How can you make sure your employees succeed?

Whether you want to build quality HR practices into your new business, renew your existing HR policies and practices, or deal with an employee crisis, Diane can help.

She will work with you to quickly resolve any immediate issues, then put structures in place to ensure these challenges don’t happen again!

Diane works with you to develop strategies to set your employees – and your business – up for success.

Diane helps you and your business move forward, with clarity.

Contact Diane now to learn more about how she can help you and your business move forward. 

Human Resources Infographic
  • Managing: performance
  • Growing: training and development
  • Connecting: meaningful conversations
  • Supporting: health and wellness
  • Beginning and ending: hiring and terminating
  • Rewarding: total compensation
  • Directing: policies and procedures

Managing: performance

Together you and Diane will develop strategies to help manage those employees who are struggling with poor attendance, tardiness, low productivity, lack of teamwork, cooperation and so on – you know – the ones who are keeping you awake at night.

Growing: training and development

Often training is the key to resolving workplace conflict. Training can also be the solution for some performance issues. Diane can provide customized training, formal or informal training or mentoring, or she can help you source the training that best suits your needs.

Connecting: meaningful conversations

As a facilitator, Diane can help build relationships. She brings years of facilitation expertise and knowledge of meaningful conversations to provide the clarity necessary to resolve issues involving two people or many.

Supporting: health and wellness

It is amazing to see the impact of simple health and wellness strategies implemented in a workplace. There are so many ways you can communicate to your employees that you care about their health and well being. And they are likely to reward you with higher productivity and loyalty.

Beginning and ending: hiring and terminating

How do you find and keep great employees?

Attracting and retaining quality employees is key to long-term success. Whether it’s a specific hiring challenge or putting systems into place so your organization has the tools to hire successfully every time, Diane helps you find the right person and ensures they get up to speed a s quickly as possible.

How do you let them go?

And when you think it is time to end the employment relationship, Diane listens and then makes a recommendation or two. Then you’ll move forward together in a way that is best for the business and best for the employee, in both the short term and the long run.

Rewarding: total compensation

Compensation impacts your employees’ sense of being treated fairly and hence their happiness. Compensation must be appropriate for each of your employees and appropriate for your business’s financial situation.

Working together, Diane can help you develop ways to increase your employee retention rates and ensure that your employees are satisfied and productive.

Directing: policies and procedures

We all do better when we have clear direction. That includes written formal documents such as comprehensive job descriptions, thorough orientation/on-boarding processes, timely and specific performance conversations, attendance management processes and so on. It often starts with a very detailed Employee Handbook that will save you so many headaches that are often caused by on the fly decisions.

WORKSHOP: HR Management Basics

How confident and competent do you feel about solving HR issues?

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you don’t feel confident about your expertise. This workshop gives you a high level, no nonsense, practical perspective on managing your employees. You will also receive customized templates for your routine HR business processes and access to an HR professional for 15 minute question and answer sessions, on your schedule.

Contact Diane Today
