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Building the Power of Reading Unit 3

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1 Building the Power of Reading Unit 3
How do people around the world access reading and books? • How does reading give us power People overcome great challenges in order to access books. Readers can learn about different cultures through a variety of texts.

2 Lesson 1: Building Background knowledge about Physical Environments: What makes it hard for some people to get books? Vocabulary obstacles challenges overcome perspective role face (challenges) remote valley mountain gulley distance climate landforms desert mountains rivers arctic coast island physical environment Today’s Targets I can make connections between the challenges two characters face in a story. RL.3.3 I can explain how the illustrations in That Book Woman help me understand the challenges faced by the characters. RL.3.7 I can retell important ideas from the informational text Physical Environments around the World. RI.3.2 I can distinguish between a narrator or character’s point of view and my own. RL.3.6


4 Lesson 2: Reading Maps: Locating the Countries We Have Been Reading About
Vocabulary landforms physical environment political map topographical map continent compass rose key Today’s Targets I can use a physical map to find a variety of landforms and water features. RI.3.7 I can use a world map to find the countries we have been reading about. RI.3.7 I can explain to a classmate or teacher what I understand about the maps I am using. SL.3.1



7 How can a map help us understand informational texts, such as the one we read yesterday, about different countries or places in the world?

8 Today’s Supporting Targets
Lesson 3: Close Reading of Waiting For the Biblioburro: Finding the Main Message and Taking Notes Today’s Supporting Targets I can identify the main message of Waiting for the Biblioburro by reading text closely. (RL.3.3) I can sort key details from Waiting on the Biblioburro into categories. (W.3.8) I can describe what the librarian wanted and did .(RL.3.3) I can discuss the main message of Waiting for the Bilbioburro is conveyed through key details. (SL.3.1) Vocabulary access abecedario biblioteca burro cuento que’ bueno

9 Somebody… (character) in…. (setting) wanted… (motivation) but… (problem) so…. (resolution)

10 What do you think was the most important detail in Watiing for the Biblioburro that showed the lesson of the story? What was challenging? What strategies did you use to help you understand? What was a success for you today as a reader?

11 Lesson 4: Continued Close Reading of Waiting for the Biblioburro: Comparing and Contrasting the Children in Columbia, Appalachia, Chad, and Afganistan Targets I can answer questions using specific details from the text. (RL.3.1) I can prepare myself to participate in discussions. (SL.3.1) I can participate in a discussion with my peers to compare and contrast four stories on a similar topic. (SL.3.1) Vocabulary access abecedario biblioteca burro cuento que bueno compare contrast similarities differences



14 What are some similarities we saw across all four books?
What does that tell us about the big lessons of our study?

15 Lesson 5: Paragraph Writing about Waiting for the Biblioburro
Today’s Targets I can plan my paragraph using a graphic organizer (W.3.5) I can write a topic sentence for a paragraph about the efforts the librarian made in order to get books to the people of Columbia. (W.3.2) I can develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details. (W.3.2) I can write routinely for a variety of purposes. (W.3.10) Vocabulary obstacle transition detail explain evidence

16 That Book Woman In the story That Book Woman, the Book Woman overcomes many obstacles to bring books to children. For example, she has to get past difficult physical obstacles. In the story, it says the family lives way up in the mountains. This would make it hard to reach them, so the Book Woman uses a horse. Also, she has to go through very bad weather. The story shows her coming to their house in rain, fog, snow, and cold. The bad weather would make it hard to reach the family. In That Book Woman, the Book Woman has to get past many obstacles to bring books to children.


18 What did you do well with your paragraph?
Based on the shares, what do you think you could change to make better?

19 I can determine the main idea of an informational text. (RI.3.2)
Lesson 6: Determining Main Idea Using Text and Illustrations: Accessing Books Around the World Today’s Targets I can determine the main idea of an excerpt from My Librarian is a Camel using evidence from the text and the illustrations. (RI.3.7) I can determine the main idea of an informational text. (RI.3.2) I can retell key details from an informational text. (RI.3.2) Vocabulary informational excerpt evidence compare contrast topic main idea text illustrations


21 I think the main idea is ____________________
Think-Pair-Share I think the main idea is ____________________ because ___________________________. I think ____________________is a superhero in Peru because ______________________.

22 Lesson 7: Close Reading of Excerpts from MY Librarian is a Camel: How do People Access Books Around the World Vocabulary narrative informational text paragraph main idea details Today’s Targets I can identify the main idea of a passage from my Librarian is a Camel by using illustrations and reading the text closely. (RI.3.2) I can record key details from a passage of My Librarian is a Camel into categories. (W.3.8) (RI. 3.2) I can discus how the main idea in a passage from My Librarian is a Camel is conveyed through key details. (SL.3.1)

23 Display pages 18-19 from My Librarian is a Camel.

24 How was close reading an informational text different from close reading narrative?

25 Lesson 8: Group Discussion Accessing Books Around the World
Today’s Supporting Targets I can answer questions using details from My Librarian is a Camel. I can discuss my opinion about a question with members of other groups. (SL.3.1) I can give reasons to support my opinion. (SL.3.1) Vocabulary opinion evidence support reason

26 On Your Own-Read and think about the questions (2 mins)
As a Group-Discuss the answers to the questions (8 mins) On your Own- Write answers to the questions (10 mins)

27 Why is it hard for people in the country you read about to access books?

28 3-2-1 Exit Ticket 3 things you learned about other countries.
2 questions you have. the 1 country you now think has the hardest time accessing books, and why.

29 Today’s Supporting Targets
Lesson 9: Mid-Unit Assessment : Answering Text-Dependent Questions About Librarians and Organizations Around the World Today’s Supporting Targets I determine the main idea of a new excerpt from My Librarian is a Camel. (RI.3.1) I can record details from a new excerpt from My Librarian is a Camel. (W.3.8) I can answer questions using details from a new excerpt from My Librarian is a Camel. (RI.3.1) I can discuss how the main idea in a new excerpt is conveyed through details. Vocabulary narrative informational text paragraph main idea details

30 What strategies did you use to read this informational text closely?
What was a success for you? What was a challenge?

31 Today’s Supporting Targets
Lesson 10: Planning Writing : Making Notes For The Accessing Books Around the World Informative Paragraph Today’s Supporting Targets I can create a plan for my Accessing Books around the World informative paragraph. (W.3.5) Vocabulary plan bookmark create informative paragraph

32 Why do thoughtful writers plan before they write?


34 I selected _____________ as nt special librarian because

35 Today’s Supporting Targets
Lesson 11: Writing a First Draft: Accessing Books Around the World Informative Paragraph. Today’s Supporting Targets I can identify the criteria for a quality informative writing. (W.3.2) I can write a quality first draft of an informative paragraph with a clear topic sentence that tells who my librarian is. (W.3.5) I can write an informative paragraph that describes my librarian or organization with specific facts and details. (W.3.2) Vocabulary identify criteria quality facts details conclusion punctuation informative first draft paragraph topic sentence

36 That Book Woman In the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky, people go to extraordinary lengths to get books. One example of this is the “Book Woman.” She carries books on her horse to people’s houses deep in the mountains. Then she comes back two weeks later to switch those books for new ones. She does this for free! The lady librarian in the book is necessary because of the physical environment. For example, people live very far from schools and libraries so they can’t get to books. Also, they are in the mountains, so the paths are difficult to travel. Finally, the weather can be terrible, keeping people trapped in their houses. The “Book Woman” is a very special librarian because she is brave enough to ride through rough land and weather to help kids learn to read.

37 One of the criteria that I see in my paper is__________.
One of the criteria I need to work on is ____________

38 Today’s Supporting Targets
Lesson 12: Revising: Developing Topic Sentences For the Accessing Books Around the World Informative Paragraph Today’s Supporting Targets I can revise my Accessing Books Around the World informative paragraph to include a topic sentence that captivates the reader. (W.3.5) (W.3.2) I can revise my Accessing Books around the World paragraph to include important details about how my librarian or organization is special. (W.3.5) Vocabulary include introduce details paragraph topic sentence revise complete sentence

39 That Book Woman In the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky, people go to extraordinary lengths to get books. One example of this is the “Book Woman.” She carries books on her horse to people’s houses deep in the mountains. Then she comes back two weeks later to switch those books for new ones. She does this for free! The lady librarian in the book is necessary because of the physical environment. For example, people live very far from schools and libraries so they can’t get to books. Also, they are in the mountains, so the paths are difficult to travel. Finally, the weather can be terrible, keeping people trapped in their houses. The “Book Woman” is a very special librarian because she is brave enough to ride through rough land and weather to help kids learn to read.

40 One of my important details is _______________________.

41 Today’s Supporting Targets
Lesson 13: Revising: Strong Conclusions for My Assessing Books Around the World Informative Paragraph Today’s Supporting Targets I can revise my Assessing Books around the World informative paragraph for a conclusion that wraps up the paragraph for my reader. (W.3.5) (W.3.2) I can use feedback and criteria to revise my paragraph. (W.3.5) Vocabulary wrap up feedback criteria complete sentence paragraph conclusion writing process plan edit revise

42 That Book Woman In the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky, people go to extraordinary lengths to get books. One example of this is the “Book Woman.” She carries books on her horse to people’s houses deep in the mountains. Then she comes back two weeks later to switch those books for new ones. She does this for free! The lady librarian in the book is necessary because of the physical environment. For example, people live very far from schools and libraries so they can’t get to books. Also, they are in the mountains, so the paths are difficult to travel. Finally, the weather can be terrible, keeping people trapped in their houses. The “Book Woman” is a very special librarian because she is brave enough to ride through rough land and weather to help kids learn to read.

43 meets the criteria because it tells the reader_____.
My _______ meets the criteria because it tells the reader_____.

44 Today’s Supporting Targets
Lesson 14: Revising my Assessing the World Informative Paragraph For a Hook to Captivate my Reader. Today’s Supporting Targets I can revise my Assessing Books around the World informative paragraph for a “hook” that captivates my reader. (W.3.5) (W.3.2) Vocabulary captivate hook paragraph revise plan edit

45 Hooks What did the writer do to make this hook captivating?
“Have you ever met someone who changed your life forever?” What did the writer do to make this hook captivating? “In the 1930s, President Roosevelt created a program to bring books to areas of Kentucky where there weren’t many schools or libraries.” “It’s not the horse alone, that’s brave, I reckon, but the rider, too.” “Falling in love with reading is like magic!” What did the writer do to make this hook captivating?

46 I think my “hook” is captivating because_______.

47 Today’s Supporting Targets
Lesson 15: Editing and Publishing: Accessing Books Around the World Informative Paragraph Today’s Supporting Targets I can write a final draft that reflects craftsmanship. (W.3.5) I an use correct capitalization. (L.3.2) I can use correct end punctuation in my writing (L.3.2) I can spell grade appropriate words correctly. (L.3.2) I can use resources to check and correct my spelling. (L.3.2) Vocabulary correct grade appropriate resources reflect check handwriting craftsmanship capitalization ending punctuation publish

48 What are you most proud of?
What are your challenges?

49 Lesson 16: Illustrating: Geography Icon
Vocabulary create quality informative paragraphs illustrations Today’s Supporting Targets I can create a quality illustration that helps the reader understand my Accessing Books around the World paragraph. (W.3.2)

50 The Illustration…. *shows something important *matches the text in the Accessing Books around the World paragraph *fills the whole paper *provides details *displays care and neatness *is carefully outlined with marker.

51 Lesson 17: End of Unit On-Demand Assessment and Bookmark Celebration
Today’s Supporting Targets I can write a new informative paragraph about how people help deliver books to children in remote and difficult places. (W.3.2) I can read my Assessing Books around the World bookmark fluently to my audience. (SL.3.4) Vocabulary audience informative paragraph fluently

52 Audience Feedback I like how you……………………… I learned ……………………………..

53 I used to …….. but now I……..

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