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SKIN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SKIN?

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Need another word that means the same as “skin”? Find 50 synonyms and 30 related words for “skin” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:
  • Skin as a Noun
  • Definitions of "Skin" as a noun
  • Synonyms of "Skin" as a noun (29 Words)
  • Usage Examples of "Skin" as a noun
  • Skin as a Verb
  • Definitions of "Skin" as a verb
  • Synonyms of "Skin" as a verb (21 Words)
  • Usage Examples of "Skin" as a verb
  • Associations of "Skin" (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Skin” are: skinhead, peel, cutis, tegument, hide, pelt, baldhead, baldpate, baldy, epidermis, dermis, complexion, colouring, skin colour, skin tone, pigmentation, fleece, rind, outside, film, coating, coat, layer, overlay, casing, cover, covering, exterior, pod, clamber, scramble, shin, shinny, sputter, struggle, bark, pare, scrape, hull, graze, abrade, cut, rub something raw, chafe, swindle, defraud, cheat, exploit

Skin as a Noun

Definitions of "Skin" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “skin” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A thin layer forming on the surface of certain hot liquids, such as milk, as they cool.
  • A strip of sealskin or other material attached to the underside of a ski to prevent a skier slipping backwards during climbing.
  • The thin outer covering of a sausage.
  • The rind of a fruit or vegetable.
  • The skin of a dead animal with or without the fur, used as material for clothing or other items.
  • A bag serving as a container for liquids; it is made from the hide of an animal.
  • A member of any of several British or American groups consisting predominantly of young people who shave their heads; some engage in white supremacist and anti-immigrant activities and this leads to the perception that all skinheads are racist and violent.
  • A natural protective body covering and site of the sense of touch.
  • A person's skin regarded as their life.
  • A unit into which an Aboriginal people is divided, typically on the basis of descent, each skin being associated with a totemic bird, animal, or insect.
  • A container made from the skin of an animal such as a goat, used for holding liquids.
  • An outer surface (usually thin.
  • The peel or outer layer of certain fruits or vegetables.
  • Body covering of a living animal.
  • A cigarette paper.
  • A skinhead.
  • A person whose head is bald or shaved.
  • Relating to or denoting pornographic literature or films.
  • The outermost layer of a structure such as a building or aircraft.
  • The thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body of a person or animal.
  • A card game in which each player has one card which they bet will not be the first to be matched by a card dealt from the pack.
  • A customized graphic user interface for an application or operating system.
  • (especially in jazz) a drum or drum head.

Synonyms of "Skin" as a noun (29 Words)

baldhead(among Rastafarians) a person who is not a Rastafarian.
baldpateA person whose head is bald or shaved.
baldyA bald-headed person.
casingA cover or shell that protects or encloses something.
A waterproof casing.
coatA single application of paint or similar material on a surface.
A winter coat.
coatingA decorative texture or appearance of a surface (or the substance that gives it that appearance.
The surface was ready for a coating of paint.
colouringThe characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction.
Food colouring.
complexionThe coloring of a person’s face.
A smooth pale complexion.
coverAn area of the field consisting of cover point and extra cover.
The cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft.
coveringThe act of protecting something by covering it.
A vinyl floor covering.
cutisThe true skin or dermis.
dermisThe thick layer of living tissue below the epidermis which forms the true skin containing blood capillaries nerve endings sweat glands hair follicles and other structures.
epidermisThe surface epithelium of the skin, overlying the dermis.
exteriorThe outer side or surface of something.
An ideal spot to film exteriors.
filmA thin sheet of (usually plastic and usually transparent) material used to wrap or cover things.
He had already shot a whole roll of film.
fleeceA jacket or other garment made from a fleece fabric.
He clutched the ram by two handfuls of thick fleece.
hideThe dressed skin of an animal (especially a large animal.
layerA shoot fastened down to take root while attached to the parent plant.
They can be increased from cuttings and layers.
outsideThe region that is outside of something.
Record the date on the outside of the file.
overlayA block of code or other data transferred during the overlay process.
Full colour aerial photographs with overlays showing suggested routes.
peelThe rind of a fruit or vegetable.
Pieces of potato peel.
peltAn act of hurling something at someone.
pigmentationThe deposition of pigment in animals or plants or human beings.
podA narrow-necked purse net for catching eels.
Gorse pods were popping in the sun.
rindThe bark of a tree or plant.
Olive oil infused with lemon rinds.
skin colourThe rind of a fruit or vegetable.
skin toneA bag serving as a container for liquids; it is made from the hide of an animal.
skinheadA member of any of several British or American groups consisting predominantly of young people who shave their heads some engage in white supremacist and anti immigrant activities and this leads to the perception that all skinheads are racist and violent.
tegumentThe integument of an organism especially a parasitic flatworm.

Usage Examples of "Skin" as a noun

  • We were surrounded by skins with tattoos and braces.
  • I use body lotion to keep my skin supple.
  • The skin of an airplane.
  • Your skin is the largest organ of your body.
  • Victoria was skimming the skin off the saucepan of milk.
  • Is this real crocodile skin?
  • I passed her a plastic bag with skins and hash inside.
  • A flap of skin.
  • The skin trade.
  • A skin filled with water.
  • He tried to save his skin.
  • If you are using link-sausages, prick the skins well with a fork.
  • Potatoes roasted in their skins.

Skin as a Verb

Definitions of "Skin" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “skin” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Bruise, cut, or injure the skin or the surface of.
  • Strip the skin off.
  • (of a wound) form new skin.
  • Climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling.
  • (of a player) take the ball past (a defender) with ease.
  • Remove the skin from (an animal or a fruit or vegetable.
  • Take money from or swindle (someone.
  • Graze (a part of one's body.
  • Cover with skin.
  • Make a cannabis cigarette.
  • Remove the bark of a tree.

Synonyms of "Skin" as a verb (21 Words)

abradeScrape or wear away by friction or erosion.
It was a landscape slowly abraded by a fine stinging dust.
barkRemove the bark of a tree.
A dog barked at her.
chafeRub (a part of the body) to restore warmth or sensation.
It chafed him to be confined like this.
cheatAvoid (something undesirable) by luck or skill.
She always cheats at cards.
clamberClimb awkwardly, as if by scrambling.
I clambered out of the trench.
cutForm or shape by cutting or incising.
Investigators called for a machete to cut through the bush.
defraudIllegally obtain money from (someone) by deception.
She defrauded the customers who trusted her.
exploitMake use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.
These workers are at particular risk of being exploited in the workplace.
fleeceCover as if with a fleece.
The sky was half blue half fleeced with white clouds.
grazeCasually sample something.
We grazed up and down the TV channels.
hullRemove the hulls from.
Hull the berries.
pareCut small bits or pare shavings from.
Pare apples.
peelRemove (the outer covering or skin) from a fruit or vegetable.
Oranges that peel easily.
rub something rawMove over something with pressure.
scrambleMake one’s way quickly or awkwardly up a steep gradient or over rough ground by using one’s hands as well as one’s feet.
The Hurricanes were scrambled again this time meeting Italian fighters.
scrapeManage to live with difficulty.
The cat scraped at the armchair.
shinClimb awkwardly, as if by scrambling.
He shinned up a tree.
shinnyClimb awkwardly, as if by scrambling.
He loved to shinny up that tree.
sputterCoat (a surface) with a spray of metal particles emitted from a target that is bombarded with fast ions.
But but she sputtered.
struggleMake one’s way with difficulty.
Before she could struggle he lifted her up.
swindleDeprive of by deceit.
He was said to have swindled 62 5 million from the state owned cement industry.

Usage Examples of "Skin" as a verb

  • The wound was skinned, but the strength of his thigh was not restored.
  • He scrambled down from the tree with such haste that he skinned his knees.
  • Kanchelskis would have skinned him.
  • The hole in his skull skinned over.
  • She skinned the pig and salted the carcass.
  • We had a few beers and then we skinned up.
  • I ain't no dummy, and I know when I'm being skinned.
  • The boy skinned his knee when he fell.
  • Scald and skin the tomatoes.

Associations of "Skin" (30 Words)

acneAn inflammatory disease involving the sebaceous glands of the skin; characterized by papules or pustules or comedones.
He was clean shaven with a face that had been ravaged by acne when younger.
allergicCharacterized by or caused by allergy.
One and a half per cent of the population is allergic to bee venom.
bareLay bare.
Leaf fall had left the trees bare.
barkTan a skin with bark tannins.
He began barking out his orders.
chafe(of an object) rub abrasively against another.
He had a nasty chafe on his knee.
cysticRelating to the urinary bladder or the gall bladder.
The cystic stage.
denudationThe removal of covering.
denudeLay bare.
Almost overnight the Arctic was denuded of animals.
dermatitisA medical condition in which the skin becomes red, swollen, and sore, sometimes with small blisters, resulting from direct irritation of the skin by an external agent or an allergic reaction to it.
exposeExpose to light of photographic film.
At low tide the sands are exposed.
exposedIn a vulnerable position or situation.
The army s exposed right flank was under attack.
exposureThe intensity of light falling on a photographic film or plate.
They feared exposure of their campaign plans.
integumentA tough outer protective layer, especially that of an animal or plant.
This chemical compound is found in the integument of the seed.
itchCause to perceive an itch.
I itched all over.
itchingAn irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch.
lesionAny localized abnormal structural change in a bodily part.
overexposureExposure of a film or a part of an image to light for too long a time.
She suffered from overexposure to noxious air.
peelAn act of exfoliating dead skin in the cosmetic treatment of microdermabrasion.
Paint was peeling from the shopfronts.
pigskinLeather made from pigskin.
A pair of black pigskin gloves.
rashAny red eruption of the skin.
A rash of bank robberies.
scarMark with a scar.
A faint scar ran the length of his left cheek.
scrapeA place where soil has been scraped away especially a shallow hollow formed in the ground by a bird during a courtship display or for nesting.
The cat scraped at the armchair.
scratchAn act or spell of scratching oneself to relieve itching.
He gave his scalp a good scratch.
surfaceProvide something especially a road with a particular surface.
It was not what it appeared to be on the surface.
undoCause the downfall or ruin of.
There wasn t any way Evelyn could undo the damage.
undressGet undressed.
Please don t undress in front of everybody.
wartAn imperfection in someone or something that is suggestive of a wart especially in smallness or unattractiveness.
What a bunch of nauseating little warts you are.

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