Modern ITAD for a Dynamic World

Your reliable partner for IT hardware asset management

ITAD Services

Eliminate possible security risks and liability with proper data destruction protocols.

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Hardware contains parts, components, and precious metals that can be harvested and recycled.

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We buy hardware from lease buy-outs, data center decommissions, and equipment refreshes.

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Semsotai’s unique upcycle services earn you carbon credits

Semsotai can leverage your IT hardware to help you reduce your carbon footprint.

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How can we all contribute to a greener economy?


Upcycle up·cy·cle /ˈəpˌsīkəl/ verb:

To re-use discarded hardware in such a way as to create a new product or otherwise increase the value and useability of the discarded device or components of the device.

“The opportunity to upcycle discarded electronics, salvaging components for re-use in manufacturing, is vast”


Recycle re·cy·cle /rēˈsīk(ə)l/ verb:

To convert discarded hardware into reusable material. To put a discarded device back into use.

“The old hard drives were recycled and placed into refurbished computers”


Reuse verb /rēˈyo͞oz/ verb:

To use again

“The used modems were sent to a developing market for reuse”


Refine re·fine /rəˈfīn/ verb:

To remove impurities via a clean industrial process whereby desirable metals can be collected for reuse.

“The old circuit boards were refined for their precious metals”


Refurbish re·fur·bish /rēˈfərbiSH/ verb:

To clean and repair a used device so that it is suitable for reuse as a functional piece of hardware.

“The computers were refurbished and made ready for resale”


Reduce re·duce /rəˈd(y)o͞os/ verb:

To make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size.

“Recycling can reduce our impact on the environment”

Circular Economy

Circular Economy cir·cu·lar e·con·o·my /ˈsərkyələr əˈkänəmē/ noun:

An economic system focused on eliminating waste and the reuse of resources. Circular systems employ reuse, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling to create a system that maximizes the reuse potential of material.

“Harvesting valuable components from used electronics is a key element in building an environmentally friendly circular process”

Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint car·bon foot·print /ˌkärbən ˈfo͝otprint/ noun:

A measurement of the overall negative environmental impact due to the amount of carbon compounds created and emitted by a certain person, company, process, etc.

“The company reducing their carbon footprint by investing in better recycling processes”


Sustainability sus·tain·a·bil·i·ty /səˌstānəˈbilədē/ noun:

A measurement of the ability of a process to avoid the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain ecological balance.

“Effective recycling is key to the sustainability of growth in the data center industry”


Information Technology Asset Disposition

ITAD refers to the industry that deals with used electronic devices at the end of their initial usage cycle. These devices may be “retired” for various reasons. Often they still function, either fully or partially, but may have been rotated out of service due to leasing cycles or upgrades. Businesses can’t, and shouldn’t, just throw these items away. Carelessly disposing of these items often means lost value to the business and can even lead to environmental and data liabilities! A good ITAD partner can help you destroy sensitive data and properly recycle hardware, eliminating any potential disposal issues. Semsotai may even be able to reuse your hardware in a way that allows you to quantify a reduction to your business’ carbon impact!

Niebezpieczeństwa kasyna online: Dlaczego każdy gracz powinien rozważyć blockchain.

Dzisiaj każdy, kto zagłębia się w świat kasyn online, powinien rozważyć zablokowanie karty kredytowej. Uzależnienie jest podstępną chorobą, a blockchain może ostrzec Cię o jego niewidzialnych konsekwencjach gdy istnieje blokowanie stron hazardowych.

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Semsotai moves as much material as possible into our “upcycle” stream. Upcycle means finding new life for those used items that we bring into our process. Many individual components that are used to create electronics have lifespans that may greatly exceed the initial usable window of the original device. These components can be harvested and reintroduced into the service industry and maybe even into the manufacturing stream. By reusing these parts and components, we can maximize the initial investment of time, energy, labor, and manufacturing that went into producing them in the first place. We thereby divert usable and beneficial resources from the waste stream back into the useful material stream.

Learn more about our unique upcycle process.

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For us, the term “recycle” refers to those parts of an electronic device that are not viable targets for harvest and reuse. Metal cases, plastic parts, post-harvest circuit boards, etc. are all bound for the recycle stream. All downstream Semsotai recycle partners are carefully vetted and confirmed to operate in compliance with international environmental standards. These operators can melt down or otherwise process these materials in order to make them suitable for precious metals extraction, reuse, or introduction into biodegrading systems.

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Most electronic devices store information. This stored information may be personal, proprietary, financial, intellectual property, etc. Possessing or storing such data obligates the holder of the data and the data-bearing device to certain legal accountabilities. Steps must be taken to properly care for and protect that data at the end of a device’s life and keep it safe from unauthorized access. At the end of the device’s initial service life, that data must be destroyed. There are numerous applicable standards and regulations that can be used to certify that data has been destroyed in harmony with good business practices. In fact, there are several options businesses can chose in order to properly ensure data security:

Data destruction

Data bearing devices such as hard disc drives and solid state drives can be wiped using data destruction software. This enables the complete and verifiable destruction of data while preserving the usefulness of the device itself. It can then be reused or resold to recover value.

Drive destruction

This is a process by which the data bearing device, such as hard disc drives or solid state drives, are physically destroyed via a shredder or other means. This makes any data recovery impossible, but also destroys the device.
Either of these services can be performed on-site, at the client’s facility, in order to ensure that the data never leaves the control of the customer, or off-site. Off-site services are provided with a strict “chain-of-custody” in order to maintain a clear record of control until the data is destroyed.
No matter which type of service the client choses, data destruction is handled in strict accordance with industry standards so as to ensure complete data security.


Semsotai is a global leader in IT hardware reuse and value realization. Therefore, we have a purchasing department that is always in the market to make offers on any type of IT hardware in wholesale quantities. We regularly purchase e-scrap, modems, streaming devices, laptops, desktops, servers, and more. Contact our purchasing team to find out more and get our offer on your hardware!

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Semsotai often has IT hardware and components that are still in demand in the service and repair industry. If you’re looking for specific parts, contact our sales team to see if we have any availability. RAM, NIC, CPU, GPU, graphics cards, and more regularly come through our California processing facility, and we’re happy to help you locate any parts you may need to service your hardware or complete your build.
We also manufacture and distribute our own brand of RAM and SSDs, available in wholesale quantities.

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Semsotai has been around for over 21 years, beginning as a manufacturer based in Shenzhen. As our expertise in manufacturing and maximizing residual value from used IT assets has grown, we’ve expanded into more direct hardware acquisition. Recently we’ve also started offering our own ITAD services in-house. We’re a dynamic and growing pioneer in the ITAD industry, leading in upcycle innovation and the greening of the electronics industry. To learn more about how Semsotai is leading the way in the IT hardware management industry, contact us.

We need more like-minded people to join our team. If you’re interested in a career in the IT hardware field, please see our careers section. 


  • ITAD
  • E-Waste Recycling
  • Data Destruction
  • Hardware Purchasing
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  • Careers
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