Feeling High, Ecstatically Happy and So Excited

be-excitedI  used this picture in an earlier post when my friend and business partner made his first sales in  a business we both joined.

Now I am thrilled to use this picture for my own results…

I checked my back office today  and saw two more commissions in my account. I had made one sale in February, but these two additional sales caused me to be much more excited than that first sale. The first sale was good, but the next two confirmed that the first one really happened.

It’s really hard to express in words how i felt for the next 4 hours. I was smiling. I was happy. I was ecstatic,  super optimistic, and looking at life through a different than usual pair of glasses. Don’t get me wrong I usually see life through a good pair of glasses, but for those few hour the world looked even better!

Everything was beautiful…                             rose colored world 

Everyone I told about the sales was congratulatory. Some people immediately asked how much I made, but everyone was very happy for me. It was such a great feeling. It wasn’t even really about the money because the amount was minimal give) made me feel like a million bucks anyway.

I was on top of the world!!!                              On_top_of_the_world_Wallpaper_by_Dekus

Now I’m starting to come down, but wanted to capture these feelings so that when I may become discouraged or frustrated down the road ( and it will happen), I can relive  and maybe experience these feelings again, at least through the words.

Hope you have and ecstatically happy and wonderful day!!

If this helped you and you got value, feel free to share with your teammates, on Facebook, and comment below.  


Sara Metzger’s Start an Online Business Blog
Skype: Sara.Metzger
Email: sarametzger@comcast.net
Facebook Fan Page:  https://www.facebook.com/sara26.metzger?fref=ts

P.S. If  your would like to get access to the system that helped me with my business and so much more,  Click here now and get started Today! 



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