Sunday, April 26, 2020

Feelings and Emotions (Basic Level)

Dear students,

Let's talk about feelings and emotions. I collected some information for you here. Please, read, watch and do exercises.


Names of Feelings

  • Happy 
  • Sad
  • Angry
  • Scared
  • Excited
  • Sorry
  • Nervous
  • Surprised
  • Fine
  • Hungry
  • Thirsty

Try to memorize these words. You might need them when you talk about your own feelings.

Talking and Asking About Feelings:

  • I feel / I am feeling… (I feel tired)
  • You look… (You look sad)
  • How do you feel about that? 
  • I'm just a little... (I'm a little hungry)
  • I am very... (I'm very happy)

After you learn feelings and emotions, please, do these exercises:




Here is a video with a funny song. Watch it and try to understand.



Please, practice.

Matching exercise 1

How we ask about feelings:

To ask about feelings you can use the following questions:
  • How are you feeling today?
  • You look sad / upset. Are you OK?
  • Are you alright?
  • What's wrong?
  • Are you OK / alright?
  • Are you happy / angry...?
  • Is everything OK / alright...?

How we expressing feelings:

To respond to a question about feelings you can uss the following expressions.
  • I feel a little sad / happy / angry / ....
  • I am a little sad / happy / angry / ....
  • To be honest, I'm a little bit sad / happy / angry / ....
  • It's been a difficult day.
  • The thing is that, I am angry / sad / ...
  • I am mad at him / her..

Please, practice with a partner!

Now, listen to the listening exercises and repeat:

Listen 1
Listen 2
Listen 3
Listen 4
Listen 5

Here are more feelings and emotions:

1. Positive feelings

Positive Feelings
  • happy
  • careful
  • concentrated
  • confident
  • excited
  • fair
  • fantastic
  • friendly
  • glad
  • good
  • great
  • honest
  • joyful
  • nice
  • optimistic
  • quiet
  • satisfied
  • wonderful

2. Negative feelings

Negative Feelings
  • aggressive
  • angry
  • awful
  • bad
  • bored
  • confused
  • crazy
  • exhausted
  • frightened
  • frustrated
  • helpless
  • hurt
  • lonely
  • mad
  • nervous
  • sad
  • sorry
  • stupid
  • terrible
  • upset

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Statue of liberty

Dear students,

Here is another day, and here is another assignment for you. Reading, Listening, Answering questions and Writing. Read carefully and follow my instructions.


Please, listen and read 2-3 times to feel comfortable about this text. It's not difficult. It's easy.

To listen to the text, 
Click here

The Statue of Liberty stands for freedom. It's a statue of a goddess. She wears a robe and crown. She holds a torch and a tablet. The birthday of the United States is written on the tablet. Broken chains lie at Lady Liberty's feet. She stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. She welcomes visitors from all over the world.

France gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1865 to celebrate democracy. The statue has an iron frame. Copper covers the outside. Air turned the copper green. Visitors can climb the stairs to the inside of Lady Liberty's crown.

Explanation of some of the words:

goddess - feminine god, god-goddess. Example: waiter-waitress, host-hostess
torch - a piece of wood with fire at the end
tablet - tablet - a writing pad, notepad, notebook
gave - the Past Tense of "give"
iron - kind of metal
copper - kind of metal
frame - frame - something that surrounds (goes around) a door, window or picture
crown - something royals wear on their head, ornamental headdress made of precious metals and jewels

Now, when you listened and read, answer the questions:

1. What does this statue stand for?
2. Where does it stand?
3. Who gave it to the USA?
4. When and why?
5. What is it made of?
6. What color is the Statue of Liberty?
7. Why?
8. What does Lady Liberty hold in her hands?

Do you feel comfortable learning this information? Then tell about it to members of your family.

Monday, April 20, 2020

In the Garden

Dear students,

This is your last assignment to practice listening skills. You have to listen to the story and read it. Then follow my instructions.

Good luck,


Click here to start
but before it, read the instructions

1. Please, listen and read the story 2-3 times. Make sure you understand everything.

2. At the bottom of the page, there are some exercises for you. Click on the word VOCABULARY. It will take you to a list of the words. Read them. If you don't know the word, click on it, and you will read the explanation of the word in English.

3. After you finish #2, click on CLOZE. Fill in the blanks. If you don't know what word you need to type in each box, click on HINT on the bottom of the page. It will give you the first letter of the word. It will be easier for you. When you type all the words, click on CHECK to see if everything is correct.

4. After you finish #3, go to CROSSWORD and do it. When you fill in all the words, click on CHECK to see if everything is correct.

5. After you finish #4, go to SENTENCES and click on it. You have to form good sentences. So, click on the 1st word, then 2nd, 3rd, etc. Chose the correct order of the words. Remember to click on HINT if you don't know what word goes next. When you finish, click on CHECK to see if everything is correct.

6. After you finish #5, got to DICTATION. Listen and type everything you hear.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Around the World #2

Dear students,

Here is another day, and here is another assignment for you. Reading, Listening, Answering questions and Writing. Read carefully and follow my instructions.


Please, listen and read a couple of times to feel comfortable about this text. It's not difficult. It's easy.

To listen to the text,

Pyramids of Giza

There are three pyramids close together near Giza, which is in Egypt. The Great Pyramid is the oldest and biggest of the three. It was built more than 4,000 years ago. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.It's also known as the pyramid of Cheops.

It was built as a tomb for a pharaoh (king of Egypt) named Khufu. It took at least 20,000 workers to build the pyramid. They used 2 million blocks of stone, and it took them 20 years. Nobody knows how they moved those heavy blocks! Near the pyramids is the Sphinx. It is a statue of a strange creature with a lion's body and a human head.

Pharaoh Khufu was the first pharaoh to build a pyramid at Giza.

Explanation of some words:

pyramid - a huge structure (sculpture) with a triangular base and a point at the top; it's built of stone as a royal tomb in ancient Egypt

Seven Wonder of the World - The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World are the most unusual, wonderful, rare and spectacular natural wonders and structures made by a human. They are:

Great Pyramid of Giza
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
Colossus of Rhodes
the Lighthouse of Alexandria

built - the Past Tense of "build"

took - the Past Tense of "take"

used - the Past Tense of "use"

moved - the Past Tense of "move"

human - "man", singular of people. Example: animals and humans

Now, when you are done with listening, reading and understanding the text, I think you can try to answer these questions (in your notebook to check together next quarter).

So, answer these questions:

1. Where is Giza?
2. What's the name of the biggest pyramid of the three?
3. Why was it build? What was the reason for building it?
4. How many workers were building the pyramid?
5. How many blocks did they use?
6. How long did it take to build the pyramid?
7. What is Sphinx?

Now, when you finished everything, I guess you can tell this story (or interesting facts) in English to somebody.

Here is another assignment for you. Think about something interesting (a sculpture, building or place) in your country and write a paragraph about it (in your notebook).

Good luck and have fun!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Birthday Bike

Dear students,

This is your next assignment. It's listening practice. You have to listen to the story and read it. Then follow my instructions.

Good luck,


To start listening to the story, click here
but before it, read the instructions

1. Please, listen and read the story 2-3 times. Make sure you understand everything.

2. At the bottom of the page, there are some exercises for you. Click on the word VOCABULARY. It will take you to a list of the words. Read them. If you don't know the word, click on it, and you will read the explanation of the word in English.

3. After you finish #2, click on CLOZE. Fill in the blanks. If you don't know what word you need to type in each box, click on HINT on the bottom of the page. It will give you the first letter of the word. It will be easier for you. When you type all the words, click on CHECK to see if everything is correct.

4. After you finish #3, go to CROSSWORD and do it. When you fill in all the words, click on CHECK to see if everything is correct.

5. After you finish #4, go to SENTENCES and click on it. You have to form good sentences. So, click on the 1st word, then 2nd, 3rd, etc. Chose the correct order of the words. Remember to click on HINT if you don't know what word goes next. When you finish, click on CHECK to see if everything is correct.

6. After you finish #5, got to DICTATION. Listen and type everything you hear.


Monday, April 13, 2020

Around the World #1

Dear students,

As you all know the college is closed, and we don't have face to face classes, but you still have to study. You have to do some distance learning - using computers and smart phones. We already talked about it last quarter.

I don't want you to forget anything we've learned before or anything you already know. 
So, on the weekend - today and tomorrow you can read this section. I named it "Around The World". I will post here short stories about unusual places in the world. This is some interesting information for you to memorize.

Today I'm posting story #1 and am going to add some others for you from time to time.

I expect you to follow my instructions and do everything I tell you.

Enjoy reading,

Please, read this text 2-3 times. Make sure you understand and remember this information.

Before starting reading, click on this link and then click on the small picture (icon) of a speaker.

You can listen to this text here. It will help you to pronounce the text correctly when you read it.

Click here for listening.

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is in Paris, France. Millions of people visit the Eiffel Tower each year. It is named after the man whose company designed it. It was built for the 1889 World's Fair. 

But now it is a beloved symbol of France.
The Eiffel Tower is in a big park, the Champ de Mars. It is the tallest structure in Paris. 

It is made of strong wrought iron. There are three levels for visitors. At the top level, visitors have a bird's-eye view of the city, which is called "The City of Lights".

The text is easy, but there are couple of words here I need to explain:

to design - to plan, to develope, to fashion, to make, to create, to build

fair - a festival, a carnaval, a market, a gathering (coming together) of stands (booths or kiosks) and amusements (entertainment) for public entertainment

beloved - dearly or deeply loved, precious, much loved

the Champ de Mars - the name of the park in French (English translation is Field of Mars)

wrought - beaten out or shaped by hammering

iron - kind of a strong metal, used as a material for construction

a bird's-eye view - an elevated view from above, what you can see if you were a bird

Now, when you read it and know the meaning of the words above, answer simple questions and write them in your notebooks:

1. What's the name of the tower?
2. What city is it in?
3. What was the name of the man who designed the tower?
4. When was it build?
5. When people talk about Paris, what do they think of?
6. What is the Effel Tower made of?
7. What the name of the park it is in?
8. How many levels are there at the tower for visitors?
9. What another nams of Paris?

If you answered all these question by yourselves without looking at the text again, it means you remember the information. 

Now you are able to share it with other people. Read it again and try to tell someone from your family these interesting facts.

Have fun!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Easy reading - "I'm Going With You"

Dear students,

Here is an easy dialogue. Please read it and do exercises. Before you start reading and answer the questions, read the words below. You are on your own here. You have to read and understand everything.


Nouns                Verbs                Other
time                    starve            it is=it's
lunch                   go                I am=I'm
pound                have              you are=you're
shake                like                what       
thanks                want              where
luck                    lose               why
coffee                get                too
hamburger                                well
Mc Donald's                            with
calorie                                but
diet                                    chocolate
French fries                               certainly
Big Mac                                a lot of

Explanation of some new words:
pound - lb. "I need to buy 5 pounds of potatoes".
a shake is a drink with milk, ice cream and flavor. To make a shake you blend or shake everything together. Example, "strawberry shake".
"to starve" has a literal meaning "to die of hanger". Example, "I'm starving". It usually means "I'm very hungry".
"me too" is a short way of saying "Iam too"or "I do too".
"French fries" - - plural, we have to say "they"
"getting" here means "eating" or "ordering"
"certainly" is the same as "sure", it's a positive answer. 

Now, please, read the dialog very carefully"

Maria and Pedro are computer programmers. They work for the telephone company and are very good friends. They often eat lunsh together. Maria is going on a diet. She loves French fries, but she can't eat them because of her diet.

Pedro: What time is it?
Maria: It's twelve o'clock
Pedro: I'm starving!
Maria: Me too.
Pedro: I'm going to lunch.
Maria: Where are you going?
Pedro: To Mc Donald's
Maria: Good. I'm going with you.
Pedro: What are you having for lunch?
Maria: A hamburger and coffee.
Pedro: With French fries?
Maria: No French fries for me.
Pedro: Why not? You like French fries.
Maria: Yes, but  they have a lot of calories.
Pedro: Are you on a diet?
Maria: Yes, I want to lose 20 pounds.
Pedro: Good luck!
Maria: Thanks. What are you getting? 
Pedro: A Big Mac, French fries and a chocolate shake.
Maria: Well, you're certainly noton a diet.

After you read and understand everything, please do these exercises.
TRUE or FALSE. Write T or F.

____ 1. Maria and Pedro are going to Burger King to eat.
____ 2. Maria and Pedcro are going to dinner.
____ 3. They're very hungry.
____ 4. Maria doesn't like French fries.
____ 5. Maria gets a chocolate shake.
____ 6. Pedro is on a diet.
____ 7. Maria wants to lose weight.
____ 8. French fries have many calories. 

FILL IN THE BLANKS. Complete the sentences with one of the following words or phrases.

hamburger   eat    lose     good luck     diet     chocolate shake

1.  We _____________ lunch at 12:30.
2.  Gloria is drinking a ________________.
3.  Jack weights 230 pounds. He's on a ____________.
4.  He wants to ______________ weight.
5.  I buy a lottery ticket every day, but I never have ___________.
6.  Bob is cooking a __________________.

starving      a lot of       Big Mac      getting      calories      going to

7.  A chocolate shake has many ____________.
8.  Carmen and Bill are _____________ Mc Donald's for lunch.
9.  Betty is _____________ French fries.
10. Ray is having a ______________.
11. Susan wants to eat now. She is ______________.

12. A thousand dollar is _______________ money.

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