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翻译实践基础 湖南大学外国语与国际教育学院 张云 副教授.

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1 翻译实践基础 湖南大学外国语与国际教育学院 张云 副教授

2 绪论 本课程的教学目的 翻译的定义 翻译的原则与标准 翻译策略及方法

3 This is a basic course for majors of English, aiming at the students’ mastery of the basic Sino-English differences and the translation skills thus laying a solid foundation for their study of follow-up courses such as interpretation, translation of literature, history and philosophy, a study of Chinese and western translation history and translation of pragmatic texts. The study of this course develops the students’ ability to transfer between two languages and cultures and to familiarize the criteria for a good translation,

4 the way to establish information focus and the situation in which various translating skills shall be applied. The main contents of this course are translation criteria and translation skills, including the criteria to evaluate given translational texts, domestication and alienation, basic knowledge for learning translating, translating methods, the study of treasons, the use of various tools in translating and etc.

5 20% : in-class performance, homework and attendance 20%: translation tasks( you are required to translate no less than 1000 words of whatever English original materials into Chinese by the end of the semester) 60%: final written examination

6 What is translation? Translation is a science. Translation is an art.
Translation is a craft. Translation is a skill. Translation is an operation. Translation is a language activity. Translation is communicating.

7 Alexander Fraser Tytler(1747-1814):
I would therefore describe a good translation to be, That, in which the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language, as to be as distinctly apprehended, and as strongly felt, by a native of the country to which that language belongs, as it is by those who speak the language of the original work.

8 J. C. Catford(1965) defined translation as
the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language. Eugene A. Nida (1968): Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.

9 Nida(1964)的翻译过程模式(analysis, transfer,restructuring)
源语文本 目的语文本 分析 重构 转换

10 张云(2012)对翻译过程模式的描述。

11 关于翻译的原则与标准 Marcus Tullius Cicero(106 BC-43 BC):
… I did not translate them as an interpreter, but as an orator, keeping the same ideas and the forms, or as one might say, the “figures” of thought, but in language which conforms to our usage.

12 关于翻译的原则与标准: Alexander Fraser Tytler( ): The laws of translation which may be deduced from the definition for good translation. It will follow, Ⅰ. That the Translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. Ⅱ. That the style and manner of writing

13 should be of the same character with that of the original.
Ⅲ. That the Translation should have all the case of original composition.

14 Yan Fu( ): faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance 在《天演论》卷首的《译例言》的第一段中指出: 译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信,已大难矣。顾信矣不达,虽译犹不译也,则达尚焉。海通以来,象寄之才,随地多有;而任取一书,责其能于斯二者,则已寡矣。其故在浅尝,一也;偏至,二也;辨之者少,三也。

15 The so-called principles of translation and criteria of translation are actually the two sides of the same thing. The former lays emphasis on the translator, who should follow them while translating, whereas the latter on the reader or critic, who may use the criteria to evaluate a translation.

16 The criteria of translation function as a plumb-line for measuring the professional level of translation and as a goal set for translators to strive after.(Liu, 1991: 14)

17 翻译的分类 语内翻译 语际翻译 符号系统间的翻译

18 源语和译入语之间的差异 看似简单的英语句子,译成汉语不易。这主要是由源语和译入语之间的差异引起的。英语和汉语分别属于两个不同的语系,即印欧语系和汉藏语系。差异主要表现在三个方面: 1)英汉语系语音系统的差异 2)英汉词汇系统的差异 3)英汉两种语言句法系统的差异

19 源语文化和译入语文化之间的差异 翻译,就其性质而言是一种跨文化交际。
作为文化载体的语言,反映了各民族生存的地理环境、历史、习俗和观念,如见面问候语的使用。美国人见面时常说“How are you today?”中国人则常说,“吃饭了没有?”或者“最近忙不忙?”在别人表示感谢时,美国人常回答说“You’re welcome”,中国人则说“不客气。

20 有关历史人物或历史事件的词汇,会引起本族语说话者丰富的联想,而其他文化的人们则很难会有这种联想。例如, 汉语中“我的肚子在唱空城计” ,汉语读者一听,马上就会在脑海里出现诸葛亮与司马懿斗智的一幅幅情景。还有成语、俗语和歇后语等。

21 我们需要加强的几个重要方面 翻译的有关知识和技巧 外语水平和汉语水平 有关源语文化和所译文本内容的知识水平

22 翻译过程的三个步骤: 1)阅读并分析原文 2)将原文转换成译入语 3)对原文进行修改

23 表达的四个层次(文本层次、所指层次、粘着层次、自然层次)
文本层次:原文的字面意义 译文的连贯与衔接:在段落和语篇的层面上对原文的忠实 译文的自然流畅:符合译入语的习惯 She was dancing gracefully in the room 原译:她正在房间里非常优雅地跳着舞。 改译:她正在房间跳舞,舞姿非常优雅。

24 英汉词汇对比与翻译 意义的类型 词汇的意义范围
外延意义、内涵意义、社会意义、情感意义、反映意义、搭配意义和主题意义 词汇的意义范围 Japanese army killed millions of innocent people during the war. 在那场战争中日本军队屠杀了成百上千万无辜的平民。 2) Three men were killed in the accident. 有三个男子在事故中丧生。

25 3) The engine was killed by the flood.
汽车的引擎由于大水而熄了火。 4) Your joke nearly killed me. 你的笑话真是笑死人。 5) I’m reading this book just to kill time. 我读这本书只是为了消磨时间。

26 6) 总之,几年的实践证明,我们搞改革、开放的路子是走对了。(p.240)
Of course, our achievements in the last few years have proved the correctness of our policies of reform and opening to the outside world.(p. 237) 7) 社会主义中国应该用实践向世界表明,中国反对霸权主义、强权政治,永不称霸。 (p. 383) Socialist China should show the world through its actions that it is opposed to hegemonism [hi:'gemənizəm] and power politics and will never seek hegemony. (p. 370)

27 8) 这是中国从向十年的建设中得出的经验。(p. 376)
That is what we have learned from decades of development. (p. 364) 9) 改革、开放是一个新事物,没有现成的经验可搬,一切都要从我国的实际情况来进行。(p. 248) Reform and opening up are new undertakings, so we have no precedent to go by; all we can do it to proceed in the light of the specific conditions in our country. (p. 244)

28 8) 这是中国从向十年的建设中得出的经验。(p. 376)
That is what we have learned from decades of development. (p. 364) 9) 改革、开放是一个新事物,没有现成的经验可搬,一切都要从我国的实际情况来进行。(p. 248) Reform and opening up are new undertakings, so we have no precedent to go by; all we can do it to proceed in the light of the specific conditions in our country. (p. 244)

29 10)日服三次,每次一片 To be taken three times a day, one tablet each time. 11) 你说得有道理,我服了。 What you said is reasonable. I’m convinced. 12)他不服指导。 He refused to obey directions. 13)我在那里只住了三天,因为不服水土,又回来了。 I stayed there for only three days before I returned home, because I was not accustomed to the climate there.14) 服兵役是每个青年的义务。 It’s the duty of every young man to serve in the army.15) 那位拳击手还在服刑。 That boxer is still serving a sentence.

30 试译: I enjoy my life. Hainan Province enjoys tropical climate. see 以access 造句

31 汉语中用得非常广泛的一些词, 如 “水平”、“问题”、“情况”和“形势”等,虽然在英语中有看上去对应的词 level, problem, circumstance 和 situation,但是它们的使用频率却低得多。前面提到的“实践”和“经验”例子就说明了这一点。在有些情况下,根本就不必翻译出来。 例如: 要用英语和外国人交流,你还得提高你的口语水平。 You must further improve your spoken English if you want to communicate with foreigners in English.

32 那我们谈谈文艺问题。(--楼适夷:《夜间来客》)
Shall we talk about literature and arts? (张培基译) 那谈谈对目前文艺形势的感想,好吗? (ibid.) Could you please tell me how you fell about the general trend of literature and arts at the moment?

33 反之,英语中用得很广泛的的一些词, 在汉语中也找不到使用频率接近的词。最典型的就是英语中的连接词,如when, if等。这些词在英语中是不能省略的,而在汉语中,只要意思明白,常常不必用“在……时候”、“如果……就……”等,在很多情况下,用了反而显得拖沓笨重。

34 例如: I won’t go there if you don’t go. 你不去我也不去。 试比较:如果你不去的话,那么我也不去。 If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? 冬天到了,春天还会远吗? 试比较:如果冬天已经到了,春天还会远吗?

35 Please bring your baby here when you come tomorrow.
你明天来把孩子带来。 试比较:你明天来的时候,把孩子带来。 When we say that this machine is of high quality and always works properly, we don’t mean that it is the very best of its kind. 我们说这部机器质量高并且总是工作正常,这并不意味着它是同类机器中最好的。(陈定安,p.109)

36 汉语词汇的骈偶性与英语单词的非对称性 1)A: What date is today?
B: It’s May 7./It’s May 17. 甲:今天几号? 乙:五月七日。/五月十七(日)。(但是: *五月七) A: How old are you? B: I’m seven. /I’m seventeen. 甲:你今年几岁了? 乙:我今年七岁了。/我今年十七(岁)了。(但是:*我今年七了。)

37 magnificent (scenery) 美不胜收(景色)
cloudless (weather) 万里无云(天气) towering (mountain) 高耸入云 (山峰) boundless (sea) 浩瀚无垠(大海) very rich (merchant) 腰缠万贯(商人) interesting (story) 引人入胜(故事) extremely hard(conditions of life or struggle) 艰苦卓绝(条件)

38 She was eighteen and beautiful.
她年方十八,天生丽质(或:美丽动人)。 China is a vast country with rich natural resources and a large population. 中国地大物博,人口众多。

39 Puritans, a sizeable percentage of the earliest settlers in Massachussetts, were a pious, self-disciplined people.... 原译: 最早到麻省定居的移民中, 相当大一部分是清教徒 , 他们是虔诚的和严于律已的人。 改译:最早到麻省定居的移民,大多为虔诚自律的清教徒。 Babies satisfactorily born. 原译:孩子们顺利地降生了。 改译:孩子已生,一切顺利。

40 …thirty years before, …his name shot suddenly to the zenith from Crimean battlefield, to remain forever celebrated. 三十年前,他在克里米亚战役中崭露头角,名声大噪,历久不衰。

41 They spoke to each other rarely in their incomprehensible tongue, but always with a courteous smile and often with a small bow. 谁也听不懂他们的话,但他们很少交谈,而说话时总是一副笑容可掬的样子,还常常微微地鞠躬致意。

42 两千一百万台湾同胞都是中国人,都是骨肉同胞、手足兄弟。
The 21million compatriots in Taiwan are all Chinese and our own flesh and blood. 当风和日丽时,举目远望,佘山、金山、崇明岛隐隐可见。 原译:On a day of gentle breeze and bright sun, the observation deck commands an indistinct view of Mount Sheshan… 改译:On a fine day, one can even see Mount Sheshan, Jinshan and Chongming Island, although not very clearly….

43 …and with all her advantages, natural and domestic, she was now in a great danger of suffering from intellectual solitude. (J. Austin: Emma) 译文一:她虽然具备一切天生的家庭优越条件,但现在却大有智力上的孤独之虞了。 译文二:尽管她天生聪明漂亮,家境又好,但现在却深感精神上的孤独。

44 She is as virtuous as she is pretty… I esteem her for her good sense, much as I admire her for her good looks. (Dickens: David Copperfield) 译文一:她的正经不下于她的美丽。……我重视她的美德不下于我赞美她的美貌呢。 译文二:这个人不但容貌美丽,而且品德端正。……我不但因为她有姿色而敬重她,更因为她有慧心而敬重她。

45 词汇的形态与翻译 英语是有形态变化的语言,同一个汉语词汇可以有几个不同词性或形态的英语单词与之对应。例如,
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. <谚> 美出自观者之心目。 She is very beautiful. 她很美。 She dances beautifully. 她舞姿很美。

46 他来了, 我很高兴。 译文一:He arrived, which delighted me. 译文二:His arrival delighted me 译文三:His arriving delighted me. 耳闻不如一见。 译文一:Seeing is believing. 译文二:To see is to believe. 译文三:I won’t believe anything until I see it.

47 词义的准确理解 坚持重合同、守信用、“客户至上、竭诚服务”的宗旨…
误译:…stick to the purpose of abiding by contract and upholding good reputation and “putting customers first and offering whole-hearted service”. 正译:…adhere to the principle of abiding by contract and upholding good reputation and “putting customers first and offering whole-hearted service”. 无论何等人都可以用贱价买它来吃……(《落花生》) 误译:People of all social classes can buy them at a low price. 正译:They are so cheap that anyone can afford them.

48 词义的准确表达 Would this man receive them as fellow countrymen, or would he treat them with cold suspicion and question them cautiously about their past careers as militarists? (from A. Smedley, The Great Road) 原译:这个人会不会像同胞手足一样接待他们呢?会不会疑虑重重,详细询问他们在军阀时代的经历呢? 改译:这个人会不会像接待同胞手足一样接待他们呢?会不会疑虑重重,仔细盘问他们的军阀经历呢? Chou was a quiet and thoughtful man, even a little shy as he welcomed his visitors, urged them to be seated and to tell how he could help them. (ibid.) 原译:周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴,在招呼他们坐下,询问有何见教的时候,甚至还有点腼腆。 改译:周恩来举止文静,待人体贴,在招呼他们坐下,询问他们的来意时,甚至还有点腼腆。

49 The basic problem is that bog cities are no longer functional
The basic problem is that bog cities are no longer functional....A handful of cities—New York, San Francisco, maybe Boston—are redefining their roles. 原译:根本的问题是,大城市不再起作用。少数几个城市――纽约、旧金山,可能还有波士顿――正在重新确定各自的作用。 改译:根本的问题是,大城市已经无法运作……少数几个城市,如纽约、旧金山,也许还有波士顿,正在重新定位。

50 Most of these writers were convinced that injustices existed in our economic system, and against these injustices they protested, but they had no wish to change they system itself; or if they did, through idealistic, Utopian schemes. 原译:这些作家中的大部分会都相信我们的经济制度中是存在着不公平的现象的,而且他们对这些现象也提出了抗议,然而他们并没有改变这种制度本身的愿望;就算他们有这种愿望,那也只是通过一些空想的、乌托邦式的办法来改变它。 改译:大多数这些作家都相信我们的经济制度中存在着不公平现象,并对此提出过抗议,但是他们并不想改变这种制度本身;即使想,也只是些乌托邦式的空想而已。

51 有时候老虎走近些, 但对驴子还是敬而远之。(《摘自:“黔之驴”》)
误译:Sometimes the tiger ventured nearer, but still kept the tiger at a respectful distance. 正译:Sometimes the tiger ventured nearer, but still kept a respectful distance from the tiger.

52 你们偶然看见一棵花生瑟缩地长在地上,不能立刻辨出它有没有果实,非得等到你接触它才能知道。
原译:When you come upon a peanut plant lying curled up on the ground, you can never immediately tell whether or not it bears any nuts until you touch them. 改译:When you come upon a peanut plant lying curled up on the ground, you can never tell whether or not it bears any nuts until you dig it up.

53 词汇翻译的技巧 词汇翻译不可能一一对应。词汇翻译的技巧主要有: 移植法、增词法、省略法、词汇转类法、反译法、分译法和释义法等。

54 移植就是在译文中直接借用原文的词语。移植可分为直接移植和音译。
直接移植,如卡拉OK厅、KTV包房、X光片、发了一份 、进入WTO、Word文件、如何执行Windows 2000的应用程序、NBA、CIA、IBM、IQ、EQ,等等

55 音译(transliteration)即译音,是指用一种语言文字写出或读出另一种语言的词或词组的发音。音译一般适用以下范围:
(1)几乎所有的人名。例如: Marx 马克思 Lincoln 林肯 Churchill 丘吉尔 Clinton 克林顿

56 (2)大多数地名。例如: Australia 澳大利亚 New York 纽约 London 伦敦 Atlanta 亚特兰大 Boston 波士顿 Miami 迈阿密 Montreal 蒙特利尔 Brooklyn 布鲁克林

57 我国大陆对国外人名和地名的汉译通常应遵照辛华编的《英语人名翻译词典》和《英语地名翻译词典》,而台港澳等地的译名则往往与我们不同。例如:
Reagon 里根 (台港澳:雷根) Kennedy 肯尼迪 (台港澳:甘乃迪) Bush 布什 (台港澳:布希) Sydney 悉尼 (台港澳:雪梨) New Zealand 新西兰 (台港澳:纽西兰) Hollywood 好莱坞 (台港澳:荷里活)

58 (3)译语原来没有的事物,其中包括科技新词、某些商标与文化词等。例如:
radar 雷达 dink 丁克族(指双收入无子女的家庭) yuppie 雅皮士 hippie 嬉皮士 sauna 桑拿(浴) logic 逻辑 shock (therapy) 休克疗法 geometry 几何 totem 图腾 coffee 咖啡

59 梅林牌(罐头) MAILING 金华(火腿) KING HUA 雄师牌(香烟) XIONGSHI 中华牌(铅笔) ZHONG HUA 麻将 majiong 饺子 jiaozi 磕头 kowtow 功夫 kungfu 茅台 Maotai 阴 yin 阳 yang

60 音译时我们不应采取一刀切的态度,而应根据具体情况灵活处理。常用的方法如下:
一、人的本名译音,外号译义。 准确生动地体现人的某一特征或主要特征,例如: Iron Lady 铁娘子(指撒切尔夫人) the Devil 魔鬼撒旦 Cinderella 灰姑娘 Snow White 白雪公主 黑旋风李逵 Li Kui the Black Whirlwind 芦柴棒 Spindle-Shanks

61 二、含有表示地理类别的普通名词的地名,其中普通名词译义。例如:
the United States of America 美利坚合众国 Louisiana State University 路易斯安娜州立大学 the Gulf of Mexico 墨西哥湾 the Strait of Gibraltar 直布罗陀海峡 the Philippine Islands 菲律宾群岛 the Suez Canal 苏伊士运河 中华人民共和国 the People’s Republic of China 浙江省 Zhejiang Province 上海市 the City of Shanghai 泰山 Mount Tai

62 三、半译音半译义。这种方法多用于商标的翻译。例如:
Goldlion 金利来 Coca Cola 可口可乐 Pepsi Cola 百事可乐 Nike 耐克 Truly 信利 Fieyta 飞亚达 Colgate 高露洁 Canon 佳能 Safeguard 舒肤佳

63 Giant 捷安特 Polaroid 宝利莱 Jell-O 洁乐 Paloma 百乐满 Holsten 好顺 Lactov 乐口福 Bisquit 百事吉 乐凯 Lucky 乔士(衬衫) Choose (shirts) 四通(电脑) Stone (computers)

64 四、音译词后加上一个表示类属的范畴词。例如:
sardine 沙丁鱼 pizza 比萨饼 waltz 华尔兹舞 ballet 芭蕾舞 champagne 香槟酒 jacket 夹克衫 bowling 保龄球 shark 鲨鱼

65 五、约定俗成。译语中有些译名若按照现在的规定是不合规范的,但因已经使用了很长时间,人们已习以为常,若突然改变可能会引起混乱。这时最好尽量保留原译名,不去动它。例如:
Bernard Shaw 肖伯纳(不译成“伯纳·肖”) New Zealand 新西兰(不译成“纽西兰”,但“New York”应译成“纽约”;“New Haven”应译成“纽黑文”;“Newfounland”应译成“纽芬兰岛”。) Cambridge 剑桥(英国)(但是哈佛大学所在地、位于美国马萨诸塞州东部的城市“Cambridge”现多译成“坎布雷奇”。)

66 Shelley 雪莱(特指英国诗人,否则一般译为“谢利”)
Benjamin Broomhall 海文启( ,英国人) Marshall Broomhall 海思波( ,英国人。但Broomhall在其他情况下一般译为“布 鲁姆霍尔”) 香港 Hong Kong(不译成Xianggang) 孔子 Confucius(不译成Kongzi) 孙中山 Sun Yat-sen(系由“孙逸仙”音译而来)(不译成Sun Zhongshan或Sun Yixian)

67 增词法与减词法:为了使译文变得更加通顺流畅,符合译入语的行文习惯。
1)弥合语法差异的需要 冠词的增减 A horse runs faster than a pig.

68 代词的增减 Calmly Mother looked around before she turned back fearlessly, closing the door behind her and dashed to the window. 母亲镇定地环顾四周,然后毫不畏惧地转身回到屋里,顺手关上门,一个箭步奔到窗口。(《中国翻译》1999年第1期,第27页) 8)I shall take it as axiomatic that mankind has, by that time, chosen the latter alternative. (M. W. Thring) 译文一:我认为人类到那时将会选择后者,这一点是不言而喻的。 译文二:不消说,那时人类将会选择后者。(《中国翻译》1990年,第2期,第8页)

69 9)In order to get a great amount of water power, we need large pressure and current.

70 介词的增减 She was one of my colleagues at the university at which I taught. 她是我任教的那所大学的同事。 14)At about this time, movies actors began running for President, astronauts began flying around the planet to get from one desert to another, and people began renting one-bedroom apartments for $2,000 a month. 如今,电影演员开始竞选总统;宇航员在地球周围飞来飞去,从一个沙漠飞到另一个沙漠;人们开始租用两千美元一月的单卧室公寓。 15)I get positively angry with the impertinence of it and the everlastingness. 这么卤莽无礼,没完没了,真让我生气。

71 It turns out that the skin and other tissues in their legs and feet are much stiffer and tougher than those of other animals. As a result, the scientists found, the blood vessels in the leg cannot swell. Therefore, the blood has nowhere to go but back up to the heart. 原来,它们腿部和脚部的皮肤及其它组织比其它动物要紧密、坚韧得多。结果,科学家们发现,它们腿部的血管无法膨胀,因此,血液只能流回心脏,别无他处可去。 17)他已经把这事忘得一干二净了。 He has forgotten all about it. 18)接到信时我高兴得跳了起来。 I jumped with joy when I received the letter.

72 关联词的增减 19)Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers…(C. E. M. Joad) 译文一:在历史书中最常出现和最为显赫的人大多是那些伟大的征服者和将军及军人。 译文二:历史上书最常出现、最为显赫者,大多是些伟大的征服者、将军和军人。(《中国翻译》1990年,第2期,第8页)

73 20) Even if you go there, there won’t be any result.
原译:即使你去了也不会有什么结果。(《英汉语比较研究》1994:172) 改译一:去也不会有什么结果。 改译二:(你)去也白去。 21) The wind was so strong that he found it difficult to keep on his feet. 原译:风如此之大,以致他发现站住脚很困难。(《英汉语比较研究》1994:172) 改译:风太大了,他感到很难站稳。

74 22) If once virtue is lost, all is lost.
原译:如果一旦失去了道德,便丧失了一切。(《中国翻译》1990年,第2期,第21页) 改译:丧失了道德,便丧失了一切。 23) 小孩子受了惊吓就会哭。 Little children will cry when they are frightened. 24) 他不愿意,我们干吗强迫他干? If he is unwilling, why should we force him to do it? 或:Why should we force him to do it since he is unwilling?

75 语气助词的增减 25) 我想到李白杜甫在那遥远的年代,以一叶扁舟搏浪急进,该是多么雄伟的搏斗,会激发诗人多少瑰丽的诗思啊!(刘白羽,《长江三日》) This makes me think of the poets Li Bai and Du Fu in those ancient days when they sailed upstream against the current and how such a magnificent struggle would stir the poets’ great imagination. 26) 真的呢,再没有比这种童子面更好看的茶花了。(杨朔,《茶花赋》) It’s true. No flowers are lovelier than children’s faces.

76 27) 不过你打算去请多少人来呢? Now how many men do you figure to have sent here? 28) What did being a woman in such an environment mean? 在这种环境中做一个女人意味着什么呢? 29) Can an ape master anything like human language? 类人猿能掌握类似于人类的语言吗? 30) After all, what is more enviable than happiness? 毕竟,还有什么能比快乐更令人羡慕呢?

77 2)弥合词义差异的需要 在很多情况下,英汉词汇的语义范围往往有宽窄之分,并非一一对应。例如,“Party liner” 应译为“ 坚决贯彻党的路线的人”(而不只是“党的路线者”);“worry lines” 应译为“因焦虑而深陷的皱纹”(而不只是译为“焦虑线”)。

78 I wanted to be a man, and a man I am. (J. Herford)
我立志做一个真正的人;我现在终于成了一个真正的人。(增词法) 32)The hungry boy devoured his dinner. 那饥饿的孩子狼吞虎咽地吃完了饭。(增词法) 33)Social distance can be difficult to overcome. 原译:社会上的差异很难克服。 改译:社会等级差异有时很难克服。(增词法)(《中国翻译》1998年,第1期,第20页)

79 34)When he was accused of theft, he turned red.
当有人指控他犯有盗窃罪时,他脸色涨得通红。 35)He tried to seem angry, but his smile betrayed him. 原译:他试图看上去是生气的,但是他的笑容背叛了他。 改译:他假装生气的样子,可是他的笑容暴露了他的真实感情。(增词法) 36)He was killed in a car accident on an icy Denver street, on his way home to his wife and infant daughter. 他在一条冰雪覆盖的大街上丧生于车祸。当时他正在回家的途中,准备回到年轻的妻子和还在襁褓中的女儿身边。(增词法)

80 37)As I boarded the plane for my flight home to Los Angeles from New York, I was pleased to see I might have two seats all to myself.(刘世同,p.79) 当我登上从纽约到落杉矶回家的航班,我高兴地看到我可以一个人独享两个人的座位。(减词法) 38)Afterwards he was convicted of conspiring against the life of the queen and was hanged in June, 1594. 后来他被指控阴谋谋害女王。1594年6月被处以绞刑。(减词法)

81 39)If I just kept my eyes locked on the back of my brother’s truck, if I just made my wheels follow his wheels, I’d be all right. 只要盯住弟弟的卡车,跟在他后面,让我的车轮沿着他的车轮而行,准不会出事的。(减词法) 40)The only cure for envy in the case of ordinary men and women is happiness, and the difficulty is that envy is itself a terrible obstacle to happiness. 对于普通人而言,治疗妒忌的唯一办法是快乐,然而困难在于,妒忌本身就是快乐的巨大障碍。(减词法)

82 英语多用抽象词,概括力强,词义范围宽;汉语用词则倾向于具体,常常以实的形式表示虚的概念,以具体的形象表达抽象的内容。因此,英译汉时可以使英语抽象的概念具体化,根据具体的语境加上“方法”、“现象”、“局势”、“状态”、“情况”、“政策”、“做法”、“习俗”、“精神”、“态度”、“问题”等范畴词,以使译文含义清晰,行文流畅。例如:

83 45)He was moved by McMenamy’s story and impressed by his dedication.
他为麦克默纳米的故事所打动,对他的敬业精神印象深刻。 46)If you’ve looked closely at our millennium countdown and done a little math, you may have noticed we are counting down to January 1, 2001, not January 1, 2000. 如果你仔细观察了我们千年倒计时的过程,你也许会注意到,我们倒计时的终了是2001年1月1日,而不是2000年1月1日。

84 47)But, if public dissatisfaction continues to grow, or appears to do so, politicians may conclude that they have to do something, usually in the name of reform. 但是,如果公众的不满情绪继续上升,或者似乎将要上升,政客们可能就会得出结论,认为必须采取行动,而且这种行动通常以改革为名。 48)He was described as impressed by Deng’s flexibility. 据说他对邓(小平)的灵活态度印象很深。(连淑能, p.140)

85 3)满足译文修辞上的需要 若按字面逐字翻译,呆板凝滞。 52)Women screamed, and kids howled, but the men stood silent, watching, interested in the outcome. 译文:女人尖叫,小孩欢闹,男人们静静地站着观看,对结果感兴趣。 改译:只听到女人们在尖叫,小孩们在欢闹,男人们则静静地立在那儿袖手旁观,饶有兴味地等着看结果。

86 53)And when he fell, semi-conscious, and the prowlers saw that their prey had vanished, they eased their frustration by kicking him unconscious. 他倒在地上,迷迷糊糊,但那两个歹徒一发现自己的猎物不见了,便把他踢得死去活来,不省人事,似乎这样做,他们的失落感才减轻了些。

87 54)The moon seemed to sink, a crest reached and lost, and he watched it, catching the edge against the window, to try to hold it, but felt it pass.(R. Creeley) 月亮好像沉落下去,碰到了一座山顶,又隐没了。他凝视着月亮,用手触摸映在窗上那光边,尝试能把它攥住,但是感到月亮光从他手指缝流走了。(但汉源,pp.35-36) 55)Quiet and shy, he was never more comfortable than when at his workbench. 他生性沉静腼腆,只有坐在工作凳上时他才最为自在。

88 4)满足译文语境的需要 原文可根据上下文提示或在一定的文化语境中将有些内容予以省略,并不妨碍读者的理解,但译文有时须采用增词法,将所省略的内容明确化,否则译入语读者会感到信息不足。

89 64)‘But, although you are the youngest man that ever lived,’ said Charles Darnay, rather hesitating, ‘I must still suggest to you-’ 原译:“不过,即使你是最年轻的人,”查尔斯·达奈犹犹豫豫地说道,“我也得奉劝你。” 改译:“虽然银行里目前算你岁数最小,”查尔斯·达奈有点犹豫地说,“但我还是要奉劝你。”(《中国翻译》1997年,第3期,第47页) 65)I was all but dancing with impatience in the checkout line and sighed with exasperation. Hearing me, he smiled apologetically. 站在结帐队伍里的我不耐烦地在动来动去,恼怒地叹了口气。听到我的叹气声,他满脸歉意地笑了。

90 66)I never told my love vocally; still, if looks have language, the merest idiot might have guessed I was over head and ears. 我从没有把自个儿的爱情说出口,可是如果眉目也能传情,那么即使白痴也能看出,我已经沉溺在爱河里,没了顶了。 67) Here nearly 48 million people live in an area only slightly larger than Maryland. 将近四千八百万人生活的这块地方只比美国马里兰州略大一点。 68) 这只是我的理解,我觉得有些牵强甚至走样,我觉得我懂其意却难以表述。(蒋力,“西风的话”) This is only my personal understanding of the song, which I knew was a somewhat farfetched distortion of it. I could sense and feel its meaning but could not say it.

91 69)女人的生活天地较小,一旦过了三十五,便象吃了耗子药,非紧张不可。
译文一:Women live in a smaller world. When they are over 35, they are bound to get upset, as if they had taken medicine for mice. 译文二:Women live in a rather limited world. At 35, they will be more upset than ever, as if they had taken by mistake a dose of pesticide (and just realized it). (袁洪庚,“阐释学与翻译”,载杜承南 文军主编:《中国当代翻译百论》,pp ,重庆大学出版社,1994年)

92 词汇翻译技巧 词类转换是指翻译时在保持原文内容不变的前提下,改变原文中某些词的词类,以求译文通顺自然,合乎译入语表达习惯。

93 汉语句子多用动词,而英语句子则多用其他词性的词,如名词、形容词、副词和介词词组等。这也意味着,翻译时英语句子中的名词、形容词、副词和介词词组要译成汉语的动词,反之亦然。

94 还有语体风格的因素,有时候也要求我们在翻译中进行词类的转换。如英语中在正式的语体中倾向于用抽象名词,而汉语因为没有词形变化,往往用其他手段来表示同样的意思,所以有时候也需要进行词类的转换。

95 名词与动词的互相转换 英语句子动词用得比较少,通常只有一个谓语动词,而名词,尤其是抽象名词却用得比较多。汉语中动词用得比较多,除了动宾结构外,还普遍使用连动式和兼语式等结构。英译汉时常常需要把名词转换成汉语动词,并对其他句子成分作相应的调整。反之,汉译英时则常常需要把动词转换成名词。例如:

96 1)His acceptance of bribes led to his arrest.
他因受贿而被捕。 2)Exhaust gases from boilers, vehicles, etc.,cause air pollution in cities. 锅炉和车辆等排出的废气,污染了城市空气。(《中国翻译》1998年,第5期,第45页) 3)The world is blinded by his fortune and consequence, or frightened by his high and imposing manners. 他有钱有势,蒙蔽了天下人的耳目,他那目空一切、盛气凌人的气派又吓坏了天下人。

97 4)The seizure of American hostages in Iran sharpened the pain of national humiliation.
伊朗扣押美国人质的行动加剧了国耻的痛苦。 5)Notwithstanding Miss Pross’s denial of her own imagination, there was a perception of the pain of being monotonously haunted by one sad idea, in her repetition of the phrase, walking up and down, which testified to her possessing such a thing.(C. Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities) 尽管普洛士小姐不承认自己有想象力,但当他一再说“走来走去”时,她是觉察了那种无止无休的、被一种哀伤的念头折磨的痛苦景象,这证明她具有这种能力。

98 6)She turned towards me immediately
6)She turned towards me immediately. The easy elegance of every movement of her limbs and body as soon as she began to advance from the far end of the room, set me in a flutter of expectation to see her face clearly. (W. Collins, The Woman in White) 她立刻转过身来。当她从房间的那一头走过来时,一举手一投足风度非常优雅,我不由得很想看清她的面孔。(曹苏伶 译)(《中国翻译》1989年,第1期,第27页) 7)一打开开关,我们就可以看见一英里处正在发生的事情。 At the turn of a switch, we can see what are taking place a mile away.(《中国翻译》1998年第4期,第27页)

99 8)他踌躇了一会,终于决定还是自己送我去。(朱自清,《背影》)
But after much hesitation he finally decided to see me off himself. 9)我自己也不明白,为什么会起这么浓浓的情绪?再一思索,实在很浅显的。(朱自清) Why the reminiscence should evoke such a strong emotion I do not understand. On reflection, however, the reason is really very simple. 10)我初到越州,第一遭去访问的山水是东湖。(王世颖,《放生湖的东湖》) During my first visit to Yuezhou, the first place I went to was the East Lake.(张培基译)

100 当然,有时候也有相反的情况,英译汉有时要把动词转换成名词,汉译英则要由名词转换成动词。这种转换多见于以下三种情况:
一、英语中有些动词是由名词派生或转借而来的(如characterize;symbolize,design, figure, impress, behave, witness, mean, cost等),这些动词在英语中用得相当普遍,但在汉语中有时候却很难找到相匹配的词来替换。因此,译成汉语时,常常要转换成“弱化动词+名词”的形式。

101 11)As the war progressed, he would symbolise their frustrations, the embodiment of all evils.
随着战争的进行,他将成为他们受挫的象征,是一切不幸的化身。 12)Before Jack London, the fiction dealing with the working-class was characterized by sympathy for labor and the underprivileged, but chiefly in the spirit of Christian principles of brotherhood. 在杰克·伦敦之前,以工人阶级为题材的小说往往具有同情劳工、同情贫困阶层的特点,但这种同情主要出于基督教提倡的兄弟友爱精神。

102 二、英语有些被动句译成汉语时,其动词可以译成“受(遭)到……+名词”的结构。
13)They will need plenty of persuading, for many of them have been badly burnt. 这需要做大量的劝说工作,因为许多投资者已受到过很大的创伤。

103 14)But, one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free
14)But, one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society, and finds himself an exile in his own land. (Martin Luther King, I Have a Dream) 但是,一百年过去了,黑人仍然未获自由。一百年过去了,黑人的生活仍在受着隔离和歧视这两付镣铐的不幸摧残。一百年过去了,黑人仍然生活在富庶汪洋的贫困孤岛之上。一百年过去了,黑人仍在美国社会的每一个角落备受折磨与冷落,发现自己仍在自己的国土上受到流放。

104 三、英语中某些感觉动词,如look;sound;taste;smell;feel等,在译成汉语时,可考虑转换成名词。15)The flowers smells sweet.
这些花气味芬芳。 16)It tastes too much of garlic. 这东西大蒜的味道太重。 17)He did not look or act like his usual self—his face was very red, his hat was on the back of his head, his hair was wildly rumpled. 他此时的样子和表现都一反常态——脸孔涨得通红,帽子向后斜戴着,头发也乱成一团。

105 英语形容词与汉语动词之间的互相转换 英语形容词,尤其是表示感觉和感情的形容词,往往具有动词的意义,在英译汉时,常常要把“系动词+(表示感觉、感情等的)表语”结构中的形容词转换成相应的动词,汉译英则相反,要把这类动词转换成相应的形容词。

106 18)We are always faintly conscious of the fact that this is a smallish island country.
我们常常隐隐约约地感到这是个小小的岛国19)She seemed too ignorant of the ways of the world. 她好像太不懂世道常情了。 20)Presently she became aware of footsteps hurrying after her. 她立刻发觉身后有脚步声急匆匆追来。

107 21)Bryan was suspicious of the wily Dawrrow… (J. Scopes)
布赖恩怀疑达罗诡计多端…… 22)我们高度赞赏他为实现世界和平所做的努力。 We are highly appreciative of his efforts to bring peace to the world. 23)他陷入了沉思,坐在一边不再发言。 He sat pensive and silent.

108 24)我越来越思念我的故乡,也越来越尊重我的故乡。(孙犁,《老家》)
With the passing of days, I become more and more homesick and more and more respectful of my old home. (张培基译) 25)他坐在那里看书,没有注意到附近的人们。 He sat there reading the book, oblivious of the people nearby.

109 有时,英语原文中某些充当定语的形容词译成汉语后也可以转换为动词,有时则必须转换成动词。如:
26)The old man lay all night on his sleepless bed. 老人躺在床上,彻夜未眠。 本例中,必须将形容词“sleepless”译成动词,而不能按照原文中的顺序译成“他那失眠的床”。

110 27)He studied law in his spare time and became a lawyer
27)He studied law in his spare time and became a lawyer. He was a good speaker and student of political philosophy. 原译:他利用业余时间研究法律,后来当了律师。他是个卓越的演说家和政治家。 改译:他利用业余时间研究法律,后来当了律师。他擅长演说,深谙政治哲学。 28)Demand for business travel has proved far more elastic than previously thought. That is because companies are getting used to tighter budgets, not because of competition from fax machines and videoconferencing. 商业性旅行的需求比预算的有更大的伸缩性,这是因为各公司正在逐步压缩预算,而不是因为传真机以及电视会议的竞争。

111 英语副词与汉语动词之间的互相转换 英语中表示状态、方位和方向等意义的副词常具有动态意义,英译汉时要把这类词转换成汉语动词,汉译英时则相反。如: 29)So the next morning, the conversation over, one looked it up. (H. Fairlie) 次日早晨,谈话一结束,你就会去查查词典 30)Men ran round the Spurr’s house looking for a way in, but it seemed impossible. 男人们绕着斯珀尔家的房子转了一圈,试图找一条路进去,可似乎不大可能。

112 31)Blushing, fidgeting nervously with his tie, blinking timidly, he faced us silently for a minute.
他红着脸,紧张不安地摆弄着领带,胆怯地眨着眼睛,面对大家沉默了一会儿。 32)Ellis drew back, pulled out a pocketknife and, waving it before him defensively, told Dennis to let him alone. 埃利斯往后退,抽出把小刀,晃着自卫,叫丹尼斯别管闲事。(张经浩 译) 33)这种帽子流行了去年一阵子。 This hat was in for a while last year.

113 34)三天后,病人又起床活动了。 Three days later, patient was up and about again. 35)收音机开着。 The radio is on. 36)她坐在那里沉默了一会儿,然后哭了起来。 She sat silently for a while, then started weeping.

114 英语介词词组与汉语动词之间的互相转换 英语介词丰富,而汉语中介词很少,英译汉时原文中很多介词必须转换成汉语的动词或其他词类;汉译英则相反,有些动词译成英语后需要转换成介词词组。如: 37)Without plants, life could not go on. 没有植物,生命就无法延续。 38)Machines work on electricity. 机器靠电来运转。

115 39)She spoke English well with an American accent, not, though, a very exaggerated one.
她英语说得很棒,带着美国腔,却并不十分夸张。 40)She ate with her fork in her right hand and wanted coffee at the same time as her dessert. 她一边右手拿着叉子吃饭,一边又要了一杯咖啡作饭后点心。 41)I was at the shop early. 我早早地来到了店里。

116 42)Then a figure with a dripping-wet bag round its head dashed through the flame-filled back door.
这时,只见一个人,头上蒙着一个湿淋淋的口袋,从冒着熊熊烈焰的后门直冲进去。 43)中国经历了一系列艰苦的变革和试验。 China has been through a wrenching series of changes and experiments.

117 44)轴围绕自己的轴线转动。 The shaft turns about its axis. 45)朱源达不敲竹梆子了,却在大白天挑着柳条筐串街走巷,悠悠荡荡,形色仓惶,躲躲闪闪地。(陆文夫,《小贩世家》) Zhu was no longer beating his clapper but carrying willow wicker baskets through the streets and lanes sneakily and in a flurry. 46)我再向外看时,他已抱了朱红的橘子望回走。(朱自清,《背影》) When next I looked out he was on his way back with some ruddy tangerines.

118 英语介词词组与汉语副词等的互相转换 英语中有些“介词+名词”结构译成汉语后需要转换成副词,汉译英则相反,往往不一定译为以-ly结尾的副词,而是转换成“介词+名词”结构。如: 47)He looked at me in amazement. 他惊讶地望着我。 48)We also reviewed the scientific research literature on self-change, a topic that behavioral scientists began to explore in earnest in the 1960s. 我们还查阅了有关改变自我的科研文献。据载,早在20世纪60年代,改变自我就是行为科学家们开始认真探索的课题。

119 49)The king sent for him immediately, and when he came into the king’s presence he greeted him with due courtesy. 国王立即派人去把他请来。他过来面见国王时,彬彬有礼地向国王致以问候。 50)I decided to split the class into three groups and teach them in turn. 我决定把这个班分成三组轮流给他们上课。 51)Tom closed the car window and sat back in his seat, in hostile silence. 汤姆关上车窗,一声不吭地背靠椅子坐着,心里充满着敌意。

120 52)He realized in a flash that this was the life for him and talked one of the managers into giving him a job. 他很快意识到,这就是他的生命,于是说服其中一个经理给他一份活干。 53)父亲不赞成地看着他。 Father looked at him in disapproval. 54)关于进一步加强和改善党的领导的问题,我们将充分地进行讨论。 In regard to the question of further strengthening and improving the Party leadership, we shall discuss it in full.

121 55)动身访美之前,一位旧时同窗写来封航空信,再三托付我为他带几颗生枣核。(萧乾)
Before I set out for the US, a former schoolmate of mine wrote me by airmail, asking me in all earnest to bring him some raw date stone. (张培基 译) 56)阿萱慌慌张张向四面一看,也跑进小客厅去了。 Ah-hsuan looked round in alarm, and scampered into the parlour。

122 英语名词与汉语形容词的互相转换 英语中许多形容词都有抽象名词的形式,如successful—success,comfort—comfortable 等,而绝大多数汉语形容词却没有名词形式,所以英语中的这类抽象名词常常可以与汉语中的形容词互换。例如: 57)There is no immediate hurry. 这件事不急。 58)The APEC meeting in Shanghai was a great success. 在上海召开的亚太经合组织会议非常成功。

123 59)The increasing prosperity of China has brought pride to all the Chinese people in the world.
中国日益繁荣昌盛,全世界华人为此感到骄傲。 60)The fresh air after the rain gave one a feeling of exceptional coolness and comfort. 雨后空气清新,使人感到格外凉爽、舒畅。 61)His words and deeds testify to his honesty. 他的言行证明他是诚实的。

124 62)After vehemently arguing, he discovered his basic illogicality and had to eat humble pie before his associates. 经过激烈争辩,他发现自己根本是自相矛盾的,只好在同事面前认错。 63)For the life of her smile, the warmth of her voice, only cold paper and dead words! 没有了她的活泼的笑容,没有了她的温暖的声音,只有冷的纸和死的字!(吕叔湘 译 64)The quick bloom of pleasure caused by his first words was doused by the rest of his statement. 听了他前面的话她感到很高兴,可这股高兴劲儿才刚一冒出来,旋即又被他后面的话浇灭了。

125 65)朱延年用热情的款待把他的窘态遮盖过去。(周而复,《上海的早晨》)
Zhu Yannian covered up his embarrassment with the enthusiasm of his hospitality. 66)所谓回忆者,虽说可以使人欢欣,有时也不免使人寂寞,……(鲁迅) For although recalling the past may bring happiness, at times it cannot but bring loneliness,…

126 67)哪知老境如此颓唐!(朱自清) No one could have foreseen such a come-down in his old age. (朱纯深 译) 68)(秦岭血雉是我国珍贵的保护鸟类之一。)由于数量稀少,环境适应性差,目前国内外动物园中还未见饲养展出。 (The Qinlin blood pheasant is listed as a rare bird under special protection.)The bird has never been displayed in zoos because of its scarcity and inability to adapt to new environments.

127 副词与形容词的互相转换 英汉互译时,副词和形容词之间常常也可互相转换。例如: 69)He spent an anxious day in the lockup. 他在拘留所里焦急地熬过了一天。 70)The thief made a trembling confession of his wrongdoings. 那个窃贼颤抖着交待了自己干的坏事。

128 71)He talked to the foreigner in hesitant English.
他结结巴巴地用英语同那个外国人交谈。 72)That law would prevent database marketing companies, Web sites, credit card companies and others from sharing personal data with countries that do not provide adequate protection of the data. 该法令将阻止数据库营销公司、万维网站、信用卡公司以及其它一些公司与那些不能充分保护个人数据的国家分享这些数据。

129 73)At the same time it is agreed that all Americans, whatever their origins, must learn to speak English clearly and fluently, and they must learn to adapt themselves to the American way of life. 同时,人们普遍认为,每一个美国人,不管出身如何,都必须学会说上一口清晰流畅的英语,必须适应美国的生活方式。 74)Traditionally, there have been very good relations between the two countries. 两国之间有着传统的友好关系。 75)这种水泵的主要特点是操作简便。 This pump is chiefly characterized by its simple operation.

130 76)那以后,他们过着很幸福的生活。 From then on, they lived very happily for the rest of their lives. 77)我记起这件事来了,不无感激地笑笑,……(陆文夫) I remembered this not without some grateful laughter 78)父亲因为事忙,本已说定不送我,叫旅馆里的一个熟悉的茶房陪我同去。他再三嘱咐茶房,甚是仔细。(朱自清) As father was busy he had decided not to see me off, and he asked a waiter we knew at our hotel to take me to the station, giving him repeated and detailed instructions.

131 小结:词类转换只是一种翻译技巧,并不是说一遇到这些情况就非得转换词类不可。重要的是,在进行英汉互译时,不要拘泥于原词的类别,误认为动词只能译成动词,名词只能译成名词。总的原则是,译入语必须通顺规范。在翻译中,我们要培养灵活变通的意识,根据语境的需要,熟练使用这种技巧,紧扣原文,但又不拘泥于原文,使译文神形兼备,通顺流畅。

132 反译法——正话反说与反话正说 在表达否定意义时,汉语没有严格意义上的形态变化,表达形式较为简单,易于辨认,几乎所有表达否定意义的词语中都含有明显的否定标志词“不”、“无”、“非”、“莫”、“勿”、“未”、“否”、“别”、“没有”等。英语则不同,其否定形式要复杂得多,除了使用否定词外,还有一些独特的表现手段,如大量使用否定词缀(如dis-;il-;in-;non-;un-;-less等)和形式肯定、意义否定的各类词语(如fail;deny;defy;miss;lack;ignore;but;except;beyond)、短语(如instead of;in place of等)或其他结构(如more…than…;other than…;rather than…等)。

133 由于两种语言的差异和思维方式的不同,有时候英语用否定形式表达的意义,汉语只能用肯定的形式来表达;英语用肯定表达的意义,汉语只能用否定的形式来表达。反之亦然。例如:
1)We’re almost home; we’ll be there in no time. 我们快到家了;马上就要到了。

134 2)“He hasn’t much faith.”
“No,” the old man said, “But we have. Haven’t we?”(E. Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea) “他没有多大信心”。 “是的,”老头儿说,“可我们有,是不是?”

135 3)“We cannot remain five minutes longer.”
“Yes, yes, we can!” replied Cathy. (E. Bronte, Wuthering Heights) “我们连五分钟也不能耽搁了。” “不,不,我们多待一会好了!”卡茜接嘴道。(方平译) 4)We started off at 11 in the morning. The drive should have taken two hours, but we didn’t reach our destination until seven that night. 我们上午11点出发。本来开车两小时就能到,但我们直到晚上七点才到。

136 5)I used to be amused by an aunt who never drove anywhere without a box of graham crackers.
以前,我总觉得有位阿姨很好笑,她每次开车去一个地方都要带上一盒全麦饼干。 6)油漆未干。 Wet paint. 7)展出的新产品不下于二百种。 There are as many as 200 new products on show.

137 8)我们讨论中国文化问题,不要忘记这些基本观点。
These basic concepts must be kept in mind in our discussion of China’s cultural problems. 9)昨晚我没出去。 I stayed at home last night. 10)我一定努力学习,决不辜负父母的期望。 I will work hard to live up to my parents’ expectation.

138 由于英汉两种语言表达否定意义时在形式上存在着这么多差异,因此翻译时就有必要采用反译法。所谓反译,就是指将原文的肯定形式译成否定形式、否定形式译成肯定形式,主要目的是,在保持原文内容不变的情况下,使译文的表述尽量符合译入语读者的思维习惯。反译法包括两个方向的互相转变:一、正话反说,即把肯定形式译成否定形式;二、反话正说,即把否定形式译成肯定形式。

139 正话反说 由于英汉两种语言和思维方式之间的种种差异,英语中由肯定形式表达的句子在汉语中找不到与之对应的表达形式,因此,翻译时有时要转换成否定形式,才符合汉语的表达习惯,反之亦然。例如: 11)True, reading is far from the only source of knowledge. 的确,阅读远非知识的唯一来源。 12)The manual worker is usually quite at ease in any company. 体力劳动者通常在任何场合都不会感到拘束。

140 13)(It’s overtime. Sudden death, pal
13)(It’s overtime. Sudden death, pal.) You want me, but I want you even more. (加时赛了。突然死亡法,伙计。)你要我死,我更不能让你活。 14)Now is the time for the industry to act before there is a major outcry. 现在,趁公众还没有提出强烈抗议,业界应该马上采取行动。 15)Americans are far more race-conscious than class-conscious. 美国人的阶级意识远不如种族意识那么强烈。

141 16)Around 40% of the power-generating capacity in poor countries is out of action at any one time.
一些贫穷国家约有40%左右的发电能力不能正常发挥作用。 17)“I love you,” she said. “So do I,” I replied, shunning the use of that powerful and dangerous statement. “我爱你。”她说。“我也是。”我答道。尽量不用那句铿锵有力而又十分危险的话语。

142 18)Indeed, this nation’s best-loved author was every bit as adventurous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined. 的确,这位在美国最受欢迎的作家的探索精神、爱国热情、浪漫风格及幽默感丝毫不亚于人们能够想象的程度。 19)我们刚到家就开始下雨了。 We had no sooner got home than it began to rain. 20)今天上午发生了那么多事,真搞得我晕头转向。 There is so much happenings this morning that I don’t know whether I’m coming or going.

143 21) 他可是非常勇敢的。 He is no coward. 22)我说道,“爸爸,你走吧。”他望车外看了看,说,“我买几个橘子去。你就在此地,不要走动。”(朱自清) “Don’t wait, father,” I said. He looked out of the window. “I’ll just buy you a few tangerines,” he said. “Wait here, and don’t wander off.”

144 反话正说 同样地,英语中有些用否定形式表达的句子,翻译成汉语时也找不到与之对应的表达形式,也只有在把它转换成肯定形式后才符合汉语的思维习惯和行文规范。例如: 23)He lived in an insecure building. 他住在一座危楼中。 24)The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him amid his tribulation. 在苦难中,重返故国的念头始终在他心头萦绕着。

145 25)This loomed as a project of no small dimensions.
这项工作显得十分艰巨。 26)The schools to which black children went were hopelessly inadequate. 黑人子女就读的学校严重不足。 27)A book may be compared to your neighbor; if it is good, it can not last too long; if bad, you can not get rid of it too early. 一本书可以比作邻居;如果是好的,结识愈久愈好;如果是坏的,分手愈早愈好。

146 28)Far more work is necessary upon the economic, social, psychological and population problems out of which so much unfitness arises. 对于造成这么多弊病的经济问题、社会问题、心理问题和人口问题,还需要进行更多的研究工作。 29)吴所长掌握会议是很有经验的,绝不会让某个人随意地不受羁绊。(陆文夫,《围墙》) Director Wu was highly experienced in controlling meetings and never allowed anyone to throw off all restraints.

147 30)白天里一定要做的事,一定要说的话,现在都可不理。(朱自清,《荷塘月色》)
All that one is obliged to do, or to say, in the daytime, can be very well cast aside now. (朱纯深 译) 31)(上野的樱花烂漫的时候,望去却也像绯红的轻云,)但花下也缺不了成群结队的“清国留学生”的速成班,……(鲁迅,《藤野先生》) …but under the flowers you would always find groups of short-term “students from the Chinese Empire”,… 32)他承认有不少国家和公众对中国的了解还不够。 He admitted that there is a general lack of understanding of China by some countries and their people.

148 反译法可分为选择性反译和强制性反译两种。选择性反译是指可反译也可不反译的情况,是否反译主要应根据它在译文中的表达效果和该句所在的具体语境而定。例如:
33)But with the world steel industry deep in the doldrums, who needed iron ore carriers? 译文一:世界钢铁工业很不景气,谁还需要这些矿砂船呢?(反译法) 译文二:随着钢铁工业的严重萧条,谁还需要这些矿砂船呢?(正译法)

149 34)In the course of time, Mr. Earnshaw began to fail
34)In the course of time, Mr. Earnshaw began to fail. He had been active and healthy, yet his strength left him suddenly. 译文一:时间不断过去,欧肖先生开始支撑不住了。他一向健壮、活跃,谁知一下子体力就不济了。(方平译)(反译法) 译文二:日复一日,恩肖先生开始垮下来了。他本来是活跃、健康的,谁知体力一下子就从他身上消失了。(正译法)

150 强制性反译则是指必须进行的反译。因为原文的肯定形式或否定形式在译文中找不到对应的表达形式,不进行反译不足以使译文按照译入语读者的思维习惯清楚地表达出原文的含义。例如,“unlock”并不是没有锁上,而是指将锁“打开”;同样,“disappear”并不是指没有出现,而是指原来在眼前的事物从视线中“消失”。因此,像这样的情况是非反译不可的。再如:

151 35)Prof. White said he still hoped to be the first to complete the first human head transplant, but conceded his age was working against him. 怀特教授说,他仍然希望自己是第一个完成首例人类头颅移植手术的人,但他同时也承认,自己毕竟已入暮年,未免力不从心。

152 36)Harvard Business School opened in the early 20th century, and pioneered the case-study method of teaching—making use of real-world scenarios, instead of relying on academic theory—a methodology that has remained the basis for many MBA programmes around the world today. 哈佛商学院成立于20世纪初,它开了个案研究教学法之先河,即在教学中运用现实生活中的案例,而不是单纯依靠学术理论。这种方法业已成为当今世界MBA课程的基础。

153 分译法 分译也叫拆离,是指为了使译文行文合乎译入语的表达习惯而将原文中个别的词、词组或句子分解开来单独译出。分译法有两种情况:词的分译和句子的分译。词的分译是指原文中的某个词内集合了两个或两个以上的语义成分,在译入语中找不到一个对应的词来完整地表达其全部内涵,这时可将其词义进行分解,再按译入语的表达习惯分别译出。由于英语单词由字母组成,而汉语的词由方块字组成,在一定的语境中,一个英语单词常常要译成多个汉语的方块字,中间还要插入其他字,而汉语的词基本上都可以译成英语单词,词的分译主要用于英译汉。例如:

154 1)It is an important catalyst to the cause of our liberation.
原译:这是我国解放事业的重要触媒(或催化剂)。 改译:这是促进我国解放事业的重要因素。 2)In all or most of our dealings with other States, the Charter will be our guiding star. 在处理我国与其他国家之间的全部或大部分事务时,宪章将成为我们的指路明灯。

155 3)He could understand a passive opposition from Kennedy loyalists, but an open one would have dire consequences. 他了解到忠于肯尼迪的那些人在消极地反对他,但是如果他们公开反对,那就会产生可怕的后果。 4)In China, they “made mistakes”, suffered by them, acknowledged and studied them, thus planned victory. 在中国,他们“犯过错误”,吃过错误的苦头,承认错误,研究错误,从而制定了胜利的计划。

156 5)Mr. Dubacher, a gregarious, ruddy-faced man, seems an unlikely savior of birds, having no degree in ornithology or zoology or formal training in wildlife care. 杜巴切先生面色红润,喜欢交友。他既没有鸟类学或动物学的学历,也没有受过野生动物保护的正规训练,看上去不像是个救助鸟类的人。 6)Imagine that you step into a shopping mall and a spy immediately begins tracking your every move. 想象一下:当你步入商厦,一个间谍立即尾随而来,监视你的一举一动。

157 释义法 释义就是解释词语的意义。当原文中某个词语在译入语中无法找到与之对应的词语,而运用上述其他译法也无法奏效,这时便可考虑放弃原文的表面形式而尝试释义法,对该词语进行适当的阐释。 翻译时对词语进行释义往往是不得已而为之,但这又是英汉互译中不可缺少的一种译词技巧。放弃译文与原文的表层对应,是为了求得深层对应,最终目的是为了使译文在风格上保持前后一致,上下一贯,可以避免机械地移译时使该词在译文中所产生的突兀感和格格不入感。采用释义法要注意两点:(一)释义要准确,要有根有据,不能胡乱解释;(二)应保持译文行文简洁,不能把译文搞得拖沓臃肿。

158 1)Similarly, expensive cell phones are offered as freebies to gain contracts for phone services.
同样,昂贵的手机也可作为馈赠物品来获取电话服务业务。 (freebie原意为“免费的东西”) 2)Early Reagan was a mirror image of early Carter. 原译:上台时的里根有着执政初期卡特的镜子形象。 改译:里根上台时在做法上跟执政初期的卡特毫无二致。

159 3)The study had a Spartan look.
原译:这间书房有一种斯巴顿式的景象。 改译:这间书房有一种简朴的景象。 4)The system is the brainchild of Lior Hessel. 原译:这个系统是莱奥·赫塞尔大脑的产儿。 改译:这个系统是莱奥·赫塞尔的研究结果。

160 5)Words are not themselves a reality but only representation of it, and the King’s English, like the Anglo-French of the Normans, is a class representation of reality. 单词本身并不是客观物体,只不过是代表客观体而已;像日尔曼人的盎格鲁法语一样,标准英语也是一种代表客观体的语言。 6)This man is the black sheep of the family. 原译:这个人是家中的黑羊。 改译:这个人是家庭中的害群之马。

161 7)I have let the cat out of the bag already, Mr
7)I have let the cat out of the bag already, Mr. Corthell, and I might as well tell the whole thing now. 原译:我已经让猫从口袋里出来了,科塞先生,我干脆现在把全部情况都告诉你吧。 改译:我已经泄露了秘密,科塞先生,我干脆把全部情况都告诉你吧。 8)The sun sets regularly on the Union Jack these days, but never on the English language. 原译:现在太阳从英国国旗上有规律地落下,但是英语却不是这种情况。 改译:现在,英国已不再是个“日不落”的国家了,但是,英语却广泛流行使用着。

162 9)那么,我们就停滞了,我们就是肯定片面性了,就是同整风的要求背道而驰了。
原译:We could be stagnating and would be approving one-sidedness and running counter to the purpose of rectification. 改译:We could be stagnating and would be approving one-sidedness and contracting the whole purpose of rectification. 10)我们是一个萝卜一个坑,腾不出人手来。 We’re so busy that no one can be spared for any other work..

163 11)基本路线要管一百年,动摇不得。(《邓小平选集》第三卷,第120页)
We should adhere to the basic line for a hundred years, with no vacillation. 12)他们自己总结经验,由内向型转为外向型,就是说能够变成工业基地,并能够打进国际市场。(《邓小平选集》第三卷,第239页) The people in Shenzhen reviewed their experience and decided to shift the zone’s economy from a domestic orientation to an external orientation, which meant that Shenzhen would become an industrial base and offer its products on the world market.

164 但采用释义法时要把握好一个度。这个度主要体现在译者对译文读者的知识面和理解能力要有充分的估计。译者对译文读者的估计要准确,既不能过低也不能过高。过低估计会在不该释义时采用了释义法,从而错过了引进新的表现法的机会。例如,有人认为下面这些句子要通过采用释义法翻译,译文读者才能理解,但事实并非如此。

165 13)Give us this day our daily bread.
原译:求上帝每日赐给我们粮食。 改译:求上帝每日赐给我们面包。 14)Black people have all too often found the American Dream a nightmare. 原译:黑人们经常发现所谓的美式民主自由等等不过是恶梦一场。 改译:黑人们经常发现所谓的美国梦不过是恶梦一场。

166 15)Why Dangerous Doctors Keep Doctoring?
原译:坑人的医生为什么继续坑人? 改译:坑人的医生为什么继续行医? 16)I wonder whether he is a Trojan Horse. 原译:我不知道他是不是个内奸。 改译:我不知道他是不是个特洛伊木马。

167 句子的翻译 词是翻译中最基本的转换单位,但词最终离不开句子,否则,其意义便无法把握。因此,词的翻译应放在整个句子甚至更大的语境中进行。英汉语在句子结构方面虽有相似之处,但也有很多差异。由于差异的存在,英汉互译要避免逐字翻译。仅仅掌握词汇翻译技巧还远远不够,还必须并掌握句子的翻译技巧。

168 6.1 英汉句子结构对比 英语主语突出,汉语主题突出; 英语常用无灵主语,汉语多用有灵主语; 英语叙述多呈静态,汉语叙述多呈动态; 英语组句多焦点透视,句式呈树式结构,汉语组句多散点透视,句式呈竹式结构; 英语思维重逻辑,句式严谨规范,缺乏弹性,汉语思维重语感,句式长长短短,灵活多变。

169 6.2 英语主语显著,汉语主题显著 英语是主语突出的语言,而汉语则是主题突出的语言。英语的句子通常是“主语+谓语”结构,而汉语的句子则通常是“主题+述题”结构。主题即句子的起首部分,相当于“话题”,述题是针对“话题”发表的信息或评论,通常是“新的信息”。汉语句子的主题可能是名词结构,与主语一致,但在很多情况下还可能是其他成分。例如:

170 1)This route to Boston takes too long.
到波士顿走这条路费时太多。 2)I don’t believe such lies. 我不相信这些鬼话。 3)Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

171 以上例句的主语和主题一致,在翻译时不会造成很大困难。但是汉语句子往往并不遵循英语的语法规则,它不一定是名词性,即使是名词也不一定是主语。例如:
4)他会干这种事我不相信。 译文1:I don’t believe that he should have done such things. 译文2:That he should have done such things I don’t believe. 5)在桌子上他放了一本书。 译文1:On the desk he put a book. 译文2:He put a book on the desk. 6)昨天的事多亏你帮忙。 译文1:Thank you for your help yesterday. 译文2:I owe you a lot for your help yesterday.

172 分析: 例4的主题是个句子,但它在逻辑上是个宾语,在英语中通常用宾语从句表达,“译文2”尽管在结构上看上去更像原文,但是却不太自然。 例5的主题是个介词短语,译成英语只能译成状语。 例6的主题虽然是个名词词组,但是它显然游离于“主谓”结构之外,不能译成英语的主语。

173 当然,有时候英语中也有主题句,但是这些句子总是可以还原成“主语+谓语”的结构,例如:
7)His learning I admire, but his character I despise. (可还原成:I admire his learning, but I despise his character.) 他的学识我佩服,但他的人格我鄙视。 8)Money, Mr. White has; house, he has not. (可还原成:Mr.White has money, but he does not have a house.) 钱,怀特先生是有的;但房子,他却没有。

174 9)His pride and prejudice had led him into great error
9)His pride and prejudice had led him into great error. That error he determined to recant. (第二句可还原成:He determined to recant that error.) 他的傲慢与偏见使他犯了很大的过失。这个过失他是决心挽回的。

175 由于英汉两种语言在句法结构上的这种差别,英译汉时,我们应该特别注意英语原文中的主语如何才能在汉语中得到最恰当的表达,而并不一定非把原句的主语转换成译句的主语;汉译英时则相反,一定要为译句选择一个合适的主语,将汉语原文中不明确的主语予以明确化。

176 6.2.1 英语句子中主语的处理 一般来说,可采用以下方法: 照搬过来,译成主谓结构; 译成“主题+述题”结构; 译成无主句; 反之,汉译英时则必须为英语句子找到合适的主语方可下笔。具体如何处理,主要应看上下文语境的需要以及译入语行文习惯的需要。

177 (一)英语主语译成汉语主语(主语对译) 汉语是主题显著的语言,(主题—述题结构相对于主谓结构而言要突出得多,与英语相比尤其如此) ,但并不否认汉语中也有大量主谓结构的存在。将英语主谓结构译成汉语时,同样也可以采用汉语的主谓结构,而且通常还可直接选用英语原句的主语来充当汉语译句的主语。例如:

178 10)I’ve been giving the thought some consideration.
我一直在琢磨这个问题。 11)Each time I am in an African village, I dream about getting to a city. 每次身处非洲的村庄,我就会幻想来到了一座城市。 12)His left hand was still cramped, but he was unknotting it slowly. (E. Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea) 他左手仍旧抽着筋,但他正慢慢地在把它舒展开来。(吴钧燮 译)

179 13)Those old apple trees that were cut down last winter will give us wood for the fires most of this winter. 去年冬天砍倒的那些老苹果树差不多够今年冬天烧火用的了。 14)This will start to fan inflation fears, thereby handcuffing Japan’s ability to compete effectively with low-cost producers of Asian NICs. 这种情况就会煽动起对通货膨胀的恐惧,从而束缚日本有效地同亚洲新兴工业国家低成本制造厂家进行竞争的能力。 15)Groundwater, which in its natural state is more protected than surface water, is the preferred source of drinking water for cities. 在自然状态下,地下水比地表水水质好,是城市居民理想的饮用水源。

180 以主语译主语的方法在英译汉中用得十分普遍。汉译英也可以采用同样的方法。例如:
16)我的表妹在剑桥攻读博士学位。 My cousin is working for a Ph.D. degree at Cambridge. 17)五四运动是反帝国主义的运动,又是反封建主义的运动。The May 4th Movement was an anti-imperialist as well as an anti-feudal movement.

181 二)改变原句主语 英汉主谓结构并不总是对应的。有时,英语主语译成汉语后可能不再适合在译句中充当主语。这时便要为译句另外物色一个主语,使之符合汉语表达习惯。汉译英有时也要放弃原来的主语,为英语译句物色适当的主语。例如: 18)Electricity can pass through the carbon grains more easily when they are pressed together than when they are spread apart. 碳粒聚集时,电流在碳粒中的传导比碳粒分开时较为容易。 试比较:电流在碳粒聚集时比在碳粒分开时更容易通过碳粒。

182 19)A modern post office handles more mail in a day than the colonial carriers handled in a whole year. 一家现代邮局一天处理的邮件比殖民地时期的邮差一年处理的还要多。 试比较:一家现代邮局一天之内比殖民地时期的邮差在整整一年的时间里处理更多的邮件。 20)The only men with any medical education were the Jews; they studied in Arabia. 只有犹太人受过一些医学教育,他们是在阿拉伯学会的。 试比较:唯一受过一些医学教育的人是犹太人,他们是在阿拉伯学会的。

183 21)Areas which are far from the sea or sheltered by high mountains usually receive air that has already lost all, or nearly all its humidity. 远离海洋或被高山所挡的地区迎来的风全部或几乎全部失去了水分。 试比较:远离海洋或被高山所挡的地区通常迎来了全部或几乎全部失去了水分的风。 22)All weight is lifted from my limbs; I am one with the night. 我四肢虚灵,与黑夜融为一体。 试比较:所有的重量都被从我的四肢上抬起来,我与黑夜融为一体了。

184 23)Hopkins gave Victor Henry a sad smile, and a brilliant light came into his large eyes.
霍普金斯对维克多·亨利苦笑了一下,大眼睛里闪现出明亮的光芒。 试比较:……明亮的光芒来到了他的大眼睛里。 24)这种水泵的主要特点是操作简便。 This pump is chiefly characterized by its simple operation. 25)故宫耗时14年,整个工程于1420年结束。 The construction of the Forbidden City took 14 years, and was finished in 1420.

185 (三)英语主谓结构译成汉语无主句 英语的 it, that, what 等代词作抽象主语时,译成汉语往往可以省略,译成无主句。翻译汉语的无主句时则相反,常常要为相应的译句物色一个恰当的主语。例如: 26)It’s raining hard. 下大雨了。 27)Then it was solo time. 这时,轮到独唱了。

186 28)Is that a true story? 真有这事吗? 29)What happened? 发生什么事了? 30)Surely nothing more could go wrong during the next hour. 以后的一个小时里肯定不会再出什么差错了吧。

187 31)可以在车床上车削各种形状和尺寸的螺纹。
It is possible to cut all thread forms and sizes on a lathe. 32)路上只我一个人,背着手踱着。(朱自清,《荷塘月色》) I am on my own, strolling, hands behind my back. (朱纯深 译)

188 英语和汉语都可根据具体的语境酌情省略句子的主语,但二者省略主语的规则不同:
英语所省略的主语往往必须是前一个句子的主语,即只有在两个并列的句子共用一个主语的时候,第二个句子的主语才能省略; 汉语省略的主语可以是前一个句子的主语,但也可以是其它成分,而且主语虽然省略了,但句意仍然明白无误。 因此,英译汉时,有时可根据更大的语境将英语句中的主语省略掉。这种手法似乎更多的用于文学作品的翻译中,尤其是作品人物的连续对话中。例如:

189 33)It’s hard work, but it has to be done.
这是个苦活,可还得干。 试比较:这是个苦活,可它还得被干。 34)“Did you knit that sweater?” I asked her. “No,” she answered. “It was done by a woman here in Paris.” “这件毛衣是你自己织的吗?”我问道。 “不是的,”她答道。“是巴黎的一位女士织的。”

190 35)The more I tried not to think about it, the more my mind kept going back to that helpless feeling of panic I had on the first leg of the journey. 我越是不去想,反倒越是回味上路第一程就出现的那种揪心无助的感觉。

191 36)She tried to put it more comfortably.
“I can’t do with that,” he said, “it’s not high enough!” Cathering brought another to lay above it. “That’s too high!” murmured the provoking thing. “How must I arrange it, then?” she asked despairingly. (E. Bronte, Wuthering Heights) 她想替他把垫子放得更舒服些。 “这个垫子要不得,”他说道,“不够高。” 卡瑟琳又拿来一个垫子加在上面。 “太高了!”这个惹人厌的东西咕噜着。 “那叫我怎么办?”她绝望地问道。(方平译)

192 (四)英语主谓结构与汉语“主题 + 述题”结构对译
由于英语句子总是主谓结构,而汉语句子更多的是“主题 + 述题”结构,所以将英语句子译成汉语时,往往可以译成“主题 + 述题”结构,特别是当相应的主谓结构有点拗口时。例如: 37)I knew nothing about it. 这件事我一点儿都不知道。 试比较:我对这件事一点也不知道。

193 38)Can I read the book first?
这本书我可以先看吗? 试比较:我可以先看这本书吗? 39)Somehow I doubt it. 这我倒有点怀疑。 试比较:我有点怀疑这个。 40)I’ve been wondering about something. 原译:我一直纳闷某件事。 改译:有件事儿我一直很纳闷。

194 41)My son is using the car this morning and will be this afternoon.
原译:我儿子今早一直在用汽车而且要用到下午。 改译:汽车我儿子上午在用,而且下午还要用。 42)It’s no legend. My father knew the two men involved. 原译:这不是传奇。我父亲认识那两位涉及这场悲剧的人。 改译:那可不是什么传奇。那两个与惨案有关的人我父亲都认识的。

195 反之,汉语的主题结构通常可译为英语的主谓结构。如上面的例子都可还原翻译为英语。再如:
43)这本书我已经看过了。 I have already read this book. 44)薄薄的一本书他竟看了两个月。 It took him two long months to finish such a thin book.

196 6.2.2 英语中某些特殊结构译成汉语时主语的选择 英语中还有些结构与汉语有较大的差别,这些结构译成汉语后,其主语多不能原封不动地保留下来,而应该作一些改变。这里着重讨论两种句型的翻译: (一)被动句; (二)含有无灵主语的句子。

197 (一)英译汉时被动句中主语的处理 英语被动句使用频率远远高于汉语。 英语被动句可以避免指出动作的执行者,常常用来表示比较客观的态度,论述客观的事实,因此多用于科技文章、新闻报道、书刊介绍及景物描写等; 汉语被动句主要用来表示已经发生的不愉快的事实。 英译汉时英语的被动句并不都能翻译成汉语的被动句,原句的主语虽然有时可以直接转换成汉语译句的主语,但有时却必须转换成其他成分。一般而言,在翻译英语的被动句时,主语可以作如下处理:

198 (1)保留原句主语,谓语动词可用“被”字结构,也可转换为主动语态。例如:
45)They were defeated by themselves, rather than by their enemies. 他们是被自己、而不是被敌人打败的。 46)The play was written by Bernard Shaw. 这剧本是肖伯纳写的。 47)Many basins were formed by the subsidence [səb'saidəns] of the earth’s crust. 许多盆地都是由于地壳陷落而形成的。

199 48)Rainbows are formed when sunlight passes through small drops of water in the sky.
彩虹是阳光透过天空中的小水滴时形成的。 49)Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. 有些老年人因怕死而感到心情沉重。 50)A prototype of another display, called the Military E-book, should be completed next January or February. 另一种称为军事电子书的显示器原型机应于明年1月或2月出台。

200 分析: 例46的译文用了主动语态,因为汉语中通常不能说一本书“被”某人写; 例47和例48的动词form是及物动词,用被动语态形式,而汉语的“形成”却是不及物动词; 例49的译文用了“感到”一词,所以转成了主动语态; 同样,例50中的be completed 是被动语态,译成“出台”后就成了主动语态。 汉语中有被动语态形式(即“被”字句)的动词较少,需要把英语的被动语态译为主动语态形式,同时把主谓结构译为主题结构。

201 此类汉语结构译成英语时,往往要译为被动语态。上面的汉语译文均可还原翻译成英语被动语态。如:
51)你的来信已经收到。 Your letter has been received. 52)党的“十六大”顺利召开了。 The 16th Congress of our Party was successfully convened. 53)这个问题将于下周讨论。 This question will be discussed next week. 54)这个项目提前完工了。 The project was completed ahead of schedule.

202 (2)用“我们”、“人们”、“大家”等表示泛指的代词充当译句主语。例如:
55)The existence of oil wells has been known for a long time. (G. C. Thornley) 人们很早就知道油井的存在。 56)The real meaning of Christmas had been restored to us. 我们再次体会到了圣诞的真正内涵。 57)After many years, regular mail carriers on horseback were hired. 许多年以后,人们开始雇佣骑马定期送信的邮差。

203 58)The fact that the earth is round was not known till a few centuries ago.
直到几世纪前,我们才知道地球是圆的。 59)It has been realised that wildlife is extremely important to us. 人们已经认识到野生动植物对人类是极为重要的。 60)It is universally acknowledged that airline food is awful. 人们普遍承认,飞机上的食物非常糟糕。

204 英语原文中的动词大多没有明确的逻辑主语,译成汉语时一般用泛指的代词充当主语。汉译英时,通常译为英语的被动语态。如:
61)大家知道,吸烟有害健康。 Smoking is known to be harmful to our health. 62)人们普遍相信改革开放政策是正确的。 It is commonly believed that the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world is correct.

205 (3)译成无主语,特别是一些表示观点、态度、要求、告诫、号召等的英语被动句。如:
63)Felling trees is forbidden. 禁止砍伐树林。 64)Children should be taught not to lie. 应该教育儿童不要撒谎。 65)Where can you be reached? 可以在哪里和你接头?

206 66)As the armature strikes the bar beneath it, a sharp click is heard.
当电枢敲击下方的金属条时,就会听到刺耳的卡嗒声。 67)Quality mustn’t be neglected. 千万不能忽视质量。 68)It is imperative that the students be taught what they should learn. 必须让学生学到该学的东西。

207 反之,汉语无主句应译成英语被动句。如: 69)要在提高效益的基础上实现这个目标,必须付出艰巨努力。(朱鎔基,《“十五”期间的奋斗目标和指导方针》) Arduous efforts must be made to attain this target through better economic performance. 70)在建造一座大桥前,必须考虑到金属受热膨胀这一因素。 The expansion of metals on heating must be taken into consideration before a long metal bridge is built.

208 (二)无灵、有灵主语的句子对译 英汉语句子的另一个重要差异是,英语常用无灵主语,即用无生命的物体或抽象概念所充当的主语,而汉语则常用有灵主语,即用有生命的人或动物所充当的主语。因为英语较注重客体思维,而汉语则较注重主体思维。描述某个事件时,英语往往是“什么事发生在某人身上”,而汉语是“某人怎么样了”。英语句子常用表示无生命的物体或抽象概念的名词或各种形式的非谓语动词作主语,而汉语则较多使用表示人或动物的名称作主语。英汉互译时,要作必要的转换。例如:

209 71)The thought of returning filled him with fear.
一想到还要返回去,他心里就害怕。 72)Strange how the habit of his youth cling to him still. 真奇怪,他仍就保留着小时侯的习惯。 73)The war in the country sent millions of its people to its neighbours. 这个国家有数百万人因战争而逃到了邻国。

210 74)It suddenly occurred to me that he might have forgotten our appointment completely.
我突然想到,他也许把我们的约会彻底忘记了。 75)The reverence for the adversarial [,ædvə'sɛəriəl] approach spills over into all areas of life. 在生活的方方面面人们都热衷于使用这种对抗方式。 76)The happiness—the superior advantages of the young women round about her, gave Rebecca inexpressible pangs of envy. (W. Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 丽贝卡看见她周围的小姐那么福气,享受种种优越的权利,却有说不出的眼红。

211 有时,出于修辞的需要,汉语也常常使用无灵主语。
77)Many factors enter into equipment reliability. 译文1:跟设备可靠性有关的因素很多。 译文2:(有)很多因素都与设备的可靠性有关。 78)An idea suddenly struck me. 译文1:我突然想到了一个主意。 译文2:我突然闪过一个念头。 译文3:一个念头突然袭上心头。 译文4:一个想法突然在我脑海里冒了出来。 译文5:一个想法突然出现在我脑海。

212 分析: 例77的两种译文都用了无灵主语; 例78的前两种译文用了有灵主语,后三种译文保留了无灵主语。
汉语有灵主语也可译成英语的无灵主语。如: 79)他们对市场经济一无所知,他们公司因而受了很大的损失。 Their ignorance of the market economy brought huge losses to their company. 80)她一看到他就生气。 The very sight of him makes her angry.

213 6.3 动态与静态 相对而言,汉语叙述呈动态,英语叙述呈静态。主要表现在:在表示动作意义时,汉语倾向于多用动词,英语则倾向于多用名词(特别是抽象名词)和介词短语,同时还大量使用形容词、副词以及表示状态的弱式动词(如be,have,become,grow,feel,go,come,get,do等)和虚化动词(如have a look;take a walk;make an attempt;pay a visit;do harm to sb;do shopping;do some reading等)等各种手段来表示动作意义。另外,英语句子的谓语动词常常十分简单,除少数由“and”、“but”、“or”等并列连词连接两至三个动词外,每个句子往往都只能有一个谓语动词,其他动词则必须经过变形才能在句中使用,如使用动词的非谓语形式、将动词名词化等等,从而使整个叙述呈现静态。

214 由于动态、静态差异,翻译时不能生搬硬套,削足适履,而应根据译入语各自的特点进行适当调整,使译文尽量符合译入语的表达习惯。调整主要体现为词类转换,而词类转换常常伴随着句式的改变。一般而言,英译汉时常常要将原文中表示动作意义的静态叙述转换成汉语的动态叙述;汉译英时则相反,需将动态叙述转换为静态叙述。

215 6.3.1 英语介语译成汉语动词 英语多用介词表示动作意义,而汉语则少用介词,多用动词。因此,英译汉时,多要将介词转换成汉语的动词,从而使静态叙述转换成动态叙述。例如: 1)A small plane from Kunming carried us over the mountains and sent us to Jinghong. 一架从昆明起飞的小飞机载着我们飞越群山,把我们送到了景洪。 2)At six, my friend and his wife were in the tunnel on their way into New York for a seven o’clock appointment. 六点钟,我的朋友偕同其妻,已坐在了开往纽约的地铁里,赶赴七点钟的约会。

216 3)“Here, you little beggars,” Dobbin said, giving some six pences amongst them, and then went off by himself through the rain. (W. Thackeray, Vanity Fair) “这儿来,小鬼头儿!”都宾说着,拿出好些六便士的小银元分给他们,自己冒着雨独自走去。(杨必译) 4)So instead of descending the road to that station we crossed it by the traffic lights and went through the narrow lanes to my apartment building. 这样,我们不是沿着去车站的马路走,而是在红绿灯附近横过马路,再穿过几条狭窄的小巷,来到了我的公寓大楼。

217 例1至4中,原句通过使用介词短语充当定语或状语,使叙述呈现静态,译成汉语后,原句中的介词短语多被转换成了动词短语,在译句中和其他动词一道构成连动式或兼语式谓语,从而使叙述呈现动态。

218 6.3.2 英语名词,尤其是抽象名词,译成汉语动词 英语多用抽象名词,从而使叙述呈静态,译成汉语后这些抽象名词多需转换成动词,从而使叙述呈现出动态。例如: 5)One growing issue is the rapid reduction in the retirement age. 一个日益受到关注的问题是退休年龄迅速降低。 6)Motorola is the pre-eminent supplier of equipment to a global industry with some 100 million users. 摩托罗拉公司向一个拥有近一亿用户的全球性行业提供装备,业绩十分突出。

219 7)Environmental degradation and population growth, with consequent increase in demand for water, have contributed to a shortage of good quality fresh water. 环境退化和人口增长,以及随之而来的对水需求的不断增加,使优质淡水的短缺变得更为严重。 8)It so happened in a department store that an old couple, after careful selection and much hesitation, fumbled 600 yuan from their pockets for a quality down quilt, smiling with content when the package was handed over the counter. 在一家百货公司,碰巧有一对老夫妇,他们经过左挑右选,犹豫再三,终于从口袋里笨拙地摸出六百块钱来,买了一床优质鸭绒被,当鸭绒被从柜台那边递过来时,两人满意地笑了。

220 例5至8中,原文使用抽象名词表示动作意义,使叙述呈现静态,译成汉语后,将抽象名词转换成了动词,构成句子的谓语或主谓结构,从而使叙述由静态转为动态。

221 6.3.3 英语形容词译成汉语动词 英译汉时,有些英语形容词需要转换成汉语的动词,从而使叙述从静态转换成动态。例如: 9)Weak loan demand and low interest rates at home have prompted a scramble among Japanese banks to foist credit on Asian (especially Chinese) borrowers. 日本国内贷款需求疲软,利率偏低,这已促使日本银行纷纷将贷款硬塞给亚洲(尤其是中国的)借款者。

222 10)There should be more publicity to encourage urban dwellers to give up their stereotype thinking that housing is social welfare right guaranteed by the State. 应该加大宣传力度,鼓励城市居民放弃老套刻板的思维模式,认为住房是由政府保障的社会福利权利。 11)The rocketing price of housing has tremendously dampened the enthusiasm of potential house buyer. 房价飙升(猛涨),严重挫伤了潜在购房者的积极性。 例9至11中,原句用形容词充当定语,使叙述呈现静态,译成汉语后,将形容词转换成动词,充当句中的谓语或构成主谓结构,从而使叙述由静态转为动态。

223 6.3.4 英语非谓语动词译成汉语谓语动词 英语中有很多非谓语动词,可在句中充当除谓语之外的各种成分,而汉语没有这种形式,因此英译汉时,需要将各种非谓语动词转换成汉语的其他成分,并使叙述从静态转换成动态。例如: 12)Everyone recognizes the importance of speaking English well. In school one of the chief things to learn and to practice may be the reading and writing of English, but in everyday life we convey our thoughts to other people by speaking far more often than by writing. 人人都知道说上一口流利的英语有多重要。在学校,我们学习和练习的主要内容之一是读写英语,殊不知在日常生活中我们与人交流思想时说比写的机会要多得多。

224 13)In order to resolve these problems, the Chinese and American experts agreed that youth organizations should call on the whole of society to create favorable conditions for the healthy growth of young people, as well as to encourage them to meet the urgent needs of society and to challenge the assumption that young people are apathetic and uncaring. 为了解决这些问题,中美两国专家一致认为,各青年团体应该动员整个社会,既要鼓励青年急社会之所急,又要向那种认为年轻人冷漠无情、对社会漠不关心的思想进行挑战,为他们的健康成长创造有利条件。

225 14)Thirteen years after launching its quality campaign, Motorola regains a model of how to use TQM (Total Quality Management)to reinvigorate a corporation. 开展质量管理活动十三年,摩托罗拉公司已重新建立起了一个运用全面质量管理振兴企业的管理模式。

226 例12至14中,原句利用动词的各种非谓语形式,在句中充当介词宾语、状语、定语或宾语补足语等各种成分,而在汉译文中这些非谓语形式或变成了整个句子的谓语,或构成主谓结构或动宾结构,或与其他动词一道共同构成连动式或兼语式谓语,而这样使用时,不必像英语那样改变形式,而可以直接运用于句子之中。

227 6.4 替代与重复 英语与汉语的另一个重要差异就是,英语重替代,汉语重重复。英语中除了修辞需要以外,很少在句子中重复同一个词或结构,而在汉语中重复现象比比皆是,这与中国文化讲究平衡与对称的美学心理有关。我们在英汉互译时必须特别注意这一点。英语中的替代结构主要有:代词(包括人称代词、指示代词、不定代词和关系代词等),替代词so,替代动词do等。英译汉时,下列词汇与结构往往用重复法译出:

228 (一)英语往往用代词来替代上文刚出现过的名词,而汉语则更习惯于重复名词。例如:
1)The concepts of electric energy and power are intimately associated with the corresponding ones considered in basic mechanics. 电能和电功率的概念与基础力学中所思考的相应的概念有密切联系。 2)On its maiden voyage the duck zigzagged around the pond at a speed of thirty knots, which was three times faster than the maximum speed which the boats and ducks of the day had yet attained. 在首次航行中,鸭子以每小时30海里的速度在池塘里曲折前进,这个速度比当时的船和其它鸭子所能达到的最高速度还快三倍。

229 3)In the universe of atoms, as a resource is consumed it becomes more expensive to produce.
在由原子构成的宇宙中,若一种资源被消耗掉了,生产这种资源所需要的费用将会更加昂贵。 4)Even when historians write about a natural process beyond human control, such as the ups and downs of climate, or the spread of disease, they do so only because it helps us to understand why men and women have lived (and died) in some ways rather than others. 历史学家之所以记述非人力所能控制的自然过程,如气候的变迁或疾病的传播,仅仅是因为这些自然过程可以帮助我们理解世界上的男人和女人为什么这样而不是那样地生活(和死亡)。

230 上述例子中,原文都是利用各种代词代替前文刚提到的概念或事物,尽量避免重复,汉译文则重复译出这些概念,从而使表达更符合汉语的行文习惯。
反之,汉语中重复的词或结构往往可以用英语的代词译出。例如: 5)我们的民族是一个伟大的民族。 Ours is a great nation. 6)我们提倡和平共处的原则,这项原则目前在世界上已越来越得人心了。 We have advocated the principle of peaceful co-existence, which is now growing more and more popular in the world. (连淑能:p. 178)

231 7)何首乌藤和木莲藤缠络着,木莲有莲房一般的果实,何首乌有臃肿的根。
Milkwort interwove with climbing fig, which had fruit shaped like the calyx ['keiliks] of a lotus, while the milkwort had swollen tubers. 8)我们先到梅雨亭。梅雨亭正对着那条瀑布;坐在亭边不必仰头,便可见它的全体了。(朱自清) First we reached Plum Rain Pavilion. This stands opposite the waterfall, and seated beside it you need not raise your head to see the whole cascade.

232 (二)英语中的代动词及代动词词组,如do;do so;do it;do that;do this;do the same等,往往用重复法译成动词。例如:
9)We all know that dogs and cats do not have histories while human beings do. 众所周知,狗和猫没有历史,而人类则有。 10)Nonetheless it protested against the confinement by struggling to get out and in doing so its wings and legs drove the cranks which conveyed motion to a paddle-wheel on each side. 然而,鸭子被放入后拼命挣扎着要出来,想要摆脱被囚禁的命运。就在挣扎时,它的翅膀和腿不断地驱动着安装在容器里的曲轴,曲轴便带动了两边的浆轮。

233 11)He thought that since ducks spend most of their days in water they should be made to do it efficiently. 他想,既然鸭子大部分时间都在水里度过,那就应该让它们过得有效率。 12)A: Tell us who did it, and we’ll let you go right away. B: I will never do that. 甲:告诉我们这是谁干的,马上就放你走。 乙:我永远也不会告诉你。

234 例10中,译文没有将“in doing so”直译成“就在这样做的时候”,而是将它重复译出,这样更符合汉语的语言特点。例11中,原文为避免重复,用“do it”前面出现过的“spend”,译文则将它具体化,译成“过”,而不是“让它们更有效率地做它”。第12例译文重复“告诉”一词,一方面是为了明确意思,另一方面是为了加强语气。

235 反之,汉语中重复的动词或动词词组译成英语时通常要译为代动词或代动词词组。例如:
13)革命是解放生产力,改革也是解放生产力。(《邓小平选集》第三卷,第370页) Revolution means the emancipation of the productive forces, and so does reform 14)你答应了帮助他就应当帮助他。 You should help him since you promised to do so.

236 (三)英语中的替代句型,如“so+do+主语”、“so+主语+do”、“so+be+主语”、“so+主语+be”、“so+will+主语”、“so+主语+will”、“if so”等,通常用重复法译为汉语。例如: 15)“By the way,” he added, “have you any free time this afternoon? If so, why don’t you have tea in the lighthouse?” “顺便问一下,”他接着说道,“你今天下午有空吗?如果有空,为什么不去灯塔里喝杯茶呢?”

237 16)Buying someone a bottle of the very best champagne when they don’t particularly like champagne is pointless; so is giving them a negligee, or sweater, which you would like to see them in but which they are going to hate. 人家并不特别喜欢香槟,你却偏偏给他买一瓶优质香槟,这样做毫无意义;你送他们一件休闲服或一件毛衣,想看着他们经常穿在身上,而他们却并不喜欢穿,这样做同样毫无意义。

238 17)He buried her where she could see the mountains
17)He buried her where she could see the mountains. The book of English poems lay with her and so did the flowers from the woods. 他将她埋葬在她能看到群山的地方,那本英文诗集和她躺卧在一起,从树林里采来的鲜花也和她躺卧在一起。 18)I decided to renovate the house, but it was many years before I found the strength to do it. 我决定把房子重新翻修一下,但直到许多年以后,我才真正鼓起勇气对它进行翻修。

239 例15中“if so”代指“if you have any free time this afternoon”,译成“如果有空”,属于部分重复。例16中“so is…”指代“…is pointless”,这里采用重复法来翻译。例17中“so did…”指代“…also lay with her”,这里采用重复法译出,将原文的语法重复转变成了修辞重复。例18中“to do it”指代“to renovate the house”,译文也采用了重复法进行翻译。

240 6.5 句子的分译 多指长句的分译,即把一个由多个成分盘根错节地组合而成的长句分译成若干较短的句子,以尽量符合译入语的行文习惯和译入语读者的审美情趣。 英语可以运用大量的联接词和介词等将各种信息捆绑在主谓结构上,虽显庞杂,但条理清晰,孰主孰从一目了然;汉语则多通过词语或语序来表达各个成分之间的复杂关系,它多使用短句,一个接一个排列下去,组成一串串表面上好像互不相干、实则互相关联的短句串。翻译时若把英语长句原封不动地照搬过来,会违背汉语的行文规范,使译文显得冗长乏味,有时甚至会令人感到费解,不知所云。因此,遇到这种错综复杂的英语长句时,往往需要进行分译。例如:

241 1)The trouble with the digital revolution is that computers may have speeded up many of the processes of modern life, but they still remain relatively difficult to use. 数字革命给我们带来了一些烦恼:计算机一方面可能已加快了现代生活中许多方面的进程,但另一方面相对而言仍然很难使用。 2)The real challenge is how to create systems with many components that can work together and change, merging the physical world with the digital world. 我们所面临的真正挑战是如何建立这样一些系统,它们虽由很多成分组成,但可互相兼容,交换使用,从而把物质世界与数字世界融为一体。

242 除长句分译外,句子分译还可用于下面这种情况,即原文中的某个词或词组在原语境中搭配合理,但由于英汉两个民族的思维逻辑和表达习惯不同,如果机械地把它翻译过来,会造成译文文理不通。这时可运用分译法,将那个可能会在译文中显得格格不入的词从原句中拆离出来,单独处理,并常常置于句首或句尾。例如:

243 3)He smiled at that, with a rueful curve of his lips, but his eyes were alight with an emotion she was afraid to identify. 听了这话,他笑了,双唇合成一条曲线,露出一副悔恨的样子。但两眼仍熠熠发光,脉脉含情。这种感情她不敢认同。 4)That is a NATO matter and any comment on it should appropriately come from NATO. 这是北约组织的问题,关于这个问题的任何意见都应由北约组织来发表,这才合适。

244 5)Both peaks are majestically towering high mountains and are blessed with paradise status, or in Chinese Shangri-la. 两座名山都高耸入云,尉为壮观,被誉为人间天堂,汉语里称为“香格里拉”。 6)What is surely and identifiably unique about the human species is not its possession of certain faculties or physical characteristics, but what it has done with them—its achievement, or history, in fact. 可以肯定而且一致确认的是,人类的独特之处不在于它拥有某些官能或生理特征,而在于它用这些官能和特征做了些什么,即它的成就,实际上,也就是它的历史。

245 6.6 英语长句的处理 英语是综合—分析语,可以综合运用形态变化(综合语特征)、词序和虚词(分析语特征)这三大语法手段来表达纷繁复杂的思想,因此,经常使用长句,往往短语套短语,从句套从句,使句子结构变得十分复杂。尤其是公文文体、论述文体、科技文体、文艺文体等,更是大量使用长句。由于长句可以将大量的信息融为一体,使思维谨密,表达紧凑连惯,层次感强。

246 汉语是典型的分析语,缺乏形态变化,在表达复杂思想时主要依靠词序和虚词,经常使用短句、分句和流水句,按照一定的时间顺序和逻辑顺序,使叙述有先有后,有主有次,逐层展开。因此,有人把英语句子比作树式结构,汉语句子比作竹式结构,认为英语句子主干结构(即主、谓、宾)突出,有如树干,因为在表达复杂思想时,英语往往是先把句子的主语和主要动词这根主干竖起,然后再运用各种联接词或短语把各种成分一个一个挂靠上去,使整个句子看上去就像一棵“枝繁叶茂的参天大树”。汉语在表达复杂思想时,则多借助动词,按动作发生的顺序,或按逻辑顺序,逐层交代,层层铺开,给人以舒缓明快的感觉,因此,汉语的句子结构有如一根竹子,一节一节地连下去。

247 鉴于英汉句法这个差异,翻译英语长句时,应特别注意,充分体味英语长句的句法特点,尽量做到既能保留英语长句思维谨密、句法紧凑连贯的语言特色,不使译文产生松散、脱节感,又能从汉语实际出发,顾及汉语的行文习惯,不使译文产生冗长、拖沓感。 一般而言,翻译英语长句可以按照以下五个步骤进行:一、削去枝蔓,找出主干;二、条分缕析,理清关系;三、确定单位,各个击破;四、调整搭配,重新组合;五、核对原句,润饰译句。其中,第一、二步是翻译中的理解层次,第三、四、五步是表达层次。

248 6.6.1削去枝蔓,找出主干 由于英语长句呈树式结构,虽然复杂,但主、谓、宾主干突出,因此,只要我们将错综交叉的枝叶剪去,将各种修饰成分暂置一边,就能找到主干。这是理解整个句子的关键所在。换言之,翻译英语长句时,我们首先应将信息简化,从整体上把握句子,而不要过多地关注句子的细枝末节。例如:

249 1)A World Bank report released at the time of the conference, which ended on 10 November, insists that Vietnam’s overall growth will depend more on its own policies than on the volume of external financing. 2)Human history began when the inheritance of genetics and behavior which had until then provided the only way of dominating the environment was first broken through by conscious choice. 3)The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light small bulbs, even to run an electric motor, is almost unbelievable.

250 例1原句是一个主从复合句,由一个主句和一个宾语从句组成,不难看出,主句的主干是“A World Bank report…insists that…”;翻译例2时,我们首先可以看到,整个句子由一个主句和一个由“when”引导的时间状语从句构成。主句很简单,仅由一个简单的主谓结构组成,即“Human history began”;例3原句中“The idea”之后接了一个很长的定语,信息堆砌在一块,但句子的主干成分还是容易辨认的,即是“The almost unbelievable.”

251 6.6.2 条分缕析,理清关系 找出主干,只是翻译英语长句的第一步。找到主干并经过认真分析主要内容之后,接着便要把目光集中到那些剪去的枝枝蔓蔓上来。 首先,要仔细观察各修饰成分的内部结构;然后,弄清各修饰成分与中心词之间的语法关系和逻辑关系;最后,再跳出来,从整体上来理解长句。这就是说,我们对原文的理解,要从整体出发,深入到细节,再回到整体上来。

252 6.6.3 确定单位,各个击破 通过以上对整个句子“从整体到细节再到整体”的全方位理解,翻译起来就要容易多了。但翻译时首先应该确定转换单位。 所谓转换单位,是指原文中的这样一种语言单位,作为整体,它可以在译文中找到自己的对应物,但它自身的各个组成部分在译文中则不一定是一一对应的。

253 翻译时通常可把小句当作最佳转换单位,因为小句既具稳定性又具灵活性。所谓小句,是指前后都有停顿并有句调表示的语言形式。小句一般是主谓结构,但也可以是动词或动词短语,还可以是名词或名词短语。英语的小句可分为三类:限定式小句(即各种从句)、非限定式小句(即各种形式的非限定性动词及短语)和无动词小句(即省略了动词、甚至有时还省略了主语的从句)。例如:

254 4)①”Alas!” ②said a widow, ③speaking of her brilliant and careless son, ④“he has not the gift of continuance.” “哎呀!”一位寡妇说到她那个天资聪颖却又粗心大意的儿子时说道,“他呀,没有毅力。” 5)①After one more assignment, ②Bell resigned as a journalist ③to stand for Parliament in England. 贝尔又完成了一项任务,然后辞去了记者这份工作,当上了英国国会议员候选人。

255 例4由四个小句组成,小句①仅含一个单词,是无动词小句;小句②和④是两个限定性小句;小句③是一个现在分词短语,属非限定式小句;例5有三个小句,小句①是一个介词短语,属无动词小句;小句②是一个限定性小句;小句③是一个不定式短语,属非限定式小句。 翻译英语长句时,不应拘泥于原句的语言形式,而应根据汉语的语言特点,将由许多语意单位密集堆积而成的英语长句拆分成一个一个具有相对独立性的小句,然后再将它们分别转换成相应的汉语小句。比如,在将例1、2和3进行了如上分析以后,我们便可进一步确定翻译的转换单位。例如:例1由四个小句构成:

256 ①A World Bank report…insists that…;
②(A World Bank report)released at the time of the conference; ③which(= the conference) ended on 10 November; ④Vietnam’s overall growth will depend more on its own policies than on the volume of external financing。

257 其中,除小句②属非限定性小句外,其余三个都是限定性小句;小句①又被小句②和③隔开。

258 1)一份世界银行的报告……坚持认为,……。
2)在这次会议上披露了世界银行的一份报告。 3)这次会议在11月10日结束。 4)越南经济的全面增长将更主要地取决于其本国的政策,而不是外来资金的数额。

259 再看例2。例2由三个小句组成,分别是: 1)Human history began; 2)the inheritance of genetics and behavior…was first broken through by conscious choice; 3)which(= the inheritance of genetics and behavior)had until then provided the only way of dominating the environment。

260 同样,例2中的三个小句也可相应的译成: 1)人类历史开始了。 2)遗传和行为的继承……第一次被有意识的选择打破。 3)(遗传和行为的继承)一直是支配环境的唯一方式。

261 再看例3。例3由四个小句组成,即: 1)The idea…is almost unbelievable; 2)a fish being able to generate electricity; 3)(The electricity)strong enough to light small bulbs; 4)(The electricity)even(strong)enough to run an electric motor.

262 这四个小句可分别译为: 1)这种想法……简直令人难以置信。 2)鱼能发电。 3)(电)的强度足以点亮灯泡。 4)(电的强度)甚至足以开动马达。 在以小句为单位进行转换时,还要有意识地综合运用上文所讨论过的各种词汇翻译手段,有时还要超越小句层,到句子、语段甚至篇章等更大的语境中去寻找联系。

263 6.6.4 调整搭配,重新组合 将各个单位转换成相对应的汉语小句后,这些汉语小句在形式上都成了一些彼此独立、互不相关的语言个体。接下去,译者必须照汉语民族特有的思维逻辑来调整语序,然后再用适当的关联词语将各个独立的汉语小句连接起来,以使句意前后连贯,表达自然流畅。

264 (一)调整语序 翻译长句时对语序的调整方法不外乎如下四种:一、保留原句语序,即顺译;二、改变原句语序,即逆译;三、将一部分从长句中抽出来单独翻译,即分译;四、部分保留、部分改变原句语序,即综合译法。方法固然很重要,但弄清何时该用何种方法来翻译则更为关键。

265 如前所述,汉语句子呈竹式结构,也就是说,汉语行文时的思维一般呈线性展开,作者往往是按照一定的时间顺序和逻辑顺序将一串语义单位一个接一个传递下去,使叙述有先有后,有主有次,逐层铺开。按时间顺序展开时,一般是先发生的事先说,后发生的事后说;按逻辑顺序展开时,则往往是先一般,后特殊;先原因或条件,后结果;先事实,后结论;时间分句与让步分句在先,补充说明置后。(当然,这只汉语语序的一般情况,有时为了突出某个部分,也有不按这种语序安排的。)

266 因此,英译汉时基本上也可按照同样的时间顺序和逻辑顺序重新组合已转换过来的汉语小句,使整个句子符合汉语的思维习惯。
(1)按时间顺序翻译 如以上我们已分析过的例2按时间顺序可重组为: 例2B)Human history began when the inheritance of genetics and behavior which had until then provided the only way of dominating the environment was first broken through by conscious choice.

267 该例在形式上包含一个主句、一个由“when”引导的时间状语从句和一个由“which”引导的定语从句。但仔细研究一下便会发现,那个由“which”引导的定语从句实际上也是表示时间的。而且,在动作发生的先后上,分句③“(遗传和行为的继承)一直是支配环境的唯一方式”所表示的状态在这三个时间上是最先存在的,其次是分句②“遗传和行为的继承……第一次被有意识的选择打破”所表示的动作,最后才有分句①“人类历史开始”这个事件的发生。即整个句子所表示的时间顺序是:

268 例2B)首先,遗传和行为的继承支配着环境,然后这种继承被打破,继承被打破以后人类历史开始了。
因此,我们完全可以按照这种时间顺序组织汉语译文,即先发生的事先说,后发生的事后说。这样,例2便可译为: “遗传和行为的继承一直是支配环境的唯一方式,当这种继承第一次被有意识的选择打破时,人类历史便开始了。” 试比较:“当那种一直是支配环境的唯一方式的遗传和行为的继承第一次被有意识的选择打破时,人类历史便开始了。”

269 再如: 6)…and①admired himself in the mirrors②which had reflected their kind handsome faces. (Thackeray: Vanity Fair) ……②屋里的镜子从前照着斯该泊一家和蔼漂亮的脸儿,①现在轮到乔斯来顾影自怜了。(杨必译《名利场》) 试比较:……乔斯来在那块从前照着斯该泊一家和蔼漂亮的脸儿的镜子里顾影自怜。

270 本例原文由两个小句组成。根据句中所使用的时态可以看出,小句②所表示的动作肯定先于小句①所叙述的动作。即是说,整个句子的排列顺序是:先发生的事后叙述,后发生的事先叙述,并用一个关系代词将这两个动作连成一体。而杨必先生翻译该句时并未机械地套用原句的排列顺序,而是采用了逆译法,按照事情发生的先后顺序安排语序。这样便使译文更符合汉语的思维习惯。

271 7)①I retired last year from my post at a university in Tokyo, ②where I taught English literature and language。 本例也是由两个动作组成,一个是“辞职”,一个是“任教”,“任教”显然先于“辞职”,但英语原句却用一个关系副词“where”将二者逆序排列着。而翻译时则可采用逆译法,按照汉语的思维逻辑重新安排语序,译为: ②我曾在东京某大学教英语语言文学,①去年刚辞职。 试比较:去年,我从我曾经教过英语语言文学的东京某大学刚刚辞职。 8)①He found the thought infinitely more enjoyable to focus on than the niggling fear②that had been troubling him③since his conversation with Fisher.

272 同样,翻译该句时可以打破原句的语序,将原句中①②③的语序在译句中按照③②①的语序排列,即:
③那次与费希尔谈话以后,②总有些琐琐碎碎的事儿一直困扰着他,使他有种莫名的担忧。①如今集中精力作这种想法,比起那种杞人忧天来无疑要让人开心多了。 试比较:他发现集中精力于这种想法无疑要比那种自从与费希尔谈话以来一直困扰着他的那种莫名其妙的担忧令人愉快得多。

273 9)In the last 25 of the many thousands of years which separate the discovery of electrum from the discovery of electrons, we have at last come to realize how much the properties of the former depend on the behavior of the latter. 该句基本上是由三个小句构成,即: ①the many thousands of years separate the discovery of electrum from the discovery of electrons; ②In the last 25 years…we have at last come to realize…; ③how much the properties of the former depend on the behaviour of the latter.

274 这三个小句可依次译为: ①从金银合金的发现到电子的发现,其间经历了几千年; ②在最近的二十五年我们终于认识到了……; ③前者的性能在多大程度上取决于后者的作用。

275 在这里,小句③作为小句②的宾语从句,其位置一般可以保持不变,即仍置于小句②之后;小句①与小句②叙述的是两个事件:一个是“从金银合金的发现到电子的发现,其间经历了几千年”,一个是“直到最近二十五年才认识到这二者之间的关系。”这两个动作显然是一前一后,英语句子基本上按照事件发生的先后顺序组句,因此,译成汉语时可以基本上采用顺译,保持原文语序不变,只是在组句时要适当增加一些关联词,使句子意思连贯。比如,可译为: ①从金银合金的发现到电子的发现,其间经历了几千年;②直到最近的二十五年我们才终于认识到了③前者的性能在多大程度上取决于后者的作用。 试比较:在从金银合金的发现到电子的发现所经历过的几千年间的最近二十五年,我们才终于认识到了前者的性能在多大程度上取决于后者的作用。

276 (2)按逻辑顺序翻译 以上分析过的例1可以按逻辑顺序进行重组。 例1B)A World Bank report released at the time of the conference, which ended on 10 November, insists that Vietnam’s overall growth will depend more on its own policies than on the volume of external financing.

277 我们已经知道,该句由四个小句组成,其相对应的汉语译文分别是:
①一份世界银行的报告……坚持认为,……。 ②在这次会议上披露了世界银行的一份报告。 ③这次会议在11月10日结束。 ④越南经济的全面增长将更主要地取决于其本国的政策,而不是外来资金的数额。

278 其中,小句④作为小句①的宾语从句,译成汉语后位置可以保持不变,直接接在小句①之后。这里关键是要正确安排好前三个小句的排列次序。其中小句②说明小句①中主语“报告”的来源,小句③说明小句②中介词宾语“会议”发生的时间。英语原句的叙述顺序是:先说某次会议上披露了什么报告,再反过头来叙述会议是什么时候结束的。这与汉语的思维恰好相反,因为若按照汉语的思维逻辑,叙述的顺序一般会是:先说什么时候举行或结束了什么会议,会议上披露了什么消息或报道,报道的具体内容是什么。按照这种思维逻辑,汉译文的排列顺序应该是③→②→①→④。

279 因此,经过整理后上句可译为: ③在11月10日结束的巴黎会议上,②披露了世界银行的一份报告。①报告反复强调④越南经济的全面增长将更主要地取决于其本国的政策,而不是外来资金的数额。 试比较:在11月10日结束的巴黎会议上披露的世界银行的一份报告反复强调越南经济的全面增长将更主要地取决于其本国的政策,而不是外来资金的数额。

280 同样,以上分析过的例3也可按逻辑顺序进行重组。
例3B)The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light small bulbs, even to run an electric motor, is almost unbelievable. 我们已将该句分解为四个小句,并已相应地转换成了四个汉语小句,即: ①这种想法……简直令人难以置信。 ②鱼能发电。 ③(电)的强度足以点亮灯泡。 ④(电的强度)甚至足以开动马达。”

281 不难看出,小句③与小句④之间是一种递进关系,因而不能改变语序;小句②与小句③④之间也构成一种递进关系,也不能掉换位置。即后面这三个小句可以保持原序,译为“鱼能发电,电的强度足以点亮灯泡,甚至开动马达。”

282 英语原句将这么长的一个成分置于名词“The idea”后修饰该名词是十分平常的事,而译成汉语后,若将这个结构直接放在它所修饰的名词前却显得十分别扭。例如,若完全按照原句结构原封不动地照搬进汉语译文之中,把它译成“那种认为鱼能发出强度大到能点亮灯泡甚至开动马达的电的想法是令人难以置信的”,就成了一个典型的欧化句子,显得十分臃肿。

283 这时,可以采用分译的办法,按照汉语“先事实,后结论”的逻辑思维习惯,将小句①置于句末,译成:
鱼能发电,电的强度足以点亮灯泡,甚至开动马达,这种想法简直令人难以置信。 再如: 10)After regular intervals which depend partly upon the amount of traffic carried and partly upon the local conditions, the so-called ‘permanent way’ requires replacement.

284 该句由四个小句构成,即: ①After regular intervals; ②which(= regular intervals) depend partly upon the amount of traffic carried; ③(regular intervals depend) partly upon the local conditions; ④the so-called ‘permanent way’ requires replacement.

285 转换成相应的汉语小句后便是: ①每隔一段时间之后; ②这段时间的长短,部分取决于运输量; ③(这段时间的长短)部分取决于当地的条件; ④所谓“永久性道路”(即铁路轨道)就需要更换。

286 译成汉语时,如果把小句②和③构成的定语从句直接堆放到先行词的前面,那会使整个句子显得臃肿、呆板,而且也无法清晰地表达原文意义。不过,经过分析后会发现,小句①所表示的时间实际上是修饰小句④的。因此,可以暂时把小句①和小句④先合起来翻译,即译成“每隔一段时间之后,所谓“永久性道路”(即铁路轨道)就需要更换”,然后再翻译那个较长的定语从句。因此整个句子可译为: ①每隔一段时间之后,④所谓“永久性道路”(即铁路轨道)就需要更换。②这段时间的长短,③部分取决于运输量,部分取决于当地的条件。

287 原句语序是从句在前,主句在后,译成汉语后,先译出其主要意义,再处理其次要的修饰部分。这样译文就显得层次清楚,脉络分明。
同样,以下句子也可作类似处理: 11)①I was charmed ②by the flush round her eyes and on her rather prominent cheekbones caused by the wine. ②葡萄酒使她两眼四周和突出的颧骨泛起一片红润,①真令我心醉神迷。 12)①You’re surprised ②I recognize Louisa May Alcott? ②我认出了路易莎·梅·奥尔科特,①你感到吃惊吗?

288 13)①He was puzzled ②that I did not want ③what was obviously a ‘step’ toward ④what all Americans are taught to want ⑤when they grow up: money and power. ④所有美国人接受的教育都是⑤长大以后如何追求金钱与权力,③这份工作明明是朝该目标迈出的一“大步”,②而我却偏偏不要,①他对此感到大惑不解。 14)Think of ways to turn a trying situation into a funny story that will amuse your family and friends. 想办法将令人尴尬的处境变成一件引人发笑的趣事,给你的家人和朋友带来一点快乐。 试比较原译:想办法把不愉快的处境变成一个能逗乐你的家人和朋友的有趣乐事。

289 15)The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. 美国人将成为自由人还是沦为奴隶?他们能否享有称之为属于自己的财产?能否使自己的住宅与农庄免遭洗劫和毁坏?能否使自己免于陷入非人力所能拯救的悲惨境地?决定这一切的时刻已迫在眉睫。

290 16)The little cares, fears, tears, timid misgivings, sleepless fancies of I don’t know how many days and nights, were forgotten, under one moment’s influence of that familiar, irresistible smile. (Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 他那熟悉的笑容有一股不可抗拒的魔力,爱米丽亚多少天来一直为他牵心挂肚、淌眼抹泪,心里疑疑惑惑,晚上胡思乱想难以成眠,一看见他,顷刻之间就把一切忧虑忘得精光。(杨必 译,但稍有改动)

291 17)Since hearing her predicament, I’ve always arranged to meet people where they or I can be reached in case of delay. 原译:听了她的尴尬经历之后,我就总是安排能够联系上的地方与别人会见,以防耽搁的发生。 改译:听她说了那次尴尬的经历之后,每每与人约见,我总要安排在彼此能够互相联系得上的地方,以免误约。

292 (3)逻辑和时间顺序融为一体 在翻译实践中,我们遇到的英语长句所包含的小句往往既有时间因素,也有逻辑因素,因此将它们译为汉语时需要根据实际情况,把逻辑和时间顺序融为一体。例如: 18)①She kicked her shoes ②and stepped into a pair of slippers ③which were too big for her tiny feet; ④without shoes ⑤she lost some of her elegance ⑥and height. ①她踢脱鞋子,②踏进一双拖鞋。③可对她那双纤纤细脚来说,拖鞋显得太大了。④她不穿拖鞋,⑤便失去了几分韵味,⑥个子也矮了些。

293 该例完全按照原句语序直译过来。其中,①和②之间按时间顺序排列,先脱鞋再穿拖鞋,动作一前一后十分明显。②和③之间原句用的是一个限定性定语从句,使两个小句之间构成主从关系。但不难看出,它们实际上内含的是一种转折关系,因此可以用一个表示转折的“可”字将二者连接起来。小句④和⑤⑥之间明显属因果关系,⑤和⑥之间是并列关系,原句中两个宾语共一个谓语动词,但译成汉语后,可将一个句子分译成两个并列分句。当然,最后一个小句也可译成“没穿鞋子,她便失去了几分风度,也失去了几分高度。”

294 19)①I believe that ②I speak for every sincere and serious representative in the United Nations—③so I am encouraged to believe by the speeches to which we have already listened this morning—④when I say that ⑤the anniversary must be an occasion for an honest assessment of our failures in the past, ⑥matched by an equally determined will to do better in the future, ⑦so that we can escape from frustration ⑧and turn the anniversary into an inspiration and an achievement.

295 ⑤这次周年纪念会应该是一个老老实实地评估我们过去失误的大好时机,⑥同时也应该是一个表达我们有同样决心要做好今后工作的大好时机。⑦这样,我们就可免遭挫折,⑧并可把这次周年纪念变成一种鼓舞和成就。④当我讲这番话时,①我相信——③今天上午我们听到的发言也使我相信——②我是代表联合国每一位真诚而严肃的代表讲话的。(连淑能,1993,pp14-15)

296 该例是一个多重复合句,由八个小句组成,通过连接词和形态变化把八层意思有机连接起来。稍加分析,不难看出,该长句由三大块组成:第一块由小句①和②组成,是该复合句的主句,其中小句②是小句①的宾语从句,指明“believe”的具体内容;第二块是小句③,是一个插入语;第三大块由小句④⑤⑥⑦⑧组成,是一个由“when”引导的状语从句,修饰小句①,指明“believe”的具体时间。这一大块又由三个层次组成:第一层是④和⑤⑥⑦⑧五个小句,⑤⑥⑦⑧四个小句共同构成小句④的宾语从句,指明“say”的具体内容;第二层是小句⑦⑧⑤⑥四个小句,⑦⑧和⑤⑥之间构成条件与结果的关系;第三层是小句⑤⑥和⑦⑧,其中⑤和⑥、⑦和⑧之间都构成并列关系。因此,翻译时应对其语序进行重组,使译文语序符合汉语的逻辑思维习惯。

297 (二)适当使用关联词语 英语重形合,语法呈显性,造句注重形式接应,句中多用关联词语,其关联词语不仅数量大,种类多,而且使用频率相当高;汉语重意合,语法呈隐性,造句注重逻辑事理顺序,往往以神统形,少用甚至常常不用关联词语,其语法意义和逻辑联系常常隐含在字里行间。 英语关联词语包括关系词、连接词和连词三大类,其中关系词又可分为关系代词和关系副词;连接词又可分为连接代词和连接副词;连词可分为并列连词和从属连词,从而构成一个庞杂的关联词语体系。与英语相比,汉语的关联词语则少得多,而且使用频率也远不如英语高。首先,汉语关系词和连接词一个没有;

298 其次,汉语虽然也有“和”、“但”、“或者”等并列连词和“虽然……但是……”、“因为……所以……”、“如果……就……”等从属连词,但一般用得很少。在表达语法意义和逻辑联系时,汉语口语或非正式文体常常借助词序、上下文和副词等手段,书面语和正式文体虽也常用连词表示并列或主从关系,但出现频率则远不及英语。正是由于英汉在关联词语使用上的这些差别,因此,翻译英语长句时,应特别注意译文中关联词语的适当使用,使关联词语的使用尽量符合汉语的语言特点。这样做可以减少甚至避免欧化句子的出现。例如:

299 20)The study of these tiny forms of life which looked specks to him was not practical until more than 150 years later, when microscopes were much improved. 这些小生命形状各异,在他看来就像微粒一样。对这些小生命的研究开始并没有多大的实用价值。直到一百五十多年以后,显微镜大大改进了,这种价值才日渐显露出来。 试比较:对这些看上去像微粒一样的小生命组合的研究,开始对霍克并没有多大实用价值。直到一百五十多年以后,当显微镜大大改进时,这种实用价值才显出来。

300 21)Once there were companies which surveyed the populace by phone and mail, asking their preferences, finding out which products they preferred, or which television programmes they watched. 原译:曾经有一些公司通过电话和信件来调查征询公众的喜好,发现他们更钟情于哪些产品,或者他们收看什么电视节目。 改译:曾经有些公司通过电话和信函向公众展开调查,询问各自的偏好,看他们更喜欢哪些产品,收看哪些电视节目。

301 22)I couldn’t see why the worker who works and produces gets paid less than the manager who sits on his chair and does nothing. 译文一:我不明白为什么干活和生产的人倒比坐在椅子上什么都不干的经理挣的钱少。 译文二:我搞不懂,工人拼命地工作,拼命地生产,为什么到头来到手的工资却比那成天在椅子上坐着什么活都不干的经理要少。

302 但并不是说汉译文中不能使用关联词语,只是说用得比较少而已,关联词语在适当的时候也是可以使用的,而且有时还非用不能传其神。究竟用不用关联词语,什么时候用,用什么关联词,这主要取决于汉语译文的行文需要,而关联词语用得对不对,除了译者对母语的熟练程度外,还要看译者对母语的语感如何。母语语感在翻译中往往扮演着十分重要的角色。例如:

303 23)I suppose that if a man has a confused mind he will write in a confused way, if his temper is capricious his prose will be fantastical, and if he has a quick, darting intelligence that is reminded by the matter in hand of a hundred things, he will, unless he has great self-control, load his pages with metaphor and smile. 我想,如果一个人思路不清,写起文章来也会杂乱无章;如果他性情多变、喜怒无常,他的文章也会充满各种奇特的幻想;如果他思路敏捷,能由眼前之事联想到上百件事,除非他同时还有很强的自我约束力,否则他的文章将会满纸都是比喻。

304 24)Business is pretty slack, to begin with, and then I’m fixing up a little house for Ned and Ruth, when they’re married. 译文1:生意清淡,这是其一;此外,当纳德和路德结婚时,我还得给他们盖房子。 译文2:一来生意清淡,二来我正预备给纳德和路德结婚盖个小房子,他们快结婚了。 例24“译文一”中,句与句的衔接未能跳出原文的框框,因而晦涩生硬减弱了话语的表现力;吕叔湘先生使用“一来……二来……”的排比句型,把说话者的意图表现得清清楚楚。

305 25)Today, former PE participants divide almost instantly into opposing camps: the gifted athletes, who played several sports and viewed PE class as one more chance to shine; and everyone else—the klutzes, the shy, the gym-impaired—people who saw in PE a particular brand of frustration and bondage never again to be repeated in life. 原译:从前的体育课的参与者们几乎即刻分成了两个对立阵营:那些有天赋的运动员,他们曾参加多项运动,把体育课看成是又一次显示自己的机会;而另外的那些人——是些笨手笨脚的、文静害羞的、不擅体育的人——他们把体育看成一生中永远不会再重现的一种特殊类型的挫折和束缚。

306 改译:从前上过体育课的人们,如今立刻分裂成互相对立的两大阵营:一个阵营由那些颇有天赋的运动员组成,他们参加过多项体育活动,把体育课看成是展示自己的又一次机会;另一个阵营则由那些笨手笨脚、文静害羞、不擅体育的人组成,他们把体育课看成一种特殊类型的挫折与束缚,并发誓今生今世永远不再涉足。

307 6.6.5 核对原句,润饰译句 将各个小句转换过来,按照汉语的思维逻辑调整了语序,并使用了适当的关联词语,英语长句的翻译至此也就基本接近尾声。这时我们需要做的是核对原句,润饰译句,即以原句为依托,对译句进行校核和润色。 所谓校核,是指再次核实译句的正误,发现错误应立即改正。但校核时,除了仔细核对眼前这个长句的每一个组成部分之外,还应放宽视野,在更大的语境中检查它的正误。例如:

308 26)Work therefore, first and foremost, as a preventive of boredom, for the boredom that a man feels when he is doing necessary though uninteresting work is as nothing in comparison with the boredom that he feels when he has nothing to do with his days. (B. Russell, Work) 原译:所以,作为无聊的一种预防措施,工作首先是可取的,因为一个人在做必要但是没有趣味的工作时感到的无聊,跟他无所事事地度日时感到的无聊相比简直算不了什么。 改译:因此,工作还是有可取之处的,首先,它可以作为一种措施来预防无聊情绪的产生。虽然一个人在做那种毫无趣味却又不得不做的工作时会感到无聊,但与他在无所事事、虚度光阴时所产生的那种无聊相比,这种无聊却是小巫见大巫了。

309 该例中,原译误认为“first and foremost”是修饰“Work…is desirable”的,因此,误译为“工作首先是可取的”;实际上,从下文可知,它是修饰“as a preventive of boredom”的,因此应该改译成“首先,它可以作为一种措施来预防无聊情绪的产生”才对。

310 27)If the moon were not present, or if it were smaller, for many values of Earth’s primordial spin rate, the obliquity of the Earth would be chaotic with very large variations, reaching more than 50 degrees in a few million years and even, in the long term, more than 85 degrees. 原译:要是没有月球,或月球较小,则对于地球最早形成的旋转率的许多值来说,地球的倾斜度会发生巨变,造成混沌,以致在几百万年的时间里就会超过50度,长期下去甚至还会超过85度。 改译:要是没有月球,或月球比现在小,那么,就我们对地球最早形成的旋转速度所作出的许多估计而言,地球的倾斜度会因为多次巨大的改变而变得混乱无序,数百万年之后会超过五十度,若长此以往,甚至还会超过八十五度。

311 28)To those of us who walk in sunlight and hear all the sounds that beat on our ears, being blind and deaf would seem like being in a prison. 原译:对于我们中能够在阳光下漫步并聆听到撞击在耳边的所有音响的人们来说,眼盲耳聋犹如是处在一所监狱里。(刘世同,pp 304) 改译:对于我们这些漫步在阳光下、聆听着撞击在耳边的各种声音的人来说,一旦眼睛瞎了,耳朵聋了,那就如同身陷囹圄,很不自由。

312 润饰译句主要是针对译句的表达风格而言,一般是在原译句正确无误的基础上进行,目的是使译句显得更加贴切。当然,并不是说把译文修改得越“雅”越贴切。所谓贴切,主要有两方面的含义:一是指使译句在风格上应尽量保持与原句相似;二是指使译句在风格上与整个译文的上下文语境保持和谐,让人读上去不致产生格格不入之感。如例26中,译句的黑体部分“一个人在做必要但是没有趣味的工作时感到的无聊”虽然并未译错,但读起来很是别扭,因此应该对它予以妥善处理。“改译”中采用分译法,将译句中较长的定语从句中分离开来,单独译出,译为“虽然一个人在做那种毫无趣味却又不得不做的工作时会感到无聊,但与他在无所事事、虚度光阴时所产生的那种无聊相比,这种无聊却是小巫见大巫了。”再如:

313 29)So what do the Americans think of the foreign visitors who arrive for the torrid heat, just when locals from the United States tented to avoid Death Valley? 原译:美国本地人趋向于避开死谷,而外国旅游者却为炎热而至,对此美国人是怎么想的呢? 改译:美国本地人对死谷避之惟恐不及,国外游客却纷纷为炎炎烈日而至,对此美国人是怎么看的呢? 该例原译虽然并无错误,但读起来索然无味,原因是不够“雅”,或者说,少了点文采。经过润色,译文的可读性可谓大大地增强了。

314 30)Without the moon, life on Earth would likely face the same kinds of wild fluctuations in climate that Mars has apparently experienced through the eons. 原译:没有月球,地球上的生物很可能会面临火星显然在极长时期经历的同样的气候大幅度变化的情况。 改译:在极其漫长的时期内,火星显然经历过种种剧烈的气候变化。同样,要是没有月球,地球上的生命很可能也要面临各种剧烈的气候变化。

315 该例英语原句主谓宾主干成分紧密相连,句子结构紧凑;“原译”则在谓语和宾语之间插入一个很长的定语来修饰句子的宾语,而且该定语与宾语之间关系并不十分紧密,这样便使得译句显得结构松散,读起来也十分拗口。因此,翻译此句时,不妨将其拆分成两句,再加上适当的关联词语以表明各分句之间的相互关系(见改译)。 由此看来,润饰原文也是翻译过程中不可或缺的重要环节,千万不可掉以轻心。以上我们通过实例讲解了翻译英语长句的五个步骤,但需要说明的是,在实际翻译中这五个步骤并不像这样截然分开,而多半是互相交叉,互相渗透的。

316 英汉句子互译中的词序 一、英汉句子词序的差异

317 1、在时间上,英语句子的词序主要是根据语境的需要安排,而汉语通常按事情发生或出现的先后顺序排列。
1)He went to bed after he finished his homework. 他做完作业后便上床睡觉了。 2)They started as soon as he came . 他一到他们就开始干了起来。 3)Calmly Mother looked around before she turned back fearlessly, closing the door behind her and dashed to the window. 母亲镇定地环顾四周,然后毫不畏惧地转身回到屋子里,顺手关上门,一个箭步奔到门口。

318 4)A loud applause exploded from the audience when the actress went on the stage.
当女演员登上舞台时,观众中爆发出一阵掌声。 5)The invaders will not surrender until they come to the end of their tether. 侵略者不到走投无路的时候是不会投降的。 6)He was given a chair and asked to wait a little as darkness came on, then suddenly the whole bridge was outlined in lights. 天快黑了,人家给了他一把椅子,请他坐下来等一会儿。忽然电灯全亮了,照出了整个大桥的轮廓。

319 7)老栓正在专心走路,忽然吃了一惊,远远地看见一条丁字街,明明白白横着。他便退了几步,寻找一家关着门的铺子,蹩进檐下,靠门立住了。(鲁迅,《药》)
Absorbed in his walking, Old Shuan was startled when he saw the cross road lying distinctly ahead of him. He walked back a few steps to stand under the eaves of a shop in front of its closed door.(连淑能,p.72)

320 8)那只老狼从灌木丛里窜出来,惊魂未定地喘息,伸出舌头。它扭头望着那片灌木林,声响渐渐消失了,慌乱中毫无目的地转了一阵。它累极了,便卧在地上。然后它又坐起来,可是它突然像被咬了一下似地跳起来,那只猛禽的铁爪还留在它身上。(周涛,《猛禽》) The old wolf runs out of the bush, still badly shaken, panting with its tongue lolling. It turns its head to look back at the bush; the terrifying sound has all but died out. Still in panic, it limps aimlessly for a while, then, exhausted, it crouches down to rest, As it sits up, a biting pain hurts its back: the eagle’s iron-like claw is still attached to its body.

321 2、在事理上,英语的词序比较灵活,但通常开门见山,直奔主题,然后再作解释。在表示因果关系时,一般先讲结果再说明原因;在表示假设时,往往先说结果再说条件;而汉语的词序则比较固定,通常按照先原因后结果、先假设后可能、先条件后结果的顺序来排列。这一点,当句中的关联词省略不用时尤其如此。

322 9)I can’t trust her, because she is not honest.(连淑能,p.54)
比较:Because she is not honest, I can’t trust her. 她不老实,我不能信任她。 10)I think we should have been told if there was anything up. 比较:I think if there was anything up, we should have been told. 我想要是真发生了什么事,他们应该通知我们的。

323 11)(His assignment in the interim was to choose and develop his own replacement.) He chose Larry, who had an excellent record in sales and had held a management position prior to joining the company. (在这段过渡时期,他的任务是选择和培养他自己的接班人。)他选择了拉里,(因为)拉里有出色的销售业绩记录,并且在调入本公司之前就担任过管理职务。

324 12)The moon is a moon still, whether it shines or not.
<谚> 不管是明是暗,月亮总归是月亮。 13)抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就可以迎刃而解。(先假设后可能) Once the principal contradiction is grasped, all problems can be readily solved.(连淑能,p.55) 14)这些斗争和探索,每一次都在一定的历史条件下推动了中国的进步,但又一次一次地失败了。(江泽民,《在庆祝中国共产党成立八十周年大会上的讲话》) All the attempts ended in failure one after another, although they helped promote progress in China under given historical conditions.

325 从上面的例子可以看出,英语句子对因果关系等逻辑顺序比较灵活,而汉语的词序则比较固定,通常按先—后,因—果,条件—结果的顺序排列。当然,汉语句子语序的排列也有例外,那就是,当把原因、条件等看成是补充说明的情况时,也可以把它们放到句子的后半部分,这时,往往需要使用各种形式标记,也就是说,需要使用表示各种关系的关联词语。例如:

326 15)我觉得真扫兴,因为我一分神钓索颤动了,拉迟了落了空。(刘白羽,《海峡风雷》)
In that moment as my concentration wavered, my line wobbled, I pulled back at the wrong moment and ended up with a tangled mess of line, hook and weed. 16)不,我昨天没有来,因为我的姐姐病了。 No, I didn’t come yesterday, because my sister was not very well.

327 3、在对某事发表评论时,英语通常先评论或表态,然后再说明有关情况。汉语则正好相反,通常先叙述(即事实或描写)后表态(即判断或结论)。例如:
17)I believe strongly that it is in the interests of my countrymen that Britain should remain an active and energetic member of the European Community. 我强烈地认为,英国应该继续是欧洲共同体中一个积极而充满活力的成员,这是符合我国人民利益的。(连淑能,p.12)

328 18)It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. (From Jane Austin, Pride and Prejudice) 凡有产业的单身汉,总要娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。 19)It is important that everyone does his duty. 每个人各司其责,这一点是很重要的。 20)It’s no use telling him that he’s wrong. He will realise it himself later. 告诉他他犯了错误,这是毫无用处的。他以后会明白的。

329 英汉语在语序的排列上有相同之处,也有相异之处。翻译时,相同之处可以照搬过来(即顺译);相异之处则需要对语序进行调整,使之在整体上符合汉语的表达习惯(即逆译)。

330 7.2调整词序的方法 根据英汉两种语言的差异,我们在英汉对译时常常需要根据实际情况在语序上作一些调整。以下是译者们经常采用的方法。 7.2.1按照时间顺序进行调整 英汉语序虽然有很大差别,但也有很多相似或相同之处。语序相同便顺译,不同则逆译,有时则顺译、逆译皆可。

331 一、顺译 1、多个表示连贯动作的动词并列时,英语和汉语往往都可以按照动作发生的先后顺序来安排词序。因此,英汉互译时通常可以采取顺译法。例如: 1)He would drive a rental truck loaded with his belongings and I would follow him in his sedan, then fly back. 到时他将开租来的卡车拉上全部家什,我跟在后面帮他把小车开过去,然后乘飞机返回。

332 2)I follow the group to the fifth row and directly against a tree I place my ladder so its legs hit the dirt sturdily. 我跟随大家到第五行树,把梯子直接靠在一棵树上,梯子的两只脚牢固地插进土里。(刘世同,p.84) 3)I closed my eyes and said a prayer of thanks before putting the car in gear and returning to the highway. 我合上双目,感谢上苍,然后挂挡上路。

333 4)Taking the train, the two friends arrived in Berlin in late October 1922, and went directly to the address of Chou En-lai. (from Agnes Smedley, The Great Road) 一九二二年十月下旬,这两位朋友坐火车来到柏林,一下车便径直去周恩来的住处。

334 5)She had spent a sleepless night, and rising early, had stood, wrapped up, at her window, with the cool air blowing on her face, to watch the dawn. 她一宵无眠,早早起身,披上毯子,迎着拂面的凉风,凭窗眺望黎明。 6)In the blue of the morning that fragile soldier and servant breathed his last, and when the other children awoke they cried bitterly, and begged Sissy to have another pretty baby. 在晨光熹微中,那位脆弱的兵士和仆人就喘了他最后一口气,别的孩子们醒过之后,一个个哭得伤心极了,他们恳求苔丝姐姐再给他们生一个漂亮的娃娃。

335 7)(如今,台儿沟的姑娘们刚把晚饭端上桌就慌了神,她们心不在焉地胡乱吃几口,扔下碗就开始梳妆打扮。)她们洗净蒙受了一天的黄土、风尘,露出粗糙、红润的面色,把头发梳得乌亮,然后就比赛着穿出最好的衣服。(铁凝,《哦,香雪》) (But now, the girls of Terrace Gully served dinner in a flurry, absent-mindedly grabbed a quick bite and, soon as they put down their bowls, went straight to their dressers.) They washed off the dust and stains of the day, revealing their rough and ruddy complexions, combed their hair, and then vied with one another in wearing their best outfits.

336 8)它先是离我较远,见我不去伤害它,便一点点挨近,然后蹦到我的杯子上,俯下头来喝茶,再偏过脸瞧瞧我的反应。(冯骥才,《珍珠鸟》)
First it kept its distance from me, then hopped nearer, then stood upon my glass and eventually lowered its head to drink my tea.

337 2、英语中表示时间的状语从句多位于句子的后半部分,但有时为了强调也可将其提到句首,并用逗号与主句隔开,这时,可采用顺译法进行翻译。同样,汉语中有些按照时间先后安排语序的复合句译成英语时也可采用顺译法。

338 9)Where there is a will, there is a way.
<谚> 有志者,事竟成。 10)If anyone comes, tell him to wait a few minutes. (I won’t be long.) 如果有人来,请他等一会儿。(我很快就会回来的。) 11)As we crossed some high bridges near the Blue Ridge Mountains on the first leg of our trip, a kind of breathlessness gripped me, a sinking, rolling sensation in the pit of my stomach. 上路后的第一程,我们就碰上了蓝脊山脉附近高悬的大桥。我简直紧张得透不过气来,心头发紧,有种人仰马翻的感觉。

339 12)After he went to bed that night, I quickly took his shoes and went out to the woodshed.
当天晚上,在他就寝之后,我马上把他的鞋子拿到柴棚里。 13) When the infant had taken its fill the young mother sat it upright in her lap, and dandled it.... (from Thomas Hardy, Tess of the D’urbervilles) 小孩吃足了奶以后,那位年轻的母亲就把他放在腿上,叫他坐直了,逗弄他……(张若谷 译)

340 14) When Tom stood face to face with his persecutor, and heard his threats, and thought in his very soul that his hour was come, his heart swelled bravely in him, and he thought he could bear torture and fire, bear anything.... (from H.P.Sone, Uncle Tom’s Cabin) 汤姆站在他的迫害者对面,听着他威吓的话,心想自己的时刻已经到来。这时,他反而觉得勇气百倍,觉得赴汤蹈火,在所不辞了…… (黄继忠译,《汤姆叔叔的小屋》)

341 15)传说秦始皇来到泰山封禅的时候,遇上了暴风雨,他就躲在一棵很大的松树下避雨。
It is said that when the First Emperor of Qin came to Mount Taishan to perform the rites of worshipping Heaven and Earth, he was caught in a storm, and found shelter under a giant pine tree. 16)当老狼嗅至这只小白狗的颈上时,突然小狗猛烈地抖动起来。(周涛,《猛禽》) When the wolf moves its nose to sniff the dog’s neck, the little creature suddenly begins to shiver violently.

342 3、英语中有些介词短语、副词短语、分词短语或“介词+动名词”结构置于句首表示时间,翻译时可采用顺译。例如:
17)Pulling one of the leafy branches downward, I hang the bucket on it with the hook. 我拉下一根多页的树枝,用钩子把桶挂在上面。 18)Having finished the painting, he decided to sell it in order to buy a new piano for his daughter. 那幅画画完后,他决定把它卖掉,为女儿买架新钢琴。

343 19)A few minutes later, Zoe sat sipping coffee and watching the girl eagerly attacking a large omelet, stacks of buttered bread and a cup of milk. 几分钟后,左伊坐下来,一边啜饮着咖啡,一边看着女孩迫不及待地向一大块煎蛋饼、好几块黄油面包和一杯牛奶发起进攻。 20)In four weeks I was my old self again. 四个星期后我就彻底康复了。

344 21)With what seemed my last hope frustrated, I slipped into a deep lethargy['leθədʒi].
随着最后一线希望的破灭,我不知不觉地掉进一种懒怠冷漠,意气消沉的状态。 22)On arriving at the spot, he found that the gypsies had gone. (Wilde) 他赶到那里时发现那些吉卜赛人已经走了。

345 二、逆译 逆译多用于以下几种情况: 1、在时间上汉语往往是按照动作或事件发生的先后顺序进行排列,先发生的先说,后发生的后说。英语虽有时也按动作或事件的先后次序来组句,但更多的却是通过使用各种表示时间的连词、关系代词或介词将动作或事件的先后次序打乱。翻译这类英语句子时,往往需要将原句语序打乱,按时序重新组织译文语序。

346 23)I shall answer his letter as soon as I have a moment to spare.
我一有空就会给他回信。 24)Turn off the light when you leave the classroom. 离开教室时请把灯关掉。 25)There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met. 我访问了一些地方,遇到了不少人。要谈起来,奇妙的事儿可多着哩。 试比较:关于我所访问的一些地方和遇见的不少人有许多奇妙的故事可以讲。

347 26)Mama Torres, a lean, dry woman with ancient eyes, had ruled the farm for ten years, ever since her husband tripped over a stone in the field one day and fell full length on a rattle snake (J.Steinbeck) 托里斯妈妈是个阅世较深的干瘦女人。有一天,她丈夫在耕地里绊上石头摔了一交,正巧跌在一条响尾蛇身上。从那天起,她掌管这片农场已长达10年之久。

348 有很多时候,顺译、逆译都可以,这时主要还要看上下文语境的需要,从更大的语境去决定究竟该顺译还是逆译。如:
27)The poor ballet dancer must devote years of incessant toil to her profitless task before she can shine in it. 译文1:可怜的芭蕾舞演员在芭蕾舞上大放异彩之前,必须长年累月地将自己的辛勤劳动奉献给无益的苦差事。 译文2:可怜的芭蕾舞演员必须长年累月地将自己的辛勤劳动奉献给无益的苦差事,之后才能在芭蕾舞上大放异彩。

349 28)We must sow before we reap.
译文1:我们必须在收获之前播种。 译文2:收获之前须先播种。 译文3:我们必须先播种,然后才能收获。 译文4:播了种才会有收获。

350 2、英语中表示手段的“by+动名词”短语常常要置于表示结果的谓语动词之后,译成汉语时则要进行调整,将该短语移至原谓语动词之前。这也是与汉语思维“先发生的事先说,后发生的事后说”的基本原则一致,因为手段总是出现在结果之前。

351 29)(While he was awaiting trial and certain hanging, Sheppard broke out of Newgate Prison.) He accomplished this by getting rid of the irons with which his wrists and ankles were shackled, cutting through a double grille of oak and iron bars, descending twenty-five feet by a knotted sheet and blanket, and climbing a twenty-two-foot wall. (在等候受审和确定无疑的绞刑时,谢泼德逃出了纽格特监狱。)他砸开了手铐脚镣,弄断了双层的橡木栅栏和铁条,用系在一起的床单和毯子从95英尺高处跳下,爬过了22英尺的高墙,从而逃了出来。

352 30)He even got a receipt for the money by buying himself another book at the same secondhand bookstore. 他甚至在同一家旧书店又买了一本书,以此弄到一张发票(invoice)。 31)Taking unilateral actions by bypassing the Security Council is dangerous and against the will of all member states. 绕过安理会单方面采取行动,是十分危险的,也是与安理会各成员国的意愿相违背的。 32)The difficulty was overcome by Russelll’s selling some furniture which Wittgenstein had left in Cambridge. 后来罗素变卖维特根斯坦留在剑桥的部分家具,这才解决了盘缠问题。

353 7.2.2 按照逻辑顺序进行调整 上面讲过,汉语语序主要靠逻辑思维而定,多按逻辑顺序由因到果、由假设到推论、由事实到结论、由条件到结果进行排列;特别是在不用关联词的时候,句中的语法关系更需要通过语序方可辨认得出;但有时,汉语也会通过使用各种关联词语按照相反的顺序来组织句子。相对而言,英语语序较为灵活,其状语从句的位置可前可后,有时还可置于句中。也就是说,英汉语在按照逻辑思维组句时有同有异,因此,翻译这类句子时也可相应地采用顺译法和逆译法。

354 33)I won’t go there unless you go, too.
译文1:你不去,我也不去。 译文2:我不去,除非你也去。 34)I cannot drink coffee unless it is well made. 译文1:咖啡煮得不好,我是不能喝的。 译文2:我不能喝咖啡,除非煮得好。

355 35)I’m sure you’ll be able to pass the exam as long as you keep working like this.
译文1:我可以肯定,你这样努力下去,一定能通过考试。 译文2:我可能肯定你能通过考试,只要你这样努力下去就行。 36)I wouldn’t work for them even if they paid me one million dollars. 译文1:我决不为他们工作,给一百万美元也不干。 译文2:即使他们给我一百万美元,我也不会为他们工作。

356 37)The doctor is not available because he is handling an emergency.
译文1:医生在处理急诊,现在没空。 译文2:医生现在没空,因为他在处理急诊。

357 38)When I called home, I would exaggerate the accomplishments of other people in show business, because I knew my mother would have like to see me in a steadier line of work. 译文1:我知道母亲希望我从事比较稳定的职业,每次给家里打电话,我都要把演艺界其他人士所取得的业绩夸耀一番。 译文2:每次给家里打电话,我都要把演艺界其他人士所取得的业绩夸耀一番,因为我知道,母亲希望我从事比较稳定的职业。

358 39)知已知彼,百战不贻。 译文1:You can fight a hundred battles without defeat if you know the enemy as well as yourself. 译文2:If you know the enemy as well as yourself, you can fight a hundred battles without defeat. 40)到上海不去豫园和城隍庙商场不算来过大上海。 译文1:You cannot claim to have been to Shanghai without visiting the Yu Yuan Garden. 译文2:Those who have come to Shanghai but missed Yu Yuan Garden and the City God Temple Bazaar cannot claim that they have been to the city.

359 7.2.3 根据信息重心进行调整 一般而言,句子通常由已知信息和新信息构成,新信息是指信息发出者(如说话者)想要信息接受者(如听话者)了解的信息,因而构成句子的信息重心。英汉都有表示信息重心的特殊手段,如,英语常用“It is/was… that…”、“not(that)…but(that)…”等强调句型,汉语也通常使用“……的是……”、“之所以……是因为……”、“不是……而是……”等句型来强调说话者所要表达的重要信息;在口语中英汉语都可以利用语气对信息重心加以强调。这类信息重心由于带有很明显的形态标志,因而很容易辨认,翻译时也很容易处理。

360 此外,英汉两种语言还都可通过语序的安排来标明信息重心,但在运用这一手段标明信息重心时,二者又存在一些差别。因此,为了突出句中的信息重心,翻译时通常要改变原句语序,把原句中的某个成分提前或置后。

361 41)I owe it to you that I am still alive.
我能活到现在,真得谢谢你。 42)In London I was born and in London I shall die. 译文1:我生于伦敦,也将死于伦敦。 译文2:伦敦,是我的出生之地,也将是我的葬身之地。(或:伦敦,我生于斯,也将葬于斯。)

362 43)Defiantly they have spoken, but submissively they will accept the terms.
尽管他们嘴巴很硬,但是最后他们一定会乖乖地接受条款。 44)Everything—or nearly everything—that the Labour movement exists to stop the Tories from doing Labour will be asked to support the Cabinet in doing. 现在工党试图阻止保守党做的一切——或者差不多一切,人们很快就将要求保守党支持内阁去了。

363 45)The two neighbouring countries, China and India, with the largest populations in the world, are bound by thousands of years of civilisation and achievements. 中国和印度,这两个世界上人中最多和邻国,几千年的文明和成就把它们连结在一起。

364 46)Those conflicting but complementary voices of my childhood echo down through the years— wonderful…lousy…wonderful…lousy—like two opposing winds battering me. 原译:我年少时拥有的两种既互相冲突又互相补充的声音,多年来一直在我的脑海里回响——太精彩了……太糟糕了……太精彩了……太糟糕了——就像两股方向相反的风猛烈地冲击着我。 改译:“太好了……太糟了……太好了……太糟了”,童年留下的这两种声音既相冲突又相补充。这些年来,它们一直在我的脑海回响,就像两股逆风猛烈地冲击着我。

365 47)有了这一条,中国就大有希望。(邓小平南巡讲话)
译文1:Then, there will be great hopes for China. (《北京周报》译文) 译文2:Then, the prospects for China will be excellent. (外文出版社译文)

366 48)八十年前,在中国各族人民反帝反封建的壮阔斗争中,在世界无产阶级革命的澎湃运动中,中国共产党成立了。(江泽民,“在庆祝中国共产党成立八十周年大会上的讲话”)
译文1:Eighty years ago, amidst the torrential [tɔ'renʃəl] anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle of the people of all ethnic groups of China and in the tempestuous [tem'pestʃuəs] movement of the proletarian revolution in the world, the Communist Party of China was founded. (《北京周报》2001年7月12日) 译文2:Eighty years ago, the Communist Party of China was founded amidst the torrential anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle of the people of all ethnic groups of China and in the tempestuous movement of the proletarian revolution in the world。

367 7.2.4 根据搭配需要进行调整 英译汉时常常会遇到这样的情况:原句各成分之间搭配贴切自然,但译成汉语后,若保留原句语序,按原句原封不动的译出,则可能搭配不当。这时,就需要调整译句中相关成分在句中的位置,使其尽量符合汉语的表达习惯。

368 49)That was a principle that Apple tragically failed to understand when it backed off from licensing its graphic computer interface, assuring that its market share would be savaged by Microsoft’s more open Window operating system. 原译:“苹果”电脑公司悲剧性地未能理解这一原则,它放弃了它的图形电脑界面的销售许可,因为担心自己的市场份额会被微软更开放的视窗操作系统无情地侵占。 改译:可悲的是,“苹果”公司未能理解这一原则。它放弃了图形电脑界面的销售许可,放心大胆地任由微软公司更为开放的视窗操作系统无情侵占自己的市场份额。

369 50)I buried my head under the miserable sheet and rug, and cried like a child.
原译1:我把头埋在悲惨的被单和毯子下面,像孩子样地哭了起来。 原译2:我把头埋在那仿佛感染了我的悲惨心情的被单和毯子里,像孩子样地哭了起来。 改译:我非常难过,一头扎进被单和毯子里,像孩子一样哭了起来。

370 51)Formulas can present, in a neat form, information which might otherwise take a long sentence.
公式可以简练地说明问题,如果不用公式,就可能要用很长的句子。 52)What is surely and identifiably unique about the human species is not its possession of certain faculties or physical characteristics, but what it has done with them—its achievement, or history, in fact. 可以肯定而且一致确认的是,人类的独特之处不在于它拥有某些官能或生理特征,而在于它用这些官能和特征做了些什么,即它的成就,实际上,也就是它的历史。

371 53)George Osborne looked at the two young women with a touched curiosity.
乔·奥斯本觉得感动,细细地端详着这两个姑娘。(杨必 译) 54)American prisoners are permitted to receive Red Cross food parcels and write censored letters. 允许美国俘虏领取红十字会的包裹和写信,不过信要受到检查。

372 现代汉语中形容词和名词这样搭配的情况不多见,但是词与词之间的修饰关系也很复杂,有时甚至捉摸不定,译成英语时必须先理清这种关系。例如:
55)那谈谈文学的通俗问题,这次我来北京就参加这问题的讨论的,请黄老谈谈。(楼适夷,《夜间来客》) Would you like to talk about literature going pop, then? This is the theme of the symposium this time. Could you air some view on that? (刘士聪译)

373 第55例中的“文学的通俗问题”指文学创作中的通俗化倾向,显然不能译为 the popular problem of literature。这里译成literature going pop,符合说话者的原意。

374 文 化 与 翻 译 文 化 的 含 义 英国文化学家E·B·泰勒在其1871年出版的《原始文化》一书中的定义:文化是一个复杂的整 体,包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗以及人作为一个社会成员所获得的一切能力 和习惯。

375 汉语“文化”一词古已有之,《周易》中说:“观乎天文,以察时变;观乎人文,以化成天下。”
—— 统治者通过观察天象,可以认识天的变化规律,通过观察人类社会的各种现象,可以用教育感化的手段来治理天下,教化天下人走上正途。 但是,“观乎人文,以化成天下”尚未构成“文化”二字的直接搭配。

376 西 汉 以 后,“ 文 化” 正 式 搭 配 成 固 定 词 组。 如: 刘 向《说 苑 · 指 武》 中 有“ 圣 人 之 治 天 下 也, 先 文 德 而 后 武 力。 凡 武 之 兴, 为 不 服 也, 文 化 不 改, 然 后 加 诛。” 王 融《 三 月 三 日 曲 水 诗 序》 中 有“ 设 神 理 以 景 俗, 敷 文 化 以 柔 远。” 束 皙《 补 之 诗》 中 有“ 文 化 内 辑, 武 功 外 悠。” 大 体 沿 袭 了“ 文 治 教 化” 的 涵 义, 是 与 武 力 征 服 相 对 的 一 个 概 念,指 的 是 精 神 文 明。 而 英 语 的 culture 包 含 了 物 质 文 明 和 精 神 文 明 两 个 方 面, 因 此 涵 义 比 中 国 古 代 的“ 文 化” 一 词 来 得 宽 泛。

377 1、人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,特指精神财富,如文学、艺术、教育、科学 等。
近 代, 随 着 中 西 文 化 的 交 流 与 融 合, 中 国 的“ 文 化” 一 词 也 吸 收 了 西 方 学 术 思 想, 被 赋 予 了 新 的 涵 义。 根 据 《 现 代 汉 语 词 典》, “ 文 化” 含 有如下 三 层 意 思: 1、人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,特指精神财富,如文学、艺术、教育、科学 等。 2、考古学用语,指同一个历史时期的不依分布地点为转移的遗迹、遗物的综合体。同样的工具、用具,同样的制 造技术等,是同一种文化的特征,如仰韶文化、龙山文化。 3、指运用文字的能力及一般知识,如学习文化、文化水平。

378 奈 达 将 语 言 文 化 特 征 分 为 生 态 学 (ecology)、 物 质 文 化 (material culture)、 社 会 文 化 (social culture)、 宗 教 文 化 (religious culture)、 语 言 文 化 (linguistic culture) 等 五 大 类, 不 同 民 族 的 前 四 种 文 化 的 差 异 导 致 了 各 民 族 语 言 文 化 的 差 异 , 从 而 产 生 了 各 民 族 独 特 的 语 言 文 化。 奈 达 对 文 化 的 分 类 指 出 了 各 民 族 语 言 文 化 产 生 差 异 的 原 因, 揭 示 了 语 言 与 文 化 密 不 可 分 的 关 系, 同 时 也 表 明 翻 译 是 离 不 开 文 化 的。

379 中西文化的差异 中西文化在各个方面都存在着显著的差异,有时在传统习俗、价值观念和伦理道德上甚至表现出相反的倾向。比如中西文化差异的一个著 名例子就是所谓中国人比较保守,性格内向,西方人善于交际,性格外向,产生这种社会文化差异的原因是多方面的,但追根寻源可以从奈达的所谓生态学乃至物质文化上找到原因。

380 中国在地理环境上属于半封闭的大河大陆型,几乎没有内海,辽阔的内陆远离海洋,以汉族为主体的中国社会逐步形成了自给自足的农耕型社会,倾向于固守耕地,较少流动,整个民族特性趋向“保守”,表现出农业文明的稳定持重。西方则相反,欧洲大陆实际上被地中海、黑海、波罗的海等内海所分割,古希腊和古罗马属于海洋—商业文明,因而欧洲人适应于流动生活,并具有向外开拓的精神,加上在远古时期,欧 洲有许多游牧民族,随处迁徙,造成了西方民族性格 的流动性和外向型。这一例子说明生态地理环境对文化的形成起着重要的作用,影响极其深远。

381 这种保守或开放的民族性格逐渐造成中西方的语言字在表达方式上的许多差异,比如西方人讲话显得直率而有攻击性,而中国人在表达上则曲折、委婉、谦虚,处于防守状态。生活中一个简单明了的例子就是写信方式上的不同。英文信一般是开门见山,直截了当地说明写信的目的,我们经常可以见到这样的开头:This is to ... 或 I'm writing to let you know that ...;但汉语信函常常是客套话写了一大堆,信末才婉转地写道:有一件小事相求,不知您能不能……。这种表达上的差异完全是文化差异造成的,并无孰优孰劣之分,它们在各自的语言文化里都是正常的习惯和交流方式,西方人认为一般情况下有事应该直说,不要绕弯子,中国人认为直说显得唐突,不够礼貌,应当婉转地提出要求,等等。

382 由于相对保守的民族特性和数千年来的传统教育,中国人的家庭观念比较浓厚,而西方社会基本上是一个以个人为中心的社会,所以西方人的家庭观念比较淡薄。东方家庭关系网发达,可以说每一个人,每一种关系都各有其名,决不会乱套,西方不但称谓不清楚,甚至连性别都不分,如英语 cousin 一词,既可以指堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹,也可以指表兄、表弟、表姐、表妹。一个语言里某一类词汇的发达程度表现了这个社会对某一事物的重视程度,英语里关于亲戚的称谓少得可怜,说明西方人并不那么重视亲情。

383 思考: 悉数英汉语中的颜色词有哪些?其文化差异?

384 文化的“不可译”现象 汉语里的“妯娌”和“连襟”,就难以直译成英语,只能意译成 women who are married to brothers 以及men who are married to sisters,但这并不是对等的翻译,只能算是解释,因为汉语词典也会这么解释妯娌和连襟的,据《现代汉语词典》解释,妯娌是“哥哥的妻子和弟弟的妻子的合称”,连襟指“姐姐的丈夫和妹妹的丈夫之间的亲戚关系”。也就是说 women who are married to brothers 和 men who are married to sisters 这两句只能说与“妯娌”和“连襟”的汉语定义基本对等,而不能说是这两个词本身的对等翻译。

385 思考: 1、英语的grandfather 如何翻译成汉语? 2、英语的uncle,niece,nephew呢?

386 中国人对阎王充满敬畏,怕见阎王,因为见阎王意味着进阴间,同时因为他掌握着“生死簿”,而且赏罚分明,所以又尊敬他,对他充满了矛盾心理,在许多传统戏剧里阎王也常常是个既令人敬畏又很可爱的角色。“阎王”在英语里找不到完全对等的词,英语里有 devil, demon, evil being, Satan, wicked spirit,大致等于汉语的魔鬼”,却与“阎王”大不相同。如果按字面直译成 King of Hell,看似准确,但要知道,英语只可以说 King of Heaven,指上帝或基督,却没有 King of Hell 一说,即使西方读者勉强接受了这个译法,但他们还是想象不出“阎王”在中国文化里的生动形象。如果按梵文音译成 Yama,或用汉语拼音译成 Yanwang,均无法产生与原文相同或相近的效果。因此阎王这个意象就很难转化成英语。

387 文化与翻译的关系是既紧密又复杂的。其紧密在于翻译离不开文化,因为生活里处处有文化;其复杂在于文化既是可译的,又是不可译 的,因为中西方文化的差异造成了语言表达上的不对等。说文化既可译又不可译,并不是自相矛盾,而是反映了文化与翻译的现实与矛盾。也正因为这种矛盾,文化翻译才成为翻译中最有争议而又最引人入胜的一个方面。

388 社会文化因素的处理 中西社会文化的差异必然造成中西方人在逻辑思维和语言表达上的巨大差异,这种巨大的差异使得文化翻译困难重重,不是找不到对等词,就是译文产生不了与原文相同的表达效果,甚至造成误解。我们常见到字面对等的翻译却不能在文化层面达到对等的现象,即译文读者产生不了与原文读者相同的反应。

389 比如中国人在家庭里或亲朋好友间表示请求时往往用祈使句,很少使用“请”字,因为中国人觉得与家人和朋友讲话如果把“请”和“谢 谢”挂在嘴上,会显得生疏,有距离感,但在英语里这样有时就显得不够礼貌。如果朋在一起吃饭,其中一个对另一个说“把 盐拿过 来”,那么是译成“Pass me the salt." 还是译成 "Can you pass me the salt, please?" 前者与原文是字面意义上的对等,却使英文读者以为说话人不太礼貌。后者字面上与原文虽不相同,却达到了文化意义上的对等,因为就这一文化情景而言,后者的礼貌程度等于或接近于原文的礼貌程度。当然也有人不同意第二种译法,认为这样译牺牲了原文的语言风格,没有真实地反映和介绍中国文化。这两种意见都有一定的道理,译者应当根据作品的风格和上下文的实际情况决定采用哪一种译法。

390 由于西方人说话比较直率、实际,不像中国人那样谦虚,甚至绕弯子,所以英译汉时一般不 需要进行上述变通,这种变通的译法主要是在汉译英时才需要使用。例如:
1)走好。 Good-bye. 或Good luck. (不译Go well 或Walk well.) 2)慢走。 Good-bye. 或Good luck. (不译 Go slowly 或 Walk slowly) 3)干得不错,你辛苦了。 Well done. That was a hard job.(不译Well done. You must be tired.)

391 4)久仰/久仰大名。 译文1:I've heard a lot about you. 译文2:Your name is well-known here. (不能译成I heard your great name a long time ago.) 5)欢迎光临。 Welcome/Welcome to… 6)欢迎指导。 译文1:Welcome. 译文2:We're very pleased to have you come and visit us.

392 7)您有何高见? 译文1:What's your opinion? 译文2:We'd like to have your opinion. 8)请提宝贵意见。 译文1:Please give us your comments or suggestions. 译文2:Could you give us your comments or suggestions? 9)拜读了大作。 I've read your book (article, report, work, etc.)

393 10)拙作 my book (painting, literary work, research paper, etc.) 11)……惠存 To (for)… 12)……敬赠 From… 13)由于作者水平有限,本书错误、缺点在所难免,希望读者批评指正。 译文1:This book is liable to mistakes or omissions.We welcome suggestions and criticisms. 译文2:Suggestions for improvement will be gratefully received.

394 文化意象的处理 文化因素中内容最丰富也最难处理的恐怕还要算是文化意象的翻译。历史发展状况及生存环境等的不同,造成了文化差异,使得不同的民族对于相同的形象会产生不同的甚至完全相反的联想;反之,对于同一种现象,不同的民族有时却会用很不相同的形象来表达;有些形象更是某个民族所独有的,比如中国的龙和凤。这些形象已不再是普通的事物,而是具有了特定的文化内涵,成为文化意象。

395 习 语 的 翻 译 习语是文化的集中体现,经过千百年的锤炼,呈现出多姿多彩的 形式和文化意象,反映了一个民族日常生活、社会习俗、历史等。
狭义上,习语是指那种字面意义不同于实际意义的词组或句子,譬如I‘m all ears,不能照字面理解为“我浑身是耳朵”,应为“ 我洗耳恭听”。广义的英语习语包括短语或固定词组、谚语、成语、俚语、俗语、警句、格言、各种惯用法等等。汉语习语也很难划定范围,大致可以包括上述英语习语的范围,还 可加上歇后语、双关语等。

396 讨论: 试以“It‘s raining cats and dogs.” 为例,讨论习语的可译性与不可译性的问题。

397 试译下列句子成汉语: Facts speak louder than words. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Necessity is the mother of invention. Out of sight, out of mind. All that glitters is not gold. It takes two to make a quarrel. Constant dropping wears the stone. people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

398 习语翻译策略:异化翻译 throw caution to the winds (鲁莽行事) like water off a duck‘s back ( 不起作用) like square pegs in round holes (格格不入) armed to the teeth: 武 装 到 牙 齿 an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth(以眼还眼,以牙还牙)

399 a wolf in sheep‘s clothing(披着羊皮的狼)
Kill two birds with one stone( 一石二鸟) All roads lead to Rome( 条条大路通罗马) born with a silver spoon in one‘s mouth( 嘴里衔着银匙出生的) a storm in a teacup(茶杯里的风暴;小事惹起的轩然大波)

400 Some people thought Australia was a cultural desert.
——有些人曾认为澳大利亚是个文化沙漠。 There is far more night life in the city than in the country. ——城市里的夜生活要比农村里的多得多。 Sorry, sir, I'm afraid your account is in the red. ——对不起,先生,恐怕您的帐目有赤字。

401 Mary and John were bellowing and shouting enough to wake the dead.
——玛丽和约翰大声吼叫,足以把死人吵醒。 Jane had an unfortunate experience, and now she talks about all doctors as if hanging was too good for them. ——玛丽有过一段不幸的经历,现在她一谈起医生来,就好像把他们都绞死也太便宜他们了。

402 Don't believe a word that man tells you
Don't believe a word that man tells you. He'd swear black was white if he thought it was to his advantage. ——别相信那人的话。只要对他有利,他能硬把黑的说成白的。 It will be good for you to come in on the ground floor. ——从最底层做起对你是有益的。 ——That politician cries wolf in every speech he makes。 ——那个政客在他的每篇演说中都喊狼来了。

403 笑里藏刀:hide a dagger in a smile。
天下乌鸦一般黑:All crows are equally black. 路遥知马力,事久见人心:A long road tests a horse's strength and a long task proves a man's heart. 初 生 牛 犊 不 怕 虎:New-born calves make little of tigers. 巧妇难为无米之炊:Even a clever housewife cannot cook a meal without rice.

404 对等习语照直移植: Strike while the iron is hot(趁热打铁) go through fire and water(赴汤蹈火) add fuel to the flames /pour oil on the flames (火上浇油 ;火上加油) Great minds think alike(英雄所见略同) burn one‘s boats(破釜沉舟)

405 I gave Billy a bite of candy and he wanted more and more, just like if you give him an inch, he'll take a yard. ——我给比利咬一口糖,他要了又要,真是得寸进尺。 Mark made signs with his hands and moved his mouth soundlessly to show that walls have ears. ——马克打着手势,有努努嘴,以示隔墙有耳。 He drew a long face all day yesterday, and I have no idea what had happened to him. ——昨天他一整天都拉长了脸,我不知道他怎么了。

406 He'll eat the bitter fruit of his own making if he doesn't stop doing that.
——他坚持那样做的话将会自食其果。 Trust him nothing;he is a bad egg。 ——别信他,他是个坏蛋。 The trouble is you're too good-natured and people take advantage of it. All lay load on the willing horse. You will have to learn to refuse people who ask too much. ——问题是你人太好,被别人欺负,所谓“人善被人欺,马善被人骑”,对于那些要求过分的人要学会说不。

407 归化翻译: An ass in a lion‘s skin(狐假虎威) Kill two birds with one stone(一箭双雕) A wolf in sheep‘s clothing(笑面虎) Teach one‘s granny to suck eggs /teach fish to swim(班门弄斧)

408 His uncle left him £200 and John is living for the time in a fool's paradise.
——约翰的叔叔留给他200英镑,他眼下正做着黄粱美梦。 Mother scolded Martha, but it went in one ear and out the other. ——玛莎把母亲的责备当耳边风。 There he was - dropped from the clouds. ——他就在那儿——犹如从天而降。 Some people always seem to have the knack of falling on their feet. ——有些人似乎总有办法化险为夷。

409 I'm afraid that my success as a painter was just a flash in the pan.
——我担心我 当画家的成功只是昙花一现。 Richard could not go to a library and writing the report was a job of making bricks without straw. ——理查德不能去图书馆,那么要写这份报告无异于要他做无米之炊。 "Well," the old man remarked consolingly, "every bullet has its billet." ——老人安慰道:“得了,生死有命呀。”

410 She wants that job very much, and she'll swear black is white to get it.
——她非常想得到那份工作,因此她会不择手段地去得到它。 As soon as he stepped off the plane he began to talk a mile a minute, telling us all about his holiday. ——他一走下飞机,就像连珠炮似的说个不停,告诉 我们他度假的全部经过。 头头还没有批准他的计划,所以他决定去拍拍马屁。 ——The Chief hadn't accepted his plan yet, so he decided to go in and polish the apple a bit.

411 既然他干得那么好,他干吗要整天自吹自擂呢?
——If he's so successful, why does he have to keep blowing his own trumpet? 望着一片人山人海的听众,杨先生发表了一篇动人的演说。 ——Looking out upon the sea of faces, Mr. Yang delivered a touching speech. 他说他的老师很赞赏他的作文,但我要听他的老师亲口说。我看他是王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。 ——He said that his teacher considered his essay brilliant, but I would rather hear it from his teacher's own mouth. Every potter praises his own pot.

412 折中译法 We'd better have supper a little earlier tonight. The boys will be as hungry as hunters after their bike ride. ——今晚我们最好早一点吃晚饭。孩子们骑完自行车回来一定很饿。 After a refreshing nap the writer was again his own man. ——午睡之后,神清气爽,作家精力又恢复了。 I haven't seen you in a blue moon. Where have you been? ——好久没见了,你 到哪儿去了? Tom isn't a very pleasant guy. He's always coming the heavy hand with me. ——汤姆是个令人很不愉快的家伙。他总是强迫我相信他那一套。

413 He didn't want to cling to his wife's apron strings after marriage.
——他不想在婚后受太太的控制。 He is too arrogant, and we must cut his comb. ——他太狂妄了,我们得煞一煞 他的威风。 Hans is the only one of us who has a sweet tooth. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't bother making puddings at all. ——我们中只有汉斯一人爱吃甜食。若 不是为了他,我才不愿这么麻烦做布丁呢。

414 George was tired of Tom's advice and told him to go jump in the lake.
——乔治厌倦了汤姆的劝告,所以叫他走远点不要烦人。 Charles began looking for a summer job in January; he knows that the early bird catches the worm. ——查尔斯1月份就开始找暑假工作了,他知道早点下手有好处。 The spokesman announced that the news was cut out of whole cloth. ——发言人称,这则新闻纯属凭空捏造。

415 They must take practical measures to carry out their plan; otherwise it will end in smoke.
——他们必须采取具体措施来实行他们的计划,否则计划就会落空。 You will be trying to make bricks without straw if you attempt to reopen negotiations with those people. ——如果你们试图与那些人重开谈判,那将是白费力气。 While my wife was cooking she kept half an eye on the baby to see that she didn't get into mischief. ——我太太一边煮饭一边时时瞟着小宝宝,怕她淘起气来。

416 This family could hardly keep their heads above ground.
——这家人几乎没法活下去了。 He told everyone he was absolutely certain that his article would be published by the Times, but when the letter of rejection came, he had to eat his own words. ——他逢人就说 《泰晤士报》必将发表他的文章。退稿之后,他只好收回自己的话。 他当了30多年的厂长,如今已是70岁的人了,早该解甲归田了。 ——He has been the director of the factory for over 30 years. It is high time he retired now for he is already 70.

417 我已经好久没有回家了,此刻真是归心似箭。
——I'm anxious to go back home as I've been away for a very long time. 这个问题盘根错节,恐怕短时间内难以解决。 ——This problem is complicated and difficult to deal with. I'm afraid we can't solve it immediately. 他这个人小手小脚的,不好相处。 ——He is ungenerous and hard to get along with. 这种地方鱼龙混杂,你要特别小心。 ——This is a place where good and bad people are mixed up, so you've got to be very careful.

418 我知道你在家时早饭吃粥和酱菜,可眼下你在欧洲,入乡随俗,你就喝咖啡吃卷饼吧。
——I know you have porridge and pickles for breakfast at home. But since you are now in Europe, you will do as the Romans do and take coffee and rolls.

419 略译法 三十六计,走为上计。 ——The best strategy is to quit. 外甥打灯笼 ——照舅(照旧) ——do/will not change one bit 哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。 ——Like a dumb person eating the bitter herb, he/she has to suffer the bitterness in silence。

420 补译法 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。 ——Even three common cobblers can surpass Zhuge Liang the Mastermind. 或意译成:Two heads are better than one.

421 直译加注法 姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩 ——like the fish rising to Jiang Tai Gong‘s hookless and baitless line 加注说明:Jiang Tai Gong was a very wise man. He used to fish by the Wei River with a hookless and baitless line, actually waiting for King Wen of Zhou to find him and make him his prime minister. After King Wen's death, he helped King Wu to defeat the last king of the Shang Dynasty (about 1700 – 1100 B.C.) and found the Zhou Dynasty (about 1100 – 771 B.C.). The fish in the idiom alludes to a person who willingly plays into someone's hands.

422 东施效颦 ——Dong Shi imitating Xi Shi 加注:Xi Shi was a famous beauty in the ancient Chinese kingdom of Yue. Dong Shi was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her ways.

423 翻译与辞格 修辞是一种运用十分广泛的语言手段,常见的有比喻、拟人、夸张、设问、排比、借代等10多种。 比喻(Comparison):
明喻(Simile)和暗喻(Metaphor) 汉语常见的比喻词有“像”、“好像”、“仿佛”、“如”等;英语常见的比喻词有as, like, as if, as though等。

424 1)The Red Man has ever fled the approach of the White Man, as the morning mist flees before the morning sun. (Chief Seattle, Reply to the U.S. Government) 红种人对白种人从来就是敬而远之的,就像朝雾在旭日升起前就要消散一样。(石幼珊译) 2)Today is fair. Tomorrow may be overcast with clouds. My words are like the stars that never change. (同上) 今天天色晴朗,明天又阴云密布。但我的说话却像天空的星辰,永远不变。

425 3) Phone lines and radio and television stations were down…
3) Phone lines and radio and television stations were down…. It seemed to the outside world as if Anchorage had disappeared. (TV Series: Alaskan Earthquake) 电话、广播和电视台都瘫痪了。在外界看来,安克雷奇就像突然消失了。 4)He burst into a high-pitched laugh, as though he’d said something funny. 他突然高声大笑,好像说了什么幽默话似的。

426 5)老榕树的影子,也越来越看得更清楚了。——真像一位登高而望归人的老者呢…… (田野,《挂在树梢上的风筝》)
When the shadow of the old banyan would become more distinct and clearer, it was really like an old man on top of the hill, greeting us at our return. (《中国名家散文精译》) 6)水是应当安静的!那可以同镜子一样,小鱼同水藻,没有藏躲的机会,人们可以临流鉴形,这是何等自然呵!(严敦易,《绿波》) Water should be quiet like a mirror so that the small fish and algae couldn’t hide in it and people could appreciate their reflection in it. And how natural it would be!

427 英语中的as…as…结构大多可以直译成汉语:
as white as snow 雪白 as cold as ice 冰冷 as blind as an owl 像猫头鹰一样瞎 as cheap as dirt 像泥土一样便宜 as busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌 as beautiful as the sun 像太阳一样美丽

428 由于英汉语言和文化上的差异,也有一部分as…as…结构不能直译,而必须采取意译的方法:
as clear as day 一清二楚 as clear as a bell (头脑)健全的 as clean as a whistle 光滑洁净的 as bold as brass 厚颜无耻的 as black as one’s hat 墨黑的 as bald as a coot(鸟:白骨顶) 全秃的

429 暗喻就是不使用明显的比喻词或比喻标志的比喻。汉语暗喻标志有“是”、“变成”、“成了”等词语;英语则使用be, become, turn into等词语。一般也可以采取直译来翻译暗喻。例如:
7) Now if death be of such a nature, I say that to die is gain; for eternity is then only a single night. (Socrates, Apology) 如果这就是死亡的本质,那么死亡真是一种得益,因为这样看来,永恒不过是一夜。

430 8) Men in great place are thrice servants: servants of the sovereign or state; servants of fame; and servants of business. (Francis Bacon,Of Great Place from THE ESSAYS) 身居要位者皆为三重仆人:元首或国家的仆人,声名的仆人和公务的仆人。 9) Three years’ jungle life had turned him into a wild beast. 三年的丛林生活把他变成了野兽。

431 10) We duly turn up. And then, oh then, what a gulf yawns
10) We duly turn up. And then, oh then, what a gulf yawns! We stretch our arms vainly across it. We have utterly lost touch. (Max Beerbohm, Seeing People Off) 我们及时到场,可接下来,哦,接下来,出现了多么深的鸿沟啊!我们徒劳地伸出手臂,却完全无法跨越鸿沟彼此沟通。 11) 卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证, 高尚是高尚者的墓志铭。(北岛,《回答》) Baseness is a passport for the base, Honour an epitaph for the honourable. (庞秉钧,闵福德,高尔登编译,《中国现代诗一百首》)

432 12) 一切都变了,她的最亲密的文城变成了死城。她的老父亲变成了活在地狱的“人鬼”。(老舍,《火葬》)
Everything had changed. Her most familiar Wencheng City had changed into a dead city. Her old father had changed into a “ghost-man” who was living in hell.

433 有时候,根据需要,暗喻也可以译成明喻,或是采取意译。试看下面的例子:
13) She is a fox.. 她是位时髦迷人的女郎。 14) He is a weathercock. 他是个见风使舵的家伙。 15) She’s a nightingale when she sings. 她唱起歌来就像夜莺一样。

434 无论是明喻还是暗喻,在翻译时都可以酌情考虑稍作补充说明。比如上面的例15,完全可以译成:“她唱起歌来就像夜莺一样动听。”。又如:
He dashed out like an arrow. 他像支离弦之箭般冲了出去。 He is a goose. 他是只呆鹅。

435 转喻(Metonymy) 转喻就是借与人或事物有关联的事物来指代人或事物。1)Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? 生命当真如此可贵,和平当真如此甜蜜,竟值得以枷锁和奴役为代价去换取吗? 这里,chains(枷锁)指代“束缚”,直译既可以保留原文的感染力,又可以为读者理解。但不是任何情况下直译都是最好选择。如: John spent many years in chains before he saw his family again. Chains指代“囚禁”,可意译成“约翰在监牢里呆了很多年才又见到他的家人”。

436 再如: 2)Have I in conquest stretch'd mine arm so far To be afeard to tell greybeards the truth? (Shakespeare, Julius Caesar) 难道我南征北战,攻下了这许多地方, 却不敢对一班白须老头讲真话吗?(朱生豪)

437 3)Only one thing will solve this case—the little grey cells of the brain. (Agartha Christie, Three Act Tragedy) 只有一样东西可以解决这个案子,那就是小小的灰色脑细胞。 4)不能用言语解决的,他们就用流血来解决。 What they could not solve with words, they solved with bloodshed.

438 拟人(Personification) 拟人就是把动物和没有生命的事物当成有思想感情的人类来描写,甚至让它们具有人的行为。 如:a smiling moon(微笑的月亮),a crying city(哭泣的城市),to strangle justice(扼杀正义)等。英汉两种语言中都有这种修辞手法,在翻译的时候一般可采取直译的方法再现原文的生动形象。

439 1)Yonder sky that has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold, and which to us appears changeless and eternal, may change. (Chief Seattle, Reply to the U.S. Government) 数不尽的世代以来,渺渺苍天曾为我族洒下多少同情之泪;这个在我们看来像是永恒不变的苍天,还是会变的。(石幼珊译)

440 2)To its residents, Vesuvius was a benefactor— not an enemy
2)To its residents, Vesuvius was a benefactor— not an enemy. But without any warning, Mount Vesuvius roared to life. 对于附近居民来说,维苏威火山是恩人,而不是敌人。然而,在没有任何预兆的情况下,维苏威火山咆哮着苏醒了。 3)He had taken rank at a bound, waked up a national glory. (Henry James,The Death of the Lion) 他一跃成名,唤醒了一个民族的光荣感。

441 4)And certainly, whenever the wind blew, the Reed made the most graceful curtseys. (Oscar Wilde, The happy Prince) 这倒是真的,风一吹,芦苇就行着最动人的屈膝礼。(巴金译) 5)Here, in the Palace, the air was close and heavy, but in the forest the wind blew free, and the sunlight with wandering hands of gold moved the tremulous leaves aside. (Oscar Wilde, The Birthday of the Infant) 在这儿宫里空气是郁闷的,可是林子里风自由自在地吹着,日光用飘动不停的金手拨开颤抖的树叶。(巴金译)

442 6)Crime burst in like a flood; modesty, truth, and honour fled
6)Crime burst in like a flood; modesty, truth, and honour fled. (100 Myths of Greece and Rome) 罪恶像洪水一样泛滥成灾,谦虚、真理和尊严逃得无影无踪。(李淑言译) 7)……而向四垛墙、一个屋顶里,窗引诱了一角天进来,驯服了它,给人利用,好比我们笼络野马,变为家畜一样。(钱钟书,《窗》) But windows induce part of the sky into the four-walled and one-roofed room for man to utilize it and harness it as we harness a wild horse into domestic animal. (张梦井、杜耀文编译,《中国名家散文精译》)

443 8)田野的秩序变得井井有条, 土地把债务都已还清, 谷子进仓了,泥土休憩了, 自然舒一口气,吹来了爽风。 (穆旦,《秋》) The fields are immaculate[i‘mækjəlit]无瑕疵的,完美的; The land has cleared its debts; Grain is stored in granary, soil rests; Nature sighs, a cool refreshing breeze. (庞秉钧,闵福德,高尔登编译)

444 中英文表达习惯不同,并非所有拟人都适合采用直译,有时候采用意译更会符合译文语言表达习惯。例如:
9) The ship sadly caught fire and the plans to make her a floating museum died in the smoldering embers. 这艘船不幸着火了,于是把它建成水上博物馆的种种计划也在一片焖燃着的灰烬中泡汤了。 春天正向我们走来。 Spring is drawing near.

445 夸张 (Hyperbole) 夸张就是通过有意夸大或缩小事物的某个方面来增强语气,起到强调的效果。这种修辞手法具有很强的感染力,在英汉两种语言中都很常见,因此一般情况下,可以直译,以保持原文的艺术特色,使译文具有相同的效果。

446 1) “At 'em, all hands - all hands. ” he roared, in a voice of thunder
1) “At 'em, all hands - all hands!” he roared, in a voice of thunder. (Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island) 他用雷鸣般的声音吼道:“抓住他们!给我上!都给我上!” 2)Yes, young men, Italy owes to you an undertaking which has merited the applause of the universe. (Guiseppe Garibaldi, To His Soldiers) 是的,年轻人,意大利由于有了你们,得以成就这项寰宇称颂的伟业。(石幼珊译)

447 3)We must work to live, and they give us such mean wages that we die
3)We must work to live, and they give us such mean wages that we die. (Oscar Wilde, The Young King) 我们不得不做工来养活自己,可是他们只给我们那么少的工钱,我们简直活不下去。(巴金译) 4)Nay, he said—yes you did—deny it if you can, that you would not have confessed the truth, though master had cut you to pieces. (Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling) 他还说——你是这么说的,有本事你就抵赖好了。你还说,就是老师把你剁成肉酱,你也绝不招出实情。(萧乾译)

448 5)行在江上望两岸,只见千嶂染翠,峰峰岭岭尽都浓浓淡淡的绿进去…… 喔,一到富春江,眼瞳都是绿的!(叶文玲,《乌蓬摇梦到春江》)
Floating along the river and watching its two banks, your only feeling is that the thousand mountains are dyed green, and every peak and ridge is growing in different shades of green. … “Aha, once in the Fuchun River even our eyes become green, too.” (张梦井、杜耀文编译,《中国名家散文精译》)

449 6)为了让兄弟们的肩头 担起整个大地,摇醒千万个太阳 (江河,《从这里开始》) So that brothers’ shoulders May lift the earth, arouse millions of suns (庞秉钧,闵福德,高尔登编译)

450 中西方文化传统、语言表达习惯不同,有时候译文读者也许不能理解或接受原文的夸张,这时候不妨采用意译法。例如:
She is a girl in a million. 她是个百里挑一的姑娘。 妈妈对小明说:“下次你再不及格,看我不拧断你的脖子!” Mother said to Xiao Ming, “If you should fail again, I would surely teach you a lesson.”

451 讳饰 (Euphemism) 讳饰就是用委婉语来取代令人不快的字句。如英语中的to be in a delicate condition不可直译为“处于娇弱的状态”,但是可以意译为“有喜”、“身怀六甲”(讳饰“怀孕”)等。翻译时应该尽量避免采用与原文所讳饰的字句对应的语言进行翻译。例如原文中如使用to pass away(讳饰die),翻译时就不应该使用“死”一词,而应该使用“去世”、“过世”等。

452 1)On the 14th of March, at a quarter to three in the afternoon, the greatest living thinker ceased to think. He had been left alone for scarcely two minutes, and when we came back we found him in his armchair, peacefully gone to sleep—but forever. (Friederich Engels, Speech at the Graveside of Karl Marx) 3月14日下午两点三刻,当代最伟大的思想家停止思想了。让他一个人留在房间里总共不过两分钟,我们再进去的时候,发现他在安乐椅上安详地睡着了——永远地睡着了。(石幼珊译)

453 2)You would no doubt wish me to make some slight allusion to this tragic domestic affliction next Sunday. (Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest) 您一定会希望我在下星期天的弥撒上稍稍提及这一悲剧性的家庭不幸。 The doctor was fiercely condemned by some for what he referred to as helping people in dying. 这位医生从事他所声称的“安乐死”,为此遭到一些人的猛烈抨击。

454 听说他是刚从那里面出来的。 It is said that he has just come out of that place. 他在回家的路上遭遇到不测。 Something happened to him on his way back home.

455 在日常生活中,我们还会遇到这样的句子: May I go to the bathroom? May I use the facilities? I’m going to my private office. 这些句子都是表达“上厕所”这一概念,翻译的时候,应采取汉语中的委婉语进行翻译,如:去洗个手,去方便一下,去解手,等等。

456 中西方忌讳的对象也并不完全相同,原文中需要避讳的,在译入语文化中也许根本没有避讳的需要,所以有时候也可以采取不带讳饰的意译。例如:
He put the dog to sleep. 他把狗杀了。 7) 他先她而去了。 He died before her. 或:He died first.

457 呼告(Apostrophe) 呼告指直接呼唤不在身边的人或物,并与之对话。这一修辞手段有强烈的抒情效果,英汉语言中都有使用,可以进行直译。例如: 1)And love, young men, love and venerate the ideal. (Giuseppe Mazzini, To the Young Men of Italy) 青年人啊,热爱理想,崇敬理想吧!(石幼珊译)

458 2)O you kind gods, Cure this great breach in his abused nature! (Shakespeare, The Tragedy of King Lear) 慈悲的神明啊, 医治他的被凌辱的心灵中的重大的裂痕!(朱生豪译) 3)Exult, O shores! and ring, O bells! (Walt Whitman, O Captain! My Captain!) 哦,欢呼吧,海岸!齐鸣吧,钟!

459 4)只要有无边的大地 只要有无涯沧海 骏马啊,任你奔腾 白鸥啊,任你翻飞 (陈敬容,《只要是广阔的世界》) While there’s endless land, While there’s boundless sea, Stallions, gallop! White gulls, soar! (庞秉钧,闵福德,高尔登编译,《中国现代诗一百首》)

460 5)残雪呵,你是丑恶势力绝不甘心退隐的明证;也是它摆脱不掉败亡命运的象征。(岑桑,《残雪断想》)
The remainder of snow, you are a proof of the ugly force that desperately attempts to force itself upon the earth when it should retreat. You are also a symbol of the impossible escape from its doomed fate. 张梦井、杜耀文编译,《中国名家散文精译》)

461 反语 (Irony) 反语就是使用与本意相反的词句来表达本意,一般用于讽刺嘲弄。为了保留原文的讽刺效果,通常采用直译的方法。例如: 1)He stated a truth, and did it in such a pleasant way, and salved over my sore spot so gently and so healingly, that I was rather glad I had committed the crime, for the sake f the letter. (Mark Twain, Unconscious Plagiarism) 他说出了一个真理,而且说得那么令人愉快,帮我顺顺当当地下了台阶,使我甚至庆幸自己亏得犯了这剽窃罪,因而得到了这封信。(石幼珊译)

462 3)You gave her good advice, and broke her heart
3)You gave her good advice, and broke her heart. That was the beginning of your reformation. (Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray) 你给了她忠告,撕碎了她的心。你就是这样开始你所谓的自我改造的。 4)You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better, for as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr. Bingley might like you the best of the party. (Jane Austin, Pride and Prejudice) 你带着女儿们去就行啦。要不干脆打发她们自己去,那样没准更好些。要知道你的模样跟她们一样标致,宾利先生兴许倒会看上你呢。

463 5)你感冒了?叫你多穿点你不听,我还以为你真的不怕冷呢!
So you have caught a cold? You turned a deaf ear to me when I asked you to put on more clothes, and I thought you were really not afraid of the cold. 当她听说自己被解雇了,她生气地说:“好极了!” When she heard that she was fired, she said angrily, “That’s great!”

464 但是直译并非永远行得通,有时译入语读者可能对反语作正面理解,或是无法理解,这时就不适合采用意译。例如:
瞧瞧你干的好事! Look at what you have done! 8) The French and the English were so ardent about art that they sent their armies to search for invaluable paintings and sculptures all around the world. 英国人和法国人号称热爱艺术,不惜派出军队在世界各地搜罗珍贵的绘画和雕刻作品。

465 排比 (Parallelism) 排比就是连续使用三个或三个以上结构相同或相似的句子或词组,起到增强语言的感染力和气势的效果,一般情况下可采取直译,译文也应采取排比的形式。例如: 1)Voltaire waged the splendid kind of warfare…The war of thought against matter, the war of reason against prejudice, the war of the just against the unjust…(Victor Hugo, Voltaire) 伏尔泰发动了一场辉煌的战争……这是思想对物质的战争,是理性对偏见的战争,是正义对不义的战争……

466 2)Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability
2)Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. (Francis Bacon, Of Studies) 读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。(王佐良译) 3)Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love. (Shakespeare, Hamlet) 你可以疑心星星是火把; 你可以疑心太阳会转移; 你可以疑心真理是谎话; 可是我的爱永没有改变。(朱生豪译)

467 在这里,他比不上一盏街灯;比不上橱窗里的一个仿古花瓶;比不上挂在壁上的一幅乱涂的油画;比不上掠身而过的一身紫色的衣裙;比不上眼上的蓝圈、血似的红唇;更比不上牵在女士们手中的那条小狗。(丁玲,《曼哈顿街头夜景》) Here, he is no match for a street light, no match for an imitation of a vase4 in the shop window, no match for a disorderly smeared oil painting on the wall, no match for the purple skirt sweeping by, no match for the blue-circled eyes and blood-red lipped decorations, and still no match for the little dog pulled by the hand of a lady.(张梦井、杜耀文编译,《中国名家散文精译》)

468 6)我不相信天是蓝的; 我不相信雷的回声; 我不相信梦是假的; 我不相信死无报应。 (北岛,《回答》) I don’t believe the sky is blue; I don’t believe the thunder’s roar; I don’t believe that dreams are false; I don’t believe that death has no revenge. (庞秉钧,闵福德,高尔登编译)

469 然而有时候,如果一味照搬原文的排比结构,译文也许会显得单调枯燥,因此也可以作适当调整,使译文更具文采。例如:
7) They’re rich; they’re famous; they’re surrounded by the world’s most beautiful women. They are the world’s top fashion designers and trend-setters. (TV Series: Fashion at Top) 他们名利兼收,身边簇拥着世界上最美丽的女人。他们是世界顶级时装设计师,时尚的定义者。

470 在台湾,每当我想起我的故乡,我就一定会想起那座无名的小山,一定会想起那株古老的榕树,也就一定会想起似乎还依然挂在那树梢上的我的风筝。(田野,《挂在树梢上的风筝》)
In Taiwan, every time I thought about my hometown, I would no doubt think of that nameless small hill and that old banyan tree. I would then think of my little kite on top of that ancient giant tree. (张梦井、杜耀文编译,《中国名家散文精译》)

471 设问 (Question and Answer)
设问就是用自问自答的形式来达到增强语气、吸引注意力的效果,并可以起到承上启下的作用。可以采用直译的方法进行翻译。例如: 1)Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. (Shakespeare, Sonnet i8) 能不能让我来把你比作夏日? 你可是更加可爱,更加温婉。(屠岸译)

472 2)And who is it that deceives the state
2)And who is it that deceives the state? Surely the man who speaks not what he thinks. (Demosthenes, On the Crown) 是谁欺骗了国家?当然是那个心口不一的人。(石幼珊译) 3)But has the last word been said? Is all hope to be lost? Is the defeat final? No! (Charles De Gaulle, Has the Last Word Been Said?) 但是难道一切已无法挽回,希望都已破灭,失败已成定局?不!

473 4)But the enemies of tyranny—whither does their path tend
4)But the enemies of tyranny—whither does their path tend? To the tomb, and to immortality! What tyrant is my protector? To what faction do I belong? Yourselves! (Maximilien Robespierre, His Last Speech) 但是暴政的敌人,他们的道路通向哪里?通向坟墓,通向不朽!我的保护者是哪个暴君?我又属于哪个派系?那就是你们自己!

474 5)你知道中国最有名的人是谁? 提起此人,人人皆晓,处处闻名。(胡适,《差不多先生传》) Do you know who is the best-known person in China? Talking of this person, his name is known to everyone in every corner of the country. 6)建华凭哪点弱于姓文的?只是缺少博士这两个字!(老舍,《文博士》) Why should Jianhua be regarded as inferior to Wen? Just because he didn’t have a doctor’s degree!

475 反问(Rhetoric Question)
反问指有意提出不答自明的问题,以达到加强语气的效果,通常可以直译。例如: 1)Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people? Is there any better or equal hope in the world? In our present differences, is either party without faith of being in the right? (Abraham Lincoln, His First Inaugural Address) 人民是最公正的,我们为什么不对这点抱有最坚定的信心呢?在世界上,我们还能对别的什么寄予同样的或更大的希望吗?在目前南北分歧中,难道哪一方不坚信公理在自己方面?(石幼珊译)

476 2)Why stand we here idle. What is it that gentlemen wish
2)Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? (Patrick Henry, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death) 为什么我们还无所作为地站在这儿?诸位究竟希望什么?又会得到什么?生命当真如此可贵,和平当真如此甜蜜,竟值得以枷锁和奴役为代价去换取吗? 3)Can’t you just leave me alone? 你就不能别来烦我吗?

477 4)你的心过去是苦的,你怎么能闻到红叶的香味?(杨朔,《香山红叶》)
Your heart was bitter in the past, so how could you sense the fragrance of the red leaves then? 5)谁愿意和手上有同志鲜血的人握手呢? (艾青,《无题》) Who would shake a hand stained with comrades’ blood? (庞秉钧,闵福德,高尔登编译)

478 借代(Antonomasia[,æntənəu‘meiʒiə]换称)借代指用一事物来指代与之有某种共同特征的另一事物。使用借代时往往会出现带有浓郁民族色彩的词语,因此在翻译的时候常常需要进行加工,或者在名词前后加上简单的说明,或者用注释说明,或者采取意译的办法。

479 Upon my word, Basil, I didn't know you were so vain; and I really can't see any resemblance between you, with your rugged strong face and your coal-black hair, and this young Adonis, who looks as if he was made out of ivory and rose-leaves. (Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray) 译文1: 说真的,巴西尔,我没想到你会这么自负。我实在看不出你跟这个阿多尼斯一样俊美的少年之间有任何相似之处。你的脸粗犷有力,头发黑得像煤炭,而他看上去就像是用象牙和玫瑰花瓣做成的。

480 译文2:说真的,巴西尔,我没想到你会这么自负。我实在看不出你跟这位阿多尼斯(注:希腊神话里的美少年,为爱神所钟爱,常被西方人用来指代美貌少年)之间有任何相似之处。你的脸粗犷有力,头发黑得像煤炭,而他看上去就像是用象牙和玫瑰花瓣做成的。 译文3:说真的,巴西尔,我没想到你会这么自负。我实在看不出你跟这位俊美少年之间有任何相似之处。你的脸粗犷有力,头发黑得像煤炭,而他看上去就像是用象牙和玫瑰花瓣做成的。

481 Poor Charlie! Of all the girls in the world, he should have fallen in love with the daughter of a Judas! 译文1: 可怜的查理!世界上有那么多女孩,他却爱上了一名犹大(注:圣经中耶稣十二使徒中出卖耶稣者,常被用来指代叛徒)的女儿! 译文2:可怜的查理!世界上有那么多女孩,他却爱上了一名叛徒的女儿!

482 Her friends wondered how she could get along so well with this modern Don Quixote.
她的朋友都很奇怪她怎么能与这位现代堂.吉诃德相处得这么好。 她是我们学校的林妹妹。 译文1: In our school she is called Cousin Lin—a girl famous for her sentimental and delicate beauty. 译文2:In our school she is called Cousin Lin. (Note: the heroine of the famous Chinese Qing Dynasty novel the Red Mansion Dreams by Cao Xueqin, a girl famous for her sentimental and delicate beauty.) 译文3:She is famous for her sentimental and delicate beauty in our school.

483 他一迈进大门,就听见有人说:“秦桧来了!”
译文1:No sooner had he entered the gate than he heard a voice saying, “Here comes the Qin Hui (Note: the chief minister of the Southern Song Dynasty in ancient China, also a famous traitor to his country).” 译文2:No sooner had he entered the gate than he heard a voice saying, “Here comes the traitor.”


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