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Unit 5 First aid (Reading).

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1 Unit 5 First aid (Reading)

2 1. Warming up What is first aid?
First aid is ______________ ______ given to someone who suddenly ______ or __________ before a doctor can be found. the first kind of help falls ill gets injured

3 Brainstorming: What words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid?
bleed drown choke Burn/catch fire sprained ankle Accident First aid A broken arm cut A snake bite A bloody nose … …

4 Nowadays there are a lot of unexpected accidents
Nowadays there are a lot of unexpected accidents. what would you do in such situations?

5 What happened in the picture? What kind of first aid should you give?
The person bitten must get to a doctor or hospital at once Speed is very important. It will help the doctor greatly if you can tell him what kind of snake it was, or describe. A snake bite

6 What happened in the picture? What kind of first aid should you give?
Try to stop the bleeding Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there. Hold up the part of body which is bleeding if possible. bleeding

7 What happened in the picture? What kind of first aid should you give?
Tied with medical bandage. It is better to avoid walking with the injured ankle. It is correct to use ice bag for removing pain and bleeding, and also not influence our own body healing. A sprained ankle

8 What happened in the picture? What kind of first aid should you give?
Make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back. To avoid this, we shouldn’t talk or laugh when eating. choking

9 What happened in each picture? What kind of first aid should you give?
Do not move the patient. Send for an ambulance at once. Treat for shock if necessary. A broken arm

10 What happened in each picture? What kind of first aid should you give?
Stay calm. Breathe through the mouth, not the nose. Sit up and bend the head slightly forward. Pinch(捏) both nostrils(鼻孔) shut using a thumb and forefinger. Spit out any blood that collects in the mouth. A bloody nose

11 2. Pre-reading What has happened?
Questions for the picture: What has happened? What sort of injuries will the child have? What kind of first aid would you perform in this situation?

12 First aid for burns

13 Fast reading What will the passage be about?
2. What do they tell you about the passage? First aid for burns. Causes, types, characteristics and first aid treatment for burns.

14 Reading skill: Survey the text before reading:
title - topic of the article subtitles - main idea of each paragraph headings within subtitles - key words for details main idea of the article

15 R e a d i n g Skim the title & the headings:
1. What’s the topic of the text? a 2. How is the information organized? d 3. How is the information organized within the headings of types of burns and characteristics of burns? i n 4. How many parts are the text divided into and what are they? g

16 R e a d i n g first aid for burns causes types characteristics
first degree burns d second degree burns third degree burns i characteristics first degree burns n second degree burns g third degree burns first aid treatment

17 R e a d i n g The text are divided into five parts.
In which order are these topics covered? Number them from 1 to 5. e a 3 ____ the three types of burns ____ what to do if someone gets burned ____ the purpose of skin ____ the characteristics of burns ____ how we get burns d 5 i 1 4 n g 2

18 R e a d i n g Detailed reading Scan the text for details:
1. What can skin do for our body? (P1) ● protect you against diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays ● keep you warm or cool ● prevent you from losing water ● give you sense of touch i n g

19 R 2. How can we get burnt? (P2) e a d i n g

20 Causes of burns You can get burnt by : hot liquids, steam, fire,
____________________________ _______________________________ hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity and chemicals

21 R e a d i n g 3. How many types of burns? (P3)
4. What are the characteristics of different burns? (P4) red, swollen blisters a d i tissue can be seen swollen n light swollen red g

22 R e a d i n g The reading for discussion (P4 & P5):
Why should you put cold water on a burn? a d 2. Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt? 3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed? i n g 4. If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue?

23 1. Why should you put cold water on a burn?
2. Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt? 3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed? 4. If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue? The cold water stops the burning process, stops the pain and prevents or reduces swelling. Because nerves have been damaged. Because this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected. These affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under fires

24 T F F F T T F Tell if the following statements are true or false:
Our skin has three layers. We will never get burned by the sun. Burns are divided into three degrees according to the degree of pain. Third degree burns are the most serious and painful. Put cool water on any burns to cool them. Don’t rub the burns It’s better that you put some butter or oil on burns. F F F T T F

25 Read the text again and then find out how many parts there are and the main idea of each part
The purpose / function of skin Causes of burns Types of burns: Characteristics of burns First aid treatment

26 w R Discuss the following situations:
Sam knocked over a kettle full of boiling water onto his legs. His legs became red, swollen and covered with blisters. Sam broke the blisters and poured icy water from the fridge onto the skin. w 2. While ironing clothes, Miss Good accidentally touched the iron. Her wrist blistered and became watery. It hurt a lot. She put her wrist under the cold water tap and then kept placing cool, clean, damp cloths on it until it was less painful. Then she went to see the doctor. R

27 3. Mrs. Casey’s sleeve caught fire while she was cooking
3. Mrs. Casey’s sleeve caught fire while she was cooking. Her arm looked terrible but it didn’t hurt. The skin was charred. Her husband took off her blouse and picked off bits of the blouse stuck to the burn. He then placed butter on the burn and covered it with a wet bandage. w 4. After an hour in the sun, Lily noticed her arms were red and hurt a bit. She went home and put them under running water. R

28 Complete the questions with words from the text.(P37)
2 Complete the questions with words from the text.(P37) first aid 1 When do you need to know about________ _________? When someone suddenly falls ill or has an accident. 2 What is the ________ that protects you against diseases and the sun’s rays? The skin. 3 What are some of the ________ of burns? Hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation and the sun. 4 What are the ______________ of first degree burns? They are dry, red and mildly swollen. organ causes characteristics

29 5 What may cause the third degree burns?
Severe petrol fires or ________ shocks. 6 How do you stop the ________ of burning? By running cool water over the burn. electric A B C pain

30 Label these pictures with first degree burn, second degree burn and third degree burn.
( group work ) second degree burn third degree burn A_________ B_________ C_________ first degree burn

31 拓展 How to deal with these injuries?
What things at home can be dangerous? electrical equipment knives hot water electric wires glass poisons gas pets How to deal with these injuries?

32 What kind of first aid would you perform in the situation of burning?
Cool the area of skin Wash it under the cold tap Cover the wound with bandage / clean cloth See a doctor if necessary

33 Making a first-aid kit 120 119 110 bandage alcohol flashlight
A well-stocked(存备得好的) first-aid kit, kept in easy reach, is necessary in every home. It should include: bandage alcohol flashlight thermometer soap sharp scissors plastic gloves (at least 2 pairs) your list of emergency phone numbers 120 emergency medical service fire department police department parent(s) at work, including cell phone & pager neighbor or relative 119 110

34 Language points aid 帮助,援助,赞助 first aid 急救 come/ go to sb’s aid 援助某人
with the aid of 在… 的帮助下 aid sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 aid sb in doing sth 帮助某人做某事 E.g. ① He came to my aid at once. ② He was able to find the museum with the aid of a map. ③ We aided him in raising the money.

35 2. fall ill 生病 属短暂性动词, 不与 for + 时间段连用 be ill 指生病的状态,是持续性行为, 可与 for + 时间段连用 His wife suddenly fell ill last week. He has been ill for a week. fall 用作系动词,后常接形容词. fall asleep 睡着 fall silent 沉默不语

36 save one’s life 救某人的命 save one’s honor 保全名誉 save one’s face 保全面子 避免受伤 save one’s skin 4 Did you or someone else give help in any of them? If so, … If so, = If it is true, Do you want to be a superman? If so, come with me! If so, = If you want,

37 5 bite (bit, bitten) bite off more than one can chew贪多嚼不烂 Once bitten, twice shy. 吃一堑,长一智。 bite the hand that feeds one 恩将仇报 bite a person’s head off 严厉斥责,口气凶猛

38 6 protect … against \ from doing sth 保护、维护
prevent … from doing sth 防止、妨碍 He put on his coat to protect himself from catching cold. Nothing will prevent us from reaching our aim. 7 …and it gives you your sense of touch. sense of touch 触觉 sense of sight 视觉 sense of hearing 听觉 sense of taste 味觉 sense of smell嗅觉 sense of humor幽默感 sense of urgency紧迫感 sense of beauty 美感

39 8. treatment 不可数名词 “ 对待, 待遇,处理; 治疗”
工人们受到政府优厚的待遇. The workers received good treatment from the Government. 可数名词 . “ 疗法” 他们正在实验一种治疗癌症的新疗法. They are trying _____________________________ a new treatment for cancer be under treatment 在治疗中 be under one’s treatment 接受某人的治疗 for treatment 进行治疗 treatment for + 疾病的名词 治…病的方法

40 9 depend on ①取决于; The price depends on the quality. ②依赖、依靠; e.g 他的一家人全靠他养活。 His family depends on him. ③信赖、信任; e.g 我相信你们可以在星期五前完成你们的作业。 I depend on you to finish your homework by Friday.

41 10 heal vt. & vi. (尤指伤口)治愈; 恢复健康 heal a wound 使和解 healer (cn) 医治者;治疗物 Time is a great healer. 时间能够治好创伤。 辨析:treat, heal, cure treat “治疗”,着重强调过程,不涉及结果,不一定治愈。 heal 多用于治疗外伤。 cure “治愈”,强调结果。

42 Her leg has swollen badly.
11. swell v. 膨胀,隆起 ①她的腿肿得很厉害。 ②风鼓起了帆。 ③大雨使河水上涨了。 Her leg has swollen badly. The wind swelled the sails. The heavy rain swelled the river. swollen 可作形容词,表示“ 肿胀的” Her eyes were red and swollen with weeping. 她的眼睛哭得又红又肿。

43 The war damaged the relations between the countries.
12 damage v. 损害, 损坏 n. 损害, 毁坏, 破坏 ( 不可数) ①这场战争损害了两国之间的关系。 ②地震造成了重大破坏。 The war damaged the relations between the countries. The earthquake caused great damage.

44 两者均有“ 珍宝首饰” 之意,jewellery 为集体 名词, 不可数;jewel 为可数名词
① She appeared at the party wearing some of her finest________. jewels B. jewelleries C. jewel D. jewellers ② I want to buy ____ as a birthday gift for my daughter. some jewel B. a piece of jewel C. a jewellery D. a piece of jewellery A D

45 14 squeeze out 榨出, 挤出 他们被年轻人挤出了就业市场。 They have been squeezed out of the job market by young people. squeeze money from sb 向某人勒索钱财 squeeze money out of sb 那个年轻人经常向那个小学生勒索钱财。 The young man often squeezes money from/ out of the pupil.

46 15. wound n.伤,创伤 v. 伤害,使受伤 区别wound, injure, harm 与 hurt: wound 指外伤,如枪伤,刀伤等, 尤指 在战场上受伤;也可指在感情上荣誉方面的创伤。 injure 指意外或事故造成损伤,强调功能的损失。 harm 指损害有生命或无生命的东西;也可指 肉体上或精神上的损害。 hurt (普通用语)指任何肉体或精神上的伤害。 尤指打伤,刺伤;还可表示“疼痛”。

47 The bullet wounded him in his arm.
子弹打伤了他的手臂。 He was injured in a traffic accident. 他在一次交通事故中受了伤。 We won’t do anything that will harm the cause of peace. 我们不会做任何危及和平事业的事。 He fell off the ladder and hurt his leg. 他从梯子上摔下来,伤了腿。 The hurt to his feelings is more serious than the hurt in his body.

48 16. sit up ① (使或帮助)坐起来; 坐起来吃药吧。 Sit up and take your medicine. ② 端坐,坐正,坐直; ③ 熬夜。 I sat up late reading a novel.

49 Surf the Internet to get more information about First aid.
Homework: Surf the Internet to get more information about First aid.

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