Chic Compass Magazine - Issue 14

This article was printed in
Chic Compass Magazine – Issue 14

Melanie Taylor

Born and raised in New Orleans, Melanie Taylor inherited her musical pedigree from a family of artists growing up in New Orleans. Her mother, a renowned classical pianist, encouraged Melanie’s love of performing throughout her childhood. No surprise, Taylor chose to study theatre and dance in college.

Out of the gate, Melanie Taylor’s multi-faceted talent booked her gigs that kicked off an impressive career in the music industry: she was one of Bette Midler’s legendary Harlettes for a decade; and toured with John Mayer, Aerosmith, Barry Manilow, Jeffrey Osborne, Patti Austin, and countless others. Her television credits include the 92nd Oscars with Cynthia Erivo Parenthood, The Emmy Awards, The Grammy Awards, American Idol, Oprah, and as a featured vocalist at the Oscars Governor’s Ball.

Here’s my interview with Melanie Taylor, who is presently performing with Barry Manilow at the Westgate.

Chic Compass: What inspired you to pursue a career in the music/entertainment business?

Melanie Taylor: My mother was a pianist and an educator who debuted with the New Orleans Symphony at age 17. She’s had a magnificent career and always encouraged me to pursue what I loved: the theater – where I could sing and dance. I got my degree in theater and dance from Cal State Fullerton and started working immediately. It was a true revelation when I realized that I could get paid for what I loved to do.

My first experience in the studio was with a producer/singer-songwriter who had written a song for a woman and needed someone to do a demo. I didn’t know how to use a mic, so I belted out my vocals. He patiently guided me on how to sing into the mic and paid me for my time. That was my first experience in the studio, and I never looked back.

Melanie Taylor with her husband, Terry Wollman

Chic Compass: Your career has spanned over 30 years. You’ve toured with major artists such as Bette Midler, John Mayer, Aerosmith, and Barry Manilow, to name a few. How did you get your gig with Bette Midler?

Melanie Taylor: It’s an interesting story. My dear friend told me she heard about the audition to be a Harlette for Bette Midler and encouraged me to audition for her. At the time, I was working at Disney, singing full-time with the band. I told her I was happy with my gig at Disney and didn’t want to audition. However, she twisted my arm, so I took a few days off and went to the audition. Five hundred women later, I got the job!

Chic Compass: That was a lot of competition.

Melanie Taylor: Five hundred women auditioned between New York and LA, and I had six callbacks. I never thought about the competition because I didn’t want to go in the first place. I’m not competitive; I go with the flow.

Chic Compass: Describe your experience as a Harlette.

Melanie Taylor: I loved it! That was my favorite job because being a Harlette incorporated my training as a dancer, actor, singer, and working with props. We had seven costume changes. I felt like I had run away and joined the circus. LOL. I worked with two incredible women: Carol Hatchett and Rhae Ann Theriault. The show was a total production. Every tour was different as we traveled throughout the country. We did eight weeks of sold-out concerts at Radio City Music Hall and performed at Bill Graham’s auditorium in San Francisco on New Year’s Eve.

Melanie Taylor

Chic Compass: What was your experience working with Bette Midler?

Melanie Taylor: She was very serious about being funny – serious about her art. Bette created a persona that was nothing like who she was in everyday life. She is genteel and thoughtful. Her larger-than-life persona was created every night on stage. She made room for our talents and was interested in what was happening in everyone’s lives.

Chic Compass: Please talk about some of the highlights of your career.

Melanie Taylor: One of the greatest joys has been that my family has seen me perform. There are many performers in my family, and I’m able to share my experiences with them. Everyone in my family is supportive and loving.

One of the biggest highlights of my career was singing with Aerosmith. I was their first female support vocalist – Steven Tyler always wanted a female singer.

Chic Compass: How did you get that gig?

Melanie Taylor: Steve Jordan, an amazing drummer /producer, referred me. I met Steve Jordan when I was touring with John Mayer. Interestingly, he told me it was a recording session with Joe Perry and didn’t know Steve Tyler would be there. I asked my girlfriend, Laura Jane Jones, if she wanted to join me, and she agreed. When we walked in, there was Steven Tyler, and the experience took on a whole different meaning. We did five songs on the album Music from Another Dimension and, of course, took photos with everyone afterward. Then a few days later, I got a phone call from a blocked number which I didn’t answer. Later, I checked my voicemail, and it was Steven Tyler asking me to go on tour with Aerosmith. I thought I was being punked at first … in what universe would this ever happen? However, everything checked out, and I went on tour with the band. An addendum to the story was that Steven also asked Mindi Abair to tour with the band after he heard her play on American Idol. He told her he had signed on this great singer Melanie Taylor and asked if she had heard of me. Mindi told Steven she and I were best friends! The whole story was God’s work, for sure.

Melanie Taylor

Chic Compass: You also toured with John Mayer. What was your experience with his band?

Melanie Taylor: I loved working with John not only because I was obsessed with his music but also because I got to wear my own clothes (she laughs)! It’s funny, that’s the first thing I think about, but sometimes wearing costumes is not fun!

We went around the world on tour in 2009/ 2010, and that was fantastic because I love to travel. The tour included Australia to Tokyo, Europe, and back to the USA. We were promoting the amazing Battle Studies album. That was when he was going through rough times after those infamous interviews with Playboy and Rolling Stone, where he was a bit too candid and had a meltdown. But everyone on tour decided to stick with him because that’s what friends do. There were some tense moments, but everything turned out fine. I believe this experience was the catalyst for him to reassess his life which he wanted to do. I felt it was a privilege to be with him then because he was a young man finding his way.

Chic Compass: How do you balance your touring life with your personal life?

Melanie Taylor: That’s a great question. I compartmentalize – when I’m home, I’m home; when I’m gone, I’m gone. I do everything in my power to focus on whatever I’m doing at the time. The longer I do this, the more challenging it is to leave for weeks at a time. When I’m home, I hang out with my husband, visit with the neighbors, cook, read, do yoga, and do my personal creative work. I’m learning watercolor and writing a memoir that takes up much of my head space.

Chic Compass: Let’s discuss what it has meant to you to be a background singer to many of these artists.

Melanie Taylor: I see my work as a support vocalist. I never think of myself in the back or background … I don’t like that word. I’m not casting a dispersion on your question, but I’ve thought about this and feel I support everyone I work with. As a vocalist, I support everything happening on stage or in the studio. We don’t think of the guitar player as the background guitar player or the trumpet player as the backing trumpet. Everybody supports the work and the music.

When I sing with Barry Manilow, I support him and his incredible music. He doesn’t have an ego and wants the music to bring joy to the audience. My approach is I have a message, an intention, and a connection to whatever I’m singing, and I aspire to support whatever artist I’m working with.

Melanie Taylor with her husband, Terry Wollman

Chic Compass: You have performed with Barry Manilow in Las Vegas and worldwide for many years.

Melanie Taylor: I auditioned for the gig in 2005 because one of his singers/dancers was leaving who had been a big part of the show. I was referred by different people who had been in the band. Barry liked me, and I got the job. It’s been an honor to work with a legacy artist. He’s a true showbiz legend with an incredible life force.

Chic Compass: Talk about working in Las Vegas and doing shows at the Westgate.

Melanie Taylor: It’s been a pleasure and a privilege to be a part of Vegas; however, it’s also challenging. I get off the plane, go to the hotel, and do our shows. Vegas is not an easy place to be—the climate can be a little crazy, not to mention the air conditioning and the smoke at the casinos—but I do my best to stay healthy and rested to put on a great show.

The current “Hits” show is essentially the same, but Barry plugs in different songs and medleys to change it from year to year. When we do our Christmas Show, pre-production starts several weeks before, and everything must come out of storage—the costumes, the set pieces, the music. We also highlight a children’s chorus from the performing arts schools and have them join the show in Las Vegas, Palm Springs, or whatever city we’re in.

I love being with Barry Manilow and the fabulous band backing us; no computer can ever replace the depth of experience and talent everyone brings with live music. The live experience is fleeting, so if you’re not in the audience, you missed it!

Barry Manilow is very down to earth, and all his fans love him. The Christmas show you saw was special because he is a consummate pro and decided to perform, despite not feeling well. However, the audience supported Barry, and its empathy was felt even here onstage. I’m so glad you saw that show because you can appreciate what it takes to do what we do.

Chic Compass: You also perform in southern California with your husband, Terry Wollman, a producer/composer/musician. Talk about working with Terry.

Melanie Taylor: I love working with Terry. Before we were a couple, we performed together for years. Terry is focused and dedicated; I’ve learned so much about music from him. He’s a brilliant musician. We’ve never written a song together, but I’ve done vocal arrangements for him. We both have an emotional connection to music, and it’s my goal for that to come across when we’re on stage together.

Melanie Taylor