45 Confidence Examples

confidence examples and definition, explained below

Confidence is a psychological characteristic defined as one’s belief in their own abilities to accomplish tasks and assert themselves.

It is seen as an essential trait to develop personal and professional success.

Confidence can manifest in various aspects of life, from public speaking to decision making.

This characteristic often correlates with increased motivation, resilience, and a positive outlook, ultimately leading to higher life satisfaction.

In this article, we’ll dive into how this essential trait can transform different facets of your life and why it’s worth cultivating.

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Examples of Confidence

  • Strong Public Speaking Skills: When someone is confident in their speech delivery, they often shine in public speaking. They assert themselves amicably, communicate their thoughts effectively, and connect with their audience. Fear and anxiety take a backseat, making their presentations more impactful.
  • Willingness to Make Decisions: Confident individuals make decisions with less difficulty, trusting their judgment. They evaluate options, decide without extreme hesitations, and accept the responsibility for their choices. This decisiveness is a clear sign of their belief in their abilities.
  • Starting a Social Interaction: Confidence is a crucial factor in social interactions. Confident people engage with others more easily, listen attentively, and voice their thoughts without fear. They share their opinions freely and inspire respect in social settings.
  • Willingness to Try New Skills: Those with confidence exhibit a willingness to learn new skills. They approach unfamiliar tasks with a positive mindset, trusting their ability to acquire necessary knowledge and develop proficiency. Their assurance enables them to navigate the learning curve more smoothly.
  • Charismatic Leadership: Confidence shines brightly in leadership roles. Confident leaders motivate their teams through their steadfast decisions and faith in their team’s capabilities. Their charismatic portrayal of confidence marks them as effective and inspiring leaders.
  • Confidence in Creative Pursuits: Engaging in creative endeavors requires a certain level of confidence. Individuals with confidence are not afraid to experiment, express their artistic side, and share their works with others. They harness their creative potential without trepidation, thanks to their self-assurance.
  • Active Participation in Discussions: Those who demonstrate confidence often step forward in discussions. They articulate their ideas, provide thoughtful insights, and respond to comments without fear of criticism. Their active involvement is a testament to their confidence level.
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit: Confidence is instrumental in entrepreneurs who dare to dream and act on their ideas. They take calculated risks, make important decisions, and lead their ventures to success. Their bold steps often stem from a robust level of confidence.
  • Personal Fitness Goals: People often display confidence by setting and pursuing personal fitness goals. They trust in their ability to shape their health, work towards their goals, and celebrate their achievements. Confidence plays a key role in this personal accomplishment.
  • Significant Career Moves: Career advancements often require a leap of faith and plenty of confidence. Confident individuals readily make necessary changes, seize opportunities, and manage the challenges of new roles. Their career success often reflects their level of confidence.
chrisComprehension Checkpoint: Can you relay two different real-life examples where having confidence was essential for the success of yourself or someone you admire?
  • Academic Achievements: Excelling in academics takes more than just intelligence, it often requires confidence. Students with confidence participate actively in class, approach challenging assignments tenaciously, and effectively handle academic pressures. Their superior performance is bolstered by their self-belief.
  • Taking Up Leadership Roles: Confidence is noticeable in those willing to take up leadership roles, even in non-professional settings. These individuals are confident with responsibilities, capable of making decisions, and comfortable leading others. Their leadership role demonstrates their self-assurance.
  • Pursuit of Lifelong Learning: Confident individuals understand that learning extends beyond formal education. They continually strive to learn new things, develop new skills, and expand their knowledge. Their pursuit of ongoing education signals their confidence in their abilities to continue growing.
  • Assertive Communication: Confidence shines through in assertive communication. Such individuals express their thoughts openly, articulate their expectations clearly, and handle disagreements respectfully. Their assertiveness roots from their self-confidence.
  • A Growth Mindset: A confident person handles failures with grace and resilience. They treat these setbacks as learning experiences, recover from them quickly, and come back stronger. Their ability to overcome failure underscores their confidence in their potential.
chrisComprehension Checkpoint: Having seen some clear examples of traits of confident people, are you able to identify activities or domains where you feel most confident? Even the most shy people often have great inner self-confidence when doing things they love or are good at.
  • Being Open to Constructive Feedback: Confident individuals listen to and accept constructive criticism. They understand it is an avenue for growth and improvement, not a personal attack. Their openness to feedback indicates their self-confidence and willingness to evolve.
  • Ability to Ask For Help: Confidence materializes in admitting when you don’t know something and asking for assistance. Confident people realize that seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness, but a natural part of growth. This openness signifies confidence in their ability to learn and adapt.
  • Confidence in Negotiation: Successful negotiators often exude confidence. They are sure of their expectations, assert their needs persuasively, and can handle rejection effectively. Their ability to convey their requirements and reach agreements shows clear signs of confidence.
  • Confidence in Change Management: Those comfortable in managing and adapting to change often display confidence. They navigate through uncertain times, make adjustment plans, and lead teams in new directions with assurance. Their adaptability in the face of change underscores their level of confidence.
  • Ability to Stand Up for Themselves: Confidence is reflected in individuals who can firmly stand up for their beliefs and values. They express their views assertively, resist undue pressure, and act harmoniously with their convictions. Their ability to affirm and defend their position is a testament to their confidence.
  • Confidence in Building Networks: Confident individuals can build interpersonal relationships and networks effectively. They initiate interactions, form connections, and establish fruitful collaborations. Their ability to create and manage meaningful relationships signals their confidence level.
  • Confidence in Personal Appearance: Confidence often shines through in how people present themselves. They express their unique style, view their self-image positively, and feel comfortable in their own skin. Their positive body image and personal style mirror their self-confidence.
  • Ability to Express Gratitude: Confident people often show their appreciation openly. They acknowledge the help they receive, express their gratitude earnestly, and spread positivity. Their ability to appreciate and express gratitude reflects their self-confidence.
  • Ability to Share Ideas and Innovations: Those who confidently share their ideas and propose innovations often demonstrate confidence. They believe in their creative potential, fearlessly present their innovations, and contribute significantly to brainstorming sessions. Their contributions show their confidence in their creative abilities.
  • Confidence in Future Planning: Confident people plan their future with conviction. They set personal and professional goals, strategize, and work diligently towards their objectives. Their ability to foresee and plan for their future showcases their level of confidence.
chrisComprehension Checkpoint: Based on the information presented in this article, are you able to come up with 5 job positions or career trajcetories where you believe confidence to be a greatly important trait?
  • Confidence Adapting To New Cultures: Confidence is essential when adapting to new cultures or environments. These individuals are open-minded, respect cultural differences, and make an effort to understand and integrate into the new surroundings. Their adaptive skills and flexibility display their confidence in their ability to embrace change.
  • Navigating Conflict: People who confidently navigate conflicts exhibit a high level of confidence. They confront issues directly, communicate effectively to find resolutions, and handle disagreements tactfully. Their ability to manage and resolve conflicts without unnecessary escalation reflects their inner confidence.
  • Confidence in Writing: Confident individuals often express themselves effectively through writing. They articulate their thoughts clearly, are not afraid to share their work, and handle critiques graciously. Their writing abilities and tenacity highlight their confidence.
  • Adventurous Spirit: Confidence is evident in individuals who enjoy exploring new experiences. They dive into adventures fearlessly, explore unfamiliar terrains, and embrace unexpected opportunities. Their sense of adventure and willingness to explore boldly speaks to their confidence.
  • Self-Reliance: Confidence shines through when individuals exhibit high self-reliance. They enjoy their own company, can accomplish tasks independently, and feel comfortable being alone. Their ability to rely on themselves, even in challenging situations, is a testament to their confidence.
  • Comfort in Saying ‘No’: Confidence is displayed when individuals are comfortable saying ‘no’ without guilt. They stand their ground, protect their boundaries, and reject requests that do not align with their values or preferences. Their ability to decline persuasively without offending others shows their confidence.
  • Confidence in Cooking: Confidence in cooking skills often denotes overall confidence. These individuals experiment with recipes, handle culinary challenges enthusingly, and host gatherings with self-assuredness. Their culinary skills and fearlessness in the kitchen reflect their confidence.
  • Financial Confidence: Managing personal finances requires a level of confidence. Confident individuals handle their money wisely, make informed investment decisions, and approach financial risks with care. Their financial management skills indicate their confidence.
  • Comfort in Silence: Those comfortable with silence often exhibit confidence. They appreciate moments of quiet, can communicate without speaking, and do not feel the need to fill every silence. Their comfort in silence signifies an inner peace and confidence.
  • Confidence in Personal Projects: Confident people often display their self-assuredness through their personal projects. They create, manage, and complete projects with enthusiasm and dedication. Their ability to see a project through from beginning to end displays their confidence.
  • Confidence in Teaching Others: Confident individuals readily take up the role of teaching others. They articulate complex concepts cleverly, handle queries patiently, and ensure their learners understand. Their ability to educate others reflects their confidence in their knowledge and skills.

Real-Life Role Models with High Self-Confidence

  • Oprah Winfrey: Winfrey’s confidence was evident throughout her career as a talk show host, actress, producer, and philanthropist. Despite a difficult upbringing, Oprah navigated the male-dominated television industry with assurance, transforming her into a global icon. Her self-confidence has been key to her success and her influence in motivating millions.
  • Steve Jobs: As the co-founder of Apple Inc., Jobs showcased his confidence in his revolutionary ideas and products. Despite facing many setbacks, his confidence in his vision never wavered, eventually leading to the development of beloved products like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. His confidence played a monumental role in altering the tech industry.
  • Michelle Obama: The former First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, exuded confidence throughout her life and career. From her role in the White House to her successful initiatives such as “Let’s Move!”, her confidence was always visible. Today, she continues to inspire many with her confident demeanor and strong advocacy for female education and health.
  • Richard Branson: Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, showed immense confidence when he started his enterprise. His belief in his ideas and his ability to take calculated risks led to a conglomerate of companies that spanned different sectors. Branson’s confidence continues to drive his numerous successful ventures.
  • Malala Yousafzai: Malala’s confidence in advocating for girls’ education, even in the face of attempted assassination, is a testament to her confidence. Her unwavering belief in her cause has made her the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. Her confidence continues to inspire many around the globe.
  • Serena Williams: As one of the greatest tennis players of all time, Williams’ confidence is undeniable. Despite facing numerous obstacles and prejudices, she maintained her drive and confidence, eventually breaking numerous records. Her self-confidence is an inspiration for athletes around the world.
  • Beyoncé: Renowned singer Beyoncé showcases her confidence not only through her powerful performances but also through her advocacy for women’s rights. Her confidence in her talents and her drive to voice women’s issues have established her as an influential figure. Beyoncé’s confidence radiates through her empowering music.
  • Jeff Bezos: As the founder of Amazon, Bezos showed immense confidence when he left his stable job to start an online bookstore. His firm belief in the potential of e-commerce led to the creation of a global retail giant. His confidence in pursuing his innovative business strategies continues to guide Amazon’s success.
  • Usain Bolt: The eight-time Olympic gold medalist Bolt has shown the world what confidence looks like. Never afraid to express himself fully on the track, his confidence matched his extraordinary talents. Bolt’s confidence throughout his career has made him a role model for aspiring athletes.

See More Examples of Role Models Here

Benefits of Confidence

1. Greater self-esteem is a notable perk of confidence.

Self-confidence and self-esteem share a symbiotic relationship — growing one often boosts the other. Confidence allows you to believe in your abilities and value your worth, leading to a higher self-esteem.

2. Improved performance is another benefit of confidence.

When you’re confident, you’re likely to approach tasks with more tenacity and perseverance. This assertiveness often drives better results. Research conducted by Bandura (1986) has shown that self-efficacy, a close cousin of confidence, significantly contributes to performance.

3. Confidence aids in combating fear and anxiety.

A sense of self-assuredness counteracts negative emotions such as fear and anxiety. For example, confident individuals are better equipped to manage stress and pressure, leading to healthier mental states.

4. Lastly, confidence fosters positivity and happiness.

When you believe in yourself, you tend to have a more positive perspective. For example, there is a strong correlation between confidence and happiness, indicating that higher confidence levels often result in increased happiness. This contribution to overall well-being makes confidence a trait worth nurturing.

chrisComprehension Checkpoint: How do self-esteem and confidence influence each other?

Confidence vs Arrogance

Confidence is a belief in oneself and one’s abilities. Arrogance, on the other hand, is an inflated belief in one’s capacities, often to the point of superiority.

Confidence stems from self-assuredness and results in a respectful expression of one’s feelings, opinions, and beliefs. For example, Thomas Edison’s dogged belief in his capabilities led to the invention of the light bulb.

In contrast, arrogance typically arises from insecurity and results in a disregard for others’ feelings or opinions. An example would be certain political figures who actively disrespect their opponents, undermining collaboration and dialogue.

Confidence is usually accompanied by humility and openness to learning. For instance, renowned physicist Albert Einstein, while confident in his theories, never stopped questioning and exploring new concepts.

Arrogance shuts the door to learning, as it assumes superiority and refuses to acknowledge the wisdom of others. An example of this is often seen in “know-it-all” colleagues who dismiss fellow team members’ inputs, hindering team synergy.

A healthy level of confidence is often attractive and inspires trust and respect. This was evident in the case of Mahatma Gandhi, whose confidence in his approach engendered an immense following, leading to significant political change.

In contrast, arrogance tends to push people away and generate resentment. Examples abound in historical figures who, instead of inspiring trust, incited resistance due to their perceived arrogance.

Though confidence and arrogance may seem related, they differ remarkably in their nature, origin, and impact on others.

DefinitionBelief in one’s abilitiesInflated belief in one’s abilities
ExpressionRespectful, warmDisrespectful, cold
Openness to LearningWilling to learn from othersRejects wisdom of others
Impact on OthersAttracts and engenders trust and respectPushes people away, engenders resistance
ExamplesThomas Edison’s belief in his innovations, Albert Einstein’s curious approachPolitical figures disrespecting opponents, know-it-all colleagues dismissing team members’ inputs
chrisComprehension Checkpoint: Distinguish between confidence and arrogance. How does each trait impact a person’s relationships and learning opportunities?


Confidence truly is a powerful trait, quite deserving of the emphasis placed upon it. Its capacity to influence various life outcomes significantly, from personal happiness to academic success and career advancement, cannot be overemphasized. Its constructive influence on people’s lives is evident through the numerous examples shared and the defined benefits. Therefore, fostering this characteristic is crucial; perhaps, the nuanced understanding between confidence and arrogance reasserts the importance of promoting the right type of self-assurance.


Chris Drew (PhD)

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Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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