Mario Marchetti

From Top Italian Scientists Wiki
Mario Marchetti
May 30, 1943 San Marcello (AN), Italy
Politecnico di Milano University (Italy)
Aerospace Engineering
University La Sapienza, Rome (1972-2013)
Polytechnic University of Marche (1979-1983)
Top Italian Scientist in Engineering [1]

Education and career

Prof. Mario Marchetti was born in San Marcello (AN) Italy, on May 30, 1943. At present he lives in Rome. He is married and has two children and four grandchildren.

After serving in the Italian Air Force (1969-1970) he obtained his degree in 1972 in Aeronautical Engineering at the Milan Polytechnic. In 1972-73 he attended the School of Aerospace Engineering at the Rome La Sapienza University where he won a scholarship from the Ministry of Defence.

From 1974 to 1983 he was researcher at the School of Aerospace Engineering, directed at that time by Prof. Luigi Broglio.

From 1979 to 1983 he was Professor in charge of Mechanic Technologies at the Polytechnic University of Marche, Engineering Faculty.

In 1983 he was Associate Professor at the School of Aerospace Engineering and in 1986 he moved to the Faculty of Engineering at the Rome La Sapienza University, teaching Aeronautical Construction Technologies.

In 1980 he was one of the promotors of the degree course in Aeronautical Engineering being set up at the Engineering Faculty of the Rome La Sapienza University and from 1982 to 1986 he was the Faculty member in charge of Aeronautical Technologies. He played an active part in the institution of the new degree course in Engineering of Materials and from 1990 to 1993 he was the professor in charge of Science and Technology of Aeronautical and Aerospace Materials.

In 1990 he was Full Professor of Aero-missile Structures at the School of Aerospace Engineering in Rome.

In 1985 he was among the founders and a member of the College of Lecturers of the Research Doctorate in Aerospace Engineering at Rome La Sapienza University.

He was also Professor member of the Research Doctorate at the University of Besançon (FR) with Prof. Dominique Perreux and the University of Patras (GR) with Profs. S.A. Paipetis and T.P. Philippidis.

Founder and Director of the Master in “Composites and Nanotechnologies for Aerospace” at the Rome La Sapienza University. Founder and Director, from 2005 to today, of the scientific journal “Rivista Italiana di Compositi e Nanotecnologie” (ISBN 1826-4697).

From 2010 to 2013 Director of the Department of Astronautical, Electrical and Energy Engineering at Rome La Sapienza University.

Research Interests

Prof. Marchetti’s research activity started in 1969 at the Milan Polytechnic at the CNPM (Centro di Studio sulla Propulsione e sull’Energetica) of the National Research Council (CNR) directed by Prof. Corrado Casci, dealing with rocket propulsion. He moved to Rome in 1972 and continued his activity at the School of Aerospace Engineering in the Aerospace Constructions and Structures sector.

In 1980 he created the SASLab (Scientific Aerospace Solutions Laboratory) (, a research laboratory of the Sapienza University of Rome specialized in Aeronautics and Space Technology R&D with great experience in advanced technology research and testing. The laboratory is a centre of excellence where young scientists work developing basic and applied research.

The SASLab collaborates with several Italian aeronautical and aerospace Companies and National and International Scientific Agencies and has been a leading partner in several Programmes of the Italian Space Agency (ASI). The use of SASLab testing equipment by industry fosters an excellent exchange of know-how and transfer of technology between the Institutes and Companies in the sector, in Italy and abroad.

Prof. Marchetti’s research activity is in most cases within international research programmes, proposed and financed by the Space Agencies, ASI, ESA, NASA, and is the result of collaboration and contracts with industries, academies and research centres in Italy and abroad.

The main research topics developed are:

Aerospace materials

Research carried out in this sector is on the study of the thermal, optical, mechanic and electromagnetic properties of metal and composite materials with an organic matrix (thermosetting and thermoplastic). Dimensional stability, thermal-optical properties and thermal ageing of materials are the factors that influence the properties of space structures such as telecommunication antennae. For this purpose, Marchetti attended specific courses at the Euratom of Ispra (1976, Prof. Crivelli Visconti), the Stuttgart DFVLR (Profs. Tsai and Springer) and the Imperial College, London (Prof. Matthews).

Certain materials are particularly studied, such as the new hybrid composite laminates in titanium (HTCL), higher-performing than titanium alloys.

A further study sector regards the use of carbon fibres, reinforced carbon and silicon carbide matrix (C/C or C/SiC) for reusable space vehicles, heat protection systems, space probes and vehicles with sustained hypersonic speed.

The use of carbon/carbon is decisive but is not available in Italy. Marchetti collaborated with the ENEA, the Archer Company of London and with the Zurich Polytechnic (Prof. Alberto Ortona) in the production of C/C plates using various production processes, PIP (Pyrolysis infiltration process) and CVI (Chemical Vapour Infiltration) to obtain a higher-performing material such as silicon carbide.

In this field much research has been developed on the manufacturing technologies of composite materials: lay-up, filament winding, resin transfer moulding, pultrusion, squeeze casting, diaphragm forming. In 2009, in collaboration with Prof. Ricardo Santamaria of the Istituto Nacional del Carbon (INCAR) Oviedo, Spain, Marchetti developed an original experimental set-up for carbon fibre production using pitch produced from oil extraction.

Prototypes were realized for different aeronautical applications, in particular in the field of helicopters in collaboration with the Agusta Westland Company.

In the SASLab laboratory, installations, methodologies and procedures were developed for the thermo-mechanic characterization of metallic materials, composites, films, textiles, rubbers and foams in line with the main international standards (ASTM, ISO, UNI, ECSS).

All technologies are implemented with numerical codes. A remarkable piece of work, recognized and widely used at an international level, was carried out on Filament Winding that led to the realization of a code for the generation of non-geodetic winding trajectories on an axial-symmetric and non-axial-symmetric body, taking into account both the optimization of the best trajectories of the fibre on the spindle and the structural behaviour of the product. This work, within a Brite-Euram EEC programme, has produced numerical codes later verified by national industries, Agusta Westland, and Entec, Bolens internationally. The code named Arianna was thereafter utilized by the space industry for the Italian Vega launcher and for the design and construction of pressure tanks for jet engines.

Damage Tolerance and Fracture Control of aerospace structures

In the Eighties within the University of Rome, Marchetti was among the first to deal with Damage Tolerance Design and Fracture Control of aeronautical structures undergoing fatigue loads. Fatigue performance and hence the identification of typical parameters such as tenacity against fracture, stress intensity factors and the analysis of mixed ways of breakage are dealt with both numerically and experimentally with specific experimental laboratory methodologies. Among these, the Caustic Method that uses physical singularity (the tension peak) that is generated around the flaw and translates it into an optical singularity.

The knowledge of various phenomena such as structural damage, propagation analysis and crack blocking is fundamental in an aeronautical structure but is differentiated in the case of composite isotropic and orthotropic materials. In composite materials Marchetti uses the so-called “local approach process” that makes it possible to analyse the various types of composite laminates. For numerical resolution, numerical codes were used for the hierarchical finite or p-convergent elements of the contour elements. The identification of the damage, the breakage modes and the break-up sequence were the main objectives of the research carried forward.

The studies on continuum mechanics, associated with the appearance and increase of the damage, were dealt with in collaboration with specialized centres such as the Battelle Institute of Columbus, USA, (Prof. G.M. Newaz), the Universities of Athens and Patras (Profs. P.S. Theocaris and S.A. Paipetis) and also within the NATO AGARD Programme in RT and AVT panels. He collaborated with the ESA-ESTEC to complete the Esacrach code.

Design of Aerospace Structures

His early studies were on great space structures, periodic structures, solar panels and the design of paraboloids in composite. He then turned his attention to inflatable structures and in that sector Marchetti was responsible for the contract with Dover U.S Company for the Moon and Mars missions. With Alenia Spazio he developed the FLECS (Multipurpose Expandable Module) project for the design and construction of an inflatable structure, transported by the Shuttle and set in place on the MPLM habitat module of the International Space Station.

He then studied the composite cylindric structures (pipe lines) subjected to multi-axial l, torsional loads and internal and external pressure. Specific specimens were designed and constructed in filament winding, then subjected to laboratory tests.

A further research field concerns telescopic appendages (booms) for space applications. For this purpose, in collaboration with the Umbra Cuscinetti Company, he used the recirculating ball mechanism (VRS), already in use in the aeronautical sector, which transforms a rotatory motion into a linear motion and vice versa. With this technology, Marchetti designed two microsatellites with telescopic booms: DESAT (Deployable Satellite) with the boom in titanium in collaboration with the Universidad Tecnologia Nacional, Facultad Regional di Buenos Aires (Argentina) and the MASAT Magnetomiter Satellite to measure the magnetic field.

Further studies were on multigrid lattice structures, isogrid and anisogrid, designed with the Vasiliev model. In this case also use was made of reinforced composite materials with nanotubes of carbon using both the RTM and the Filament Winding processes.

Another research topic was the study of protective screens for space vehicles, in particular for the ISS. Through models and hydrocode numerical calculation codes, strongly dynamic phenomena are studied involving shock waves. It is thus possible to describe the environment of debris/meteorites, such as the density distribution, dimensions and velocity of objects which in space can reach speeds even greater than 8 km/s.

In 2004 Marchetti started that research sector which was to occupy him for a long time, the study of Hot Structures, used as thermal protection (TPS) for re-entry aircraft, hypersonic aircraft and space probes. Taking carbon/carbon as the base, a sandwich panel was designed and produced wholly in carbon that allows integration in one single component of the thermal resistance necessary for the protection of structures at very high temperatures and the structural function of an aerospace craft.

These studies were then applied to the ASA-Advanced Structural Assembly research project in collaboration with ASI, CIRA and Thales Alenia Spazio for the design of sandwich panels to integrate on the IXV ESA spacecraft.

Space environment effect

An important theme in Marchetti’s research activity has been the study of the low earth orbit (LEO) space environment that degrades the performances and functionality of materials with phenomena such as atomic oxygen (AO), ultraviolet (UV) radiation, plasma, micrometeoroids and debris, as well as severe temperature cycles. In this frame the study of the outgassing properties of space materials is of primary importance. The resistance of a material to high vacuum and high temperatures is one of the most critical issues of the spaceability of materials. A material with poor outgassing properties will degas volatile particles of itself and humidity with critical effects on electronic and optical devices. The resistance to high vacuum will assure the durability and the reliability of materials and structures. In order to effect these studies, Marchetti created a specific laboratory, one of very few in Italy, suitable to study the synergic effects of the space environment.

In this sector too Marchetti has collaborated with various organizations, both Italian and foreign. With the Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energetics (Russia), Prof. Victor Milinchuk, he studied superficial erosion of a number of thin polymer films exposed for long periods in the Russian Space Station MIR. With Prof. Oleg Alifanov of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) he has studied conductivity and thermal permeability issues in nanostructured composites.

Another research sector is the design and realization of space structures resistant at low and high speed. For the study of space debris, Marchetti has created an electromagnetic launcher called railgun, the only one in Italy, designed and realized in order to perform the characterization of ballistic material.

In 2017 Marchetti turned to the study and characterization of materials that make up the surface of the Moon and Mars in view of future space missions. The aim of this research is to analyse the capacity of the lunar and Martian surfaces or of products based on simil-regolith to absorb, reflect, diffuse, or weaken electromagnetic fields. Experimentation is carried out in the laboratory with a specific experimental installation within a vacuum chamber.

Cultural work

In the wide area of Marchetti’s research there are also cultural aspects beyond the scientific and technological sectors. Painting and writing have always had an important role; among which, some papers and two books on the birth and growth of the Italian aeronautical and astronautical sector.

Professional Experience

Prof. Marchetti has been the supervisor of many Italian research programs supported by CNR, MURST, ASI, CIRA and international programmes with ESA, CNES, Thales, EADS, EU, Astrium, the Italian Air Force, CASA, DASA, etc. He has taken part in the main Italian space projects: Sirio, Italsat, Cosmo Skymed, M346 of Aermacchi, Exomars etc.

He has been: a member of the Italian Government Committee for the development of the Italian Aerospace Industries, and the Italian expert on the European Commission on the Brite programme; the Italian Member of the Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) of NATO’s Research and Technology Organization (RTO); President of ASI’s Italian Control Commission for the Node2/Node3 of the International space Station; resident of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIDAA) - Rome Branch.

Member of several associations (AIAA, ASME, ESIS, AIAS, IGF…) [2] [3] [4]. Chairman of the “Structures and Materials Panel” of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and International Council of Aeronautic Science (ICAS). Member of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) [5].

Visiting Professorship and research collaborations

University of Patras (Greece), Profs. S.A. Paipetis and T.P. Philippidis

University of Besançon (France) (2004-2006), Prof. Perreux Dominique

Battelle Institute di Columbus,( USA), Prof. G.M. Newaz (1998-2000)

University of Southampton (U.K.) (1996), Prof.M.H. Aliabadi

University of Maryland, UMD, (USA), Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics Dott. Gabriele Gradoni. (2009-today)

Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering, Kaluga Region (Russia), Prof. Victor Milinchuk. (2005-2008)

Instituto Nacional del Carbon (INCAR), Oviedo, Spain, Prof. Ricardo Santamaria, (2009-2010)

MAI (Moscow Aviation Institute) (Russia) Prof. Oleg Alifanov (2003-today)

Awards and Honours

The work published in 1989 in The Aeronautical Journal “Fracture analysis of complex shaped structures by numerical and experimental methods” was judged by the Royal Aeronautical Society as the best English work in the structural sector in the year 1989, winning “The G. Taylor (of Australia) Prize”.

Notable publications

Prof. Marchetti has written over 500 scientific articles published in the most important national and international journals, and five scientific books. [6] [7] [8]

1. De Luca L., Chiesi F, Marchetti M., “Il ritardo di ignizione negli accenditori per motori a razzo.” (1969) Atti del XVII Convegno Internazionale delle Comunicazioni, Genova Ottobre 1969. Nota Tecnica N.T. n. 138 deI C.N.P.M. del C.N.R. Politecnico di Milano, 1969

2. Santini P., Bottiglieri C., Marchetti M., “Dynamic response of large space structures” (1982) Acta Astronautica, 9 (6-7), pp. 455-471

3. Marchetti M., Moriconi G., Pauri M., Veniali F., “Porosity evaluation in graphite-epoxy composite materials” (1982) Materials Chemistry, 7 (1), pp. 43-56

4. Marchetti M., Morganti F., “Prediction of thermal expansion coefficients of sandwiches using finite elements methods validated by experimental test results” (1983) Acta Astronautica, 10 (5-6), pp. 409-427

5. Dvorko I.M., Marchetti M., Maura G., Rinaldi G., “Epoxy joints and matrices for composites that must endure thermal cycling” (1985) ESA Journal (European Space Agency), 9 (3), pp. 351-359.

6. Marchetti M., La Barbera A., Morganti F., “Fracture analysis of complex shaped structures by numerical and experimental methods” (1989) The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 93, N. 924, pp. 141-150, April 1989

7. Cirese P., Marchetti M., Sgubini S. “Design and manufacturing criteria for high precision composite antenna reflectors. Prediction of the residual distortions after the manufacturing process”. Composite Structures, 16 (1-3), pp. 209-235

8. La Barbera A., Marchetti M., Tizzi S., “Stress distributions in cracked thin cylindrical shells: Series expansion” (1990) Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 13 (1), pp. 39-51

9. Di Vita, G., Marchetti, M., Moroni, P., Perugini, P. “Designing complex shape filament-wound structures” (1992) Composites Manufacturing, 3 (1), pp. 53-58

10. Bonora N., Marchetti, M., Milella, P.P. “Theoretical forecasting and experimental validation of damage tolerance and accumulation in glass/epoxy laminates” (1992) Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,11 (1), pp. 56-81

11. Bonora N., Costanzi M., Newaz G., Marchetti M. “Microdamage effects on the overall response of long fibre/metal-matrix composites” (1994) Composites, Vol. 25, N.7, pp. 575-582

12. Kenny J.M., Marchetti M. “Elasto-plastic behavior of thermoplastic composite laminates under cyclic loading” (1995) Composite Structures, Vol. 32 (1-4), pp. 375-382

13. Gargiulo, C., Marchetti, M., Rizzo, A. “Prediction of failure envelopes of composite tubes subjected to biaxial loadings” (1996) Acta Astronautica, 39 (5), pp. 355-368

14. Corradi S., Aliabadi, M.H., Marchetti, M. “A variable stiffness dual boundary element method for mixed-mode elastoplastic crack problems” (1996) Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 25 (1), pp. 43-49

15. Ikonomopoulos G., Marchetti M., “Structural composite laminates optimization cycle coupled with a computer aided manufacturing process: An application into resin transfer moulding technology” (1999) Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 8 (2), pp. 83-97

16. Chomiz R., Corradi S., Leofanti J., Marchetti M., Palmieri D., Caravello I., Perni F., Pizzoni L. (1999), “A recirculating ball screw mechanism for a telescope appendage”, Proc. of 8th European Space Mechanism and Tribology Symposium, Toulouse, October 1999, pp. 265-270 – ESA SP 438 – pp. 265-270

17. Faraud M., Destefanis, R., Palmieri, D., Marchetti M. (1999), “SPH simulations of debris impacts using two different computer codes”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 23 (1), pp. 249-260.

18. Darooka D., Cioeta M., Marchetti M. “Numerical simulations of an inflatable/rigidizable balloon for electronic collection” (2002) High Performance Structures and Materials, 4, pp. 491-500

19. Allegri G., Corradi S., Marchetti M., Milinchuck V.K. “Atomic oxygen degradation of polymeric thin films in low earth orbit” (2003) AIAA Journal, 41 (8), pp. 1525-1534

20. Allegri G., Corradi S., Marchetti M. “Stochastic analysis of the vibrations of an uncertain composite truss for space applications” (2006) Composites Science and Technology, Vol.66 (2), pp. 273-282

21. Fossati F., D’Aversa E., Marino G., Marchetti M., Tului M., “ASA – Exploring materials and solutions for hot structures to be implemented in next-generation re-entry/hypersonic vehicles” (2006) European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP (631)

22. Allegri G., Corradi S., Marchetti M., Scaglione S., “Analysis of the effects of simulated synergistic LEO environment on solar panels” (2007) Acta Astronautica, 60 (3), pp. 175-185

23. Bitetti, G., Mileti, S., Marchetti, M. “Characterization of low-density open-cell foams for space inflatable applications” (2009) Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 46 (1), pp. 210-217.

24. Mazzaracchio A., Marchetti M. “A probabilistic sizing tool and Monte Carlo analysis for entry vehicle ablative thermal protection systems” (2010) Acta Astronautica, Vol. 66 (5-6), pp. 821-835

25. Micheli D., Apollo C., Pastore R., Marchetti M. “X-Band microwave characterization of carbon-based nanocomposite material, absorption capability comparison and RAS design simulation” (2010) Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 70 (2), pp. 400-409

26. Micheli, D., Apollo, C., Pastore, R., Morles, R.B., Laurenzi, S., Marchetti, M. “Nanostructured composite materials for electromagnetic interference shielding applications” (2011) Acta Astronautica, Vol. 69 (9-10), pp. 747-757

27. Moglie, F., Micheli, D., Laurenzi, S., Marchetti, M., Mariani Primiani, V. “Electromagnetic shielding performance of carbon foams” (2012) Carbon, 50 (5), pp. 1972-1980

28. Micheli, D., Pastore, R., Marchetti, M., “Modeling of Radar Absorbing Materials using Winning Particle Optimization applied on Electrically Conductive Nanostructured Composite Material. “The International Journal of Material Science, 2012, Vol.2, N.2, pp.31-38

29. Gradoni G., Micheli D., Mariani Primiani V., Moglie F., Marchetti M., “Determination of the electrical

characterization of carbon foam to metal contact” (2014) Carbon, March Vol. 68 pp.149–158 ,

31. Laurenzi S., Pastore R., Giannini G., Marchetti M. “Experimental study of impact resistance in multi-walled carbon nanotube reinforced epoxy” (2013) Composite Structures, Vol. 99, pp. 62-68

32. Albano, M., Micheli, D., Gradoni, G., Morles, R.B., Marchetti, M., Moglie, F., Mariani Primiani, V. “Electromagnetic shielding of thermal protection system for hypersonic vehicles” (2013), Acta Astronautica, 87, pp. 30-39

33. Laurenzi S., Grilli A., Pinna M., De Nicola F., Cattaneo G., Marchetti, M., “Process simulation for a large composite aeronautic beam by resin transfer molding.” (2014) Composites: Part B, Vol. 57 pp.47-55

34. Albano M., Morles R.B., Cioeta F., Marchetti M., “Coating effects on thermal properties of carbon and carbon silicon carbide composites for space thermal protection systems.” Acta Astronautica Vol. 99 (2014) pp. 276–282

35. Micheli D., Vricella A., Pastore R., Marchetti M. “Synthesis and electromagnetic characterization of frequency selective radar absorbing materials using carbon nanopowders”, Carbon, Vol. 77, October 2014, Pages 756-774

36. Sorrentino L., Marchetti M., Bellini C., Delfini A., Albano M., “Design and manufacturing of an isogrid structure in composite material: Numerical and experimental results”, 2016, Composite Structures, Vol. 143, pp. 189-201

37. Albano M., Delfini A., Pastore R., Micheli D., Marchetti M., “A new technology for production of high thickness carbon/carbon composites for launchers application”, 2016, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 128, pp. 277-285

38. Micheli D., Gianola P., Bertin G., Delfini A., Pastore R., Marchetti M., Diana R., “Electromagnetic Shielding of Building Walls: From Roman times to the present age”, 2016, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 58, Issue 5, Art. No. 7551182, pp. 20-31

39. Micheli D., Santoni F., Giusti A., Delfini A., Pastore R., Vricella A., Albano M., Arena L., Piergentili F., Marchetti M., “Electromagnetic absorption properties of spacecraft and space debris”, 2017, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 133, pp.128-135

40. Micheli D., Pastore R., Delfini A., Giusti A., Vricella A., Santoni F., Marchetti M., Tolochko O., Vasilyeva E., “Electromagnetic characterization of advanced nanostructured materials and multilayer design optimization for metrological and low radar observability applications”, 2017, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 134, pp. 33-40

41. Micheli D, Pastore R, Vricella A, Marchetti M, “Matter’s Electromagnetic Signature Reproduction by Graded-Dielectric Multilayer Assembly - IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques”, Vol. 65 (2017)

42. Pastore R., Delfini A., Micheli D., Vricella A., Marchetti M., Santoni F., Piergentili F., “Carbon foam electromagnetic mm-wave absorption in reverberation chamber”, 2019, Carbon, Vol. 144, pp. 63-71

43. Albano, M., Alifanov, O.M., Budnik, S.A., Ianelli, S., Marchetti, M., “Carbon/carbon high thickness shell for advanced space vehicles”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 128, pp. 613-622

44. Pastore R., Delfini A., Albano M., Vricella A., Marchetti M., Santoni F., Piergentili F., “Outgassing effect in polymeric composites exposed to space environment thermal-vacuum conditions”, 2020, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 170, pp. 466-471

45. Albano M., Nenarokomov A.V., Delfini A., Budnik S.A., Titov D.M., Volpini F., Alifanov O.M., Marchetti M., Morzhukhina A.V., “Low-Orbit Environment Effects on Carbon/SiC Composites: Experimental and Numerical Approaches”, 2020, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 561- 575

46. Delfini A., Pastore R., Santoni F., Piergentili F., Albano M., Alifanov O., Budnik S., Morzhukhina A.V., Nenarokomov A.V., Titov D.M., Marchetti M., “Thermal analysis of advanced plate structures based on ceramic coating on carbon/carbon substrates for aerospace Re-Entry Re-Useable systems”, 2021, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 183, pp. 153-161

47. Pastore R., Delfini A., Santoni F., Marchetti M., Albano M., Piergentili F., Matassa R., “Space environment exposure effects on ceramic coating for thermal protection systems”, 2021, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 58, Issue 5, pp. 1387-1393.

48. Albano M., Nenarokomov, A.V., Pastore, R., Budnik, S.A., Delfini, A., Alifanov, O.M., Marchetti, M, Morzhukhina, A.V., Titov, D.M., Santoni, F., Piergentili, F., Netelev, A.V., “Thermo-mechanical characterization of carbon-based ceramic foams for high temperature space application”, 2022, High Temperatures - High Pressures Open Access, Vol. 51, Issue 2, pp. 89-108.

49. Delfini A., Micheli D., Pastore R., Albano M., Santoni F., Piergentili F., Marchetti M., Muratore G., “Mars environment influence on telecommunications systems: thermal and electromagnetic soil and atmosphere characterization”, Congress IAC Paris 2022.

50. Delfini A. Pastore R., Piergentili F., Micheli D., Marchetti M., Lustrino M., Costanzi M., “Electromagnetic Characterization of Lunar Lava Tubes Simulants for a Future Moon Base”. Congress IAC Baku 2023, IAC-23-C2.8.2

Historical papers and books

1. M. Marchetti, The History of AIDAA: The Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (1920–2020), 2020/9, Aerotecnica Missili & Spazio, Volume 99, Issue 3, Pages 157-170

2. M. Marchetti, Un secolo di storia aeronautica e spaziale, Persiani Editore, Bologna 2020

3. M. Marchetti, A Century in the History of Aeronautics and Space, AIDAA - The Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (1920-1922), Persiani Editore, Bologna 2022. M. 4.Marchetti, The Italian Astronautical Sector and the A.I.R., the Italian Rocket Association, Congress IAC Paris 2022, IAC-22.

5. M. Marchetti, D. Cutolo “Tecnologie dei Materiali Compositi”, Editoriale ESA Masson, Milano 1991.

6. M. Marchetti, F. Felli – “Tecnologie Aeronautiche” Masson Editoriale ESA- Vol.1, Milano1995.

7. M. Marchetti et alii “Electromagnetic absorption and shielding of composite materials and nanomaterials”, Rotostampa Group , Rome 2011 -


1) Patent No. 48283A85: “Room temperature hardening epoxy matrices and adhesives suitable for withstanding thermal cycles”. Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Rome 26/6/1985. Inventors: Marchetti Mario, Maura Giancarlo and Rinaldi Gilberto

2) Patent No. 47945A87: “Instrument for measuring the thermal resistance of contact between two materials as the temperature, pressure and roughness…” . Ministry of Industryand Commerce, Rome 15.5.1987. Inventors: M. Giommi, M. Marchetti, P. Testa, F.R. Torrisi

3) Patent No. RM 2012000569, Device absorbing electromagnetic waves with adjustable absorption frequency. Inventors: D. Micheli, R.Pastore, M. Marchetti, Sapienza University, 2012.

4) Patent N.102014902259647 Process for the production of ceramic composite materials reinforced with ceramic fibres. Co-ownership Sapienza University of Rome and Italian Space Agency 50%. Inventors Marta Albano, Mario Marchetti, Davide Micheli.

5) Patent No. 102014902299335 (IT no. 0001426497).Thermal protection sandwich panel for very high temperature applications with structural functions. ASI/Sapienza University, Inventors M. Marchetti, M. Albano, C. Vassalli, A. Delfini.


  1. Mario Marchetti - Top Italian Scientist in Engineering
  2. AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  3. AIDAA - Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica
  4. E.A.S.A. - European Academy of Sciences and Arts
  5. I.A.A. - The International Academy of Astronautics
  6. M. Marchetti - ResearchGate
  7. Mario Marchetti - Google Scholar
  8. Mario Marchetti - IRIS - Sapienza Università di Roma
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