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B E C Preliminary.

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1 B E C Preliminary

2 Unit 1a Job Descriptions

3 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about jobs
To practice listening for specific information To review the present simple Materials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary

4 Part I Duties Step I Listening Listening1 Language Points:
The Chamber of Commerce Business cards Post Code: ST12 4JW Production Manager Human Resources Manager Business Park Marketing Manager Becton Court Sales Executive Consultant PLC: public limited company Accountant 公司的冠名 Regal Frozen Products: 雷戈尔冷冻食品公司 RTLP Consultants: RTLP 顾问公司 Vacupack :真空包装公司 Meridian Financial Products: 马利第安财务公司 company, corporation, firm 常见职位职务英文译名.doc

5 Part I Duties Step I I Listening2 Language Points:
vaccines against cholera 抗霍乱的疫苗 I’m also responsible for our publicity material: 我们主管公司对外宣传的材料。Be responsible for: 对……负责;主管……。 work-related: 与工作有关的。 … which isn’t a pleasant part of the job: 这是我工作中令人不愉快的一面。这是一个非限制性关系分句,指的是主句中information employees 一事。

6 Part I Duties Step III Reading Advertise 为…做广告 Update 更新
balance sheet 平衡表 short-list v. 被列入初选名单 Candidate 候选人 Output 产量 after-sale service 售后服务 Applicant n.申请人 keep a record 做记录

7 Supplementary Material
工作和职责 (Listening Material) responsibility.mp3

8 Part II Job description
-Work with outside sales to make account plan 与外部销售人员一同制定客户计划 -Outbound call to identify the customer concern & inquiry 呼出电话以确定客户需求 -Handle customer PO and arrange the fulfillment 操作客户PO并安排实施 -Work with outside sales maintain the large account relationship 与外包销售人员一同维护客户关系 -Making sales forecast & achieve the revenue quota 销售预测并达成销售任务额 -Proactively acquire & develop new customers 开发新客户

9 Unit 1b Working Conditions

10 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about jobs
To practice listening for specific information To review the present simple

11 Part 1 Comments about work
Language Points: Prefer (to ): (两着中)宁愿选择(其中之一),例:I prefer tea to coffee. 茶和咖啡,我更喜欢茶。 I prefer singing to acting. 我宁愿唱歌而不愿意演戏。两个例句中的to 均为介词,后接名词或动词的-ing 形式。 We frequently run out of stationery…: 我们很快就用光了文具。Run out of: 用完;耗尽,例如:He always runs out of money before payday. 他总是没等到发薪水就把钱用完了。 Break down: (机器)停止运转,坏掉,出故障。例:The car can broke down. 汽车坏了。 giving a presentation: 介绍情况。

12 Part 1 Comments about work
Writing Report Working conditions Your company has received a number of complains from staff about their working conditions. The HR Manager has asked you to write a report about the current situation. Write the report, including the reasons for the complains and recommendations for dealing with them.

13 Part 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Language points: 1.…in operation: 工作中,实施中,例如:Nowadays, there are a number of different systems in operation. 当前,实行着好几种不同的制度。 2.…before your shift is due to start: 在正式上班之前。字面意思是:在约定的班次开始前。句中的due意为:预定的、约定的。例如:The guests are due to arrive here next week. 客人们约定下周到达此地。

14 Part 2 Terms and conditions of employment
3.…inform supplies of your size: 将你穿的型号通知物供处。注意动词 inform 的用法:inform sb of sth. 通知某人某事。 4. You will be paid at the current overtime rate. 句中介词at 的意思是:(价格、速度、数额、程度等)以;达。例如:The apple are sold at 6 pence a pound. 这苹果以每磅6 便士的价格出售。Rate 的意思是:计时工资。 5 only days off: 只休息几天。该短语中off 的意思是:不工作、休息。例如:Yesterday was my day off. 昨天是我休假的日子。又如 take three days off: 休假3天。 Terms and conditions of employment

15 Part 2 Terms and conditions of employment
BEC写作——怎样写备忘录 BEC考试中,写作第一部分要求考生写一份40-50字的电子邮件或简短备忘录或便条。应试时有哪些小窍门呢? 仔细阅读作文要求,判断该题是要求你写备忘录还是便条?因为这关系到作文行文中语言表达的正式程度。 根据题目要求核对所写作文是否包括了该写的三个部分。 核对作文第一稿的长度,必要时可作修改。 写完后,校对作文中的语法、词汇及文体是否正确、恰当。

16 Part 2 Terms and conditions of employment
写给个人的备忘录: 范例: 你是一家IT公司的人力资源部经理。 你打算请Cooway公司 为你安排一次为期两天由10人参加的团队组建培训。 √ 给你的助理写一个字数为40-50的备忘录: √ 告诉她与培训项目主办者取得联系。 √ 说明项目的参加人员和持续时间。 √ 安排两个可以利用的周末

17 Part 2 Terms and conditions of employment
提示: 1) 按照英语备忘录的谋篇习惯,一般直接进入主题,不需要寒暄和问候等客套。 2) 看清角色要求,把握好文体。作为经理,给助手写备忘录,行文问题不能太正式,宜直呼其名,而不必套用Mr.或Mrs.等称呼。通用,结尾处也无须客套,署名也只需要写名,不需要写姓。

18 Part 2 Terms and conditions of employment
范文 Jim Could you please contact Cooway to organize a team-building event for sales staff? There would be ten participants and the course should last for two days. I suggest the weekend of 24/25 November or, if that is not possible, the following weekend. Thank, Alan

19 Part 2 Terms and conditions of employment
写给集体(全体员工)的备忘录: 范例: 你是一家国际大公司的人力资源部经理。你刚刚任命Sally Jolie女士为公司总部的销售经理。 给总部的全体员工写一个字数为40-50的备忘录: √ 宣布对Sally Jolie女士的任命。 √ 说明她开始工作的具体时间。 √ 要求总部员工准备欢迎她。

20 Part 2 Terms and conditions of employment
提示 一般不用信头称呼的形式,也不采用在结尾处署上写信人的名字的方式,而是在备忘录的开头处写明收信人To________,在结尾处写明具体的写信人From___________以及主题:Re:__________ 或Subject:____________。

21 Part 2 Terms and conditions of employment
范文 To:    Head Office staff From:  Tom Beck I have the pleasure of announcing that Ms Sally Julie has been appointed as the new Sales Manager at Head Office. Ms Jolie is due to join us on Monday 15th. Please give her a friendly welcome when she starts work. Thank you.

22 Unit 2a Company history 公司的变迁

23 Objectives To enable Ss to describe companies and their histories
To practice reading for specific information To review the past simple and prepositions of time

24 Part 1 The history of Volkswagen
Step I Words & Phrases GmbH abbr. <德> 股份有限公司(=Company with Limited Liability) Joint venture合资公司 venture的本意是“风险” ;joint是“共同的” 所以合资公司就是2个或2个以上的公司一起成立的共同承担风险,按照出资比例分享利润的公司 Volkswagen Models : Beetle newbeetle.jpg Golf golf.gif PASSAT PASSAT.gif SANTANA BORA POLO 4. 世界汽车标志.doc

25 Part 1 The history of Volkswagen
As far as I know … 据我所知 The first factory was founded in 第一家工厂创建于…… The first factory was located in … 第一家工厂位于…… One of the most popular…in the world 世界上最知名的……之一 Europe’s largest car-maker 欧洲最大的汽车制造商 Step II Speaking Useful expressions

26 Part 1 The history of Volkswagen
Step III Reading : Volkswagen Language Points: People’s car: 即指大众牌轿车:Volkswagen. First of all: 首先;第一。例:First of all, let me say how glad I am to be here. 首先,我要说的是我来到这里感到很高兴。

27 Part 1 The history of Volkswagen
…started work on the `people’s car’ with money he received from the German government… ; …started production with his new American machinery 在这两个句子中,介词with 意为:(表示使用的工具、手段、材料等)用;以;以、、、、、、方式。而在 “Today Volkswagen AG is Europe’s largest car-maker with employees and a turnover of $ 65 bn” 句子中,with 的意思是为:拥有。阅读时请注意介词with 在不同句子中的意思。 Commercial production stopped during the war… “the war” 一词在此指第二次世界大战。 Part 1 The history of Volkswagen

28 Part 1 The history of Volkswagen
…the British helped the local economy by ordering cars … ; The company continued its globalization by setting up its own production facilities in Australia… 在这两个句子中,介词by 意为:(表示方法、手段、方式)凭借;靠;用;通过。例如:It’s not fair to judge people by their appearance. 以貌取人是不公平的。 6. Instead, Heinrich Nor Hoff took over as Managing Director… instead: 作为替代;反而;却。例如:They didn’t go by bus, instead , they went there on foot. 他们没乘公共汽车,而是步行去那儿的。

29 Part 1 The history of Volkswagen
Volkswagen became a public limited company valued at DM600m. 介词at 在此意为:(价格、速度、数额、程度等)以、达。例如:The apples were sold at 6 pence a pound. 这苹果以每磅6便士的价格出售。 8. …the future for VW looks every bit as bright as its past. Every bit as…: 完全一样;同样是。 例如:She is every bit as bright as clever as her sister. 她像她姐姐一样聪明

30 Part 1 The history of Volkswagen
Speaking: useful expressions manufacture 制造 The company started in …公司始建、、、、、、 It expanded rapidly … 公司发展迅速 In the first few years the annual turnover only came to 开头的几年,年营业额仅达、、、、、、 Became a public limited company in …于、、、、、、成为一家上市公司 Formed partnerships with … 和、、、、、、建立了伙伴关系 When did your company first register? 你们公司最早在哪里注册的? What type of product did your company sell at the very beginning? 你们公司最初销售哪一类产品?

31 Part 2 Company Profile 公司概况
Speaking: form an organigram of the group structure. MNE The holding company controls the three divisions of the whole group. DELSTAR This is the largest company in the engineering division. The company has a major subsidiary, which has a controlling stake in a subsidiary of its own.

32 Part 2 Company Profile 公司概况
Write a note 商务便条一般有四个组成部分:日期、称呼、正文、签名。一些公司有印好的便条笺。如:

33 Company activities 公司的业务活动
Unit 2b Company activities 公司的业务活动

34 Objectives To enable Ss to describe company activities
To practice reading for specific information To raise awareness of cohesion and connectors of addition and contrast To review the present continuous

35 Part 1 Investing in central Europe
Speaking Ss discuss reasons for inward investment. 参考词语和表达 cheap workforce 低廉的劳动力 generous inward investment grants from local governments 当地政府对进口投资慷慨的资助 slow economic growth at home 国内经济增长缓慢 rapid development of central/eastern European car-markets 中、东欧汽车市场的迅速发展

36 Part 1 Investing in central Europe
good locations for exporting to the former Soviet Union 地理位置有利于向前苏联出口 Having production facilities in Europe enables Asian and US companies to avoid restrictions on imports into Europe. 中、东欧洲拥有生产基地使得亚洲和美国的公司可以避开进口欧洲的限制 Investments boost local economies and add to market growth. 投资可以促进当地经济和市场发展。 Higher returns on investments due to low-costs 低成本有利于投资的高回报

37 Part 2 Driving eastwards
cheap workforce 低廉的劳动力 generous inward investment grants from local governments 当地政府对进口投资慷慨的资助 slow economic growth at home 国内经济增长缓慢 rapid development of central/eastern European car-markets 中、东欧汽车市场的迅速发展 good locations for exporting to the former Soviet Union 地理位置有利于向前苏联出口

38 Part 2 Driving eastwards
Having production facilities in Europe enables Asian and US companies to avoid restrictions on imports into Europe. 中、东欧洲拥有生产基地使得亚洲和美国的公司可以避开进口欧洲的限制 Investments boost local economies and add to market growth. 投资可以促进当地经济和市场发展。 Higher returns on investments due to low-costs 低成本有利于投资的高回报

39 Part 2 Driving eastwards Step 1 Reading Language Points:
要点解析 1. Driving eastwards: 题目选词可谓独具匠心。本文谈的是汽车的事,因此 driving eastwards 可以是驱车东行,但其真正的含义是向东进发,开拓市场,将汽车制造业及其销售市场移至东欧各地。 2. but he would earn around eight times as much … 句中 would + 动词原形earn , 表示与现在事态相反的情况,而不是过去将来时。例如:If I were to tell him all I know, he would be amazed. 如果我把我知道的告诉他,他会很吃惊的(事实是:“我“并没有这么做)。As much : (在此) 同样数量。例如:He has 50 Yuan, and I have as much. 他有50 元钱,我也有这么多。

40 Part 2 Driving eastwards
3. in addition to : 除了、、、、、、之外(还),例如:In addition to apples you asked for, I bought your oranges. 除了你要的苹果之外,我还给你买了橘子。 4. sales are growing by up to 41 percent … by : (表示数量、程度等)以、、、、、、之差,例如:The rate of growth fell by 3 percent. 增长率下降了3%。Up to: (数目上)多达,达到,例如:This tend can take up to 10 men. 这顶帐篷至多可睡10人。 5. Volkswagen, … is spending $ 1.8 bn on the car and engine plants… 注意spend 的用法:(1) 用(钱),花费。例如:He spend 200 dollars on a new TV set. 他花200 美元买了一台新的电视机。(2)花(时间),度过。例如:I wish you wouldn’t spend so much time (in) watching TV.我希望你不要花这么多时间看电视。He spent a lot of time on sports. 他花很多时间在体育运动上。

41 Part 2 Driving eastwards
6. not only …but also: 是连词词组,其中also 可以省略,要注意的是 not only 和 but (also) 所连接的结构要相同。例如:He speaks not only English but also French. 他不但会说英语,而且还会说法语。I not only heard it but saw it. 我不但听到了,还看到了。 7. in spite of: 不顾,不管。例如:In spite of what you say, I still believe he is honest. 不管你说什么,我还是相信他是诚实的。

42 Part 2 Driving eastwards
Useful expressions: to invest 投资 be located In/at … 位于 to produce a new model 生产新车型 to build new factories/ plants in…在…建新厂 to have a joint venture 拥有一家合资企业 our markets in … develop rapidly 我们在……的市场发展迅速

43 Self-study Reuters. &
Nokia诺基亚是移动通信的全球领先者,推动着更广阔的移动性行业持 续发展。诺基亚致力于提供易用和创新的产品,包括 移动电话、图像、游戏、媒体以及面向移动网络运营 商和企业用户的解决方案,从而丰富人们的生活,提 升其工作效率。诺基亚股票在全球五个主要证券市场 上市,股东遍布世界各地。凭借创新科技,诺基亚作 为中国移动通信系统和终端、宽带网络设备领先供应 商的地位不断加强。诺基亚是中国移动通信行业最大 的出口企业。中国也是诺基亚全球重要的生产和研发 基地之一,诺基亚在中国建有六个研发机构和四个生 诺基亚董事长兼CEO约玛·奥利拉 产基地,办公机构遍布全国,员工逾6000人。

44 Self-study Timberland(天木蓝)
Timberland公司的信条是,以卓越的创造,设计出全世界最具创新的产品。这家成立于1918年的美国波士顿的公司创业初期是一家专业制鞋公司。  TIMBERLAND 生产包括服装,鞋类,雨具,手表等户外休闲产品。它号召人们走出自己的小天地,充分享受大自然。他的产品全面体现了革新设计,坚固耐用,功能性强等特点。同时也体现了年轻,活泼,粗犷,结实,实用等特色。  TIMBERLAND的使命是“装备你的人生旅程,并在你的世界里创造非凡。”TIMBERLAND在全球不乏追随者。在美国就有Will Smith, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston...更有一位hip hop歌星称自己为Timberland。

45 Self-study ABN AMRO Daewoo

46 Exam focus: Vocabulary 聚焦考试:词汇
Unit 3 Exam focus: Vocabulary 聚焦考试:词汇

47 Objectives To provide Ss with useful strategies for coping with unknown vocabulary To present useful ways of organizing and storing new vocabulary

48 Vocabulary in the examination
要点解析 1. 由词根加前、后缀产生的词汇叫派生词,同一词根加不同的词缀可以表示不同的意义或词类。由前缀加词根构成的派生词通常只改变词义而不改变词性(少数例外)。词根加后缀改变词性,词汇意义也略有改变。 2. 在名词或形容词的词尾加-ise 或-ize 同-ise 可将名词或形容词变为动词,所以,global (形容词、全球的);globalise/globalize (动词、使全球化);standard (名词、标准);standardise / stardardize (名词、使标准化)。因此,课文第一行准确的说法应是Adjective/ Noun to verb, 而不是Noun to verb. 3. 将形容词变成名词时可在词尾加 –ity/ ty 如:loyal___ loyalty, royal____ royalty. 但是,当形容词以-e 结尾时,应去掉-e, 加-ity, 如 diverse____ diversity.

49 Vocabulary in the examination
4. 将形容词变成副词时,通常是在形容词尾加上-ly。例如:natural_____ naturally, quick___ quickly, common _______ commonly. 但是,当形容词以-y 结尾时,在加-ly 之前应先变y 为I, 例如:heavy ______ heavily, busy _____busily. 当形容词以-le 结尾时,去e 加y 即可,例如:simple ___simply, reasonable _____reasonably. 5. 课文提到的这些加前、后缀的构词法法对我们帮助积累和扩大词汇量很有用,必须熟记。但是在运用时,还是要多与字典核对,不可想当然,以免出错。比如,将动词变成表示执行这个动作的人(物)的名词时,可在该动词后加-er或-or, 如:worker, investor; 又如,以r开头的形容词通常以加前缀ir-的方法表示其否定意义,如:rational _____ irrational, regular _____irregular. 但是,我们还可以看到下面这些例外的现象:reasonable ______ unreasonable, realistic ________ unrealistic. 所以,到底怎么用,对初学者来说,还应该通过查字典来确定。

50 Unit 4a Telephoning 打电话

51 Objectives To practice telephoning language (including leaving and taking messages) To practice listening for gist and specific information

52 Part 1 Getting through Listening 1 Language points
1. Can I help you? 这句话的原意为:我能为你效劳吗?这是服务员、营业员、电话接线员等的招呼语,翻译成汉语时,应视具体情况做不同的处理。若是出自营业员之口,这句话可译为:您找谁?您找哪一位?

53 Part 1 Getting through 2. I’ll put you through. 我给您接。如果要说“请替我接…….” 可以说:Please put me through to … 3. Can I take a message? 需要给您转达吗? Take a message 的意思是:捎口信。那么,“留口信”可以说:leave a message. 4. Could I have extention184, please? 请给我接184分机。要表达“请给我接…… 分机”还可以说:leave a massage.

54 Part 1 Getting through 5. I’m afraid he’s in a meeting. 恐怕他在开会。I’m afraid 的意思是:遗憾的、抱歉的。它是口头用语,用于提出异议、说出令人不快的事实、拒绝对方要求等场合,使语气婉转。例如:I’m afraid you are wrong. 恐怕是你错了。 6. He should be available after lunch. 他午饭后应该有空。在本句中be available 的意思是:有暇的,空闲的。例如:The manager is not available now. 经理现在没有空。 7. It’s Ok. I’ll hold. 没事,我等着(不挂断)。I’ll hold = I’ll hold the line. 我(等着)不挂断电话。 8. We were cut off. 我们的电话断线了。

55 Part 2 Reasons for calling
Leaving a message ode_biz79_D8_ mp3 Wrong number 打错电话了 An emergency call 紧急情况电话

56 Part 2 Reasons for calling
Leaving a message 留言 A: Good evening. Wellington Hotel.   B: Hello. Can you put me through to room number 526? A: Hold the line, please. Hello. There is no answer. Could you call later, or would you like to leave a message? B: I'd like to leave a message. Please tell Mr. Johnson that there will be a meeting for team leaders at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. Please have him call Lin Li at as soon as he gets back. A: Was that ?  B: Yes.  A: Fine. I'll be sure he gets your message. B: Thank you. Good-bye.

57 Part 2 Reasons for calling
Wrong number 打错电话了 A: Hello.  B: Hello. May I speak to the team manager, Mr. Hansen, please?  A: I'm sorry. You must have the wrong number. B: Is that , the phone number of room 615? A: No, it isn't.  B: Oh, I'm sorry.  A: That's all right. Good-bye. B: Good-bye.

58 Part 2 Reasons for calling
An emergency call 紧急情况电话 A: Secretariat of the Organizing Committee. May I help you? 这里是组委会秘书处,请问有什么事? B: I'd like to report an emergency!  A: Yes. Go ahead, please. B: We are members of the Chinese Athletics Team. A Chinese athlete has just broken his leg. 我们是中国田径队的队员,一名中国运动员腿部骨折了。 A: What's your name?  B: Li Ming.  A: Where are you now? B: We are in the gymnasium of Victoria University. It's on David Street. 我们是维多利亚大学的体育馆,是在大卫街。 A: All right. We'll get you an ambulance right away. B: How long do we have to wait here? A: The ambulance will probably get there in 15 minutes. B: Thank you.

59 Internal communication
Unit 4b Internal communication

60 Objectives: To practice writing memos and e-mails
To review making requests and talking about obligation

61 Part 1 Memos, notes and notice
Warmer T quickly elicits differences between memos, notes and notices. Reading Ss scan memos etc. for general information and answer questions. Ss brainstorm differences between memos, notes and notices.

62 Part 1 Memos, notes and notice
Language Focus Ss review the language of requests and obligation/necessity. Speaking Ss exchange information about internal communication in their own companies.

63 Part 1 Memos, notes and notice
要要点解析点解析 可以从上述简易公文中的人名、城市名等找出题目要求的信息。比如,跨国企业一般都会雇佣办事处所在的雇员或者通晓办事处所在国语言的雇员,所以,从“维洛尼克. 勒布”这个法国人的名字可得知,该公司在法国有市场。 Meeting with Veronique Loboeuf cancelled. 这是一个不完整的句子,完整正确的句子应为:Meeting with Veronique Loboeuf has been cancelled. 便条的写作格式没有备忘录那么正式规范,可以使用首字母缩写词,还可以省略主语、助动词、冠词等。 Please note that you need to arrive… 句中note 为动词,意思是:注意;留意。如:Please note how I did it. (请注意我刚才是怎么做的)

64 Part 1 Memos, notes and notice
Tel no. = telephone number ASAP = as soon as possible The price goes to … 句中动词go 的意思是:(奖品、遗产、职位等)被给(于)、归属于。例如:Victory always goes to the strong. 胜利永远属于强者。

65 Part 2 Writing memos Listening
Ss take notes from a telephone conversation. Language focus Ss review language of requests in memos. Writing Ss write a memo from their notes.

66 Part 3 Writing s Speaking Ss practice saying and website addresses. Writing Ss write an from written stimuli. Listening Ss take notes from a telephone conversation. Writing Ss write an from their notes. Self-study Writing Ss turn a memo into a personal note. Ss write a short note from written stimuli. Exam practice Memo writing (Writing Test Part 1).

67 Unit 5a Facts and figures

68 Objectives: To enable Ss to describe trends
To practice reading for specific information To review adjectives and adverbs

69 Part 1 An annual report Reading
Ss read extracts from the Millennium Annual Report and answer ‘Right, Wrong, Doesn't say' comprehension questions. Speaking Ss work in pairs and tell their partner what their own company's annual report will contain.

70 Part 1 An annual report Millennium
Expressions Millennium Millennium infant; millennium baby 千禧婴儿 When will come the millennium? 太平盛世何时才能来临? Unexpected an unexpected reverse 意外的厄运 an unexpected encounter 不期而遇 cope with unexpected catastrophes 应付突如其来的灾难 storm at the unexpected delay 因意外耽搁而大发雷霆

71 Part 1 An annual report What an unexpected pleasure! 没想到你会来,真是太高兴了!
gracious even to unexpected visitors; 即便对不速之客也殷勤有礼; Some unexpected difficulties have arisen. 出现了一些意想不到的困难。 On the unexpected news of his accident 在获悉他发生事故这一意外的消息後

72 Part 1 An annual report Domestic Domestic oil; domestic wine. 国产油;国产酒
domestic troubles 家庭纠纷 domestic markets 国内市场 domestic mail 国内邮件 domestic jobs 家务活 domestic house 民居 domestic economy 家庭经济;家政 domestic debt 内债 domestic bliss 家庭的极大幸福

73 Part 1 An annual report Overtake overtake another car 超过另一辆车
overtake and outstrip 赶上并超过 overtake on the outside 从外侧超车 Don't overtake. It’s dangerous. 别超车,这危险。 To catch up with; overtake. 赶上;越过,超过 The road is too narrow to overtake. 这条路太窄了,不能超车。 The car pulled out to overtake the lorry. 小汽车开出车道去超那辆卡车。 An ass lade with gold overtake every thing. 驮金的驴子无险阻。

74 Part 1 An annual report Release release structure 泄水建筑物
press release (向记者发布的)新闻稿;(通讯社发布的)通讯稿 a timed - release allergy medication; timed - release fertilizers. 长效抗过敏治疗;长效化肥 release of pollutants 污染物的释放 release a prisoner 释放犯人 news release conference 新闻发布会

75 Part 1 An annual report Domination
attempt to attain world domination 企图取得世界统治地位 under the domination of these emotions 在这种情绪的支配下 Yielding readily to influence or domination; compliant. 易受影响的准备服务从于影响或统治的;依从的 His domination by his brother made him very angry. 他被他哥哥所控制,这使他非常气愤。 She has been under the domination of her father since childhood. 她自孩提时代起一直受父亲控制。 dominate others 支配别人 dominate a factory economically 在经济上控制一个工厂 an unbending will to dominate. 占据主宰地位的坚定意志

76 Part 1 An annual report To dominate or prevail over. 统治或胜过…
In a position to control or dominate 处於控制或支配地位的 An unbending will to dominate. 占据主宰地位的坚定意志 The strong dominate over the weak. 强者支配行弱者。 To make insignificant by comparison; dominate. 使显得不重要,使相形见拙通过对比使不重要;支配,统治 To have a controlling influence; dominate. 有控制性影响;统治

77 Part 1 An annual report Launch mobile launch 机动发射 launch vehicle 运载火箭
launch conditions 发射条件 launch a rocket; launch a torpedo. 发射一枚火箭;发射一颗鱼雷 launch a career; launch a business venture.开创一项事业;开始一项冒险事业 launch an attack 开始攻击 launch a ship 使船下水

78 Part 1 An annual report Entertainment prodigal entertainment 奢侈的款待
entertainment tax 娱乐税 cheap entertainment 低级的娱乐 a musical entertainment 音乐演奏会 wholesome entertainment. 增进身心健康的娱乐 to the entertainment of 使感到有趣的是 the entertainment of guests 对宾客的招待 much to my entertainment 我感到最有趣(的是)... live entertainment. 现场娱乐活动 hold a farewell entertainment 举行欢送会

79 Part 1 An annual report Adapt The shoes adapt me well. 这鞋我穿正好。
You must adapt method to circumstance. 你必须于方法适合客观情况。 To adapt to a specified measurement. 采用适应一种特别的测量方法 She lacked the ability to adapt easily. 她缺少适应能力。 Young animals adapt quickly to a new environment. 幼小动物很快就适应新的环境。 You should adapt yourself to the new environment. 你应该适应新环境。

80 Part 1 An annual report Challenge challenge trophy 需几次获胜后方可永久占有的奖杯
challenge attention 要求人们必须注意 offer the challenge 提出任务;展现前景 meet the challenge 满足要求;完成任务 issue the challenge 提出任务 face the challenge 遇到问题,面向挑战 Meet the serious challenge 面对严峻挑战 accept take ] a challenge 应战 To defy or challenge. 抵抗公然不顾或挑战 To challenge or contest. 挑战,争斗

81 Part 1 An annual report Distribution uniform distribution 一致分布
profit distribution 利润分配 probability distribution 概率分布 power distribution 配电 population distribution 人口分布 normal distribution 正态分布 finance distribution 财政分配

82 Part 1 An annual report Multimedia
Many multimedia controls still need to be obtained from the developer but are installed automatically. 许多多媒体的控制程序仍需从开发商处索取,不过都是自动安装的。 Use Media Player and Sound Recorder to play or record sound flies and work with other multimedia devices. 用多媒体播放器和录音机播放或记录声音文件,并可以同其他多媒体设备一起工作。

83 Part 1 An annual report Continental
continental slope 大陆坡 continental shelf 大陆架 continental seating 不留中间过道的剧场座位 continental margin 大陆边缘 continental drift 大陆飘移 continental currency 欧洲的通货 continental collision 大陆碰撞

84 Part 1 An annual report Level off
After the government had taken some effective measures, prices began to level off. 政府采取了一些有效措施后,物价开始稳定了。 "well - off” level 小康水平

85 Part 1 An annual report Improve improve abilities 提高能力
improve the physique 增强体质 improve public morals 改进风气 improve one's time 善用时间 improve in health 改善健康 improve oneself in English 提高自己的英语水平 show a tendency to improve 显示改善的倾向。 exercises to improve one's figure 使体态健美的运动 measures tending to improve working conditions 有助于改善劳动条件的措施

86 Part 1 An annual report Steadily
The situation worsened steadily. 情况越来越糟。 Rain was falling steadily. 雨不停地下着。 He's getting steadily worse. 他的病情每况愈下。 an idea steadily gaining credence; 逐步得到坚信的观念; Work hard and steadily to complete sth 勤劳而塌实地工作以完成某事 They steadily gained in experience. 他们不断积累了经验。 The work is progressing steadily. 这项工作不断取得进展。 The water ran down steadily. 水不断地往下流。

87 Part 1 An annual report Slightly slightly sweetened 微甜的,加少量糖的
slightly fruity 淡果香的 slightly irregular shirts 不合规格的衬衫 be slightly wounded 受轻伤 be slightly deaf 有一点聋 be slightly built (建筑物等)不牢固的;(体格)瘦弱的,苗条的 Slightly built. 身材纤细 She shivered slightly. 她微微地利发抖。

88 Part 1 An annual report Throughout throughout the week 整个星期
throughout the country 全国 throughout one's life 毕生,整个一生中 The house is painted throughout. 这座房子上上下下油漆一新。 This feeling persisted throughout the day. 这种情绪持续了一整天。 The temperature varied throughout the day. 气温一整天都在变化着

89 Part 2 Describing graphs
Reading Ss match sentences about Millennium with information in graph and bar chart form. Vocabulary Ss complete word families: infinitive and past simple verb forms and nouns. Language focus Ss review adjectives and adverbs describing degrees of change. Vocabulary Ss complete gaps in two short texts about Millennium's performance. Ss focus on prepositions used to describe change. Speaking Ss work in pairs and take turns to describe a graph or draw their partner's graph. (Activity sheets on pages 125 and 129)

90 Part 2 Describing graphs
★Self-study Vocabulary Matching verbs and diagrams (verbs of movement). Language focus Gap-fill exercise (prepositions). Vocabulary Matching exercise (compound nouns). Exam practice Matching visuals with sentences (Reading Test Part 3).

91 Unit 5b Performance

92 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about company performance
To practice listening for gist and for specific information To review the present perfect and past simple To practice talking about reasons and consequences

93 Part 1 Measuring performance
Listening 1 Ss listen to a presentation about a privatised company and complete a bar chart and a graph. Ss then listen again and answer comprehension questions. Language focus Ss find examples of various uses of the present perfect and past simple tenses in the tapescript and describe the use of these two tenses. Ss match sentence halves to make sentences in the present perfect or past simple. Speaking Ss do a Find someone who ... exercise, asking questions about previous experiences.

94 Part 1 Measuring performance
要点解析 Last year saw both the continued development of trends…。句中的动词saw (see的过去式)的意思是:(时代等)以 …… 为特点,历经;而不是“看,看到”。例如:This week sees more changes in the packaging world. 本周包装行业出现了更大的变化。Continued 是过去分词,相当于形容词的作用,修饰名词development. Other sports titled are now amongst the company’s brands. 其他以体育项目冠名的产品如今也进入了公司的畅销品牌之列。句中介词amongst 等于among, 意思是:在……. 中。 Further Schoolware titled to be launched this year… 句中不定式短语to be launched 修饰名词titled.

95 Part 1 Measuring performance
buying power: 购买力 With computer shops, they now account for … 介词with 在句中的意思是:连同……, 加在……上。例如:His money with his wife’s comes to a million. 他的钱连同他妻子的合计有100万元,句中account for 的意思是:占……, 是…… 的原因。例如:North Sea oil accounts for a high proportion of our export earnings. 北海石油占我国出口收入的很大一部分。

96 Part 1 Measuring performance
Expressions Performance performance evaluation 绩效评估 performance construction 演出结构 performance bond 履约保证金 musical performance 演奏 music performance 音乐表演 dramatic performance 戏剧表演

97 Part 1 Measuring performance
Presentation presentation of credentials 递交国书 payable on presentation 交银行即可兑现 a presentation day 大学学位授予日 a presentation copy 赠送本 Packing and presentation 包装装潢及外观 for ease of presentation 为便于说明

98 Part 1 Measuring performance
Preparation mental preparation 思想准备 land preparation 整地 battlefield preparation 战场准备 artillery preparation 炮火准备

99 Part 1 Measuring performance
Privatize The government intends to go ahead with its privatization plan. 政府拟推行私有化计划。 The government is running up against considerable opposition to its privatization plans. 政府的私有化计划遇到了很大的阻力。 The current debate about privatization is likely to grow hotter in the coming weeks. 目前这场关於私有化的争论在未来几周内可能愈演愈烈。 Privatization be think to be beneficial in that it promote competition 私营化的优点在於能促进相互竞争

100 Part 1 Measuring performance
Regional regional tariff 地区性关税 regional protectionism 地方保护主义 regional planning 区域规划 regional organizations 区域性国际组织 regional geology 区域地质学

101 Part 1 Measuring performance
Reliability reliability trials (汽车等的)耐用[可靠]试验 reliability program 可靠性计划 reliability management 可靠性管理 reliability engineering 可靠性工程 reliability design 可靠性设计 reliability analysis 可靠性分析 reliability of structure 结构可靠度 flight vehicle reliability 飞行器可靠性 electronics reliability engineering 电子产品可靠性工程

102 Part 1 Measuring performance
Punctuality His punctuality is a proverb=He is a proverb for punctuality) 他严守时间是有名的。 Made a fetish of punctuality. 过分恪守时间 His punctuality has become proverbial. 他的准时,众所周知。 Our boss urged on us the significance of punctuality. 老板向我们强调守时的重要性。 How can I ram home to you the importance of punctuality? 我怎样才能向你强调说明严守时刻的重要性呢? He was always late on principle, his principle being that punctuality is the thief of time. 原则上他一向迟到,他的原则就是认为守候等于浪费时间。

103 Part 1 Measuring performance
Figure figure skating 花样滑冰 figure painting 人物画 figure expenses 计算开支 estimative figure 估计的数字 an imposing figure 大人物,要人

104 Part 1 Measuring performance
Brochure sales brochure 推广小册子,宣传品 a holiday brochure 假日指南 We send away for the new brochure. 我们写信求寄新手册。 I'll send you the brochure right away. 我会把公司简介即刻给您寄去。 Do help yourself to a brochure, sir. 您可以看看产品介绍,先生。 Can you send me a brochure about your company? 请寄给我公司简介。 Please inform us of your trade term and forward sample and product brochure. 请告知贵方的贸易条件并寄来货样及产品小册子。 We send off for a brochure about holidays in Greece or about ferry service. 我们写信索取了一本关于去希腊度假或关于渡船服务的宣传手册。

105 Part 1 Measuring performance
Revenue tax revenue 税收收入 sales revenue 销售收入 revenue tariff 财政关税 monopoly revenue 专卖收入 internal revenue 国内税收 derivative revenue 派生收入 revenue tons carried 运送有收入的货物吨数

106 Part 2 Explain result Listening 2
Ss listen to questions asked after the presentation and complete notes about the rail company. Ss then listen and complete multiple-choice comprehension questions. Language focus Ss review language for giving reasons and stating consequences. Speaking Ss ask for and give reasons for changes in their company.

107 Part 2 Explain result Expressions Track
mixed the vocal track and instrumental track. 将声乐音带与乐器音带混合 unbeaten track 未走过的路,新路,未开辟的地区,未经探索的领域 track walking 跑道竞走 track walker 巡道工 track maintenance 轨道养护

108 Part 2 Explain result Lease 租赁贸易 lease credit 租赁信用
building lease 租地造屋权 lease and leasehold 佃租制 a perpetual lease 永久租地权 the provisions of lease 租借条款 lease a piece of land 租赁一块土地。 contract of lease of property 租赁合同

109 Part 2 Explain result Upgrade
You upgrade over an earlier version of window95. 你正在对Windows95的早期版本升级。 Effort to upgrade the schools must come from the community 改进学校的努力必须来自该社区 We need to upgrade the pay and status of doctor. 我们需要提高医生的工资和地位。 When several offer come in the house owner upgrade the price. 当有几个人要买这栋房子时,房主提高了房价。

110 Part 2 Explain result We must try to upgrade our cattle to the required standard of meat. 我们必须努力提高牛的品级,使之达到所要求的食用肉标准。 Soon the truck come into sight around a bend and on an upgrade. 不一会卡车就出现在一个拐弯和上坡处。 Borland offers special upgrade pricing for customers who have purchased Delphi for Window3.1. 对于购买了Windows3.1下Delphi的顾客,Borland提供特别升级定价。 With the newly - imported equipment,the dairy can upgrade their milk to the required standard. 有了新进口的设备,乳品厂可以使新生产的牛奶达到要求。 When you feel stick in a rut,it is time for you to upgrade your skill. 感觉自己停滞不前的时候就是应该技术更新的时候。

111 Part 2 Explain result Belong to
She doesn't belong here. 她在这无所归属,格格不入;这里不是适合她的地方。 Do you belong here? 你在这里居住吗? Where do these things belong? 这些东西应当搁在哪里? This book belongs to me. 这本书属于我。 Success belongs to the persevering. 坚持到底,就是胜利。

112 Self-study Vocabulary Jumbled phrases (presentation phrases).
Language focus Gap-fill presentation (present perfect/past simple). Linking phrases to make sentences expressing result or consequence. Exam practice Matching visuals with sentences (Reading Test Part 3). Homework Self-study

113 Unit 6 Exam focus: Reading

114 Objectives To familiarize Ss with the content of the Reading Test
To provide useful tips To practice the Reading Test

115 The Reading Test T gives an overview of the Reading Test.
How to succeed Ss read tips for doing the Reading Test. Exam practice (not a complete test) Part One: Multiple-choice. Part Two: Matching. Part Three: Matching (graphs and charts). Part Five: Multiple-choice. Part Six: Multiple-choice gap-filling.

116 Unit 7a Product Description

117 Objectives To enable Ss to describe products in general terms
To practice listening for specific information To review language for talking about dimensions and comparatives and superlatives To practice question formation

118 Part 1 Presenting a product
Warmer T elicits vocabulary related to board game. Listening Ss listen to a presentation of new board games and identify pictures. Ss listen for more detail and identify what notes refer to. T reviews language related to dimensions. Language focus Ss form questions about the games. Speaking Ss work in pairs and describe a board game they like.

119 Part 1 Presenting a product
要点解析 1. Morning everyone: 大家好,等于good morning everyone. 英语口头表达趋向简洁,从这个例子可以窥见一斑。 2. as you know: 正如大家所知,众所周知,是引起他人注意的用语。 3. Our latest products in our range of games: 我们的游戏玩具系列中的最新产品。 4. Which comes In two versions: 现在两种版本供应。动词come 在句子中不作“来,来到”解,它的意思是:被出售,被供应。例如:This dress comes in four sizes. 这种女服有四种尺寸供应。 5. As you can see: 正如大家所见。与as you know 一样,这也是一句引起他人注意的用语。

120 Part 1 Presenting a product
6. The travel size, Mindtwist, is obviously smaller… which measures just 23cm square. “脑筋急 转弯”旅行版的尺寸明显比较小,它的棋盘薄、轻、有磁性,只有23平方厘米。Just 的意思是:仅仅;square 的意思是:平方,正方形。 7. the four playing pieces are magnetic counters which are made of coloured plastic.那四个带磁的圆形硬片是用彩色塑料做成的。Counter 的原意是筹码,在此可译为圆形硬片。 8. The standard version will retail at &17.99… 标准版的零售价将定为17.99英镑。Retail 在此为动词。 9. This is a card game for three to six players. 这是一个可供3到6人玩的纸牌游戏。

121 Part 1 Presenting a product
Only five out of every 5000 drug… out of 在此句中的意思是:从……中。例如:in nine cases out of ten 十之八九。Every 在此的意思是:每隔…… 的,每……之中的。例如: out of every five men only two were fit. 每5人中只有2人是合格的。 … how the drug works against a particular disease… 句中的works 作“起作用,有效”解,介词against 的意思是:抵御,抵抗。

122 Part 1 Presenting a product
… people who suffer a particular disease… 动词suffer (from) 的意思是:患有(疾病等),受痛苦,受损害。例如:She suffers from headaches. 她患头痛病。His health suffers from overwork. 他的健康因工作过度而受到损害。 The company makes a New Drug Application to the authorities, which is often 1000 pages or more. 句中make an application to … 意为向…… 提出申请。Authority 作“官方,当局”解时,常用复数:authorities. Which 引导的非限制性定语从句修饰a New Drug Application. The research-based pharmaceutical industry … research-based : 以研究为中心的。Based 一词常和名词一起以构成复合词,意思是:以…… 为据点(基地)的,以…… 为主要手段的。例如:computer-based accountancy 利用计算机的会计工作;a London-based firm 总部设在伦敦的公司。

123 Part 1 Presenting a product
Useful vocabulary 1. weight 重量 2. metric ton 公吨 3. long ton 长吨,英吨(合1.016公吨) 4. short ton 短吨,美吨(等于2000磅或907.15公斤) 5. kilogram, kilo, kg 公斤 6. pound, lb 磅 (合0.454千克) 7. ounce, oz 盎司 (常衡=1/16 磅; 金衡及药衡=1/12磅=31.104克; 略作oz.) 8. number 个数 9. piece 件 10. pair 双 11 dozen 打 12. ream 令(量词,500张纸为1令) 13. set 套 14. length 长度 15. area 面积 16. volume 体积

124 Part 1 Presenting a product
17. cubic meter 立方米 18. capacity 容积 19. liter 升 20. gallon 加仑(英制液量单位,英加仑=4.546升,美加仑=3.785升) 21. bushel 蒲式耳 (量谷类的单位,约为36升)英国量鱼类的单位(约50磅) 22. metric system 公制 23. British system 英制 24. U.S. System 美制 25. gross weight 毛重 26. net weight 净重 27. shipping weight 装运重量 28. landed weight 卸货重量 29. theoretical weight 理论重量

125 Part 2 Describing a product
Listening 2 Ss listen to the same sales manager talking to a retailer and identify which games are of interest. Ss then listen again and answer comprehension questions. Language focus Ss review comparatives and superlatives. Speaking Ss work in pairs. They list and rank points they considered when buying something they both bought.

126 Self-study Vocabulary Word-building and question formation exercise.
Language focus Comparatives and superlatives exercise. Writing Ss write about a product they have recently bought Exam practice Multiple-choice gap-fill (Reading Test Part 6)

127 Unit 7b Product development

128 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about product development
To practice reading and listening for specific information To review sequencing words (first, after that etc.) To review the present continuous and going to for future arrangements and intentions

129 Materials needed Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary
Cards- Set A 9 cards: one set of cards per pair/group to be photocopied from T's Guide Set B 6 cards: one set of cards per pair/group to be photocopied from T's Guide

130 Part 1 Product testing Speaking Ss do a quiz about drug development in the USA. Reading Ss read an article to find answers to the quiz. Ss re-mad the article and complete a table about the stages of the development process. Language focus Ss review language for sequencing (first, then, next, etc.). Writing Ss put cards describing the drug development process in order then write a text linking the stages. Speaking Ss talk in pairs about the development of one of their company's products or services.

131 Part 2 Marketing a product
Listening Ss listen to a marketing manager talking about plans for the launch of a new arthritis drug and answer comprehension questions. Ss listen again and order the stages in the process. Language focus Ss review the present continuous for future arrangements and going to for intentions. Speaking Ss talk in pairs about their company's plans. Ss then ask and answer questions about personal plans (using cards).

132 Part 2 Marketing a product
要点解析 If we are to stop the spread of diseases… 句中的are to 的原形为be to. Be to + 不定式表示按计划安排的将来动作。例如:If we are to be at the station by nine o’clock we must go now. 如果我们要在九点到火车站,现在就必须走。 Be to + 不定式结构表示的将来动作一般都是受人们意志控制的,在这一点上,它可以和be going to 互相使用,但含义略有不同,例如:I am going to play tennis afternoon. (表示现在意图) I am to play tennis this afternoon. (表示计划、安排或受人指示) Only five out of every 5000 drug… out of 在此句中的意思是:从……中。例如:in nine cases out of ten 十之八九。Every 在此的意思是:每隔…… 的,每……之中的。例如: out of every five men only two were fit. 每5人中只有2人是合格的。

133 Part 2 Marketing a product
… how the drug works against a particular disease… 句中的works 作“起作用,有效”解,介词against 的意思是:抵御,抵抗。 … people who suffer a particular disease… 动词suffer (from) 的意思是:患有(疾病等),受痛苦,受损害。例如:She suffers from headaches. 她患头痛病。His health suffers from overwork. 他的健康因工作过度而受到损害。

134 Part 2 Marketing a product
The company makes a New Drug Application to the authorities, which is often 1000 pages or more. 句中make an application to … 意为向…… 提出申请。Authority 作“官方,当局”解时,常用复数:authorities. Which 引导的非限制性定语从句修饰a New Drug Application. The research-based pharmaceutical industry … research-based : 以研究为中心的。Based 一词常和名词一起以构成复合词,意思是:以…… 为据点(基地)的,以…… 为主要手段的。例如:computer-based accountancy 利用计算机的会计工作;a London-based firm 总部设在伦敦的公司。

135 Self-study Vocabulary Gap-fill exercise (sequencers).
Language focus Gap-fill exercise (present continuous for future arrangements and going to). Vocabulary Multiple-choice gap-fill exercise. Exam practice Multiple-choice comprehension exercise (Reading Test Part 1)

136 Business equipment Office equipment
Unit 8a Business equipment Office equipment

137 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about business equipment
To practice reading for specific information To practice listening for gist and specific information To review language for giving instructions and practice form-filling Materials needed: Cassette -Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary

138 Part I Talking about business equipment
Expressions Capacity: transport capacity; seating capacity; parking capacity Capability: marine self - purification capability; the capability of a metal to be fused Sophisticated: sophisticated new equipment; a sophisticated girl; a sophisticated columnist; highly sophisticated products Optimize: Optimize the economic structure; Optimize the allocation of resources We must optimize the opportunities for better understanding.

139 Part I Talking about business equipment Office equipment
Key points Thanks to: Thanks to her help, Mary was soon recovered. To suit practically all situation: situation的原意为状态,情况。在此指各种类型文稿的复印。 Sheet stand:托纸架 Unbeatable Copier Deals from Xerox: deal为名次时,有“情况,事情”的意思。 Included with this product is the 3 year Express Exchange Warranty. 这是一个倒装句。正常的语序为:The 3 year Express Exchange Warranty is included with this product. RRP=reference retail price or recommended retail price.

140 Part II Giving instructions
Pre Listening Operating instruction Machine jams insert Remove the excess paper Switch on/off Automatically

141 Part II Giving instructions
Key points Purchasing:采购部 Everyone keeps asking how to use it: keep+doing, keep going till you reach the traffic lights. Hold on a second I’ve got all that: got=understand The motor overheats sometimes There are a few things to be careful about – like never put your fingers in the shredder: like在此为非正式用法,相当于as,如同,好像。 And be careful with long hair and loose articles of clothing like ties. And that’s it.要小心长头发和衣物上不固定的物件,比如领带。就是这些了。

142 Supplement Unit 8a Business equipment - Desk & Office Accessories

143 Unite 8b Correspondence

144 letter phases Main element of formal business letter Heading 信头
Date 发信日期 Reference 编号 Inside address 封内地址 Salutation 称呼 Subject line 主题/事由 Body 正文 Complimentary close 结束语 Signature, Writer‘s full name and position 写信人的签名、姓名和职位

145 Part I Sending a quotation
商业信函的7个“C”原则 写信的原则(Writing Principles)已从原来的3个“C”(Conciseness, Clearness, Courtesy)发展到目前的7个“C”:Completeness, Clearness, Concreteness, Conciseness, Correctness, Courtesy, Consideration

146 Part I Sending a quotation
Key points I’ve attached a copy of…;Please find enclosed a copy of… Should you have any further questions. 这是虚拟条件句: If you should have any further questions的省略形式。注意:if引导的虚拟条件从句在省略if后,要把助动词或情态动词放在主语前面。

147 Part 2 Letters of acceptance
Key points A 2% reduction is offered on payments within 10 days. Delegates: per person Extras: Training per person Bankers: Lloyds Bank PLC… 开户银行:劳埃德(股份)银行

148 Supplement Unite 8b Correspondence - Business Letter

149 Unite 9 Exam Focus: Writing

150 Objectives 150To familiarize Ss with the content of the Writing Test
To provide useful tips To practice the Writing Test Materials needed: None

151 The Writing Test How to succeed
T brainstorms what Ss think the examiner is looking for and takes Ss through tips regarding task completion and language. Memos and notes Ss focus on Part One of the Writing Test and rank four candidates' answers. T emphasizes the importance of task completion. Ss read tips then write a memo. Letters and longer memos Ss focus on Part Two of the Writing Test. They focus on how to plan their answer then write a letter. Exam practice Part One: Note. Part Two: Letter replying to an enquiry. Part One: . Part Two: Longer memo.

152 要点解析 1.      We are pleased to enclose our latest brochure, showing our exciting new products… 我们很高兴随信附上最新产品资料资料,介绍本公司另人兴奋的新产品。 2.      We would like the opportunity to visit your company in order to inform you personally of the latest product developments… 我们希望能有机会拜访贵公司,直接向您本人介绍最新产品的开发情况。 3.      If you would like to take advantage of a visit from a member of our sales team, could you please inform us of a suitable date and time? 如果您觉得我方销售小组成员的拜访是一个可以利用的机会,敬请将合适的时间通知我们。动词短语take advantage of 的意思是:利用。例如:We had better take advantage of the warmer weather by going for walk. 我们最好趁着天气比较暖和,今天下午出去散散步。 Which products would be of particular interest to you. 哪些是您特别感兴趣的产品。

153 Unite 10a Business Hotel

154 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about hotel facilities for business people To practice reading and listening for specific information To enable Ss to ask for/give directions Materials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Cards - 12 cards: one set of cards per pair/group to be photocopied from T's Guide

155 Part 1 Hotel Facilities Mayfair: 梅菲尔,是位于伦敦西区的高级住宅.
Strand:斯特兰德大街,位于伦敦中西部,以旅店和戏院著称. Charing Cross:查令十字大街,位于伦敦中心,在斯特兰大街和泰晤士河河堤之间. Hyde Park:海德公园,位于伦敦,因常被用作政治性集会的场所而著称. gardens: (用于街区、街道等地名的) 园、 街。例如: Calton gardens 卡尔登大街. Covent Garden: 科文特加登,伦敦一广场名. single supplement $56: 单人加收56 英磅. a short walk: 一段步行很短的路程. West End: 伦敦西区,是王宫、会议、政府各部门所在地,多大商店、剧院和高级住宅。

156 Part 1 Hotel Facilities Expressions Accommodation facilities 住宿设施
Convenient transport 交通方便 Close to …… 紧邻 …… Comfortable and friendly service 舒适和热情的服务 Reasonable price 合理的价格 Up-to-date communication facilities 先进的通讯设施 To offer express check-in and cheek-out 提供快捷的入住登记和结帐服务 Only a short walk from theatres 离几家剧场都只有很多的路程

157 Part 2 The business traveler
After a long trip it’s annoying to have to wait at the hotel reception for five minutes. 长途旅行之后,还要在饭店的接待处等待五分钟是令人烦恼的事。代词it 为形式主语, 句子的逻辑主语是不定式短语: to have a wait at the hotel reception for five minutes. So things like a modem socket, where guest can plug their modems in, and a fax are very important. 所以,像客人们可以用来接入的调制解调器插座、传真机这样的设施都很重要.where 引导的非限定性定语从句修饰 a modem socket. Plug their modems in 中的 modems 借指电脑. And what about facilities in the hotel in general? 那么,饭店大体上应该有怎样的设施呢? 短语 in general 的意思是: 从总体上看,大体上. 例如: I like fish in general. 一般说来我爱吃鱼.

158 Part 2 The business traveler
It also coordinates conferences and any catering which is included in them. 商务中心还要协调各种会议以及包括在这些会议以内的膳食服务. Heathrow airport: (伦敦) 希思罗机场. They are more popular with tourists. 这些更受游客的喜爱. Be popular with: 受…... 喜爱的. 例如: Swimming is popular with all ages. 游泳是老老少少都喜爱的.

159 Part 2 The business traveler
There is a courtesy bus, which leaves every 20 minutes during the rush hour. (饭店的)免费接送客车在交通高峰时期每隔20 分钟开一班. Courtesy bus: 机场、饭店的免费接送客车. The bus takes about 15 minutes, depending on the traffic. 客车行程约15分钟, 具体情况取决于交通状况. 动词take 在此的意思是: 需要用(一定的时间). It’s a half hourly service during rush hour and after that it runs to a timetable. 河岸出租车在交通高峰期间每半小时一班, 高峰期过后按照时刻表运行. 介词 to 在此的意思是: (表示相符、依据) 按照, 与 …… 一致.

160 Unite 10b Commuting

161 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about traffic and transport
To practice reading and listening for specific information To review the language of prediction Materials needed: Cassette - Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Cards-12 cards: one set of cards per pair/group to be photocopied from T's Guide

162 Part 1 Reducing traffic Green tax: 绿色税 (一种为了保护环境而向任何消费行为征收的税种,由国家机构收取后再投入环境的改造). Leicester: 莱斯特,英国英格兰中部城市. Edinburgh: 爱丁堡,英国苏格兰东南部城市. Pedestrian zones: 步行区 Leeds city center gets fast lane for people sharing cars. 利兹市中心为乘坐公交车的人开辟快车道. people sharing cars 的意思是:合用车子的人。这里指乘坐公交车的人。Leeds: 利兹,英国英格兰北部城市。 Government to tax parking at work. 政府开始征收泊车税。短语 at work 的意思是:在工作,在起作用。例如:Several favorable factors have been at work in the past year. 有些因素过去一年中一直在起作用。

163 Part 1 Reducing traffic 1.I know cars are bad for the environment and all that. 我知道汽车对环境及其他不利。(and) all that 的意思是:诸如此类。例如:I used to take drugs and all that when I was young. 我年轻时曾服用毒品之类的东西。 2.Cars drivers should use park and ride schemes. 驾车的人应当按照停车后再换乘公共车辆的计划行事。 3.I hate it when you don’t have the right money on the buses. 我讨厌上了公共汽车却没有正好的零钱买票。 4.They don’t accept notes so you need a pocket full of change all the time. 他们又不收整钞,所以,你的口袋得时时装满零钱。短语 all the time 的意思时:一直,始终。

164 quick, reliable and affordable service 迅速,可靠和负担得起的服务
Part 1 Reducing traffic Expression quick, reliable and affordable service 迅速,可靠和负担得起的服务 A successful transport scheme should be …… 成功的交通运输计划应当是…… It helps to develop a new public traffic system 帮助建立新的公共交通系统 to improve flow of rush hour by…… 通过……提高交通高峰期间的车流量 Increasing the tax on petrol is to reduce the amount of traffic on roads 提高对汽油的征税是为了减少路上的车流量

165 Part 1 Reducing traffic to reduce traffic jams/costs of accidents and delays 减少交通拥挤/处理事故和延误造成的费用 Pedestrian zones can help reduce city centre pollution. 建立步行区有助于减少城市中心的污染 Traffic reduction in city centre means better air quality there. 城市中心车流量的减少意味着那里空气质量会更好。 to lead to a more efficient use of public transport…… 促成对公共交通系统的充分利用

166 Part 2 Transport policy How much are we prepared to pay for our cars? 注意句中动词 prepare 的用法,例如:He was preparing himself to go to the party. 他正在准备去参加聚会。He was prepared to go to the party. 他正在为参加聚会作好准备。 hates being stuck in traffic: 讨厌在交通中被堵。 growing problem: 日益严重的问题。 city driver 在此译为:城市里的驾车人。 ……managing the existing road network more efficiently: 动词 manage 的意思是:没法做到。例如:come here as soon as you can manage. 设法尽快来这里。

167 Arranging a conference
Unite 11a Arranging a conference

168 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about arranging a conference
To practice listening and reading for specific information To review language for checking and confirming To practice writing a letter of confirmation Materials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Cards - 7 cards: one set of cards per pair/group to be photocopied from T's Guide

169 Part 1 An enquiry Teaching Procedure
Vocabulary Ss order cards showing how to arrange a conference. Listening Ss listen to a telephone call about arranging a marketing conference and answer true/false questions before filling in a form. Speaking Ss discuss what the conference organiser's job involves. .

170 Part 1 An enquiry Reading Ss scan advertisements about three conference venues for specific information, Speaking Ss work in pairs and select a venue for the marketing conference

171 Part 1 An enquiry 要点解析 1.      Europa Events: 公司名。event 有“活动”的意思,本单元中指会议活动,在此译为:会务。Europa Events 译为:欧罗巴会务服务公司。 2.      My name is Daniel Black from Amtech . 我是Amtech 公司的丹尼尔布来克。Amtech 为一家美国公司,主要从事超声波金属焊接设备的生产,在世界各地设有销售和服务机构。 3.      Do you have a preferred location. 你有更好的地点吗?preferred 的意思是:优先的,更好的。 4. We’re thinking of Prague, if it’s affordable. 如果费用负担的起的话,我们想把会议定在布拉格开。

172 Part 1 An enquiry 5.      We plan to break into two discussion groups during the day, so we’ll need one seminar room in addition to the main conference room. 会议期间,我们打算分成两个讨论小组,所以,除了大会议室外,还需要一间小型会议室。 6.    That’s all I need to ask you for the moment. 我现在要问的就这些。介词短语 for the moment 的意思是:暂时,目前。例如:I want to leave this for the moment and talk about something else. 我想暂时把这事搁一下,谈谈其他的事。 7. …make a written proposal: 写一份书面提案。

173 Part 1 An enquiry III. Speaking 参考词语表达
Answering calls about arrangement of conferences 接各种有关会议安排的电话 Asking for the details of the conference which include venue, date, duration, price, number of delegates, equipment, catering, etc. 询问会议安排的详细情况,其中包括地点,时间,会期,价格,人数,设备,伙食,等等 offering quotation 报价 checking or confirming information on the phone or in a written form 打电话或以书面形式对信息进行核实与确认

174 Part 1 An enquiry 要点解析 1. first class facilities: 一流的设施。
2. The fourth floor: (英国)第五层楼;(美国)第四层楼。 3. This historic building in a peaceful setting overlooking the river. 这幢历史悠久的建筑,环境宁静,可以俯瞰伏尔塔瓦河。现在分词overlooking 作定语修饰名词 building. 4. Within walking distance: 靠步行可以走得到得距离,数步之遥。

175 Part 2 Confirming arrangements
I. Teaching Procedure Listening Ss listen to a telephone call in which conference arrangements are checked and complete notes. Language focus Ss review language for checking and confirming information. Speaking Ss discuss a conference programme. (Activity sheet pages 126 and 130) Writing Ss work in pairs to plan and then write a letter of confirmation.

176 Part 2 Confirming arrangements
要点解析 1.  Sure, go head. 对,接着说。动词词组go head (用于祈使句) 的意思是:进行,开始,往下说。例如:Go ahead, we’re all listening. 往下讲,我们都听着呢。 2.  There is just one thing I’m not sure about. 只有一件事我不能肯定。 3. So all drinks should go on the master account? 这么说,全部饮料费都算在总账上了?on 在句子中的意思是:由……支付。例如:Have another coffee on me. 再来一杯咖啡,我请客。Master account 意思是:总账单。

177 Part 2 Confirming arrangements
4.  I’ll confirm the whole thing in writing. 我会在信中对全部事情确认的。Writing 指letter of confirmation 确认信。商务环境中,如果交易双方同意履行约定的条款,作为产品的卖方是要向买方发一封确认信的,以书面的形式确认双方的约定。 表达核实与确认,除用动词check 和 confirm, 有时还可以说:I can assure you that… 你放心……; I’m sure that… 我保证…….

178 Unite 11b At a conference

179 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about a conference (facts and evaluation) To practice listening for specific information To practice reading for gist and specific information To review time clauses referring to the future Materials needed: Cassette - Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Cards - 10 cards: one set of cards per pair/group to be photocopied fromT's Guide

180 Part 1 Welcome to the conference
Listening Ss listen to the opening speech of a conference and complete the conference programme. Ss then listen again and answer comprehension questions. Language focus Ss read the tapescript and underline present simple verb forms referring to the future in time clauses. Ss then complete the Don't forget! section. Ss make complete sentences about the programme using prompts on cards and time conjunctions (after, before, as soon as, etc.). Speaking Ss work in pairs and decide how they would organize a sightseeing tour of their own city/town as part of a weekend conference.

181 Part 2 The conference report
Reading Ss read extracts from the conference report and match them with the relevant programme item. Vocabulary Ss read the extracts again and underline adjectives. They then provide opposites for these adjectives. Listening Ss listen to a delegate giving feedback on the conference and fill in her feedback form. Speaking Ss work in pairs and discuss what makes a good conference.

182 Part 2 The conference report
参考词语和表达 a modern town with old-style charm 一座具有古代魅力的现代化小镇 a tower that overlooks the town 一座可以鸟瞰小镇的塔 a well-known palace only a few minutes’ bus ride away from the hotel 著名的宫殿离饭店乘公共汽车只有几分钟路程 I’ll show them around… 我将带领他们参观…… I’ll arrange a short sightseeing tour for the delegates 我将为代表们安排一个短期的观光游览活动。 I think Saturday afternoon would be the best/suitable time for sightseeing. 我觉得星期六下午是游览观光的最佳时间。

183 Part 2 The conference report
要点解析(听力2录音文字稿) 1.      How did the conference go? 会开的怎么样?动词go 在此的意思是:进行,结果。例如:Everything went well. 一切进行顺利。 2.      I think having a smaller number of people there made a big difference. 我觉得人少一些情况就会完全不同。 3. … Actually get things done in the workshop. 实际上可以在研讨会上就把事情办妥。动词get 后接复合宾语,意思是:使得,把…… 弄得。 例如:get one’s bike repaired 把自行车送去修好。

184 Self-study Language focus Sentence completion (time clauses).
Vocabulary Opposites of adjectives. Opposites of sentences (focus on hard and long). Exam practice Multiple-choice reading comprehension exercise (Reading Test Part 1).

185 Unit 12 Exam focus Listening

186 Objectives To familiarize Ss with the content of the Listening Test
To provide useful tips To practice the Listening Test Materials needed: Cassette - Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Exam Focus

187 The Listening Test I. Teaching Procedure
T gives an overview of the Listening Test. Before you listen Ss read the listening tips. Ss look at some exam questions to practise predicting vocabulary before listening. While listening T takes Ss through information about first and second listenings.

188 The Listening Test After listening
Ss read post-listening tips then find mistakes in candidates' answers. Exam practice Part One: Multiple-choice (short texts). Part Two: Gap-filling (numbers and a spelling). Part Three: Gap-filling (words and a date). Part Four: Multiple-choice (longer text).

189 The Listening Test 要点解析
1.      Which bar chart show the sales of Solex Ltd? 题目问的是:哪一个矩形图能说明Solex 公司的销售情况。 Which signs are the speakers talking about? 题目问的是说话人说的是哪一块招牌。听录音之前,根据题目内容提供的信息进行答案预测很重要,也是考生应该掌握的一种听力技巧。除了根据题目内容,还应该凭借自己的经验和常识进行预测。比如,生活中人们常用各种图形表示工作进展的情况。看到bar charts (矩形图),应该想到 increase, rise, go up (增长提高),fall, drop, go down (减少下降) 和 strong, sharply, steadily, slow 等相关的形容词,副词。所以,与矩形图A 有关的词汇可能是:increase/rise slightly, fall/drop sharply, 与矩形图B 有关的词汇可能是:rise/increase steadily, steady rise/increase, 与矩形图C 有关的词汇可能是:fall/drop sharply, recover strongly same level.

190 The Listening Test 告示牌的作用在于提醒,而告示牌A : Life out of order (电梯出故障) 涉及的词汇可能是:elevator, not working, break down, stairs, stuck (电梯,出故障,楼梯,被堵了),告示牌B: canteen closed due to staff illness (食堂因员工生病而关闭) 涉及的词汇可能是:food unavailable, sick, out to a restaurant, eat something else (不供应食物了,生病了,去外面的餐馆,弄些其他东西吃),告示牌C: Quiet please exam in progress (请安静,正在考试) 涉及的词汇可能是:silence, take a test, candidates (安静,考试,考生)。 预测使我们心中有数,帮助我们提高听的效率。

191 The Listening Test 要点解析 这些在试卷上的答题的错误都是没有按照指令要求所致。例如:
1 第十六题未做,可被视为没有按要求完成所有的试题,不得得分。 2 指令规定在标有数字得空白处填入一至二个单词,而第十七题填写得字数超过了要求。这也视不能给分的。 3 第33 题给出了两个答案,也属不符合要求的做法,不能给分。

192 Unit 13a Production

193 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about production processes and problems at work To practice listening for specific information To review the passive Materials needed: Cassette - Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary

194 Part 1 Bread production I. Teaching Procedure
Listening Ss order the stages of the baguette making process before listening to the Production Manager to check the order. Ss then listen again and label the machinery in the bakery. Speaking Ss say what happens at each of the machines in the production line. Language focus Ss review the passive. Vocabulary Ss match verbs and nouns taken from the typescript. Ss think of another noun to go with each verb. Speaking Ss describe a process using as many verbs as possible.

195 Part 1 Bread production II. Language Points 要点解析(听力1 录音文字稿)
就描述生产工序而言,面包生产工序相对来说是较为容易描述的生产工序。录音材料中虽然有些词语属于技术性用语,但大部分文字都是较为常见的普通的。本单元的目标是通过学习面包生产工序的有关知识,学习如何描述生产工序及生产中出现的问题。 1. They’re weighed and fed automatically into mixers. 用料称好重量之后,被自动送入搅拌机中。 2. To increase the shelf-life of the baguettes. 以延长面包的保存期。 3. … the dough enters the first prove for ten minutes. 生面团进入第一个发酵机,在那里放上十分钟。Prove 为动词 prove (发酵)的名词形式,此意指用来发酵面团的机器。

196 Part 1 Bread production 4. You have to let it stand for a while so the yeast can react before you form it. 让面团流在那里一段时间,让酵母发酵后再制成面包。动词 stand 的意思是处于某种状态;react 的意思是:起作用,反应。 5. This is called proving. 这个阶段叫做发酵。 6. The prove stage is very Important. If the bread doesn’t prove properly, you can’t bake it. 发酵阶段很重要,如果面包发的不好,烤出来的面包就不好。

197 Part 1 Bread production 要点解析
英语动词有两种语态:主动态和被动态。主动态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动态表示主语是动作的承受者。被动态是由助动词(be)的一定形式+及物动词的-ed分词构成。以I/ask 为例,谓语动词的被动语态形式有: 一般现在时 I am asked 一般过去时 I was asked 一般将来时 I will be asked 过去将来时 I would be asked 现在进行时 I am being asked 过去进行时 I was being asked 现在完成时 I have been asked 过去完成时 I had been asked 被动语态主要用于以下几种情况: 1. 不知道或没有必要知道动作的执行者是谁,例如:The books are written for children. 这些书是为儿童写的。 2. 动作的承受者是谈话的中心(这时可带有by引起的短语),例如:The letter is written by the manager. 这封信是由经理写的。

198 Part 1 Bread production 3. 出于礼貌措辞婉转等方面的考虑,不愿说出动作的执行者是谁,例如:You are asked to give a presentation. 请你介绍情况。 4. 当动作执行者不是别人时,例如:The house was damaged by the store. 房子被暴雨毁坏了。

199 Part 2 Production problems
I. Teaching Procedure Listening Ss work in pairs and decide which type of problems would be most common at the bakery. Ss then listen to the Production Manager and check their answers. Ss listen again and complete sentences halves with when and if. Language focus Ss review the difference between when and if. Ss match sentence halves and complete them with whenlif.

200 Part 2 Production problems
要点解析(听力2录音文字稿) 1.   These are electronic sensors that tell the computer when a tray enters or leaves a prove or oven. 当盘子进入或离开发酵机或烤箱时,这些传感器会通知电脑。 2.   A computer shutdown. 彻底停机。 3.   The sensors have to be set up exactly right. 传感器的安装必须绝对精确。Set up 的意思是:安装,装配。 4.   If the computer gets the mix wrong, we have to clean out the whole mixer. 句中的mix 用作名词,意思是混合物;clean out 的意思是:把……打扫干净。例如:They clean out a garden shed. 他们把花园里的小棚打扫干净。

201 Part 2 Production problems
5.   If he forgets the extra ingredients……如果她(搅拌工)忘记放入其他用料……。the extra ingredients. 这里指酵母和添加剂。 6.   Like when an old tray loses its shape. 就像出现旧盘子变形的情况。Like 是连词,意思是:(非正式)如同。 7.   So how much time do you lose a day on average. 那么,你们平均每天要浪费多少时间?on average 意思是:平均,通常。例如:on average, I work ten hours a day. 我平均每天工作十小时。 8. If we have a really bad day. 如果哪天真的很不顺。bad 一词在句中的意思是:令人不快的,不利的。

202 Part 2 Production problems
III. Grammar 要点解析 一个人如果说when 则肯定某事将发生。一个人如果if, 则不能肯定某事是否会发生。试比较: 1.   I’ll see you at Christmas when we’re all at Sally’s place. 我们圣诞节时全都在萨利处聚会,那时我会见到你。(我们肯定会在萨利处) 2. I’ll see you August if I come to New York. 如果我到纽约,8月份我会去见你。(也许我能来纽约,也许不能)

203 Self-study Language focus Transformation exercise (passive).
Writing Describing a process (from a flow chart). Vocabulary Word fields (machines / processes). Exam practice Memo writing (Writing Test Part 1).

204 Unit 13b Quality control

205 Objectives To enable Ss to discuss quality control
To practice listening for specific information To review Conditional 1 and language for making suggestions Materials needed: Cassette - Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Cards - 13 cards: one set of cards per pair/group to be photocopied from T's Guide

206 Part 1 Monitoring quality
I. Teaching Procedure Warmer T elicits three verbs related to quality control. Speaking Ss discuss the work of a quality control manager. Listening Ss listen to the Head of Quality Control talk about monitoring quality in a factory and complete a table. Ss listen again and answer more detailed comprehension questions. Speaking Ss discuss QC processes at their place of work.

207 Part 1 Monitoring quality
II. Language Points 要点解析(听力1 录音文字稿) 1.                 There are four main quality control inspection points. 质量管理由四个主要的检查细节。Point 在此的意思是:细节,项。 2.                 To make sure we are happy with their quality control: 确保我们对他们的质量管理满意。Make sure 的意思是:确保,使确定。 3.                 We inspect all goods in on arrival at our factory. 货物一到工厂,我们就对其进行检查。短语all goods in 的意思是:所有已送达的货物,in 在此有“已到达的,已收到”的意思。

208 Part 1 Monitoring quality
4.If the snacks are too oily, they go soft. 如果快餐食品过于油腻,会变软的。Go 的意思是:变成。例如:He went mad at the bad news. 听到这个坏消息他疯了。 5. We check individual bags to make sure that the packet weight is above the acceptable minimum. 我们对各个袋子进行检查,确保包装重量超过标准要求。 6. To check things like fat levels and other information that we have to put on the packets: 检查象脂肪含量之类的东西和其他我们必须要写在包装袋上的信息。Put 的意思是:写上,标上。

209 Part 2 Improving quality
I. Teaching Procedure Listening Ss listen to a discussion of quality problems and answer general questions followed by multiple-choice questions. Language focus Ss look at the typescript and underline and categories uses of the present simple. Ss then review Conditional 1. Ss write conditional sentences from prompts. Speaking Factory maze. T (or Ss in turn) read out problems and options. Ss discuss the options and make decisions.

210 Part 2 Improving quality
II. Language Points 要点解析(听力2录音文字稿) 1. How can they get all the way to the finished goods chemical analysis before we find them? 这些不合格产品怎么就能畅通无阻进入成品的化学分析而没有被发现呢?all the way 的原意为:自始至终,一直。 2. The problem is worse when demand is high and we’re running at full capacity. 需求量大时问题跟严重,目前我们已经在尽全力进行生产。At full capacity: 尽全力。 3. Well it would help. 是啊,这可能有用。It 指经常更换油。 4. I’d rather just change the temperature sensors In the cookers. 我宁愿更换油锅上的温度传感器。Would rather +动词原形意思是:宁愿,宁可。例如:I would rather go swimming with him. 我宁愿和他一起去游泳。

211 Self-study Vocabulary Matching exercise (word partnerships) followed by a gap-fill exercise with the same words. Matching exercise (opposites) followed by a gap-fill exercise with the same words. Language focus Gap-fill exercise (conditional 1). Exam practice Matching exercise (Reading Test Part 2).

212 Direct service providers
Unit 14a Direct service providers

213 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about insurance and changes in working practices To practice listening for specific information To review language of future possibility/probability Materials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary

214 Part 1 The call centre I. Teaching Procedure
Warmer Ss discuss the advantages and popularity of call centers. Listening Ss listen to a manager talk about why his company uses collectors and complete notes about the company. Ss then listen again and answer multiple-choice questions, Vocabulary Ss match insurance words with definitions. Language focus Ss review the language of future possibility and probability. Speaking Ss discuss four statements about the future.

215 Part 1 The call centre II. Language Points 相关背景知识

216 Part 1 The call centre III. Speaking 参考词语和表达
Direct, quick and efficient 直接,迅速和高效率 Reduce costs 降低各种成本 No need pay commission to brokers or agents 不必向经纪人或代理支付佣金 Without the limitation of time and place 不受时间和地点限制 Don’t have to pay high rents for locations 不必为(营业)地点支付高额的租金 Customers also benefit 顾客同样也能受益 Providing services directly by telephone has the advantages such as …… 直接利用电话提供服务的好处有……

217 Part 1 The call centre IV. Language Points 要点解析(听力1录音文字稿)
1. Direct Line was the first direct provider of insurance In the UK when it started 13 years ago. 直线公司在13 年前开业时是英国第一家保险产品直接供应商。 Direct Line: (英国) 直线(电话保险)公司,成立于1985年,是英国第一家利用电话网络经营各种家庭险和汽车险的保险公司。 2. to offer its products directly by phone and Internet rather than the usual than the way through insurance brokers or high street shops: 通过电话和因特网直接提供产品,而不是通常那种由保险经纪人或商业大街的营业点提供产品。 3. You can then pass on these cost savings to your customers through competitive pricing of you products. 你可以把这些节省下来的成本以产品竞争价的方式转给顾客。Pass on …to: 转移,把……传给。例如:He is passing on his knowledge to teammates. 他把知识传给队友。

218 Part 1 The call centre 4. Multi-skilled staff: 拥有多项技能的员工。
5. The system is programmed. 系统是设定好了的。 6. Unusual or large risks are assessed by supervisors. 特殊或大宗的保险由主管对其进行评估。 7. The important thing is to get as much information at your operative’s fingertips as possible. 重要的是雇员应该尽量获取信息。At one’s fingertips: 立即可以得到,近在手边。例如:With business information at our fingertips, we can solve your problems easily. 我们掌握了商业消息,可以迅速地为你们解决问题。这里的at one’s fingertips 有双关的意思,一是员工在工作是靠手指尖操作电话电脑,二是暗示信息的获取轻而易举,就在指尖敲击键盘的瞬间。

219 Part 2 Working in a call centre
I. Teaching Procedure Listening Ss decide if statements about a call centre are true or falsethen listen to the manager and check their answers. Reading Ss look at descriptions of people and say who might be Interested in working in a call centre. Speaking Ss discuss what changes direct services and the Internet might bring.

220 Part 2 Working in a call centre
II. Language Points 要点解析(听力2录音文字稿) 1.                      ……read negative stories about …… 看到一些对…… 不利的报道。 2.                      The computer system does monitor whether operative are at their desks. 计算机系统的确是在监督员工们是否在岗位上。Be at one’s desk: 在上班,在工作岗位上。 Does monitor…在动词加do 的相应形式表示强调。 3.                      What kind of hours do the operative work.。员工们的工作时间是多少? 4.                      They work flexible shifts of 35 hours a week. 他们一周工作35小时,上的班次比较灵活。 5.                      job satisfaction: 对工作的满意程度。 6.                      We also organize fun competitions during big sporting events like the World Cup or the Olympics. 我们在像世界杯或奥运会这样重大的体育赛事期间也组织一些趣味性的竞赛活动。 要点解析 1.                 Take some time off: 休假一段时间。 2.                 Enjoy working with people: 喜欢和大家一起工作。Enjoy doing 喜欢做……例如:enjoy going to concerts 喜欢赴音乐会。 3.                 Start a family: 生第一个孩子。

221 Part 2 Working in a call centre
III. Speaking 参考词汇和表达 Home shopping 电视直销购物 Telesales 电话销售 Make shopping/selling easy and convenient 使购物/销售变得容易和方便 Save time 节省时间 Customers may probably buy a fake 顾客可能买的是赝品 The quality of products may not be guaranteed 产品的质量可能没有保证

222 Self-study Vocabulary Keyword exercise (insurance).
Odd one out exercise. Gap-filling exercise (insurance). Exam practice Multiple choice gap-fill test (Reading Test Part 6)

223 Unit 14b The banking sector

224 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about banking services and changes within an industry To practice reading for gist and specific information To practice listening for specific information To raise awareness of-ing Materials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary

225 Part 1 The banking revolution
Reading Ss look at a headline and predict the content of an article. They then read the article and match headings with paragraphs. Ss take notes from the article then answer multiple-choice comprehension questions. Language focus Ss categorise different uses of-ing and focus on the fact that prepositions are often followed by-ing. Vocabulary Ss complete a word-building table. Speaking Ss discuss the changes affecting their sector/industry.

226 Part 1 The banking revolution
要点解析 1.   at risk: 有风险的。 2.   over-crowded: 过于密集的。 3.  meet the cost: 支付费用。动词meet 在此意思是:支付,偿还。例如:meet expenses 支付开支。 4.   Carlisle: 卡莱尔—英国英格兰西北部城市。 5.   day-to-day : (工作)日常的,日复一日的。 相关背景知识

227 Part 1 The banking revolution
相关背景知识 欧元概念的由来及欧元区 1999年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者蒙代尔在20世纪60年代提出了“最适货币区”概念。他认为,一个国家不一定要有自己的一套货币,而由几个国家采取联合的共同货币也许更有利—这一思想促成了欧元的诞生。 欧盟成员国在1992年9月于马斯特里赫特签署的《欧洲联盟条约》中做出实行单一货币的决定。该条约所附的议定书允许英国和丹麦游离于单一货币体系之外。1995年12月15日至16日在马得里召开的欧洲理事会上,15个成员国的首脑一致决定将欧洲单一货币定名为“欧元”,并通过推行实施欧元的最后方案

228 Part 1 The banking revolution
欧洲货币联盟11个成员国从1999年1月1日开始实施欧元统一货币,这十一个国家分别是:比利时、德国、西班牙、法国、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、奥地利、葡萄牙和芬兰。希腊于2001年1月1日采用欧元,成为欧元区第十二个成员国。其余三个欧盟国家丹麦,瑞典和英国目前不参与此进程。 Millennium bug 千年虫(电脑问题)。20世纪六七十年代,当时用于存储信息和运行程序的设备的价格极其昂贵,因此,科技人员在开发计算机程序和设计智能芯片的时候,总是想尽一切办法节省存储空间,在日期表示问题上也不例外。科技人员发现,采用两位数字来表示年份是最合适的,而且节省了昂贵的存储设备。由于系统中采用两位数字表示年份,造成系统不能正确跨越2000年,致使关于年份的操作发生错误,使得系统产生各种问题。我们把这种现象叫做“2000年问题”,也叫“千年虫”电脑问题。

229 Part 2 Home banking Listening Ss listen to an enquiry about home banking and take notes. Listening 2 Ss listen and complete an application form. Speaking Ss discuss the services offered by their own banks.

230 Self-study Vocabulary Crossword (banking words).
Matching exercise (verb + noun). Matching exercise (noun preposition + noun). Exam practice Note-taking (Reading Test Part 7).

231 Unit 15 Exam focus: Speaking

232 Objectives To familiarize Ss with the content of the Speaking Test
To provide useful tips To practice the Speaking Test Materials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Exam Focus Cards - 11 cards: one set of cards perpair/group to be photocopied from T's Guide

233 The Speaking Test T gives an overview of the Speaking Test.
How to succeed Ss brainstorm tips for success based on four assessment criteria then compare their ideas with the tips in the book. Personal information Ss practice answering questions about general topics in preparation for Part One. Ss listen to a bad version of Part One of a Speaking Test and compare it with a good version.

234 The Speaking Test Short talk
Ss look at an exam topic and read tips on how to improve their answer. Ss listen to a bad then a good version of Part Two of a Speaking Test. Ss take turns to give a short talk, taking into account the tips from the lesson. Collaborative task Ss read through tips and have a discussion. Ss listen to a bad then a good version of Part Three of a Speaking Test. Ss have discussions, taking into account the tips from the lesson. Exam practice Reading Part Seven: Form-filling. Writing Part One: Note. Writing Part Two: Long memo.

235 The Speaking Test 1. 商务英语初级考试分三个部分进行:
1.             商务英语初级考试分三个部分进行: 第一部分(约2分钟)分为两个阶段,均由考官考生一对一地进行问答。第一阶段是考官招呼考生入座、介绍自己,和另一名考官对考生表格上的信息进行核实,内容涉及姓名、籍贯、工作、学习等。第二阶段是话题问答,内容涉及个人和家庭的一些日常问题,如爱好、职业、工作、运动、学习、计划、计划、购物、旅游、交通等。

236 The Speaking Test 改型后的第二部分(约5 分钟)的程序是:1、①考生拿到题卡后有一分钟的准备时间,允许做简单的笔记。②考生甲从题卡上的话题中任选一个,做大约一分钟的陈述。③考官就考生甲陈述的话题向考生乙提问,乙必须做出回答。④考生乙做大约一分钟的陈述。⑤考官就考生乙陈述的话题向考生甲提问,甲必须做出回答。第二部分的信息内容涉及各种商业活动。 第三部分(约5分钟)由考生就题卡上的指定的话题当场进行讨论。考生有30分钟的时间阅读提示词各自进行准备,然后讨论3分钟。考生应利用所给的时间消化题卡上的信息,迅速理清表达的思路。

237 The Speaking Test 2. 在正式的初级口试时,主持口试的考官根据考生的表现,按总体评分标准给每位考生打一个Global Achievement(总体分)。专事评分的考官则根据以上四个要点,分Grammar and Vocabulary(语法与词汇),Discourse Management (话语运用),Pronunciation(语音),Interactive Communication(互动交际)四个方面每个考生分项评分。具体衡量标准如下: Grammar and Vocabulary 语法与词汇:主要测试考生在口头表达中语法和词汇运用是否正确、得体并丰富多样。避免词汇和句型单一或不断重复相同的词句。

238 The Speaking Test Discourse Management 话语运用:主要测试考生运用句子以上语言单位进行口头交际的能力。包括能否恰当的展开话题,语句是否连贯、流畅(如在提出观点的同时,能进行有条理的论证,善于使用衔接词语等)。在口试第一部分问答题中,考生需尽量完整地回答考官提问;在口试第二部分个人发言中,考生可充分利用机会扩展话语;在口试第三部分讨论中,要求考生围绕规定题目,表达、论证自己的观点。 Pronunciation 语音:主要测试考生清晰发音的能力。根据各个单音、单词及句子重音、语调节奏的正确性打分。考生要特别避免母语口音给交际带来的困难。 Interactive Communication 互动交际:主要测试考生在两人或三人小组中相互合作、有效交际的能力。打分依据主要看考生是否有能力恰当得体的主动引入话题,应答自如,轻松转换话题,充分参与讨论,最终圆满完成题目要求。需要注意的是,考生要避免在口语中表现的咄咄逼人,不给对方流有谈话机会;有效的交际应该注意在话语的产出和接受之间能够轻松转换。

239 The Speaking Test 要点解析 1. Charity football match: 为慈善事业而举行的足球义赛。
2.             Featuring Premier division players and familiar TV personalities: 比赛在甲级球员队和大家熟悉的电视名人队之间进行。动词feature: 由、、、、、、表演,以、、、、、、特色;名词division: (体育运动中)级。 3.             Romeo and Juliet: 《罗密欧与朱利叶》——英国著名剧作家威廉.莎士比亚( 年)的作品。 4. Free drink with this flyer: 凭本广告可免费供应饮料。

240 Unit 16a Delivery services

241 Objectives To enable Ss to discuss delivery services
To practice reading for specific information To review prepositions of time Materials needed: Cassette - Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Cards - 16 cards: one set of cards per pair/group to be photocopied from T's Guide

242 Part 1 Parcel carriers Reading Ss decide on figures about UPS before reading a brochure extract to check their answers. Ss complete sentences with the correct UPS service features. Vocabulary Ss identify repetition and language used to make a favorable impression on the reader. Language focus Ss review prepositions of time and match sentence halves with time prepositions. Speaking Ss decide on the most important features of a parcel delivery service.

243 Part 1 Parcel carriers 要点解析
1.   By 表示时间时有到(某时)之前,不迟于的意思。例如:By 2001 the factory coped with repairs for 700 cars per year. 截止2001 年该厂已能年修汽车700辆。 2.   表示一段时间的within 有时与in 同义,都作before the end of 解。但within 一般用于比较正式的语体。 参考词语和表达 In my opinion... 我认为...... I think of the most importance for a parcel delivery service. 我认为对包裹运送服务来说最重要的是......。

244 Part 1 Parcel carriers I agree with you that... 我同意你的......看法。
High quality of service guarantees... 高质量的服务可以保证......。 As long as we can offer..., our business will develop quickly. 只要我们能够提供......, 我们的业务就会迅速的发展。 Shipping charges 运费 Weight of the parcel sent 需要投递的包裹的重量 Urgent document 急件

245 Part 1 Parcel carriers Destination 目的地 Reliability 可靠性
The quality of service is also important. 服务的质量也很重要。 Length of time taken is 运输的时间 It just depends. 这要根据情况来决定。 We need to consider... 我们必须考虑... We choose different delivery services according to the parcels and the documents we send. 我们会根据需要投寄的包裹和文件的情况来选投递服务的方式。 Postal system 邮政系统 Personal courier 私人信使

246 Part 1 Parcel carriers Reputation and reliability 信誉和可靠性
Quality of service 服务的质量 Expense 开支 Security 安全性 Lower cost 低成本 The advantage could include... 有利因素包括......。 There are some disadvantages of ... 有 几点不利因素。 Lack of expertise in dealing with customers paperwork 缺乏处理关税文件的技术(人才)

247 Part 2 Sending a parcel Reading Ss read information in order to calculate the cost of sending three different packages by UPS. Speaking Ss work in pairs and exchange information about the delivery services used by their companies. Ss work in pairs and brainstorm alternative ways of sending items abroad and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. Ss work in pairs with two sets of cards (items and destinations). Ss select cards to decide the best way to send the items to the destinations.

248 Self-study Vocabulary Gap-fill exercise (prepositions).
Gap-fill exercise (delivery vocabulary),. Exam Practice Multiple-choice reading comprehension exercise (Reading Test Part 1).

249 Unit 16b Trading

250 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about trading
To practice listening and reading for specific information To practice letter writing To review tenses Materials needed: Cassette - Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Cards - 9 cards: one set of cards per pair/group to be photocopied from T's Guide

251 Part 1 An import agent Warmer T writes agent on the board. Ss discuss what the job involves. Listening Ss listen to the Managing Director of an import agency talking about his company and complete a factfile. Ss listen again and answer multiple-choice questions. Speaking Ss work in pairs, ordering cards which show the sequence of events surrounding a customer order. Ss decide which of the faxes etc. referred to on the cards match certain descriptions. Language focus Ss underline examples of tenses in the typescript and categorizes their uses. Speaking Ss interview each other in pairs in order to get information for a company factfile.

252 Part 1 An import agent 要点解析
1.          factfile: 有两个单词fact (事实)和file (文件、档案)组成。在此译为:资料档案。 2.          I began selling to the drink industry. 我开始向饮料产业销售产品。 3.     Our suppliers began developing excellent new machine that were technically more advanced than our competitors. 我们的供应商开始研制精密的新机器,这些机器从技术上讲,比我们的竞争对手的要先进的多。 4.         So Vaupack got a name for delivering excellent products... 因此,洛派克以提供优质产品......而闻名。Name 在此的意思是:名声,名气。Get (have )a name for 以......著称。 5.                              Technical development is the key to the industry. 技术进步是企业发展的关键。

253 Part 1 An import agent 参考词语和表达 This is our order for ... 兹订购......
Thank you for your quotation of ... 感谢贵方......的报价 We are pleased to place our order as follows. 以下是我们要订购的...... We enclosed an order for the following. 兹付上订单一份订购如下...... We shall be very grateful if you could deliver them to ...before... 零件如能在......之前寄到,将不胜感激。

254 Part 2 Ordering parts Reading Ss read a quotation for some spare parts and answer multiple-choice questions Speaking Ss work in pairs discussing things their companies order and the means by which they order them. Writing Ss write (collaboratively) a letter in reply to the earlier quotation.

255 Self-study Vocabulary Matching exercise (verbs and nouns).
Language focus Matching sentence halves.

256 Unit 17a Trading

257 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about recruitment
To practice reading and listening for gist and for specific information To focus on Conditional 2 for hypothetical situations Materials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary 

258 Part 1 Recruitment methods
Reading Ss read an article about recruitment and complete a diagram, then look for the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Speaking Ss discuss extracts from the article. Language focus Ss review would and could/might for expected and possible results of hypothetical situations. Speaking Ss work in pairs and discuss how they would recruit people for a range of occupations.

259 Part 1 Recruitment methods
Speaking 参考词语和表达 Internal / external recruitment 在内部/外部招聘 To use an agency 利用中介机构 Apply for the job 申请工作 By advertising the vacancy in newspapers and magazines 采取在报纸和杂志上为空缺职位登广告的方式 To recruit staff through the Internet 在互联网上招聘员工 Interview/ select the candidates 对竞争者进行面试/挑选

260 Part 1 Recruitment methods
Language Points 要点解析 1.Recruiting the right candidate...can be a difficult and costly task. 情态动词can 在句子中表示“可能性”。例如:If you don’t have a guide, you can lose your way. ( is possible for you lose your way.) 如果没有向导,你可能会迷路。 2....which could cause personnel problems;... a rejected internal candidate might become unhappy... 在这两个句子中could 和might 表示想象的可能性。在表示想象的可能性时,人们常用could/might 代替can/may. 而且,用could/ might 口气比用can/may 婉转;而用might 又比用could 在语体上更为正式,在口气上也更为客气。

261 Part 1 Recruitment methods
3.get rid of: 摆脱,丢掉。例如:He just sat there talking all evening and I couldn’t get rid of him. 他就坐在那里整整谈了一晚上,我无法把他赶走。 4.bring fresh idea to: 把新观念带到……. 5.Advertising the vacancy... (在报上)为空缺的职位刊登广告。动词advertise 的意思是:登……广告。例如:to advertise a new shampoo 为一种新的洗发剂做广告;advertise for a cook 登广告征聘厨师。 6.To decide where to place the advertisement: 决定在哪里登广告。动词place 的意思是:为(作品)找到出版社。“在报纸上登广告”英文可以说:to place an advertisement in the newspaper 或to put an advertisement in the newspaper. 7.There is a risk of: 存在……的风险。

262 Part 1 Recruitment methods
Grammar would 可用于表示推测和可能,例如:It would be a mistake not to help him.不帮助他可能是个错误。 would 在假设情景的条件句中传达的信息是非真实的或是想象的,与现在事实相反的。例如:What would you do if you won a million pounds? 你如果赢了100万英镑,你会干什么? could/ might 在假设情景中的用法参见上述“要点解析2”

263 Part 2 Advertising a vacancy
Reading Ss read two advertisements for the same job and answer questions. Listening Ss then listen to a conversation related to the job vacancy, decide which advert will be placed first and listen again for the disadvantages of each of the two types of advertisement. Language focus Ss identify the uses of the past simple verbs in the tapescript then focus on Conditional 2. Speaking Ss exchange ideas on how they would recruit people for their own jobs.

264 Part 2 Advertising a vacancy
要点解析 1.package holiday: 团队旅游,指由旅行社安排一切的包价旅游。 2.vale: 谷,山谷,尤用于地名。如:the Vale of Evesham 艾弗沙姆谷。 3.Working closely with the marketing director, you will help...现在分词短语作伴随状语,修饰动词will help. industry: 旅游业,也叫 tourist industry. 5.A second European language would also be an advantage. 句中的would 表示推测或可能。

265 Part 2 Advertising a vacancy
要点解析(听力录音文字稿) 1.Have you given any more .thought to taking on an assistant in marketing. 你想过要招聘一个营销助理吗?take on 的意思是:雇佣。例如: the company is taking on workmen. 这家公司正在招工。 2.Why can’t we try something different for a change? 我们为什么就不能改变一下,试试别的方法呢? 3. If we decided to take someone on, where would we advertise the vacancy? 要是我们决定招人,在哪里为空缺的职位刊登广告呢?If we advertised the job internally, we’d have the same old problems. 如果我们在内部为这份工作做广告,我们又会遇到同样的问题。在这两句中,if 从句是一个假设条件句,表示非事实的意义。录音材料中其他if 从句具有相同的功能。

266 Part 2 Advertising a vacancy
要点解析 假设条件句也叫非真实条件句,在表示不同意义的时候,假设条件句中动词有不同的形式。本单元出现的假设条件句表示的均是与现在事实相反的情况,当从句表示与现在事实相反的条件时,从句动词用一般过去时或were-型虚拟式,主句动词用would/should/could/might+ 不定式原形。例如: 1.If we promoted one of own people, the other internal applicants wouldn’t be happy anyway.如果我们从自己的员工中选拔人,公司内部的其他申请人将会不开心的。

267 Part 2 Advertising a vacancy
2.If I were you, I should go to see a doctor. 我要是你的话,我会去看医生的。 3.If I lived in that city now, my life might be different in a number of ways. 如果我现在住在那个城市,我的生活可能会有多种不同的方式。 4.If we took someone on from outside the company, we could bring some new ideas into the department. 要是我们从公司外面聘人的话,我们可以给部门带进新的观念。

268 Self-study Vocabulary Sentence completion exercise (personal vocabulary). Matching exercise (noun and verb collocates). Language focus Sentence completion (Conditional 2). Exam practice Matching statements with graphs (Reading Test Part 3).

269 Unit 17b Applying for a job

270 Objectives To enable Ss to talk about job applications and interviews
To practice reading and listening for specific information To practice writing a letter of application To review indirect questions Materials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary

271 Part 1 Application letters
Reading Ss read an advertisement for a secretarial job and answer questions. Ss then order an applicant's notes about the advertisement. Language focus Ss match typical application letter language with the notes. Writing Ss work in pairs and write the applicant's letter of application.

272 Part 1 Application letters
要点解析 £16K: 英镑, K=1000(千)。 O/T= overtime: 加班。 vwm=words per minute: 每分钟(打)字数,这是对速记打字能力的要求。 MS Office experience 的意思是:有办公文稿处理经验。MS是manuscript (手稿,文稿的)缩写。

273 Part 1 Application letters
参考词语和表达 With reference to ...关于 I am writing with reference to your advertisement in ... 我写此信是关于贵公司在......所做的广告 I am writing to apply for...我写此信是要向您申请......职位 I am a graduate of..., specializing in ...我毕业于......, 主修...... Please find enclosed... 随函附上......请查收

274 Part 1 Application letters
要点解析(听力录音文字稿) My department as part of my degree but isn’t as good as my English or Italian. 法语是我的学位课程的一部分,不过我的发语不如我的英语和意大利语。 I did French as part So, that’s reasonable French. 这么说,法语还不错。Reasonable 在此的意思是:not bad 还不错。 You’re not the only one.这句话的意思是:You’re not only the one who needs to practice a bit more. 你不是唯一需要多来练习的人。 I still use two fingers! 我还在用两个指头敲键盘呢。熟练的键盘打字技术要求用十个指头敲键盘,并按照一定的指法规定操作。“用两个指头敲键盘”,暗含说话人自己的技法也不怎么样。

275 Part 1 Application letters
要点解析 间接疑问句属于间接引语的一种形式。间接引语涉及面较广,本小节仅对将直接疑问几变成间接疑问句的情况作简要介绍。一般疑问句变为间接引语时通常以 whether 或 if 为引导词,但选择疑问句变为间接引语时,只用whether 作引导词。例如: Does Alec work downtown? ____ Can you tell me whether/ if Alec works downtown? 或He asked whether/if Alec worked in your office? Is the door open or closed? ___________ Can you tell me whether the door is open or closed. 而由特殊疑问句转换的间接引语通常以wh- 词为引导词。例如: Why do you come so late? _________ Mary wanted to know why he came so late. How did you repair it? _________ My boss asked me how I had repaired it.

276 Part 1 Application letters
见解引语在多数情况下构成宾语从句。宾语从句中动词的时体形式、人称代词、指示代词、时间状语和地点状语及主谓词序等往往要作相应的变化。请看下表: 在直接引语中在间接引语中指示代词this these that those 时间状语now today yesterday last weektomorrownext weektwo years agothenthat day the day before the week before the next daythe next yeartwo days before地点状语herethere动词时态一般现在时现在进行时现在完成时一般过去时过去完成时come may must一般过去时过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时(不变)could might must/had to 动词的变化come bring go take

277 Part 1 Attending an interview
Listening Ss transform the interviewer's notes into polite questions. They then listen to the interview and compare the questions used. Ss listen again and write down the applicant's answers to the questions. Language focus Ss review the form and use of indirect questions. Speaking Ss ask and answer polite questions in pairs in order to fill in their partner's application form. Ss then discuss how to answer four awkward interview questions and compare their ideas with those in Exercise 4 of Self-study.

278 Self-study Language focus Transformation exercise (indirect questions). Vocabulary Word-field (qualities and skills). Language focus Jumbled sentences (letter-writing). Exam practice ‘Right, Wrong, Doesn't say' questions (Reading Test Part 4).

279 Unit 18a Exam practice

280 Objectives To enable Ss to practice for the Reading, Writing and Listening Tests To give an indication of time pressure and introduce Ss to UCLES Answer Sheets Materials needed: Cassette - Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Exam focus

281 Reading and Writing Test
Reading Test Questions 1-5 (Part One) Multiple-choice. Questions 6-10 (Part Three) Matching (graphs and charts). Questions (Part Six) Multiple-choice gap-filling. Questions (Part Seven) Form-filling. Writing Test Question 28 (Part One) Memo. Question 29 (Part Two) Letter. Listening Test Questions (Part One) Multiple-choice (short texts). Questions (Part Four) Multiple-choice (longer text).

282 Reading and Writing Test
要点解析 1. This week sees more changes in the packaging world. 本周包装行业出现的变化更大。 2. DD Holdings, based in Yorkshire, is teaming up with partner in France, Germany and Spain... 总部设在约克郡的DD 霍丁斯包装集团正在与法国、德国和西班牙的合伙人进行合作。短语teaming up 的意思是(使)合作,(使)配合。例如:They teamed up with family to rent a house for the summer. 他们和另一家庭合租一幢房子避暑。

283 Thank You ! Exam focus: Speaking

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