
【英语单词】彻底解释“sufficiency”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“sufficiency”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“sufficiency”」的含义 (noun)




Will there still be a sufficiency of resources for our great-grandchildren?
There is concern over the sufficiency of plans to tackle the problem.
【英语单词】彻底解释“sufficiency”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


Moreover, the sufficiency of these mechanisms has not been fully addressed crosslinguistically.
此外,这些机制的 充分性 尚未在不同语言中得到充分解决。
We turn to the sufficiency of the entropy condition.
我们转向熵条件的 充分性
The sufficiency of the metaphysics was judged in turn by whether the constraints it dictated resulted in explanations that were conceivable or plausible.
形而上学的 充分性 是根据它所规定的限制是否产生可想象的或合理的解释来判断的。
【英语单词】彻底解释“sufficiency”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The unemployed criticised the sufficiency of both benefits; differences between the unemployed and employed were similar in 1992 and 1996.
失业工人批评这两项福利 是否充足 。 1992年和1996年失业者和就业者之间的差异相似。
However, to assess potential growth limitation by nutrients, critical nutrient concentrations (leaf concentrations that indicate nutrient deficiency or sufficiency ) have to be known.
然而,为了评估养分造成的潜在生长限制,有必要了解关键养分浓度(表明养分缺乏或 充足的 叶子浓度)。
I show that the egalitarian’s concerns cannot be adequately captured by considerations of sufficiency , compassion or priority.
我表明,平等主义的关注不能通过 充分性 、同情心或优先性的考虑来充分体现。
【英语单词】彻底解释“sufficiency”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Nevertheless, we have been able to prove the sufficiency of the degree-criterion when one of the subsystems has dimension two.
尽管如此,当其中一个子系统的维度为 2 时,我们还是能够证明阶次准则的 充分性
Thus, for example, the first row shows the degree of priority given when both the worse off and the better off are below sufficiency .
因此,例如,第一行显示了当坏情况和好情况都低于 sufficiency 时给出的优先级。
Families with children criticised strongly the sufficiency of the family benefits.
有孩子的家庭强烈批评家庭津贴 是否充足
【英语单词】彻底解释“sufficiency”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
However, even if it is taken to be an exception, the overdetermination would preserve the sufficiency of the physical causes for the physical effects.
但即使这是一个例外,过度决定也会保留物理原因对物理结果的 充分性

“sufficiency”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • enough
  • plenty

“sufficiency”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
sufficiency 很多很多 不可数 (足够大的数量)
What about food? Do we have a sufficiency for the winter?
a sufficiency,
a sufficiency of [sth]
足够的 正式 (足够)
There should be a sufficiency of paper in the supply room.


英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
economic self-sufficiency 经济自给自足 不可数 (可以支持自己)
The program helps unemployed residents to achieve economic self-sufficiency.
self-sufficiency 自给自足 (为自己提供)

sufficiency是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

The Bureau will evaluate the sufficiency of the updated reports filed by interconnected VoIP providers and take subsequent action as necessary.If you don’t get anything from this article but this: Post all your local emergency phone numbers by your phone.
VoIP 互连提供商提交的站点评估更新报告的 充分性 ,并根据需要采取后续行动。如果您从本文中没有得到任何结果:通过您的手机发布您当地的所有紧急电话号码。
The decryption function of a bid opening device (400) determines a highest bidding price by allowing the partial bid opening devices satisfying the sufficiency of sharing decryption to perform decryption computation for highest bidding price candidates in order from the highest bidding price candidate proximate to the successful bidding condition out of the biddable prices and checking the decryption data acquired by combining the partial bid opening data outputted as the result with bid message.
另外,开标装置400的解密功能中,满足 足够 数量的分布式解密的部分开标装置按照与中标价候选较接近的顺序对中标价候选进行解密操作。将部分开标数据结合解码后的数据与投标消息进行比较,确定中标价格。
The sufficiency of any such proof or documentation will be determined by EA (or its agent) in EA’s sole discretion.
任何此类认证或文件的 充分性 将由 EA(或其代理)自行决定。
The issue becomes to define how much consumption and material wealth is enough and to achieve contentment; efficiency must be complemented with sufficiency .
关键是要明确消费和物质财富能够提供多少满足感,从而使效率与 充足 相辅相成。
It means we must become co-creators of alternative economic systems in which we reinvest in our communities, shift our values towards quality of life and wellbeing, and embrace a new ethic of sufficiency .
我们必须成为替代经济体系的共同创造者,对社区进行再投资,将价值观转向生活质量和福祉,并拥抱新的 充足道德
Clariant makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the information’s accuracy, adequacy, sufficiency or freedom from defect and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information.
科莱恩对信息的准确性、充分性、 充分性 或无缺陷不作任何明示或暗示的保证。我们对这些信息的使用不承担任何责任。
Instead of the endless drive to increase economic growth and maximise profits, the goal of economic policy must shift towards a sustainable sufficiency in which nations aim to maximise well-being and guarantee ‘enough’ for everybody, rather than encouraging the consumption of ‘more’ of everything.
首先,经济政策的目标不是无休止地扩大经济增长和利润最大化,而是要最大限度地提高健康和福祉,并转向可持续的 自给自足 ,各国的目标是确保人民有足够的食物。
It is not the kind of beauty that can be seen directly, but the kind that can be seen by a mind that searches for the condition of beauty in an atmosphere and for a sufficiency of spirit. In other words, it is a beauty that is seen not with the eyes but with the heart. This is the ‘wabi’ of Rikyu, and wabi is perhaps the key word for understanding Rikyu’s chanoyu.
利休的座右铭不是能直接看到的美,而是以在氛围中寻求审美状态和内心的 充实 的精神所看到的美。换句话说,用心能看到的美,而不是眼睛。这也可以说是谈论利休茶道时的一个关键词。
Details on the staff member quota and its level of sufficiency
人员能力及其 充足 状况
On top of that, it is politically hard to reach a consensus on the sufficiency of government capital infusions.
此外,在政治上很难达成协议向金融机构注入 足够数量 的公共资本。
We need a civilization with a focus on sufficiency , rather than just efficiency, in our economic activities.
我们需要的文明不仅强调经济活动的效率,而且强调经济活动的 充分性
Historical theology, when correctly understood and applied, does not diminish the authority or sufficiency of Scripture.
正确理解和应用历史神学并不会削弱圣经的权威或 充分性
Generally speaking, artists require no more money than is necessary because, for them is it not true that the joy of creation exceeds any material sufficiency ?
一般来说,艺术家不需要更多的钱,对他们来说,创作的乐趣可能比物质的 满足 更重要。
Isn’t true happiness all about cherishing the connections with people in your community, not wanting wasteful things, and living a simple but full life of sufficiency ?
真正的幸福不就是重视社区里人与人之间的联系,不去追求不必要的东西,过着简单而 满足的 生活吗?
To ensure energy sufficiency , the Japanese government drew up a feed-in-tariff (FIT) scheme for renewable electricity including biomass.
为了确保 充足的 能源,日本政府为包括生物质在内的可再生电力制定了上网电价补贴(FIT)计划。
Type 2 Reports are attestations by independent auditors of the appropriateness of the system description, the sufficiency of control objectives and related controls, and the operation effectiveness of those controls during the assessment period.
2 类报告是独立审计师对主题业务的内部控制描述的适当表述、实现控制目标的 设计 的适当性以及整个评估期间运营状态的有效性的评估。
This understanding of the word of knowledge and word of wisdom gifts comes dangerously close to denying the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture.
以这种方式解释知识之言和智慧之言的恩赐,就危险地接近于否认唯有圣经就 足够的 教义。
The High Court allowed the appeal and dismissed the revocation proceedings and it found that the patent fulfilled the requirements of novelty, inventive step and sufficiency . This is one of a number of patent revocation proceedings between Martek and Cargill, with the latter being successful in getting some of the Martek’s Singapore patents revoked.
高等法院允许上诉并驳回撤销程序,认为该专利符合新颖性、创造性和 充分性 的要求。其一,后者已成功获得并撤销了 Martek 的部分新加坡专利。
Power Supply: Power is tapped from three different sources with a dual feed system, ensuring sufficiency and reliability.
供电:三源供电,两线电网保证电力 充足 稳定可靠。
A new emphasis and concentration on small-holder agriculture has indicated the country’s push for self- sufficiency in food production.
对小农农业的新重视反映了我国在粮食生产上实现 自给自足的 努力。

听听“ sufficiency ”の地发音(发音)!

读法是【səˈfɪʃ.ən.si】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【səˈfɪʃ.ən.si】。



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