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第3版 Mini-world 万花筒.

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1 第3版 Mini-world 万花筒

2 School Rules in Japan 日本的校规可真是严格呢!
Every school has its own rules to help students behave themselves. In Japan, most private schools have very strict rules. Now let’s take a look at them.

3 School Rules in Japan 日本的校规可真是严格呢!
● When arriving at school, students must change into slippers and put their shoes on shelves. ● Students should have three pencils on their desks—not four, not two. And they should always have glue, rulers and rubbers in their pencil boxes.

4 School Rules in Japan 日本的校规可真是严格呢!
● Students must wear school uniforms only. They can’t roll up their sleeves. And they can’t wear accessories on uniforms, either. Dyeing one’s hair or having too long hair is also not allowed. ● If a student is caught cheating, he will be expelled from school.

5 at the drop of a hat Meaning: immediately, without hesitation 立即,毫不迟疑
Story: 中世纪的欧洲社会流行决斗。一些骑士或武士为了赢取心上人的爱意,往往选择决斗的方式定胜负。决斗之前,他们习惯把帽子往地上狠狠一摔,意味着决斗马上就要开始。如今这一风气已成为 历史,但短语 at the drop of a hat 却流传下来,保留 了“立即,马上”的含义。 Example: They can’t ask me to move out at the drop of a hat. 他们不能 立刻就叫我搬走。

6 Word Bank 超纲词汇 own /=Un/ adj. (用于强调)自己的,own 作动词 表示“拥有”的意思。
strict /strIkt/ adj. 严格的;严厉的 slipper /'slIp=/ n. 拖鞋 only /'=UnlI/ adv. 只,仅仅 sleeve /sli:v/ n. 袖子 accessory /=k'ses=rI/ n. 装饰品,配件 either /'aI8=/ adv. (用于否定句或否定词组后)也

7 cheat /t5i:t/ v. (尤指在考试、游戏、比赛中)作弊;欺骗
behave oneself (使)行为良好,(使)举止规范 private school 私立学校 arrive at 到达…… change into (sth.) 换上(常指衣物等,文中指拖鞋) roll up 卷起 dye hair 染发 be not allowed 不被允许 be expelled from school 被学校开除

8 第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂

9 Doraemon Is Here 热烈欢迎——拥有神奇口袋的哆啦A梦!
Hello, boys and girls. I am Doraemon, a magical cat. I have a pair of bright eyes and a round blue body. My favourite food is Dorayaki (铜锣烧). I want to eat it as much as I can! My best friend is Nobita (大雄). I love him with all my heart. Do you know why I am magical? I am from the 22nd century, and I have a fourth-dimensional pocket on my body. There are a lot of magical things inside of it—anything you can imagine!

10 From Manga to Real Life 梦想照进现实——哆啦A梦的 神奇道具“竹蜻蜓”已经成真啦!
Doraemon has many magical things inside of his pocket. These gadgets are interesting. Some can help translate any languages in the world, some can tell what others are dreaming about, and some can take you to any places you want. They are amazing, aren’t they?

11 For some people, these things seem impossible in real life
For some people, these things seem impossible in real life. But, in fact, some of them have come true. The bamboo copter is an example. In the manga, the bamboo copter takes Doraemon and Nobita to fly in the sky. It is a propeller and can be put anywhere on the body. Now, there is a machine called the jet pack. It has the same function as the bamboo copter. It is usually worn on the back and can lift people into the air by escaping gases. Do you want to have a try?

12 传递正能量——细数哆啦A梦的经典语录(Quotes)。
Doraemon Quotes ★ Don’t always pick out the easiest way when you make a choice. Go and try different things. ★ Lost time can never be found again. Cherish the present. ★ Don’t waste time on worrying. Use it to do something meaningful. ★ You can do what others can do. Try harder!

13 讲学指导 About Doraemon Gender (性别): Male (男性)
Species (物种): Robot cat (机器猫) Height (身高): cm (129.3公分) Weight (体重): kg (129.3公斤) Skin colour (肤色): Blue (蓝) Birth date (生日): September 3rd, 2112 (2112年9月3日) Nationality (国籍): Japanese (日本) Personality (个性): Intelligent, kind-hearted, helpful, friendly (智慧,热心,乐于助人,亲切友好)

14 周周练 请拿出你的彩笔,为下图中的哆啦A梦填上你喜欢的颜色吧。

15 Word Bank 超纲词汇 magical /'m7d3Ikl/ adj. 神奇的,有魔力的
imagine /I'm7d3In/ v. 想象,设想 gadget /'G7d3It/ n. 小器具,小装置 translate /tr7nz'leIt/ v. 翻译 language /'l79GwId3/ n. 语言 amazing /='meIzI9/ adj. 奇妙的,令人惊叹的 impossible /Im'p^s=bl/ adj. 不可能的;不能实现的 example /IG'z1:mpl/ n. 例子,实例

16 propeller /pr=‘pel=/ n. 螺旋桨
machine /m='5i:n/ n. 机器,机械装置 worry /'w2rI/ v. 烦恼,忧虑 meaningful /'mi:nI9fl/ adj. 有意义的,重要的 with all one’s heart 全心全意地 the 22nd century 22世纪 fourth-dimensional pocket 四次元口袋 inside of ... 在……之内 manga 日本漫画

17 real life 现实生活 dream about 梦到,梦见 in fact 实际上,事实上 bamboo copter 竹蜻蜓,是用于飞行的神奇道具。 jet pack 喷气式背包 have the same function as 与……有相同的功能 lift people into the air by escaping gases 通过排放气体把人抬至空中 pick out 挑选,选择

18 make a choice 做出选择 cherish the present 珍惜当下 waste time on (doing sth.) 浪费时间(做某事)

19 第6版 Playground 英语操练场

20 On a Plane 如何用英语和空姐交流呢? S=Stewardess, D=David
David is boarding the plane. S: Good afternoon! Welcome to the flight. Would you show me your ticket, please? D: Here you are.

21 On a Plane 如何用英语和空姐交流呢? It’s time for dinner.
S: Excuse me, what would you like for dinner, beef rice or chicken noodles? D: Chicken noodles, please. S: Okay, and what would you like to drink? We have coffee, tea, juice and cola. D: I’d like some juice. Thank you.

22 On a Plane 如何用英语和空姐交流呢? After 20 minutes. S: May I clear the table?
D: Yes, please. David feels cold. D: I feel cold. May I have a blanket? S: Okay, please wait a moment.

23 The Aeroplane The aeroplane has great big wings.
Its propeller spins around and sings, “Vvvvv!” The aeroplane goes up. The aeroplane goes down. The aeroplane flies high Over the town!

24 We'd better be off. 词组 had better 表示“还是……的好”,而 off 在此处作副词,表示“出发;离开”,所以这句话应翻译为“我们该出发了”,“我们该走了”。下次当你觉得差不多该出发(赶飞机、火车等)时,就可以用这句话催促同行的人赶快启程。 Penny: When does our flight take off? Grace: At 3 o’clock this afternoon. It’s already 1 o’clock, so we’d better be off.

25 Word Bank 超纲词汇 stewardess /;stju:='des/ n. (飞机上的)女乘务员,空中小姐
board /b6:d/ v. 登上(飞机、火车、船等) flight /flaIt/ n. 航班;客机 minute /'mInIt/ n. 分钟 clear /klI=/ v. 清理 blanket /'bl79kIt/ n. 毛毯,毯子 wing /wI9/ n. 机翼

26 propeller /pr='pel=/ n. 螺旋桨(飞机或轮船的推进器)
excuse me (通常用在要打扰别人或要吸引别人注意时)不好意思 please wait a moment 请稍等 spin around 快速旋转

27 第7版 Story Zone 故事地带

28 什么样的朋友不值得交往? 让这篇小故事告诉你答案吧! The Bear and Two Travellers
Two men were travelling together. On their way, they met a bear. One man climbed up quickly into a tree and hid in the branches. The other couldn’t climb a tree, so he lay flat on the ground. The bear came up and smelt him all over. He held his breath, and pretended to be dead. The bear soon left the man. It is said that bears will not touch a dead body.

29 什么样的朋友不值得交往? 让这篇小故事告诉你答案吧! The Bear and Two Travellers
Then, the other traveller came down out of the tree. He laughed at his friend and asked, “What did the bear whisper in your ear?” The man said, “He gave me this advice: Never travel with a friend who deserts you in danger.”

30 Word Bank 超纲词汇 traveller /‘tr7v=l=/ n. 旅行者,动词 travel 表示“旅行”的意思。
ground /GraUnd/ n. 地面 pretend /prI'tend/ v. 假装,装作 dead /ded/ adj. 死的,死去的 soon /su:n/ adv. 不久,很快 whisper /'wIsp=/ v. 耳语,低语 advice /=d'vaIs/ n. 建议,忠告

31 desert /dI'z+:t/ v. 抛弃,离弃(某人)
lie flat 平躺,lay是lie的过去式。 all over 到处,遍及(全身) hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸 It is said that ... 据说…… laugh at 嘲笑 in danger 在危险中

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