Lady M Taiwan 》國父紀念館捷運站蛋糕店 | Taipei Mille Crêpes


Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious

來自美國紐約的Lady M2017台北新開幕蛋糕店名單中最受矚目, 在台灣目前有國父紀念館旗艦店與晶華飯店專櫃.
Lady M, which was originated from New York City, opened its oversea stores near Taipei SYS Memorial Hall MRT station and also Regent Hotel.


2017 菜單連結在文末 Menu is at the end of article


美國 Lady M 在世界各地開店, 亞洲則包括香港, 新加坡與台灣 (韓國分店已永久歇業) , 較為特別的是台灣的 Lady M 遊戲規則特別多.
Lady M opens worldwide, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan (Korea store closed down). However, there are many rules at Lady M Taiwan store.


Lady M 旗艦店

Customer Service Tel: 02-7730-8660

1. 低消 NTD $350 /人 (內含一杯飲料)

低消不是每人一杯飲料. 所以陪女友去的男生不能只點一杯飲料, 最簡單的方式就是每人點一杯飲料與一塊蛋糕
Different from most cake stores, Lady M store minimum charge is NTD $350/person. Therefore, it means that you should order one drink and one slice cake.


2. 只提供給內用客戶外帶, 限購 “外帶六片蛋糕“ 或 ” 一個 9吋蛋糕“

因為是中央廚房製作, 每天限量提供, 不能直接走進去買蛋糕, 預約提貨也不行, 一定要排隊內用後再購買回家. 若只想外帶, 需直接去晶華飯店專櫃, 且只能現場購買不能預訂, 會提供保冷劑.
At the SYS Memorial Hall branch store, you can only purchase six slicse of “
Mille Crêpes/Cake” to go or one 9 inch cake. The customer cannot pre-order nor only purchase to-go.The rule is that you need to dine in first and purchase to-go later. If the customer want to purchase to-go, you would need to go to Regent Hotel.


雖然遊戲規則一堆, 但依舊人潮不間斷. 我選擇的是平日中午12點, 直接走進蛋糕店不用候位, 除了店外裝潢為象牙白色, 室內裝潢也同樣是象牙白色, 跟 新北市的 UNTIL 21:45 和 台北市 FIELD 小田食光 裝潢類似. 蛋糕展示櫃放著早上從中央廚房運來的蛋糕, 用餐環境並不會像 法朋烘培甜點坊 擁擠.
Even though the rule is complicated, there are still people lining up. The store appearance and indoor design are both ivory white. The theme color is similar with UNTIL 21:45 or FIELD. The dining environment is not crowded as Le Ruban Pâtisserie.




English Name: Signature Mille Crêpes
Price: NTD $260/ Slice
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

服務生端上號稱有20層法式薄餅 ( Crêpes ) 的千層蛋糕, 照順時鐘方向打開包圍著蛋糕的玻璃紙, 輕鬆地緩緩切下一小塊蛋糕, 薄餅並沒有塌陷或是散開, 仔細觀察切面, 米色薄片厚度一致, 每片間隔的鮮奶油並不會過多.適量不膩焦糖風味在入口後散開, 可惜的是奶香味並不濃郁, 同時搭配飲料就不會過膩, 整體不會過甜, 但美味程度並沒有讓我驚豔.
Lady M Signature Mille crêpes has around 20 layers. Gladly, the crêpes didn’t fall apart while cutting down. The thickness of each layers is consistent. The cream quantity in between is even. The caramel flavor on the appearance is not overly too sweet. However, the cream doesn’t have much milky aroma. After finished eating, the overall quality is just average.



關於價格部份, 一個9吋蛋糕 NTD $2600, NTD $260 /片 比其他台北千層蛋糕甜點狠狠高上NTD $60 左右, 除了租金高與名氣高以外, 我相信中央廚房設置花費也是有加在成本內, 大部分非連鎖蛋糕店幾乎都是在自家店內製作, 我會建議Lady M 品牌蛋糕可以拿來送禮較有面子, 而非在店內用餐 (除非你是吃氛圍).
As for the price, one 9 inch Cake price is NTD $2600, the slice price is NTD $260. Comparing with other cake stores, Lady M’s price is higher.Besides the rent and brand image, the price also includes central kitchen operating fee. I would suggest that you can purchase Lady M cake for gifts instead of dining in (unless you just want to have a IG-friendly environment).




English Name: Cafe Latte
Price: NTD $170
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

點飲料純粹只是低消 NTD $350, 慶幸的是咖啡風味並沒有因為冰塊而稀釋.
Honestly, I order Latte just for reach the minimum charge. Gladly, Latte still remains its coffee flavor.



延伸閱讀:  2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide



Restaurant Name 店名: Lady M
Address: No. 26, 240th lane, Guanfu South Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區光復南路240巷26號1樓 ( Map)
Nearby MRT station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station 國父紀念館站2號出口
電話: 02-7730-8660
營業時間: 11am ~ 9pm (售完為止)






標籤: Lady M, 國父紀念館站下午茶
