
  • What are comparatives and superlatives?
  • comparatives and superlatives example
  • the main differences between comparatives and superlatives
  • comparatives and superlatives in more detail
  • comparatives and superlatives game

What are comparatives and superlatives?

A comparative is the comparison of two nouns and a superlative is the comparison of three (or more) nouns. So, basically it’s all about comparisons with these two.

A comparative is the comparison of two nouns and a superlative is the comparison of three (or more) nouns. So, basically it’s all about comparisons with these two.

comparatives and superlatives example

Let’s say you have 3 cats, and you want to describe the differences to a friend. Now we all know that describing words are adjectives. To compare these 3 cats, we take the adjectives we want to use and modify them using the correct grammar rules.

I’m going to use the adjective ‘big’. Let’s see how it changes:

  • Comparative = bigger than
  • Superlative = the biggest

The rule for ‘big’ is to add an ‘er’ onto the end of it when comparing 2 objects plus the word ‘than’:

  • Cat A is bigger than cat B.
comparative adjectives rules- 2 syllables or less

The rule for comparing 3 or more objects (superlative) is to add ‘est’ onto the end of big. We also add the word ‘the’ in front.

  • Cat C is the biggest.

Did you notice the spelling in the superlative? Biggest is spelt with a double ‘g’. There are some spelling rules for you to learn too. You can follow the links below to learn them.

the main differences between comparatives and superlatives

Let’s have a look at the main differences between the two with some pictures to help you understand.

comparative and superlative rules
comparative and superlative comparisons rules
comparative and superlative rules

comparatives and superlatives in more detail

Click on the links below for a little more detail.

compare two nouns
compare three or more nouns

comparatives and superlatives game

So, you’ve learnt the differences and have become a pro. Try playing this comparison game, with a mate if you can.

comparative and superlative game