Fear to Faith

Fear to Faith

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.  ~ Psalm 56:3

Do you ever just get scared of the future because what if God doesn’t fix this problem or that problem?

I have recently found myself in a state of fear over the future of our country.

I am afraid for my grandchildren. I am afraid they won’t be able to work, eat well, and live freely. I am afraid that there will be wicked and powerful people in control and there will be no way to stop what is happening.

The one thing I can stop is my fearful thinking. I have come to a point where I understand, without a doubt, that God is in control. My worry will change nothing. However, if I demonstrate faith, that could change a lot.

My worry will change nothing. However, if I demonstrate faith, that could change a lot. @Grace_and_Such

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Three (soon to be four) little sets of eyes and ears see my fear and hear my words every day. They respond to the way the adults around them are responding to the world. They know we are unhappy about the current  political situation. They know we are concerned about the economy and the murder of so many babies at abortion mills.

We talk about these things. They listen to every word.

It takes a conscious effort to point others to God’s sovereignty, mercy, and grace when things are looking difficult. In Psalm 56:4 David was running from the Philistines in Gath (where Goliath came from, 1 Samuel 17:4). He said, “In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.”

I think that his willingness to praise God was one of the reasons that he was able to trust Him as he faced such a terrible set of circumstances. Hard times did not make David resent God or get angry with Him. Hard times caused David to remember that God was where his help would come from! He praised God for it.

In our minds and hearts, when we are afraid, if we can remember to pray and praise God, by remembering the reasons He is worthy of praise, we will have peace. Over and over again God tells us to “Remember.” When we remember – out loud – what He has done for us in the past, we are better able to trust Him with our future and young ears will hear the praise of God, not the fear of man….regardless of our fearsome circumstances.

God is great. He is always good. He works things out for the good of His people. He is generous, gracious, merciful, forgiving, and the bearer of so many more attributes worthy of praise, that we do not have space to put them all on paper.

My prayer has been, “Father, forgive me for fretting when I should be praising.” Through that prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, I have gone from fear to faith. .

Will you pray about your circumstances, trust God’s goodness, speak of it openly to encourage others, and praise His great name? That is the path from fear to faith.

Grace & Such strives to advance Christian growth among women. While we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, we also recognize human interpretations are imperfect. Grace & Such encourages our readers to open their Bibles, pray for wisdom and study for themselves what the Word says. For more about who we are, please visit the About Us page.
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  1. Rebecca Preston on November 28, 2016 at 7:22 AM

    There is something about saying these things out loud. A common friend of ours used to say to keep things in the dark holds a great deal of power over us and gives the enemy of our souls an opportunity. I’ve found that to be true, and it goes well with your post today. Thanks for sharing, Beth.

  2. Diane on November 28, 2016 at 8:09 AM

    “Hard times caused David to remember that God was where his help would come from! He praised God for it.” Oh my, what a great reminder to keep our eyes focused on what is true, not what the ‘imagine it could be’ junk that so mires us down, all too often. Thanks, Beth, for reminding us to remember.

  3. Jen on November 28, 2016 at 11:23 AM

    Just yesterday I wrote out a short list of what God has done for me. Some of the remembering was how faithful God was when things were the darkest. The joy he provided, the character he honed, the healing he gave, the gift of peace. It’s good to remember.

  4. Diane Tarantini on November 29, 2016 at 11:25 AM

    This piece is very timely, Beth. It is great counsel to remember that God is in control and that He has done countless amazing and wonderful things over the course of time. I am so curious to see what He’s going to do in America over the next few years!

  5. Gretchen on November 30, 2016 at 11:17 AM

    Thank you for this reminder, Beth. In a funny way, reading Scripture is comforting at these times. I mean, I *know* God is our Comforter. But seeing the cycles of depravity in our history and how God may get angry, but in His infinite love and patience, never gives up on us, gives me hope that He will continue to be with us until Jesus comes. This is nothing new to God. And He is so faithful when we turn to Him.

    I also love Jen’s idea of listing answered prayers.

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