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Roidmi EVA: sweeps better in corners, rubs better and cleaning itself

Roidmi EVA Reviews

Today we will review another top robot vacuum cleaner of 2022 called Roidmi EVA. Speaking of the robot, it is equipped with lidar for navigation, a modern combined station for self-cleaning and rinsing of mopping pads, as well as an efficient cleaning module based on a central and side brush, as well as two rotating mops on the back. For such a set of advanced solutions, you will have to pay from $875 to $1150, and this is at the level of most analogues. Next I will test Roidmi EVA in detail, after which I will express my own opinion, for what conditions it is more optimal and whether it is worth the money. So let’s go!



In addition to the robot itself and the station, the delivery set includes:

  1. Power adapter.
  2. 4 spare bags for the station.
  3. Two spare mopping pads for the robot.
  4. Spare side brush.
  5. Spare HEPA filter.
  6. Spare sponge for a tank of clean water.
Roidmi EVA Package

The set is good. The manufacturer took care and equipped the robot with all the necessary consumables for the first period of the operation. This is a plus!


Let`s have a look at how Roidmi EVA is designed. Let’s start with the robot vacuum cleaner itself. The body shape is non-standard: square with rounded corners. This design solution should improve the quality of sweeping debris in the corners. In tests, we will check in practice how the robot vacuum cleaner copes with this task. The body height is greater than that of analogues and is about 11 cm.

Roidmi EVA: View from above
View from above
Roidmi EVA: Height

A wall sensor is installed on the right side of the mechanical bumper, and in front we see something similar to a sensor system for objects detection on the floor. Promotional materials indicate that the robot is able to detect objects, which will also be tested.

Roidmi EVA: Side view
Side view
Roidmi EVA: Bumper sensors
Bumper sensors

Three mechanical control buttons are placed on top of the robot. Lidar is responsible for navigation. It features a spring-loaded lid to prevent it from getting stuck under furniture.

Roidmi EVA: Control Panel
Control Panel

Under the top cover there is a dust collector, next to which the tool for cleaning the robot is conveniently stored. The capacity of the container is not declared by the manufacturer, but visually it is small. I think no more than 350 ml. Filtration system based on mesh and HEPA filter. There is no water tank in the robot. Mopping pads are wetted only at the station.

Roidmi EVA: Dustbin

There are 6 fall protection sensors on the bottom of the robot. A carpet detection sensor is located next to the swivel roller, which is a plus. Side brush one: three-beam, fixed with a screw. The frame of the central brush is floating, and the brush block itself is fixed motionless. Not a very clear solution. Turbobrush bristly-petal. Can be disassembled from both sides for cleaning from wound hair and wool.

Roidmi EVA: Bottom view
Bottom view
Roidmi EVA: The central brush
The central brush

Platforms with mopping pads are fixed on the robot by magnets. The mopping pads themselves are quite dense, denser than other robots that we had on review. They do not rise on carpets, this is important to consider. Well, it is worth noting that the mopping pads come out closer to the edges of the case, so I predict that they will better scrub the dirt along the plinth, comparing with analogues. I will definitely check this point in the tests.

Roidmi EVA: Platforms with mopping pads
Platforms with mopping pads

Now let`s have a look at the station itself. It is equipped with touch buttons to control informative display. Convenient solution. Under the top cover there are tanks for dirty and clean water, as well as a bag for garbage collection. The tanks are quite large compared to analogues. Holds up to 4 liters of water each. The bag is also big. Holds up to 3 liters of dry waste.

Roidmi EVA: Station
Roidmi EVA: Tanks for dirty and clean water
Tanks for dirty and clean water

The platform on which the mopping pads are self-cleaned is equipped with a removable module. It is a pity that the pan is not completely removable and it is not flat, but nevertheless cleaning is simplified. And what else I liked was the storage of the brush for station cleaning. It is conveniently fixed above the platform for the arrival of the robot.

A platform for rinsing mopping pads
A platform for rinsing mopping pads

The last thing I would like to highlight is that the station can not only self-clean the robot and rinse mopping pads, but also dry them. But as we discovered, drying happens only with cold air, which is less effective.

In general, both the robot vacuum cleaner and the station have some strengths compared to similar models from other brands, but there are some shortcomings as well. I am noting down all the points that I will share with you in detail in the end of this review.


The main specifications of Roidmi EVA, declared by the manufacturer:

Robot Vacuum Cleaner:


The most important thing for me is the real suction power, it will be tested soon. For those who are interested, the height of the station with the lid up is 67.5 cm.


Speaking of the functionality, Roidmi EVA is controlled both through the branded Roidmi app and through Mi Home. The functionality, as far as I noticed, does not differ much. The main features of the Roidmi EVA:

Roidmi EVA: Functionality

Here it is worth highlighting not so flexible settings for cleaning parameters. For example, there is no way to adjust the suction power and the degree of wetting of the mopping pad individually for each room. With mopping pads installed, it is impossible to start the dry cleaning mode, which may also not be very convenient. When setting the frequency of rinsing mopping pads, it is not possible to select rinsing after each cleaned zone or with reference to the area. But it’s not critical. The main features are still implemented and they will be enough for a full-fledged cleaning by a robot.


Full review of Roidmi EVA:

Well, let’s finally move on to the tests. First of all, let’s check the Roidmi EVA navigation in the room with obstacles. First, the robot passes the perimeter of the room. It got stuck on the legs of the dryer and, unfortunately, could not get out of the trap. I had to help, and this is not good. Then it began cleaning with a snake and again returned to the danger zone, from where it managed to escape this time without my help. The passage ability is not very good and the sensors on the bumper did not protect the robot from a dangerous obstacle. At least it sweeps separately around the box and legs of the chair.

Navigation in a room with obstacles
Navigation in a room with obstacles

Speaking of navigation, here I decided to complicate the task for the robot, since there were complaints regarding navigation in the previous EVE Plus model. For the saved map, I opened a new zone that the robot had not seen before. So Roidmi EVA cleaned room after room, first along the perimeter, then with a snake, while cleaning the mopping pad every 9 minutes of operation. And in the process, it scanned new zones, drew them on the map, removed them and saved them. So navigation is good for this model. Test passed successfully!

Navigation within the home
Navigation within the home

Object detection

Separately, the objects detection system on the bumper was tested. The application has the ability to turn it on and off if necessary. So, with a good lighting with the system turned on, robot rammed all 6 out of 6 objects. A certain anti-record. Wires, socks, an imitation of the animals’ waste – robot did not feel anything with the sensors, so I can say that in fact the implemented system did not show anything. In defense of the robot, I’ll say that at least it drives into fluffy carpets, which many robots with an object detection system are not capable of. In general, we simply forget about this function. There seems to be nothing special behind the black glass. Well, or I got such a robot.

Things on the floor
Things on the floor
Object detection
Object detection

Suction power

The actual suction power turned out to be quite standard, like in the previous Roidmi Eve Plus. The robot vacuum cleaner was only able to suck out debris from a 2mm gap. In general, for cleaning on hard surfaces, this power will be more than enough.

Suction power
Suction power

Dry cleaning

But the quality of the debris collection on hard surfaces turned out to be almost perfect. The robot was able to pick up various types of debris from the floor, and, as expected, carefully swept the debris in the corners. There remains a minimal, one might say insignificant amount of dust. So, I can confirm that Roidmi EVA sweeps debris well in corners. Some hair is wrapped around the central brush, but most of the debris is collected in the dust box. Test passed successfully!

Dry cleaning
Dry cleaning

Carpet cleaning

The quality of carpet cleaning is not as perfect, but for living conditions will be quite optimal. A very small part got stuck in the pile, which is caused by a not so high suction power and a floating brush block. But again, comparing with analogues, the robot cleans carpets almost at the average level.

Carpet cleaning
Carpet cleaning

Self cleaning

Straight after the tests with garbage, we will check the quality of self-cleaning. You can see that the dust container is completely clogged. And now the station empties it without any problems, almost perfectly. Self-cleaning is well implemented in Roidmi EVA.

Self cleaning
Self cleaning


Talking about wet cleaning, the robot vacuum cleaner is able to vacuum and mop the floor at the same time, which is good. Mopping pads do not rise on carpets, so the presence of a carpet sensor helps here, thanks to which Roidmi EVA automatically drives around the carpet in the wet cleaning mode. This is a plus.

Avoiding carpet in mopping mode
Avoiding carpet in mopping mode

Scrubbing the dirt

The robot vacuum cleaner does a good job of scrubbing dried dirt. During the first pass, it collected all the dirt from the floor, with almost no streaks left. Then it rinsed the mopping pads and for the second time carefully wiped the stand. Mopping pads are really pushing closer to the plinth, dirt is wiped off, but not ideally. Approximately 3 cm remains unwashed, but still the analogs have a wider strip – from 4 to 5 cm. So, the robot still has a slight advantage.

Scrubbing the dirt
Scrubbing the dirt

Removing complex dirt

But with wiping complex contaminants the robot copes at the level of analogues. Only from the 6th attempt it managed to wipe off the dried spots of the sauce. Although the mopping pads seem to have better pressure, and are denser, and absorb moisture more, it is still not enough for a quick and proper scrub of dried dirt. I think the result will be better if you add a special detergent to the clean water tank.

Removing complex dirt
Removing complex dirt

Mopping pads rinsing

The quality of mopping pads rinsing in normal daily conditions is good. They are significantly cleaner and even under a stream of clean water, the dirt was not noticed. After complex tests, we see that the result is worse, but again – at the level of analogues.

Mopping pads rinsing
Mopping pads rinsing

And now I will demonstrate how the platform is washed at the station. For this I used mopping pads from the robot. This is convenient.

Cleaning the platform from dirt
Cleaning the platform from dirt

Passage ability

Talking about passage ability, Roidmi EVA hardly overcomes 2 cm plinth with installed mopping pads. Well, remember that it gets stuck on the dryer, so the passage ability is not very good.

Passage ability
Passage ability

Passage of dark surfaces

The robot vacuum cleaner is afraid of dark surfaces, determining them by height differences. This must be considered.

Passage of dark surfaces
Passage of dark surfaces

Noise level

Well, as for the noise level, at minimum power it is in the range of 57-59 dB. In the standard mode, the noise level rises up to 60.5 dB, in the high power mode it reaches 63 dB, and at maximum peak power was 68.5 dB. The noise level is standard for this robot.

Noise level
Noise level

Some Observations

In conclusion, I will highlight a few important observations that were discovered during the operation and testing of the robot. First – it does not always run smoothly along the wall. Sometimes it pokes like a gyroscope or chamber robot. As if the wall sensor stops to function normally. Secondly, for the same unexplainable reasons, the robot, when cleaning, can sometimes drive onto the station platform, and sometimes drives around it. Again, the reasons for this behavior are not clear. And thirdly, and most importantly, drying mopping pads with room temperature air is not very effective. Even after 12 hours of drying, they remain slightly wet.

Personal opinion

The Roidmi EVA Robot Vacuum Cleaner was reviewed and tested in detail. According to our rating system, it managed to score 145 points, making it one of the top ten robot vacuum cleaners tested.

I will share my own opinion about this robot.

What I liked:

  1. The presence of a combined station for self-cleaning and rinsing mopping pads.
  2. Simultaneous dry and wet cleaning.
  3. Sweeps debris in the corners better than many analogues.
  4. Wipes away dirt close to the plinth.
  5. Tanks for clean and dirty water have an increased capacity.
  6. Good quality self-cleaning and rinsing mopping pads.
  7. Complete set.

Speaking about the shortcomings, here is what I noticed:

  1. Afraid of dark surfaces
  2. Passage ability has issues.
  3. The object detection system is not effective.
  4. Drying mopping pads is not effective.
  5. Mopping pads do not rise on carpets.


In principle, for some people, the above remarks may not be so significant. Overall, considering the power, the demonstrated cleaning performance and the fact that the mopping pads do not rise on carpets, I would recommend this robot vacuum primarily for cleaning on hard surfaces. In this regard, he even has strengths, comparing with Roborock S7 Maxv Ultra and Dreame Bot L10s Ultra – it copes better with dry cleaning, sweeping debris in the corners, and wipes dirt closer to the plinth. Therefore, the design of the cleaning module and the shape have advantages. Well, for many, it may be important feature to have a local warranty and service support from the seller. There were no critical remarks, except for the object detection system, so the robot is definitely recommended for purchase. Even comparing with Lydsto W2, it looks more interesting, in my opinion. But comparing with Mijia OMNI, here I would prefer Roidmi again, if more perfect cleaning on hard surfaces is important, but the Xiaomi flagship will be more effective if there are carpets on the floor.

On this note, I would like to end the review. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below the video. Happy tech shopping. Bye!

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