Hangzhou Glass Factory / 杭州玻璃厂

So, because today is the opening of the G20 meeting in Hangzhou, I decided to write about an old exploration I did back when I lived there this year. The industrial building is located next to Hangzhou Steel Factory, which I also visited during the spring this year. It used to be a glass factory and the old buildings stayed abandoned for many years. This will soon be demolished.

Industrial building « to be demolished » (拆除), Hangzhou Glass Factory, March 2016
Half-demolished building, Hangzhou Glass Factory, March 2016

In the building, there were no more elements of production (such as machines), only a few things remained.

Water instead of machines, Hangzhou Glass Factory, March 2016


Spools, Hangzhou Glass Factory, March 2016
Abacus, Hangzhou Glass Factory, March 2016

Apart from that, there were still a few propaganda signs on the walls.

Propaganda on the walls, Hangzhou Glass Factory, March 2016
« Happy when coming to work, peaceful when going home », Hangzhou Glass Factory, March 2016

But I found something very interesting: most of the notices presenting the factory rules for security were handwritten, with complex characters.

Handwritten notice, Hangzhou Glass Factory, March 2016
Rules, Hangzhou Glass Factory, March 2016
Rules, Hangzhou Glass Factory, March 2016
Security rules, Hangzhou Glass Factory, March 2016

Therefore, it was still an interesting space, quite large, and that building could have other functions than to be demolished…

General perspective, Hangzhou Glass Factory, March 2016

This entry was posted in Abandoned places in China / 中国废墟, Shanghai, Zhejiang, etc. / 上海,浙江省, Zhejiang province / 浙江省 and tagged factory. Bookmark the permalink.