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詳解「end up」的意思與用法!附大量實用例句!

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當我們看國外的電視劇和電影或聽英文母語人士們之間的對談時,經常可以聽到的一個片語「end up」。

「end up」是由表示「結束」的動詞「end」與副詞「up」組合在一起的片語動詞。

「end up ~」可以接各種詞語使用所表達的意思為「最終成為/變成~」「以~終結」



  • 可接各式各樣的語句
          • ・end up + doing ・end up + 名詞 ・end up + 形容詞 ・end up + 副詞 ・end up + 介系詞句
  • 好事壞事都適用
    • end up + doing
        • He was one of the wealthiest actors but ended up losing all his money by gambling. 他本是最富有的演員之一,但最終因賭博而輸光了所有錢。
        • I ran as fast as I could but ended up missing the train that she got on. 我盡全力奔跑,但最終還是錯過了她搭乘的那輛火車。
        • She was poor but studied and worked hard and ended up getting a lot of money. 她出身貧寒,但努力學習與工作,最終賺了很多錢。
        • George was not good at mathematics but surprisingly ended up becoming a famous scientist. George過去很不擅長數學,但最終卻出人意料地成為一位有名的科學家。
        • She ended up by getting a lot of money. 她最終獲得了大量的金錢。
    • end up + 名詞
        • George was not good at mathematics but surprisingly ended up a famous scientist. George過去很不擅長數學,但最終卻出人意料地成為一位有名的科學家。
        • Nancy wanted to be an actress as a child but ended up a lawyer. Nancy小時候想成為一名演員,但最終成為了一名律師。
        • Vincent hated dogs but ended up a dog person after marrying Daisy. Vincent以前很討厭狗,但跟Daisy結婚後,最終變成一位愛狗人士。
        • The old man is always bragging about having ended up the CEO of a big company. 那個老人老是愛自誇自己最終成為了一家大公司的執行長。
        • The old man is always bragging about having ended up as the CEO of a big company. 那個老人老是愛自誇自己最終成為了一家大公司的執行長。
    • end up + 形容詞
        • The story says that the cowboy went into a very rough mountain and ended up dead. 故事說,有一個牛仔走進了一座非常陡峭的山,結果死掉了。
        • We hardly talked to each other at first, but after two months we ended up very close. 最初我們幾乎不跟對方說話,但兩個月後我們的關係變得非常親近。
        • After intense exercise for thirty minutes, I ended up soaked with sweat. 在三十分鐘劇烈的運動後,我被汗水浸濕了(滿身大汗)。
    • end up + 副詞
        • The stray dogs walked along the long road for many days and ended up there. 流浪狗們沿著長長的道路走了很多天,最後終於到了那裡。
        • Now we have to separate, but someday, I believe we will end up together. 雖然現在我們必須分開,但總有一天,我相信我們最終會在一起。
    • end up + 介系詞句
        • Despite the doctor’s advice, Jack continued to eat a lot of sweets and ended up in hospital. Jack不顧醫生的建議,繼續吃大量的甜食,最終住進了醫院。
        • Just as I expected, Tom ended up in prison. 如同我所預料的,Tom最終進了監獄。
        • It was a long and harsh way, but they ended up at the top of the mountain. 雖然路途漫長而艱辛,但他們最終還是到達了山頂。
        • After considering recent circumstances, the product ended up at that price. 考慮到最近的情況,產品最後定在那個價格。
        • As usual, the cat ran around the house and ended up on the small desk near the TV. 跟平常一樣,貓在房子裡跑來跑去,最後停在電視旁的小桌子上。
        • I wondered which car to buy and ended up with the red one. 我猶豫著要買哪一輛車,結果決定買那輛紅的。
        • She ended up as an actress. 她最終成為了一名演員。
  • 否定句
        • She spent a lot of money every day but didn’t end up losing it all. 過去她每天花很多錢,但沒有變成“最後花光了全部”(沒有以花光全部為結局)。
        • She spent a lot of money every day but ended up not losing it all. 過去她每天花很多錢,但最終未花光全部。
  • 總結



「end up」之後能接的語句可分為以下幾類:

・end up + doing
・end up + 名詞
・end up + 形容詞
・end up + 副詞
・end up + 介系詞句

「end up」可接各種類型的單字或子句使用,非常方便好用,無論後面接什麼都OK,說它是可以隨心所欲使用的片語也不為過,使用上自由度極高。




在實際對話中,「end up ~」可用於好的結果、壞的結果,或是期望的結果,是不包含任何好壞引射的。

因此,「end up ~」可以任意的使用於各種需要表達「最終成為/變成~」「以~為終結」的情況


因此接下來,我們以「end up」之後接的詞語做分類進行解說。


end up + doing


第一個是「end up」接「動詞ing」的句型。


He was one of the wealthiest actors but ended up losing all his money by gambling.
I ran as fast as I could but ended up missing the train that she got on.

以上兩個例句皆是以壞結局收尾的「end up」。但如先前所提,「end up」可用於壞結果,也可用於好結果,無關好壞的情況下也通通適用。

She was poor but studied and worked hard and ended up getting a lot of money.
George was not good at mathematics but surprisingly ended up becoming a famous scientist.

「end up + doing」的這個句型用法,也可以改成在「動詞ing」前加介系詞「by」,變成「end up + by doing

She ended up by getting a lot of money.


end up + 名詞


第二個是「end up」接名詞的句型,意思為「最終成為~」


這個用法也可被視為一種源自第一個句型「end up + doing」的縮寫形,由「end up becoming ~」省略掉「becoming」而來。


George was not good at mathematics but surprisingly ended up a famous scientist.
Nancy wanted to be an actress as a child but ended up a lawyer.
Vincent hated dogs but ended up a dog person after marrying Daisy.
The old man is always bragging about having ended up the CEO of a big company.

另外,這個表示「最終成為~」的「end up + 名詞」也可以使用介系詞「as」,如「end up + as 名詞」


The old man is always bragging about having ended up as the CEO of a big company.


使用介系詞「end up + 介系詞句」的用法會在稍後更詳細說明。


end up + 形容詞


第三個是「end up」接形容詞的句型


The story says that the cowboy went into a very rough mountain and ended up dead.
We hardly talked to each other at first, but after two months we ended up very close.
After intense exercise for thirty minutes, I ended up soaked with sweat.


end up + 副詞


接下來是「end up」接副詞的句型,常用的副詞有表示場所的「here」「there」等以及表示狀態的「together」等。

The stray dogs walked along the long road for many days and ended up there.
Now we have to separate, but someday, I believe we will end up together.


end up + 介系詞句


最後一個句型是「end up」接介系詞句


Despite the doctor’s advice, Jack continued to eat a lot of sweets and ended up in hospital.
Just as I expected, Tom ended up in prison.
It was a long and harsh way, but they ended up at the top of the mountain.
After considering recent circumstances, the product ended up at that price.
As usual, the cat ran around the house and ended up on the small desk near the TV.
I wondered which car to buy and ended up with the red one.
She ended up as an actress.




接著看看「end up」的否定句範例吧!
「end up」的否定句有2種,

一種是在「end up」之前加上「not」等否定詞

例如,在「end up」之前加上「don’t」「doesn’t」「didn’t」等的一般否定句,意思為「沒有最終變成~」「沒有最終~」。

She spent a lot of money every day but didn’t end up losing it all.

另一種否定句的句型為在「end up」之後接否定詞

以「end up + doing」的句型為例,否定句會變成「end up + not doing」,意思為「最終沒有變成~」。

She spent a lot of money every day but ended up not losing it all.

第一種否定句句型否定「end up」及之後的全部部分,而第二種否定句句型否定「losing」及之後的部分。





讀完之後有沒有什麼心得呢?這次我們學習了在外國的電影和電視劇中經常會出現,也是英文母語人士們日常會話中頻繁會使用到的「end up」。

「end up」是適用各種情況、非常方便好用的片語,並且可以接各式各樣的詞語造句使用。好用程度甚至成為一些英語母語人士說話時的口頭禪。

「end up」雖然不是你以英語表達時絕對必要的詞彙,然而一旦你學會並習慣使用它,絕對會大幅增加你表達時的深度喔!

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◇經歴 曾在觀光業和英語會話學校工作超過5年,也在社交媒體上發佈關於英語學習的內容。 ◇資格 ・TOEIC950 ◇海外經驗 曾有過美國地區的短期語言留學經驗,已經去過5個以上的國家旅行。 ◇自我介紹 通過電影和音樂了解了英語的樂趣,學生時期修過英語口譯課程!之後從新入職至今都從事與英語相關的工作。即使現在身處台灣,也在尋找提升英語能力的方法,每天都在努力學習。夢想是環遊世界遺產和電影取景地,以及在百老匯觀賞所有的音樂劇作品!


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