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Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

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1 Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?
Last revision January 22, 2007 Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

2 Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?
Simulation Is … Simulation – very broad term – methods and applications to imitate or mimic real systems, usually via computer Applies in many fields and industries Very popular and powerful method Book covers simulation in general and the Arena simulation software in particular This chapter – general ideas, terminology, examples of applications, good/bad things, kinds of simulation, software options, how/when simulation is used Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

3 Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?
Systems System – facility or process, actual or planned Examples abound … Manufacturing facility Bank operation Airport operations (passengers, security, planes, crews, baggage) Transportation/logistics/distribution operation Hospital facilities (emergency room, operating room, admissions) Computer network Freeway system Business process (insurance office) Criminal justice system Chemical plant Fast-food restaurant Supermarket Theme park Emergency-response system Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

4 Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?
Work With the System? System의 정의 단어의 기원 : 그리스어 Systema: 조직화된 전체 (Organized whole) 시스템은 특정한 요구사항을 충족시킨다는 공통의 목적을 가지고 함께 작업하는 상호관련 있는 구성요소들의 집합으로 구성됨 Study the system – measure, improve, design, control Maybe just play with the actual system Advantage — unquestionably looking at the right thing But it’s often impossible to do so in reality with the actual system System doesn’t exist Would be disruptive, expensive, or dangerous Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

5 Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?
Models Model – set of assumptions/approximations about how the system works Study the model instead of the real system … usually much easier, faster, cheaper, safer Can try wide-ranging ideas with the model Make your mistakes on the computer where they don’t count, rather than for real where they do count Often, just building the model is instructive – regardless of results Model validity (any kind of model … not just simulation) Garbage In Garbage Out(GIGO) Care in building to mimic reality faithfully Level of detail Get same conclusions from the model as you would from system Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

6 Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?
Types of Models Physical (iconic) models Tabletop material-handling models Mock-ups of fast-food restaurants Flight simulators Logical (mathematical) models Approximations and assumptions about a system’s operation Often represented via computer program in appropriate software Exercise the program to try things, get results, learn about model behavior Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

7 Studying Logical Models
If model is simple enough, use traditional mathematical analysis … get exact results, lots of insight into model Queueing theory Differential equations Linear programming But complex systems can seldom be validly represented by a simple analytic model Danger of over-simplifying assumptions … model validity? Type III error – working on the wrong problem Often, a complex system requires a complex model, and analytical methods don’t apply … what to do? Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

8 Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?
Computer Simulation Broadly interpreted, computer simulation refers to methods for studying a wide variety of models of systems Numerically evaluate on a computer Use software to imitate the system’s operations and characteristics, often over time Can be used to study simple models but should not use it if an analytical solution is available Real power of simulation is in studying complex models Simulation can tolerate complex models since we don’t even aspire to an analytical solution Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

9 Popularity of Simulation
Has been consistently ranked as the most useful, popular tool in the broader area of operations research / management science 1978: M.S. graduates of CWRU O.R. Department … after graduation 1. Statistical analysis 2. Forecasting 3. Systems Analysis 4. Information systems 5. Simulation 1979: Survey 137 large firms, which methods used? 1. Statistical analysis (93% used it) 2. Simulation (84%) 3. Followed by LP, PERT/CPM, inventory theory, NLP, … Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

10 Popularity of Simulation (cont’d.)
1980: (A)IIE O.R. division members First in utility and interest — simulation First in familiarity — LP (simulation was second) 1983, 1989, 1993: Longitudinal study of corporate practice 1. Statistical analysis 2. Simulation 1989: Survey of surveys Heavy use of simulation consistently reported Since these surveys, hardware and software have improved, probably making simulation even more attractive Historical impediment to simulation – computer speed Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

11 Advantages of Simulation
Flexibility to model things as they are (even if messy and complicated) Avoid looking where the light is (a morality play): Allows uncertainty, nonstationarity in modeling The only thing that’s for sure: nothing is for sure Danger of ignoring system variability Model validity You’re walking along in the dark and see someone on hands and knees searching the ground under a street light. You: “What’s wrong? Can I help you?” Other person: “I dropped my car keys and can’t find them.” You: “Oh, so you dropped them around here, huh?” Other person: “No, I dropped them over there.” (Points into the darkness.) You: “Then why are you looking here?” Other person: “Because this is where the light is.” Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

12 Advantages of Simulation (cont’d.)
Advances in computing/cost ratios Estimated that 75% of computing power is used for various kinds of simulations Dedicated machines (e.g., real-time shop-floor control) Advances in simulation software Far easier to use (GUIs) No longer as restrictive in modeling constructs (hierarchical, down to C) Statistical design & analysis capabilities Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

13 Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?
The Bad News Don’t get exact answers, only approximations, estimates Also true of many other modern methods Can bound errors by machine roundoff Get random output (RIRO) from stochastic simulations Random In Random Out Statistical design, analysis of simulation experiments Exploit: noise control, replicability, sequential sampling, variance-reduction techniques Catch: “standard” statistical methods seldom work Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

14 Different Kinds of Simulation
Static vs. Dynamic Does time have a role in the model? Continuous-change vs. Discrete-change Can the “state” change continuously or only at discrete points in time? Deterministic vs. Stochastic Is everything for sure or is there uncertainty? Most operational models: Dynamic, Discrete-change, Stochastic Though Chapter 2 discusses a static model, and Chapter 11 discusses continuous and combined discrete-continuous models Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

15 Simulation by Hand: The Buffon Needle Problem
Estimate p (George Louis Leclerc, c. 1733) Toss needle of length l onto table with stripes d (>l ) apart P (needle crosses a line) = Repeat; tally = proportion of times a line is crossed Estimate p by chrome Just for fun: Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

16 Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?
Why Toss Needles? Buffon needle problem seems silly now, but it has important simulation features: Experiment to estimate something hard to compute exactly (in 1733) Randomness, so estimate will not be exact; estimate the error in the estimate Replication (the more the better) to reduce error Sequential sampling to control error — keep tossing until probable error in estimate is “small enough” Variance reduction (Buffon Cross) Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

17 Simulation by Hand: Calculating value of 
Monte Carlo Simulation Y 시행 X Y Z 판정 1 =1-RAND()*2 =B2^2+C2^2 =IF(D2<=1,1,0) 10000 =B3^2+C3^2 =IF(D3<=1,1,0) =SUM(E2:E4) =E5*4/A4 1 X -1 1 Area of square = 2*2 = 4 Area of circle = r2 =  Random number generation : x, y = Random(-1, 1) Calculate z = x2+y2 : if z  1 than count++ Repeat N experiments 4 :  = N : count   = 4 * count / N -1 Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

18 Using Computers to Simulate
General-purpose languages (FORTRAN, C, C++, C#, Java, Matlab, others) Tedious, low-level, error-prone But, almost complete flexibility Support packages Subroutines for list processing, bookkeeping, time advance Widely distributed, widely modified Spreadsheets Usually static models Financial scenarios, distribution sampling, SQC Examples in Chapter 2 (one static, one dynamic) Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

19 Using Computers to Simulate (cont’d.)
Simulation languages GPSS, SLX, SIMAN (on which Arena is based, and is included in Arena) Popular, some are still in use Learning curve for features, effective use, syntax High-level simulators Very easy, graphical interface Domain-restricted (manufacturing, communications) Limited flexibility, model validity? Discrete event simulation languages. AutoMod - Simulating Reality Arena ExtendSim - Simulation software for discrete event, continuous, discrete rate and agent-based simulation**GPSS Simio software for discrete event, continuous, and agent-based simulation.[1] SimPy, an open-source package based on Python SIMSCRIPT II.5, a well established commercial compiler Simula jEQN a Domain Specific Language for M&S of Queueing Networks Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

20 Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?
Where Arena Fits In Hierarchical structure Multiple levels of modeling Can mix different modeling levels together in the same model Often, start high then go lower as needed Get ease-of-use advantage of simulators without sacrificing modeling flexibility Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

21 When Simulations are Used
Uses of simulation have evolved with hardware, software The early years (1950s-1960s) Very expensive, specialized tool to use Required big computers, special training Mostly in FORTRAN (or even Assembler) Processing cost as high as $1000/hour for a sub-286 level machine Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

22 When Simulations are Used (cont’d.)
The formative years (1970s-early 1980s) Computers got faster, cheaper Value of simulation more widely recognized Simulation software improved, but they were still languages to be learned, typed, batch processed Often used to clean up “disasters” in auto, aerospace industries Car plant; heavy demand for certain model Line underperforming Simulated, problem identified But demand had dried up — simulation was too late Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

23 When Simulations are Used (cont’d.)
The recent past (late 1980s-1990s) Microcomputer power Software expanded into GUIs, animation Wider acceptance across more areas Traditional manufacturing applications Services Health care “Business processes” Still mostly in large firms Often a simulation is part of the “specs” Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

24 When Simulations are Used (cont’d.)
The present Proliferating into smaller firms Becoming a standard tool Being used earlier in design phase Real-time control The future Exploiting interoperability of operating systems Specialized “templates” for industries, firms Automated statistical design, analysis Networked sharing of data in real time Integration with other applications Distributed model building, execution Simulation with Arena, 4th ed. Chapter 1 – What Is Simulation?

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