英文 tho 是什麼意思?教你 though 怎麼用!


英文 tho 是什麼意思? tho 就是 though 的縮寫,那麼你知道 though (tho) 放在句尾要怎麼用嗎?though、although、even though 這 3 個都是「雖然」的意思,但他們又有什麼區別呢?就讓我往下看 though (tho) 的用法,以及其它 2 個 although、even though 與 though (tho) 的區別吧!


though、although、even though 作為連接詞,表「儘管、雖然」

首先,though、although、even though 都可以作為「連接詞」用來連接兩個句子,這個時候它們是「即使、儘管、雖然」的意思。

其中,though 跟 although 大致是同義詞,差別在於有些人認為 although 比 though 更正式一些,所以 though 更常用在口語,although 則在書面更為常見,但不管是書面或口語,兩個詞都可以使用喔。


Though he’s been quite tied up recently, he shows up for practice every day.

= Although he’s been quite tied up recently, he shows up for practice every day.



那如果想強調的話,我們可以在 though 前面加上 even,用 even though 將句子改寫成:

Even though he’s been quite tied up recently, he shows up for practice every day.

→ 使用 even though 時的語氣會比 though、although 更強一些


至於 though、although、even though 的擺放位置,放在句首或句中都可以喔!我們來看幾個例子:

  • I didn’t pass the exam, though I stayed up late last night to study.(儘管我昨晚熬夜讀書,我還是沒能通過考試。)
  • Although he overslept, he still caught the flight.(儘管他睡過頭,他還是成功趕上飛機。)
  • They lost the game, even though everyone had put on their best performance.(儘管每個人都拿出了最好的表現,他們還是輸了比賽。)


though、although 作為連接詞,表「不過、然而、可是」

Though、although 作為連接詞時,除了有「儘管、雖然」的意思,也能用來表示「不過、然而、可是」,意思類似 but(不過)或 but it is also true that …(不過...也是真的),可以用來「弱化先前論述的語氣或重要性」。這個時候,though 跟 although 會放在句中。


  • I will probably fail, though it’s worth trying.(我很可能會失敗,不過值得一試。)
  • She said she would call you tonight, although I don’t know the exact time.(她說她今晚會打電話給你,不過我不知道確切時間。)


至於 even though 則沒有這個用法喔!


though 作為副詞,表「不過、然而、可是」

Though 表「不過、然而、可是」,用來「弱化先前論述的語氣或重要性」時,也可以作為「副詞」使用,這是較不正式的用法,在口語中相當常見,而這時候 though 經常會放在句尾。


  • He said he had told me his phone number. I have no memory of it, though.(他說他告訴過我他的電話號碼。不過我沒印象。)
  • I think they are seeing each other. I could be wrong, though.(我認為他們倆正在交往。不過我也可能是錯的。)

至於 although 跟 even though 則沒有這種用法喔!


看完以上的英文用法教學,相信你對 though、although、even though 的用法也更加了解,別忘了平常在生活中也要找機會多練習喔!
