Literacy Narrative

Jazmin Ricks

Professor Juliana Roth


English 102

Literacy Narrative

When I was around four years old it was the first time I ever picked up a book and looked through it. I saw a whole a lot of pictures and words that I knew that I. That same night my mom chose that book to read to my sister and I for our bedtime story. As I was listening to my mother reading I repeated the words over and over again in my mind for the next time I can try and read the story. The next day I took the same book to school and I looked at the book over and over again with the words my mother had read in my mind. That night I picked that same book to read for the bedtime story so can comprehend the words again and try to read the book on my own. As my mother was reading I was listening but I did not know what was going on in the story. When my mom was done I was explained to her “ Mom what was the story talking about because I felt that I did not know what the book was about.” “ What do you mean Jazz,” my mother said. “ I feel that you can read this story a million times and I still want to know what’s going on.”

   When I started elementary school I was scared that I would not be where the other children were because I know how to read but I was not understanding what I was reading. In my mind, I was like would I not make friends for this. Would they put me back a grade or two, because I can read the words but could not explain to the teacher what I just read? But then realized that I was a little ahead because I knew a lot of different words but I didn’t know how to use the words, I had just seen them in the story and heard my mom saying them. The thing I was most scared about was the fact that my teacher teaching me how to read and me not able to tell her what the reading was mostly about.

   As I was going into first grade I finally knew how to read a book word by word and line by line. I would read the whole book that my teacher would assign but I still was not able to tell her what the main point of the reading. As much as I read the story I still couldn’t sit at my desk and tell my teacher what was going in the story or write a paragraph about it. One day we had to read a story and my teacher wanted us to write about the main point or the most important point. This day was the day I finally went up to my teacher and told her that I can read the story but I can’t tell you the most important thing that happens in the story. That’s when I asked her to explain what happened in the story for me. She did explain it to me what the author was talking about but still had this confused look on her face.

   It was not until the third when I find that I had a learning disability in reading. It wasn’t until third grade when I was explaining to my third-grade teacher what was going since I was younger. She took it upon herself and started to talk to the principal about what I was explaining to her when I’m reading. Then one all of a sudden my principal came in the classroom so I can read to her and explaining to her what was going in the book. So I told everything about the book except for the main point of the book and what she really wanted to hear about the book. Then all of a sudden is when we had to read a book and my teacher was going to give us a test on about what we have read in class. I ended up having to read the whole book and test out loud to the principle and my teacher.

   It was not until a couple of days after this happened I had to get tested by the office of disabilities because they saw what I was talking about and more than I thought. So at this point, I was getting tested and I’m reading like three different books at the same time just on different reading levels of the books. It was overwhelming but I knew it was to help me get better in with reading. It was not until after everything happen when my teacher told me I didn’t have to try, because they could tell as I was reading and writing about everything. After all, this happens I ended up in a resource class to help me get better with reading and for me to understand what I was reading and not just guessing or make it seem like that everything was fine but it wasn’t.

   While I was going through middle school and high school I ended up having an IEP. This helped me with my reading I had to read and my teacher would have to explain and break down what the story was explaining. This made it easier for me to understand what was going in the story and help learn better, my understanding of the different books were better too. It also helped me stop second-guessing myself as a person and see that everyone learns differently in their different ways. This also made to see that you can go on in life when you tell people what’s going on with you and they can help you out.

   As a young child I was happy that I spoke up about what was going on with me. I feel if I didn’t catch this earlier in life it would have been harder to get on with my learning career and with the learning how to read processes. Learning how to read is a little challenging but if you try and keep working hard to get to where your trying to get in life it should get easier as you keep going on in life. In this life you can’t get anywhere I feel without knowing how to read because mostly everything you do requires you to read. For example, if you work in fast food you need to know how to read the menu, cashier, and the order screen. This why I’m happy I learned how to read and understood it at a young age.

Work Cited

“Grade 2 Reading & Writing.” Rock on Coding AP Computer Science Physics SAT Math English,

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