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Doom 3 Walkthrough Hell

September 12, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 9 minutes

This Doom 3 walkthrough is divided into 27 total pages.

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Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 980
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 980

You arrive with no weapons. Look right to spot this cache including a pistol, a shotgun, bullets, shells, medkits and armor. This level is largely about finding stuff (but there is no flashlight). Also note the body of a scientist to the left of these supplies. You have unlimited stamina and the enemies in Hell have a slightly different appearance. After retrieving the supplies, witness the body float up and away...into oblivion.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 981
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 981

The gargoyles on either side of the stairs snap to attention and a blue shaft of light appears ahead. Step into the light.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 982
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 982

You are lifted high above, surrounded by a cage then dropped to a new location.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 983
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 983

More shells can be found on this glyph.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 984
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 984

Three Imps are here. Wait for one to throw a fireball at you, shift to the side to avoid being hit then lunge at the Imp and fire with your shotgun.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 985
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 985

Armor shards can be found on this outer ledge.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 986
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 986

The wall stones rearrange themselves into a bridge. Carefully make your way across. There are more shells just inside the doorway ahead.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 987
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 987

A Hell Knight appears as you enter this corridor. And you don't have the BFG this time.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 988
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 988

You need to box around his jabs and throws, getting up close with your shotgun. A couple of headshots will bring him down.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 989
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 989

Ooh, that's gonna leave a mark. Two Cherubs are on the left, protecting shells and armor.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 990
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 990

Another Cherub plus this Imp are to the right, guarding a medkit and shells.

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Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 991

Once the Hell Knight is defeated this opening appears. Grab the chainsaw and medkit to the right before continuing ahead.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 992
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 992

The wall opening closes behind you. Head left to find 3 ammo belts, 2 medkits and a chaingun.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 993
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 993

Head right and two Imps spawn as the wall ahead slides back.

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Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 994

Lost souls attack. Stay by the door and pop them as they come through.

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Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 995

This opening has appeared in the center area. Pass through.

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Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 996

Dark spirits can be seen floating upward. Lost souls attack as you approach the two medkits on the right.

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Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 997

Continue battling lost souls, carefully stepping across the floating stones to the archway on the left, where you'll find a medkit to the left.

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Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 998

As you pass beneath this gate it closes behind you.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 999
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 999

Ready your chaingun to defeat this Hell Knight. Keep your distance, dodge his splash-damage-heavy energy balls and aim for the head. Armor can be had from the Hell Knight's alcove on the left.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1000
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1000

Farther down the corridor this Imp spawns on the left, surrounded by two medkits, an ammo belt, a chaingun and shells. Two other Imps attack, one ahead and one behind.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1001
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1001

Two medkits and a head-crashing skeleton are at the corridor's dead end.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1002
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1002

Backtrack to this position and find the gate has opened.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1003
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1003

A series of cherubs attack aside this Mancubus. The Mancubus is slow so do your best to avoid him while clearing out the cherubs, then take him down last. Note the ammo belt seen here on the left.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1004
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1004

Armor is on the right, cells and medkits are on the left. To the right of that is a plasma gun on a pentacle -- pick it up last. Once you grab the plasma gun, the floor drops.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1005
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1005

Straight ahead you'll find the Berserker power up, making you faster and invincible - for a time.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1006
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1006

Save ammo and use your chainsaw or Berserked fists to take out the Imps that spawn.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1007
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1007

Two Hell Knights also attack. If you are quick enough you may be able to defeat one of them before the Berserker wears off.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1008
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1008

Once the area is secure you can search for supplies. Here you'll find a medkit, shells, an ammo belt, cells and rockets.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1009
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1009

Pick up the armor shards then follow the glyphs ahead.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1010
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1010

The glyphs lead to this cache of medkits, cells, an armor vest, rockets - and the rocket launcher. Simon Garlick's PDA contains some chilling background.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1011
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1011

To the left is this door. Approach and it slides open.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1012
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1012

Approach the center pentacle and a massive obelisk thrusts downward. Three Mancubi spawn, one on the right followed by two on the left. Defeat them then dodge the obelisk to continue straight ahead.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1013
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1013

Defeat a series of lost souls as you press ahead.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1014
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1014

Defeat this Imp as you ascend the stairs.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1015
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1015

Find this cache of supplies including cells, rockets, an ammo belt and a medkit.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1016
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1016

Battle this Imp then another as you ascend the stairs in the background.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1017
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1017

Imps and lost souls await through this door. An Imp is hiding in an alcove to the left.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1018
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1018

Battle lost souls as you ascend the stairs then find supplies on the left once you reach the top, including a medkit, ammo belt and armor.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1019
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1019

This horde of zombies attacks as you take the supplies. Continue through the door ahead.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1020
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1020

Turn right and spot this Hell Knight. Note the two medkits on the left. Continue farther left to another door and be greeted by another Hell Knight and more Imps.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1021
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1021

Keep left to find this medkit and armor. Proceed toward the the supplies just visible in the background.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1022
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1022

Defeat an Imp and another Hell Knight. These supplies include medkits, cells, an ammo belt, a BFG cell, and most importantly, the BFG itself seen here on the left. It is tucked behind a rock so be sure not to miss it.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1023
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1023

Upon grabbing the supplies a flock of lost souls and another Hell Knight spawns. Good thing you've got the BFG.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1024
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1024

Be sure to conserve some of your BFG ammo for the upcoming boss battle. Here I use the plasma gun against the Hell Knight that attacks down this left corridor.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1025
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1025

Advance down the corridor, defeating cherubs and lost souls.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1026
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1026

Grab this armor then ascend the stairs.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1027
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1027

This should be an easy fight if you are patient. Take short pot shots at the Mancubus then hide behind the central pillar. Grab the supplies on the right then approach the door on the left.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1028
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1028

Note the medkit on the right. A Mancubus is directly behind the door. Defeat him then cherubs and another Mancubus attack. An ammo belt and a medkit are to the immediate left inside the door.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1029
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1029

This Hell Knight is lurking on the left. Backtrack and dodge his blue energy balls to avoid their huge splash damage.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1030
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1030

Climb the stairs and Betruger taunts you as you approach this door.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1031
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1031

Grab the supplies on the right, including rockets, armor, medkits, cells and an ammo belt. Reload all of your weapons before entering the blue shaft on the left.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1032
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1032

A brief cutscene plays. You first witness the soul cube plead, "Save us."

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Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1033

Then you see the level's boss - the Guardian.

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Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1034

The Guardian is flanked by three seekers. The Soul Cube advises, "Destroy his seekers, and the Guardian becomes vulnerable."

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1035
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1035

When the seekers are bunched up as seen here, your rocket launcher's splash damage can take out multiple seekers at once. Here I have fallen two with one shot.

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Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1036

When there are no seekers remaining, the Guardian stops to summon more. While he does this a blue orb appears over his head.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1037
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1037

Pummel the blue orb with your heaviest weaponry before it vanishes.

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Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1038

Look for supplies such as these medkits as you strive to keep the terrain between the Guardian and yourself.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1039
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1039

A boss bar would have been nice to let you know how much of the Guardian's health remains. Rest assured, he does come down before too long.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1040
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1040

Now victorious, approach the soul cube to make it yours.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1041
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1041

The upside-down eyes of the soul cube are way creepy. Search the area for supplies, then enter the blue light.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1042
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1042

Return to the level's origin ahead.

Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1043
Doom 3 Walkthrough - Doom 3 1043

Lastly, activate the teleporter to load the next level.

More Doom 3 Walkthroughs

This Doom 3 walkthrough is divided into 27 total pages.

16 - Delta Labs Sector 2A
17 - Delta Labs Sector 2B
18 - Delta Labs Sector 3
19 - Delta Labs Sector 4
20 - Hell
21 - Delta Labs Sector 5
22 - Central Processing
23 - Central Server Banks

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