Working for a Living: Employment, Benefits and the Living Standards of Disabled People

Working for a Living: Employment, Benefits and the Living Standards of Disabled People (PDF)

Helen Barnes

2000 • 153 Pages • 573 KB • English
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Summary Working for a Living: Employment, Benefits and the Living Standards of Disabled People

WORKING FOR A LIVING? Employment, benefits and the living standards of disabled people Helen Barnes The•POLICY P P P R E S S

First published in Great Britain in October 2000 by The Policy Press University of Bristol 34 Tyndall’s Park Road Bristol BS8 1PY UK Tel no +44 (0)117 954 6800 Fax no +44 (0)117 973 7308 E-mail mailto: [email protected] www.policypress.org.uk © The Policy Press, 2000 ISBN 978 186134 186 0 Helen Barnes is a Research Fellow at the Policy Studies Institute. The right of Helen Barnes to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with Sections 77 and 78 of the 1988 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act. All rights reserved: no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers. The statements and opinions contained within this publication are solely those of the author and not of The University of Bristol or The Policy Press. The University of Bristol and The Policy Press disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any material published in this publication. The Policy Press works to counter discrimination on grounds of gender, race, disability, age and sexuality. Cover design by Qube Design Associates, Bristol Front cover: Photograph kindly supplied by Mark Simmons Photography, Bristol Printed in Great Britain by Hobbs the Printers Ltd, Southampton

Contents Acknowledgements iv Introduction v one Disability policies and the citizenship rights of 1 disabled people two Disability and welfare state regimes 19 three Employment and working life 35 four Benefits, personal assistance and living standards 61 five Conclusion and policy implications 97 References 115 Appendix: Methods used for the research 137 iii

Working for a living? Acknowledgements Sincere thanks to the Social Policy Research Unit at the University of York, which funded this research by means of a doctoral studentship, and especially to John Ditch, my supervisor. Thanks also to the University of North London for funding work on the manuscript. Many organisations and individuals provided information, and I am grateful to them all, especially Susanne Berg, Sylve Hannson, Bjarne Almström and Johan Sjögren. Most of all, thank you to my family and friends for their support. The BHPS data used were made available through the ESRC Data Archive. The data were originally collected by the ESRC Centre on Micro-Social Change at the University of Essex. Neither the original collectors of the data nor the Archive bear any responsibility for the analyses or interpretations presented here. The German data used are from the public use version of the German Socio-Economic Panel. These data were provided by the Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung. Robert Eriksen and Magnus Bygren at the Swedish Institute for Social Research provided access to the Swedish Level of Living Survey. Neither the Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung nor the Swedish Institute for Social Research bears any responsibility for the analyses or interpretation of the data they supplied. I am grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their comments, and to Dawn Rushen at The Policy Press for her patience and efficiency. Any remaining errors or omissions are my sole responsibility. iv

Introduction This book is concerned with the extent to which social policies, particularly labour market and social security policies, enable disabled people to participate in the ordinary life of their communities. It will argue that both the objectives and implementation of social policies play a crucial role in securing, or failing to secure, the integration of disabled people, by determining the level of income and material well- being which can be attained, and by affecting access to, and levels of autonomy within, valued social roles. These include not only employment, but also personal relationships and a range of social and political activities. Disability policies are compared across three countries, Sweden, Germany and the UK, which have contrasting models of welfare state provision, with a twofold aim: to compare the living standards resulting from differing combinations of policy and to assess existing welfare state typologies (such as those of Esping-Andersen, 1990; Castles, 1993) against an analysis of the situation of disabled people, in the same way as has already been done using policies affecting women (Lewis, 1992; Shaver and Bradshaw, 1993; Sainsbury, 1994, 1996). The well- being of disabled people is determined partly by access to the labour market, and by cash benefits, but may also depend on both the level and form of service provision, which is not fully taken into account in many existing comparisons of welfare states (although there are exceptions, including work by Alber [1995], Walker et al [1993] and Anttonen and Sipilä [1996], which begin to assess the importance of social service provision in comparing welfare states). These issues are discussed in a context where welfare spending has been severely curtailed by economic pressures, and where political movements led by disabled people themselves have created a new impetus for social policies in response to their needs, including a renewed focus on the role of employment. If social policies are, as has been argued, ‘disabling’ in their effects (Barnes, 1991), to what extent is this inevitable, or can policies be designed which respect the autonomy of disabled people while continuing to meet other objectives, such as maintaining work incentives and remaining within public spending limits? The research is concerned with three specific questions: • Whether or not disabled people have worse living standards than non-disabled people in all three countries. Although material living v

Working for a living? standards are considered, using both income measures and non- monetary indicators of deprivation, the concept of living standards adopted is broader than this, and includes measures of satisfaction with work and life, and levels of social and political activity. It is concerned to identify the barriers which may prevent disabled people enjoying the same living standards as their non-disabled peers, recognising that in a physical and social environment which so often excludes them, income alone may not guarantee the ability to participate in society (Zarb and Oliver, 1993). • How important paid work is for the well-being of disabled people, and whether its importance is solely financial or has a broader impact on the quality of life. Levels of part-time and full-time employment among disabled and non-disabled men and women are compared, and the benefits and rewards of work are examined, not only in financial terms, but by comparing the quality of the work environment, and levels of satisfaction with various aspects of work, and by exploring the links between participation in paid employment and participation in wider society, through social and political activity. • Third, the research asks whether the disability policies adopted in each country, and their outcomes for disabled people, are consistent with existing classifications in welfare state typologies, or whether they suggest modifications to their position, and therefore represent a contribution to the literature on welfare state regimes. Methods and countries The countries selected were chosen as representative examples of contrasting welfare regimes, in order to test whether an analysis based on disability resulted in similar conclusions to classifications based on other indicators such as aggregate welfare spending, indices of de- commodification (Esping-Andersen, 1990) or the position of women (Lewis, 1992; Shaver and Bradshaw, 1993; Sainsbury, 1994). A combination of methods was used, in an attempt to obtain an understanding of how the range of disability policies operates in each country. Documentary evidence from the three countries formed the basis of the analysis of disability policies. This was supplemented by a series of interviews for Sweden, and by discussion with national informants for a related project on partial capacity benefits (Thornton et al, 1997) for all countries. Typical situations were used as ‘vignettes’(Finch and Mason, 1993; Millar and Warman, 1996) to establish how policy responses to vi

Introduction disability vary with an individual’s age, their age at onset of disability, work experience, family situation and personal care needs. Outcomes for disabled people were also modelled using secondary analysis of survey data. There was no suitable data set available for the three countries, so three discrete surveys were used for the analysis; the Swedish Level of Living Survey (ULF), the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) and the British Household Panel (BHPS). All of these surveys provide information on a range of economic and social factors at both the individual and household level. Because of the nature of the data used, it is not possible to provide entirely congruent cross- national comparisons at the micro level; definitions of income, employment, and so on vary between the three surveys used. The research does, however, provide an analysis of the relative position of disabled and non-disabled people in each country, and enables cross-national comparisons of the outcomes for disabled people to be made at an aggregate level. Comparative research on disability issues is relatively sparse. There have been studies which have looked at the economic effects of disability benefits, particularly in terms of the ways they influence retirement patterns (see, for instance, Kohli et al, 1991) and there has been much recent interest in comparing employment policies (Lunt and Thornton, 1993; Thornton and Lunt, 1997) and related social security policies (Thornton et al, 1997). There have also been some comparative studies of social care provision (see, for instance, Munday, 1992; Evers et al, 1994; Ungerson, 1995). What all of these studies have in common is that they are largely accounts of policy inputs at the macro level, and discuss outcomes by reference to key trends in population behaviour. By contrast, studies of outcomes based on micro-data, such as those concerning income dynamics or the effects of transfers on households’ incomes (such as Smeeding et al, 1990; Mitchell, 1991), have tended to exclude disabled people, largely because of the definitional problems involved. What has not so far been attempted is a study which assesses the combined effects of the various programmes for disabled people, compares these cross-nationally, and attempts to relate these to the living standards of disabled people as revealed by an analysis of household surveys. The research presented here represents such an attempt and has both the strengths and limitations of an innovative approach to an established issue. On the one hand, it provides new evidence about the lives of disabled people in the three countries studied; on the other, it bears witness to the methodological complexity of the task in being vii

Working for a living? unable to provide a refined level of comparability across all the issues studied. The time frame The quantitative analysis is based on survey data from 1991; this was the only year for which contemporaneous data from all three countries was available, and the most recent for Sweden, which undertakes its panel surveys only at infrequent intervals, rather than annually. Although this is now some time ago, comparison with recent official statistics on the labour market participation of disabled people in the three countries does not appear to suggest that the broad findings are invalidated by the passage of time; if anything the position of disabled people has become rather worse, owing to the worsening economic climate in Europe as a whole (Sly, 1996; Thornton and Lunt, 1997; Thornton et al, 1997). However, as the description of disability policies is based on the most recent information available, there is some mismatch between the outcomes as revealed by the analysis, and the policies to which these may be attributed, and this should be borne in mind when considering the results. For instance, the data does not reflect the passage of anti- discrimination legislation in Sweden and the UK, or take account of recent changes in the provision and funding of personal assistance in Sweden. However, the research overall seeks to bridge this gap by describing typical outcomes taking into account both the implications of recent policy developments and the results of the survey analysis. viii

ONE Disability policies and the citizenship rights of disabled people Introduction The disability politics of the last 20 to 30 years have been described as the last civil rights movement. Disabled people have rejected the damaging stereotypes of passivity and dependency which have underpinned so many forms of welfare provision in favour of new models of independent living which emphasise personal autonomy. In common with other groups, such as immigrants, women, and those who are poor (Held, 1989; Lister, 1990; Roche, 1992), disabled people have argued that a failure to guarantee their rights results in an imperfect, ‘second- class’ citizenship (Barnes, 1991; Oliver, 1996). This poses a challenge to policy makers, particularly those concerned with income maintenance, employment and personal assistance, but recent political emphasis on civil rights for disabled people has tended to overshadow debate about how welfare provision can be reformed to fulfil the social citizenship rights of disabled people and enable their equal participation in society. The research presented in this book compares disability policies and the standard of living experienced by disabled people in three countries: Sweden, Germany and Britain. It considers their economic situation, and investigates whether disabled people in each country are able to lead the same kind of lives as their non-disabled peers in terms of access to employment, income and social life. It identifies examples of good practice, makes recommendations for changes to existing policy and practice, and highlights areas where further research is required. This first chapter begins by exploring the concepts of disability, citizenship and independence, which will provide the framework for later analysis. The ‘social model’ of disability The way in which disability is defined influences both the way in which disabled people construct their identities, and the way in which they are perceived by others (Scott, 1969; Stone, 1984; Gartner and Joe, 1987). 1

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