中心词 ① The teacher with two of his students is walking into the classroom. ② There is an old man coming here. ③ The useful dictionary was given by my mother last year. ④ To do today's homework without the teacher's help is very difficult.

664 中学英语语法教程 (二)选出句中谓语的中心词 ①I don't like the picture on the wall. A. don't B. like C. picture D. wall ②The days get longer and longer when summer comes. A. get B. longer C. days D. summer ③Do you usually go to school by bus? A. Do B. usually C. go D. bus

665 中学英语语法教程 ④There will be a meeting at the library this afternoon. A. will be B. meeting C. the library D. afternoon ⑤Did the twins have porridge for their breakfast? A. Did B. twins C. have D. breakfast ⑥Tom didn't do his homework yesterday. A. Tom B. didn't C. do D. his homework ⑦What I want to tell you is this. A. want B. to tell C. you D. is

666 中学英语语法教程 ⑧ We had better send for a doctor. A. We B. had C. send D. doctor ⑨ He is interested in music. A. is B. interested C. in D. music ⑩ Whom did you give my book to? A. give B. did C. whom D. book

667 中学英语语法教程 (三)挑出下列句中的宾语 ①My brother hasn't done his homework. ②People all over the world speak English. ③You must pay good attention to your pronunciation. ④How many new words did you learn last class? ⑤Some of the students in the school want to go swimming, how about you? ⑥The old man sitting at the gate said he was ill.

668 中学英语语法教程 ⑦They made him monitor of the class. ⑧Go across the bridge and you will find the museum on the left. ⑨You will find it useful after you leave school. ⑩They didn't know who "Father Christmas" really is.

669 中学英语语法教程 (四)挑出下列句中的表语 ①The old man was feeling very tired.
②Why is he worried about Jim? ③The leaves have turned yellow. ④Soon They all became interested in the subject. ⑤She was the first to learn about it.

670 中学英语语法教程 (五)挑出下列句中的定语 ①They use Mr, Mrs with the family name.
②What is your given name? ③On the third lap are Class 1 and Class 3. ④I am afraid some people forgot to sweep the floor. ⑤The man downstairs was trying to sleep. ⑥I am waiting for the sound of the other shoe!

671 中学英语语法教程 (六)挑出下列句中的宾语补足语 ①She likes the children to read newspapers and books in the reading-room. ②He asked her to take the boy out of school. ③She found it difficult to do the work. ④They call me Lily sometimes. ⑤I saw Mr. Wang get on the bus. ⑥Did you see Li Ming playing football on the playground just now?

672 中学英语语法教程 (七)挑出下列句中的状语 ①There was a big smile on her face. ②Every night he heard the noise upstairs. ③He began to learn English when he was eleven. ④The man on the motorbike was travelling too fast. ⑤With the medicine box under her arm, Miss Li hurried off. ⑥She loves the library because she loves books. ⑧The students followed Uncle Wang to see the other machine.

673 中学英语语法教程 ⑦I am afraid that if you've lost it, you must pay for it. (八)划出句中的直接宾语和间接宾语 ①Please tell us a story. ②My father bought a new bike for me last week. ③Mr Li is going to teach us history next term. ④Here is a pen.Give it to Tom. ⑤Did he leave any message for me?

674 中学英语语法教程 句子成分练习题( 二 ) 指出下列句子中划线部分的句子成分 1.Whether we’ll go depend on the weather. 2. People’s standards of living are going up steadily. 3. That was how they were defeated. 4.The nursery takes good care of our children. 5.I’ll return the book to you tomorrow. 6.We are sure that we shall succeed . 7.The woman with a baby in her arms is his other.

675 中学英语语法教程 8.There are many film that I’d like to see. 9.Have you met the person about whom he was speaking ? 10.I have a lot of work to do. 11.Anyway I won’t stop you from doing it . 12.I said it in fun. 13.We can send a car over to fetch you. 14.She had to work standing up. 15.Seeing this, some comrades became very worried.

676 中学英语语法教程 16.Much interested , he agreed to give it a try. 17.The bus arrived ten minutes late. 18.We should serve the people heart and soul. 19.Spring coming on , the tree turned green. 20.Some farmers saw something strange in the sky. 21.We think it necessary that everyone should attend the meeting. 22.It’s strange that she doesn’t come today. 23.It was in the library that I come today.

677 中学英语语法教程 24.He likes drawing at times when he isn’t working . 25.We left in such a hurry that we forgot to lock the door.

678 中学英语语法教程 句子成分练习题( 三 ) A 1.___ six years since I began to study English. A. It is B. I have been C. There are D. It was 2.___ in the room at that time. A. Nobody was B. Someone were C. Who is D. He are 3.It‘s very noisy outside. ___ is going on? A. Who B. What C. Which D. Where

679 中学英语语法教程 4.___ in English in class every day is important. A. Speak B. Talking C. Saying D. To tell 5.There must be____ near the factory. A. a book store B. book store C. books store D. books stores 6.Although it's raining hard, ___ are still working in the fields. A. but they B. and they C. they D. since they

680 中学英语语法教程 B 1.The doctor as well as the nurses ___ great concern for the patients. A. show B. shows C. have shown D. are showing 2.Your son must be a clever boy, ___ he? A. is B. isn't C. must D. mustn't 3.The computer center ___ last year, is very popular among students in this school. A. open B. opening C. opened D. being opened

681 中学英语语法教程 4.I ___ go to the shop today, for there is a lot of food at home. A. mustn't B. had to C. can't D. needn't 5.Don't ___ excited. A. get B. is C. seem D. look 6.This room ___ every morning. A. is cleaning B. is cleaned C. cleans D. cleaning

682 中学英语语法教程 C 1.Glad to meet you! ___ is your full name? A. What B. Where C. How D. Who 2.He is ___ to lift the heavy box. A. too weak B. weak too C. enough weak D. weak enough 3.The days are ___ warmer and warmer in spring. A. getting B. looking C. seeming D. going

683 中学英语语法教程 4.His job is ____ English. A. teach B. to teach C. taught D. teaches 5.Two balls are___. A. under the desk B. in the wall C. to here D. at desk

684 中学英语语法教程 D 1.We should get ready___ others. A. helping B. to help C. help D. help with 2.___interesting work we are doing? A. What a B. How C. What D. What an 3.-Would you like to go on a picnic with me today? -I don't think so. To be honest, I really don't feel like ___ on a picnic. A. going B. to go C. go D. went

685 中学英语语法教程 4.I want___ a teacher when I grow up . A. to be B. to C. be D. being 5.Do you know___? A. where does he live B. where he lives C. where he live D. if where he lives 6.Let ____ do it again. A. I B. me C. he D. she 7.I don't know___. A. how to do B. what to do C. where to do D. when to do

686 中学英语语法教程 E 1.I saw him ___ basketball with Jack an hour ago. A. plays B. to play C. played D. play 2.Sorry, we've kept you___ for a long time. A. waited B. sing C. stand D. waiting 3.The teacher told us ____ late again. A. aren't be B. don't be C. not to be D. not be 4.We find the room very___. A. warm B. warmly C. terribly D. hardly

687 中学英语语法教程 F 1.I found ___ difficult to work together with him. A. it B. its C. that D. those 2.We all know ___ our duty to clean our classroom after school every day. A. that B. this C. which D. it 3.He found ___ very interesting to play with the little dog. A. what B. it C. / D. that

688 中学英语语法教程 G ( )1.Tom said he ___ a good dream yesterday evening. A. dream B. dreamed C. have D. has ( )2.Children ___ a happy life in China. A. lead B. living C. has D. leading

689 中学英语语法教程 H ( )1.America, Japan and Canada are ___ countries. A. developing B. developed C. less developed D. develop ( )2. -___ skirt is that on the chair? -Let me see. Oh, no, it's not mine. A. Whose B. What C. Who's D. Which ( )3.Do you have anything ___? A. saying B. to say C. said D. say

690 中学英语语法教程 ( )4.Look, there is an ___ tree by the wall. A. apple B. apple's C. apples' D. apples ( )5.Where is ____ seat? A. yours B. your C. you D. yourselves

691 中学英语语法教程 I 1.The box is ___ heavy for her ___ carry. A. very; to B. too; not to C. too; to D. very too; to 2.-___ did you buy the new bag? -Last Monday. A. Where B. How C. When D. Who

692 中学英语语法教程 3.You can see these signs in a hospital. ___ can you see them? A. Where else B. Where place else C. Where else place D. Else where 4.They went out ___ their old friends. A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. visited 5.There is a wide river____ our village. A. outside B. over C. from D. below

693 中学英语语法教程 J 1.The young man, ___ works in the office. A. me brother B. my brother C. my brothers D. me 2.Our English teacher, ___ often helps us with study. A. Mrs. Wang B. Mrs. Wang C. Mrs. Wang's D. of him 3___, some railway workers are busy repairing the train. A. Them B. He C. They D. Theirs

694 中学英语语法教程 判断类型和句子成分: She came. She likes English. She is happy. The teacher asked me to read the passage. She bought a book for me. She gave John a book. She makes her mother angry. He is growing tall and strong. His face turned red. Who knows the answer? He enjoys reading. My head aches.

695 中学英语语法教程 They talked for half an hour. The dinner smells good. Everything looks different. I gave my car a wash. I want to have a cup of tea. The sun was shining. The moon rose. He bought you a dictionary. I showed him my pictures. He showed me how to run the machine. What makes him think so? She ordered herself a new dress. She cooked her husband a delicious meal.

696 中学英语语法教程 The children are playing happily. The Greens enjoy living in China. He became a famous doctor. The apple pie tastes really delicious.

697 中学英语语法教程 突破训练 1.I felt somebody ______ me.
A touch B touched C to touch D touches 2.He taught me _____ speak English. A how should B how C how can I D how to 3.I shall make your dream ______. A coming truly B come true C to come true D comes true 6.I am sorry to have kept you______ A. to wait B. wait C. waited D. waiting

698 中学英语语法教程 5.He told _____ home. not to go B.we not go not go to not go 6.I think _____ a good habit to get up early. A. this B. it C. that D. its 7.Roses in bloom smell ______. A. sweeten B. sweetly C. sweet D. sweetness 8.The weather ____. A.wet and cold B. is wet and cold C. not wet and cold D. were wet and cold

699 中学英语语法教程 9.The apple tasted ____.
A. sweets B. sweetly C. nicely D. sweet 10.He got up ____ yesterday morning. A. lately B. late C. latest D. latter 11.____ were all very tired, but none of ____ would stop to take a rest. A. We, us B. Us, we C. We, our D. We, we 12. I think _____necessary to learn English well. A. its B. it C. that D. that is 13.The dog ____ mad. A. looks B. is looked C. is being looked D. was looked

700 中学英语语法教程 英语基本句型翻译练习 ㈠英语基本句型-1主系表结构 巩固练习1: 1.冬季白天短,夜晚长 2.十五岁他就成为有名的钢琴家了。 3.孩子们很少保持安静。 4.她的工作是在幼儿园里照看儿童。 5.他失业了。

701 中学英语语法教程 巩固练习答案1: 1.In winter, the days are short and the nights are long. 2.At the age of fifteen, he became a famous pianist. 3.Children seldom keep quiet. 4.Her job is to look after the children in the nursery. 5.He is out of work.

702 中学英语语法教程 ㈡英语基本句型-2主谓结构 巩固练习2: 1.她昨天回家很晚。 2.会议将持续两个小时。 3.在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大 4.1919年,在北京爆发了“五.四”运动。 5.每天八时开始上课。

703 中学英语语法教程 巩固练习答案2: 1.She went home very late yesterday evening. 2.The meeting will last two hours. 3.Great changes have taken place in my home town in the past ten years. 4.The May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in Classes begin at eight every day.

704 中学英语语法教程 ㈢英语基本句型-3主谓宾结构 巩固练习3: 1.昨晚我写了一封信。 2.今天下午我想同你谈谈。 3.这本书他读过多次了。 4.他们成功地完成了计划。 5.那位先生能流利地说三种语言。

705 中学英语语法教程 巩固练习答案3: 1.I wrote a letter last night. 2.I want to talk with you this afternoon. 3.He has read this book many times. 4.They have carried out the plan successfully. 5.That gentleman can speak three languages fluently.

706 中学英语语法教程 ㈣英语基本句型4 双宾语结构 巩固练习4: 1.Johnson 先生去年教我们德语。 2.奶奶昨晚给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。 3.请把那本字典递给我好吗? 4.他把车票给列车员看。 5.我替你叫辆出租汽车好吗?

707 中学英语语法教程 巩固练习答案4: 1.Mr Johnson taught us German last year. 2.Grandma told me an interesting story last night. 3.Would you please pass me the dictionary? 4.He showed the ticket to the conductor. 5.Shall I call you a taxi?

708 中学英语语法教程 ㈤英语基本句型5 复合宾语结构 巩固练习5: 1.我们叫她Alice. 2.我们大家都认为他是诚实的。 3.他们把小偷释放了。 4.我要你把真相告诉我。 5 .卫兵命令我们立即离开。

709 中学英语语法教程 巩固练习答案5: 1.We call her Alice. 2.All of us considered him honest. 3.They have set the thief free. 4.I want you to tell me the truth. 5.The guards ordered us to leave at once.

710 中学英语语法教程 ㈥英语基本句型6 There be 句型 巩固练习6: 1.这个村子过去只有一口井。 2.客人当中有两名美国人和两名法国人。 3.天气预报说下午有大风。 4.灯亮着,办公室里肯定有人。 5.战前这儿一直有家电影院的.

711 中学英语语法教程 巩固练习答案6: 1.There was only a well in the village. 2.Among the guests there were two Americans and two Frenchmen. 3.The weatherman says there’ll be a strong wind in the afternoon. 4.The light is on. There must be someone ion the office. 5.There used to be a cinema here before the war.

712 中学英语语法教程 课文句子翻译练习: 1. 他们正在面对面地交谈。(face) 2. 根据约翰说的, 下周将有一次会议(according)
3. 他早起为了赶头班车。 (in order to) 4. 你和你的同学相处得怎么样? (get along with) 5. 我们对他的安全都很关切。 (concern) 6. 你是否需要一个你可以无话不谈的朋友? 7. 你近况如何? 8. 我们成为好朋友已十年了。 9. 我还没来得及回答他的第一个问题, 他又问了一个问题。 10. 我像大部分人那样记日记。

713 中学英语语法教程 课文句子翻译练习答案: 1.They are talking face to face./ They are having a face-to face talk. 2.According to John, there is going to be a meeting next week. 3.He got up early in order to catch the first bus. 4.How are you getting along with your classmates? 6.Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to?

714 中学英语语法教程 7.How are you getting along / on recently? 8.We have been good friends for ten years. 9.He asked a second question before I could answer the first one. 10.I keep a diary as most people do.

715 中学英语语法教程 复合句的动词句型

716 中学英语语法教程 Ⅲ. 三识动词句型 1.that引导的名词性从句
复合句的动词句型:现在我们以主要语句成分是名词性从句的情况为基础来研究动词句型,即句子的主语、宾语、表语和同位语是名词性从句的动词句型。 名词性从句主要有以下几种: 1.that引导的名词性从句 It is reported that one third of the citizens plan to buy a private car. That he suddenly fell ill last week made us surpised. All of us know that Mary always studies hard.

717 中学英语语法教程 2.whether/if引导的名词性从句引导的名词性从句
Whether motorcycles should be banned in the city has become an issue of controversy. I want to know whether/if Rose can arrive on time.引导的名词性从句 This essay aims to explore why so many white collar workers suffer from insomnia. Where/How/When the king’s family will spend their holiday hasn’t been announced. When we’ll start out for the front should be kept secret.

718 中学英语语法教程 4.who/whom/whose/what/which引导的名词性从句
Who should be responsible for the environmental degradation is still unknown. She asked me which tractor I had been repairing. Do you know what they are doing? We are talking about the issue whom/who we should make as the new director. Can/Could you tell me which boy is your son? Whose/Whosever truck will be used to load the coal makes no difference.

719 中学英语语法教程 1,主语+谓语动词(不及物动词)+(状语) 谓语动词是不及物词 语句成分为从句的情况

720 中学英语语法教程 2,主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+(状语) 宾语为名词性从句的类型 及物动词+that引导的宾语从句
约有150个及物动词可用由that引起的从句作宾语,由that引起的从句都是陈述句: From this he gathered/inferred that his boss did not like him (or that the plan was good). He heard/understood that Wang was in love with Su(or that the situation was growing worse). I have ascertained/found out that he was murdered.

721 中学英语语法教程 He found/saw/perceived/felt/sensed/noticed that something was wrong(or that people liked him very much). He heard say that she was married. He learned/realized/discovered that the earth is round(or that this plant could be found in Africa). He reads that the earth has existed billions of years. You didn't doubt that he was a thief.But she doubted whether he was.(=I thought he was probably a thief. You were sure he was. But she was not sure whether he was.) I think/suppose/assume/presume/believe/expect/imagine/ fancy that he is a very honest fellow.

722 中学英语语法教程 Suppose we have some coffee(=Let us have some coffee). Suppose we try(=Let us try).(that可以省略) I dare say you are wrong. I guess/figure/calculate/reckon he will be here by seven. I wager/bet he has done his best. I suspected that he was a thief. He judged/concluded/decided/gathered/considered that it was best to resign(or that nobody could be trusted). The law prescribes that a man below eighteen must not get married.

723 中学英语语法教程 The judge ruled/adjudged that David was innocent. He believes/maintains/holds that the plan is imperfect(or that all men are born equal). I objected that(=objected because)he was unjust. I protested(=affirmed strongly)that I had said nothing against anybody. He claimed that he was innocent(or that he was a descendant of Confucius). Beware/Mind that he does not deceive you(or lest he deceives you). I will look out/check that he does not cheat me.

724 中学英语语法教程 He denied that he had stolen anything, but did not deny that(or but that)he was on the spot.(=He said that he had not stolen anything,⋯) Wang agreed(with me)that Lee was careless. He admitted/acknowledged/confessed/owned/recognized that he was not qualified for the job. We must allow that he is right,and grant that his remark is true. He assered/claimed/alleged/stated/said/remarked that the situation was getting better and better.

725 中学英语语法教程 He declared/announced that he was planning a trip(or that Mr.Fu had been murdered on the street). He proclaimed that the war would end after a week. He reiterated that he could do nothing for anyone. He mentioned that she would leave us soon. He certified that I was a member of a photo club. He revealed/let on that Wang had four wives. He emphasized/specified that I was to blame. He writes that all men are born equal. I voted that we go for an excursion.

726 中学英语语法教程 He showed/signified that he had nothing to say about the matter(or that something had happened). He hinted that he would like to go to the party and intimated he would accept if he was invited. He insinuated that I had played him a trick. His refusal does not mean that he is unkind to us. His accent betrayed that he came from the North. He demonstrated/proved that the earth is round(or that justice would win). All facts established that he was a traitor.

727 中学英语语法教程 He estimated/calculated/figured that it would take three days to get to the moon. He theorizes that the human beings could live 200 years, if⋯ I submitted there was some mistake and john was to blame. I argued that everything was wrong with our system. He explained that he was too ill to come. He cannot guarantee/warrant/engage/undertake that I shall make a profit. I will see/check that everything is done. He promised that he would help you.

728 中学英语语法教程 He pretended/let on/made believe that he was ill(or that the theft had nothing to do with him). He played that he was a bridegroom. He foretold/foresaw/predicted/prophesied/divined that you would be very rich(or that the world war would break out ten years after). He radioed that he was seriously ill. He swore/vowed that he was innocent(or that he would never divulge the secret). He replied/answered that he could not help me(or that he had no money to lend me).

729 中学英语语法教程 He forgot that he owed you a hundred dollars,could not recollect that he owed you so much,but he remembered that he owed you ten dollars. He added/put in/threw in that he must resign. She retorted that I was more selfish than she. I don't care that he should say so. He rejoiced that we had won the battle,but grieved/exclaimed that many had been killed. He boasted that he was the richest man in the city. He murmured/mumbled/grumbled that he was so unlucky, and complained to me that nobody had treated him well.

730 中学英语语法教程 He whispered to me that John had been taken by the police. He charged that the radio of his neighbour disturbed his sleep. He wondered/marvelled that everything should change so quickly.I don't wonder that he was killed. Do you wonder that he was killed? He dreamed that he was on the battlefield. He little dreamed that he should become so miserable. Picture/Imagine to yourself that your wife is waiting for you at the door.

731 中学英语语法教程 I appreciated that it was well done. He exclaimed/cried out/interjected that he had lost his gold watch. I believe that it will rain tomorrow. I learned that he was no flatter. We expect that it will be all right in the end. He confessed that he had attacked the old man. She assumed that such changes have significant social effects. He willed that his body should be given to the hospital.

732 中学英语语法教程 The President claimed that he was concerned about internal trade barriers in the European Union.

733 中学英语语法教程 注:引导词but that的用法,but that只用在否定及疑问句中, 这种用法业已陈旧
He does not doubt but that(=that)I'll winYou can not deny but that(=that)she's a good player. Who can tell but that he is a swindler? Neither of us knows but that(=that)we can marry. He knows as(=that)(不规范用法)you are honest. I can tell as(=that)he is a swindler.

734 中学英语语法教程 主句谓语动词表示命令、请求、建议等,that 引起的从句可以称作命令从句、请求从句等,从句谓语由should+动词原形”构成: He commanded/ordered/enjoined/directed that we should start at four. The law prescribes that nobody should gamble. He promised you should be rewarded. He demanded/required/requested/asked/wanted that I should pay him next Monday. I insist that he studies music(=I say it is true that he studies music).

735 中学英语语法教程 但:I insist that he study(or should study)music.=I advise him to study. I had(or would)rather(or sooner)(that)she left(or should leave)this dangerous place. I wish/prayed that I should not fail again. He consented that his house should be searched. His illess would not permit that he should work hard. He contrived that his son should go to college. We must secure that every teacher should be qualified. He guaranteed that it(should)be paid.

736 中学英语语法教程 He decided/resolved/determined/intended that everybody (should)be ready by 8 A.M. He arranged with Mary that they should meet again. He recommended/suggested/proposed that I should flee. He moved that John(should)be elected. He willed that his property should go to his daughter. The contract provided that the tenant should pay every month. He cannot bear that you should say no. God forbid that I should meet her again.

737 中学英语语法教程 He hated that the dentist should touch him. He dreaded that(or lest)he should fail. He urged that something(should)be done immediately. He preferred that nothing(should)be said.

738 中学英语语法教程 下面的that从句表示希望或愿望,其谓语多由will或may构成: He hopes(that)you will(or may)help him. He wishes(that)you would help him. He expects that you will help him. He cannot ensure that Mary will come today. He guarantees that the debt will be paid. He fears that you will refuse to help him. He begs/requests/entreats/desires that you will help him. He trusts(=hopes)you may help him(or we shall meet again).

739 中学英语语法教程 God grant that he may succeed. We long that we may be free. I bet/hope she arrives(=will arrive)before noon. 这类句子中,否定词not放在主句中时比放在从句中时多: I do not suppose/believe/expect/imagine/think that heis right. (这样说比I suppose that he is, not right.要好)但应说:I hope he does not fail again.

740 中学英语语法教程 当一个及物动词不能跟有that从句时,它后面可放一个fact,circumstance,idea这类名词,把that从句和它连接起来。这时that从句成为fact这类名词的同位语,也可以说它是由及物动词加名词构成的及物动词短语的宾语: He accepted the fact(owned)that he couldn't rise again. He ignores the circumstance(=doesn't care)that he has made the same mistake as his rival. He overlooked the fact(=failed to notice)that nothing in the world is perfect. He had the belief( an idea, a notion, the impression) (=believed)that the king is always right.

741 中学英语语法教程 I had word(=heard)that they would attack us. We have no doubt(=do not doubt)(that)he knows it. I have all the feeling that everything is wrong. He had a dread/a fear(=feared)that the police would arrest him one day. I have a hunch(=think it likely)that it will rain. I brought the charge that John had murdered my wife. He felt gratitude that they had helped him. He gave judgement that the accused was innocent. You bet your boots(=can be sure)that he will fail.

742 中学英语语法教程 He makes the point(=points out)that some countries are overdeveloped. Take care you don't fall. He made up his mind(=concluded)that we were all wrong.

743 中学英语语法教程 在下面句子中that从句是it的同位语: I must/will see/see to it/look to it that everyone is happy. He insisted(upon it)that he knew better than anyone. He took it(=supposed)that I had left for London. He took it for granted(=was sure)that I could help him. Rumour has it(=says)that the king is ill. He put it that a woman must keep the house. He will have it(=insists)that you have insulted him. He lays it down(=states clearly)that the school should be kept clean and quiet.

744 中学英语语法教程 You may rely/depend upon it(=be sure)that he can help you any time. He owed it to me(=was grateful to me for the fact)that he was still alive. Look(to it)that everything is ready. I will answer for it(=promise)that he will make no moremistake. He stood to it(=insisted)that I was wrong. Take the word of scientists for it that an atom is like a universe.

745 中学英语语法教程 That从句可以放在it和某些不及物动词后面: It appeared that he knew the secret.(=He appeared to know the secret.) It seemed that he knew the secret.(=He seemed to know the secret.) It happened that he knew the secret.(=He happened to know the secret.) It turned out that he knew the secret.(=He turned out to know the secret.) How does it come that you know the secret?(=How do you come to know the secret?How come you know the secret?)

746 中学英语语法教程 在that前有些词有时省略: Not that(=It is not true that)I hate a woman, but that(=but it is true that)I have no chance to consort with any. Not that I love Caesar less, but that I love Rome more. 连词that有时可以省略,特别是在1)believe,presume,hear, suppose,think,hope,wish,expect,say,know等动词后;2)在插入语中that必须省略;3)在一个that从句还包含另一that 从句时, that也必须省略。下面例句中的∧表示省略的that: 1)I dare say∧he does not know it. I believe∧you are wrong.

747 中学英语语法教程 2)The young man, she thinks(or I know, it seems)∧,could be her husband. The young man could be her husband, she thinks(or I know, it seems)∧. There is a young man who(关系代词在从句中作主语),she thinks(or I know,it seems)∧,could be her husband. 3)She said∧she wished∧I could see her. I thought∧you knew∧something had happened. I understand∧he exclaimed∧he had not enough to spend.

748 中学英语语法教程 在以下情况下连词that不可省略: 1)需要表明副词或副词短语修饰哪一个词,2)在that 从句中插有一个关系从句或状语从句: 1)He said that yesterday he went to town. He said yesterday that he went to town. He denied that at the party he spoke ill of the major. He denied at the party that he spoke ill of the major. 2)I know that you,who are my friend(主语和主要动词间插入一个关系从句)will agree with me.(但:I know∧you will agree with me.)

749 中学英语语法教程 I think that,if you can(在that和主语之间夹有一个状语从句)you will do it.(但:I think∧you will do it.) 当一个及物动词后有几个并列的that从句作宾语时,第一个that可省略,后面的that不能省略(但有时这条规定会被忽略): They know that(可省略)he studies music,and that his wife is a country woman,but that they love each other dearly. I told father that(可省略)I would work hard,that I would be a good student,that he need not worry,and that I would return home on New Year's Day.

750 中学英语语法教程 在需重复一个that从句时,可以用so, not, it或as much等词代替它: --Is he a clever fellow? --So I see/notice/believe/hear(=I see/otice/⋯that he is a clever fellow.) (--So I said/hoped/supposed. --So I have heard/have seen/have noticed). I believe/say/pray/expect/wish/hope/think/imagine/trust/ guess/suppose/assume/presume/fancy/understand/said/was told/told you so.

751 中学英语语法教程 It seems/appears so. I do not say/think/suppose/expect/believe so. I believe/notice/expect so(指前面句子总的意思)或it(较具体, 指前面的词组。)或that.(较为强调) 但:I deny/mean/swear it(不可说so). --He has turned hooligan, hasn't he? --I suspect/fear so. If so(=If he has turned hooligan),that is a pity. Why so?How so? I believe/expect/suspect/hear the same(=so).

752 中学英语语法教程 Did Mary commit suicide? I believe/trust/say/expect/hope/think/suppose/am afraid/understand not.(=I believe or trust,⋯that Mary did not). It appears/seems not. The murderer has been arrested, hasn‘t he? I know/hear/am told/say/guess as much or so much(=it or so). He has made great mistakes and confessed(or owned, acknowledged)as much(不要说so). Father will marry Mary to John and has said as much.

753 中学英语语法教程 及物动词+疑问词或whether引导的宾语从句
约有70个及物动词可以用疑问词(或whether/if)引起的名词性从句(或称从属问句)作宾语: We discussed/deliberated/considered/debated what might be done(or whether we should go on strike). He asked/inquired whether he could apply(or not). I will find out/check/ascertain/study who broke the glass. We doubt/question whether we would have peace. I must ascertain/study why he killed himself. I wonder whether he is not happy.(=I suppose he is happy.)

754 中学英语语法教程 I wonder whether he is happy.(=I want to know whether he is happy or not;or,I suppose he is not happy.) I wonder whether/when/where/how we can meet again and spend a pleasant vacation together. 但:I doubt whether(但不能用when,where,how)we can meet again and spend,etc. Watch how you spill it. / Look what a mess you are making. Please mark which syllable is stressed. Beware when you must keep silence. Notice who is coming with Mary.

755 中学英语语法教程 He saw/perceived/noticed/sensed/observed how his friends were suffering from the epidemic(or what important persons were present at the party.) He could not see why you cooperated with this fool. He discovered/found out where the thieves hid themselves(or where the treasure was kept, when the enemy would start an attack). I cannot conceive/understand/think/imagine/make out/tell/ guess how he could say such a thing(or how it could happen, why they treat me so.) Nobody here believes how difficult it is to cure a disease.

756 中学英语语法教程 The captain decides/determines who shall play in the football match. He could not judge/decide/settle whether the answer was right(or when we should act). I cannot recollect when he visited us. He forgot what she had said. I don't recall how he cheated me. I still remember how he kissed me. Can you suggest which is the best way(or when we shall start on our journey)?

757 中学英语语法教程 David cannot express how grateful he is. We cannot agree who is to be our representative. I don’t care/mind whether I shall fail(or what may happen). Please say what you want and which of these you like best. Please repeat what you have just said. Can you describe how he looks? Can he explain why he failed? History shows how we have struggled, where we are going, and what we should do. I wonder how I am going to begin this letter.

758 中学英语语法教程 He revealed where John had fallen in love with Helen(or how their leaders quarrelled among themselves). He reported how those people were starving. He has calculated how much it costs(or when the building can be finished). I'll count how many guests have come. He can prove/demonstrate how mankind have developed from lower animals(or whether it is true). We will select who may be our representative. He could foretell/forecast when it would rain.

759 中学英语语法教程 He could predict whether there would be a good harvest. He prophesied how Christ would come again to the world(or which country would rise and which would decline). He divined when you would fail and rise again. I wonder whether I did a right thing in an accepting the job. She hasn’t decided what she would do next. I don’t know who revealed the secret. I read where(=that)(口语体)there will be a storm.

760 中学英语语法教程 在由疑问词引起的从句中,助动词有时可放在主语前面,句末甚至可用问号代替句号: I asked how could we settle the matter.(?) He inquired what should do.(?) I wonder when does the war come to an end.(?) I wonder, can she(用来代替whether she can)excuse me.(?) 有时疑问词引起的从句可以是一个惊叹句: He said how pretty it was.(=He said,“How pretty it is!”) He exclaimed what a poem he was reading.(=He exclaimed, “What a poem I am reading!”)

761 中学英语语法教程 He cried out/interjected how hard he had worked and what evil treatment he had received. 下面三个小段意思是一样的: John met Mary at a bus stop. John said, “I am glad to see you. Where are you going?”(直接引语) John met Mary at a bus stop. John said he was glad to see her and asked where she was going.(间接引语) John met Mary at a bus stop. He was glad to meet her. Where was she going?(这也是间接引语, 但John said that 和he asked却被省略。)

762 中学英语语法教程 上面提到的及物动词也可用疑问词加不定式作宾语: We debated/deliberated/discussed/considered what step to take. I will ask/inquire when to begin our lessons. I am learning how to swim. He wonders what to do when he grows up. I have discovered/found out how to make this cake. I cannot understand how to do it. I cannot tell where to meet this cheat again. I cannot think how to stop this evil practice.

763 中学英语语法教程 I don't know whom to apply to. Have you decided where to study? Please say which course to take. I will explain how to use the word“as”. He won't revealed when to get married. I don‘t mind/care what to eat. Can you recollect how to do this? Don't forget how to please your parents. I cannot predict when to meet her again.

764 中学英语语法教程 注:如果疑问词引起的从句的主语和主句的主语相,同两种语句可以转换:
I cannot understand how to(=how I can)do it. I wonder what to(=what I should)do. I cannot tell where to(=where we or you may)buy a curio. We shall consider what step to(=what step we must or should)take. They told me when to(=when they were to)get married.

765 中学英语语法教程 注:如果疑问词引起的从句的主语和主句的主语不同, 同时又无法从上下文中推想出来, 且从句中又不包含can,must,may,should,be to这类助动词, 则两种语句不可转换: I know what the government should do.(不可改为I know what to do,除非the government变为I) He asked where his children can study.(不可改为He asked where to study.除非知道是children,这个词被省略) We were discussing how long a man can live. I know what I want.(不可改为I know what to want, 因为从句中没有合适的助动词。)

766 中学英语语法教程 I cannot repeat what I have heard.(不可改为I cannot repeat what to have heard, 因为从句中没有合适的助动词, have 不是一个合适的助动词。)

767 中学英语语法教程 不及物动词+介词+疑问词或whether引导的从句(或“疑问词+不定式”结构)(宾语) 成语动词:不及物动词+介词
约有20个不及物动词可以和介词(常可省略)构成及物动词短语,用疑问词从句作宾语: John worried about what he would study(what to study). He doubted(about or as to)whether he could succeed. They must decide(upon)who is to represent their party. His success depended/relied(upon)what people he made friends with(or how he handled the matter).

768 中学英语语法教程 Don't worry(about)what school you are to go to(or how much you can earn). They already agreed(about or as to)when they were to start and what they were to take with them. I will attend to what the old man wants. I shall think over what I should say. He brooded on(or over)whether he should commit suicide. I am thinking(of or about)how I can study abroad(or which course I am to take). He enlarged/speculated on what mankind will be.

769 中学英语语法教程 He hesitated(about or as to)what he should say. I reflected(on)where I could live peacefully. Your happiness depends upon how little you want and how much you accomplish. We could not agree about whom we should depend upon for our supply. Don't fuss about how it should be done. He talked of(or about)what we should do. They could not agree about which school they would send their child to.

770 中学英语语法教程 He hesitated about/as to what he should say to her. Your success depend upon whether you can bear hardship and stand hard work. I am thinking of/about which subject I am to study.

771 中学英语语法教程 上面所说跟有介词的不及物动词也可用“疑问词+不定式”结构作宾语: We talked about what to do. He has decided(on)where to go. That depends(on)how to handle the matter. He worried(about)how to make his living. They cannot agree(about)when to act. They have thought over where to study science.

772 中学英语语法教程 注:如果疑问词引起的从句的主语和主句的主语相,同两种语句可以转换:
We talked about what we could do(what to do). He has decided(on)where he must go(where to go). He worried about how he could make his living(how to make his living).

773 中学英语语法教程 注:如果疑问词引起的从句的主语和主句的主语不同,两种语句不可以转换:
We talked about what our school could do. (不可改为We talked about what to do.) We talked about what we ate. (不可改为We talked about what to eat.因为从句中没有合适的助动词)

774 中学英语语法教程 及物动词+名词+介词+疑问词或whether引导的从句(或“疑问词+不定式”结构)(宾语)
成语动词: 及物动词+名词+介词 无数及物动词可和特定的名词和介词构成成语。这种成语起及物动词的作用,可跟有疑问词引导的名词性从句或“疑问词+不定式”结构作宾语: He has no interest in(=doesn't care)who rules the country. He gave an account of(=related)how they fought. He had a lesson in(=learned)how paper is made. I took no notice of(=didn't notice)what he was.

775 中学英语语法教程 He set his mind on where he could make most money. He could only make guesses at who she was. They carried on a quarrel about which girl was the prettiest. He can't form a judgement as to whether this world is going to the bad. He has no interest in what to study. He gave an account of how to make paper. He directed his attention to how to do business. He set his mind on what job to do. He set up a standard of how to write.

776 中学英语语法教程 He gave examples of how not to speak ill of others. I got a look at how the robot worked. She has no interest in what he says. I took no notice of who took the umbrella. He gave an account of how they walked through the desert. I have a doubt as to whether he will keep his word.

777 中学英语语法教程 注:有时介词可以省略: I have no idea(about)(=don't know)who she is.
I cannot make up my mind(as to)(=decide)whether I should marry her. I have a doubt(as to)(=doubt)whether our love will last long. (Cf.I have no doubt(=believe)that our love will last long.) Can you give judgement(as to)(=judge)which is the better) Have a care(about)what you say to her. He cannot make a decision(as to)(=decide)what policy his government should adopt.

778 中学英语语法教程 3,主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语+(状语) 直接宾语为名词性从句的类型
双宾动词+名词或代词(间接宾语)+疑问词引导的名词性从句(或不定式)(直接宾语) 约有10个及物动词用名词或代词作间接宾语,却用一个由疑问词引起的名词性从句(或不定式)作直接宾语: English grammar shows us how we should make sentences (=how to make sentences). Please tell me which book we should choose(=which book to choose). Can you advise me what I must do(=what to do)?

779 中学英语语法教程 He asked me where he could get the entrance ticket(= where to get the entrance ticket). He reminded me when I must go(=when to go). He notified me when John started for London. Please inform that man whether his wife has been here. You must teach your children when to act, what to say and where to stop. She asked me where could she buy flowers?(注意主语前的助动词及句末的问号) I ask him what must I study in this country?

780 中学英语语法教程 She asked me who we were talking about. I’ll show you how you could get your shoes mended. He reminded us when we should pay the bill. The teacher told me which book I should read first. Experience taught me whom to trust. (=Experience taught me whom I should trust.) She advised me when to come. (=She advised me when I should come.) She asked me how to translate the sentence. He showed the boy how to operate the machine.

781 中学英语语法教程 在这类句子中不要使用上节所提动词以外的动词, 如: I criticized him how he was wrong.(错句) I know him when he will succeed.(错句) He scolded his servant why he was so lazy.(错句)

782 中学英语语法教程 双宾动词+名词或代词(间接宾语)+that引导的名词性从句(直接宾语)
约有30个双宾动词可用名词或代词作间接宾语,而用that 引起的名词性从句作直接宾语。That有时可省略。整个从句在重复时可以用so代替: I told John(that)he was mistaken.Everybody had told him so. They informed/notified/apprised/advised/wrote/wired/ telegraphed/phoned my brother that the ship arrived on February2. I had informed/notified/apprised… him so. He whispered me that John had been arrested.

783 中学英语语法教程 I remind him that the meeting is on Friday(or that he should send the letter). He assures me that everything is all right(or that I shall be a happy man). Nobody else has assured me so. He can't warrant me that it is genuine. I'll warrant you that you shall be paid. He convinced/persuaded/satisfied her that he would love her always(or that they could be happy). This accident taught us that we were not careful enough(or that driving could be very dangerous). I entreated him that he must stop smoking.

784 中学英语语法教程 I beseech him that he will help my family. They admonished him that he should not drink liquor. They ordered their men that they should fire. He promised me that he should give me a gold watch. They warned him that the place was dangerous. They threatened me that they would kill all my people. He promised me that he would come. We thanked Good(or our stars, Heaven)that our trial was ended. I thank you that you have done this for me.

785 中学英语语法教程 Thank Heaven that we arrived safe. I flattered myself that I was not to do such a silly thing. She promised me that she would forward my . He phoned me that he would take 5:30 train. The lawyer advised the court that his client wished to give evidence. She told me that she would spend her holiday in Hawaii. The old man warned them that it was dangerous to swim in the lake. I bet/wager him five dollars that it will rain today.(bet后跟两个直接宾语)

786 中学英语语法教程 上面提到的双宾动词有些可变作及物动词,这时可以用of 引出的短语修饰: They told him of my sickness. They informed/notified/apprised him of your visit. They reminded me of my promise. They assured me of his honesty. They convinced/persuaded/satisfied me of his innocence. They admonished me of the danger(or my fault,my duty). They warned him of the danger.

787 中学英语语法教程 在这类句子中不要使用上面所提动词以外的动词, 如: I criticized him that he was wrong.(错句) I supposed him that he knew everything.(错句) I know John that he will arrive late.(错句)

788 中学英语语法教程 双宾动词+to+名词或代词(间接宾语)+that引导的名词性从句(直接宾语)
The President’s office announced to the media that peace talk would be resumed in May. She explained to us that how she settled the dispute. (=She explained to us how to settle the dispute.)

789 中学英语语法教程 4,主语+谓语动词(及物动词)+宾语+宾补+(状语) 不定式作宾语: 复合宾语中宾语的类型
约有40个宾补动词可用不定式、动名词、that从句或疑问词引起的从句作宾语,但它们都由it代表,而它们本身则移到宾语补语后面。补语可以是形容词、名词、介词短语或分词: 不定式作宾语: 1)He acknowledged it difficult(or troublesome)(形容词作补语)to begin any business. He considered/esteemed/held it convenient to come at once.

790 中学英语语法教程 I hold it important to take more exercise. I supposed it wrong to build a dam here. He imagined/fancied it easy to learn a language. I think it fit/well to wait here. They believed/called it silly to do so. He saw it good to drink a cup of coffee in the morning. They declared/affirmed it illegal to criticize the government. 2)He made it a rule(or a point, his entire business)(名词作补语)not to eat between meals. He thought no harm to drink a little.

791 中学英语语法教程 John made it a rule to get up early or that everyone should obey him. The situation rendered it a matter of difficulty to tell the truth. He made a point not to drive too fast. She judged it a matter of life and death to make the decision. They don't hold it a sin to steal. She judged it a useless attempt to advise him. They pronounced it a crime to say anything against them. He accounted it fun to go to sea.

792 中学英语语法教程 3)He took/had it upon himself(介词短语作补语)to settle the problem. He took it into his head to invent a translating machine. He had it in his mind(or his head, his thought)to talk with her seriously. He has left it to me to decide. The doctors considered it within their power to cure the disease. She regarded it as of great value for you to write the book. He has it in his power to do good or evil.

793 中学英语语法教程 He had it in charge to take care of an orphan. He had it in mind(or in view, in contemplation)to advise her. He wished it in his power to do good. He considered it beyond his power to help me. He put it in his head to go to sea. He owed it(=was under an obligation)to his boss to tell the secret(or to work hard). He couldn't find it in his heart(or mind, conscience)to abandon her.

794 中学英语语法教程 4)He thought(it)fit(or right, well, proper)to wait and see(it有时省略). He saw(it)fit/good to take a rest. He made(it)plain that we would fight on for democracy. 5)He regarded it as of great importance for you to be humble. He looked upon it as useless for us to learn art. 动名词作宾语: 1)He considered it useless(形容词作补语)discussing the matter with them. He found it useless advising her.

795 中学英语语法教程 I found it tiresome doing the same thing every day. I think it dangerous your doing so. 2)He thought it a pity(名词作补语)having to let slip the chance. I don’t call it living being a blind man. She thought it a great loss having her car stolen. That从句作宾语: 1)I thought it likely(形容词作补语)that he would fail. He considered it important that everything should be finished by seven.

796 中学英语语法教程 He made(it)clear/plain that he could not help anybody. He took it amiss/ill/unfriendly/unkindly that I kept reticent. 2)He wished it to be understood(不定式作补语)that she is not his wife. 3)He had heard it said(过去分词作补语)that somebody would murder him. I’ve heard it said that he’s just bought a darling little cottage in the countryside. He won't have it concluded that his son is a fool.

797 中学英语语法教程 4)The trial put it beyond a doubt(介词短语作补语)that he was the murderer. He cast/flung, threw it in my teeth that I was a toady. He took it to heart that I called him a fool. She gave it as her opinion that forest cutting would cause disasters. I owe it to him that I am still alive. I have it on good authority(or by all accounts)that she will marry John. They took it for granted that a girl must marry before twenty.

798 中学英语语法教程 5)He laid it down(地点副词作补语)that we should be more frugal. The boss laid it down that we woundn’t leave until six o’clock. He set it about that she was to marry him. 6)He gave it as his opinion(补语前加as)that all men are alike. You may take it as a rule that I am ready to help any friend.

799 中学英语语法教程 疑问句或whether引起的从句作宾语:
1)He declared it mysterious(形容词作补语)why she should bekilled. 2)He found it astonishing(现在分词作补语)how they could accomplish it. I found it astonishing how he survived without eating anything for ten days. 3)I heard it debated(过去分词作补语)whether country life is good. They left it undecided who would lead the exploration.

800 中学英语语法教程 注:试比较下面句子: He wanted it answered how the picture was drawn.
He heard it bitterly argued whether millitary spending should be cut. 注:试比较下面句子: 不定式、动名词、that从句或疑问词引起的从句作主语时, 也常用it代表它们, 本身则移到句子后面: It is very easy to talk nonsense. It seems necessary that we should know many people.

801 中学英语语法教程 5,主语+谓语动词(连系动词)+表语+(状语) 系动词+that引起的从句作表语: 表语为名词性从句的类型
在所有系动词中只有be能用that引起的从句作表语。 John's problem was that he had to do it at once. His problem was that he had to get over these obstacles. The chances are that he will fail in the experiment. His order is that everybody should come at seven. His view was that those articles were trash.

802 中学英语语法教程 It is not that I don’t like the car, but it is that I can’t afford it. Not that she loves Bob,but that she loves society.(=It is not that⋯but it is that⋯) It's not so much that I lover her as that she loves me. See和appear可用来代替be,但只能在主语为it时这样用: It seemed(=or appeared)that he was right.(=The appearance was that he was right.)

803 中学英语语法教程 系动词+疑问词或whether引起的从句或不定式作表语: 在所有系动词中只有be能用一个由疑问词引起的从句或不定式作表语。
John's problem was what he should study or what to study. That/This is why I have come(or why I worry). That is why I refused to come to the party. My question is when I can start my own business. Her first question was whether we had weighed all the factors.

804 中学英语语法教程 注:由疑问词引起的不定式可以看作是由疑问词引起的从句的紧缩形式,省略了从句中的主语和谓语动词be.
The problem is who is to pay and when we can start. Our problem is what to do, where to go, how to begin. Our question is how can we stop this bloodshed and when shall we live a peaceful life?(注意主语前的助动词和句末的问号) My question is what to do after I am graduated. 注:由疑问词引起的不定式可以看作是由疑问词引起的从句的紧缩形式,省略了从句中的主语和谓语动词be.

805 中学英语语法教程 系动词+表示精神作用的形容词(或过去分词)+that引起的从句(宾语) 成语动词:系动词+表示精神作用的形容词或过去分词
John was afraid that his mother would scold him. I am sure(=believe)that he is at home. He was afraid(=feared)that he would fail.

806 中学英语语法教程 I am not doubtful(=don't doubt)that he will succeed. I feel certain that you are doing the right thing. We are pleased that the import restictions are being relaxed. He was awere that she wouldn’t help him. She was thankful that the meeting didn’t last long. He is upset that his son should fail the exam. I’m satisfied that they got everything ready. He is aware(=knows)that I cannot help him. I am glad(=rejoice)that the war is over. He became angry that you made the same mistake.

807 中学英语语法教程 I made certain(or sure)the door was closed. He remains/keeps confident that he will win. He is ignorant/conscious/sensible/happy/thankful/⋯)that every thing is OK. He is deeply interested that I'll study in France. He appeared/seemed surprised that I said“no”. He felt/grew worried that you didn't write.

808 中学英语语法教程 注:在书面语中的表示“不安”的词后, 可用lest⋯should代替that⋯should:
在下列由that引起的从句中可用should表示感情, 有时有like that,so这类词和它一起用。 I’m amazed/shocked/annoyed/irritated/disappointed /disturbed/upset that you should reject her like that. I’m glad/pleased/grateful/satisfied that you should return the money so fast. 注:在书面语中的表示“不安”的词后, 可用lest⋯should代替that⋯should: He is afraid lest she should/might reveal the secret. I felt uneasy lest she should have an accident. He was impatient lest he should be late.

809 中学英语语法教程 在和虚拟语气的动词一起用时, that可有if 的意思: He would be happy that(=if)you should follow his advice. I should be astonished that(=if)you could win the game. 由于“介词+名词”有时相当于一个形容词, 为了方便理解, 在这里一并处理: He is under the apprehension(=is apprehensive)that a great war will break out. He is in hope(=is hopeful)that you will recover very soon. They were under the apprehension(that)these plants couldn’t survive in a very cold condition.

810 中学英语语法教程 I am of opinion that every man is a good man. He is under the impression that your family is very happy. I am in dread(=am afraid)that he will fail the driving test. He was in fear(=was afraid)lest she should be killed.

811 中学英语语法教程 注:That常可省略, 特别是在一些常用形容词后的that从句中: 注:在形容词(或分词)和that从句之间不要插入介词:
I am glad you have come. Are you afraid he will be angry? I'm sorry you are hurt. She is sure he will come. 注:在形容词(或分词)和that从句之间不要插入介词: He is afraid of that his mother will scold him.(错句) I am sorry for that I have made the same mistake.(错句)

812 中学英语语法教程 系动词+表示精神作用的形容词(或过去分词)+疑问词或whether引起的从句或不定式(宾语)
成语动词:系动词+表示精神作用的形容词(或过去分词)+(介词) 由系动词加表示精神作用的形容词(或过去分词)和介词构成的短语,如果用一个由疑问词引起的从句或不定式作宾语,它在语法上也相当于一个及物动词。约有10 个系动词可用在这种短语中。介词常常省略掉。 John was doubtful whether he would succeed or what to do next. He is not sure(of)whether you will succeed.

813 中学英语语法教程 He appeared/seemed afraid(of)what you would do. I grow doubtful(of)whether she likes me. He became aware(of)how you treated him. He seems ignorant(of)who is his father. He felt surprised(at)why Wang was killed. Be careful(of)how you write to her. He seemed reckless(of)what would happen. He remains curious(about)why she neglects him. I am amazed(at)how he has succeeded. He is indifferent(to)what you said.

814 中学英语语法教程 I am forgetful(of)what I have done. I am not certain(of)when this ought to be done. He grows fussy(about)how his meals are cooked. He is not sure(about)how to do it. He is careful(of)what to say. He is not sure(of)whether to resign or not(=whether he should resign or not). I am forgetful(of)what to do(=what I must do). I grow doubtful(of)where to find a job(=where I can find a job).

815 中学英语语法教程 He seems ignorant(of)when to go back to school after the vacation. I am not sure(about)whether he will be able to come to the party or not. She seems ignorant(of)who the man is. They weren’t aware(of)how he escaped. He remains curious(about)why she didn’t phone back. He is indifferent(to)what food to eat and what work to do. John seems puzzled(about)what to say. He remained doubtful(of)where to find a wife.

816 中学英语语法教程 He grew curious(about)how to make a toy. 由于“介词+名词”有时在语法上相当于一个形容词,为了方便理解, 在这里一并处理: He is in doubt(=is doubtful)(as to)what we could do. She is in doubt(as to)where she could go. I am in doubt(about)how the accident could have happened. He is in doubt what to do. I am at sea(=am puzzled)(about)how he did it. I am at sea(about)what happened that night. He is all at sea(about)how to begin.

817 中学英语语法教程 I am at my wit's end(or in perplexity)(about)which way to take, whether to get married or not. I am at my wit's end(or in perplexity/in two minds/in several minds(about)which way to take, whether to get married or to continue my study. I am in a puzzle(=am puzzled)(about)what step I must take. =I am in a puzzle(about)what step to take. I am in a puzzle(about)how the accident could have happened.

818 中学英语语法教程 注:还有一个句型可包含在内, 那就是用as引起的从句作形容词型补语的句子。
Things are exactly as(=in the same state as)they were before. This country is almost as I left it ten years ago. Our policy is still as we declared it in Geneva.

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