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Is Masturbation Permissible in Islam? Ways to Break This Habit

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  • 1 Is Masturbation Haram?
  • 2 What If Someone Masturbated?
    • 2.1 Is Edging Haram?
  • 3 Does the Quran Say Anything About Masturbation?
  • 4 What Do Our Hadiths Say About Masturbation?
  • 5 Why Masturbation Is Bad
  • 6 The Link Between Pornography and Masturbation
    • 6.1 Altering of the Brain Chemistry With PMOing
  • 7 Is Masturbation Healthy?
  • 8 Is Too Much Intercourse as Bad as Masturbation?
  • 9 Anti-Masturbation Movements and Trends
  • 10 Semen Retention
  • 11 Islam’s Solution to Stop Masturbating
    • 11.1 Some Ways of Breaking the Habit of Masturbation
  • 12 Conclusion
  • 13 References
  • 14 FAQ

Many people ask the question, “Is masturbation good or bad?” “Is it halal or haram?” Masturbation, meaning sexual gratification of oneself, is becoming an unfortunate habit in the world today. Doctors claim it is completely healthy and not having any physical or psychological harm. But is that really the case? In this article, you will learn about masturbation in Islam, whether it is haram or halal, and ways to quit it.

Is Masturbation Haram?

Masturbation in Islam is one of the major sins and is thus haram (prohibited). First, let us mention what masturbation in Islam is. Any act performed either by self-stimulating the genitals and erogenous regions of the body or purposefully watching, hearing, or even thinking about anything that causes orgasm with or without ejaculation is considered masturbation in Islam. Masturbation is prohibited for both men and women. It is important to note that any activity done with one’s spouse that leads to orgasm and ejaculation is not considered masturbation. Islam prohibits masturbation because of the physical, mental, and psychological harm it does to the human body. As a result, anyone who masturbates must seek repentance in Allah and decide not to do it again.


What If Someone Masturbated?

If a person, God forbid, masturbates, they must take certain measures. First and foremost, they must repent of this grave sin. When someone masturbates and ejaculates, they become junub, meaning the ritual impurity that must be removed through the ghusl (ritual bathing) of janabah. Therefore, if they want to pray, it is obligatory for them to perform the ghusl of janabah. The idea is that any form of junub, whether through lawful or unlawful ejaculation, must be removed through the ghusl of janabah.

It should be noted that if one has the ghusl of janabah, one must not make wudu if one wants to pray. They must perform salat with the ghusl unless their ghusl becomes void, where they must make wudu. Making wudu while one’s ghusl of janabah has not become void is haram (unlawful) because it is a bid‘ah (religious innovation).

Is Edging Haram?

Any form of masturbation or the acts leading to it for self-pleasure is haram. Edging, a practice where a person stimulates themself but stops right when they are about to climax, and repeats the process, is haram. Likewise, if a person orgasms through masturbation but does not ejaculate, it is still haram. Of course, because there was no ejaculation, the ghusl of janabah does not become necessary. Another issue is when it comes to women’s masturbation. They usually orgasm without ejaculation. So is masturbation haram for women too? The answer is yes. According to most, if not all jurists, female masturbation is also prohibited in Islam. However, if a woman does not ejaculate after orgasm, ghusl is not wajib for her. If she does, ghusl becomes wajib for her. Note that in sexual intercourse, both the man and woman become junub if penetration occurs, whether they orgasm or not.

Please watch this video if you want to learn about the stages that you will go through on your journey to quitting masturbation.

Does the Quran Say Anything About Masturbation?

The Quran has implied that masturbation is forbidden in verses 5-7 of surah al-Mu’minun. The verses talk about the characteristics of believers. Allah says that believers have the following characteristics:

وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ لِفُرُوجِهِمْ حَافِظُونَ ‎﴿٥﴾‏ إِلَّا عَلَىٰ أَزْوَاجِهِمْ أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُهُمْ فَإِنَّهُمْ غَيْرُ مَلُومِينَ ‎﴿٦﴾‏ فَمَنِ ابْتَغَىٰ وَرَاءَ ذَٰلِكَ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْعَادُونَ ‎﴿٧﴾

And those who guard their private parts, (5) (except from their spouses or their slave women, for then they are not blameworthy; (6) but whoever seeks [anything] beyond that—it is they who are transgressors), (7) [Translation by Qarai]

So according to verse seven, individuals who engage in sexual acts outside of those with their spouses have committed a sin. This includes fornication, adultery, incest, and masturbation.

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Sex in islam 1 CTA

What Do Our Hadiths Say About Masturbation?

Many narrations from the Prophet (s) and the Imams (a) speak of the prohibition of masturbation in Islam. Different terms have been used for masturbation in hadith, such as rubbing one’s genitals (dalk), marrying oneself, and marrying one’s palm. Imam Ja‘far al-Sadiq (a) has said that masturbation is like fornication. [1]

The Noble Prophet (s) has said:

نَاکِحُ الْکَفِّ مَلْعُونٌ

The one who marries their palm is cursed. [2]

Why Masturbation Is Bad

Masturbation is bad for several reasons. First, when one is all alone, the kind of pleasure one gets is partial. Most people feel guilty after masturbating, even if they do not believe in any religion. Masturbation weakens one’s self-confidence and self-determination. The hormones the body releases after masturbation greatly differ from those that are released in sexual intercourse. Primarily, prolactin is released 400% more in real sex than in masturbation. This means that one is much more satisfied after intercourse. [3] However, when one masturbates, one is not completely pleased and satisfied with the experience and becomes thirstier for more sessions of this despicable act.

The most detrimental effect of masturbation, especially before marriage and when entering into an intimate relationship, is impotence, aka erectile dysfunction (ED), as well as premature ejaculation (PE). A person who suffers from such an addiction is predisposed to certain stimuli that may not exist in real-life relationships. This results in an inability to engage in desirable and satisfying sexual intercourse.

Some youth in today’s world practice PMO, which stands for porn, masturbation, and orgasm. They watch sexually explicit content on the Internet and, at the same time, masturbate. This is because masturbating to pornographic images and videos seems to be much more stimulating and arousing for them and easier to climax than fantasizing about them. Unfortunately, porn, coupled with masturbation, has become a major addiction for today’s youth and even adults older than thirty and forty. It is seriously damaging their lives. People addicted to PMO are less motivated, socially detached, and cannot seem to get things done. In other words, they procrastinate very much.

While watching porn, they may become bored with one type of porn, so they seek more and more varieties of it and can only become aroused by more hardcore pornography. When they want to enter relationships, they will not be able to perform well because they have been programmed to like ridiculously aberrant and unconventional forms of sexual behavior. This is perhaps the greatest harm of being addicted to porn and masturbation. Everyone in the world should know that addiction to PMO is one of the worst addictions ever and one of the hardest to quit.

Watch this short video to get an idea where you can start to stop masturbating.

Altering of the Brain Chemistry With PMOing

There is an essential neurotransmitter in the brain known as dopamine. This neurotransmitter, sometimes known as the feel-good hormone, is released when one obtains a reward. For example, when we eat very delicious food, smell something very nice, or do fun and pleasurable activities (e.g., sex), our body releases dopamine. The activities leading to these rewards are reinforced and cause us to want to do them again. When someone watches porn, one gets what is called a dopamine rush, and when one masturbates and climaxes, there is an even greater release of dopamine. Therefore, the brain likes these series of events and reinforces them, ultimately leading to a habit and in most cases addiction. Getting rid of such an addiction proves to be quite a challenge. However, with the needed self-determination and willpower, one can quit such an addiction and acquire a healthy reward system.

Is Masturbation Healthy?

Most doctors nowadays say that masturbation is a healthy way to relieve stress. They even go as far as to say that it is good for the prostate gland and prevents prostate cancer. At least one study [4] seeks to prove this claim. The biggest problem with this study is that it is not based on empirical data. Rather, several older adults are asked to complete a questionnaire asking whether they masturbated or not when they were younger, among other daily habits and routines.

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Sex in islam 1 CTA

Then they concluded that those who masturbated less had greater chances of having prostate cancer than those who did it more. This is in no way a true piece of scientific research. If anything, frequent masturbation could be harmful to the prostate. Even if it is healthy, one should try to have intercourse when married instead of masturbating. It is like alcohol, where they say it has some benefits, whereas the negative effects are much more.

Is Too Much Intercourse as Bad as Masturbation?

In Islam, our Prophet (s) and Imams (a) have criticized individuals who engage in excessive sexual intercourse. Therefore, when too much of a permissible form of sexual satisfaction has been condemned, the impermissible forms, such as masturbation, are even more reprehensible. In a narration from the Noble Prophet (s), we read:

مَنْ أَرَادَ اَلْبَقَاءَ وَ لاَ بَقَاءَ فَلْيُبَاكِرِ اَلْغَدَاءَ وَ لْيُجَوِّدِ اَلْحِذَاءَ وَ لْيُخَفِّفِ اَلرِّدَاءَ وَ لْيُقِلَّ مُجَامَعَةَ اَلنِّسَاءِ

Whoever wishes for a long life must eat breakfast early, wear comfortable shoes and light clothes, and have less intercourse with women. [5]

People should realize the primary purpose of sexual intercourse: procreation. Becoming a sex addict could be just as bad as being addicted to masturbation. The only difference is that one may be permissible, and the other is always impermissible. Nevertheless, both have adverse psychological, mental, and physiological effects. Moderation is key in all things, including sex. Even if someone has a very high libido, they must sometimes have it under control and use that energy for doing other things. If they cannot control it, they must satisfy it through halal ways, meaning through their spouses.

People addicted to masturbation and pornography all around the world are slowly figuring out the serious detriment of this nasty habit. Notably, a new movement has started on the Internet where its participants try their best not to masturbate and watch porn to reverse the damages they have done to their mental and physical health. This community’s anecdotal evidence suggests that cessation of masturbation and watching porn leads to many mental and physical benefits that were absent before starting their “no masturbation journey.” They report that they no longer have brain fog, become more confident, have more energy, and have many other so-called “superpowers.” Interestingly, the participants of this movement do not claim to be religious. This further shows that even those who are not followers of any religion are fully aware of the detriment of this bad habit.

Semen Retention

Similar to the anti-masturbation movements, there is another practice that is recently gaining popularity, which is called semen retention. Those who practice semen retention do not masturbate or even ejaculate because they believe semen is a life force that has a great number of nutrients, protein, minerals, and vitamins that are all lost upon ejaculation, leading to many side effects including weakness. Dedicated semen retention practitioners only release their fluid for procreation. To know more about this interesting lifestyle and Islam’s view about it, please read the article titled Semen Retention in Islam: The Art of Preserving One’s Life Force.

Islam’s Solution to Stop Masturbating

Allah has created human beings, especially men, with a powerful sexual desire once they reach puberty. This desire has a good reason. It is there so that people go and find a person to marry and procreate. If people did not have this desire and drive, the human race would become extinct. As a result, Islam recommends the lawful and halal way of satisfying one’s sexual desire, namely marriage. Getting married has become a challenge for today’s youth. The preconditions for marriage have become so numerous that it is becoming extremely difficult for people to get married. However, youth should do their best and work hard to fulfill the requirements for their marriage. Additionally, it is the duty of other Muslims, especially their parents, to facilitate their marriage and do everything that is needed for them to get married. Allah has said in the Quran:

وَأَنكِحُوا الْأَيَامَىٰ مِنكُمْ وَالصَّالِحِينَ مِنْ عِبَادِكُمْ وَإِمَائِكُمْ ۚ إِن يَكُونُوا فُقَرَاءَ يُغْنِهِمُ اللَّهُ مِن فَضْلِهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ ‎

Marry off those who are single among you, and the upright among your male and female slaves. If they are poor, Allah will enrich them out of His grace, and Allah is all-bounteous, all-knowing. (24:32 Translation by Qarai)

They should not worry about not having money. Allah has promised them that He will provide for them and sustain them. Of course, this does not mean they should sit idle and wait for Allah to shower them with His blessings. No, they should work hard to make a living and provide for their family. As they say, “ God helps those who help themselves.” There is no excuse for someone to masturbate after getting married. Therefore, Islam considers marriage the best solution for letting go of the evil act of masturbation and other unlawful sexual practices.

Masturbation in Islam
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Some Ways of Breaking the Habit of Masturbation

Now there may be many people who simply cannot get married for whatever reasons. What should they do? Here is a list of things these people could do to stop masturbating:

  1. Improve your relationship with God. Always consider Him present wherever you are, and know that if you masturbate, He will become upset with you.
  2. Try to be productive. Pursue your hobbies, such as reading exciting books. Reading the Quran is also a great way to divert your attention from sexual thoughts into something spiritual.
  3. Exercise is one of the best ways to stop masturbation. It serves as a good distraction and will improve your health.
  4. Fasting is a great way to quit masturbation. Either fasting the Islamic way or intermittent fasting will do the job. Fasting makes you disciplined and will curb your impulsive sexual desires.
  5. One of the best strategies to motivate you on your masturbation-free journey is counting the days you do not masturbate. If you do masturbate, restart your counter and go for another round. You can stop counting once you feel not masturbating has become a lifestyle for you.
  6. When you feel sexually excited, try transmuting that energy into another activity. For example, do a few push-ups, or go for a run. You can also do one of the five abovementioned activities.
  7. Think about all the benefits you will have if you do not masturbate. You will be more self-confident, you will become more sociable, your eye contact will improve, you will have a better posture, you won’t procrastinate, you will have a good purpose in life, and so on.


Masturbation is one of the worst sins that one can commit. It is likened to fornication and could become an addiction. Overcoming this addiction requires a great deal of self-determination and willpower. If one truly wants to quit masturbation, one must always remember Allah and ask Him to help them cure this addiction. If someone always sees Allah present before them wherever they are and wherever they go, refraining from sins such as masturbation becomes less difficult. Of course, the best way Islam recommends for breaking free from such a sin is by getting married as soon as possible.


[1] Wasa’il al-Shi‘ah, vol. 20, p. 352.

[2] Mustadrak al-Wasa’il, vol. 14, p. 356.

[3] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16095799

[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC387502

[5] Man La Yahduruh al-Faqih, vol. 3, p. 555.


Why is masturbation haram?

Masturbation is haram because it has many physical, psychological, and mental harms. It is also very addictive and causes a great deal of shame and guilt after it is done.

What should a person who masturbates do?

First, they must seek repentance in Allah. Second, they must perform the ghusl of janabah if they have ejaculated. Third, they must decide not to masturbate again.

Is edging haram?

Yes, edging is haram. Even though one does not ejaculate, because it is done for self-pleasure, it is haram. Besides, it is very harmful for the body because it leads to psychological conditions such as sexual frustration and physical conditions such as epididymal hypertension and pelvic floor dysfunction.

Can my spouse stimulate me with their hands?

Yes, they can. Spouses can stimulate each other with whichever parts of their body, such as their hands and fingers, as long as they are not committing any sins.

Is it okay if women masturbate?

No, it is not. Masturbation is haram for both men and women, whether they climax or not.

What is Islam’s solution to quitting masturbation?

Islam says that one should first break such a habit. After an individual is capable of being aroused naturally without relying on pornography, it is time for them to get married. Therefore, the ultimate solution that Islam offers for avoiding any sin that has to do with sexuality is marriage.

Can I watch pornography without masturbating?

No, you cannot. Watching pornography even without masturbating is not just haram, but a very unhealthy and harmful habit that leads to serious psychological, behavioral, physical, and especially sexual problems, not to mention the fact that watching pornography could potentially lead to masturbation along with it in the long run.

MasturbationA major sin
EffectsLow self-confidence
SolutionMarriage, exercise, and reading the Quran
4.4/5 - (66 votes)
  1. Anonymous says

    very good helped me a lot

  2. Anonymous says

    Thanks a lot

  3. Anonymous says

    Masha Allah I swear No murstzbating any more, thanks for de advise

    1. Anonymous says


  4. Anonymous says


  5. Shokh says


  6. Anonymous says

    I am so thankful, now I just need to start the process allah will help me stop insha allah

  7. Anonymous says

    Thank you very much for the article it has helped a ton

  8. Anonymous says

    Allah pak Apka iski jaza DA ameen

  9. Ryan says

    Masha Allah these words should be taught and studied at school for every muslim

  10. Abdullah says

    I can 100% confirm that reading the Qur’an always helps cure one from the sin of masturbation.

    1. Anonymous says

      First of all Thanks to ALLAH
      Thanks a lot,
      Now my confusion about Masturbation is Makrooh or HARAM is Cleared.
      I swear to God, No masturbation any more.

  11. Genius says

    Thank you so much for this, I was about to masturbate then came online to search for it position before Islam before I proceed, al hamdulilah, I’ll quit Insh-a-Allah 🤲🏿, I’m so addicted but I pray this Ramadan helps me, It helped a lot, again, thank you for this. Masha-Allah

    1. Anonymous says

      Not only did you emphasise on the extent of the sin but you also managed to come across as non judgemental.

      Brilliant article. Thank you so much and may Allah help all of us who are here reading this

      1. Anonymous says

        Thanks a lot i have masturbated for about 5 years now thanks InshAllah I have put a stop that may Allah guide as all 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  12. Anonymous says


  13. Anonymous says

    This is extremely useful, I hope Allah rewards you all your desires in life and the hereafter🤍👆

  14. chiali says

    thank you , I appreciate this article , someone has been thinking how to solve this problem , now solutions have been seen, may Al mighty Allah , provide us super imon to do away with these sins

  15. Anonymous says

    Masha Allah may Allah forgive our shortcomings and may he give us the strength to stop this bad act before it’s too late

    1. Anonymous says

      No masturbation inshallah
      May Allah assist us all

  16. Anonymous says

    Thank you so much! I had this addiction since i could remember. It started when i was 10. Im 14 now. This has really helped me and i will stop forever! 😄👍🏻

  17. Anonymous says

    you’re really a good teacher may allah help us overcome our weakness jazaakallahu khayran

  18. Gianni says

    I am a Christian but the Christian resources on this topic are very limited so I needed to refer to another source from other disciplined people of the book. Thank you for spreading this knowledge, may God enrich us all.

  19. Ahmad says

    I now know that masturbation is major sin
    Inshallahu I won’t participate in it again
    And thank for exapalation.

  20. Ahmad says


  21. Sulaiman says

    Alhamdulillah i stopped it for quite a while and did it again then i decided to search on it here cause i don’t know how to stopped 🥲 but this guide would lead me to stop inshallah thanks once again

  22. Anonymous says

    MashaAllahu jazzaakullahu khyran

  23. SAHEED says

    I Pray I will stop this masturbation because it’s not helping me

    1. Anonymous says


  24. Musa says

    Alhamdullilah 🙏 I find the solution of masturbation. I have been committing this sin for over two months now and alhamdullilah today I just deside to search for it on how to stop the act Islamicaly… Thank you very much the explanation may Allah reward you with aljannalfidaws🙏🙏❤️🤲

  25. joy says

    so what about people who will never get married because of a variety of circumstances? what do they do ? are their lives meant to be lived without ever satisfying their sexual desire? i am really wondering. i am 50 and never married ( mektoub) but i still have urges of sexual desire and masturbation seems the only way. what am i supposed to do? never experience pleasure because i didnt get a chance to have a spouse?

    1. Abu Mahdi says

      Allah says in the Quran that those who cannot get married for whatever reasons must wait until Allah bestows His grace on them. This means that they must make the effort to find a spouse and Allah will help them. It is like saying, I cannot find a job because of certain circumstances, why shouldn’t I beg for money? No, Allah has said in the Quran that man attains nothing but that which he strives for. If a person cannot get married until old age, it is still not a pretext for them to do any form of haram sexual activity including masturbation. Besides, some of a man’s sexual desires are satisfied in sleep when they have nocturnal emission (wet dreams). But that is not the point. The point is that a person who cannot control his sexual desire must make EVERY effort to get married. If that is still not possible. Then he has no choice but to abstain from haram sexual activities. Masturbation is not allowed in Islam under any circumstances.

    2. Anonymous says

      I need your personal email id to discuss a case of one friend with you who is in severe trouble and trauma. Plz reply

      1. Sayyid Abdullah Al-Musawi says


  26. Hamza Abdi says

    Salaam, I am a content creator- grateful and appreciative of your articles, I wish everyone could get access to them. I come from Kenya and I am striving to create awareness and remove stereotypes about Islam, kindly provide insight on how to do this successfully.

    1. Sayyid Abdullah Al-Musawi says

      Wa alaikum assalam! It’s commendable that you are working towards creating awareness and challenging stereotypes about Islam, especially in a diverse and multicultural country like Kenya. Here are some steps and strategies you can consider to effectively spread awareness about Islam and challenge misconceptions:

      Understand Your Audience: Kenya is a diverse country with multiple ethnic groups and religions. Before sharing information, understand the cultural and religious backgrounds of your audience. This will help you present Islam in a context they can relate to.

      Share Personal Stories: Personal experiences can be powerful in changing perspectives. Consider creating content that highlights stories of Muslims in Kenya, their daily lives, challenges, successes, and contributions to society.

      Engage in Interfaith Dialogues: Collaborate with leaders and members of other religious groups to organize interfaith dialogues. Such events promote mutual understanding and can clear misconceptions.

      Educational Content: Share basic teachings of Islam, its history, and its core principles. Infographics, short videos, and articles can be effective in conveying complex ideas in an easily digestible format.

      Challenge Stereotypes: Address common misconceptions about Islam head-on. Create content that specifically debunks myths and provides the correct information.

      Collaborate with Other Content Creators: Partner with fellow Kenyan content creators, both Muslim and non-Muslim, for collaborative projects. This can help reach a wider and more diverse audience.

      Engage with Your Community: Organize or participate in community events, workshops, and seminars about Islam. Engaging directly with people often has a more lasting impact than online content.

      Highlight Kenyan Muslim Achievements: Showcase the achievements and contributions of Muslims in Kenyan history and contemporary society. This helps in presenting Muslims as an integral part of the Kenyan community.

      Promote Islamic Arts and Culture: Islam has a rich tradition of art, music, and literature. Organize or promote events that showcase Islamic culture, such as calligraphy workshops, nasheed (Islamic songs) concerts, or poetry readings.

      Stay Updated and Informed: Ensure that you are well-informed about current events related to Islam and Muslims. This will help you address contemporary issues in an accurate and timely manner.

      Encourage Feedback: Always seek feedback on your content. Constructive criticism can help you improve, and positive feedback can motivate you further.

      Stay Patient and Persistent: Challenging stereotypes and changing perceptions is not an overnight task. It requires patience, persistence, and consistency. Stay committed to your cause and remember that every little effort counts.

      Remember, while you aim to educate others, also remain open to learning and evolving yourself. The journey of raising awareness and challenging misconceptions is as much about personal growth as it is about community impact. May Allah (SWT) bless your efforts and make them fruitful.

  27. IBRAHEEM says

    jazallahu hairan,Alhamdulillah,im try my best and strive to abstain from the act(musterbation).fasting and lower my gaze included avoid isolate places.believing as muslim i don’t own my will but Only will of Allah.praying tahajjud.

    1. bwambalehussyn@gmail.com says

      Thanks for all the advices

  28. Anonymous says

    Thanks a lot for this. Thank Allah for my life I swear to Allah to stop this nonsense. Please remember me in ur prayers I stop this in the name of Allah. Thanks very much

  29. Ahmad says

    Thank you alot for explanatio may allah increase you’re knowledge amin

  30. Ramadan says

    Much grateful for the intense clarification

    1. Anonymous says

      Alhamdulillah this article has taught me alot.
      And i hope insha’allah henceforth i will quit.
      Please I need your prayers

  31. Taha says

    Masha Greate information. Thanks

  32. Anonymous says

    This is actually a great piece which I believe everyone who falls under this predicament must have learnt from.

    Your assistance in analytically breaking the concept of this bad habit down in the islamic standpoint is laudable and deeply appreciated.

    And yeah, it is realistic to affirm the personal effects of this bad habit has on its performers.

    Ranging from have low self-confidence, inability to make eye contact with one’s conversationalist, procrastination, and even the weakening of the relationship between one and one’s creator, low self-esteem, having unproductive day, feeling weak all the time, not being a sociable person, depriving oneself of the opportunities one should be greatly and maximally harnessing and utilizing, and so on and so forth.

    And this sin is one of the greatest sins, if not the greatest, that weaken the men of a particular nation. And social media is here to assist and facilitate its pervasiveness.

    But, bi idhniLlaahi, ALLĀH will help those struggling on this problem. Aaameeen. May ALLĀH help me too. Aaameeen.

    May ALLĀH continue to aid you knowledge as you’ve helped many people concerning this.

    And in shā ALLĀH, this will mark the cessation of this bad habit in everyone’s life. Aaameeen.

    May ALLĀH help us all. Aaameeen.

  33. Yasin says

    Masha Allah. well described.

  34. Duroode Ibrahim says

    I liked your content. thanks for the sharing information

  35. Anonymous says

    May Allah guide and always protect us

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