Cover art for Can You Feel It? by BoyWithUke

這些劇烈的改變近期都在 BoyWithUke 身份發生
講述了和過去的自己訣別 象徵他將展開人生新的篇章
BoyWithUke 就表示過自己摘下面具是為了人生新的方向前進
所以在這首歌當中大家也可以聽見 BoyWithUke 在音樂性上的成長
讓自己的音樂備受限制 導致被逼著要在歌曲裡撒謊
這個人生新的篇章由他親自展開 那也當然要最真實的做自己
無論是音樂上 歌詞上 敘事上 都可以感受到顯著的成長


Ole, ole, ole, ole, ole, ole, ole
Ole, ole, ole, ole, ole, ole, o-

[Verse 1]
Open blinds, but I can't find my way around 拉開窗簾 卻不知道自己身在何處
I owe it to myself, I got a lot to figure out 這是我欠自己的 我還有很多未知事物要探索
Got a knot in my belly, are you sure it's supposed to help me? 為此緊張到腹部絞痛 你確定這能幫到我嗎
It's been long enough to feel it, can you feel it? 花了夠久時間去感受 你能感受到嗎
Aren't I supposed to feel it now? 我現在不是應該要有所感覺嗎

Tell me what you're thinking 好好告訴我你在想什麼
I don't wanna have to shout 我不想要為此大喊
Feel the heavy breathing, on my chest and in my mouth 沉重的呼吸充斥我的胸腔和口中
Got two hands around my heart  感覺到有雙手狠狠掐著我的心窩
I don't wanna see myself burning bridges when I'm down 不想看著自己低落時自毀前程
(Hold up, watch my shit) 耽擱了一會 替我照看一下

[Verse 2]
I'm falling 我正沉淪著
Wondering how to spend my million hours while you're calling 納悶該如何在你打來時度過這漫長的時間
Throwback to my bedroom with no colors 讓我想起過去我那鬱悶無彩的房間
My apartment; got no AC in my room 公寓裡我的房間甚至沒有冷氣
Shoutout Verlaine and Rimbaud 向魏爾倫和韓波表示致意
You know what he's gonna do 你知道他打算做什麼
Aren't I supposed to feel it now? 我是不是應該要有些反應了

Tell me what you're thinking 好好告訴我你在想什麼
I don't wanna have to shout 我不想要為此大喊
Feel the heavy breathing, on my chest and in my mouth 沈重的呼吸 充斥我的胸腔和口中
Got two hands around my heart  感覺到有雙手狠狠掐著我的心窩
I don't wanna see myself burning bridges when I'm down 不想看著自己低落時自毀前程
(Hold up, watch my shit) 

I'm falling through the corridors 從迴廊中跌落
Used to the broken flooring 早就習慣地板坑坑洞洞的樣子
"Sorry," I'm not sorry for 說抱歉 但我根本沒那意思
What? I excuse myself from pouring, 我無法接受自己只能
Lies straight out my chest, my mess, 被逼著對內心和一切混亂撒謊
Hardly could even tell a story 幾乎無法講述內心真正的故事
Lose me at my best 徹頭徹尾的迷失自我
My next project might be the one that shoots me 我的下張作品或許能真正將我推上
(Up, up, up, up) 至上的頂端

Then the stars in the sky light my bedroom 天上閃爍星點照耀了我的房間
Flashing words on the walls and my head, too 點亮了牆上和我腦裡的文字靈感
I'm alive but I can't live without you 我還活著 但沒了你我就活不下去
Can't live without you 有你我才能活下去
And the thoughts in my head run in circles 腦中有太多想法在並行運轉
And the sheets on my bed turn to purple 我的床單現在已變為紫色
I'm alone but I know that I won't do nothing to hold you back (Back) 我孤身一人 但我知道我不會堅持要你留下

(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Nothing to hold you back (Back) 不會堅持要你留下
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Nothing to hold you back (Back) 不會再強求你留下

Berlin! 柏林!
It got so much better 情況真的好轉很多
So from the bottom of my heart 所以我發自內心的
Thank you guys so much for coming out tonight! 非常感謝你們今天晚上願意來
[Seriously, thank you!] 認真的 感謝你們

I just wanna go to sleep, but I don't know how to keep 我想要入睡 但卻從不知道該如何
Separated from my thoughts, it's become a part of me 抽離我腦中的雜念 似乎已和我融為一體
If I'm alive at 24, my life is a dichotomy 若我二十四歲還活著 那我人生肯定是四分五裂
I don't know what I wanna be, nobody better bother me 不知道自己想成為什麼 最好別有人來煩我
I'm sleep deprived and suicidal 我有睡眠障礙 也曾試過自我了結
Thinking 'bout a lot of things 總是胡思亂想很多事情
I know it's in my mind but 我知道一切都裝在我腦中
Sometimes it's just kinda hard to see 但有時就是很難看清
Nobody really gives a fuck it took a bit of time for me 沒人在乎我花了好長一段時間
To realize I don't wanna be 才意識到自己不想成為心中想成為的自己
I really didn't wanna be 我真的一點也不想

Ole, ole, ole, ole, ole, ole, ole (Don't wanna be, wanna be)
Ole, ole, ole, ole, ole, ole, o- (Wanna be, wanna be)


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