
【英语单词】彻底解释“be-known-to-be-do”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“be-known-to-be-do”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“be known to be/do something”」的含义


[当知道某事或某人正在做某事或正在做某事时,人们相信它是真的,或正在发生,或者某人正在做某事或正在做某事。] 它用来表示“我知道你正在做某事”。


A daily intake of 20 mg of vitamin C is known to be sufficient in most cases to ward off scurvy.
众所周知,每天 20 毫克维生素 C 在大多数情况下足以预防坏血病。
【英语单词】彻底解释“be-known-to-be-do”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

be known to be do是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

If you do not permit your location to be known , we will not be able to provide the Service to you using your Device.
如果您 不允许 我们 共享 您的位置信息,我们将无法向使用该设备的您提供此服务。
A3.If you say that people in LGBT do not want to be known , they should be in a private room, but they must consider how to guide.
A3.如果LGBT人士 不想被认识, 会给他们一个私人房间,但必须考虑如何引导他们。 Q4。
It was not barbecue, smoked meat is clearly burning Well! This Nongfa also delicious and there would be heaven do ? Well- known flat doll barbecue to do , and we casually a roadside barbecue Taner Chongqing is also much more delicious than they should be fine.
这不是烧烤,熏肉显然已经烤熟了!这农法也好吃,但那 不是 天作之合吗?虽然应该没啥问题,比我们家随便做 路边烧烤炭儿重庆也好吃很多。
The longer you wait to do this, the greater the risk that security vulnerabilities of the products will be become known and be exploited by some network assailant.
不这样做的 时间越长,您产品的安全漏洞 被某些网络攻击者发现 并利用的风险就越大。
The Great Tug of War in Itoman is known as yuninjina, manninjina, and you do not have to be a resident of Itoman City to be able to pull the rope.
丝满大拔河也被称为 “苏人吉那 ”或 “万忍吉那 ”,不仅是丝满市的居民,任何人都可以参加并拉动拖船。
But you must be known that you should have a single-minded heart, should be grateful to everyone who smile to you, and insist do want you want to live a positive life.
但你要 知道 你必须有一颗专一的心,你 应该 感恩 每一个 你微笑的人,并坚持 想要积极的生活。
Mendoza: Like the Filipino crew, you have to adjust in a way and at the same time learn to be appreciative of their talents or of their abilities.Filipinos are known to be fast workers and they do everything you ask them, and they don’t complain about overtime salary because we don’t have unions in the Philippines.
提问者:对于未来 考虑 与其他国家合拍的日本制片人, 有什么建议吗?门多萨:这是关于尊重和学习其他国家人民的 才能 和能力。一般来说,菲律宾人只要你要求他们 做某事 ,他们 愿意做,而且由于没有加班或工会的概念,所以即使你工作时间很长,他们也不会抱怨加班费。
At their first election in which ended in a fourth successive Conservative win, they wonThe left intuitively understands that.Senator Warren tanking in latest totem polls Orwell studies: Kavanaugh confirmation will increase global warming by 3 degrees Harry Reid comes forth to say Judge Kavanaugh didn’t pay any taxes in high school Hollywood to America: After state reassignment surgery Pennsylvania will henceforth be known as Transylvania Experts: If we do n’t act now, unicorns will be extinct in just ten years.
参议员沃伦在最新的图腾民意调查奥威尔研究中大跌眼镜:卡瓦诺证实将使全球变暖增加 3 度哈利·里德告诉卡瓦诺法官美国 高中时没有缴纳任何税款好莱坞表示:在宾夕法尼亚州进行调理手术后,该州将从此 为人所知 正如特兰西瓦尼亚专家所说:如果我们现在 采取行动,独角兽将在短短 10 年内灭绝。
(Nowadays, the word of Yozan UESUGI, the lord of the Yonezawa domain, ‘If you try to do , it can be achieved, if you do n’t, it will never be achieved. Achieving nothing is due to one’s own intention to not try.’ is better known than the word of Shingen, but was originally a quote from Shingen).
(目前, 更广为人知的 是米泽藩主上杉阳山的话:“ 如果 你做某事,你就必须做。”没有什么是 为了 别人而做的。”然而,这是最初是信玄的引述。)
Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations.
现在,我们各国政府通过聚集在旧金山市的代表,以良好和适当的形式,展示了全部权力,同意 《联合国宪章》,并 特此 建立一个 名为 “联盟”的国际组织。
To be frank, I do n’t have a formal response to give you, but it must be understood that in the mid- 90, There was a fierce competition as the field of downhill skiing games, the best known of them being Ski Free (Microsoft) and Ski King (Axis Production).
,但你 必须 明白, 90年代中期,速降滑雪比赛领域竞争非常激烈,而其中最 出名 的就是自由滑雪。
26I made you known to them, and I will continue to do so, in order that the love you have for me may be in them, and so that I also may be in them.
26 我教他们。 我会继续 教你。愿你的大爱拥抱他们,愿我也在他们 之中
It is flat talking about, its so well known because of its not very spicy, easy to be outsiders to accept, in fact, Chengdu, where many of the unknown to do a small pot than there should be more delicious.
这是跟外地人说 接受 已知的 事实,因为关于平底锅,它不仅 容易辣,成都这里,很多不为人知的小锅 做的 好吃应该不止这些。
The date will thus not be known until the Last Weeks approach, as by that time each individual will have their own agenda in action, and the minions the New World Order counts on to do their bidding will no longer be listening.
因此,到了最后几周的时候,每个人都已经执行了自己的议程,而新世界秩序认为 将执行 他们的命令的最爱不再是因​​为你 听,你 赢了直到最后几周临近才知道。
I can’t guarantee the English names to be perfectly correct.Quality wise, pictures are… what they are… bear with me. 🙂 I picked the best picture I could for each actor representative to his usual appearance.Date of birth has been included if known , again, It might not be accurate.I include some links to their Twitter accounts, Wikipedia or blogs if they have.I have no problem helping to identify AV males, but many times I do n’t know or don’t remember.
如果知道的话,出生日期也包括在内,同样,它 可能 不准确。我会 附上 他们的 Twitter 帐户、维基百科或博客的链接(如果他们有的话)。我可以帮助 识别 AV 中的男性,但很多时候我没有知道或记住。如果它不在这个列表 ,机会 很小。
THE CAMPAIGN TO ANATOLAS In describing the eastward campaign, the first mention we encounter has to do with taking the plunge: In a resolution which took place at the Isthmus, the Greeks decided to campaign against the Persians, Alexander the not anigorefthi their leader. Head of the Greeks would not be , of course, may not be Greek. (a). The Granikos The first major victory at Granicus Alexander hastened to make known to the Athenians sending three hundred prisoners shields was registered in the famous epigram “Philip Alexander and the Greeks except the Lacedaemonians from the Barbarians of the Asiana dwell”.
阿纳托拉斯的战役 为了描述向东的战役,我们发现的第一个参考文献 涉及 做出一个伟大的决定:在关于地峡的国家决议中,希腊人 决定对波斯人进行战役 ,而领导人亚历山大·阿尼戈雷夫蒂(Alexander Anigorefthi)确实这样做了[31]。希腊人不会有领袖,当然,希腊人 不能 。(a)。
If a company uses e-mail messages to ask for personal information, do n’t respond by sending a message Most legitimate companies will not ask for personal information in e-mail. Be suspicious if they do . It could be a spoofed e-mail message meant to look like a legitimate one. This tactic is known as phishing. If the spam is from a company that you do business with-for example, your credit card company-call the company, but do n’t use a phone number provided in the e-mail. Use a number that you find by using other means such as directory assistance, a statement, or a bill. If the request is legitimate, the company’s customer service representative should be able to assist you. The Junk E-mail Filter also includes phishing protection to help identify and disable suspicious messages.
如果您收到企业发来的电子邮件,要求提供您的个人 信息 则不 通过电子邮件回复的合法公司 可能不会通过电子邮件询问您的个人信息。如果您 收到 此类电子邮件,请务必小心。它也可能 一封冒充 来自 真实 公司的电子邮件。这种技术 称为 网络钓鱼。如果您收到来自与您实际有业务往来的信用卡公司的垃圾邮件,请直接通过电话联系该公司。但是,请勿拨打电子邮件中提供的电话号码。确保使用可以在查号服务、银行对账单、信用卡对账单等上找到的电话号码。如果是正式请求,您应该收到信用卡公司支持人员的明确解释。您还可以使用垃圾邮件过滤器中的网络钓鱼防护功能来识别和禁用可疑邮件。
A further governmental approach is to become the world capital of crypto currency, like Switzerland that has already stated its wish to be a “crypto-nation”, and one would be surprised if other countries or territories well known for their lack of tax transparency do not follow suit this way in the short term.
此外,一些国家的政府,例如已经表达了 成为 虚拟货币国家想法的瑞士, 正在采取 成为世界虚拟货币之都的方针。如果其他因缺乏税收透明度 而闻名的 国家和地区短期内不效仿,那将令人 惊讶
Apparently, they may also be known as Argus Rifts within “World of Warcraft,” and these will provide players with access to new kinds of replayable content. Players will also be taken to different places by these Invasion Points and they can expect to encounter enemies there as well, so they will need to come prepared.It is also believed that these Invasion Points have something to do with some interesting finds discovered recently by data-miners. These Charged and Depleted Riftstones are expected to give players access to places known as Greater and Lesser Rifts.Slot machines can be very scary.Twitter World of Warcraft is subject to DDoS attacks on a regular basis, but now there are consequences to those actions.
显然,它们在魔兽世界中也 被称为 阿古斯裂谷,它们为玩家提供了 访问 新型可玩内容的机会。玩家在这些入口点也有不同的访问点。 一旦到达 某个 位置,他们就可能 遇到 敌人那里也有,所以他们应该做好准备。此外,这些入口点最近被数据挖掘者发现了。这一发现被认为有一些有趣的事情。这些带电和耗尽的裂隙石预计将使玩家能够访问称为大大小小的裂痕。老虎机可以说是非常可怕的。推特魔兽世界经常受到DDoS攻击,现在他们的行动都受到了影响。
Then you can: immediately close your eyes, from time to time to roll his eyeballs, or thumb or index finger to do be raised and lowered the upper eyelid (commonly known as “upper eyelid”), action, repeated several times, so that foreign matter will be discharged with tears; with your fingers will be the upper and lower eyelid pulls out and carefully look for foreign bodies in the eye.
然后你可以立即闭上眼睛,有时 可以通过 滚动 眼球或用拇指或食指进行:如动作中,当眼睑 抬起 俗称 “上眼睑”)时,通过以下方式仔细寻找眼内的异物:将手指拉出并在上眼睑和下眼睑上方重复几次,以便将异物排出。




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