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Differentiate [‚dɪfə'renʃɪeɪt] v. 使有差异 ; 区别, 区分 ; 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,策行之。 《礼记 中庸》

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Presentation on theme: "Differentiate [‚dɪfə'renʃɪeɪt] v. 使有差异 ; 区别, 区分 ; 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,策行之。 《礼记 中庸》"— Presentation transcript:

1 differentiate [‚dɪfə'renʃɪeɪt] v. 使有差异 ; 区别, 区分 ; 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,策行之。 《礼记 中庸》

2 Learning without thought is labor lost; thought with out learning is perilous. He who learns but does not think is lost; he who thinks but does not learn is in great danger. 学而不思则罔;思而不学则怠。 If three of us are walking together, at least one of the other two is good enough to be my teacher. —Confucius 三人行必有我师焉。 — 孔子


4  Talk about English learning and learning strategies.  Practise expressing opinions.  Form nouns by adding -ion, -ation, -tion, or -sion to verbs.  Make a study plan.  Practise using modal verbs must, may, should, will and have to. Contents

5 Period 1 Contents


7 pronunciation [ prə‚nʌnsɪ'eɪʃn] n. 发音, 读法 aloud [ə'laʊd] adv. 大声地 total ['təʊtl] n. 总数, 合计, 全体 v. 总计, 共计为 ; adj. 总计的, 全体的 ; upset [ʌp'set] adj. 烦乱的, 不高 兴的 dialect: form of a language (grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation) used in a part of a country or by a class of people 方言;土语;地方话 Contents


9 different adj. differentiate v. pronounce v. pronunciation n. Contents

10 The aim of this quiz is to help you become aware of the fact that you have your own learning style or habits. Read the following appropriate comments to find what learner type you are and get some useful advice on your English learning. become aware of: to know; to have knowledge appropriate: adj. correct; suitable

11 it to that If your total score is between 23 and 27, you are probably an analytic learner. You may feel it is very important to be as accurate as possible all the time. And you probably prefer the sort of language learning where you need to think carefully. Suggestions for you to improve your language learning are: Firstly, try to speak more, and as often as possible. Secondly, don’t worry too much about your mistakes. Remember that the people you speak to won’t be listening for your mistakes, but for what you are trying to say. Finally, don’t be afraid to depend on yourself—you probably know more than you think.accurate 1.“it is...” 是 feel 的宾语从句,省略了 that 。例如: I think it is very important to learn English well. I believe it is easy for you to do the job. 2. 记住:人们听你说话不是为了挑错,而是为了听懂你说的内容。 1) you speak to 是定语从句,修饰 the people 。 people 后省略了不定 代词 whom/who 。 2) not... but... 不是 …… ,而是 …… 。注意 not 和 but 后的部分一定要一 致。例如: He is not fifteen, but fourteen. We are not going to Shanghai, but to Beijing. 3) listen (out) for sth. 意为 “ 留神等着听 ” ,例如: Mom, please listen (out) for the phone while I’m cooking in the kitchen. analytic [‚ænə'lɪtɪk(l)]adj. 分析型的 English is a synthetic language, while Chinese is analytic. Contents v. n.

12 He may not be accurate but he’s smart. accurate: adj. careful and exact

13 If you score somewhere between 9 and 13 points, you are probably a relaxed learner. You seem to learn languages without really working hard and you usually enjoy communicating with people. You may feel that you should learn more grammar rules, but you probably don’t enjoy it and quickly lose interest. Here are some suggestions for you. Try to find more time to learn and organize a regular time for learning. Then try to correct yourself more. If you can try to become more aware of the mistakes that you make regularly, you will find it easier to do something about them.regular Relaxed here means_____. A. not feeling worried, anxious, etc. B. feeling worried score n. 分数;成绩 vt. 得分 regular adj. 规则的;有规 律的;有秩序的;定时的 regularly adv. 有规律的;经 常 Contents ScoreScore

14 Reading regularly does good to our mind as excising to our body.

15 Contents If your score is between 14 and 22, you are a mixture. You have both the strong points and weaknesses of the analytic learner and the relaxed learner. You learn in different ways and at different times depending on the situation and on what you are learning. Look at the following suggestions. Try to find out what areas of your learning you have to improve by studying the descriptions of both analytic and relaxed learners. Then overcome your weaknesses and exert your strong points to the utmost. exert: v. to bring into use overcome ( overcame , overcome ) vt. 战胜,克服 exert … to the utmost to the greatest degree 发挥全力;尽全 力 你会根据情况和你正在学的内容采取不同的学习方式,并且在不 同的时间学习。 depend on 取决于;依赖于 ; 动词 -ing 形式作状语,表方式;介词 on 的宾语有两个: the situation 和 what you are learning ,后 者是宾语从句。 注意下面对话中 depend on 的用法: —Shall we go on a picnic tomorrow? 明天我们去野餐好吗? —It depends on the weather. 那要看天气。

16 If you score between 0 and 8 points, it does not mean that you are not a good language learner. Perhaps this is the first time you have thought about the way you learn. Follow these suggestions: Observe how other students learn English and read some books that tell you how to learn a foreign language. Generally speaking, language learners can be divided into four types. Knowing what learner type you are may help you learn English better. Observe here means _____. A. to listen carefully B. to watch carefully Contents

17 everybody has their own learning style or habits score between 9 and 13; a relaxed learner score between 14 and 22; a mixture score between 0 and 8; not clear four types of language learners Contents

18 n. v. describesuggest n. v.mix try to be as accurate as possible all the time try to speak more; not to worry about mistakes; not be afraid to depend on yourself not really work hard; like to talk; not interested in learning grammar rules try to find more time to learn and organize a regular time for learning; try to correct yourself more learn in different ways and at different times study the descriptions of the analytic learner and the relaxed learner observe how other students learn English; read some books that tell how to learn a foreign language Contents

19 T T F F T

20 1) Which of the following statements best sums up the main idea of the passage? A. The passage divides language learners into four types and regards the first type as the best. B. The passage divides language learners into four types and gives advice to each of them. C. The passage suggests that a higher score means a better English learner. D. The passage suggests that a higher score means a poorer English learner. Contents

21 2) The writer probably wishes us to know that ________. A. one learner type is better than another B. no single learner type is good C. it is very important to know what learner type you are and to use proper methods to learn D. it is very important to get high scores in exams 3) The writer’s tone is probably ________. A. subjective B. objective C. neutral D. not clear Contents


23 v.n. Period 2 -ion -tion -ation -ture Contents

24 Look at these pictures and what words do you remember? Contents


26 1)description 2) accurate 3) score 4) relaxed 5) communicate 6) depends 7) overcome 8) regular 9) organized 10) aware of

27 1) accurate 2) improve 3) worry 4)relaxed 5) communicate 6) makes 7) weaknesses 8) poor 9) good 10) observe Contents

28 1)analyzes 2) accuracy 3) relax, relaxation 4) observations, observer 5) mixes, mixture 6) poor, weakness Contents Adj. n. v. n. Adj. n. n.n. n.n.

29 Contents 1) action 2) observation 3) introduction 4) exams / examinations 5) decision 6) relaxation 7) translation 8) correction

30 Period 3 Contents

31 情态动词 must , have to 表示 “ 必须 ” 和 “ 应该做某事 ” must 可表示推测,其口气比较肯定,在表示非推测性用法时, 意为 “ 必须 ” ,侧重于说话人的主观意志; 而 have to 表示 “ 必须 ” ,则侧重于客观的需要。 must 的两个否定形式,第一个否定形式是 must not / mustn’t , 表示 “ 不许(做某事) ” ,第两个否定形式 need not/needn’t , 表示 “ 不必 ” 。 Contents


33 1) must 2) should/must 3) may 4) may 5) have to 6) should 7) will 8) has to 9) must Contents


35 Period 4 Contents

36 familiar adj. --- v. -ize Contents


38 1)making mistakes 2) eager to; starts trying to use it 3) interested in 4) to speak in class 5) depend entirely on 6) outside the classroom and in it Contents


40 Period 5 Contents

41 flexible ['fleksəbl] adj. 易曲的, 柔软的, 灵活的 Contents



44 Period 6 Contents



47 Before you can start speaking and writing in English, your brain must learn enough correct English sentences. You can’t speak English if you have never seen an English sentence in your life. That is obvious. And you can’t speak English well if you have not seen a large number of English sentences. There are two ways to learn correct English sentences: Listening and reading. Both are good, but reading is usually much easier than listening. With the help of a good dictionary, you will be able to understand English texts much more easily than, for example, English television or movies. brain [breɪn] n. 脑 ; 头脑 Contents 有两种获得正确英语句子的途径:听和读。两种都好,但是通常读 比听更容易。 1) much 为程度副词,用在形容词比较级前加强语气,“ 更 ……” 。 2)... but reading is usually much easier than listening. 此句 中所说的 “ 更容易 ” 指的是前句中提 到的 to learn correct English sentences 方面,即 “ 在获得 / 学会正确英语句子 ” 方面。

48 If you read just one book in English, you will see that your English has become much better. You will start using lots of new vocabulary and grammar in your school compositions and e-mail messages. You will be surprised that correct English phrases will just come to you when you are writing or speaking! Things like the simple past tense and how to use the word “since” will become part of you. You will use them automatically, without thinking. By reading a book in English, you will give your brain thousands of English sentences. So it will be easy for you to use English, because your brain will be repeating the things that it has seen many times. How can you make a mistake and say “I feeled bad”, if you have seen the correct phrase “I felt bad” 250 times in the last book you read? do-did Contents 你自己都会觉得奇怪,当你提笔写东西或张嘴说英语的时候, 英语短语会不请自来。 句中的 come to you 的意思为 enter your mind suddenly ,即 “ 你突然想起 ……” ;此表达法无被动形式。

49 If you read in English, you will gradually forget about grammar rules. This is what we call grammar intuition. You don’t need to know the rules for the present perfect tense. You don’t even have to know the name “present perfect”. Instead, read a few books in English, and soon you will feel that “I have seen Paul yesterday” is wrong and “I saw Paul yesterday” is correct. How? Simple. Your brain has seen the second kind of sentence 192 times, and the first kind 0 times. This is how native speakers know what is correct. It’s no magic. You can do it, too. The only difference between you and native speakers is that they have heard and read more English sentences than you have. have/has done 句中的 192 和 0 并非用来表示什么确切数字,只是强调 “ 许多 次,经常 ” 和 “ 从来没有 ” ,分别指阅读第二种句子和第一种句 子的频率。 Contents


51 “ This ” refers to the previous sentence “ You can ’ t speak English if you have never seen an English sentence in your life ”. A.You will be able to understand English texts much more easily. B.You will start using lots of new vocabulary and grammar in your school compositions and e-mail messages. C. You will give your brain thousands of English sentences because your brain will be repeating the things that it has seen many times. D.You will gradually forget about grammar rules. The ability of speaking or writing correct English sentences without thinking about the grammar rules. The article mainly tells us that a lot of reading is very important in learning and using English well.

52 1)instead 2) came to 3) automatically 4) obvious 5) With the help of 6) magic 7) repeated 8) message 9) threw away 10) native Contents


54 词组 become aware of all the time be afraid to depend on in different ways at different times generally speaking as often as possible 表达法 / 句型 enjoying doing sth. have time to do sth. read aloud have a good memory for… learn…by heart pick up learner type be as accurate as possible worry too much about not…but listen for sth. lose interest exert… to the utmost it does not mean that… be divided into work hard Contents

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