welp. here we are…

It’s 2022.

I know, I know…like the white rabbit I’m LATE to the party. Everyone has already done their “New Year, New You” messages referencing our “unprecedented” times…I mean, it’s the end of January...so why haven’t I sent anything out since the beginning of December?

Because honestly, if you’re like me, there hasn’t been a party. 

And, truth be told…I didn’t feel like it. Forcing communications from a place of angst just isn’t good…for anyone.

But I do feel a little disconnected, and from the few texts, Zoom calls, and actual calls I’ve had, (who actually calls anymore?!) I don’t think I’m the only one. I’m not saying this is everyone’s reality, but in my world, the ennui is evident.

I have been reading, however, a book gifted to me by a dear friend:  Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals, by Oliver Burkeman. (Thanks,  Chuck)

One of the quotes from the book has stuck with me the past few days, and it’s helping me emerge from my colossal funk:

“Being alive is just happenstance, and not one more day of it is guaranteed.”

While I’m often aware of this - I live by a “be here now” mantra and constantly think about how the past few years of my life have claimed the lives of some of my most precious people - this quote keeps sticking with me because it is as much about choosing happiness as it is about being here now.

We are all here having our own experiences. But the fact that we get to have them at all, Burkeman writes, is pretty spectacular.

So… just for today, I’m focusing on happiness.

Not in a “trying to stuff down the heavy feelings and ignore the fact that I’ve had to make some hard choices lately” (because we all have!) kind of way…but in the way that there are still moments of joy and laughter and it’s ok to focus on them, too.

How do you want to feel today? This is a question I use to guide my work and my life.

Today, I want to feel inspired and joyous. I want to feel connected. And I want to align my activities with those feelings so I can give myself my best shot. 

I hosted a workshop a few weeks ago where I talked about this and about the questions to ask yourself to realign yourself toward purpose-filled days. If you missed it and want the short notes,  email me and let me know.

Otherwise, my challenge to you is this: over the next few mornings, begin your day with how you want to feel…not just what you have to get done. Align yourself to it. Choose it. Make it part of your focus for a few days and see what you notice about your energy.

Small, mindful actions are what make our lives.

Xox, Michelle

P.S. One of the things bringing me IMMENSE joy right now is the upcoming launch of my “Be The Plan” YouTube SeriesPretty pleaseif it feels aligned,  go and subscribe to my channelThe trailer is  launching Friday at 10:00AM and I PROMISE YOU that the interviews are with TOP NOTCH HUMANS (starting with  Rebecca Thomas next week).


P.P.S. Like this? Forward it to a friend. They can come too.

P.P.P.P… oh ffs. A totally different book you should check out also comes from my friend Chuck. It’s his book. And it’s fun, fantastic fiction.

storytelling brand strategy brandstory brandstorytelling mindfulness gratitude bemoreyou entrepreneurlife grief lettinggo lovemore allaboutlove loveistheanswer
Michelle Mercurio

Judgment is Selfish


Love Really is the Answer